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Story My year of normalfagmaxxing

So far, this is all I've achieved:

Singular male friends/acquaintances who are romantically single and can't really provide you with any social circle opportunities, and they all have some kind of ailment, be it alcoholism, unconscious inceldom or social awkwardness. Misery loves company.

A brief social circle of guys, but it fizzled out so quickly, the GC is dead now. The main guy was hyper NT and just stopped inviting me and another guy and instead secretly planned parties outside of the chat. Unfair but understandle, I'm non-NT and really struggled to vibe with him.

A brief social circle that actually had more women than men, but surprise surprise everyone besides the ugly landwhale were taken. I saw how the girls were so giddy just to talk to eachother but not all that much with me or the other single guy in the group. No one has even talked on the GC in nearly 2 months so the social circle is dead, I assume the foids are still meeting eachother outside of the GC and double dating or some shit.
I feel like something like this would be all that would await me if I normalfagmaxxed/socialcirclemaxxed
I would attract people like myself (attract what you are) loners with issues like myself, not that I am against it I am a loner myself but you get no social capital like this and you are still kind of just at square 1 but a good friend is still invaluable but I feel like it is a low chance, these sorts of people will realise we cannot benefit each other as friends and maybe not be interested in me.

And then brief social circles like this I can see happen, its happened to me before, at my old job there was a decent amount of foids but they were all taken, even the ugliest one had a tall white chadlite bf.
Social circles form fast after which there's no point of entry, they already know each other extremely well and hate anyone male and new.
Yeah as a foid you can get into social circles especially if men are in it but as a man, you are just more competition for foids and stuff.
This is why I say I either get a virgin female or nothing. Yes, I'm aware that this reduces my already small chances to ever get a woman to infinitesimal levels, but I absolutely refuse to be compared to another man, to be the second choice, the backup option
Yeah a virgin foid makes slim chances even more slim but the alternative would be a relationship that would not work out, how would I have a chance with a foid that once fucked a 6'2 guy and is now down grading to a 5'5 virgin? Hypergamy and monkey branching is in their nature on top of this gynocentric society, no chance.
I’ve thought about going back to college tbh or if not undergraduate classes then going to some kind of grad program or community college. It seems like the best way to be around a lot of young women.
I spent nearly an hour on this thread on the fourth page making a post trying to think of the best way to meet foids and have social opportunities and such and I deduced that school is the best and probably only one, something like college is probably similar but not as good but still good, the foids wont be virgins though.
In the last year or so I’m starting to focus more and more on what you wrote in your last paragraph. That society is just irreversibly fucked and perhaps the only way to truly be fulfilled is to have some role in making it worse for those who benefit from it.
This society does just feel fucked for men, I don't know why too it seems simple we could just all be friends? I know a couple people loosely from years ago and I know for a fact these guys are friendless and sexless like me, but it feels like multiple times they dont make much of an effort to keep in contact with me and talk to me, perhaps it is because I have no social capital myself? But do they not at least want a friend? I don't know I don't really get it, I think the internet has forever changed things that can never be undone and perhaps we all just need to adapt, I have seen DBDR the blackpill youtuber mention apps for finding friends like dating apps, honestly maybe something like that will be the new norm in decades like how dating apps are the norm now and the most common way for partners to meet right now. It just feels like it would be completely unorganic but maybe thats the adaption I need to make.
Obviously getting a significant other is leagues easier for a foid, but where are they meeting their boyfriends. Are multiple of them dating chad unknowingly? I think in part but that is not the full picture. I think alot of foids will meet guys off instagram and other types of social media. But I don't know where they are irl?
I can not think of any place where I could go as a male that would be foid dominated to meet foids. A place that would be socially acceptable for a male to be at least.
School is good since the ratio is 50/50 there but that ship has long sailed for me and even then you still need to be somewhat popular or socialcirclemaxx etc.

100% Social Media. I snuck into my sister's phone a few years ago and the Instagram was filled with randoms DMing her, asking if she had a boyfriend etc. Most were 3rd world trash, like Arabs and Curries, but a small amount could have been Western borns, maybe even local to our city. I know a foid that got a into an LDR with an American who DM'd on Snapchat, he spent thousands coming to Europe to see her. It broke down eventually as you'd expect.
This is what a foid's social media will look like, for even plain jane girls, a couple dozen guys in there trying their luck. Foids often write "No DMs, I don't read" on their bio to thwart these guys off.
That would never happen for a male, you'd have to be a male online celebrity to get random foids DMing you.

If they don't have an online presence, then they'll simply get approached in the city. As long as the foid isn't a Walrus, guys of all ages WILL cold approach. If a foid actually participates in the bar/club scene, the chances of a couples of normies hitting on her during the night is 10000%, a lesser percentage for the more Chaddier guys of course but still possible if it's a sausage fest and they're desperate for something to put their dick in that night.

In this day and age, it requires effort on the part of the foid to NOT have a boyfriend or a legion of orbiters. Tutorial Mode life.
100% Social Media. I snuck into my sister's phone a few years ago and the Instagram was filled with randoms DMing her, asking if she had a boyfriend etc. Most were 3rd world trash, like Arabs and Curries, but a small amount could have been Western borns, maybe even local to our city. I know a foid that got a into an LDR with an American who DM'd on Snapchat, he spent thousands coming to Europe to see her. It broke down eventually as you'd expect.
This is what a foid's social media will look like, for even plain jane girls, a couple dozen guys in there trying their luck. Foids often write "No DMs, I don't read" on their bio to thwart these guys off.
That would never happen for a male, you'd have to be a male online celebrity to get random foids DMing you.

If they don't have an online presence, then they'll simply get approached in the city. As long as the foid isn't a Walrus, guys of all ages WILL cold approach. If a foid actually participates in the bar/club scene, the chances of a couples of normies hitting on her during the night is 10000%, a lesser percentage for the more Chaddier guys of course but still possible if it's a sausage fest and they're desperate for something to put their dick in that night.

In this day and age, it requires effort on the part of the foid to NOT have a boyfriend or a legion of orbiters. Tutorial Mode life.
My 50+ year old mother (who admittedly looks very good for age) gets turd world minorities in her facebook DMs. This is a woman that was 6/10 in her prime and is from EE.

Globalizing the dating market is not even the right term. The only thing that got globalized is male competition. I don't have the same 5% chance of getting with a non-gross looking woman that is across the globe that I have with the one I'd get to in normal social interactions. Honestly, I'd love to read some study 100 years from now, or some reflection on what the fuck happened. Same way you'd read some retrospective essays on what happened in ww2.

The ROI on this whole endeavor is terrible. If this was a stock I'd never buy it. The completely impractical actions I'd have to take to increase my chances are absolutely baffling.

I visited another city a while back. The one thing on my mind was scanning the female population and noting the average ages in different places. I'd honestly have to start touring the country, seeking out spots where the demographic crisis still hasn't annihilated everything. Then I'd have to somehow maneuver myself into talking to these women (this is 75% of the problem anyway). Maybe take a year off from my good career and work shitty service jobs in hopes of meeting someone there. Or just frequent some fruity art exhibitions and cringemaxx there.

The time investment and savviness required is insane. It feels like I am 12 again trying to flip some items on Runescape Grand Exchange. Trying to find an in in an already established system that is very punishing and my tiny 12 year old brain hasn't comprehended. I am certain just like with any system there is an optimal strategy to navigate this sausagefest but I'd have to dedicate years of my life doing completely unproductive shit trying to map out the "game". I am certain there's pockets of favourable situations "out there". Somewhere I can leverage the information gap on women. Some woman whose life experience isn't thousands of instagram DMs.

Anyway, this is just a fancier version of geomaxxing without the hapa kids. I am well and truly lost.
My 50+ year old mother (who admittedly looks very good for age) gets turd world minorities in her facebook DMs. This is a woman that was 6/10 in her prime and is from EE.

Globalizing the dating market is not even the right term. The only thing that got globalized is male competition. I don't have the same 5% chance of getting with a non-gross looking woman that is across the globe that I have with the one I'd get to in normal social interactions. Honestly, I'd love to read some study 100 years from now, or some reflection on what the fuck happened. Same way you'd read some retrospective essays on what happened in ww2.

The ROI on this whole endeavor is terrible. If this was a stock I'd never buy it. The completely impractical actions I'd have to take to increase my chances are absolutely baffling.

I visited another city a while back. The one thing on my mind was scanning the female population and noting the average ages in different places. I'd honestly have to start touring the country, seeking out spots where the demographic crisis still hasn't annihilated everything. Then I'd have to somehow maneuver myself into talking to these women (this is 75% of the problem anyway). Maybe take a year off from my good career and work shitty service jobs in hopes of meeting someone there. Or just frequent some fruity art exhibitions and cringemaxx there.

The time investment and savviness required is insane. It feels like I am 12 again trying to flip some items on Runescape Grand Exchange. Trying to find an in in an already established system that is very punishing and my tiny 12 year old brain hasn't comprehended. I am certain just like with any system there is an optimal strategy to navigate this sausagefest but I'd have to dedicate years of my life doing completely unproductive shit trying to map out the "game". I am certain there's pockets of favourable situations "out there". Somewhere I can leverage the information gap on women. Some woman whose life experience isn't thousands of instagram DMs.

Anyway, this is just a fancier version of geomaxxing without the hapa kids. I am well and truly lost.

I keep coming back to and reading this thread, because I'm still getting nowhere. Still no breakthrough in making friends or going on dates with Western based women. The networking/meetup groups I, rather pathetically, depend on for a social life are absolutely dead at the moment, I'd rather hit the gym and stay inside than go to them, which I'm doing. It's literally the same loser introverted dudes in their late 30s and early 40s every weekend and no women my age, going to them is not going to get me anywhere.

All the cool sociable young guys and girls have moved on into their own group chats, and despite my best efforts, I can't get an invite into those high quality circles.

All the taken girls I mentioned before are just doing their own thing, enjoying life and travelling the World with their boyfriends when I check their IG stories. No idea what the ugly Landwhale I knew from the dead social circle is doing, probably desperate to land a Chadlite from OLD since she nonchalantly turned down a few normies in the club before my very eyes. She's ugly as shit, believe me when I say.

I have a STEM job, but no local colleagues my age, they're all older men and they're spread out across the country. I got absolutely fucked as a lot of guys I know are friends with other young people they work with. I don't have that.

Honestly dude, If I wasn't such a coward and if I ever lost my STEM job due to poor performance, I would cut my losses, drop everything, take all my savings and look for a way to buy property and get to SEA permanently.
When you really break it down, I have nothing in the West, but misery. No friend group of note who cares about me, no real family besides an insanely controlling mother who never bothered learning English and sisters who hide their personal lives from me, EXTREMELY fierce and competitive dating , with dudes that are so thirsty and agressive and women who are cruel and absent, tactifully avoiding ordinary men and patiently waiting for a Chadlite or above from OLD. It's extremely expensive too.

The only alternative is to learn a language and import a Chinese, SEA or South American girl but UK Visa rules are getting tougher, it would take a few years of effort and video chatting, and then it would all be a waste of time and money if something goes wrong and you break up. Plus, the amount of thirsty desperate guys here is off the charts, there's the risk of her getting approached and poached once you do bring her over.
I have a STEM job, but no local colleagues my age, they're all older men and they're spread out across the country. I got absolutely fucked as a lot of guys I know are friends with other young people they work with. I don't have that.
Use your stem status.
The only alternative is to learn a language and import a Chinese, SEA or South American girl but UK Visa rules are getting tougher, it would take a few years of effort and video chatting, and then it would all be a waste of time and money if something goes wrong and you break up. Plus, the amount of thirsty desperate guys here is off the charts, there's the risk of her getting approached and poached once you do bring her over.
Even the best alternative can be ruined in seconds
Use your stem status.
I am a STEMcel too. STEM doesn't mean shit. At best you're seen as betabuxx dork. At worst you're seen as some basement dwelling subhuman.

I keep coming back to and reading this thread, because I'm still getting nowhere. Still no breakthrough in making friends or going on dates with Western based women. The networking/meetup groups I, rather pathetically, depend on for a social life are absolutely dead at the moment, I'd rather hit the gym and stay inside than go to them, which I'm doing. It's literally the same loser introverted dudes in their late 30s and early 40s every weekend and no women my age, going to them is not going to get me anywhere.
There is no "big break". There is no "light at the end of tunnel". You're not going to hit some big milestone that changes your life dramatically. Waking up as a hero in some plot doesn't exist. It's a TV narrative.
If your life does get better it's gradients of improvement and gradual change of trajectory. There's no "trick" to be discovered. Every day lived is just an iteration on the previous one, the only exceptions seem to be negative rather than positive, like a bad disease diagnosis.
All the cool sociable young guys and girls have moved on into their own group chats, and despite my best efforts, I can't get an invite into those high quality circles.
You don't have "it". I don't have "it" either. I don't know what it is but I don't. Whether it's a mix of circumstance and temperament I seem to have missed the mark. Perhaps if I was more social in crucial times in my youth I could've ridden the elevator into social groups that are much more enabling in my pursuits. Perhaps.
Honestly dude, If I wasn't such a coward and if I ever lost my STEM job due to poor performance, I would cut my losses, drop everything, take all my savings and look for a way to buy property and get to SEA permanently.
When you really break it down, I have nothing in the West, but misery. No friend group of note who cares about me, no real family besides an insanely controlling mother who never bothered learning English and sisters who hide their personal lives from me, EXTREMELY fierce and competitive dating , with dudes that are so thirsty and agressive and women who are cruel and absent, tactifully avoiding ordinary men and patiently waiting for a Chadlite or above from OLD. It's extremely expensive too.

The only alternative is to learn a language and import a Chinese, SEA or South American girl but UK Visa rules are getting tougher, it would take a few years of effort and video chatting, and then it would all be a waste of time and money if something goes wrong and you break up. Plus, the amount of thirsty desperate guys here is off the charts, there's the risk of her getting approached and poached once you do bring her over.
I am not attracted to swarthy women with stumpy legs. If that's your thing, go for it. Make steps and changes while your hairline didn't become a passport bro before you did.

Whatever you or I are doing is obviously not working. There is the question of how you're executing on the ideas and strategies, but at some point you have to decide on a different approach if something's not working. I don't know what my next move is but you seem to have another path in mind. Try it before it becomes a regret. Go on a vacation in SEA just to get a taste. Do something.

Just remember, there will come a time when you're 80 and regretting things.
I am a STEMcel too. STEM doesn't mean shit. At best you're seen as betabuxx dork. At worst you're seen as some basement dwelling subhuman.

There is no "big break". There is no "light at the end of tunnel". You're not going to hit some big milestone that changes your life dramatically. Waking up as a hero in some plot doesn't exist. It's a TV narrative.
If your life does get better it's gradients of improvement and gradual change of trajectory. There's no "trick" to be discovered. Every day lived is just an iteration on the previous one, the only exceptions seem to be negative rather than positive, like a bad disease diagnosis.

You don't have "it". I don't have "it" either. I don't know what it is but I don't. Whether it's a mix of circumstance and temperament I seem to have missed the mark. Perhaps if I was more social in crucial times in my youth I could've ridden the elevator into social groups that are much more enabling in my pursuits. Perhaps.

I am not attracted to swarthy women with stumpy legs. If that's your thing, go for it. Make steps and changes while your hairline didn't become a passport bro before you did.

Whatever you or I are doing is obviously not working. There is the question of how you're executing on the ideas and strategies, but at some point you have to decide on a different approach if something's not working. I don't know what my next move is but you seem to have another path in mind. Try it before it becomes a regret. Go on a vacation in SEA just to get a taste. Do something.

Just remember, there will come a time when you're 80 and regretting things.
The agepill is the most brutal pill
So you do have a social circle that accepts you for who you are and the friendships with them isnt one sided ?
So you do have a social circle that accepts you for who you are and the friendships with them isnt one sided ?
We could argue and go around in hypotheticals to what extend their friendships are genuine and warm, but for all intents and purposes it seems to be a two way street. I am the definition of a failed normie. Or a normie that hasn't gotten laid.

I've mentioned this before, but the whole point of my post is the revelation that even a normal social circle doesn't get you anywhere in romantic life. Most socially isolated incels have a very skewed perception on what a normal social circle looks like. It doesn't actually facilitate meeting new people that much, especially women. That's the whole point.

Rest are details specific to me, my whining and general verbalized quarter life crisis (or a third perhaps?).

Anyway, environment is most important factor of them all. Even a Chad doesn't score in complete isolation. I do believe there's a rate of exposure to women at which I could score, might be cope, might be universally true, but I am not hitting that threshold.

Life is so funny, you pass by so many people on the street, it creates the illusion that you're surrounded by people.
We could argue and go around in hypotheticals to what extend their friendships are genuine and warm, but for all intents and purposes it seems to be a two way street. I am the definition of a failed normie. Or a normie that hasn't gotten laid.

I've mentioned this before, but the whole point of my post is the revelation that even a normal social circle doesn't get you anywhere in romantic life. Most socially isolated incels have a very skewed perception on what a normal social circle looks like. It doesn't actually facilitate meeting new people that much, especially women. That's the whole point.

Rest are details specific to me, my whining and general verbalized quarter life crisis (or a third perhaps?).

Anyway, environment is most important factor of them all. Even a Chad doesn't score in complete isolation. I do believe there's a rate of exposure to women at which I could score, might be cope, might be universally true, but I am not hitting that threshold.

Life is so funny, you pass by so many people on the street, it creates the illusion that you're surrounded by people.
Congrats, just by having a normal social circle and friends you already mog 90% of this forum. And yes maybe this doesnt give you access to sexual relations with girls but just having people who stand behind you and you can do stuff with is also a great thing which most of us never experienced.
You don't have "it". I don't have "it" either. I don't know what it is but I don't. Whether it's a mix of circumstance and temperament I seem to have missed the mark. Perhaps if I was more social in crucial times in my youth I could've ridden the elevator into social groups that are much more enabling in my pursuits. Perhaps.
Yeah, "it" is very important, but also basically invisible and something you can't even really talk about.

Would you be more successful if for instance your parents knew a lot of people and hosted barbecues and dinner parties and stuff? Or if your classmates and neighbors your age were nicer and did more stuff together? Or even if you had the house all to yourself more often? Probably.

But you can't really "expect that" or criticize others for not giving it to you or blame anyone else but yourself. It's not allowed.
It's right there but it might as well not exist, since you're not allowed to talk about it, and growing you're supposed to just look at some rich kid hanging out with the hot daughters of his rich daddy's friends, and pretend that it's not happening.

You can't call out factors like family or school or local culture. It's all on you. Even if you had to lie and be nearly delinquent in order to socialize properly, that's still on you and you were supposed to do that and it's only your fault if you didn't do it and no one wants to hear it if you ended up as a failure.
No one wants to hear it and no one wants to share social opportunity with you, they just want to be around people like them.

Honestly we should have figured out a very long time ago that this is one of the most precious resources of all, having young people consider you someone cool, useful, essential, someone that must be invited to every hangout, someone that has to be there for the fun to happen.

It's something too precious, and you can't get it by asking for it or begging for it or waiting for it to come around, you get it by being basically a near perfect human that fits like a puzzle piece with everyone else, acting and saying and THINKING exactly the right things. Everything contributes to that.
Yeah, "it" is very important, but also basically invisible and something you can't even really talk about.

Would you be more successful if for instance your parents knew a lot of people and hosted barbecues and dinner parties and stuff? Or if your classmates and neighbors your age were nicer and did more stuff together? Or even if you had the house all to yourself more often? Probably.

But you can't really "expect that" or criticize others for not giving it to you or blame anyone else but yourself. It's not allowed.
It's right there but it might as well not exist, since you're not allowed to talk about it, and growing you're supposed to just look at some rich kid hanging out with the hot daughters of his rich daddy's friends, and pretend that it's not happening.

You can't call out factors like family or school or local culture. It's all on you. Even if you had to lie and be nearly delinquent in order to socialize properly, that's still on you and you were supposed to do that and it's only your fault if you didn't do it and no one wants to hear it if you ended up as a failure.
No one wants to hear it and no one wants to share social opportunity with you, they just want to be around people like them.

Honestly we should have figured out a very long time ago that this is one of the most precious resources of all, having young people consider you someone cool, useful, essential, someone that must be invited to every hangout, someone that has to be there for the fun to happen.

It's something too precious, and you can't get it by asking for it or begging for it or waiting for it to come around, you get it by being basically a near perfect human that fits like a puzzle piece with everyone else, acting and saying and THINKING exactly the right things. Everything contributes to that.
"It" is a crystalized structure of social apparatus that enables you. It's being built when you don't even know.
Nobody warns you you're in the middle of building one of the most important resources of your life. Now? It cannot be built.

And yes, there's much more to it than just being more social. There was a social circle that formed one summer when I was 15 and on vacation that went on to do a lot of drinking and probably was the closest thing to Hollywood style HS movie. I don't know, I wasn't there. But that's missing the mark because I literally wasn't there.

There's also how enabling other people are in your life. How easy would it be if I was some trust fund kiddie, or perhaps something more fitting to my geographic location, a son of some oligarch? The amount of tits and pussy that hovers in some places is insane. I once saw some semi-famous streamer come to a bar I was at with an entourage of JB fans. I fucking KNOW it's out there. I hate being gaslit by normalniggers that it's some fantasy I concocted in my head to feel like a vicitm.

I don't know man. This is all so tiresome. Even complaining seems to have lost its oomph now. People keep saying "it's over" but it's a whole other universe when you actually start to internalize it. Women my age are starting to become single moms or have their 2nd/3rd serious relationship that is poised to become a marriage. Those that are more functional anyway. Time has runout and I am floundering.
"It" is a crystalized structure of social apparatus that enables you. It's being built when you don't even know.
Nobody warns you you're in the middle of building one of the most important resources of your life. Now? It cannot be built.

And yes, there's much more to it than just being more social. There was a social circle that formed one summer when I was 15 and on vacation that went on to do a lot of drinking and probably was the closest thing to Hollywood style HS movie. I don't know, I wasn't there. But that's missing the mark because I literally wasn't there.

There's also how enabling other people are in your life. How easy would it be if I was some trust fund kiddie, or perhaps something more fitting to my geographic location, a son of some oligarch? The amount of tits and pussy that hovers in some places is insane. I once saw some semi-famous streamer come to a bar I was at with an entourage of JB fans. I fucking KNOW it's out there. I hate being gaslit by normalniggers that it's some fantasy I concocted in my head to feel like a vicitm.

I don't know man. This is all so tiresome. Even complaining seems to have lost its oomph now. People keep saying "it's over" but it's a whole other universe when you actually start to internalize it. Women my age are starting to become single moms or have their 2nd/3rd serious relationship that is poised to become a marriage. Those that are more functional anyway. Time has runout and I am floundering.

All this stuff was so important and we never even realized it at the time.
It's easy to feel like "someone should have done something!" but you end up feeling crazy because this feeling is not reciprocated at all.

Take something as simple as moving around frequently as a child, obviously this will cause you problems because now you have to be even more popular and socially savvy to adapt to new environments all the time.
But who was around you won't even admit basic things like this, your own parents will act like boomer-niggers and just screech as much as possible that it doesn't matter at all and you can make friends all over the world, applying a coping tactic of "if i say something is not there, then it's not there!" and ignoring reality.

At no point did somebody give a fuck, at all, at best you got the equivalent of a "you seem like kind of a loser. lmao." and that was it, that was your guidance.
At no point did somebody give a fuck, at all, at best you got the equivalent of a "you seem like kind of a loser. lmao." and that was it, that was your guidance.
Acquaintances, casual friends, relatives (maybe except parents) don't truly care about you. Those that have a capacity to care cannot help you. The knowledge and patience required to truly make a life changing impact on somebody is too high.

In a cruelest twist of irony, those that don't care but are superficially drawn to you offer much more benefit than a genuinely caring friend most of time. Whether it's some one night stand or, and this is reserved for females, a simp that will give you money and attention.

I am trying to picture what sort of help is required to help an average guy that's entering his formative years with no natural talent for socialization and I am drawing a blank.

Superficiality rules all. Even I would be more willing to go of my way to do stuff for some femoid I want to fuck than 99% of people I know.
It's old hags that tip the numbers. It's amazing how widespread this myth is. Young men are more numerous than young women and not by little
dude i think that immigrants/invaders are the cause of that
The only solution is cradlemaxxing.
I wish I had friends. This is honestly what hurts the most. Women are a lost cause anyway, but a friendship group improves your mental health
I snuck into my sister's phone a few years ago and the Instagram was filled with randoms DMing her,
My sister left the login details to her old instagram in a diary she left at home after she moved out.

Wow. It's just a different world, obviously I don't even need to explain in detail what I saw you already know the contents, and my sister is not even hot.
If they don't have an online presence, then they'll simply get approached in the city. As long as the foid isn't a Walrus, guys of all ages WILL cold approach. If a foid actually participates in the bar/club scene, the chances of a couples of normies hitting on her during the night is 10000%, a lesser percentage for the more Chaddier guys of course but still possible if it's a sausage fest and they're desperate for something to put their dick in that night.
Yeah, so for me personally, I have no social media presence. My instagram has around 30 followers so its just over. Now sure there are some things like buying followers, or you can enter into instagram engagement groups where you have real people comment stuff, follow and like your posts and you do the same for others, but thats not a real solution either because people will realise thats fake eventually. Even then you need photos with people and stuff showing status. Social media is a dead end for me, however it is the GAME in 2024, so it leaves me completely sexless. Then for bar/club scene, I have literally never ever been to a bar or club, its not my type of environment and I would get mogged in it and so on. So it is really no wonder I am an incel.
In this day and age, it requires effort on the part of the foid to NOT have a boyfriend or a legion of orbiters. Tutorial Mode life.
That truly is the natural biology of it, but even moreso in 2024
I keep coming back to and reading this thread
Me too, its honestly one of the best if not the best thread on here. Honestly if the social landscape was better, then I think there would be less incels.
Most socially isolated incels have a very skewed perception on what a normal social circle looks like. It doesn't actually facilitate meeting new people that much, especially women. That's the whole point.
I think you are right about that honestly, a friend group is a friend group, its you talking to friends and doing stuff with friends. Its not like you are meant to constantly be meeting new people.

However speaking anecdotally, I look to the friend/social group from my highschool. This group is most of the year level however I was always ostracised and excluded. That being said this friend group does seem to meet a lot of new people. To me it appears they have networked with the other hyper NT social groups from other local highschools in my area, so they have definitely met a lot of new people. Obviously in my case I am excluded and fucked.
Would you be more successful if for instance your parents knew a lot of people and hosted barbecues and dinner parties and stuff? Or if your classmates and neighbors your age were nicer and did more stuff together? Or even if you had the house all to yourself more often? Probably.
Honestly I think so yes, especially when I was younger, I was still short but not THAT SHORT compared to everyone else, now that I am an adult its more like I am a gigamanlet standing next to people. It wasnt like that when I was 10-14 years old.
Check out this thread, my mother not letting me go out with 2 foids that invited me in public.
My parents could have absolutely done more, my parents themselves virtually have no friends, and the people they do know are about as lonely as I am! I never wanted to have people over since my home life was extremely weird.

And the classmates my age also could have been nicer to me, but in part for that I also blame my parents as they let me be MASSIVELY non NT.
I was a fucking social retard as a kid, my parents had to have known! Yet they never stopped me, if my parents just told me I was a retard, instead of telling me I could be a CEO or the next president my life could have been so much better.
But you can't really "expect that" or criticize others for not giving it to you or blame anyone else but yourself. It's not allowed.
Every day of my fucking life, I feel like opening the door walking out of this fucking room, and telling my mother how it is HER fault that I am in that room 24/7. However my parents, my sister. They would not fucking accept that, they would laugh, call me ridiculous. But it is absolutely fucking true, my parents gave me negative fucking capital to work with and I suffered.
I once saw some semi-famous streamer come to a bar I was at with an entourage of JB fans. I fucking KNOW it's out there. I hate being gaslit by normalniggers that it's some fantasy I concocted in my head to feel like a vicitm.
I was off this forum for a month, and this was the reason why, there is some massive fucking suicide fuel on here, I think I might have unironically commited suicide if I kept browsing this site daily. I basically fucking forgot about shit like this, young prime JB girls, some lucky bastard gets all of them while I get nothing.
It's easy to feel like "someone should have done something!" but you end up feeling crazy because this feeling is not reciprocated at all.
Yep I feel fucking crazy and I can't tell anyone about it at all. My parents would think I am fucking crazy, good thing there is this site though so I realise "Oh I am not so crazy, and I am not alone."
Take something as simple as moving around frequently as a child, obviously this will cause you problems because now you have to be even more popular and socially savvy to adapt to new environments all the time.
YES! My mother was always being forced to move around and she blames her parents for not making friends, YET if I were to blame her for my suffering she would be a fucking hypocrite about it.
I wish I had friends. This is honestly what hurts the most. Women are a lost cause anyway, but a friendship group improves your mental health
Honestly yeah, and not even as a means to an end for a relationship, since a friend group is kind of a prerequisite for that.

But I am just fucking lonely and want some friends to do shit with, I am losing my youth doing nothing fun with no one.
Normalfagmaxxing isnt worth it
ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.

It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance.
Thanks for the advice. :cryfeels:
Yeah, "it" is very important, but also basically invisible and something you can't even really talk about.

Would you be more successful if for instance your parents knew a lot of people and hosted barbecues and dinner parties and stuff? Or if your classmates and neighbors your age were nicer and did more stuff together? Or even if you had the house all to yourself more often? Probably.

But you can't really "expect that" or criticize others for not giving it to you or blame anyone else but yourself. It's not allowed.
It's right there but it might as well not exist, since you're not allowed to talk about it, and growing you're supposed to just look at some rich kid hanging out with the hot daughters of his rich daddy's friends, and pretend that it's not happening.

You can't call out factors like family or school or local culture. It's all on you. Even if you had to lie and be nearly delinquent in order to socialize properly, that's still on you and you were supposed to do that and it's only your fault if you didn't do it and no one wants to hear it if you ended up as a failure.
No one wants to hear it and no one wants to share social opportunity with you, they just want to be around people like them.

Honestly we should have figured out a very long time ago that this is one of the most precious resources of all, having young people consider you someone cool, useful, essential, someone that must be invited to every hangout, someone that has to be there for the fun to happen.

It's something too precious, and you can't get it by asking for it or begging for it or waiting for it to come around, you get it by being basically a near perfect human that fits like a puzzle piece with everyone else, acting and saying and THINKING exactly the right things. Everything contributes to that.
Either you are NT or you arent, simple as that. I tried NTmaxxing my whole life, my parents and me drove regularly to birthday parties and nothing ever helped to build up my social skills
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Fake cel
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Foids are not our concern they are winning this life.
We should just pretend we dont care and move on
That's true, every woman seems to be taken. It's ridiculous. Even the religious ones are taken.
Women just don't go out unless they're with a man or going to work.
The best places to find women are in transit, the Starbucks, the grocery store, any place were foids work. My favorite trick is buying small trinkets and telling them they dropped it They deny it's theirs, but I insist. It never goes anywhere because sub8, but some of you fakecels might be able to swing it.
Either you are NT or you arent, simple as that. I tried NTmaxxing my whole life, my parents and me drove regularly to birthday parties and nothing ever helped to build up my social skills
when they took me to birthday parties i just saw that my parties had 0-1 guests while their birthday parties had as many as 30 guests at times

no clearer indicator of the developing gap between us than that
Check out this thread, my mother not letting me go out with 2 foids that invited me in public.
My parents could have absolutely done more, my parents themselves virtually have no friends, and the people they do know are about as lonely as I am!
I never wanted to have people over since my home life was extremely weird.
same happened to me on both accounts, but again from society's perspective this is all our fault JFL.
you are supposed to lie to your parents and go out, and if you didn't then it's your fault.
you are supposed to have a good home environment, or even an environment where the house is empty all the time so you can throw parties, and if you didn't then it's your fault.
There's no such thing as a taken foid, if you're chad she will leave her betabux or subpar normie BF. When foids say they're taken it usually translates to "Fuck off, I don't want a relationship or anything sexual with you". It's ova
There's no such thing as a taken foid, if you're chad she will leave her betabux or subpar normie BF. When foids say they're taken it usually translates to "Fuck off, I don't want a relationship or anything sexual with you". It's ova
Yes, yes. In your autistic 100-0 world where there's either truecels or gigachads that cause vaginal contractions just by existing around women that is true. We can all pretend that all women are whores that jump on Chad's cock the moment they have a chance but in the real world taken women have some reluctance before engaging in cheating. Some have alot of reluctance, some have none. Most I would say have a pretty strong resistance to it. And in the real world, the cheating won't be with a 9/10 chad, but some 7/10 chadlite at best when she's having relationship troubles and a predisposition to cheating. That's how most of real world cheating looks like.
You can blow one variable to extremes and act like that's the only number in the equation because it deforms everything but that's stupid.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned, and as far as most men are concerned, it's fair to say that woman being taken is the stoplight.
There is, it is called a modeling agency.
Funny you say that.
One of my recurring daydreams, or perhaps scenarios is being a modeling scout in Ukraine in late 90s or something. The young generation was all born in 80s when baby boom was still a thing. Poverty and young hot pussy is everywhere. Women aren't cynical disgusting whores yet that can just set up an account in the matrix and have people send them money if they're good looking enough.

There were still levers you could pull. 90% of modern technology was invented in some way anyway. It truly was a better time and as far as stunning hot bitches go, a better place.

That place set in that time might as well be another dimension now. There's no place with hot blonde big titted bitches walking around not knowing their worth. Fuck this place.
Yes, yes. In your autistic 100-0 world where there's either truecels or gigachads that cause vaginal contractions just by existing around women that is true. We can all pretend that all women are whores that jump on Chad's cock the moment they have a chance but in the real world taken women have some reluctance before engaging in cheating. Some have alot of reluctance, some have none. Most I would say have a pretty strong resistance to it. And in the real world, the cheating won't be with a 9/10 chad, but some 7/10 chadlite at best when she's having relationship troubles and a predisposition to cheating. That's how most of real world cheating looks like.
You can blow one variable to extremes and act like that's the only number in the equation because it deforms everything but that's stupid.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned, and as far as most men are concerned, it's fair to say that woman being taken is the stoplight.

Funny you say that.
One of my recurring daydreams, or perhaps scenarios is being a modeling scout in Ukraine in late 90s or something. The young generation was all born in 80s when baby boom was still a thing. Poverty and young hot pussy is everywhere. Women aren't cynical disgusting whores yet that can just set up an account in the matrix and have people send them money if they're good looking enough.

There were still levers you could pull. 90% of modern technology was invented in some way anyway. It truly was a better time and as far as stunning hot bitches go, a better place.

That place set in that time might as well be another dimension now. There's no place with hot blonde big titted bitches walking around not knowing their worth. Fuck this place.
mods, please change my name to lowiqpostmaxxer :feelshaha::feelsbadman::cryfeels::feelsrope: maybe all my comments are just one big black/white thinking fallacy and confirmation bias
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I wish I had friends. This is honestly what hurts the most. Women are a lost cause anyway, but a friendship group improves your mental health
same i dont even care about women, all my friends live in other cities. its basically just wake up and do the same thing every day but dont talk to anyone
So much time and effort wasted for nothing. It's sad.

And if I did this as an autist, I'd be drained 24/7 and probably roped.
So much time and effort wasted for nothing. It's sad.

And if I did this as an autist, I'd be drained 24/7 and probably roped.
If you are NT, you're probably 90% of the way there. What has stopped you?
I've experienced a similar thing
I got invited to a few college parties as a oldcel because I look somewhat young/I go to the gym with them a lot
I was raised watching movies and television that depicted all the football players as slayers but most the football players I knew that were there (all white and over 6') were all single and struggled to so much as get a conversation with a girl. The parties had like an 80/20 male to female ratio at best and the ones that did show up brought their boyfriends along. Apparently in this era women are able to totally ignore everything but the top absolute Chads of the school.
When I was in college all of the female students had boyfriends but at least some of those boyfriends were still average looking students.
Yeah most girls want the rich frat chads not broke athletes anymore your welcome gentils
In reality it's race to the bottom. There's only so many women you can meet in your young adult life. If you're average that number is going to be relatively pathetic. It doesn't open the door to you getting lucky much. Most women you'll meet will have predictable life situations. You'll see a hot girl and she's gonna be owned by some rich good looking guy. And on and on.

I feel like I've survived three major shocks to my system in my struggles to find a woman. The first one was when you realize that the class Stacy is not into you. I had very solipsistic understanding of dynamics until that point. Second shock is realizing that women that are a good catch in general are not really into you. Until that point I thought that sheer numbers alone would put something my way.
Third shock is realizing that not only are women generally not into me, they're all fucking taken.

I had always wondered as a kid, still operating under the delusion of disney romance, why normalfags seem to go around with these ugly women. I thought they just found them attractive and they were the perfect fit like they're supposed to be. I thought my perception of their girlfriends was wrong, not that dating is subject to same forces as riches. And that reason why most normies have average and ugly girls is the reason why most normies have boring old cars.

Honestly I'd rather there be a clear but harder way to obtain women. I can finance a BMW M3 for example. It would be a tremendous financial burden and a stupid financial decision, but I can do it. And if I couldn't, I more or less know what I'd need to do to get one. Getting women is not at all comparable to that. It's just a conclusion to your personal reality.
You forget the realization that some women are genuinely evil/rotten whores
If you are NT, you're probably 90% of the way there. What has stopped you?
I'm autistic and ugly. I tried social maxing somewhat in my college years, it was pointless because ugly and autistic.
So why not looksmatch? Has anyone ever seen an average toilet shoot for a Chad and get out of that without being clowned on? Real talk.

I think we've only got a demographic problem - to use your language - because too many incels here are actually volcels who look only for Staceys. Who here is seriously expecting to profit off of that :lul: ?

Some relatives and old/ugly women told me I'm handsome, so I "wonder" why the Stacies never even bat an eye at me.
The demographic pill is brutal. Most of females are taken, and the ones that are not are likely to have been on double digit body count
Yeah, it's so fucking over. Most of the single ladies in this age range are single mothers too, ready to settle down with some rich asexual cuck.

What are we supposed to do in a society that simply doesn't give a shit about males ?
In the corporate world, 99% of women are taken. The wholesome ones are taken. The dull grey mousey ones are taken. The cool ones are taken. The good colleagues and workmates are taken. The seriously hot ones are taken. The generic basic bitches are taken. The ogres are taken. The few that are not taken, are still chasing that elusive Chad. You're the fall guy who makes all of that possible. You're the gap in the slide block puzzle that enabled all the other pieces to find their place.
This is so suifuel
same happened to me on both accounts, but again from society's perspective this is all our fault JFL.
you are supposed to lie to your parents and go out, and if you didn't then it's your fault.
you are supposed to have a good home environment, or even an environment where the house is empty all the time so you can throw parties, and if you didn't then it's your fault.
It's ONLY on this forum that I will find people who have such accurate understanding of my situation.

It's ALWAYS your fault. Talk for 10 seconds and they'll laugh at you because you listened to your parents and wouldn't lie to them or do things they forbade.

They will always blame you, all of them, all the time, for everything.
Acquaintances, casual friends, relatives (maybe except parents) don't truly care about you. Those that have a capacity to care cannot help you. The knowledge and patience required to truly make a life changing impact on somebody is too high.

In a cruelest twist of irony, those that don't care but are superficially drawn to you offer much more benefit than a genuinely caring friend most of time. Whether it's some one night stand or, and this is reserved for females, a simp that will give you money and attention.

I am trying to picture what sort of help is required to help an average guy that's entering his formative years with no natural talent for socialization and I am drawing a blank.

Superficiality rules all. Even I would be more willing to go of my way to do stuff for some femoid I want to fuck than 99% of people I know.
This is true ngl. Only real way to get help is by paying for it. If you pay something to teach you this stuff they'll be more incentivised to do it
It's ONLY on this forum that I will find people who have such accurate understanding of my situation.

It's ALWAYS your fault. Talk for 10 seconds and they'll laugh at you because you listened to your parents and wouldn't lie to them or do things they forbade.

They will always blame you, all of them, all the time, for everything.
Yeah but it's too late now.
It's ONLY on this forum that I will find people who have such accurate understanding of my situation.

It's ALWAYS your fault. Talk for 10 seconds and they'll laugh at you because you listened to your parents and wouldn't lie to them or do things they forbade.

They will always blame you, all of them, all the time, for everything.
This is true ngl. Only real way to get help is by paying for it. If you pay something to teach you this stuff they'll be more incentivised to do it

Yeah but it's too late now.

chameleon nod GIF
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

No matter how hard you try, no perspective can over turn reality.
A on effort though.

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