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Serious The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids pt. 2

IT won't touch this, suck it bitches at Reddit. I piss in all of your faces, drink it up. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
And the very reason they won't challenge me is because I'm a wrecking ball where their pitiful arguments bounce off of me like rain, I make them all look like petulant dumb children that they really are. :feelsjuice:
Martial law in England amid nationwide labor union strikes, what's not to like? :feelsEhh:

Too bad our own labor unions here in the U.S. are all bark and no bite. :feelsjuice:
Gold to $3000.00 next year? Well, I would imagine that would mean a dollar monetary crisis going forth next year. Party on!
:feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:

[The question of when next year, I'm betting some time between March and April next year would be my guess.] :feelsjuice:

Next year is going to be the summer of rage domestically if I had to take a guess. :feelsLSD:
Cash money burn
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How are those national deficits matching here in the United States domestically? Oh, still unsustainable? You don't say? :feelsEhh:

Clearly a Federal Reserve electronic digital dollar will fix this.:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Yeah, that's clearly the winning ticket and strategy. I'm sure everything will be just fine. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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Forecasts for the rest of the week? Stock market bounce? If there is a bounce it will be a minimal one and extremely temporary until things just crash some more. It seems, however, a lot of people priced in for a holiday Christmas Pivot™ where of course that was an extremely bad bet or gamble on their part, if a majority of investors already foolishly took that gamble where they very well may have, then I expect more losses for the remaining of this week.

And of course concerning domestic politics, if the first week of Christmas December is frot with huge economic losses not only will national political rage be astounding as everybody is always looking for somebody or something to blame, but it would also mean we can no longer hide America's economic decline within concealment any further as it will be pretty much obvious everywhere after that, right? At a certain point you run out of statistical deceptions, false revisions, and outright financial fraud, once that becomes your entire national economy its own imminent internal implosion is not too far away. That's where we're at currently, a house of cards about to be blown away in the wind. :feelsjuice:

Until tomorrow morning then. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bB1RYVMBqQg
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Gold back ruble, ouch. :feelsjuice:
Xi to visit Saudi Arabia soon, yuan exchange for oil? :feelsjuice:
Corporate banks panicking about 2023, I love the fearful smell of bankrupt insolvency and general self loathing which causes corporate heads the contemplation of suicide jumping off skyscrapers to their deaths. :feelsjuice:
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Flat markets, what's the matter, can't get it up?You look a bit flaccid today. :feelsohh::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Can they get +100.00 today, or, will the Christmas Grinch steal away the holidays once more? :feelshehe: :feelsdevil:

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Looking pretty pathetic you guys after three plus hours, perhaps you should just close WallStreet for the rest of the day and try again tomorrow morning. :feelsjuice:
Can't even get a +50.00 today guys, time to throw in the towel. I'm waiting with my pornographic material in hand here. :feelsjuice:
Trying for the +100.00 bounce again, let's see if it holds today the 2nd round. :feelsjuice:
What's that? The second failed round of +100.00, how very embarrassing. Tick, tock, just over two hours left gentlemen. :feelsEhh:
In regards to Team Pivot™ economic strategists. :feelsEhh: :feelsthink::feelsdevil:

I wish it could go down to 28 again
They're trying so desperate for some kind of green close today, even if it is only a +00.1% :lul::lul::lul:

Satan buttfucks
:feelshehe: :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil: :feelsthink:

"Dark Winter..."
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Last half hour, tick, tock. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
If the markets can't even rise up a meager 00.1% in a single day I don't imagine the rest of the week will be any better, expecting nothing but red going into Friday afternoon. Eventually there's going to be political public discussions as to why the national economy is in free fall during the holiday season, either at the end of this month or the beginning of the next. Won't be able to hide the rot domestically for very much longer, eventually people are going to start asking questions as to why things are so terrible while the government tries to keep everything under control. People of course will demand for solutions, but we're well beyond the point of any that now, it's all downhill from here on out. :feelsjuice:

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By now everybody's wondering about that crazy up tick on the DJIA from mid October to the end of November 2022, was it all just irrational exuberance? Of course it was.

Did it have something to do with the national elections? Yes.

Did it have to do with suckering everybody with Pivot™? Well, that should be very obvious by now.
[Big sharks of course are always going to corner a school of minnows and devour them whole.]

Was there anything else? Yeah, I think they were trying to slush enough money into the stock market before the end of the year propping it up through Christmas to give the public facade everything is under control pushing inevitable economic crisis well into 2023, but of course what is self evident by now is that things didn't really go as plan, did it?

And ask yourself this, if they can't prop up the stock market or national economy during this current Christmas holiday season, just how bad do you think things will get well into next year? Tick, tock. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:

Note - [Always remember that I am a poor homeless man with no money or anything, just a poor random nobody. I am doing this to you all, you destroy my livelihood, dreams, hopes, and aspirations in this world I will summon the bowels of hell for my personal retribution against the entire world. Let it be known that a random stranger at the complete bottom of society from the American gutter slums is fucking all of you in your asses, enjoy. :society:]
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Pausing corporate buybacks in 2023? I wonder if this strategy is just a few handful of corporations suggesting it or of a much larger trend beginning of next year. If it is a much larger trend than say a handful of corporations that should prove to be very interesting in January. :feelsjuice:
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Here's a thought, what if the United States doesn't collapse?

Instead, it descends into a technocratic dictatorship where a minor elite command all the wealth, all the political power (to the extent there is any left to be in receipt of) and the rest of the population is a disorganised rabble of warring minorities ....
Here's a thought, what if the United States doesn't collapse?

Instead, it descends into a technocratic dictatorship where a minor elite command all the wealth, all the political power (to the extent there is any left to be in receipt of) and the rest of the population is a disorganised rabble of warring minorities ....
Funny thought, but to do so would require the current United States not being financially bankrupted, which of course for all intents or purposes really is. :feelsjuice:
Funny thought, but to do so would require the current United States not being financially bankrupted, which of course for all intents or purposes really is. :feelsjuice:
Indeed, I think America's debts will obviously become unserviceable once they reach a tipping point and the U.S. Dollar ceases being the global trading currency.
Indeed, I think America's debts will obviously become unserviceable once they reach a tipping point and the U.S. Dollar ceases being the global trading currency.
Bankrupted nation, no money for police or military eventually, and an entire national population that hates each other. I'd say this shit can is going to explode badly. :feelsjuice:
Pausing corporate buybacks in 2023? I wonder if this strategy is just a few handful of corporations suggesting it or of a much larger trend beginning of next year. If it is a much larger trend than say a handful of corporations that should prove to be very interesting in January. :feelsjuice:
Also forgot the corporate share buyback tax in place. :feelsjuice:
I see Sam Bankman Fried is not languishing away in a jail or prison, imagine my shock of amazement his democrat friends in high places have absolved him of all criminal wrongdoing officially for all the billions of dollars him and his associates illegally embezzled, of course when you're in the chosenite tribe comes special privileges or protections that only a religious criminal racket of its own kind can provide, Mazel Tov!

Now let's see, the price for Bitcoin is stabilized for now, but for how much longer until a new bottom is breached? :feelsEhh::feelshehe:

What we need is some more economically illiterate boomers or inner city folk to buy up this Bitcoin financial contagion to unload on, but who is to buy after bankrupting millions of people through these latest more recent Bitcoin boondoggles? Are there any more idiotic bagholders left in this nation or abroad? I personally think the world is running out of useful idiots and bagholders myself. I've always said myself that Bitcoin is only good for tax evasion, money laundering, and moving huge amounts of money quietly in anonymity internationally especially if you don't want financial transactional movements seen. :feelsdevil:

So, who is ready to step right in buying up huge amounts of Bitcoins? Crypto is still trustworthy, safe, and secure, right?
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Looks like they'll get their bounce, or will they? :feelshehe:
One has to marvel on how a stock market can rise on joblessness claims, but once you understand this nation revolves around private corporations loyal to nobody but themselves not even nation state it all begins to make more sense. The stock market revolves around private corporations and their profits where they will rally enriching themselves while throwing the rest of the population under the bus or onto the streets. This is their celebrated most coveted economic capitalism, the majority of the population suffers and they profit off that for themselves, is it any wonder why economic socialism is gaining traction in this nation? This is a nation ruled under private corporate conglomerates and even the government along with the politicians are in their pockets paid as well. :feelsjuice:
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"Why is there a lack of skilled labor in the United States?"

Because entire generations of men can't even afford a basic living for studies and self improvement to gain meaningful skills in employment, if your entire life is being thrown out onto the streets or constantly worrying about being the next evicted where essentially survival comes down to bare sustenance men are not going to have the time, money, or ability for life self improvement. You've reduced a majority of men to being lost generations through tremendous economic poverty, the lack of skilled labor is the direct result of that overtime. All by intentional design of course, there are no coincidences or accidents. Planned obsolescence. :feelsjuice:
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We started this morning with almost +300.00 on the DJIA with tremendous fluctuations up and down, currently it seems unable to cross the +200.00 percentage threshold. Three hours left to go. :feelsjuice:

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