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Blackpill SCIENTIFIC PROOF that the order of importance is: Race > Height > Face > Money

Race > Height > Face > Money

- Being Asian costs you $247,000 extra per year compared to a white guy.
- Being 5'7" costs you $150,000 extra compared to a 5'11" guy, or $180,000 compared to a 6'2" guy.
- Being bottom 10% facially costs you $40,000 extra compared to an average guy or $186,000 compared to a top 10% guy.

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest 10% of men up to the performance of the top 10% most handsome men.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.

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Tally up your total charge from the height/race/face price charts. You're going to be deep in the hole with your height, even if your race/face give you a boost.

Same as I am with my height/race/face.

It's not exactly that one thing renders another thing useless. It's that women will penalize you for everything and give you very few positive points for anything you do or have to make up for it.

They all want the same man, and the farther you are from it, the more you are made to suffer.
High iq
enough money >>> everything
anything else is just cope
enough money >>> everything
anything else is just cope

Yes I have explained this issue before. Money and face and "unlimited" in their capacity to benefit you. Meaning there is no such thing as too much money or too beautiful a face. The richer or more handsome you get the more it helps.

By contrast height does not work the same way. Too much height is bad. And race is fixed in its power too. You can only be so white (Nordic) and then there is no whiter you can be.

So money and face can be a bit wilder and "break" this hierarchy at the absolute extremes. This hierarchy applies for normal men. If you are the top 0.00001% face (eg. Lachowski tier) or top 0.00001% wealth (billionaire), the hierarchy will no longer apply. But it is exceedingly rare to be that facially beautiful or that incredibly rich.

So in most cases, the order described in this thread will be legit.
Honestly I think being ugly is far worse than being short or asian or broke. Im always distrustful of these studies because the authors are most likely feminists with an agenda to push. There was a study that showed in bio and psych, it is majority women and like 95% leftists with almost no one right wing. hard to trust that kind of people when it comes to this stuff
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low IQ, a claim like race > all would only hold up if the participants of each race were equally attractive

the average white guy mogs the average asian by a good 2 to 3 points
Maybe race matters most to get white women, but face and height matter most to get a woman in general
Race > Height > Face > Money

- Being Asian costs you $247,000 extra per year compared to a white guy.
- Being 5'7" costs you $150,000 extra compared to a 5'11" guy, or $180,000 compared to a 6'2" guy.
- Being bottom 10% facially costs you $40,000 extra compared to an average guy or $186,000 compared to a top 10% guy.

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest 10% of men up to the performance of the top 10% most handsome men.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.


Ironically all of this is only important if you are obsessed with "having women be attracted to you"

So I'd more say its Ego > Race > Height > Face > Money, because without the prerequisite of being obsessed with mutual attraction, none of this even matters

Seriously think about it, a 5'7" ugly Asian guy manages to make 500K a year and the first thing that pops into your head is - "He can only now attract women relative to that of an average white guy"

With the money he has, he could fuck a new 10/10 white bitch everyday, why the fuck should he even care if they are attracted to him or not?

The value system of masculinity has been warped by modern culture, its actually been feminized, to the point where a lot of "typical" conventions for masculinity mirror that of women's values, men of the past didn't really care about this shit, think about how weird it is that you are discussing hundreds of thousands of dollars within the context of how much it will make a woman "choose you", its men that do the choose you

That is some serious mental gymnastics, you have all of the leverage, who gives a fuck about being chosen if you are making 100K a year, just rent any woman you want
Don't really mean shit tbh. If you're at the point in life where you're making thousands a year then you're old and any relationship will be with an old post-prime leftover public toilet.
Is betabuxxing really a good measure of attractiveness standards?
Ironically all of this is only important if you are obsessed with "having women be attracted to you"

So I'd more say its Ego > Race > Height > Face > Money, because without the prerequisite of being obsessed with mutual attraction, none of this even matters

Seriously think about it, a 5'7" ugly Asian guy manages to make 500K a year and the first thing that pops into your head is - "He can only now attract women relative to that of an average white guy"

With the money he has, he could fuck a new 10/10 white bitch everyday, why the fuck should he even care if they are attracted to him or not?

The value system of masculinity has been warped by modern culture, its actually been feminized, to the point where a lot of "typical" conventions for masculinity mirror that of women's values, men of the past didn't really care about this shit, think about how weird it is that you are discussing hundreds of thousands of dollars within the context of how much it will make a woman "choose you", its men that do the choose you

That is some serious mental gymnastics, you have all of the leverage, who gives a fuck about being chosen if you are making 100K a year, just rent any woman you want
Because monogamy is still valued even though it's dead. And prostitution is still frowned upon even though it's basically omnipresent and even partially legal.
Is betabuxxing really a good measure of attractiveness standards?

Because monogamy is still valued even though it's dead. And prostitution is still frowned upon even though it's basically omnipresent and even partially legal.

No its because the value system of masculinity has changed, its always been a norm (in the past) for fathers to take their sons to brothels (especially if you go way back), it was never something frowned up, men just allowed themselves over time to basically be feminized, and now men are the bitches who have to beautify themselves like women to "appear attractive", that was never a male thing before

Men used to be by majority judged by their bravery, combat ability, knowledge, etc

Now men are basically women

Sorry, I'm not taking part in that game, tbh even if I woke up a 10/10 guy tomorrow I'm not doing that degrading shit, I will not liken myself to a woman and lower myself to the level of a female, I will take what I want in life by force or claim it through resources, but I will not pretty myself up to woo someone into giving me it

That is the epitome of femininity and submissiveness, and ironically that is the norm for males in this age
No its because the value system of masculinity has changed, its always been a norm (in the past) for fathers to take their sons to brothels (especially if you go way back), it was never something frowned up, men just allowed themselves over time to basically be feminized, and now men are the bitches who have to beautify themselves like women to "appear attractive", that was never a male thing before

Men used to be by majority judged by their bravery, combat ability, knowledge, etc

Now men are basically women

Sorry, I'm not taking part in that game, tbh even if I woke up a 10/10 guy tomorrow I'm not doing that degrading shit, I will not liken myself to a woman and lower myself to the level of a female, I will take what I want in life by force or claim it through resources, but I will not pretty myself up to woo someone into giving me it

That is the epitome of femininity and submissiveness, and ironically that is the norm for males in this age
Face is the most important. An ugly white soyboy has no chance against Chaddam.
These amounts are based on the presupposition that money is the currency of sexual attraction, which isn't the case.
Like if you would suck a dick for no less than a billion dollars, that doesn't mean a blowjob from you is worth a billion dollars, it just means you're revolted by sucking dick and that anyone who wants a blowjob should find someone else.
I think this study only had to do with the workplace, whilst face and height are more important for dating than race in my opinion.
Cool, now let's see where autism lies on the hierarchy. I'd like to take a stab in the dark (it's not, really, the autism pill shows a brutal reality), and say it's somewhere high on the totem pole.

I think this study only had to do with the workplace, whilst face and height are more important for dating than race in my opinion.
Yeah, that's what I thought, too. While similar factors seem to apply between the two, they're not impacted the same exact way.
These amounts are based on the presupposition that money is the currency of sexual attraction, which isn't the case.
Like if you would suck a dick for no less than a billion dollars, that doesn't mean a blowjob from you is worth a billion dollars, it just means you're revolted by sucking dick and that anyone who wants a blowjob should find someone else.
But that's the point. If I have to pay an incel more money to suck dick than fuck a virgin Stacy, that clearly means he dislikes the first act more. Same applies here, where a short ethnic needs more money to get laid than an ugly white guy who's at least average height. This means being short/ethnic is more detrimental than simply being ugly, which goes against half of this forum's narrative. Anyone who disagrees should post a different study, because otherwise it's like arguing with an inceltears user who denies research but presents none of their own.
But that's the point. If I have to pay an incel more money to suck dick than fuck a virgin Stacy, that clearly means he dislikes the first act more. Same applies here, where a short ethnic needs more money to get laid than an ugly white guy who's at least average height.
I was just commenting on the amounts and that dollars aren't the currency of attraction so while the different amounts may be proportional, (which isn't necessarily true either) they don't represent the absolute worth of being white/black/short or whatever. And if you want to consider money as valid currency of attraction, then we should all go moneymaxx and be done with it, because we can affect how much money we earn.

This means being short/ethnic is more detrimental than simply being ugly, which goes against half of this forum's narrative.
Okay, then what the study says is we should go earn more money and problem solved! Rename forum to moneymaxx.co

Anyone who disagrees should post a different study, because otherwise it's like arguing with an inceltears user who denies research but presents none of their own.
I'm too low IQ and don't have the raw data to verify this study (and it hasn't been peer reviewed as far as I can find), so I can't disagree with it.
Although... it's kind of strange that it says white men need an extra 200k of income (so 265k) to be as successful with black women as the average black man is. I suppose what it's saying about race is Just Be The Same Race The Foid Is.
Ultra Giga LOW IQ thread. I'm surprised this shitfest is in the must read section.

These statistics are made for betabuxxers.

JFL if you think Race> Face and Height > Face.

The OP just used currency to measure it.
You know who cares about currency?
Post wall women ready to settle down.

The real hierarchy is

Face > Height > Race > Money

These amounts are based on the presupposition that money is the currency of sexual attraction, which isn't the case.
Like if you would suck a dick for no less than a billion dollars, that doesn't mean a blowjob from you is worth a billion dollars, it just means you're revolted by sucking dick and that anyone who wants a blowjob should find someone else.
This sums it up perfectly.
Unfortunately white tall cels don't see the world you've just described. If this were the case, tall average white males would outperform chad on dating websites.

You're literally saying that tallness and race means men earn more money, which I agree with, and then in conclusion saying this means they have more access to resources which enable them to get more women. Then you say that money is the last thing on the scale, shouldn't it be on the first then?

The data only looks at things from a money angle and not any other angle.

There have been many studies conducted in which white incels have said they are airline pilots, lawyers, earning three figures, and still get outperformed by a wealthless/toddler rapist short chad on dating applications.

For me its definitely LOOKS > RACE > HEIGHT > MONEY.
i think the grounding conclusion is that the report is basing its data on the fact that women base attractiveness based on income, which is wrong.
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Ultra Giga LOW IQ thread. I'm surprised this shitfest is in the must read section.

These statistics are made for betabuxxers.

JFL if you think Race> Face and Height > Face.

The OP just used currency to measure it.
You know who cares about currency?
Post wall women ready to settle down.

The real hierarchy is

Face > Height > Race > Money

This sums it up perfectly.

face:a lot of facial characteristics that are considered atractive are dictated by race,the most atractive is northern europeans.
height:it goes with race,latino.indians and asians are below the average height of white and blacks-

look the video about the asian model that didnt get dates on tinder on a massive scale.
Only people that don’t agree with this are TallFag white copers
So Height>race unless your an ethnic desiring white pussy. Can't believe what I, a white man, has to make to attract a black woman. Study doesn't make sense.
Money is pretty much the only thing that matters in this world so measuring SMV with money is high IQ as fuck.

I’ve seen studies that frame>height. So I guess frame>all :feelsthink:
I've seen this study a couple of times before since it's always used. While it does show a lot of the relation between race/height/face, I don't think it's
low IQ, a claim like race > all would only hold up if the participants of each race were equally attractive

the average white guy mogs the average asian by a good 2 to 3 points

You said it yourself. The average white guy mogs the average Asian because being Asian is an instant 2-3 points off for you.
I've seen this study a couple of times before since it's always used. While it does show a lot of the relation between race/height/face, I don't think it's

You said it yourself. The average white guy mogs the average Asian because being Asian is an instant 2-3 points off for you.
lol @ u

its not because hes asian that he gets 2-3 points off

for starters the average white/black guy is at least 3 /4 inches taller than the average asian

the races arent equal
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Mogs me because asian black Indian
lol @ u

its not because hes asian that he gets 2-3 points off

for starters the average white/black guy is at least 3 /4 inches taller than the average asian

the races arent equal

Obviously they aren't equal, but that's not solely because of face. An average 5/10 white guy mogs any ethnic because of a mix of height, frame, and cultural biases.

Life is not fair.
All I can say is that it's over
If jbw is true, give me my fucking girlfriend, retard.
hah! 6'6+ confirmed optimal height
cant believe they were so bluepilled in 2018 its clearly face>frame>height>Race
That shit needs to be updated. Asian men have to pay a shit ton more to even have a chance with Asian women.

If you're not top tier as a Rice or Curry, JFL if you think you can bag your own race. It's over.

Also it's Face > Race > Money > Height. There's a fuckton of Chadlets that still score Stacie's left and right.
I am 5'7 bit the only incel in my group. Funny thing, half of my group are shorter than me but have gfs
race is just another way of saying face. most good looking curries or rice look white
Face and height a close second, money a distant third. Race wise there will be a slight preference for you own.
>nigger foids want more money from white, superior men more than any other foid
LMFAO no thank you, you can keep your ape genes even if you would pay me to have sex with you.
Honestly the racepill destroys me. It's basically an all-encompassing facet of the blackpill that relates to everything else.
Not everybody lives in the US.
OVER-OVER-OVER from birth.

This is one reason people should need a license to reproduce AND adults should be entitled to check out.
height = face if race is same

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