Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Story My year of normalfagmaxxing

I can finance a BMW M3 for example
They're a pain in the ass to maintain, most people hate you driving down the highway. BMW is the chad fratboy brand of cars, unfortunately, most owners do not even "mog" the car's superior looks:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:. Guarantee if you bought a BMW, the BMW gets a lot more attention than you.
Betabuxxing. How do you think my Jewish father married my spic mother?:feelswhat::feelswhat:. Latinas, especially if they'reof the lightskin variety:feelskek::feelskek:, are somehow worth their weight in gold among JBW'ers and Ashkenazi Jews if these men are unable to obtain white/jewish women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
How are they betabuxxing if you can’t even find foids anywhere to betabuxx? Foids these days are making more than men too
How are they betabuxxing if you can’t even find foids anywhere to betabuxx? Foids these days are making more than men too
That only applies to domestic foids. My father betabuxx a foreign foid, and they don't make a lot more than men in her 3rd world shithole:smonk:
I have spent decades of my life trying to fit in and blend with all the normalfags everywhere, eventually you stop caring about fitting in along with them altogether. :feelsjuice:
Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us.
even if you were able to atleast approach or talk to a woman, if she's your coworker it's against rules and considered harassment in modern society
even if you were able to atleast approach or talk to a woman, if she's your coworker it's against rules and considered harassment in modern society
College is the last place to ascend?
College is the last place to ascend?
bruh. You gotta be moderatively attractive, have social skills, no autism, and be like atleast 5'9 or taller
Having friends as a incel just means you'll eventually become the butt of the joke
Suit-wearing professional oldcel here... can confirm.

In the corporate world, 99% of women are taken. The wholesome ones are taken. The dull grey mousey ones are taken. The cool ones are taken. The good colleagues and workmates are taken. The seriously hot ones are taken. The generic basic bitches are taken. The ogres are taken. The few that are not taken, are still chasing that elusive Chad. You're the fall guy who makes all of that possible. You're the gap in the slide block puzzle that enabled all the other pieces to find their place.

In saying that, I went to Uni with some pretty hopeless truecels and 3/4 of them ascended in their 20s and have it all now. So you should always remain open to the possibility. But for your mental health you should keep your expectations well grounded in reality, and OP has described the reality perfectly here.
this is too much to handle

You're the fall guy who makes all of that possible. You're the gap in the slide block puzzle that enabled all the other pieces to find their place.
so it really is over
only chance is to make a lot of money somehow
this is too much to handle

so it really is over
only chance is to make a lot of money somehow
Nobody can see the future.

Careermaxxing might help you meet someone, or it might not. Either way you're better off earning above minimum wage.
Literally 99% of all the foids I have ever talked to have been taken and I only talked to them because I know/am friends with the guy they are with. It's fucking over I swear. There's absolutely nowhere to meet single girls anymore. This isn't the 50s where you went to the dance and asked a girl onto the dancefloor. It's all dating apps and internet shit, which is fucking impossible if you are not chad or NTmaxxed.

The last hope anyone has to find an unattached girl is in college/uni. Past that and it is fucking 100% OVER, and even in college most of the girls are taken in the first few fucking weeks of the first year. Foids don't stay single because they don't have to. Getting a new guy for them is as simple as getting a kebab from the local takeaway is for me.
Literally 99% of all the foids I have ever talked to have been taken and I only talked to them because I know/am friends with the guy they are with. It's fucking over I swear. There's absolutely nowhere to meet single girls anymore. This isn't the 50s where you went to the dance and asked a girl onto the dancefloor. It's all dating apps and internet shit, which is fucking impossible if you are not chad or NTmaxxed.

The last hope anyone has to find an unattached girl is in college/uni. Past that and it is fucking 100% OVER, and even in college most of the girls are taken in the first few fucking weeks of the first year. Foids don't stay single because they don't have to. Getting a new guy for them is as simple as getting a kebab from the local takeaway is for me.
Women stay in relationships out of convenience sometimes for years. Then they monkeybranch instantly once they meet somebody they want. There's this intern that obviously wants to fuck one of my coworkers, I recently found out she has a boyfriend:feelshaha:.
It's fucking hilarious.
The instant a femoid is slightly sociable she will get taken in span of few months. They get asked out all the time if they're young and not fat. All the good women are in relationships by 16 and married off by early 20s, because their men know what a catch they are.
If you don't have significant prospects by 20 you're fucking donezo.
It happens so fucking fast and nobody gets the memo.
Literally 99% of all the foids I have ever talked to have been taken and I only talked to them because I know/am friends with the guy they are with. It's fucking over I swear. There's absolutely nowhere to meet single girls anymore. This isn't the 50s where you went to the dance and asked a girl onto the dancefloor. It's all dating apps and internet shit, which is fucking impossible if you are not chad or NTmaxxed.

The last hope anyone has to find an unattached girl is in college/uni. Past that and it is fucking 100% OVER, and even in college most of the girls are taken in the first few fucking weeks of the first year. Foids don't stay single because they don't have to. Getting a new guy for them is as simple as getting a kebab from the local takeaway is for me.
This is why university professors support the left, they want more legal JB to walk in and be sluts, new sluts every year
just google it retard

You have "Chad's" cock so far up your asshole it's the only thing you can think about. You genuinely cannot process new information. You don't need "Chad" to explain what's happening. Chad is not that common anyway. Most people are average by definition. Even if Chad was banging new chick every week(most of them don't) the numbers wouldn't work. This is also why people think incels are insane. The Chad phenomenon lives rent free in your dumb head and it's the only thing you can talk about while foaming at the mouth.
You're not even necessarily wrong, you have top 1% fuckers plowing through dozens of women, we all know that happens. But it's not the reason why all non ogre women are taken. They're not taken by Chad. You can speculate what kind of one night stands they did or didn't have but unless you live in specific areas like California; chances are any given femoid won't have insane bodycount.
Chad pushes higher tier men downwards. Not only do some Chads hunt for scraps, they force younger and poorer normies to go for ogre as well
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

50 weeks, brutal
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Currently am doing this rn. This is true.:feelsjuice:
Well Put what It Comes down to is your Looks and her decision If She wants you or Not in the First 30 Seconds.
To be quite frank, never had a social circle, so have nothing to comment :feelsrope:
ive heard there's a lot of young women at normie hangouts like clubs and festivals
Watch the video I linked, it makes perfect sense why older guys have wives. But even that is going to change soon I suspect.

This shit just ain''t normal bro were supposed to be married of at this age biologically why can't our biology align with Christian values.
this is brutal, mods pin this
This is the kind of hell that I see when I'm out at bars and clubs too. It's all a sausagefest, while women are usually in groups. I would think that groups of 2-3 women are approachable, but these groups I see consist of 5+ women. And mind you, my city has more women than men, and I've also been to a few other cities way out of state. When I had female friends in my social circle in HS, all of them were taken, too.

There really isn't an easy way to try to even meet women as a sub-Chad, as we are shut down on dating apps and anything online dating related immediately. There really is no hope. :feelsUgh:
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Genuinely one of the best reads here, I tried the same thing on the scale of years, I really bought into the “normie” mainstream media social circle/work out/change your personality bro bullshit but eventually the real truth requires crazy levels of delusion to keep buying into.

Thanks for that video link will give it a watch, the western world’s dating market (and sexual market for that matter — even prostitution is illegal/punishable by law where I live) is so unbelievably lopsided it’s a complete joke.

Our entire system is stacked in favor of women and yet nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. And if you do notice or even just ask questions about it you’re immediately ruined reputationally in our society, it’s rigged top down.
You’re still in uni and going to college bars I suspect. That’s the closest you’ll get to a magic room full of young single girls. It’s over once you graduate.
Sad but true — as a woman it’s still very easy to get dates and male attention post graduation whether at work or by going to bars or online/speed dating whatever. It’s hilarious how women frame getting male attention as “bad” and “hard to live with as a woman” lol. They really have no idea the other side of the coin.
are you implying that most 6+ women are in a chad harem and so are "taken", eg that you have been exposed to

there are numerically as many women as men so logically the only way there are "not enough" women is that they are literally sharing the same chad top 20% are sharing 40-50% of the women so even average men are getting fuck all, and these 5-7 women are saying they are "taken" teeheeee when they are cock carouselling the top 20% of men and sharing between them the same man in many cases
I mean, isn’t that basically what’s going on though? Even if they weren’t most women would rather be single it seems than dare date or fuck a sub 6 or 7 man from what I’ve seen.
If we mass clone foids dating would be a lot easier :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: A reverse China/India
I wish — though on Uni campus doesn’t seem to help much as they still bang a small handful. Ratio split might need to be wider than expected
In reality it's race to the bottom. There's only so many women you can meet in your young adult life. If you're average that number is going to be relatively pathetic. It doesn't open the door to you getting lucky much. Most women you'll meet will have predictable life situations. You'll see a hot girl and she's gonna be owned by some rich good looking guy. And on and on.

I feel like I've survived three major shocks to my system in my struggles to find a woman. The first one was when you realize that the class Stacy is not into you. I had very solipsistic understanding of dynamics until that point. Second shock is realizing that women that are a good catch in general are not really into you. Until that point I thought that sheer numbers alone would put something my way.
Third shock is realizing that not only are women generally not into me, they're all fucking taken.

I had always wondered as a kid, still operating under the delusion of disney romance, why normalfags seem to go around with these ugly women. I thought they just found them attractive and they were the perfect fit like they're supposed to be. I thought my perception of their girlfriends was wrong, not that dating is subject to same forces as riches. And that reason why most normies have average and ugly girls is the reason why most normies have boring old cars.

Honestly I'd rather there be a clear but harder way to obtain women. I can finance a BMW M3 for example. It would be a tremendous financial burden and a stupid financial decision, but I can do it. And if I couldn't, I more or less know what I'd need to do to get one. Getting women is not at all comparable to that. It's just a conclusion to your personal reality.
To be honest, even if there were thousands of single females around you the problem would persist, I understand your problem because i had it too. But reality is more dissapointing than we'd like to assume.

Normies in general get girlfriends quite easily, they just go to a party or a meet up and they find a single female and boom. They get a gf. We go to the same places but we're not considered dating material by the girls, so thus we continue single. Even if it's true that the gender ratio is somewhat skewed. That dosn't mean that all of the world is china, there's relatively enough young women to have a girlfriend.

So it comes to no surprise that at the end of the day the problem is our lack of looks, not our lack of meeting single females. Even if you meet a single female she won't consider you a potential mate, even if you want to cope your way into it.

The prequisite to getting a girlfriend is that you get out of your room, the more looks you have the easier it will be to get a girlfriend because women will be more inclined into pursuing you, meanwhile the shittier your looks the less inclined they would be. So even if you're next to them and even talk to them, they won't give 2 shits about you.
good thread this is obvious

its why failed normies like me who did avg 10yrs ago are now incel tier, we got pushed out of the pusi economy. foids have way too many options, we're talking a foid breaking up with her bf and getting a new bf in 2hrs

nukes are also giga cuck inventions since they discourage traditional kinetic warfare

wars are good for men as it keeps our numbers low, thereby reducing simping/validation and etc

Chad pushes higher tier men downwards. Not only do some Chads hunt for scraps, they force younger and poorer normies to go for ogre as well
chad has always been a problem:feelswhat:
eventually their greed will get the best of them :feelshaha:

of Jake 7/10 normie now goes for 4~6/10 foids, if bad times even 3/10
they know they are attractive male specimen so they take full advantage of it

my chadpreet lite friend has 2 foids, with a 3rd one in rotation soon. meanwhile I am rotting here with a wizard status:feelsseriously::feelsseriously:
To be honest, even if there were thousands of single females around you the problem would persist, I understand your problem because i had it too. But reality is more dissapointing than we'd like to assume.

Normies in general get girlfriends quite easily, they just go to a party or a meet up and they find a single female and boom. They get a gf. We go to the same places but we're not considered dating material by the girls, so thus we continue single. Even if it's true that the gender ratio is somewhat skewed. That dosn't mean that all of the world is china, there's relatively enough young women to have a girlfriend.

So it comes to no surprise that at the end of the day the problem is our lack of looks, not our lack of meeting single females. Even if you meet a single female she won't consider you a potential mate, even if you want to cope your way into it.

The prequisite to getting a girlfriend is that you get out of your room, the more looks you have the easier it will be to get a girlfriend because women will be more inclined into pursuing you, meanwhile the shittier your looks the less inclined they would be. So even if you're next to them and even talk to them, they won't give 2 shits about you.
I wouldn't say so. It's mostly the lack of opportunity for average men. My friend is a 7/10 depending on what kind of fetish a foid viewing him has and he's dating a hag 7 years older than him. To be fair to him, she's not bad looking but it paints a picture. He is sociable and people naturally like him, yet he ended up like that.
Women I interact with are mostly cordial with me but they're all taken. No, I am not deluding myself into thinking normal decent interactions imply anything, but I know for a fact I don't repulse women. It's the market forces that are fucking me. In this sex economy a 4/10 chubby foid is my equivalent. And that's just not even worth the money I'd spend on dates.
If you think I am a volcel, I really don't care.
I wouldn't say so. It's mostly the lack of opportunity for average men. My friend is a 7/10 depending on what kind of fetish a foid viewing him has and he's dating a hag 7 years older than him. To be fair to him, she's not bad looking but it paints a picture. He is sociable and people naturally like him, yet he ended up like that.
That's the thing, average men do get laid. This is the missconception of this forum, majority of people that i know do get laid. I'm one of the few that dosn't. When i go meet with people there are non-taken females, but they all want the tall or better looking than me dudes. Even if they already have a gf. They prefer being alone than with a non-attractive person
Women I interact with are mostly cordial with me but they're all taken. No, I am not deluding myself into thinking normal decent interactions imply anything, but I know for a fact I don't repulse women. It's the market forces that are fucking me. In this sex economy a 4/10 chubby foid is my equivalent. And that's just not even worth the money I'd spend on dates.
If you think I am a volcel, I really don't care.
You don't repulse women because you don't make sexual advances to them, and bear in mind that non-repulsing them it's miles away from them wiling to fuck you. On another note, do you consider yourself a 5/10? If so what's bad about dating a 4/10? If you have qualms about dating below your looks level bear in mind that in no much time at all you won't be able to get even the 4s, Women have that much more sexual value than men. And while people who are not willing to fuck 4s exists, those that do are in the 100s.

So there's that, if you don't like 4s then your non taken women is also non taken women attractive to me. So you're putting a lot of requisites onto a potential partner, while knowing that in the sexual market men have less SMV than women.

I'm not much different than you, i don't think i would date someone that i'm not attracted to. But that's just a problem of my preferences and not because of a shortage of women my age. Also if you know extroverted attractive people you will understand that if you're goodlooking enough, a lot of women are single when you're around.
yeah gender ratios is western countries are a huge problem, just go to any social event and take notice of what a sausage fest it is.

I've been considering moving to latin america, that seems like my only chance is countries with larger female populations and higher male mortality rate.

I was going to go to eastern europe but putin has basically fucked up russia and ukraine now for decades
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I mean, isn’t that basically what’s going on though? Even if they weren’t most women would rather be single it seems than dare date or fuck a sub 6 or 7 man from what I’ve seen.
citation is the highest form of flattery
That's the thing, average men do get laid. This is the missconception of this forum, majority of people that i know do get laid. I'm one of the few that dosn't. When i go meet with people there are non-taken females, but they all want the tall or better looking than me dudes. Even if they already have a gf. They prefer being alone than with a non-attractive person

You don't repulse women because you don't make sexual advances to them, and bear in mind that non-repulsing them it's miles away from them wiling to fuck you. On another note, do you consider yourself a 5/10? If so what's bad about dating a 4/10? If you have qualms about dating below your looks level bear in mind that in no much time at all you won't be able to get even the 4s, Women have that much more sexual value than men. And while people who are not willing to fuck 4s exists, those that do are in the 100s.

So there's that, if you don't like 4s then your non taken women is also non taken women attractive to me. So you're putting a lot of requisites onto a potential partner, while knowing that in the sexual market men have less SMV than women.

I'm not much different than you, i don't think i would date someone that i'm not attracted to. But that's just a problem of my preferences and not because of a shortage of women my age. Also if you know extroverted attractive people you will understand that if you're goodlooking enough, a lot of women are single when you're around.
In my case no girl is ever single. I’m around a few very sociable foids sometimes and they have no single friends unless they are fat and older than me. Unless I go to a bar by myself I almost never meet any foids in their 20’s anywhere.
I wouldn't say so. It's mostly the lack of opportunity for average men. My friend is a 7/10 depending on what kind of fetish a foid viewing him has and he's dating a hag 7 years older than him. To be fair to him, she's not bad looking but it paints a picture. He is sociable and people naturally like him, yet he ended up like that.
Women I interact with are mostly cordial with me but they're all taken. No, I am not deluding myself into thinking normal decent interactions imply anything, but I know for a fact I don't repulse women. It's the market forces that are fucking me. In this sex economy a 4/10 chubby foid is my equivalent. And that's just not even worth the money I'd spend on dates.
If you think I am a volcel, I really don't care.
I’m around a few nice sociable girls sometimes and they are all taken. Same with all their friends. The only other foids that I meet are 10+ years older than me. It’s insane how isolated we are from young foids. I’ve done social dancing and 99% of foids were all in their 30’s-40’s. Non fat foids in their 20’s truly are unreachable and other people have to basically vet you and introduce you to them/invite you to a party if you want a chance and that’s only if they even know any jfl.
good thread this is obvious

its why failed normies like me who did avg 10yrs ago are now incel tier, we got pushed out of the pusi economy. foids have way too many options, we're talking a foid breaking up with her bf and getting a new bf in 2hrs

nukes are also giga cuck inventions since they discourage traditional kinetic warfare

wars are good for men as it keeps our numbers low, thereby reducing simping/validation and etc

chad has always been a problem:feelswhat:
eventually their greed will get the best of them :feelshaha:

of Jake 7/10 normie now goes for 4~6/10 foids, if bad times even 3/10
they know they are attractive male specimen so they take full advantage of it

my chadpreet lite friend has 2 foids, with a 3rd one in rotation soon. meanwhile I am rotting here with a wizard status:feelsseriously::feelsseriously:
We need Marxism Rodgerism to stop Chads from taking all the foids
Countryside People always tend to move to the Big Cities and i heard its always more women than men, its different for every small Town but i even heard from TV News once that there is a Village full of young men and no young females because every female left for the City(Refugees obviously will always go for the Cities too) City = More Social- and Career Opportunities.

Its fucked because since the demographic is fucked women will always have a men at disposal and you have to fight a insane competition which means even if you Looks/NTmaxx until you are smooth af if you dont stand out as a whole person that can offer a crazy life experience for the desired female you can go home as an below average looking men. And thats the next thing that some people here have to consider if they wanna try and work on them self, is to give off some vibe that makes the female think they gonna get a crazy new life experience out of you and the only thing that can give off this is vibe is a real dark triad thugmaxxer or some moneymaxxed dude that can do all kinds of crazy stuff with his money (private jet/yacht/driver, crazy Villa or other properties, expensive cars, lavish lifestyle) this is the only chance i really see tbh all this other things Looks, Style, NT wont make the cut anymore, especially since alot of young men got aware of the Red Pill (Andrew Tate, Sneako, but even before there was/is alot of lookism/looksmax content in tiktok which suprised me). I wouldnt even try anymore since i realized that i always was a ghost near women never had a opportunity to even have a chance with one since i will stay unnoticed even if i manage to talk i can sense the vibe that i am unwanted in any form so i am came fast to the conclusion that my normiemaxxing wont get me far. Maybe leaving big cities and aiming for a female dominated town/country can help IDK
The instant a femoid is slightly sociable she will get taken in span of few months. They get asked out all the time if they're young and not fat. All the good women are in relationships by 16 and married off by early 20s, because their men know what a catch they are.
If you don't have significant prospects by 20 you're fucking donezo.
It happens so fucking fast and nobody gets the memo.
yep, my tall normie friend met his now long term gf when they were 17 in high school friend group. Been in relationship for 5 years now and ofc they are not splitting up. Started uni last year half the women are already taken OF COURSE. And thats only they the one where they posted their boyfriends on instagram profile pic. Many more probs already have a bf. Its a suifuel
yep, my tall normie friend met his now long term gf when they were 17 in high school friend group. Been in relationship for 5 years now and ofc they are not splitting up. Started uni last year half the women are already taken OF COURSE. And thats only they the one where they posted their boyfriends on instagram profile pic. Many more probs already have a bf. Its a suifuel
Keep in mind a lot of these women recently split up with their highschool boyfriends and are looking for dick. Once you go into the real world and people settle with somebody before the end of college, their stable friend groups that function as matchmakers form and stay for decades, once that process is done, they become almost impenetrable socially.
In my case no girl is ever single. I’m around a few very sociable foids sometimes and they have no single friends unless they are fat and older than me. Unless I go to a bar by myself I almost never meet any foids in their 20’s anywhere.
I don't even meet women in their 20s in bars. I do have to admit the bar I picked is a very subpar place to find new people because it's kind of hidden but that shouldn't matter that much. My exposure to social situations is alot higher than average normie and it does nothing for me.
That's the thing, average men do get laid. This is the missconception of this forum, majority of people that i know do get laid. I'm one of the few that dosn't. When i go meet with people there are non-taken females, but they all want the tall or better looking than me dudes. Even if they already have a gf. They prefer being alone than with a non-attractive person
Of course average people get laid. Chad isn't omnipresent force taking all women. What kind of women do they get laid with though? How often? How much of them getting laid is them telling you stories? The normie that tells you about his sexual conquest just fucked a drunk fat chick once a year.
If you have qualms about dating below your looks level bear in mind that in no much time at all you won't be able to get even the 4s, Women have that much more sexual value than men. And while people who are not willing to fuck 4s exists, those that do are in the 100s.
You are absolutely correct.
So there's that, if you don't like 4s then your non taken women is also non taken women attractive to me. So you're putting a lot of requisites onto a potential partner, while knowing that in the sexual market men have less SMV than women.

I'm not much different than you, i don't think i would date someone that i'm not attracted to. But that's just a problem of my preferences and not because of a shortage of women my age. Also if you know extroverted attractive people you will understand that if you're goodlooking enough, a lot of women are single when you're around.
It absolutely is a shortage problem. I am not exposed to enough young women in my regular routine to have anything happen. Young women do not go to bars. They sometimes go drinking to clubs with their friends, or go to festivals, but things like that happen once a season. Regular people do not go out much. This is a meme from the movies you watch. The bar I go to I am starting to recognize 70% of patrons, the difference in frequency of people going out between regulars and normies is huge. Guess who is more likely to be a regular, and more likely to go drink alone hoping to chat up people at the bar. The bar I sit at by the way. It's 40 year old men with beer bellies.

But yes, attraction is nonnegotiable for me, I think I'd be fine in another sexual market but both women and I have priced me out of the market and I can only cry on the internet now.
Fucking brutal
Keep in mind a lot of these women recently split up with their highschool boyfriends and are looking for dick. Once you go into the real world and people settle with somebody before the end of college, their stable friend groups that function as matchmakers form and stay for decades, once that process is done, they become almost impenetrable socially.
well they are both done with college now and in long term relationship. Myb culturally its dierrent here than in USA. High school social circles are CRUCIAL ASF here. In my uni everyone came with already set up friend groups and social lives from high school days. Already now in uni most women are impenetrable socially. Most men in my uni group are totally invisible to women bcs they dont fucking need them. Nobody came to make friends tbh most of them
don't even meet women in their 20s in bars. I do have to admit the bar I picked is a very subpar place to find new people because it's kind of hidden but that shouldn't matter that much. My exposure to social situations is alot higher than average normie and it does nothing for me.
I’ve never been in a bar I just assumed younger foids went to them or at least while they’re in school. At this point I’m convinced that even if I was NT with 10/10 social skills it wouldn’t matter. If you don’t get a gf/friend group by 23 at the latest it’s basically over.
I’ve never been in a bar I just assumed younger foids went to them or at least while they’re in school. At this point I’m convinced that even if I was NT with 10/10 social skills it wouldn’t matter. If you don’t get a gf/friend group by 23 at the latest it’s basically over.

bars put up even more barriers between you and the foid

simp beta cuck bartenders can literally kick you out if you upset any foids for any reason...
society and globohomo are doing their best to make it almost impossible for non-chads to get with foids

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