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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

We started this morning with almost +300.00 on the DJIA with tremendous fluctuations up and down, currently it seems unable to cross the +200.00 percentage threshold. Three hours left to go. :feelsjuice:

Ezgifcom gif maker 86
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Too early to call it quite yet, could it be that...... :feelshehe:

AfraidPiercingCatfish size restricted 1
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You'll notice in my profile signature I have the phrase, "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us."

It's an old Soviet Russian expression and people might think to themselves, "But Marquis, you're a communist, socialist, and Marxist, why would you have that in your profile signature?"

The irony is that while it is a Soviet Russian expression originally, a similar sentimental manifestation is developing today within the modern United States that calls itself economically capitalist. I'm all for the hilarity of irony. :feelsjuice:
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Again, cuckservatives be like, "Communists and socialists are working to take down America!"

Really? When Nancy Pelosi and her husband are caught multiple times committing insider trading at the federal government level, they're practicing socialists? When Sam Bankman Fried with his associates are caught red handed embezzling billions of dollars illegally for themselves of their own clients funds in a horribly unregulated enterprise, that is socialism and communism? These manifestations have nothing to do with socialism or communism, quite the contrary, these are manifestations of corporate fascism simply put.

"It's crony capitalism, not real capitalism!"

Crony capitalism is corporate fascism by another name and as for original economic capitalism it devolves into crony capitalism overtime because of its own failures of government oversight or regulatory practices.

"It's socialism for the very wealthy only, too big to fail!" Yeah, that's corporate fascism dumbasses.

Of course most of the United States is economically illiterate still stuck in an absurd time loop of a 1980s cold war mindset, while everybody complains about the practices of WallStreet, big business, or private corporations they've been conditioned like Pavlov Dogs to obediently believe in the economic capitalist system which is the very root of their own enslavement. It's very amusing. It's organized corporate fascists taking down America, has nothing to do with socialism or communism at all.

Is it communists or socialists causing you as a single man to unable to afford a home, wife, family, and keeping your standard of living down in perpetual minimum wages? Absurd level of thinking, it's corporate fascists in all actuality doing all of the above in the name of economic capitalism. Know who your true enemy really is. :feelsjuice:
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Still unable to achieve +200.00 today to recover from previous losses on WallStreet, just over thirty minutes left. :feelsjuice:
Looks like the rally is fizzling at day's end, oh dear. :feelsjuice:
Today's pathetic stock market gains: :feelsstudy::feelsclown:
DOW + 0.55%
S&P500 + 0.75%
NASDAQ + 1.13%

Compared to previous days of losses within December: :feelsEhh::feelsdevil::feelsjuice:

DOW - 102655%
S&P500 - 14626%
NASDAQ - 50945%

Presenting the cannot break even stock market. :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AMmUtptGFw
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Calling today's market economic moves a rebound, a rebound of what exactly? Talk about desperation for cover, the stench of utter bullshit is miles high. Just how desperate are they? I wonder. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
One of two possibilities, either investors were getting out today anticipating better buying positions for tomorrow well into the weekend, or, it was a fantastic propping up the economy failure today where they shot their entire wad where today's pathetic growth percentages was all they were able to muster desperately which means if that is true we're in some uncharted waters of extreme desperation. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Tomorrow? Going have to go the 50/50 route, could be more of a bounce tomorrow going into the weekend, however, if the later is true tomorrow which I just illustrated above then we're looking into heavy losses going through the weekend. Hard to predict because this current market is a joke being very schizophrenic, absurd, and unpredictable. :feelsjuice:


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aPfTgH5DHpI
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850 billion dollars unanimously passes legislation with very little resistance for military war funding in this nation at a time when joblessness and unemployment domestically is rising exponentially. With that same military funding, how much of that money could be utilized to rebuild domestic infrastructure nationwide and factory or manufacturing production inside this nation giving single working class young men the opportunity of good quality paying jobs to raise a family with upon getting married? In historical irony it was the U.S.S.R that bankrupted itself financially and fiscally before the collapse of the Soviet Union, yet here, we seem intent to do the same exact thing to ourselves in the present. History may never be the same overtime but it certainly rhymes in similarity. Every nation it seems is intent on committing the same repeating grave past mistakes or failures. The only thing this nation seems to excel in producing is war, financial debt, death, weapons, and general human misery or despair. :feelsjuice:
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Much has been discussed about behavioral complications, mental illness, and psychological problems of we incels, you can easily see all those articles for instance written by all those political hacks at that website Psychology Today.

It's interesting, for the so called privileged patriarchal gender that is men as feminists like to refer us as, we men seem to exhibit these psychological problems far more than women by comparison. How is it that the more privileged gender of males exhibit more psychological problems by comparison? Doesn't seem very privileged at all to me if one gender that are men exhibit more behavioral problems, to me that tells quite the contrary, that men are enduring psychological existential crisis that women clearly are not experiencing in terms of cross examining proportion.

Of course, if a majority of men are more and more being pushed into extreme isolation, alienation, disenfranchisement, exploitation, poverty, or living disenchanted lackluster lives with feelings of general no purpose in life that probably would explain it, wouldn't it? Incels of course would make up the bulk of being the most vulnerable group of men or males.

If more and more men are exhibiting psychological problems which far out numbers that of females in comparison, where do you get the audacity of calling men more privileged and oppressive as an entire biological gender which feminists insist is a real ongoing historical phenomenon that they claim to be victims of? If more men endure psychological problems or feelings of existential crisis in comparison to women, next question is, why is that exactly? Why are women less prone to the same very things? Who is exactly the more privileged gender in all reality? Clearly not men. :feelsjuice:

Smile freud
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Those markets today are as flat as a bicycle tire with multiple holes in them, futile to pump them full of air today. Let's see what happens. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

Tumblr daa59431053905b2a058652dd123f814 66f96c90 400
No, no, and no. I don't want green today, more red please. Don't spoil my fun today. :feelsdevil:
:forcedsmile: :forcedsmile: :forcedsmile:
DOW +2.18 :feelsohh:

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DOW - 22.89
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DOW - 90.75?? :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh:
Ezgifcom gif maker 88

:feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
Office chaos fire chaotic

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Here's a thought, what if the United States doesn't collapse?

Instead, it descends into a technocratic dictatorship where a minor elite command all the wealth, all the political power (to the extent there is any left to be in receipt of) and the rest of the population is a disorganised rabble of warring minorities ....
The Jews have already long planned for China to be their new seat of NWO global communist power after the chaos of their planned US second civil war and WWIII clears up ie they assume it all will and that they will be the victors and that there is such a thing as being able to “win” a global nuclear conflict.
They assume it all will and that they will be the victors and that there is such a thing as being able to “win” a global nuclear conflict.
There isn't. :feelsjuice:

If this isn't a dead kitty bounce I'll be a corpse before I can Mad max maxx
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If this isn't a dead kitty bounce I'll be a corpse before I can Mad max maxx
It could be a bounce, those of us who watch stocks and finance have seen it before, but this feels different in my mind at least. I'm still betting on a 2023 trainwreck myself somewhere between late January going into April. Summer of next year will be nightmare territory. :feelsjuice:
It always amuses me watching these paid bad actors of finance analysts, economists, and geopolitical theorists utilize the word recession, because they can't tell the truth they instead all lie and deceive the general public for the paid propagandists they are as the elites cheerleading publicity whores. Recession has become these fools revised buzzword for an actual economic depression and the eventual collapse of all society or civilization in the aftermath, because truthfully that's what is coming not some simple temporary economic decline. The moment I hear the word recession of a paid bad actor's mouth I immediately know they're an intellectual coward. They lied about covid, and yes, they're lying about economic recession as well. :feelsjuice:

That's all they do anymore is lie, unfortunately for them, I'm a master interpreter of lying, deceit, and deception.
:feelsdevil: :feelsthink::feelsEhh:

Ezgifcom gif maker 6
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"There are over six million men in the United States who are prime working age males out of the workforce entirely not participating, why?"

We've abandoned the rigged working rat race completely as there is no social economic mobility whatsoever, we're content to watch everything collapse slowly from an observing distance hoping one day in the near future everything burns down to the ground in a heap of rubble. We've intentionally chosen to opt out, why work when all basic necessities of life are denied to us? I'm NEETING 24/7 until this shit bucket finally gets kicked over. :feelsjuice:

No pussy, no work participation, no prospects for a girlfriend or wife, no male working cart mules paying taxes. Eat a bag of dicks you motherfuckers, I will never pay taxes ever again suckers. Mystery solved, starve the abomination system out until it drops to its knees. Think of it as a collective male labor and work participation general strike, suck it bitches. :feelzez:
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More hints, clues, riddles, and innuendos of what I foresee happening to the United States stock market next week.
:feelshehe::feelsEhh::feelsdevil::feelsthink: Big think....

The Christmas holidays retail sales of general commerce is so entirely strong here in the United States domestically that we have record reports of store thefts everywhere and a lot of locations of business are threatening to shut down completely because theft has reached out of control epidemic proportions. Must be the strong economy Joe Biden our senile dim witted president has been bragging about all year long, surely that must be the case. :feelsjuice:

AdventurousSnarlingKoi size restricted
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Millions of millennials and zoomers inside the U.S. live with their parents because now just having a place to simply live is something more and more younger people can't even afford at all. Then you have unlucky miserable individual bastards like myself who have no family whatsoever where I instead just live on the streets hanging out at restaurants, cafes, libraries, grocery stores, parking lots, and public parks every single day. I'm making homeless inceldom a thing it would appear, think of me as that guy who sleeps on a park bench at night time.

Once again, boomers are Generation Locust who have destroyed the ability for younger generations to simply live or exist. I fucking hate them all, they can't die fast enough for the ruin they have brought on us all. :feelsjuice:

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50bps, 75bps, or 100bps? I'm still going with 100bps. :feelsEhh:

We shall find out soon enough next week. :feelsjuice:

[Also, CPI reports will be all the rage next week as well. :feelsdevil: ]
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How the Federal Reserve Pivot™ Economy actually works currently: :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil: :feelsthink:

Step 1- Make investors think a pause, slow down, or drawn down of rates is imminent coming soon. Give them all false hope to calm their nerves.
Step 2- Investors who are drug addicts already for Federal Reserve cheap money and credit flood the market hoping for salvation or a light at the end of the tunnel very soon. They of course get their asses handed to them because they're a bunch of idiotic muppets unable to think long term, strategically, and are far too trusting that the Federal Reserve has their backs. [It really doesn't.]

Step 3- The big smart money who the Federal Reserve actually really does work for [billionaires] comes in after retail investors are fleeced and anally raped for their constant misjudgments buying everything cheap at a discount for pennies on the dollar. Pivot™ is nothing more than a trap or snare extracting the wealth of the much more smaller individual retail investors for the much larger billionaire corporate consortium that the Federal Reserve actually works with in concert.

Rinse, repeat. :feelsjuice:

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Restrained and whipped slave girl

Since the beginning of ancient societies with the forming of currency or coinage we get the eternal trope of the gold digging whore of a woman who will sell her soul, body, and mind for a sizable amount of coins in exchange, now why is it that this expression has survived all the ages of human history or civilization? In reality this expression fits women a great deal for the sexual behavior characteristics of females revolves around resources, influence, dominance, competition, and economic wealth in social sexual economic relation to men. I would again argue that inter human sexual relations or activities are purely economic in nature where conceptualizations like that of romance, chivalry, or personality are bullshit mental abstracts utilized to hide or conceal that objective fact. Sexual relations basically amounts to exchanging sexual intercourse for economic security, prosperity, and safety on the part of human females for that is the basis of their own evolutionary adaptations at an instinctual primal level, female sexual behavior is purely socio economic in nature. As Esther Vilar in the book Manipulated Man put it, "When a woman says she loves a man she is basically saying he is an efficient or superior workhorse catering to all her needs and wants." In reality women have no mental depth concerning the word love for women largely shun anything that requires self sacrifice, believing in something greater than themselves, or valuing anything that doesn't benefit themselves somehow for the psycho nature of females is completely self serving where everything has to revolve around themselves concerning security, emotional sentiments, comfortability, and feelings of safety, women are simply unable to believe in anything beyond that. Women are basic impulse creatures where the residual primitive aspects of the reptilian unevolved mind is paramount to their entire existence.

Is it any wonder why marriage, fertility, and sexual relationship numbers are in major decline throughout the west currently where all good paying jobs are outsourced, where minimum wage jobs are practically standard, where social economic mobility is completely dead, and where young men cannot even afford a home for themselves let alone raising a family upon marriage? I would argue that the rise of inceldom is because of socio economic phenomena that has manifested itself within the last forty years where it is completely indicating of such. Thus the introduction of my own illustration of female psychological reproductive behavior, the transactional vaginal sexual capitalist where in the modern west a majority of sexual proletariat working class men cannot even financially afford the basic social sexual interaction of sexual intercourse, companionship, or even marriage. For me late stage economic capitalism, late stage western feminism, and neoliberalism are all the same metastasizing disease interacting with each other in a sort of destructive symbiosis which ultimately will destroy western civilization itself internally or any society that has embraced its values. They are all different symptoms of the same underlying disease that once it infects an entire society the illness is terminal where eventually that society simply dies. :feelsjuice:

Ezgifcom gif maker 92

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9HrQaPXJJKI
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Marry for money

So where did late feminism stem from where basically a woman's 'love' or sexual companionship is a sexual capital commodity and privilege that has to be earned as a reward through incentive making the bulk of today's sexual vaginal capitalism? Where does this vanity, duplicity, and petty shallow nature derive from in modern western feminism in what is now the most unequal divisive era of late stage economic capitalism concerning greater socioeconomic inequalities for the entire population? [Where sexual companionship is nothing more than a privilege derivative of one's individual stationary social economic class.] :feelsEhh:

Historically I trace it back to the philosophical enlightenment era where classical liberalism became the dominating force it is today in the west. Before that transition we had a more traditional patriarchal society where women's sexuality was regulated, controlled, and had male oversight under a sort of traditional male dominated cultural sexual socialism. Under that traditional framework a woman's vaginal sexual capitalism was tightly regulated, controlled, and moderated for the general stability of greater community because everybody had a collective historical memory of what happens in a society when you have too many disillusioned angry population of single men. So a traditional cultural sexual socialism was paramount everywhere to make sure social cohesion was secure to prevent internal infighting which is the direct result of having too many unmarried sexless men inside your society.

A couple of things changed with the introduction of classical liberalism in the west, one, we went from a mercantile economy to more of a free market laissez faire economic system. As a natural consequence we went from a traditional collective system trading it in for one entirely of individualism. By doing so western feminism was born where women seen themselves as individuals first and so adopting that ideology the sexuality of general biological female sexual vaginal capitalism also took an individualized free market laissez faire approach to sexual interactions that we have today where all sexual regulation or oversight by men was demolished completely. Problem of course with any free market system whether economic or sexual in nature it spirals out of control which of course we in the western world are experiencing now currently. We went from having a free market laissez faire economic system to then female free market laissez faire sexuality under western feminism and from there under this free market dogma pretty much everything became commodified within society concerning all social relations under a span of a few generations, that's how we got here. :feelsdevil: :feelsthink:

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JqWwIs91hIg&list=PLqnnuEVGcRQxSxGB_8JZmrk_nfR1PBZWX
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In collapsed societies, nations, tribes, and civilizations feminism is nonexistent whereas far as a woman's or female's sexual capital is concerned in terms of value it becomes heavily reduced as their sphere of influence especially over men becomes heavily diminished. The sexual market resets as much as a collapsed society resets itself also, female sexuality then becomes socialized or redistributed as means of creating social stability out of chaos as late western feminism has created too many disillusioned angry single sexless men which essentially is a huge internal disrupting destructive force within society. :feelsjuice:

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Hey PrincessKitty over there at IT, I know you read my thread here with your title of Vaginal Capitalist And Princess Of Sluts, it's cute really because I can tell you're an adoring fan of my literature or writing here in this thread. So in the spirit of Incels.Is over here I wager that in a post apocalypse America in the good old U.S.A. you can give me a hand job around an open fire pit for a can of beans and a single bottle of water. When you're starving with an empty belly I might even be willing to help you live when you're unable to take care of yourself, but for that to happen you'll have to become my full-time bottom bitch like the good little princess of sluts that you are, what do you say, is it a deal? Let me know, you always know where to find me. I'm not sure I want you for breeding reproductive material in a post apocalyptic America but we could experiment seeing where it takes us both, you're going to love my gutted and skinned rattlesnake over a fire pit in the middle of a desert. Starving bitches can't be choosers when it concerns hunger baby. Here kitty, kitty, kitty, come out and play with me........

From an observing admirer, MarquisDeSade


@Fat Link
@Cybersex is our hope
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The whole FTX and SBF Bitcoin boondoggle or fiasco is far from over. :feelsjuice:

You might say it is only beginning, expect more crypto volatility. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil::blackpill:

Shitcoin memecoin
"Supreme court to rule on state legislatures instead of judges in matters of national elections."

Think of this as us getting rid of all pretenses concerning voting on our way to a single political party dictatorship nationwide, and you fools thought we would get out of our current predicament by voting. That's a big no, abandon all ye hope now. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
More vaccinated are now dying off than unvaccinated, but hey, have you gotten your fifth booster shot yet? If you haven't yet you really should. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:


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