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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

So, on top of total economic collapse, we also have the prospects for World War III sometime in 2023 as well? Party on! 2023 is looking like a magical splendid year of chaos, mayhem, death, and destruction everywhere. What a hell of a time to be alive right now. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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Missing the point entirely yet again, let's try this again. When you have more male have nots versus male haves your society becomes very unstable, unsafe, dysfunctional, and unproductive. Virtually every society, tribe, civilization, or nation cannot survive majority male unhappiness for very long as it leads to revolution, civil war, or violent internal infighting, this phenomena is fact and pretty much well documented all throughout human history globally that is if any of you actually bothered to read a history book. There is no stability of any kind with majority male unhappiness period, especially if that majority male unhappiness stems from the younger cohorts of men. The fact that the modern west continues to ignore all of this even to the point of triviality shows me just how insane we have become collectively and essentially sexuality or sexual relationships in the west has become a sort of sick twisted monetary trophism. As far as natural equilibrium is concerned this huge error or form of inequity will be corrected in one form of another and generally speaking in terms of the human psychological condition concerning human nature reproduction is the most volatile segment of that. The longer this festers going unquestioned or unaddressed the greater the negative consequences and ramifications on society will be overtime, you cannot just do this to a majority of men expecting there to be no consequences, it doesn't work that way. It certainly has never worked throughout human history either, I wish reasonable adults would come together to talk about issues like these but impossible when our societies are literally controlled by emotional petulant children instead. :feelsjuice:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/zsa5ih/found_this_on_rwitchesagainstthepatriarchy_is/
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Many empires or nation states at the end of their lifespan make serious blunders, mistakes, errors, and failures right before they collapse internally. In terms of the U.S. and the entire west it has been sacrificing the lives of so many younger generations of men where they can't own a home, get married, have a family, or generally succeed at life whatsoever. This of course is a dangerous predicament because, what happens when your nation collapses and you don't have the loyalty or political allegiance of a majority of young men? This becomes an extremely dangerous problematic situation very quickly and it is one mistake unfortunately the U.S. along with the general west has gravely made within the last forty years. A well ordered nation is only as good of the loyalty it commands in a majority of men, once you lose that completely your nation is pretty much finished forever. If you don't command the loyalty or respect of a majority of men you essentially have nothing at all. :feelsjuice:

Niccolo at work
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And so this is how western civilization will internally collapse that is if we don't do something completely crazy like create a new world war which will pretty much end this entire planet overnight. A majority of women with their sexual hypergamic vaginal capitalism will condemn a majority of men for being poor losers of no social status, worth, or value even as the entire economy collapses around them. [Of course they have no economic mindset to see this.]

The older elderly boomers will continue to condemn young men as losers even though they hold a large majority of responsibility for ruining the lives of younger men everywhere themselves, nonetheless, their generation doesn't like taking negative responsibility for much of anything where they will continue to aggressively berate the younger generations of men they helped destroy until their very pensions or retirement accounts become worthless overnight. Will they show humility afterward? I doubt it, we shall see.

In the west our collective totalitarian system revolves around probable deniability, scapegoating, and deception at all costs where we will deny that there is an actual problem whatsoever until overnight one manifests itself completely in quick fashion because our collective mindset is that to admit that there are structural problems publicly is a general sign of weakness, meaning, they'll pretend that there are no problems to anything until the complete bottom falls out at the very last minute. A majority of people will not see it coming, and a majority of people will also ask, how could we not seen this coming? Truth be told the signs are everywhere but a majority of people don't take the time to look at them or have the actual intellectual intelligence to understand them. Whatever happens will steam roll the west overnight and a majority of people will be caught off guard in a state of emotional shock. It will be extremely ugly and people very quickly will devolve into violent savage animals during this manifested existential crisis. It will be a death blow to the very western system or ideals and also be a civilization ending event. :feelsjuice:

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Missing the point entirely yet again, let's try this again. When you have more male have nots versus male haves your society becomes very unstable, unsafe, dysfunctional, and unproductive. Virtually every society, tribe, civilization, or nation cannot survive majority male unhappiness for very long as it leads to revolution, civil war, or violent internal infighting, this phenomena is fact and pretty much well documented all throughout human history globally that is if any of you actually bothered to read a history book. There is no stability of any kind with majority male unhappiness period, especially if that majority male unhappiness stems from the younger cohorts of men. The fact that the modern west continues to ignore all of this even to the point of triviality shows me just how insane we have become collectively and essentially sexuality or sexual relationships in the west has become a sort of sick twisted monetary trophism. As far as natural equilibrium is concerned this huge error or form of inequity will be corrected in one form of another and generally speaking in terms of the human psychological condition concerning human nature reproduction is the most volatile segment of that. The longer this festers going unquestioned or unaddressed the greater the negative consequences and ramifications on society will be overtime, you cannot just do this to a majority of men expecting there to be no consequences, it doesn't work that way. It certainly has never worked throughout human history either, I wish reasonable adults would come together to talk about issues like these but impossible when our societies are literally controlled by emotional petulant children instead. :feelsjuice:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/zsa5ih/found_this_on_rwitchesagainstthepatriarchy_is/

haha lmao its why i laugh at retard who so polygamy will be the norm in the future, when there hasn't been a single surviving civililzation(not counting some oompa loompa tribe with 20 people in the middle of nowhere)

monogamy and female rights were curbed for this reason, they didn't want foids to fk things up.
haha lmao its why i laugh at retard who so polygamy will be the norm in the future, when there hasn't been a single surviving civililzation(not counting some oompa loompa tribe with 20 people in the middle of nowhere)

monogamy and female rights were curbed for this reason, they didn't want foids to fk things up.
We're talking about the same kind of fools that cannot already see the beginning emergence of societal collapse all around us, but it's what you would expect from emotional children. They'll believe in whatever trendy bullshit that is present in the moment. :feelsjuice:
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We're talking about the same kind of fools that cannot already see the beginning emergence of societal collapse around us, but it's what you would expect from emotional children. They'll believe in whatever trendy bullshit that is present in the moment. :feelsjuice:
i honestly dont think they'll survive for long, even on whorestagram i see people post shit like "omg whats wrong with people!!" when they see a violent act :feelskek:

like bitch nigga got dry dicks and they upset ofc they gonna act out what did you expect?? gifts?
i honestly dont think they'll survive for long, even on whorestagram i see people post shit like "omg whats wrong with people!!" when they see a violent act :feelskek:

like bitch nigga got dry dicks and they upset ofc they gonna act out what did you expect?? gifts?
They're insulated children who have had it good for far too long that it will be very amusing watching their entire world be destroyed right in front of them and I'm very curious what they'll become in reaction afterwards. I shall very much enjoy watching their descent into madness. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
Well, I for one am very curious to see where the rest of this week goes. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Hope everybody is enjoying my ongoing thread here. :feelsjuice:

To observing foids just know that when everything collapses eventually this was always the future you chose all on your own collectively, zero fucks given. We shall see how well you're able to survive, persevere, and endure having nothing at all, enjoy! You all wanted a world without men in it, well, be careful what you wish for. You're going to get it good and hard.
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Hope everybody is enjoying my ongoing thread here. 

To observing foids just know that when everything collapses eventually this was always the future you chose all on your own collectively, zero fucks given. We shall see how well you're able to survive, persevere, and endure having nothing at all, enjoy! 
You assholes gearing up for more national lockdowns in 2023? If so, that's real cute. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

Funny fake laugh k55o7wl940skg2dc
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the fact shit is not crashed yet is so sad
fkin bastards they are
You assholes gearing up for more national lockdowns in 2023? If so, that's real cute. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

View attachment 691210
i hope so, i love lockdowns cause they make normies and foids lose their mind. also makes it hard for chads/foids to get fk each other
the fact shit is not crashed yet is so sad
fkin bastards they are

i hope so, i love lockdowns cause they make normies and foids lose their mind. also makes it hard for chads/foids to get fk each other
There's some rumors circulating they'll try for more lockdowns next year as their ability to limit the fallout of the global economy is terribly falling short. Massive stupidity and desperation on their part of course if they attempt a second instance of it.

I've been watching this shit since 2007, they have transformed a slow economic burnout into a kind of twisted sadistic art form, I'm amazed they've been able to keep this bullshit relatively intact this long, but of course every passing year it becomes harder for them to do so as everything has been reduced to unsustainable fraud. :feelsjuice:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xMtFuOM62E&ab_channel=1STMAN

Blackpilling video because somehow i never looked at the dating market from a financial/providing perspective (always from the Lookism, Social) and the way he breaks it down makes alot of sense. Honestly the providing aspect might even be 70 % of the reason some people that i know (family, friends, colleagues) got into a relationsship with a female. I knew it palyed a role (just not how large) but tbh with watching this video and hearing his perspective i view it completely differently.

But with the coming crisis ahead i really wonder how dudes like him and basically 90 % of females will operate in the dating market. Like what is gonna happen to all the redpilling manosphere like Tate brothers, him etc because they heavily rely and build there brands on this economic system.

Cant wait to see how this is going to play out
Today's stock market boost is brought to you by rich wealthy people capitalizing on national increases of unemployment. This nation doesn't produce anything anymore and industry is all gone, but we'll rally today because national unemployment is drastically up. This is basically the kind of self defeating perverted predatory economic capitalism we have today, this nation is entirely sick. This nation is only good at profiting off of human despair, misery, and suffering. The general public welfare of all citizens is an alien concept altogether concerning this maddening place. :feelsjuice:
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View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xMtFuOM62E&ab_channel=1STMAN

Blackpilling video because somehow i never looked at the dating market from a financial/providing perspective (always from the Lookism, Social) and the way he breaks it down makes alot of sense. Honestly the providing aspect might even be 70 % of the reason some people that i know (family, friends, colleagues) got into a relationsship with a female. I knew it palyed a role (just not how large) but tbh with watching this video and hearing his perspective i view it completely differently.

But with the coming crisis ahead i really wonder how dudes like him and basically 90 % of females will operate in the dating market. Like what is gonna happen to all the redpilling manosphere like Tate brothers, him etc because they heavily rely and build there brands on this economic system.

Cant wait to see how this is going to play out

I really hate pick up artists always trying to sell their false confidence games and I really hate wealthy successful men who think they got some kind of special advice for the majority of men who have nothing at all. Yes, the sexual marketplace is real and it is female sexual vaginal capitalism that dominates it, but like any other market dynamic it can crash, implode, or collapse as well. When society or civilization collapses the sexual marketplace dies along with it. These men of privilege, wealth, and power will lose everything as well. For me the merits of a man is how well he can survive living off of nothing because such men define themselves rather than being defined by money or wealth only. In the end individual mental character triumphs over wealth accumulation. There are things that define us as men that money can never buy. :feelsjuice:
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"Have we reached a new market bottom yet?" :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

The absolute deniability of American culture and public political discourse is the most hilarious thing I tell you. Calling it all simply absurd doesn't even come close to an accurate description of things here on the ground. The entire nation is collapsing and everybody lives in perpetual make believe thinking we can make it all go away through idiotic wishful thinking. :lul::lul::lul:
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How much money did you save in preparation of living as a vagabond?
Absolutely none, I take nonparticipation to the extreme in the most logical manner. I refuse to participate in a society where I get absolutely no benefit for myself in doing so. American society is a cruel joke. :feelsjuice:
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Last half hour, very desperate for minimal losses on the last trading day of 2022. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

[Simply delaying the inevitable for 2023, fucking faggots. :feelsjuice:]
They did everything they could including throwing the kitchen sink at the market today within that last hour monkey hammering the losses down and still couldn't get a green close afterward. Your time is very limited you economic financial cockroaches and 2023 is going to wipe you the fuck out. I'm sick to death of you corporate economic fascists, the amount of economic tyranny the American working class has had to endure from you in the last twenty something years is a crime against humanity, very soon you motherfuckers are going to lose it all where you will eventually pay for your crimes. :feelsjuice:

DOW - 73.55
S&P500 - 9.78
Nasdaq - 11.61

Can't wait to see what 2023 brings. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
Cumonface gifs 001

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rHcmnowjfrQ
Burn burning
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In the last twenty something odd years I've seen it all, I've seen how they have transformed a once functioning national society transforming it into the abomination that it is today. In many ways the current modern United States is worse than the collapse of the former Soviet Union ever was. Not only can you not afford a house in this nation but it can't even be described as a rentier national economy either as you can't even afford a place to rent to live out of. What do you call a society where working class men can not afford home ownership but also can't afford living rentals either? That was unheard of even in the darkest times of the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Union unironically there was a higher fertility and marriage rates compared to the modern United States! And then of course, this wicked cruel and decadent bourgeois western feminism has practically turned all reproduction, dating, marriage, or sexual interactions into a privilege of the minority wealthy only where for the majority of poor men is automatically a involuntary celibate lifestyle, this nation isn't a political democracy or even a republic, it is a fascist oligarchy for the wealthy only. Now in order to defend this unsustainable monstrosity we have they're willing to create a world war to ensure this disgusting system survives intact, I'm ashamed to call myself an American living in this joke abomination of a nation. There is a two tier society in this nation, you're either very wealthy living comfortable in success or you're part of the impoverished working classes where existence in society resembles an open air prison system more than anything else surrounded by invisible bars, the entire concept of this being a freedom loving nation is bullshit from very beginning or start. It infuriates me to no end what they have done to the working classes here especially towards working class men and in true totalitarian form anybody who speaks out against this they have the audacity of publicly shaming. There's something seriously wrong when half the population under this current financial tyranny cannot even afford to live anymore in any sense of the word, this is fascist corporate crony capitalism, there's no other way to describe existence here. :feelsjuice:
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That 33,000.00 on the DJIA is going to be finally breached downward next year, no doubt in my mind about that. The only reason we still have that currently is because of all the money they slushed in this year between October and November, no way they're going to be able to do that again next year. DOW 18,000.00 here we come! :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

[And shortly after that DOW 5,000.00 or lower. :feelsclown:]
NA CE020 MARKET F 20141223195454
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My misanthropy enlivens while watching the amusing shitshow that is the cockblocking (interminable ballot rounds; in 1855, 133 ballots that went on for two months) of the abominable establishment traitor (hardon for Ukraine above USA) Rep. Kevin McCarthy from reaching the threshold to elevate to speaker, assuming K. Jeffries won’t win the speaker role helped by some moderate (RINO) traitors like my current cuckold-lookalike representative.

View: https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1610674726170689538

Should McCarthy prevail to assume the speaker position, he will go insane as scorched earth to kickstart World War III, against Russia (and China/North Korea if USA is stupid enough to intervene to defend Taiwan, Japan and South Korea).

Should this happen, mass conscription will inevitably happen, and this leads to the revolt (perhaps a new French style revolution) involving bloodshed with massacres by the ZOG army, for resisting conscription. Think refusing and escaping conscription over Vietnam but dozens times worse with more violence.

Should conscription happen with immediate death penalty reinstated for desertion, this could give the incels like us the great advantage, that maybe beauteous young women (barely legal at 18 and over), deprived of fathers, uncles and brothers for intrafamily dynamics, shall fall into our “hands” naturally, in the females seeking the mates for marriage and children, as biologically preprogrammed, while the prime ‘alpha’ (Chad and beta in terms of lookism and other desired attributes that we the incels could not naturally attain) males will be forcibly conscripted and drafted to be sent off to the greater and most brutal war to get maimed and annihilated for Greater Israel (in the case of the Ukraine, re-establishment of Khazaria aka Khazarian Empire).

This scenario assumes that incels like us are rejected for being socially awkward (social retarded) or being disabled whether deaf, blind, weak, suffering crippling depression or whatnot. Being ugly doesn’t count as allowing for forced draft at point of execution for refusal (akin to desertion).

Perhaps when World War 3 or whatever global catastrophe happens, the incels shall survive by “gaming” such as hiding to wait for the foids to come to us, with the large pool of Chad and beta men sent away to war to die off en masse, which is when foids might come to us begging not only for security and food (if we can be resourceful, of course) but also for companionship to fend off the foids’ loneliness (being lonely drive them insane over prolonged time) that parlay to happy copulation and in turn the former incels shall spawn happy children to rear with happy traditional wives (shedding any feminist bullshit at point of violence for daring to be disobedient by refusing to submit to laid down rules set by the natural law governing the sex dynamics before feminism subverted and corrupted this ancient wisdom) for perpetual bliss.

Otherwise, during the great wars or catastrophes that dilute the alpha male pool forced to fight to the death for Israel and other corrupt gynocentric shitholes like USA, UK, Germany, France, etc, foids (and, unfortunate it may be, their crotchspawn children sired by well-to-do alpha and beta males) will deserve to perish or, if foids are unlucky enough, forced to become the sex slaves for the brutal warlords and mobs of rapacious male rapist-murderers.

Edit: To the “alpha and beta” males whose fate await being drafted to die for bullshit, this is the preview of the horrors to come for you, while we “incels” (social rejection for most asinine and cruel reasons attributed not to machoism but adversary feminist bullshit that skew the human relations to effect unhappiness for the middle- and low-tier males like the incel class) endeavor to get lucky as exempted by the ZOG societies (military) to stay home and in time we collect the harem of widows and young women as wives for our pleasure while your pawn bodies get demolished by ripping bullets, mines, bombs and nuclear fire.

View: https://twitter.com/Thestormisher68/status/1610793991691243520

View: https://youtu.be/cylmivNJmkE
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My misanthropy enlivens while watching the amusing shitshow that is the cockblocking (interminable ballot rounds; in 1855, 133 ballots that went on for two months) of the abominable establishment traitor (hardon for Ukraine above USA) Rep. Kevin McCarthy from reaching the threshold to elevate to speaker, assuming K. Jeffries won’t win the speaker role helped by some moderate (RINO) traitors like my current cuckold-lookalike representative.

View: https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1610674726170689538

Should McCarthy prevail to assume the speaker position, he will go insane as scorched earth to kickstart World War III, against Russia (and China/North Korea if USA is stupid enough to intervene to defend Taiwan, Japan and South Korea).

Should this happen, mass conscription will inevitably happen, and this leads to the revolt (perhaps a new French style revolution) involving bloodshed with massacres by the ZOG army, for resisting conscription. Think refusing and escaping conscription over Vietnam but dozens times worse with more violence.

Should conscription happen with immediate death penalty reinstated for desertion, this could give the incels like us the great advantage, that maybe beauteous young women (barely legal at 18 and over), deprived of fathers, uncles and brothers for intrafamily dynamics, shall fall into our “hands” naturally, in the females seeking the mates for marriage and children, as biologically preprogrammed, while the prime ‘alpha’ (Chad and beta in terms of lookism and other desired attributes that we the incels could not naturally attain) males will be forcibly conscripted and drafted to be sent off to the greater and most brutal war to get maimed and annihilated for Greater Israel (in the case of the Ukraine, re-establishment of Khazaria aka Khazarian Empire).

This scenario assumes that incels like us are rejected for being socially awkward (social retarded) or being disabled whether deaf, blind, weak, suffering crippling depression or whatnot. Being ugly doesn’t count as allowing for forced draft at point of execution for refusal (akin to desertion).

Perhaps when World War 3 or whatever global catastrophe happens, the incels shall survive by “gaming” such as hiding to wait for the foids to come to us, with the large pool of Chad and beta men sent away to war to die off en masse, which is when foids might come to us begging not only for security and food (if we can be resourceful, of course) but also for companionship to fend off the foids’ loneliness (being lonely drive them insane over prolonged time) that parlay to happy copulation and in turn the former incels shall spawn happy children to rear with happy traditional wives (shedding any feminist bullshit at point of violence for daring to be disobedient by refusing to submit to laid down rules set by the natural law governing the sex dynamics before feminism subverted and corrupted this ancient wisdom) for perpetual bliss.

Otherwise, during the great wars or catastrophes that dilute the alpha male pool forced to fight to the death for Israel and other corrupt gynocentric shitholes like USA, UK, Germany, France, etc, foids (and, unfortunate it may be, their crotchspawn children sired by well-to-do alpha and beta males) will deserve to perish or, if foids are unlucky enough, forced to become the sex slaves for the brutal warlords and mobs of rapacious male rapist-murderers.

Edit: To the “alpha and beta” males whose fate await being drafted to die for bullshit, this is the preview of the horrors to come for you, while we “incels” (social rejection for most asinine and cruel reasons attributed not to machoism but adversary feminist bullshit that skew the human relations to effect unhappiness for the middle- and low-tier males like the incel class) endeavor to get lucky as exempted by the ZOG societies (military) to stay home and in time we collect the harem of widows and young women as wives for our pleasure while your pawn bodies get demolished by ripping bullets, mines, bombs and nuclear fire.

View: https://twitter.com/Thestormisher68/status/1610793991691243520

View: https://youtu.be/cylmivNJmkE

The whole McCarthy political soap opera thing is just the real political uniparty doing its usual uniparty things behind the scenes, there's a few rebellious republicans they're currently trying to purge politically for our unlimited World War III we have planned very soon along with also locking down the entire nation militarily once this economic house of cards collapses completely. Stay tuned to our regular broadcast of bullshit in a nation that is clearly not democratic or republican. :feelsjuice:
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"All incels are deeply troubled mentally ill men, they need to seek professional help."

Right, so we're basically now saying all male grievances against females is mental illness, because that ought to bridge the gap or divide between the sexes well by declaring a majority of men as mentally ill.


Female grievances against men: Perfectly normal and natural.

Male grievances against females: Mental illness.

This era of sexual political correctness never ceases to amaze me concerning the ongoing absurdity of its development overtime. We're reaching the point where they're actively just trying to say that any and all male grievances against females is invalid as if men are not allowed grievances of our own. How very interesting. :feelsjuice:
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"Thousands of boomers are retiring every year now and the younger generations in the west are not skilled enough to replace them."

Wow, how fucking surprising, right? You know, perhaps mentally retarding the younger generations especially the younger generation of men with economic poverty, debt, and dead end jobs all these decades has natural consequences, who could of seen that coming? Mental development in terms of developing long term skills to be productive in society requires a level of security in living, skills are not going to be acquired in a constant state of economic insecurity which basically can surmise the last thirty plus years. Of course, when one understands this was all quite intentional or deliberate concerning planned obsolescence then it all begins to make sense. Mystery solved, and what has been done to the younger generations of people especially younger generations of men is the greatest crime of humanity perpetuated by the older generations everywhere. :feelsjuice:
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There needs to be a long term study in comparing men to women living and surviving on a single income because I am going to take a leap here and say a majority of women everywhere have never had to survive on a single income for any extended long periods of time in comparison to a majority of men. Given our current inflationary pressures on virtually everything we could say a single income is a death sentence especially for the majority of men that it affects. Of course this is never discussed fully in terms of social sexual economics because it would open a giant can of worms like single men being at a huge economic financial disadvantage existing solely on single incomes while women having more flexible dual incomes concerning their sexual relationship status with men in living coinhabitance. Can you ever imagine them discussing about male financial economic disadvantages? Me either, that's just one heretical line of thought their sexual political correctness would never allow.

"Why are men leaving the economic workforce in droves? Why are men not participating in society?"

Probably because a majority of single men are starting to figure out living on a single income is basically impossible especially with present inflationary economic forces. Of course we're not a serious society over here where this is just another ongoing problem swept under the rug not to be discussed whatsoever in any public venue. The sanctimony of sexual political correctness must be maintained at all costs no matter how absurd it becomes which explains our current crosspoint we find ourselves in. So, I imagine this trend of men leaving the workforce altogether or not participating in society will only just increase because the root of the problem continues to not be addressed whatsoever. :feelsjuice:
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The whole McCarthy political soap opera thing is just the real political uniparty doing its usual uniparty things behind the scenes, there's a few rebellious republicans they're currently trying to purge politically for our unlimited World War III we have planned very soon along with also locking down the entire nation militarily once this economic house of cards collapses completely. Stay tuned to our regular broadcast of bullshit in a nation that is clearly not democratic or republican. :feelsjuice:

I read your recent misanthropic commentaries in the last month, and your philosophy as dispensed over several posts is as profound as not only your nom de plume but also the infamous nihilist Carl Panzram (note I don't condone committing crimes, just lay low awaiting the civilizational collapse to destroy the stupid masses of human/subhuman NPC scum).

Check out Panzram's autobiography and history-biography books about him to see the parallels of your misanthropy and his unabashedly hateful attitude towards humankind.

The difference being that the incels should NOT go berserk like ER or even foid-ripper Bryan Kohberger (who's now looking at death penalty, thereby throwing away his life to die a virgin). It's not worth sacrificing self only to suffer jail or prison to rot with extremely limited freedom and tortuous boredom with restricted access to approved reading materials. I've been in jail twice before for "insane" and infamous (local) crimes that I cannot divulge anywhere because tbh, it ruined my life to suffer perpetual inceldom. Luckily, I got off the legal hook, so to speak :society:.

Below, what Panzram said reflects your contemptuous attitude toward the gynocentric and irredeemably corrupt America awaiting the great collapse, which requires patience that may not happen for years. But the rot is internal, and it grows bigger like cancer, that now emulate the Weimar Republic within the pathetic accursed America.

The Great Depression happened suddenly and quickly, and the next depression will be even worse given the corrupt D.C. continually shaking the taxpayers to send infinite amount of money to Israel and Ukraine while completely neglecting American homeland here.

A true radical reform is to exterminate the human scum wholesale through the future and unpreventable collapse of the system, outside of the intellectual incel class and the smart preppers as safe and resourceful to watch the corrupt "civilized" (that denies the good life to the men to suffer inceldom via mandatory subservience to feminist politicization of the society that include permitting rampant pornography to try to pacify the incels' primordial sexual frustration as the Zionists intend to neuter the birth rate to genocide the white race) world burn in flames.

In sum, we're living in the reality of the Mice Utopia reaching the point of extinction by involuntary suicide.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ampmkFrD33Q
I read your recent misanthropic commentaries in the last month, and your philosophy as dispensed over several posts is as profound as not only your nom de plume but also the infamous nihilist Carl Panzram (note I don't condone committing crimes, just lay low awaiting the civilizational collapse to destroy the stupid masses of human/subhuman NPC scum).

Check out Panzram's autobiography and history-biography books about him to see the parallels of your misanthropy and his unabashedly hateful attitude towards humankind.

The difference being that the incels should NOT go berserk like ER or even foid-ripper Bryan Kohberger (who's now looking at death penalty, thereby throwing away his life to die a virgin). It's not worth sacrificing self only to suffer jail or prison to rot with extremely limited freedom and tortuous boredom with restricted access to approved reading materials. I've been in jail twice before for "insane" and infamous (local) crimes that I cannot divulge anywhere because tbh, it ruined my life to suffer perpetual inceldom. Luckily, I got off the legal hook, so to speak :society:.

Below, what Panzram said reflects your contemptuous attitude toward the gynocentric and irredeemably corrupt America awaiting the great collapse, which requires patience that may not happen for years. But the rot is internal, and it grows bigger like cancer, that now emulate the Weimar Republic within the pathetic accursed America.

The Great Depression happened suddenly and quickly, and the next depression will be even worse given the corrupt D.C. continually shaking the taxpayers to send infinite amount of money to Israel and Ukraine while completely neglecting American homeland here.

A true radical reform is to exterminate the human scum wholesale through the future and unpreventable collapse of the system, outside of the intellectual incel class and the smart preppers as safe and resourceful to watch the corrupt "civilized" (that denies the good life to the men to suffer inceldom via mandatory subservience to feminist politicization of the society that include permitting rampant pornography to try to pacify the incels' primordial sexual frustration as the Zionists intend to neuter the birth rate to genocide the white race) world burn in flames.

In sum, we're living in the reality of the Mice Utopia reaching the point of extinction by involuntary suicide.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ampmkFrD33Q

I'll have to check into this writer, he sounds very interesting. As I've said previously in the past, I've already witnessed and observed twenty something years of this nation transforming itself into the living nightmare it is today, it is utterly beyond saving, reforming, or salvaging. The collapse of this society is all inevitable and all the dumb materialistic whores centered around their hypergamic vaginal capitalism that are too stupid themselves to see the walls closing in is a hilarious absurdity in of itself. At this point everything is circling around the drain, but it will be spectacular watching these dumb twats losing their minds completely as we get closer to the event horizon. All we can do at this point is wait for reality to intervene reasserting itself and a cruel reality or environment it will eventually be. :feelsjuice:
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Today's stock market drop, oops. "Economy is strong as hell!" :feelshehe::feelsEhh::feelsdevil::feelsclown:

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