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Blackpill SCIENTIFIC PROOF that the order of importance is: Race > Height > Face > Money

Race > Height > Face > Money

- Being Asian costs you $247,000 extra per year compared to a white guy.
- Being 5'7" costs you $150,000 extra compared to a 5'11" guy, or $180,000 compared to a 6'2" guy.
- Being bottom 10% facially costs you $40,000 extra compared to an average guy or $186,000 compared to a top 10% guy.

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest 10% of men up to the performance of the top 10% most handsome men.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.

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Alot of whitecels don't want to acknowledge when it comes to the dating scene, they're by far the most desirable.
They'll cope by saying "but but but... she just wants chads and chadlites not me".
An ethnic indian guy has to be chadpreetlite to have the same SMV as a lower tier normie white guy.
And even if the white guy is a legit 3/10 with no SMV he has the option of travelling anywhere in the world to be treated like a walking god JUST cause of his skin colour.
Ethnics don't have this luxury at all, especially indians/asians.

Blacks have the caveat of "being thug/sounding black and having BBC" but their SMV drops to curry level if they don't have/do all three of those.

If you take the world world into account and not just the west, 95% of white incels here have infinitely more SMV than any chadpreet indian or asian.
Girls will literally climb over Tyrone-Lite and his 8 inch BBC and Chadpreet-lite to get to one of the white incels here.

And let's not forget that most white posters here can date an ethnic woman. They don't need to move anywhere if they live in a cosmopolitan area..
And let's not forget that most white posters here can date an ethnic woman. They don't need to move anywhere if they live in a cosmopolitan area..
Noodlewhores especially, they LOVE white guys. and it's such a cope to think that they only go for chads.
If you're normie (4-6) you could EASILY get a noodlewhore if you're white in the west.
i wish i was white
And let's not forget that most white posters here can date an ethnic woman. They don't need to move anywhere if they live in a cosmopolitan area..
i love your vids
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Noodlewhores especially, they LOVE white guys. and it's such a cope to think that they only go for chads.
If you're normie (4-6) you could EASILY get a noodlewhore if you're white in the west.

If you don't have noodlewhores in your city as a white man, expand that Tinder radius. A noodlewhore would rather have an out-of-state white bf than a local asian bf.
i wish i was white

i love your vids

Danke schon
If you don't have noodlewhores in your city as a white man, expand that Tinder radius. A noodlewhore would rather have an out-of-state white bf than a local asian bf.

Danke schon
I would KILL for a noodlewhore tbh, i'm massively into asians but they're not into curries IN THE VERY LEAST.
They're legit only into white guys
I would KILL for a noodlewhore tbh, i'm massively into asians but they're not into curries IN THE VERY LEAST.
They're legit only into white guys

I find Asians hot too. LOL@white guys here who don't want to date an Asian because they don't want to produce and raise an ER. As if their autistic asses would be dating the Asian woman for that long.
I find Asians hot too. LOL@white guys here who don't want to date an Asian because they don't want to produce and raise an ER. As if their autistic asses would be dating the Asian woman for that long.
Further lol at those white guys that are religiouscels that only want a white foid to marry/date and are against dating inter-racially.
I need to go to SEA and run arab game or something ffs, guarantee even if i flaunted wealth they'd kick me in the face to get to a white incel here.
Bumping this for all the low IQ users who think their anecdotes mean more than hard stats. You know who you are.

If I ran this forum, I would sticky this thread permanently.
Bumping this for all the low IQ users who think their anecdotes mean more than hard stats. You know who you are.

If I ran this forum, I would sticky this thread permanently.
Face > height. It's that simple.
Face > height. It's that simple.
Whatever dude. I'm both short and ugly (and ethnic) so these debates don't help me either way. I just think it's trollish to ignore the stats in OP's post then just state your opinion as fact. That's cucktears strategy.
@blickpall this is one of the most important studies on the interrelation of race/face/height and their relative importance to women.

Can you add to the Blackpill Archive?
This height and race somehow greater than face thing only applies to womens preference in betabux

WOmen dont give a shit about race if youre 10/10 facial bone chad, and even if youre manlet but 10/10 women will stilll fuck you but not be interested in dating

For chads, its Face>Height>Race>all else

for chadlite and betabux, Race>Height>Face>Money

for lower than that, women arent interested
This height and race somehow greater than face thing only applies to womens preference in betabux

WOmen dont give a shit about race if youre 10/10 facial bone chad, and even if youre manlet but 10/10 women will stilll fuck you but not be interested in dating

For chads, its Face>Height>Race>all else

for chadlite and betabux, Race>Height>Face>Money

for lower than that, women arent interested

The best way I figured out how to clarify this is: Height and race are fixed value. Ie. You can't get much more value for being more white than the next guy. If you are white, you have earned the maximum value from being white and it will be equal to that of another white man.

The same applies to height. This statistical analysis was flawed at extremely high male height due to low sample size. In reality you don't get endless extra value the taller you are. There is a peak of value added at 6' to 6'4". So again if you are that height you have fixed value added from it.

Face and money are different in that they are potentially limitless in how much value they add. That is to say in NORMAL ranges of face and money these are less important. But once you start going up to the top 1%, then top 0.1%, then top 0.01%, then top 0.000001% until eventually you have Chico Lachowski or a billionaire, the value rises accordingly. These types of male models and billionaires are so rare a study like this would not be able to capture them. For example, their top facial class was "top 10%".

So for extremely beautiful or extremely wealthy men these factors can outweigh all. But in normal ranges of the male condition, they are less important and the fixed points of height and race will either rule in or rule out more men from dating contention.
If you are white, you have earned the maximum value from being white and it will be equal to that of another white man.

This is simply not true.

A blue-eyed, blonde-hair cuck from Sweden will be seen as "whiter" than a guy from Spain even though both are classified as white.
This height and race somehow greater than face thing only applies to womens preference in betabux

WOmen dont give a shit about race if youre 10/10 facial bone chad, and even if youre manlet but 10/10 women will stilll fuck you but not be interested in dating

For chads, its Face>Height>Race>all else

for chadlite and betabux, Race>Height>Face>Money

for lower than that, women arent interested

Curry chads get less matches than white Chads in Tinder chadfishing experiments. That proves that Race is the most important thing for a foid.
This is simply not true.

A blue-eyed, blonde-hair cuck from Sweden will be seen as "whiter" than a guy from Spain even though both are classified as white.

Yes true. But a Nordic man is as white as the next Nordic man. Ie. There is a maximum limit to how white you can be and how much value it can add, just like height.

By contrast face and money are endless in how much value they can add. It's just exceedingly rare to be so beautiful or so rich your face or money can become that powerful.
Yes true. But a Nordic man is as white as the next Nordic man. Ie. There is a maximum limit to how white you can be and how much value it can add, just like height.

By contrast face and money are endless in how much value they can add. It's just exceedingly rare to be so beautiful or so rich your face or money can become that powerful.

Money matters less and less to Western foids. You honestly think Jack Ma (that 5'2 manlet rice billionaire) could outslay the average college Chad in America? Nah.

Even the affects of money on foids is limited by race - Russian oligarchs (who are white) have harems of hot girls while rich curries and rich ricecels have to make do with an ugly wife.

Jack Ma's wife:

Indian billionaire Anil Ambani's wife:

Compare that to...

Roman Abramovich's current wife (he dumped the previous ones when they got old and lost their prime-Stacey looks :lul:):

Of course everyone knows about Hugh Hefner. Don't even need to post a pic. You'll never see a Curry Hefner.

Money is indeed an enabler but it's only an enabler for whites.
This only proves the preferences of women in the context of betabuxxing

For sex and love (which is what we really care about) it's FACE > HEIGHT >>>>>>>> Everythig else
This only proves the preferences of women in the context of betabuxxing

For sex and love (which is what we really care about) it's FACE > HEIGHT >>>>>>>> Everythig else

Foids aren't capable of loving others.

They'll lust after the Chaddiest of Chads but the foid only loves one person: herself.
this "costs you x amount" only matters for LTRs and marriage.. none of those matters. only ONS do. jfl how have people not caught on that there's 2 types of guys getting pussy. the guys using up the prime young pussy and the guys purchasing the used up post prime pussy
Money matters less and less to Western foids. You honestly think Jack Ma (that 5'2 manlet rice billionaire) could outslay the average college Chad in America? Nah.

Even the affects of money on foids is limited by race - Russian oligarchs (who are white) have harems of hot girls while rich curries and rich ricecels have to make do with an ugly wife.

Jack Ma's wife:

Indian billionaire Anil Ambani's wife:

Compare that to...

Roman Abramovich's current wife (he dumped the previous ones when they got old and lost their prime-Stacey looks :lul:):

Of course everyone knows about Hugh Hefner. Don't even need to post a pic. You'll never see a Curry Hefner.

Money is indeed an enabler but it's only an enabler for whites.

You make a fair point and I generally agree that money and face are weak for most men, which is the whole point of this thread.

However, it is easy to find fat old billionaires with hot women:

Most of those billionaires are white, but it's a simple fact that most billionaires in general are white, and nonwhite ones (eg. Oil money, China) are more likely to have conservative values that don't include fucking half human half silicon porn star model sex dolls.

It's also true that money does not really make you directly attractive to women. Ie. If she just knows you're rich, but never gets to spend the money herself, there is zero value to it. So using money for getting women is essentially buying prostitution. But the thing is almost all women have a price. It might be high, but there is a monetary value almost every woman will fuck for. When you are literally a billionaire, you can meet this price for almost any woman you will ever meet should you choose to. So although it's not the same as having looks, money does have power, and the more you have, the more power you get. There is no limit to this.

Just for perspective, on sugar baby sites, most hot girls are willing to whore themselves on an ongoing basis for $3-5K/month. If you're a billionaire, you could literally buy every girl in your entire city and make a harem of them where you fuck a different one every day for life. This would beat even what Chads could accomplish in terms of sex with hot girls. The degree of "attraction" would be different, but the outcome (sex with hot girls who want to impress you) would be the same. So yeah, if he wanted, Jack Ma could fuck more hot prime foids in a year than any top Chad could with basically his pocket change.

I am not a money coper. I have consistently said the evidence shows money is least powerful. But when you are talking about billionaires it becomes a different ballgame, and that's my point. Face and money have no clear upper limit. The more you have, the more powerful you become. While height and race have a fixed upper value limit.

It's just almost impossible to have enough money or face for regular guys to outweigh the typically greater impact of height and race. More guys will consistently get filtered out of the dating market by their height and race first.
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Yes. As I said, "If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy."

Because: 437,000 + 62,500 = 499,500

Compensating with money for deficiencies in race/height is almost impossible. Compensating for a poor face is more feasible. A bottom 10% face only costs you $40,000 more than an average face. Of all the deficiencies, it is the best bargain. Though of course it's still harsh.

Women live for tall white guys. I have maybe met one or two dorky tall white guys who had trouble with women in my entire life. Every other tall white guy has gotten easy sex.

Being tall and white are the two most important things, and very expensive to try to compensate for. Almost impossible.
What do you consider tall?
What do you consider tall?

Personally I say 5'9"+. That's based on knowing two 7/10 white guys at this height who had women begging for their dicks everywhere they went.

Plus the average male height of Indian is 5'5.5" and China 5'6". America has an average male height of 5'9.5".

But I thinik women probably consider tall to be 5'10.5"+. Once you are above this height there isn't much value in one inch or another since you will be "tall enough" for most women and you have met that cutoff. A lot of guys who are 5'10" claim to be 6' and get away with it since many women can't even tell the difference.

Think of race and height as more like gates that can only open or close. Either you meet the cutoff or you don't. You're the right race or the wrong race. You're tall enough or you're too short. Open or closed. That's it.
The data refutes JBW!!! It shows that it is easier for a black man to get a white woman than for a white man to get a black woman. This means for each black man taking a white woman white men will have it hard to replace her with a black woman. Likewise all the muslims fucking white women can not be compensated for. White men cant get a muslim woman because their fathers and brothers would kill the white man and the woman and he is just a dirty kuffar in her mind anyway.

So the conclusion is: Blacks have all the black women plus more of the white women than whites have black women.

Its over for whitecels. JBN! Just be nigger!
White men don't want black women. I sure as hell don't.
Personally I say 5'9"+. That's based on knowing two 7/10 white guys at this height who had women begging for their dicks everywhere they went.

Plus the average male height of Indian is 5'5.5" and China 5'6". America has an average male height of 5'9.5".

But I thinik women probably consider tall to be 5'10.5"+. Once you are above this height there isn't much value in one inch or another since you will be "tall enough" for most women and you have met that cutoff. A lot of guys who are 5'10" claim to be 6' and get away with it since many women can't even tell the difference.

Think of race and height as more like gates that can only open or close. Either you meet the cutoff or you don't. You're the right race or the wrong race. You're tall enough or you're too short. Open or closed. That's it.
Lol, 5'9 is straight up short. Especially compared to males in the 18-24 age range.

I would say tall starts at 6'2. 6'4 is ideal male height IMO.
Lol, 5'9 is straight up short. Especially compared to males in the 18-24 age range.

I would say tall starts at 6'2. 6'4 is ideal male height IMO.

Yeah but that's because you're probably an autistic tall good looking white guy trying to cope with the fact that he's failing on easy mode due to mental illness. You don't need to do that. Autism has been proven to be enough of a reason to fail all by itself. We're past the point of discriminating against aspies on this site.

According to the actual statistics, 5'9" is taller than most men on earth, and it's only 0.5" below the American male average. From what I've seen it's enough to meet the cutoff for most women. Less than that you run into big problems though.
OR if you're an ugly 5'7 asian guy you can simply get limb lengthing surgery for 80k in US or 10K in China (to add 2-3 inches to your height) and plastic surgery for 20k and not have to be in the top 0.5%
OR if you're an ugly 5'7 asian guy you can simply get limb lengthing surgery for 80k in US or 10K in China (to add 2-3 inches to your height) and plastic surgery for 20k and not have to be in the top 0.5%

Legit option. It's worth the money. This analysis shows the value of those three inches will be $138K per year. So it would pay for itself in the first year.

- LL has a lot of risks and at least a few people are crippled every year on the leg lengthening forums from it. Their stories are horrifying.
- You have to be in a line of work where you can afford to take 6 months off (minimum) just to lie in bed and a wheelchair all day while doing this plus intense physiotherapy.
- It won't make your frame bigger, but this is a milder problem than the above two.

I've seriously thought about it but it's not realistic for me due to those issues.
Limb surgery isn't a legit option. There are long-term complications. Don't opt for it unless you want to be in a wheelchair in your 50's and beyond.
Limb surgery isn't a legit option. There are long-term complications. Don't opt for it unless you want to be in a wheelchair in your 50's and beyond.

Kind of funny what women push us into though huh?

"Well you can be alone forever or you can saw apart your legs, have metal rods implanted, stretch them apart over a few months, and hope the bones fuse back together okay and not in a bad alignment. You might get horrible arthritis later and you might be crippled for life, but at least then I might fuck you! LOL XD"

Every story I've read from a guy who's done it in the 5'4" to 5'7" starting range reports a dramatic improvement in their success with women after. Women are fucked. This world is fucked. As men, we are fucked.
Kind of funny what women push us into though huh?

"Well you can be alone forever or you can saw apart your legs, have metal rods implanted, stretch them apart over a few months, and hope the bones fuse back together okay and not in a bad alignment. You might get horrible arthritis later and you might be crippled for life, but at least then I might fuck you! LOL XD"

Every story I've read from a guy who's done it in the 5'4" to 5'7" starting range reports a dramatic improvement in their success with women after. Women are fucked. This world is fucked. As men, we are fucked.

I'm 6'1 and I'm still invisible to women. If height truly mattered I wouldn't be a virgin, kissless incel.

Funny thing is if you told the guys who got LL surgery to get jaw fillers/implants or a nose surgery or a hair transplant (all are more effective and economical and significantly less risky than LL) they'd refuse and say it's too risky or offer a thousand different excuses.

People opting for LL are legit mentalcels. I could understand opting for LL if all other areas of your life was maxed-out but there are legit balding, chinless numales on those LL forums.
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If height truly mattered I wouldn't be a virgin, kissless incel.

That's goldfish tier IQ and not how it works.

If you are autistic which is likely if you are 6'1", white, and "incel" then you have a 50% chance of remaining a virgin into your 30s. That doesn't mean being white doesn't matter or being tall doesn't matter. It just means being autistic matters more, which we know is true.
Limb surgery isn't a legit option. There are long-term complications. Don't opt for it unless you want to be in a wheelchair in your 50's and beyond.
A 5'2 midget would probably disagree with you.
That's goldfish tier IQ and not how it works.

If you are autistic which is likely if you are 6'1", white, and "incel" then you have a 50% chance of remaining a virgin into your 30s. That doesn't mean being white doesn't matter or being tall doesn't matter. It just means being autistic matters more, which we know is true.

Ethnic, not white.

If I was white I'd be living in the Philippines with my freelancing income and getting worshipped by noodlewhores in Manila right now.

Not an autist either.
A 5'2 midget would probably disagree with you.

That 5'2 midget would be better off facemaxxing first. Anyone who opts for LL over jaw surgery is a legit retard.
Ethnic, not white.

If I was white I'd be living in the Philippines with my freelancing income and getting worshipped by noodlewhores in Manila right now.

Not an autist either.

So then without knowing more about you, if you're not hideously deformed, and if you've actually made an effort with women and aren't just LARPing, you're likely being cut based on race.

Race and height are the first two gates. You have to get through both to be in contention. Race is #1. If that door is closed, then you don't even get to door #2 (height).
Ethnic, not white.

If I was white I'd be living in the Philippines with my freelancing income and getting worshipped by noodlewhores in Manila right now.

Not an autist either.

That 5'2 midget would be better off facemaxxing first. Anyone who opts for LL over jaw surgery is a legit retard.
Never said that, obviously you gotta improve other areas first, LL is a last resort if all else fails.
So then without knowing more about you, if you're not hideously deformed, and if you've actually made an effort with women and aren't just LARPing, you're likely being cut based on race.

Race and height are the first two gates. You have to get through both to be in contention. Race is #1. If that door is closed, then you don't even get to door #2 (height).

I have tried a lot. All I've got is rejection. Even @uninstall got 2 dates, I got none.

Still clinging to hope that Europe's better for ethnics. In a few years when I have better finances I'll tour the entire continent to see for myself...
society is what conditions scientific results. that's the reason for the figures.
Bizarre study.

The fact that income is even used as a metric here proves the focus on cuxbuxing. No 20 y/o cock carousel slut cares how much money anybody makes. Trying to reduce income vs. looks to a nice, clean compensatory model is of course going to give ridiculous results that amplify in actuality fairly subtle differences observed within physical parameters like height, because income is such a weakly selected attribute, even for cuxbux, which the authors themselves show:

Explanatory Power of Different User Attribute Categories for First-Contact E-mails Received

Income 0.07 (M) 0.04 (F)

It scarcely matters more for men than it does for foids!

The conclusions of this study are ultimately anchored on the specious redpill "women love money" cope.

Just take a step back. Do you think that every 6'2" man that cuxbuxes a whore actually has, on average, $30,000 more than a 6'4" man because he somehow needs it? That every @FiveFourManlet cuxbuxer has at least $221,000 of annual income while a 6' man can get away with having nothing? It's a ridiculous model.

Again, the differences are large exactly because money barely matters at all. What this tells you, at most, is that jobmaxing is probably functionally useless if you're trying to compensate for even a minor defect.

Nobody would be failing at all if it were truly guaranteed "easy mode".

Personally I say 5'9"+. That's based on knowing two 7/10 white guys at this height who had women begging for their dicks everywhere they went.

So which is it? Every single passable-looking White man of decent height has tons of women begging for their cocks, or that, as you said yesterday, "no one actually does that". Do foids have hypersensitive autism-detectors that keep them from even looking at me? Where are all my "opportunities" on "easy mode" for me to ruin? These histrionics aren't going to help you spread the "racepill" when you prevaricate and fabricate falsehoods.

Ethnics do not have a monopoly on "true" inceldom. Obsessive "racepillers" are doing nothing but trying to give their particular breed of suffering preeminent status within the community. Plenty of Whites here get just as much female attention as any Ethnic here (i.e. none). If you want your issues understood, stop trying to pin them on other incels who have nothing to do with them.

Inceldom is only going to spread as a "big tent" idea, not a racially exclusive wound-digging club.
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Bizarre study.

The fact that income is even used as a metric here proves the focus on cuxbuxing. No 20 y/o cock carousel slut cares how much money anybody makes. Trying to reduce income vs. looks to a nice, clean compensatory model is of course going to give ridiculous results that amplify in actuality fairly subtle differences observed within physical parameters like height, because income is such a weakly selected attribute, even for cuxbux, which the authors themselves show:

Explanatory Power of Different User Attribute Categories for First-Contact E-mails Received

Income 0.07 (M) 0.04 (F)

It scarcely matters more for men than it does for foids!

The conclusions of this study are ultimately anchored on the specious redpill "women love money" cope.

Just take a step back. Do you think that every 6'2" man that cuxbuxes a whore actually has, on average, $30,000 more than a 6'4" man because he somehow needs it? That every @FiveFourManlet cuxbuxer has at least $221,000 of annual income while a 6' man can get away with having nothing? It's a ridiculous model.

Again, the differences are large exactly because money barely matters at all. What this tells you, at most, is that jobmaxing is probably functionally useless if you're trying to compensate for even a minor defect.

Nobody would be failing at all if it were truly guaranteed "easy mode".

So which is it? Every single passable-looking White man of decent height has tons of women begging for their cocks, or that, as you said yesterday, "no one actually does that". Do foids have hypersensitive autism-detectors that keep them from even looking at me? Where are all my "opportunities" on "easy mode" for me to ruin? These histrionics aren't going to help you spread the "racepill" when you prevaricate and fabricate falsehoods.

Ethnics do not have a monopoly on "true" inceldom. Obsessive "racepillers" are doing nothing but trying to give their particular breed of suffering preeminent status within the community. Plenty of Whites here get just as much female attention as any Ethnic here (i.e. none). If you want your issues understood, stop trying to pin them on other incels who have nothing to do with them.

Inceldom is only going to spread as a "big tent" idea, not a racially exclusive wound-digging club.
So which is it? Every single passable-looking White man of decent height has tons of women begging for their cocks, or that, as you said yesterday, "no one actually does that".

Those guys were 5'9", white, and 7/10. Not many men are 7/10. They were also pretty maxed out. One was wealthy with a fancy job title and dressed stylishly. He had 300+ matches on Tinder and could date as much as he wanted. The other was ripped at 5'9" and only 150 lb but less than 10% body fat so he was just solid muscle. He had hundreds of matches on Tinder also, and I witnessed girls feeling him up and licking his neck in a nightclub randomly for myself.

A 5/10 5'9" white man won't get either of these experiences.

And certainly a 5/10 5'9" ethnic man won't get either of these. A 7/10 ethnic 5'9" man won't experience these things either. As an ethnic to get that kind of treatment, you'd probably have to be 6', ripped, 7+/10, and rich. I say "probably" because I've never met an ethnic man who experiences those things in any circumstance, so I don't actually know if it's even possible at all.

All the guys I've met who have significant success with women have been white, 6-7+/10, and 5'9"+.
Brutal racepill
Those guys were 5'9", white, and 7/10. Not many men are 7/10. They were also pretty maxed out. One was wealthy with a fancy job title and dressed stylishly. He had 300+ matches on Tinder and could date as much as he wanted. The other was ripped at 5'9" and only 150 lb but less than 10% body fat so he was just solid muscle. He had hundreds of matches on Tinder also, and I witnessed girls feeling him up and licking his neck in a nightclub randomly for myself.

A 5/10 5'9" white man won't get either of these experiences.

And certainly a 5/10 5'9" ethnic man won't get either of these. A 7/10 ethnic 5'9" man won't experience these things either. As an ethnic to get that kind of treatment, you'd probably have to be 6', ripped, 7+/10, and rich.

Sounds reasonable, but this is rather an instance of JBWGLLMNTHS Theory (Just Be White, Good-Looking, Looksmaxed, Neurotypical, High Status), then.

The issue I take with JBW is that almost all Western foids treat almost all men - inclusive of White men - as disposable and worthless. If the difference between the average Ethnic and the average White is being considered a pile of shit versus a pile of shit given a spritz of air freshener, it's not much of difference.

"Easy mode" only applies to those for whom it is easy, i.e. very few even if this narrow sliver contains relatively more Whites than Ethnics.

I say "probably" because I've never met an ethnic man who experiences those things in any circumstance, so I don't actually know if it's even possible at all.

To be honest, I've never met anyone who experiences anything close to that, but I also don't visit clubs because I definitely wouldn't be able to operate in that kind of environment.

From what I've seen in more regular environments, Ethnic foids tend to be as terse and cunty with mid-tier White men as they are with their own. A couple of weeks ago, I even saw a 5/10 dadbod White try to cold approach a 6/10 Viet chick and get coldly ignored.
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Sounds reasonable, but this is rather an instance of JBWGLLMNTHS Theory (Just Be White, Good-Looking, Looksmaxed, Neurotypical, High Status), then.

The issue I take with JBW is that almost all Western foids treat almost all men - inclusive of White men - as disposable and worthless. If the difference between the average Ethnic and the average White is being considered a pile of shit versus a pile of shit given a spritz of air freshener, it's not much of difference.

"Easy mode" only applies to those for whom it is easy, i.e. very few even if this narrow sliver contains relatively more Whites than Ethnics.

To be honest, I've never met anyone who experiences anything close to that, but I also don't visit clubs because I definitely wouldn't be able to operate in that kind of environment.

From what I've seen in more regular environments, Ethnic foids tend to be as terse and cunty with mid-tier White men as they are with their own. A couple of weeks ago, I even saw a 5/10 dadbod White try to cold approach a 6/10 Viet chick and get coldly ignored.


I've seen 5/10 curry chicks treat their racial looksmatch like dirt while treating 3/10 whites with reverence.

I guess it's settled then.

I've seen 5/10 curry chicks treat their racial looksmatch like dirt while treating 3/10 whites with reverence.

Interesting. I haven't. Who's right?

I'd have to be an obvious Joseph Merrick-tier 1/10, because Ethnic foids have never treated me, as a tall, fit White man with stable employment, good posture, and proper grooming, with "reverence".
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The next time I see another JBW denier start talking about how being white doesn't matter, I want you to remember: your white skin alone is worth $247,000 per year to white women (and $271,000 per year to Asian women) so shut the fuck up.
What if I am white and 5’4??
What if I am white and 5’4??

The difference from 5'4" to 5'11" is worth $221,000 per year. So being 5'4" is still less damaging than being an Asian man. Though I would suggest given how close the expense is, you probably have a fair idea of what it's like to be about as undesirable as an Asian men.
The difference from 5'4" to 5'11" is worth $221,000 per year. So this is still significantly less damaging than being an Asian man. Though I would suggest given how close the expense is, you probably have a fair idea on that basis of what it's like to be as undesirable as an Asian men.
So my face is rendered useless due to my height?
So my face is rendered useless due to my height?

Tally up your total charge from the height/race/face price charts. You're going to be deep in the hole with your height, even if your race/face give you a boost. There is a $221K charge on your height alone.

I am deep in the hole too with my height/race/face.

It's not exactly that one thing renders another thing useless. It's that women will penalize you for everything and give you very few positive points for anything you do or have to make up for it.

They all want the same man, and the farther you are from it, the more you are made to suffer.

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