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Blackpill SCIENTIFIC PROOF that the order of importance is: Race > Height > Face > Money

Race > Height > Face > Money

- Being Asian costs you $247,000 extra per year compared to a white guy.
- Being 5'7" costs you $150,000 extra compared to a 5'11" guy, or $180,000 compared to a 6'2" guy.
- Being bottom 10% facially costs you $40,000 extra compared to an average guy or $186,000 compared to a top 10% guy.

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest 10% of men up to the performance of the top 10% most handsome men.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.

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I agree in terms of general success in life. But in terms of fucking foids it's

For men more than 2" below the average height: Face > height > race > frame > money

For very short men, face means shit compared to 1" of height so then it's Height > face > ...

Otherwise: Face > race > height > frame > money
So the race pill is that if you are white you are more likely to betabux.

If you were an ugly ethnic and you had one wish to become what you wanted, what would you chose, be white and ugly, or be an ethic Chad?
Race > everything. Cant believe there are so many copers here that deny that.
will this finally shut up all the JBW deniers I've been seeing a lot lately?
If race mattered, whitecels wouldn't exist!
The data refutes JBW!!! It shows that it is easier for a black man to get a white woman than for a white man to get a black woman. This means for each black man taking a white woman white men will have it hard to replace her with a black woman. Likewise all the muslims fucking white women can not be compensated for. White men cant get a muslim woman because their fathers and brothers would kill the white man and the woman and he is just a dirty kuffar in her mind anyway.

So the conclusion is: Blacks have all the black women plus more of the white women than whites have black women.

Its over for whitecels. JBN! Just be nigger!
What about be fat?. That is the worst of all.
Just bleach your skin, become 6ft, a multimillionaire and chase after Asian girls theory

Shkreli had a new flock of young foids trying to get with him, every single day.
So again, you have to be 5+ or normie-tier, and be notoriously rich.
Did he?? All the comments I saw were calling him a dirty weasel.
My favorite part is how an average guy and a bottom 10% guy are almost the same (only 40k difference). What really matters is being a top 10% guy (140k difference from average guy). This is exactly what blackpill theory says.
White 6'7" 7"x5.5" socially inept retard reporting in. Believe me, if you have a good job and know how to socialize you will mog me even with a 4" ethnic dick
What is the source for this study?
Low IQ
Race and face is correlated though
The average white guy is most likely better looking than the average Asian guy.
It is better to be 5'2'' white than 5'10'' asian. Race > 8 inches of height.

This has to be some of the most low IQ shit I have heard recently. At 5'2'' even if you look like Brad Pitt, good luck getting women.
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I agree with all except the race part. The race part isn't inherently due to racial stereotypes but it more links back to the face part. East and South Asians tend to not have so great faces. The average white guy is better looking than every other race hence why white men are more desired.

There needs to be a study that compares it with looks being a control. For example, taking a 7/10PSL Asian guy with a 7/10PSL curry guy, 7/10PSL white guy, and so forth.

@Opus132 See this comment since you were speaking about whether you'd want to be an ugly white guy vs an ethnic chad.
This has to be some of the most low IQ shit I have heard recently. At 5'2'' even if you look like Brad Pitt, good luck getting women.

Nah, 5'2" Brad Pitt would get SOME women. Stacies too.
I'll read through this and provide an objective analysis later today. Maybe.
Race > Height > Face > Money

- Being Asian costs you $247,000 extra per year compared to a white guy.
- Being 5'7" costs you $150,000 extra compared to a 5'11" guy, or $180,000 compared to a 6'2" guy.
- Being bottom 10% facially costs you $40,000 extra compared to an average guy or $186,000 compared to a top 10% guy.

1) Race

As noted, it costs an extra $247,000 for an Asian man to date a white girl. It costs an extra $154,000 for a black man to date a white girl.

On the other hand, white men can make up to $24,000 less to be considered equally attractive to Asian women. ie. Asian women will accept poor white men over average income Asians.

2) Height

At extremely low male height (eg. 5'0"), height becomes more important than even race, but for more moderate cases of shortness (eg. 5'6"), race is still more important. A 5'6" man must make an extra $175,000 to match a 5'11" guy.

3) Face

The maximum cost of facial ugliness is $186,000, and that's for a bottom 10% guy to match a top 10% guy. ie. To bring the ugliest man up to the performance of the best male model.

4) Money
If we tally up the cost, then we find being an ugly 5'7" Asian will then cost you an extra $437,000 income per year. ie. You need to make $499,500 annual income to match the attractiveness of an average white guy.

In America, this income represents the top 0.5%.

So the only way money can compensate for being physically unattractive is if you are in the top 0.5%, and this is just enough to bring you back to equal to an average white guy.

It still isn't enough to make you actually attractive, and you need to find a way to make sure girls know about the money for it to even matter in the first place.

So again, we can see the hierarchy is Race > Height > Face > Money.


Very thorough study from reputable sources. I still need to read through all 60 something pages, but so far the main caveat I can find is the sample size. The data was taken from just two cities in USA, of which 75% of the population was themselves white. This fails to control for a variety of factors, but most notably, the prevailing cultural influence and even expectations within the region. Nevertheless, the findings seem to be rather conclusive. Damn, so I need to be earning an extra $300-350k just to be on the level of a 5'10, 6-7/10 normie..
Its over for me, im an Asiancel and Heightcel, Asian women despise their own men
Yep, currycels aren't even on the radar. Even $1Billion wouldn't be enough for a Stacy to fuck a curry.


Every white is a Chad in the eyes of ethnic foids.


be looking more for money because they want someone to provide for them - online dating is rife with golddiggers.

They said the same about black guys doing shitty in the okcupid stats, then countless tinder experiments showed black guys getting crushed and only matching with low tier girls, even the handsome GQ model black guy.
I agree with all except the race part. The race part isn't inherently due to racial stereotypes but it more links back to the face part. East and South Asians tend to not have so great faces. The average white guy is better looking than every other race hence why white men are more desired.

There needs to be a study that compares it with looks being a control. For example, taking a 7/10PSL Asian guy with a 7/10PSL curry guy, 7/10PSL white guy, and so forth.

@Opus132 See this comment since you were speaking about whether you'd want to be an ugly white guy vs an ethnic chad.

Nah, 5'2" Brad Pitt would get SOME women. Stacies too.

agree. they need to compare different races with the same looks rating.
Nah, 5'2" Brad Pitt would get SOME women. Stacies too.
Pentacope. It's over for him, maybe he can try run JBW in subhuman manlet country shithole, but that's it.
@SergeantIncel Pin this.
Although I can't believe that being a turbo manlet is worse than being deformed. It gotta be exponentially higher for the bottom .0001% of faces.
It's not like I did an experiment with a 5'2 guy and he could have sex with a 4.5/10 femoid only on 2nd day of tinder. This is just bullshit. No way a deformed/10 guy would get laid on tinder. Ive said this before and i will say this again. Tinder experiments aka irl > studies
It's not like I did an experiment with a 5'2 guy and he could have sex with a 4.5/10 femoid only on 2nd day of tinder. This is just bullshit. No way a deformed/10 guy would get laid on tinder. Ive said this before and i will say this again. Tinder experiments aka irl > studies

The problem with Tinder is that it puts you in direct competition with many high tier attractive ppl (especially if you live in a big city). This brings the psychological phenomenon of marketing known as the 'contrast' principle into full effect, whereby ppl of average to above average physically attractiveness are seen as much less attractive when placed immediately next to those in the top decile of attractiveness (the example I've seen used is how prices seem more reasonable when they've been marked down and you can still see the original 'high' price, or how getting in a pool of like warm water feels hot when the air outside is cold, or cold when the outside air is hot).

To make matters worse, it puts you in a competition where looks are the ONLY thing that matters. And when looks are not your strongest attribute, and you're pitted directly against those for whom it is, how can you expect to score any points? That's like joining UFC with only boxing training and expecting to tapout a BJJ black belt.

No. The thing to do, if you can conceivably get yourself in the 4-6 range of attractiveness, is get out in the real world where you're not literally standing in a meat market next Chad, and max out the other skills and attributes that 'could' make you attractive to her in that moment.

TLDR; If you're not at least a 7/10, then don't go head to head against Chad in a looks fight. Tinder is for Chad and Chad lite. Instead, get out in the real world where it's just you and her, and the contrast principle isn't working against you, and flex ALL of your positive attributes, not just looks.
The problem with Tinder is that it puts you in direct competition with many high tier attractive ppl (especially if you live in a big city). This brings the psychological phenomenon of marketing known as the 'contrast' principle into full effect, whereby ppl of average to above average physically attractiveness are seen as much less attractive when placed immediately next to those in the top decile of attractiveness (the example I've seen used is how prices seem more reasonable when they've been marked down and you can still see the original 'high' price, or how getting in a pool of like warm water feels hot when the air outside is cold, or cold when the outside air is hot).

To make matters worse, it puts you in a competition where looks are the ONLY thing that matters. And when looks are not your strongest attribute, and you're pitted directly against those for whom it is, how can you expect to score any points? That's like joining UFC with only boxing training and expecting to tapout a BJJ black belt.

No. The thing to do, if you can conceivably get yourself in the 4-6 range of attractiveness, is get out in the real world where you're not literally standing in a meat market next Chad, and max out the other skills and attributes that 'could' make you attractive to her in that moment.

TLDR; If you're not at least a 7/10, then don't go head to head against Chad in a looks fight. Tinder is for Chad and Chad lite. Instead, get out in the real world where it's just you and her, and the contrast principle isn't working against you, and flex ALL of your positive attributes, not just looks.
blickpall that's you?
The problem with Tinder is that it puts you in direct competition with many high tier attractive ppl (especially if you live in a big city). This brings the psychological phenomenon of marketing known as the 'contrast' principle into full effect, whereby ppl of average to above average physically attractiveness are seen as much less attractive when placed immediately next to those in the top decile of attractiveness (the example I've seen used is how prices seem more reasonable when they've been marked down and you can still see the original 'high' price, or how getting in a pool of like warm water feels hot when the air outside is cold, or cold when the outside air is hot).

To make matters worse, it puts you in a competition where looks are the ONLY thing that matters. And when looks are not your strongest attribute, and you're pitted directly against those for whom it is, how can you expect to score any points? That's like joining UFC with only boxing training and expecting to tapout a BJJ black belt.

No. The thing to do, if you can conceivably get yourself in the 4-6 range of attractiveness, is get out in the real world where you're not literally standing in a meat market next Chad, and max out the other skills and attributes that 'could' make you attractive to her in that moment.

TLDR; If you're not at least a 7/10, then don't go head to head against Chad in a looks fight. Tinder is for Chad and Chad lite. Instead, get out in the real world where it's just you and her, and the contrast principle isn't working against you, and flex ALL of your positive attributes, not just looks.

It's really really hard to do this. The problem you're not mentioning is that now in the current age, every woman still knows what she can get online.

Before there was this online phenomenon women only had access to the men who actively hit on them, which was very few. So you were only being compared to the 0-4 other guys that hit on her that week. There was more scarcity. Many men are too chicken to hit on a girl. This artificially deflated the market in a good way.

Now you are always competing against every guy on Tinder. Because every woman knows those guys are waiting for her if she just pulls out her phone. And now she can have those guys without waiting for them to hit on her.

Its broken the system completely for men. The closest i've come to any place where you get an opportunity to succeed if you have other positive attributes is speed dating. It's the only place i got a date from in the past few years. It cost $40 and 3 hours of investment. The girl i got a date with was a chubby 3-4/10 and i wasn't interested. Couldn't have gotten hard if i tried. But it felt great to get one date even.

Whereas i have spent hundreds of dollars on online dating memberships and probably more than 100 hours taking pictures of myself and messaging hundreds of girls online with absolutely no dates from that and very few replies of any kind.

I think it's all gotten pretty damn hard. The bottom 50% of men are now all fighting amongst ourselves for scraps. Whereas before if you were brave or willing to put the time in you could stand out by effort or guts alone. Online dating has made it too easy for women to have endless access to top men. It's never going back and there will be no way around it.
It's really really hard to do this. The problem you're not mentioning is that now in the current age, every woman still knows what she can get online.

Before there was this online phenomenon women only had access to the men who actively hit on them, which was very few. So you were only being compared to the 0-4 other guys that hit on her that week. There was more scarcity. Many men are too chicken to hit on a girl. This artificially deflated the market in a good way.

Now you are always competing against every guy on Tinder. Because every woman knows those guys are waiting for her if she just pulls out her phone. And now she can have those guys without waiting for them to hit on her.

Its broken the system completely for men. The closest i've come to any place where you get an opportunity to succeed if you have other positive attributes is speed dating. It's the only place i got a date from in the past few years. It cost $40 and 3 hours of investment. The girl i got a date with was a chubby 3-4/10 and i wasn't interested. Couldn't have gotten hard if i tried. But it felt great to get one date even.

Whereas i have spent hundreds of dollars on online dating memberships and probably more than 100 hours taking pictures of myself and messaging hundreds of girls online with absolutely no dates from that and very few replies of any kind.

I think it's all gotten pretty damn hard. The bottom 50% of men are now all fighting amongst ourselves for scraps. Whereas before if you were brave or willing to put the time in you could stand out by effort or guts alone. Online dating has made it too easy for women to have endless access to top men. It's never going back and there will be no way around it.

Best, most cogent explanation of the problem of the online dating and 'fast-food' era of the sexual marketplace. This ease of access, high supply, and low demand problem in a free market economy, combined with the total liberation of the 'buyer' (the females are the ones who do the selecting, making them the buyer.. an inherently more powerful position), has created a power imbalance within the dynamic beyond calculation.

That being said, there are only so many men in the top tenth of a decile, or even top decile for that matter, and since they can have their pick of whoever they want.. the truth is that females are facing a supply/ demand problem too (though not as extreme as males by any stretch). In other words, if Chad have have Stacey and Stacey lite, then they won't settle for anything less. Meaning that there's a considerable population of femoids in the 4-6.5 range that actually can't 'have' Chad.. they just 'believe' they can due to advertising, social media, and online dating apps etc (basically the cinderalla dream).
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Has anyone considered that some races might just have better personalities?

Teehee :heart:
One missing criteria: cost of having receding hairline when you are younger than 30.

Get on finasteride/dutasteride and minoxidil asap.
Does rogaine actually work when hairline is receding? I've heard it works for crown cases, but results are barely effective for hairline, for some reason.
Does rogaine actually work when hairline is receding? I've heard it works for crown cases, but results are barely effective for hairline, for some reason.

Everything is barely effective for hairline. Hairline is tough as fuck to preserve. Get on the drugs and minoxidil asap to save whatever you can, and transplant later what you couldn't save. Baldness = sexual death, literally, unless you are The Rock or Vin Diesel or Statham. So don't fuck around with it. Take it seriously and do whatever you can.
why is this shit pinned? the mods on here are getting so much more fucking retarded, they claim to not like racebait but then pin a post that condemns white incels. Jfl

Do you want facts censored?
Do you want facts censored?
Alot of whitecels don't want to acknowledge when it comes to the dating scene, they're by far the most desirable.
They'll cope by saying "but but but... she just wants chads and chadlites not me".
An ethnic indian guy has to be chadpreetlite to have the same SMV as a lower tier normie white guy.
And even if the white guy is a legit 3/10 with no SMV he has the option of travelling anywhere in the world to be treated like a walking god JUST cause of his skin colour.
Ethnics don't have this luxury at all, especially indians/asians.

Blacks have the caveat of "being thug/sounding black and having BBC" but their SMV drops to curry level if they don't have/do all three of those.

If you take the world world into account and not just the west, 95% of white incels here have infinitely more SMV than any chadpreet indian or asian.
Girls will literally climb over Tyrone-Lite and his 8 inch BBC and Chadpreet-lite to get to one of the white incels here.
Alot of whitecels don't want to acknowledge when it comes to the dating scene, they're by far the most desirable.
They'll cope by saying "but but but... she just wants chads and chadlites not me".
An ethnic indian guy has to be chadpreetlite to have the same SMV as a lower tier normie white guy.
And even if the white guy is a legit 3/10 with no SMV he has the option of travelling anywhere in the world to be treated like a walking god JUST cause of his skin colour.
Ethnics don't have this luxury at all, especially indians/asians.

Blacks have the caveat of "being thug/sounding black and having BBC" but their SMV drops to curry level if they don't have/do all three of those.

If you take the world world into account and not just the west, 95% of white incels here have infinitely more SMV than any chadpreet indian or asian.
Girls will literally climb over Tyrone-Lite and his 8 inch BBC and Chadpreet-lite to get to one of the white incels here.
wrist size not even listed. That's how you know that the research is fake
wrist size not even listed. That's how you know that the research is fake
Linked the image in the other post showing that 1st percentile wrist size is 6.2 inches which is monumentally bigger than my wrists.
Go troll on the other thread, stop muddying up this thread with your saltiness.
Linked the image in the other post showing that 1st percentile wrist size is 6.2 inches which is monumentally bigger than my wrists.
Go troll on the other thread, stop muddying up this thread with your saltiness.
Wristsize > 6"=fakecel tbh
Wristsize > 6"=fakecel tbh
If your wrist size is atleast minimally proportional to your height, then your wrist size is indeed minimally important to your SMV.
AKA if you have 6 inch wrists at 6ft it's a non issue, that gives you a ratio of 0.833 which is less than 1st percentile but it's somewhat salvageable.
Even wrists my size are salvageable if accompanied by wide shoulders/narrow hips tbh.
But they're not.
Narrow shoulders/Wide hips and tiny wrists

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