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Story My year of normalfagmaxxing

bars put up even more barriers between you and the foid

simp beta cuck bartenders can literally kick you out if you upset any foids for any reason...
society and globohomo are doing their best to make it almost impossible for non-chads to get with foids
This is not true in my experience. If you don't grope women and take obvious hints they want to move the fuck away from you you'll be fine in big majority of places. The issue is participation rate of these women in bars. It's abysmal.
And it makes sense, it's full of fat ugly old men and smells like piss and tobacco. It's just better to sit on your phone at home.
well they are both done with college now and in long term relationship. Myb culturally its dierrent here than in USA. High school social circles are CRUCIAL ASF here. In my uni everyone came with already set up friend groups and social lives from high school days. Already now in uni most women are impenetrable socially. Most men in my uni group are totally invisible to women bcs they dont fucking need them. Nobody came to make friends tbh most of them
Brutal ,even freshman year is hard.
Of course average people get laid. Chad isn't omnipresent force taking all women. What kind of women do they get laid with though? How often? How much of them getting laid is them telling you stories? The normie that tells you about his sexual conquest just fucked a drunk fat chick once a year.
eh...i agree with him, many here genuine believe in 10%-90% but truth is that...it isn't true ? incels here completely forget that 8/10 and above men aren't common, seriously if you are 5/10 tallfag with NT you will maybe bit struggle but you will likely succed in the end
many here forget that in ltr and marriage humans mate with individuals with certain similiar characteristics like height, race, personality and looks too
of course you can in many ways 'cheat a system' like being born in rich family. There aren't simply enough a chads to begin with.
@Transcended Trucel
eh...i agree with him, many here genuine believe in 10%-90% but truth is that...it isn't true ? incels here completely forget that 8/10 and above men aren't common, seriously if you are 5/10 tallfag with NT you will maybe bit struggle but you will likely succed in the end
many here forget that in ltr and marriage humans mate with individuals with certain similiar characteristics like height, race, personality and looks too
of course you can in many ways 'cheat a system' like being born in rich family. There aren't simply enough a chads to begin with.
@Transcended Trucel
yup tons of non perfect men get laid. most 5/10s average height and above and NT, Can almost always get laid within a few months. Sadly us trucels are too far below to compete though.
eh...i agree with him, many here genuine believe in 10%-90% but truth is that...it isn't true ? incels here completely forget that 8/10 and above men aren't common, seriously if you are 5/10 tallfag with NT you will maybe bit struggle but you will likely succed in the end
many here forget that in ltr and marriage humans mate with individuals with certain similiar characteristics like height, race, personality and looks too
of course you can in many ways 'cheat a system' like being born in rich family. There aren't simply enough a chads to begin with.
@Transcended Trucel
Yeah, average guy will have few relationships, few hookups and then marry a girl that has x2, x3 his body count. Chads, even chadlites are rare, especially in poorer places.
The part where every woman being taken is so fucking brutally true.

I swear I can count on my hand the amount of single women ive met for the past 10+ years. And the ones that were """single""" were """single""" simply because they didnt want to settle and were just happy fucking the same few guys on a regular basis.

It's maddening how every single woman is taken yet tons of guys are alone/single. It just doesnt add up. Makes me think chads are just polygamymaxxin

Either way whether they're taken or not it doesnt make a difference if you're a truecel. But it makes me think that even if i ascend through surgeries to a normie level it's still beyond over at my wizard age
Love this thread. Not even depressing. Just real life.
Yeah, average guy will have few relationships, few hookups and then marry a girl that has x2, x3 his body count. Chads, even chadlites are rare, especially in poorer places.
Absolutely true. My friend's girlfriends all bodycount mog their boyfriends. We played a game similar to dare and more than half the women admitted to having one nights stands. Women that were kinda dumpy with nothing going for them.
Imagine what kind of dynamic that sets up. Imagine you get a girlfriend and she fucked 10 guys before you. Assuming she's picking guys at random(this never happens) there's a significant chance she was with somebody that you can't compare to. And if we're being realistic, she probably fucked somebody already that gave her the most mind-blowing orgasm in her life that she will remember fondly until she's a shriveled up smelly cunt.
Love this thread. Not even depressing. Just real life.
I try to have a sober outlook. Being in hysterics over imaginary things is not doing anybody favours.
Absolutely true. My friend's girlfriends all bodycount mog their boyfriends. We played a game similar to dare and more than half the women admitted to having one nights stands. Women that were kinda dumpy with nothing going for them.
Imagine what kind of dynamic that sets up. Imagine you get a girlfriend and she fucked 10 guys before you. Assuming she's picking guys at random(this never happens) there's a significant chance she was with somebody that you can't compare to. And if we're being realistic, she probably fucked somebody already that gave her the most mind-blowing orgasm in her life that she will remember fondly until she's a shriveled up smelly cunt.

I try to have a sober outlook. Being in hysterics over imaginary things is not doing anybody favours.
Average foid sex experience mogs even Chads, it takes zero effort for them to get it or in relationship.
Trying to live like a normalfag always ended in a disaster for me, when normies joked with me, it felt more like insulting, when they were having fun, I felt like I was in the wrong place, never even had fun myself. Their humor, their thoughts, their conversations, it was just so uninteresting anD bluepilling to me that it was making me nauseous. I looked so out of place among them that thoughts of suicide never left me at that moment.
Absolutely true. My friend's girlfriends all bodycount mog their boyfriends. We played a game similar to dare and more than half the women admitted to having one nights stands. Women that were kinda dumpy with nothing going for them.
Imagine what kind of dynamic that sets up. Imagine you get a girlfriend and she fucked 10 guys before you. Assuming she's picking guys at random(this never happens) there's a significant chance she was with somebody that you can't compare to. And if we're being realistic, she probably fucked somebody already that gave her the most mind-blowing orgasm in her life that she will remember fondly until she's a shriveled up smelly cunt.

I try to have a sober outlook. Being in hysterics over imaginary things is not doing anybody favours.
really intelligent post on how demographics explains dating dynamics, but honestly as a younger guy its impossible to get girls even in social settings where male to female ratio is 2:1 or more, since ive been ntmaxxing ive been out to lots of events where the rule is meet ratio or pay and even in rooms full of young single women 16-19 it isnt much better

the way it really just is is all the girls either talk to 4-5 guys at the events in groups or they end up making out with eachother, rarely theyll talk to an avg guy and anyone incel tier gets nothing - you just can’t succeed at all. maybe im just not in a place to meet classy women though

must be so much fucking worse when you get older though. im soon to be 18 and already feel despair
The demographic pill is brutal. Most of females are taken, and the ones that are not are likely to have been on double digit body count and the singlehood is just a temporary 2 weeks state.
spiting facts all over the place.
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Soyciety needs to fall for any meaningful change to happen.
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

People outside of us sees us as a sub human being. Dont fall for the faggifacation.
Great post, perceptive and succinctly explained.

What you described was exactly my experience of late 20s/ early 30s... there are a lot of women in the corporate world, but none of them are single, or if they are, they certainly don't want your truecel ass finding out about that and getting ideas above your station in life as an uggo.

And the single women in that age group are the absolute elite of the dating and sex marketplace. Legendary armor, legendary weapons, speech 100, sneak 100. They are absolute pros, they've seen it all, had it all, done it all. More times than they can remember. And they know it.

Whereas you.....
YOU are some grotesque, laughable noob in fur bracers and a hide helmet, with no perk points in any skill, frequently hitting sprint when you meant to tap crouch, who hardly landed a blow and basically watched Ralof as he more or less fought his way out of Helgen Keep on his own. Of course Serana doesn't want your phone number or your dick. And nor does Uthgerd the Ugly, any of the hagravens, the college nerd who can't cast spells properly, or even an Orc.

My employers are a company that doesn't go out and party often, but when they do they hit the drink hard. I know pubs and bars must be where the hookup culture happens, because practically everyone I know has an endless supply of stories about their experiences in it. But your mix of below-average looks and below-average game, renders you a background NPC in that environment. Most of the women there aren't single, and of the few that might be single, they came out looking for a good time and that's SO not you.

So I've come to see boozy nights in town with the work crew as cheap drinks at best and potential suifuel at worst. Just an in-my-face reminder of everything that I can't do and won't have. So I play along, enough to hopefully seem not unfriendly and not anti-social. But the minute it starts looking like a suifuel environment, I go around the table and slap my boys on the back and take my leave.

Examples of a suifuel environment might include:

● Female colleagues talking about desirable men;

● Couples making out and grinding in public;

● My Chadlite colleagues settling in for what is obviously going to be an extended discussion of their ONS and hookup successes;

● Waitresses, bar chicks or general public foids obviously flirting with my Chadlite colleagues.

Once shit like that starts to get you down, nothing else good is going to come of the evening, so you might as well go home to your copes, and get the blackpills and the untouchable pretty things out of your face.
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This is what I’ve been saying and why Reddit advice is useless. What I don’t get is how every 30+ year old fucker I see has a wife. I see plenty of single guys in their 20’s. I thought betabuxxing was a meme these days but I guess foids are still getting desperate in their 30’s and start coming out of the woodwork Iike cockroaches.
Great post, perceptive and succinctly explained.

What you described was exactly my experience of late 20s/ early 30s... there are a lot of women in the corporate world, but none of them are single, or if they are, they certainly don't want your truecel ass finding out about that and getting ideas above your station in life as an uggo.

And the single women in that age group are the absolute elite of the dating and sex marketplace. Legendary armor, legendary weapons, speech 100, sneak 100. They are absolute pros, they've seen it all, had it all, done it all. More times than they can remember. And they know it.

Whereas you.....
YOU are some grotesque, laughable noob in fur bracers and a hide helmet, with no perk points in any skill, frequently hitting sprint when you meant to tap crouch, who hardly landed a blow and basically watched Ralof as he more or less fought his way out of Helgen Keep on his own. Of course Serana doesn't want your phone number or your dick. And nor does Uthgerd the Ugly, any of the hagravens, the college nerd who can't cast spells properly, or even an Orc.

My employers are a company that doesn't go out and party often, but when they do they hit the drink hard. I know pubs and bars must be where the hookup culture happens, because practically everyone I know has an endless supply of stories about their experiences in it. But your mix of below-average looks and below-average game, renders you a background NPC in that environment. Most of the women there aren't single, and of the few that might be single, they came out looking for a good time and that's SO not you.

So I've come to see boozy nights in town with the work crew as cheap drinks at best and potential suifuel at worst. Just an in-my-face reminder of everything that I can't do and won't have. So I play along, enough to hopefully seem not unfriendly and not anti-social. But the minute it starts looking like a suifuel environment, I go around the table and slap my boys on the back and take my leave.

Examples of a suifuel environment might include:

● Female colleagues talking about desirable men;

● Couples making out and grinding in public;

● My Chadlite colleagues settling in for what is obviously going to be an extended discussion of their ONS and hookup successes;

● Waitresses, bar chicks or general public foids obviously flirting with my Chadlite colleagues.

Once shit like that starts to get you down, nothing else good is going to come of the evening, so you might as well go home to your copes, and get the blackpills and the untouchable pretty things out of your face.
What a Post

This is the first comment that I've actually bookmarked. Just brutal. How old are you?
What a Post

This is the first comment that I've actually bookmarked. Just brutal. How old are you?
Early 40s.

Thanks for the review, kind stranger :feelsYall:
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Great post man, thanks for sharing. I went through a very similar phase, had hope, but was ultimately crushed. Even playing the numbers game cold approaching never ever worked even once and I tried my best for look s maxing and doing all the self improvement shit. Now that I’m in my 30s I’ve just given up and become full on anti social. It’s crushing what life has become for most young men.

You don’t have to of course since I know privacy matters on sites like this so as not to get doxxed but what kind of work do you do? I’m trying to get out of what I do now to try and get a less soul crushing job. The fact that there are a decent number of women in your line of work means it’s gotta be very different to what I’m doing.

Meeting new people and especially new women is bafflingly difficult these days.
The demographic pill is brutal. Most of females are taken, and the ones that are not are likely to have been on double digit body count and the singlehood is just a temporary 2 weeks state.
This, not even an exaggeration
You’re still in uni and going to college bars I suspect. That’s the closest you’ll get to a magic room full of young single girls. It’s over once you graduate.
Indeed — if I could go back in time or return to Uni and do things different I would but it probably wouldn’t matter if I’m honest.
wrong. If you live in developed country there's more men than women under 50 (aka the fuckable age) at a rate of around 110 to 100. You're also assuming 35 year old men go for 35 year old women. They don't. You don't even need hypergamy to explain how fucked the gender ratios are. If you amplify it with hypergamy you get the current state of men.
We all lost literally the moment sperm carrying Y chromosome united with egg.
Brutal wish I had the power to create a more fair society. Maybe Islam is right about how they carefully control the dynamic between men and women. Women lose their minds and REEEEE when you state this but without some regulation what you get is our western system today where the majority of young men cannot get a woman.
This is incredibly fakecel just to put it honestly.
Going to a bar with friends.
Having the ability to maintain a normie job without issues with HR.
This is a normie lifestyle. How can fellow brocel here think this is a “good” post?
It is a normie bragging about being a normie but desiring more in his privileged life.
We are the equivalent of a homeless man starving on the streets brocels. And you are praising a man who passes by you asking you for sympathy while wiping his tears with money.
This has to be satire right , all of this?
Not even sure what to say considering it’s in the must read section. Ah yes I can’t wait to read about a normie complaining how “hard” his life is. And then when you bring this up this said normie will say he’s an incel even after bragging. Like a robber being caught red handed and then claiming he didn’t do anything.
Please replace this thread with a brocel out there who genuinely is suffering and delivers a good thread.
Your account is 2 months old and you're most likely an angsty teenager. I like posts from people that have actually lived life instead of still reeling from not being the popular kid in highschool. In case you still haven't gotten the memo, the requirement to be here is to be unable to get laid, not to be a loser. You can always go to wizchan.
You don’t have to of course since I know privacy matters on sites like this so as not to get doxxed but what kind of work do you do? I’m trying to get out of what I do now to try and get a less soul crushing job. The fact that there are a decent number of women in your line of work means it’s gotta be very different to what I’m doing.

I'm a programmer. The women I know are either Sales, or Business operations, or Marketing or whatever else. Even in the company I work are the gender ratio is fucked but since we share offices with other departments it's still not a sausagefest. My previous job the gender ratio was 9:1, and I expect the next job to not be much different.
This is incredibly fakecel just to put it honestly.
Going to a bar with friends.
Having the ability to maintain a normie job without issues with HR.
This is a normie lifestyle. How can fellow brocel here think this is a “good” post?
It is a normie bragging about being a normie but desiring more in his privileged life.
We are the equivalent of a homeless man starving on the streets brocels. And you are praising a man who passes by you asking you for sympathy while wiping his tears with money.
This has to be satire right , all of this?
Not even sure what to say considering it’s in the must read section. Ah yes I can’t wait to read about a normie complaining how “hard” his life is. And then when you bring this up this said normie will say he’s an incel even after bragging. Like a robber being caught red handed and then claiming he didn’t do anything.
Please replace this thread with a brocel out there who genuinely is suffering and delivers a good thread.
Don't know how old you are but I just finished an internship (set to become a stable job now) and reality is no one cares about you in the workplace. Nobody's gonna scream at you because you're ugly (I'm in my late 20s and KHV so I'm borderline subhuman). If you mind your own business people will generally ignore you.
The workplace isn't High school where your peers make picking on other people their raison d'être
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But bro, just wait till they are single with a few kids. They'll want you then. Don't be selfish, learn your place betabux.

All jokes and sarcadm aside, you are correct what chance does some average loser have if they're 19 already fucking their way up the hierarchy with their looks. You don't have a chance, until they're washed up single mothers looking for someone else to fix their problems and you're a raging incel if you have something to say about it. This is the game they play, the mental gymnastics and shame they try to throw on others because they refuse to take accountability but you should just step up and raise some lowlife cunts kids and be lucky to get one yourself, that will be her only favor to you aswell. Likely a single child that she never wanted with you anyway. Brutal reality.
Bookmarked. Good read

Glad to have you back btw
and worst of all it makes perfect sense that we ended up so isolated from socializing with women.
like... think about it logically... if women could organize a structure for themselves that makes them basically like queens surrounded by noble chads surrounded by servants, with incels at the very exterior... why wouldn't they do it?
it's all benefit and no risk from their perspective, so it's no surprise at all that we have ended up like this.
Why do you think they monkeybranch, and complain that they can't find a decent guy?
Half of these onlyfans cunts are single.
They still make videos with guys, no? They are being used as fuckmeat and cucks pay money to see it.
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

100% Bluepilled Retard - 100% - Permaban Enforced
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Can’t lie this incel shit is so fucking corny. I bet most of you guys on here arnt even like bad looking. It’s the fact that you don’t respect women. How can you get something that you say you don’t like in the first place. It’s really not hard to get women. I understand it hurts cause like my first girl cheated, but not it’s not that deep. Also, sex is overrated. It’s fun but like that’s all you dumbfucks care about. Wipe the fucking Cheeto dust off your fat rolls and go out into the real world
This is incredibly fakecel just to put it honestly.
Going to a bar with friends.
Having the ability to maintain a normie job without issues with HR.
This is a normie lifestyle. How can fellow brocel here think this is a “good” post?
It is a normie bragging about being a normie but desiring more in his privileged life.
We are the equivalent of a homeless man starving on the streets brocels. And you are praising a man who passes by you asking you for sympathy while wiping his tears with money.
This has to be satire right , all of this?
Not even sure what to say considering it’s in the must read section. Ah yes I can’t wait to read about a normie complaining how “hard” his life is. And then when you bring this up this said normie will say he’s an incel even after bragging. Like a robber being caught red handed and then claiming he didn’t do anything.
Please replace this thread with a brocel out there who genuinely is suffering and delivers a good thread.
No it isnt. He didn't get laid.
Your account is 2 months old and you're most likely an angsty teenager. I like posts from people that have actually lived life instead of still reeling from not being the popular kid in highschool. In case you still haven't gotten the memo, the requirement to be here is to be unable to get laid, not to be a loser. You can always go to wizchan.

I'm a programmer. The women I know are either Sales, or Business operations, or Marketing or whatever else. Even in the company I work are the gender ratio is fucked but since we share offices with other departments it's still not a sausagefest. My previous job the gender ratio was 9:1, and I expect the next job to not be much different.
its retards like you who spew holier than thou bullshit that piss me off, imagine being 6’4 and normal face and posting here lol
You have to at least look like a normie to have an opportunity to normiefagmaxx.

Incels already have trouble breaking into normie social circles.
It's over, I can't even make it into social circles, let alone talk to a girl. :feelsrope:
Must read as it should be
its retards like you who spew holier than thou bullshit that piss me off, imagine being 6’4 and normal face and posting here lol
Eh. I guess that's fair. I'll just point out that the average zoomer is 6' here or perhaps even more. I got rated between 3-5/10 on /soc/ with lower ratings coming from Beckies and higher ratings coming from ugly minority women (something I cannot capitalize on in my country). So in effect I am very likely a low 4, high 3. Or was, that was before I started balding and had eyebags. 7 years ago.
Honestly, given my life outcomes, I am very likely not a 4/10. Keep in mind I uploaded a good picture with good angles. Maybe I was just coping for the longest time. I suppose a 4/10 tallfag really would get something by now eh?
You have to at least look like a normie to have an opportunity to normiefagmaxx.

Incels already have trouble breaking into normie social circles.
This is the "just one more thing bro" fallacy.
Do you think having a good social circle would really change anything in your life? This is what this entire post is about. There's always another horizon in the endless pursuit. Fact of the matter is, we just don't "get" it. Whatever it is. However much of the equation looks are, we don't have it and it was apparent in highschool, in my case a decade ago.
There's not enough time in the prime of your life to pick up the pieces even if something can be done. You have to have it naturally and then you can work on it. I don't have it.
I don't have friends that know a lot of women.
I don't know a lot of women.
I don't know where to meet women in this clownword.
Even if I could talk to women daily, looks not being a factor, I am not sure I could keep up a worthwhile conversation. I am fucking boring. I don't even talk much anymore. I just listen to people now.

As 30 looms, all that remains is arranging life to be as comfortable as possible and maybe manage the upcoming midlife crisis. I know that one's gonna kick hard like a mule. It will amplified by regrets and missed milestones greatly.
I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Hehe yea

On the first day of every school year, the new foids are already walking in groups and pairs. There’s just no fucking opportunities
i wonder what are the chances of normalfagmaxxing and meeting another normalfagmaxxer in real life.

it seems like the only males allowed in socialization in large foid groups are faggots
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Still ovER

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