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Serious Is based meme right? Should users be permabanned who’ve gone on dates?

Is based meme right? Should users be permabanned who’ve gone on dates?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If you haven't fucked without paying for it you ain't gotten past the title.

I hope we'll see 17 bans today.
If you look into the meaning of the words


The answer should be reasonably clear.

Want sex, but can't get sex, is the standard. It is the only possible coherent standard that there is. And it should always be the standard.

@Fat Link proposes that people who've managed to arrange dates and yet still failed to get sex, are fakecels who don't belong here.

I might propose that neets who've chosen poverty and have never taken any steps to put themselves in front of women, are lazy volcels blaming toilets for their own weakness who don't belong here alongside people who fail with women despite trying and trying and trying.

But the reality is that ALL opinions like that are just personal asshole opinions. Wanting sex and not being able to get sex, is real, it is the litmus test and it should continue to be the only standard for what an incel is.
Actually my position is in alignment with your own.

I‘m simply saying my bro @based_meme who takes issue with our stance may have more support from the community on how we should deal with this problem and this poll is to determine that conclusively. :feelsthink:
Like other users here are pointing out, “date” can mean a lot of things. Women love using guys for free shit. It can also just be for humiliation.

A “date” doesn’t look the same for everyone or across time. For example, for a guy who’s an 8, a date is probably hanging out at her place or the guys place then fucking, then the woman being added to his rotation or falling in love with him. For a guy who’s a 3? A date is the woman staying as far from him as possible, not even touching him, trying to get a free dinner and ordering something extra to-go for tomorrow’s lunch, then never seeing or speaking to him again..
No dates can be free car ride, free meals, free jester literally some men have stories of being saved as free food on some girls devices :feelskek:

A friend of mine kept going on dates with a girl for 2 years and paying everytime before he got the courage to finally ask her to be his gf and when he did on whatsapp (jfl) she replied with ":s"
Said it better than me.
Actually my position is in alignment with your own.

I‘m simply saying my bro @based_meme who takes issue with our stance may have more support from the community on how we should deal with this problem and this poll is to determine that conclusively. :feelsthink:
Most of the community is below 20 years old troll zoomers, anyone who says getting a date and getting played for free meals/cinema/nightclub should be suspected of zoomer fakecelism.
If you look into the meaning of the words


The answer should be reasonably clear.

Want sex, but can't get sex, is the standard. It is the only possible coherent standard that there is. And it should always be the standard.

@Fat Link proposes that people who've managed to arrange dates and yet still failed to get sex, are fakecels who don't belong here.

I might propose that neets who've chosen poverty and have never taken any steps to put themselves in front of women, are lazy volcels blaming toilets for their own weakness who don't belong here alongside people who fail with women despite trying and trying and trying.

But the reality is that ALL opinions like that are just personal asshole opinions. Wanting sex and not being able to get sex, is real, it is the litmus test and it should continue to be the only standard for what an incel is.
People go on dates for the purposes of sex and romance. It isn't just a get-to-know-you game. It's a get-to-know-and-see-if-we'll-be-fucking-later-and-possibly-regularly game (short or long-term, though short-term can just skip the dating step and go straight to either's home or a hotel room). For the man it's quite straightforward. He wants to fuck, so he asks her out on a date. She then agrees (or not), based on initial appearances, then uses the date to evaluate you for longer term, because "dating" is showing interest in more than just sex (the desire for it is always implied and understood), though the short-term evaluation is done practically instantly (all looks).

What does this mean for men who are attractive enough to go on dates but never get sex? How does that even work as the number of dates approaches infinity (lim dates -> infinity, f(dates) = 0 sex)? She's actively taking time out of her day to spend it with you. Considering how indecisive and flaky women are known to be, this is usually a huge step.

Unless you're some 1 in a billion edge case where you appear perfectly normal to her when getting the date but then morph into Captain Autismo the moment the date is on, it's extremely improbable that a man can easily go on multiple dates but never get sex. This is why sexless dating is an unealistic caveat for inceldom. Almost always, with enough dates (especially for someone who can easily get them), sex is practically a certainty.
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Are you still an incel if you've been one date but you are still single, never had a gf, lost virginity, and is still unsuccessful even though he tries his best to get a foids attention?
No cause sometimes foids just want a free meal
it depends if the date was purely a setup to be humiliated-- this is the only excuse
This and the foid using the date for free food. If the foid does anything romantic on said date that is a different story
Are you still an incel if you've been one date but you are still single, never had a gf, lost virginity, and is still unsuccessful even though he tries his best to get a foids attention?

I swear some of the retards here have no nuance or complexity in their considerations at all.

Also when we had the survey long while back like half of users here have a had a kiss? Like wtf, that's what should be banworthy. Why the fuck are we nitpicking over going on a date when half the users here tongue fucked a foid?

Also it always sus how so many of the super ban happy postmaxxers turn out to fakecels themselves.
If you look good enough to get a date, you look good enough to have sex, it's as simple as that.

Some exceptions ofc if your date ended up being a trap just for another person to mock you or if a foid accepts to date your chadfish.
Incel until you have 4 wives and 12 kids @based_meme
Are you still an incel if you've been one date but you are still single, never had a gf, lost virginity, and is still unsuccessful even though he tries his best to get a foids attention?


I swear some of the retards here have no nuance or complexity in their considerations at all.


:feelsclown: "I'm the only real truecel here, nobody has ever suffered like I'm suffering, anybody with even slightly different experiences of inceldom than me is a fakecel, reeeee!"

^^^That attitude there, has always been the curse of .is and .co before it.

It's why I was on r/braincels and not .co for a long time.

It's why I just walked away from the online incel community, and spent over a year just doing my gardening after braincels got nuked.

The supportive, collegial spirit that braincels had just wasn't present in .co, and it's still not really present here now.

There are some good dudes here, but overall the site is just assholes trying to tear each other down and score a point. ALL. THE. FKN. TIME.

I just don't understand why so many users choose to be like that here. If you want to get treated like shit, there's the entire world out there where you can get that. Why in the world do so many users want to bring that in here, and make that the norm for how we treat each other here?

I can only guess it's the same mentality that fuels r/Inceltears? I'm a loser at life, everyone mogs me, but HERE! HERE is my chance to shit on someone else, so I'm gonna do it!
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Actually my position is in alignment with your own.

I‘m simply saying my bro @based_meme who takes issue with our stance may have more support from the community on how we should deal with this problem and this poll is to determine that conclusively. :feelsthink:
Guys who can get dates are obviously not incel, this means a woman is willing to spend her time on a guy, that alone is proof they are not incel. A guy like me would NEVER be able to go on a date, period, let alone have a conversation with a female for longer than 2 minutes.

If a girl goes on a date with you that means your physical characteristics are not the main issue at all, maybe the one going on the date is retarded and fucks it up but that is where dating coaching come in, these exist for guys who have the ability to go on dates.

So yes, a guy going on dates isn't incel, he can ascend with effort. However, some people like me and my bro @based_meme would not even be given the time of day. If we have to share the forum with those who gets kisses, hugs and dates it's a massive insult to us and many actual truecels here.

Like @LeFrenchCel said, if you're good enough for a date, you are good enough for sex. Bullshit that this is even contested here.
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if you have gotten multiple dates and can’t fuck, that’s on you nigga and don’t belong here at all
foids will take an orbiter on a ""date""" just for a free meal and a free ride to chads house , with ZERO intention of ever fucking him.
in my opinion it should be up to mods discretion, on a case by case basis

You can always tell when school kids and neets who've never made any effort are speaking.
I asked out several foids to go on dates with me and they all rejected me :feelsseriously:
I voted other.

It is too much of a grey area and the "date" needs context

In this thread this man swiped 1 million times on tinder and got one date from tinder.
Guys who can get dates are obviously not incel

Just because you can type a whole lot of meaningless waffle that you made up, that does not mean any of it is correct or true.

What does the word celibate mean to you?

Hint: It has a very clear meaning, look up any dictionary if you need to.
i think kissing or cuddling make sense but just going on a date isnt enough. she could just be using the guy for money
it depends if the date was purely a setup to be humiliated-- this is the only excuse
You should seriously ban the cucks that said no.
How does going on a real date still mean you're a trucel?
How can this actually be serious? This is madness and oppression on this website.
they just could've been used for a free meal by a foid and had it disgused as a """"date"""
plus No you should be permabanned doe
On the other hand, I can see this isn’t just a discussion of what makes a “fakecel,”
then what proof does it require to you to further prove someone is a fakecel, if not actually scoring a chick without being arrested?
Then people who can get escort should also be banned cuz they can get sex. Dates can be done to =get free food, free resources. Not that i have ever been on date.
then what proof does it require to you to further prove someone is a fakecel, if not actually scoring a chick without being arrested?
There are a number of definitions of what a “fakecel” is from what I’ve seen, for example someone who has had unpaid sex (100% a fakecel), someone who gets regular female attention, or someone who has had relationships or has “dated” (different from “gone on a date”) foids.
school kids
I think this is the issue

The large, very vocal population of guys who are 18-22 here has only ever experienced a world with rampant casual sex and online dating. I can see why to them, someone getting a date in the last few years seems like a fakecel trait. Women using men who are deemed undesirable for food and rides happens mostly out of college, I’d think.

Still, I don’t think many of them are putting forth effort in considering the variability of what a “date” is. I also believe they don’t truly know just how evil women can be, and for example assume that time or attention towards men is always genuine and never manipulative.
Some women are pure evil ive seen them do this many many times.
I think there are a lot of guys here who just don’t have the real world experience to know this. Women who are hypergamous and who shun, ignore, or outright disrespect us are one form of evil. But there’s a whole other side to women that only comes out in certain settings, like the workplace for example, where they will pretend to be nice to you but use everything they learn about you to tear you down. Women are generally socially adept and politically savvy, and there are a good number of them out there who do not hesitate to use this against men, ESPECIALLY ones who they can write off as not having sexual value to them. And thanks to feminism, they have a convenient excuse to not feel badly about it or to explain it should the need arise.
I think there are a lot of guys here who just don’t have the real world experience to know this. Women who are hypergamous and who shun, ignore, or outright disrespect us are one form of evil. But there’s a whole other side to women that only comes out in certain settings, like the workplace for example, where they will pretend to be nice to you but use everything they learn about you to tear you down. Women are generally socially adept and politically savvy, and there are a good number of them out there who do not hesitate to use this against men, ESPECIALLY ones who they can write off as not having sexual value to them. And thanks to feminism, they have a convenient excuse to not feel badly about it or to explain it should the need arise.
What you said also happens alot. They try to be your friend at work by chatting you up then the next thing u know is you get a call from HR for a warning because they reported you for something you said or did while trying to be friendly.
I personally don't get how purely going on a date qualifies one as a fakecel. It's not a matter of the woman finding you attractive, she saw an easy way to get free meals and rides
Same :feelsbadman: A lot of people somehow don’t get this
I personally don't get how purely going on a date qualifies one as a fakecel. It's not a matter of the woman finding you attractive, she saw an easy way to get free meals and rides
some of them are like "you need to drop me back home at 8:00 pm or my dad will scold me i really wish i could see you more :owo:".

Meanwhile for chad she would turn off her phone and suck him off on the first date in his car at 3:00 am.
You think it could be due to their environment? Maybe the male to female ratio might be skewed in favor of females in addition to some users outright not even trying to interact with women(You'd be surprised how many users here say that you don't even need to be rejected once to be an incel)
Hmm could you explain what you mean a little more by the skewed ratio? But yes to the part about users not even trying. It’s obvious from the language in some posts here that some guys haven’t even tried, and they certainly don’t have a leg to stand on to criticize incels who have tried and failed, whether that failure was outright rejection or rejection via resource extraction (a “date” for free food or for a ride).
More women around could potentially mean that they would have no choice in "Going down" in terms of interacting with men of lesser value, they still use the men but higher chance a woman interacts with you. That was just me speculating though

:yes: :yes: :yes:
I see, i think I get it. College seems like that kind of environment, although certain majors can change that a lot.
Guys who can get dates are obviously not incel, this means a woman is willing to spend her time on a guy, that alone is proof they are not incel. A guy like me would NEVER be able to go on a date, period, let alone have a conversation with a female for longer than 2 minutes.

If a girl goes on a date with you that means your physical characteristics are not the main issue at all, maybe the one going on the date is retarded and fucks it up but that is where dating coaching come in, these exist for guys who have the ability to go on dates.

So yes, a guy going on dates isn't incel, he can ascend with effort. However, some people like me and my bro @based_meme would not even be given the time of day. If we have to share the forum with those who gets kisses, hugs and dates it's a massive insult to us and many actual truecels here.

Like @LeFrenchCel said, if you're good enough for a date, you are good enough for sex. Bullshit that this is even contested here.
The rest of us can't even GET a date. We're either invisible or given a harsh dose of reality. JFL
Just going on a date means nothing if she rejected you in the end.

:feelsclown: "I'm the only real truecel here, nobody has ever suffered like I'm suffering, anybody with even slightly different experiences of inceldom than me is a fakecel, reeeee!"

^^^That attitude there, has always been the curse of .is and .co before it.

It's why I was on r/braincels and not .co for a long time.

It's why I just walked away from the online incel community, and spent over a year just doing my gardening after braincels got nuked.

The supportive, collegial spirit that braincels had just wasn't present in .co, and it's still not really present here now.

There are some good dudes here, but overall the site is just assholes trying to tear each other down and score a point. ALL. THE. FKN. TIME.

I just don't understand why so many users choose to be like that here. If you want to get treated like shit, there's the entire world out there where you can get that. Why in the world do so many users want to bring that in here, and make that the norm for how we treat each other here?

I can only guess it's the same mentality that fuels r/Inceltears? I'm a loser at life, everyone mogs me, but HERE! HERE is my chance to shit on someone else, so I'm gonna do it!
Does this mean that I'm an asshole and not a good dude? :feelsbadman:
Have you niggers forgot what site this is? See how the site is

and not

shocking, I know.
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People go on dates for the purposes of sex and romance. It isn't just a get-to-know-you game. It's a get-to-know-and-see-if-we'll-be-fucking-later-and-possibly-regularly game (short or long-term, though short-term can just skip the dating step and go straight to either's home or a hotel room). For the man it's quite straightforward. He wants to fuck, so he asks her out on a date. She then agrees (or not), based on initial appearances, then uses the date to evaluate you for longer term, because "dating" is showing interest in more than just sex (the desire for it is always implied and understood), though the short-term evaluation is done practically instantly (all looks).

What does this mean for men who are attractive enough to go on dates but never get sex? How does that even work as the number of dates approaches infinity (lim dates -> infinity, f(dates) = 0 sex)? She's actively taking time out of her day to spend it with you. Considering how indecisive and flaky women are known to be, this is usually a huge step.

Unless you're some 1 in a billion edge case where you appear perfectly normal to her when getting the date but then morph into Captain Autismo the moment the date is on, it's extremely improbable that a man can easily go on multiple dates but never get sex. This is why sexless dating is an unealistic caveat for inceldom. Almost always, with enough dates (especially for someone who can easily get them), sex is practically a certainty.
Ah yes, this is what I meant to say; took the words right out of my mouth.
Still, I don’t think many of them are putting forth effort in considering the variability of what a “date” is. I also believe they don’t truly know just how evil women can be, and for example assume that time or attention towards men is always genuine and never manipulative.

They don't know what they don't know.

But people are on the internet to talk, not to learn.
Does this mean that I'm an asshole and not a good dude? :feelsbadman:

I know you are a good dude.

I am disturbed by the huge tide of young cels muttering "date = fakecel trait" on this thread, who have no idea and seem to think their experience of tinder as a teenager is all there is.

If they get their way and the vote gets implemented as policy, we are going to see generational change on here, and dumb 20yo neets who've never tried anything and never done anything yelling fakecel will be all that is left. Maybe that's what you want?
I know you are a good dude.

I am disturbed by the huge tide of young cels muttering "date = fakecel trait" on this thread, who have no idea and seem to think their experience of tinder as a teenager is all there is.
There's always going to be a contingent of this group, regardless.

If they get their way and the vote gets implemented as policy, we are going to see generational change on here, and dumb 20yo neets who've never tried anything and never done anything yelling fakecel will be all that is left. Maybe that's what you want?
The last thing I want is for this place to be degenerated into the kind of thing you're describing. It's what I'm trying to prevent, tbhngl.
:feelsclown: "I'm the only real truecel here, nobody has ever suffered like I'm suffering, anybody with even slightly different experiences of inceldom than me is a fakecel, reeeee!"

^^^That attitude there, has always been the curse of .is and .co before it.
Usually echoed by users that dont post anything good on here anyway, I didn't come on here to compare my height with others or how big my nose is.
I just don't understand why so many users choose to be like that here. If you want to get treated like shit, there's the entire world out there where you can get that. Why in the world do so many users want to bring that in here, and make that the norm for how we treat each other here?
Lol I have always thought of that, some people seem to only come on here just picking fights, not that I have been perfect myself but never to the extent of some on here.

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