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Story My year of normalfagmaxxing



Jun 10, 2018
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.
Great thread. Goes to show how harsh reality is.
Voting for pin
The demographic pill is brutal. Most of females are taken, and the ones that are not are likely to have been on double digit body count and the singlehood is just a temporary 2 weeks state.
This is what I’ve been saying and why Reddit advice is useless. What I don’t get is how every 30+ year old fucker I see has a wife. I see plenty of single guys in their 20’s. I thought betabuxxing was a meme these days but I guess foids are still getting desperate in their 30’s and start coming out of the woodwork Iike cockroaches.
that's crazy bruh
This is what I’ve been saying and why Reddit advice is useless. What I don’t get is how every 30+ year old fucker I see has a wife. I see plenty of single guys in their 20’s. I thought betabuxxing was a meme these days but I guess foids are still getting desperate in their 30’s and start coming out of the woodwork Iike cockroaches.
Watch the video I linked, it makes perfect sense why older guys have wives. But even that is going to change soon I suspect.
Yeah reality is very brutal when you try to play the game :feelsrope:
Good post. At least for me, most foids I talk to at bars are single. Probably that's why I talk to them though jfl.
Good post. At least for me, most foids I talk to at bars are single. Probably that's why I talk to them though jfl.
You’re still in uni and going to college bars I suspect. That’s the closest you’ll get to a magic room full of young single girls. It’s over once you graduate.
That's true, every woman seems to be taken. It's ridiculous. Even the religious ones are taken.
If you didn't score in uni or high school it's pretty much over.
Watch the video I linked, it makes perfect sense why older guys have wives. But even that is going to change soon I suspect.
I’ve seen it. I guess most of us are just rotting inside because any time I go out all I see are happy coupled normies with a few singles sprinkled throughout, mostly in their 20’s
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

are you implying that most 6+ women are in a chad harem and so are "taken", eg that you have been exposed to

there are numerically as many women as men so logically the only way there are "not enough" women is that they are literally sharing the same chad top 20% are sharing 40-50% of the women so even average men are getting fuck all, and these 5-7 women are saying they are "taken" teeheeee when they are cock carouselling the top 20% of men and sharing between them the same man in many cases
there are numerically as many women as men
actually, at least in my country, there are more females in the age group of 16-30 than males. if i remember correctly there are 3% more foids in this age group:feelsrope:
there are numerically as many women as men
wrong. If you live in developed country there's more men than women under 50 (aka the fuckable age) at a rate of around 110 to 100. You're also assuming 35 year old men go for 35 year old women. They don't. You don't even need hypergamy to explain how fucked the gender ratios are. If you amplify it with hypergamy you get the current state of men.
We all lost literally the moment sperm carrying Y chromosome united with egg.
wrong. If you live in developed country there's more men than women under 50 (aka the fuckable age) at a rate of around 110 to 100. You're also assuming 35 year old men go for 35 year old women. They don't. You don't even need hypergamy to explain how fucked the gender ratios are. If you amplify it with hypergamy you get the current state of men.
We all lost literally the moment sperm carrying Y chromosome united with egg.
you think 35 year old men go for younger

but again you are in the matrix of 35 year old CHAD MEN go for younger women, 35 year od normies and below ARE SHUT OUT AND HAVE TO GO FOR OLDER THIS IS THE MAJORITY OF 35 YEAR OLD MEN

ergo my numbers still hold and still work for chad hareeming all the under 35 year old women, eg the majority of these women are going for old chad and being in their hareem or younger chad and being in their hareem

I thought the women to male ratios at a younger age were only fucked for asian countries especially china and japan, have you data to prove more men than women under 50 in the west
I thought the women to male ratios at a younger age were only fucked for asian countries especially china and japan, have you data to prove more men than women under 50 in the west
just google it retard

You have "Chad's" cock so far up your asshole it's the only thing you can think about. You genuinely cannot process new information. You don't need "Chad" to explain what's happening. Chad is not that common anyway. Most people are average by definition. Even if Chad was banging new chick every week(most of them don't) the numbers wouldn't work. This is also why people think incels are insane. The Chad phenomenon lives rent free in your dumb head and it's the only thing you can talk about while foaming at the mouth.
You're not even necessarily wrong, you have top 1% fuckers plowing through dozens of women, we all know that happens. But it's not the reason why all non ogre women are taken. They're not taken by Chad. You can speculate what kind of one night stands they did or didn't have but unless you live in specific areas like California; chances are any given femoid won't have insane bodycount.
Now THIS is a thread that needs to be pinned!!!
You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.
So why not looksmatch? Has anyone ever seen an average toilet shoot for a Chad and get out of that without being clowned on? Real talk.

I think we've only got a demographic problem - to use your language - because too many incels here are actually volcels who look only for Staceys. Who here is seriously expecting to profit off of that :lul: ?
are you implying that most 6+ women are in a chad harem and so are "taken", eg that you have been exposed to

there are numerically as many women as men so logically the only way there are "not enough" women is that they are literally sharing the same chad top 20% are sharing 40-50% of the women so even average men are getting fuck all, and these 5-7 women are saying they are "taken" teeheeee when they are cock carouselling the top 20% of men and sharing between them the same man in many cases
How is this not the blackpill? Can the demographic pill not exist alongside the blackpill or what :feelsUgh: ?

There are just more women than men, except for maybe the ricenormies and ricecels, so something is not adding up with what OP is saying, though I'm inclined to want to believe what he's sharing.
I've experienced a similar thing
I got invited to a few college parties as a oldcel because I look somewhat young/I go to the gym with them a lot
I was raised watching movies and television that depicted all the football players as slayers but most the football players I knew that were there (all white and over 6') were all single and struggled to so much as get a conversation with a girl. The parties had like an 80/20 male to female ratio at best and the ones that did show up brought their boyfriends along. Apparently in this era women are able to totally ignore everything but the top absolute Chads of the school.
When I was in college all of the female students had boyfriends but at least some of those boyfriends were still average looking students.
I've watched the video and it actually brings up a lot of interesting points, also why geomaxxing is so important if you live in the West. I'm surprised to learn all these things about China, especially the gender gap in suicide rates being much smaller.
How is this not the blackpill? Can the demographic pill not exist alongside the blackpill or what :feelsUgh: ?

There are just more women than men, except for maybe the ricenormies and ricecels, so something is not adding up with what OP is saying, though I'm inclined to want to believe what he's sharing.
It's old hags that tip the numbers. It's amazing how widespread this myth is. Young men are more numerous than young women and not by little
It's old hags that tip the numbers. It's amazing how widespread this myth is. Young men are more numerous than young women and not by little
If we mass clone foids dating would be a lot easier :feelsohh::feelsohh::feelsohh: A reverse China/India
It's old hags that tip the numbers. It's amazing how widespread this myth is. Young men are more numerous than young women and not by little
Okay, you've got the data to this? - I might just need that.

If true, what do you think is tipping the scale towards more young men?
There's no point in trying for non-chads.
Okay, you've got the data to this? - I might just need that.

If true, what do you think is tipping the scale towards more young men?
read the fucking thread

During times of abundance men are more likely to be born, as more resources means investing in a man that can potentially have more children is advantageous. That gender imbalance is even greater if it's an only child, which is increasingly the family model.
During times of abundance men are more likely to be born,
What do times of abundance have to do with whether a baby becomes one sex or the other? Are people aborting females?
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Voting for pin
Now THIS is a thread that needs to be pinned!!!
I've watched the video and it actually brings up a lot of interesting points, also why geomaxxing is so important if you live in the West. I'm surprised to learn all these things about China, especially the gender gap in suicide rates being much smaller.

preach brother
even college bars are usually 3 maybe 4 to one male/female

if you get in early and pulled a chick (basically impossible) you might have a chance
but as soon as chads start showing up they fuck up the market

it's like trying to sell a hotdog at market value when suddenly 10 rich fucks are
willing to pay double for the same exact hotdog (only its a roast beef sandwich) :feelshaha:

same shit in clubs

the only answer to the internet globalization of pussy-market is to go to poor countries
and fuck the desperate hoes there

it's basically the reverse of what is happening to us and the only logical solution
life is also cheaper there so it's a winwin
you think 35 year old men go for younger
they absolutely do and they experience/money mog the younger guys (and lie about their age)
also massive subset of young women ONLY date older dudes 30-40

also other large subset with daddy issues that fuck anywhere from 35-55+
(even in their teens)
they absolutely do and they experience/money mog the younger guys (and lie about their age)
also massive subset of young women ONLY date older dudes 30-40

also other large subset with daddy issues that fuck anywhere from 35-55+
(even in their teens)


you think a balding 35 year old normie bank clerk is going for prime 20-30 year old women WHO HAVE NEVER HAD MORE OPTIONS IN THEIR FUCKING LIVES



What do times of abundance have to do with whether a baby becomes one sex or the other? Are people aborting females?
Evolution. If you had more resources and birthed a male that was surrounded by more resources he would propagate those genes faster than a female. Opposite is true for times when there's lack of resources/you're starving etc., women being born is more beneficial because they get taken care of.

I won't bother replying to you anymore since you're double digit IQ
I thought you ended up burying yourself in whatever job you have and that you hated being here ngl
What do times of abundance have to do with whether a baby becomes one sex or the other? Are people aborting females?

To make it simpler, it has to do with how much men are out there dying to major wars/starvation/90-150 hour work weeks/illness etc.
Evolution. If you had more resources and birthed a male that was surrounded by more resources he would propagate those genes faster than a female. Opposite is true for times when there's lack of resources/you're starving etc., women being born is more beneficial because they get taken care of.

I won't bother replying to you anymore since you're double digit IQ
My question still stands: How does the presence or lack of resources have any contributing effect on the sex of a born baby? Men surrounded by material abundance can't just pass off their genes to create more men.
you're double digit IQ
It's not a good look to project. Honestly, I don't blame you for not replying back. It'd be embarrassing for me too if I kept stating shit with no evidence. Gaping holes in your logic and you seriously think our conversation has even approached an intelligible back-and-forth with coherent replies to simple questions? Uh-huh.

Good luck out there. Try not to forget to breathe.
To make it simpler, it has to do with how much men are out there dying to major wars/starvation/90-150 hour work weeks/illness etc.
Oh, okay, that's starting to make some sense.

I guess a still lingering question for me is: Why more men than women in those circumstances? Wouldn't we just reach sex/gender parity?
If you didn't get into dating by twenty its over, girls already experienced what there is to experience, they don't need your mediocre under average butt in life, they have thousands of men better version of you at disposals, be it taller, better looking, better hair, etc. imo girls are much, much more picky for ltr and marriage and every single one woman is taken. I often say Chad is a meme because I maybe saw few Chad's in my lifetime while I see tallfag normies daily with their wives and kids. Those guys are realistically around 6/10 and tall, woman will pick the best option currently available and above average guy in everything will stand out.

Male to female ratio is beyond fucked up even if on the paper is 50/50, especially if you live in the small town. Many high school and all college aged girls are in bigger cities "temporarily" studying or working same jobs but for bigger paycheck. Mid twenties early thirties also work and date in bigger cities. Only one left here are kids and married foids. When I walk around town if you count only adults, there are 20-30 Men for every female.
Just don't be ugly and short, be attractive and tall instead theory. :feelsthink:
Suit-wearing professional oldcel here... can confirm.

In the corporate world, 99% of women are taken. The wholesome ones are taken. The dull grey mousey ones are taken. The cool ones are taken. The good colleagues and workmates are taken. The seriously hot ones are taken. The generic basic bitches are taken. The ogres are taken. The few that are not taken, are still chasing that elusive Chad. You're the fall guy who makes all of that possible. You're the gap in the slide block puzzle that enabled all the other pieces to find their place.

In saying that, I went to Uni with some pretty hopeless truecels and 3/4 of them ascended in their 20s and have it all now. So you should always remain open to the possibility. But for your mental health you should keep your expectations well grounded in reality, and OP has described the reality perfectly here.
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I have spent decades of my life trying to fit in and blend with all the normalfags everywhere, eventually you stop caring about fitting in along with them altogether. :feelsjuice:
Suit-wearing professional oldcel here... can confirm.

In the corporate world, 99% of women are taken. The wholesome ones are taken. The dull grey mousey ones are taken. The cool ones are taken. The good colleagues and workmates are taken. The seriously hot ones are taken. The generic basic bitches are taken. The ogres are taken. The few that are not taken, are still chasing that elusive Chad. You're the fall guy who makes all of that possible. You're the gap in the slide block puzzle that enabled all the other pieces to find their place.

In saying that, I went to Uni with some pretty hopeless truecels and 3/4 of them ascended in their 20s and have it all now. So you should always remain open to the possibility. But for your mental health you should keep your expectations well grounded in reality, and OP has described the reality perfectly here.
In reality it's race to the bottom. There's only so many women you can meet in your young adult life. If you're average that number is going to be relatively pathetic. It doesn't open the door to you getting lucky much. Most women you'll meet will have predictable life situations. You'll see a hot girl and she's gonna be owned by some rich good looking guy. And on and on.

I feel like I've survived three major shocks to my system in my struggles to find a woman. The first one was when you realize that the class Stacy is not into you. I had very solipsistic understanding of dynamics until that point. Second shock is realizing that women that are a good catch in general are not really into you. Until that point I thought that sheer numbers alone would put something my way.
Third shock is realizing that not only are women generally not into me, they're all fucking taken.

I had always wondered as a kid, still operating under the delusion of disney romance, why normalfags seem to go around with these ugly women. I thought they just found them attractive and they were the perfect fit like they're supposed to be. I thought my perception of their girlfriends was wrong, not that dating is subject to same forces as riches. And that reason why most normies have average and ugly girls is the reason why most normies have boring old cars.

Honestly I'd rather there be a clear but harder way to obtain women. I can finance a BMW M3 for example. It would be a tremendous financial burden and a stupid financial decision, but I can do it. And if I couldn't, I more or less know what I'd need to do to get one. Getting women is not at all comparable to that. It's just a conclusion to your personal reality.
This is what I’ve been saying and why Reddit advice is useless. What I don’t get is how every 30+ year old fucker I see has a wife. I see plenty of single guys in their 20’s. I thought betabuxxing was a meme these days but I guess foids are still getting desperate in their 30’s and start coming out of the woodwork Iike cockroaches.
Betabuxxing. How do you think my Jewish father married my spic mother?:feelswhat::feelswhat:. Latinas, especially if they'reof the lightskin variety:feelskek::feelskek:, are somehow worth their weight in gold among JBW'ers and Ashkenazi Jews if these men are unable to obtain white/jewish women:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

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