Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill If you think your "want for validation" is biological rather than socialized, you aren't blackpilled.

1. Validation isn't real

The males of nearly every species employ the use of force (rape) in order to pass on their genes, because what the female thinks of them (validation) is irrelevant to them, their primary goal is to reproduce (desire for sex is biological). In fact, in the animal world, the whole concept of validation is non-existant. Validation is a social construct, it is a figment of imagination and only exists in the minds of humans.

2. Men of the past didn't care about validation

If validation is inherent to human nature, then men of the past should also have chased after validation, seeing as though nature is a constant throughout the time-space continuum. But this is not the case, as evidenced by the prevalence of arranged marriages, which took place in order to establish a union/alliance between 2 clans/houses. Marriage was an institution which was established with the purpose of cementing a relationship between 2 families by merging their bloodlines, enabling unquestionable loyalty of the families to each other. The men of the past were aware of this fact, thus they didnt care what the women whom they were marrying thought of them, they cared more about forming powerful unions/alliances which would elevate their respective families/houses to a position of strength.

The only reason men of the present chase after illusory concepts such as "love" and "female validation" is because they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to do so via feminist propaganda masquerading in the form of the education system and media. Feminism is a movement with the objective of establishing female superiority, disguised as a movement for equality. The ultimate goal of feminists is to make men subservient to women, what better way to do this then by influencing men to value female validation, implicitly influencing men to value females themselves, creating a generation of men who are essentially pussy beggars and female worshippers.

The difference between the men of the past (who didnt care about validation at all) and the men of the present (who seek female validation) is socialization.


3. Valuing Female validation whilst devaluing females themselves is contradictory.

@BlkPillPres pretty much sums it up perfectly:

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.

I tried to explain this shit to some retards in the Incel Discord server, namely @Lester and even a mod @knajjd who said that desire for validation is biological, but without even listening to my arguments they verbally attacked me, calling me stupid and low IQ (lol, the irony) and kicked me from the server.

We've reached a point where this forum has become inundated by users who think they're blackpilled (when they really aren't), and to top it all off they have turnip level IQ.

This isnt even a surprise at this point considering the fact that AT LEAST ONE OF THE MODS aren't blackpilled. I felt initially frustrated that there are people who are so low IQ that they dont have the IQ to comprehend the fact that they're low IQ :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, but later i just felt sorry for them, life must be really tough when you are THAT mentally challenged :feelskek::feelskek:
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Me want validation
Me want sex
Its high iq post,But we arent in caveman times dude,deal with it,the validation Is the only way now to gwt sex AND only Chad gets it,it's over :feelsrope:
Nowadays the prey Is not the prey,AND the hunters are not the hunters. It's like if zebras got bodyguards,laws protecting em from lions,AND the 90% lions were castrated and the rest were able to hunt zebras . That's my analogy to your post AND reality.
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Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

Based & High IQ. Mods should pin this
"rather than" seems like a false dichotomy. What if I think there is a subtle biological basis for desire for female validation, but I also think that socialization has amplified it to crazy pathetic unstable levels?
Having unpaid intimate and passionate sex with a foid who is just as into you is one of the highest forms of validation imo.
Low IQ

The validation you get from being wanted by women dramatically carries over to success in many other areas of life in general.

If you attract women, other men (who can open doors for you for you to successmax) will want to be around you, and involve you in the elite aspects of society, that is the endgame.

Essentially the validation you get from women makes society in general want you to succeed and will go out of their way to make you succeed.

Meeks is the perfect example of this, but there are many Meeks out there you don’t know about.

I’m sorry op but I just BTFO your thread with facts, logic and evidence
Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

validation is only real for a foolish egoist such as yourself. You seek validation because you want to have your self-worth rationalized by other human beings.

I abandoned my ego after taking the blackpill. Instead of ignoring reality and coping that i am desirable to women, i accepted and came to peace with the fact that as an ugly, broke and low status male, i am at the bottom of the barrel in terms of SMV, and thus, desirability.

And because of that simple task of abandoning ego and accepting reality (as a consequence of being blackpilled), now i wont be wasting my resources (time, money, labour etc) chasing after goals which were simply illusions all along (love, validation etc.), goals which never existed to begin with.

Now that i look at the world objectively, i realise that sex is the ultimate goal, validation is not the goal (it is the prerequisite to the goal) and women are simply a commodity on the marketplace and can be purchased via genetic worth (looks), financial value (money) and social capital (status), so now i will focus on accruing money and status so that i can get what I really want, Sex.

As the guy in my avi (Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger) said "Only when we admit what we are, can we get what want"
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Low IQ

The validation you get from being wanted by women dramatically carries over to success in many other areas of life in general.

If you attract women, other men (who can open doors for you for you to successmax) will want to be around you, and involve you in the elite aspects of society, that is the endgame.

Essentially the validation you get from women makes society in general want you to succeed and will go out of their way to make you succeed.

Meeks is the perfect example of this, but there are many Meeks out there you don’t know about.

I’m sorry op but I just BTFO your thread with facts, logic and evidence

Dude, you literally have the IQ of your avi, I can only assume you dont know what constitutes facts, logic and evidence seeing as though you claimed to have used them but your comment was devoid of any.

Sure, having looks and connections definitely helps one succeed in the economic, financial and social aspects of life, but it isn't everything, you can also become successful in the aforementioned areas of life via intelligence, hence the phrase "knowledge is power", but judging by your comment i'd say your lack of success in life isnt due to bad appearance, but rather low IQ.
validation exist

it exists in your mind. If you simply chose to, you could stop thinking and caring about validation right now, and the concept would no longer matter to you. Validation exists in your mind only because you choose to let it exist.
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Dude, you literally have the IQ of your avi, I can only assume you dont know what constitutes facts, logic and evidence seeing as though you claimed to have used them but your comment was devoid of any.

Sure, having looks and connections definitely helps one succeed in the economic, financial and social aspects of life, but isn't everything, you can also become successful in the aforementioned areas of life via intelligence, hence the phrase "knowledge is power", but judging by your comment i'd say your lack of success in life isnt due to bad appearance, but rather low IQ.

it exists in your mind. If you simply chose to, you could stop thinking and caring about validation right now, and the concept would no longer matter to you. Validation exists in your mind only because you choose to let it exist.

Bluepilled and Cucked
Low IQ

The validation you get from being wanted by women dramatically carries over to success in many other areas of life in general.

If you attract women, other men (who can open doors for you for you to successmax) will want to be around you, and involve you in the elite aspects of society, that is the endgame.

Essentially the validation you get from women makes society in general want you to succeed and will go out of their way to make you succeed.

Meeks is the perfect example of this, but there are many Meeks out there you don’t know about.

I’m sorry op but I just BTFO your thread with facts, logic and evidence
Getting validation from many rosties is not the same as only getting it from one. The one rostie won't give you real validation, she'll just be using you to betabux her. Normies will still treat you like a cuck even if you betabux a rostie, they can tell she really doesn't respect you if you're not a chad.
I find some flaws in your logic. Humans are a social animal, we evolved to be social. We evolved to value the opinions of others in the tribe as we socially communicated and shared resources. Evidence of trade between Homo Sapiens goes way back before large scale agriculture and confrontations between humans was serious and thus a selection bias created to ensure the ability to correctly identify others emotions and what their intentions are. This is biological, not a modern day social construct. Although I'm not arguing that dosen't have an effect.

Also, although more advanced in humans as we are the only known species to utilise complex verbal language, it exists in other animals too. In some social animal species, individuals will become depressive in behaviour following an out casting from the group, although it is arguable whether this is innate behaviour.

Also your point about rape and using it to justify your viewpoint dosen't convince me. Rape was common throughout human history as mostly a way of males overpowering females in order to get a chance to pass on their genes after not being able to do so through consentual means. This is a desperate attempt at conserving ones genetic liniage and was usually perpetrated by undesirable males, as this was there only choice from not winning the attention from females due to being unattractive. But this does not imply males don't care about validation. Professor Jordan Peterson has done some great work on lobsters and serotonin systems, and how this relates to human dominance heirarchies. Individuals in the human population have decreased levels of serotonin in the brain following social rejection and there are good evolutionary reasons behind that if you want to look into it.
Having unpaid intimate and passionate sex with a foid who is just as into you is one of the highest forms of validation imo.
"just as into you" is a comparison that is not necessarily impressive.

"Passionate" could mean negative passions like disgust.

Explain what you mean by intimacy please.

You seek validation because you want to have your self-worth rationalized by other human beings.

I abandoned my ego after taking the blackpill.
Guys who brag about abandoning their egos haven't actually abandoned their egos.

You still have an ego, you're hopefully just progressively uncoupling it from others' opinions as your regard for those opinions shrinks under rational analysis of their hypocrisy and stupidity.

It's just a healther less pathetic/dependant ego. I say "less" because there isn't a truly 100% independent one. It's just compared to other extremes.
Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

yeah but the way in which women were pedestalized differentiated from culture to culture, hence OPs point that it is socialized, the desire for sex was always present, desire for validation has shifted, changed, and sometimes disappeared altogether. you could say one is subjective and other objective(although that wouldn't be entirely correct)

if a society doesn't somehow convince its male populace to hold women in high regard it wouldn't be a able to hold its own weight. women are the means through which nations grow, so even when controlled as a reproductive resource you have to make men care and protect m'ladies, if you don't there is no incentive behind helping out women that you cant fuck and reproduce with, chivalry is clearly a moral framework that's purpose is to help societies grow and sustain themselves.
I find some flaws in your logic. Humans are a social animal, we evolved to be social. We evolved to value the opinions of others in the tribe as we socially communicated and shared resources. Evidence of trade between Homo Sapiens goes way back before large scale agriculture and confrontations between humans was serious and thus a selection bias created to ensure the ability to correctly identify others emotions and what their intentions are. This is biological, not a modern day social construct. Although I'm not arguing that dosen't have an effect.

Also, although more advanced in humans as we are the only known species to utilise complex verbal language, it exists in other animals too. In some social animal species, individuals will become depressive in behaviour following an out casting from the group, although it is arguable whether this is innate behaviour.

Also your point about rape and using it to justify your viewpoint doesn't convince me. Rape was common throughout human history as mostly a way of males overpowering females in order to get a chance to pass on their genes after not being able to do so through consentual means. This is a desperate attempt at conserving ones genetic lineage and was usually perpetrated by undesirable males, as this was there only choice from not winning the attention from females due to being unattractive. But this does not imply males don't care about validation. Professor Jordan Peterson has done some great work on lobsters and serotonin systems, and how this relates to human dominance hierarchies. Individuals in the human population have decreased levels of serotonin in the brain following social rejection and there are good evolutionary reasons behind that if you want to look into it.
yes, but to what end? the reason we are "social animals" is because that's the only route that leads to having sex and reproduction
yeah but the way in which women were pedestalized differentiated from culture to culture, hence OPs point that it is socialized, the desire for sex was always present, desire for validation has shifted, changed, and sometimes disappeared altogether. you could say one is subjective and other objective(although that wouldn't be entirely correct)

if a society doesn't somehow convince its male populace to hold women in high regard it wouldn't be a able to hold its own weight. women are the means through which nations grow, so even when controlled as a reproductive resource you have to make men care and protect m'ladies, if you don't there is no incentive behind helping out women that you cant fuck and reproduce with, chivalry is clearly a moral framework that's purpose is to help societies grow and sustain themselves.
Part of men's inborn 'white knighting' is because of evolution though. The same mechanisms which govern innate sexual selection is evolved, and I suggest that so are other behaviours which increase the success of the species.

But I see your point, and I mentioned that I believed it had a public influence component. It's kind of like culturally enforced monogamy which was introduced to societies to help stabalize them and give every man a chance.

Also, not out of purpose of argument, but to inform me. Can you give me some examples of other cultures that pedestalized women differently? And how does that relate to getting validation?

yes, but to what end? the reason we are "social animals" is because that's the only route that leads to having sex and reproduction
That was my point, that these features are innate and programmed because of the advantages they provided the overall species, at whatever cost of any individual member.
Validation to me is just a foid being loyal to me and liking me. Even if it's socialized, it would still be a fuck tone better then being an incel.
Having unpaid intimate and passionate sex with a foid who is just as into you is one of the highest forms of validation imo.
And doing other stuff with her too tbh

But if validation isn't biological, why do we feel stressed (lonely) when we are isolated? Our body produces cortisol, the stress hormone, when we are alone in order to motivate us to seek social bonds.
Also we are by far the most intelligent of all species. This is why we seek comfort in things like friends, allies, romantic relationships etc, while other animals only have sex to reproduce, not for pleasure.
Part of men's inborn 'white knighting' is because of evolution though.
Whiteknighting was only meant for your wife and close relatives, not for random whores like the bluepilled media brainwashed cucks into believing today.
Based and high iq , low iq cels would disagree
Whiteknighting was only meant for your wife and close relatives, not for random whores like the bluepilled media brainwashed cucks into believing today.
I know, cucks will be cucks I guess.
That was my point, that these features are innate and programmed because of the advantages they provided the overall species, at whatever cost of any individual member.
i disagree with the premise that certain detrimental features may evolutionarily develop in an individual to the benefit of a larger genetic group, i think this is a misnomer.

sometimes its a way in which ppl justify signs of weakness and evolutionary failure as an evolutionary success, some bird eating its weaker brother before it hatches from the egg may be a excused as a way for the species to move forward, its a sacrifice for a greater good. but if you look at the genetics of the dead bird, they are gone and never will be seen in the genetic pool again, so there is no way for them to fully express themselves, the gene that caused the killed the bird will die with him and the only genes that are found are the ones that survived.

though this has some truth to it, since its a possibility that the bird could have sacrificed himself and there is a half chance that the gene will be passed on but that's only because of genetic relations, if you apply it to society it doesn't work since its too broad of a genetic pool for it to make impact, but when it comes to weakness itself(handicaps) it is never a good thing since it guarantees that the features in the martyr will hinder it for life while it tries to reproduce.giving up is clearly superior in terms of genetic momentum.
Part of men's inborn 'white knighting' is because of evolution though. The same mechanisms which govern innate sexual selection is evolved, and I suggest that so are other behaviours which increase the success of the species.
for the "betterment of the species" misnomer is what I'm talking about,pretty sure this thread was about making a distinction between socialized(that which benefits society) and biological(that which benefits the individual) , some wrongs come at an expense of the individual but to benefit to society, and society has a way of changing peoples minds about what they should do.like for example a cuck willingly raising tyrones kids, what evolutionary purpose does this serve to the cuck? none, therefore you must assume it is socialized or a sign of weak genetics that will fade away and cease to be.
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yeah nobody cares what bitches think except reddit cucks but tell me of another way to get foids. yes it's incredibly cucked but what else can we do but rely on their tiny stupid foid brains deciding it's a good idea to fuck us and love us?
validation exist, it just that its something we all incels folks can never have, easy example would be if a black man have bbc foids would want to have sex with him, im not talking about just sex but that acceptance that foids need your bbc dick without even need to know your name is a kind of validation. only thing i wish for right now is to turn myself into black man, and i'll do much better in this life
IQ low.

Just present a single group of primates, which are not influenced by modernity, who still live in groups, to refute their text. If social validation were a social rather than biological construction, there would be no primate, feline, and even insect groups in the wild. But they exist
Again this low IQ misunderstanding of how biology and socialization are intertwined. Oh well though, you probably just got it from Blkpllpres

Its funny that all of the people commenting "low IQ" are well-known shitposters and meme users, ironically never having contributed anything insightful or intellectually stimulating to the forum, ever.....
i disagree with the premise that certain detrimental features may evolutionarily develop in an individual to the benefit of a larger genetic group, i think this is a misnomer.

sometimes its a way in which ppl justify signs of weakness and evolutionary failure as an evolutionary success, some bird eating its weaker brother before it hatches from the egg may be a excused as a way for the species to move forward, its a sacrifice for a greater good. but if you look at the genetics of the dead bird, they are gone and never will be seen in the genetic pool again, so there is no way for them to fully express themselves, the gene that caused the killed the bird will die with him and the only genes that are found are the ones that survived.

though this has some truth to it, since its a possibility that the bird could have sacrificed himself and there is a half chance that the gene will be passed on but that's only because of genetic relations, if you apply it to society it doesn't work since its too broad of a genetic pool for it to make impact, but when it comes to weakness itself(handicaps) it is never a good thing since it guarantees that the features in the martyr will hinder it for life while it tries to reproduce.giving up is clearly superior in terms of genetic momentum.

for the "betterment of the species" misnomer is what I'm talking about,pretty sure this thread was about making a distinction between socialized(that which benefits society) and biological(that which benefits the individual)
Biological does not benefit the individual, it benefits the species.
or example a cuck willingly raising tyrones kids, what evolutionary purpose does this serve to the cuck? none, therefore you must assume it is socialized or a sign of weak genetics that will fade away and cease to be.
It serves none. Men actually partake in more mate-guarding behaviours to not waste energy and resources raising another man's kid. Men have been cucked throughout alot of human history. So much so that it is one of women's reproductive strategies and where the phrase 'alpha fuxx, beta buxx' comes from. I'm not sure the purpose of the cuck in this situation, either he is generally retarded, or he is trying to actually have a kid with the women by raising other children to try and 'woo' her.
Its funny that all of the people commenting "low IQ" are well-known shitposters and meme users, ironically never having contributed anything insightful or intellectually stimulating to the forum, ever.....
I provided a justification to demonstrate why you are wrong.

Even if I had no history, that would not in itself invalidate my argument. But I have a history of blackpill-related topics.
Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

you are an idiot.

Men didnt go to war for female validation, they went to war for females, period. They fought wars in order to obtain the sexual and reproductive resources over which women have monopoly power, they didnt fight for validation JFL.
I wasn't denying evolution, just lol.
Biological does not benefit the individual, it benefits the species.
my point is that the process of evolution isn't moved forward by what individuals do for the sake of the species, it is moved forward by what they do for their own genes sake, evolution is a natural consequence of interpersonal competition between all genetic units. we feel the need to reproduce and have sex not to benefit the genes of our species as a whole, its to exclusively propagate the ones that we posses, evolution is not the goal, it is the outcome.
I feel like I don't need human interaction anymore, I've gotten it out of my system by being without it for so long now. I still feel luck fucking and cuddling sometimes but not nearly as much as before.

I could just rot on my own. Computer and hobbies are all I need.
my point is that the process of evolution isn't moved forward by what individuals do for the sake of the species, it is moved forward by what they do for their own genes sake, evolution is a natural consequence of interpersonal competition between all genetic units. we feel the need to reproduce and have sex not to benefit the genes of our species as a whole, its to exclusively propagate the ones that we posses, evolution is not the goal, it is the outcome.
I never made that claim, I was talking not from the point of humans, but the point of an overall species and how it reacts to it's environment. We are programmed to pass on our genes no matter what, for the survival of the species, and sexual and environmental selection weed out the undesirable traits.
just rape people , bro! you arent incel if you havent tried!
Trudeau IQ.

1. The need for validation does exist in other species, and very obviously so.

2. Being loved, validated and valued increases your potential for reproductive success. This is true of both males and females. It makes perfect evolutionary sense that an intelligent and social species such as humans should crave validation.
If I could open my head and make a surgery on my brain to stop craving validation I would do it in a second.
Essentially the validation you get from women makes society in general want you to succeed and will go out of their way to make you succeed.

Brutal reality
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we are by far the most intelligent of all species.
Not necessarily. Just because we have language and more teachable culture (ie more NURTURED intelligence) wouldn't mean we have more inherent intelligence.

Dolphins might well be more intelligent but since they lack hands to invent written languages, they can't build progressive culture like we can. They're limited to oral traditions.

This is why we seek comfort in things like friends, allies, romantic relationships etc, while other animals only have sex to reproduce, not for pleasure.
Other animals do things like friendship/alliance and have sex for pleasure as well. Dolphins try to fuck humans, that's clearly not for reproduction.

Hell, dogs try to fuck humans too. That's for pleasure. Yes they will prioritize a bitch in heat but that's just instinct, the same way human males will usually prioritize fucking women of a fertile age.
2. Being loved, validated and valued increases your potential for reproductive success. This is true of both males and females. It makes perfect evolutionary sense that an intelligent and social species such as humans should crave validation.
Trying to get validation from people in your tribe is different from trying to get validation from an old rostie. Her "validation" won't get you any respect from the tribe because they know she's probably cucking you if you're not a chad. I don't know why validation seekercels only talk about wanting to get validation from a useless hole, and not people in general.
Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!

Strawman, he never said it wasn't real, he said its a human concept, the concept of validation is obviously real but it isn't steeped in our biology, the men of the past were more concerned with GETTING a woman rather than her CONSENTING to his advances, guys like you pretend as if we were always getting down on one knee and offering women flowers, I think you need a time machine, there is nothing biological about how cucked men are today

Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

No he explained why, in a very detailed argument, none of which you have actually addressed

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman

Those men didn't want the validation of those women retard, they were Trophies, for example Helen of Troy

What you are saying is such an obvious contradiction, I don't get how you can't see it

If the men are fighting A WAR to GET said woman, then SHE HAS NO SAY OVER WHO SHE CHOOSES and therefore THEY DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT HER VALIDATION (she's a trophy to be fought over and CLAIMED)

JFL what you are arguing is like saying there are a group of rapists fighting over who gets to rape a woman they are all stalking, and that means they want her validation, like come on dude, if a woman's validation matters to a group of men then they can't fight over who gets to TAKE HER BY FORCE

Helen was abducted by Prince Paris of Troy, that had nothing to do with him valuing her validation of him, he was claiming her for himself

Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

That has nothing to do with validation, it was about HONOR, protecting WHAT YOU OWN and what was passed down to you, WOMEN WERE VIEWED MOSTLY AS PROPERTY

Stop trying to come up with excuses to justify how cucked you are - "I'm just like the men of the past"

No you really aren't, you have a cucked mindset, the men of the past are nothing like the men today
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High IQ tbh. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. There's no biological advantage to having female validation, except to aid you in getting access to their pussy. The only question I have is how to stop caring about female validation after being brainwashed our whole lives?
Guys who brag about abandoning their egos haven't actually abandoned their egos

Claiming ownership of a positive trait isn't by default a brag, because by that logic, nobody can ever say anything positive about themselves if its true

If a modest man says - "I'm a very modest person", he's stating something he knows to be true due to his own actions and the testament of others, by your logic, JUST BY HIM MERELY CLAIMING THE TRAIT HE KNOWS HE HAS, HE IS NO LONGER MODEST

That is a very ridiculous, illogical and disingenuous framework to argue under, because one now cannot claim any trait even if its true or not, you can't assert anything I guess by that logic

"I'm a nice person"


You literally can't say anything good about yourself if we apply your logic universally


High IQ tbh. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. There's no biological advantage to having female validation, except to aid you in getting access to their pussy. The only question I have is how to stop caring about female validation after being brainwashed our whole lives?

Whiteknighting was only meant for your wife and close relatives, not for random whores like the bluepilled media brainwashed cucks into believing today.

It is not "whiteknighting" when its to defend your family
"Validation", as a concept we've abstracted, is a higher consciousness expression of a type of survival behavior. It's quite literally us creating an idea and giving it a word to describe what we all do as a social organism to increase our survival chances. All social animals do it, because they need to (for food, procreation etc.). They don't "seek validation" per se, but they have some behaviors that we could observe and classify as "validation seeking". A peacock fanning his feathers, for example, is seeking validation from the female, though from its perspective it has no notion of the concept, because it's a fucking bird.

Everybody, from the peon to the tribal leader, needs validation from others in the group to some degree. The peon needs validation of his role and place in the tribe, else they get booted or killed. The elder needs the validation of his followers, else the group disintegrates, thereby reducing the probability of survival for everyone, and maybe another leader eventually rises, if the now-fractured group survives long enough. The female always needs validation from everybody else, though, especially from the alpha males and alpha females.

Even independent thinkers need colleagues to, not only analyze their work for flaws and holes in reasoning, but to also appreciate their work. So in some sense even they need to be validated that their work is correct and valuable.

For non-social animals, they don't need to behave in ways which could be viewed and construed as "approval seeking". Their survival is solely in their own "hands".
1. Validation isn't real

The males of nearly every species employ the use of force (rape) in order to pass on their genes, because what the female thinks of them (validation) is irrelevant to them, their primary goal is to reproduce (desire for sex is biological). In fact, in the animal world, the whole concept of validation is non-existant. Validation is a social construct, it is a figment of imagination and only exists in the minds of humans.

2. Men of the past didn't care about validation

If validation is inherent to human nature, then men of the past should also have chased after validation, seeing as though nature is a constant throughout the time-space continuum. But this is not the case, as evidenced by the prevalence of arranged marriages, which took place in order to establish a union/alliance between 2 clans/houses. Marriage was an institution which was established with the purpose of cementing a relationship between 2 families by merging their bloodlines, enabling unquestionable loyalty of the families to each other. The men of the past were aware of this fact, thus they didnt care what the women whom they were marrying thought of them, they cared more about forming powerful unions/alliances which would elevate their respective families/houses to a position of strength.

The only reason men of the present chase after illusory concepts such as "love" and "female validation" is because they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to do so via feminist propaganda masquerading in the form of the education system and media. Feminism is a movement with the objective of establishing female superiority, disguised as a movement for equality. The ultimate goal of feminists is to make men subservient to women, what better way to do this then by influencing men to value female validation, implicitly influencing men to value females themselves, creating a generation of men who are essentially pussy beggars and female worshippers.

The difference between the men of the past (who didnt care about validation at all) and the men of the present (who seek female validation) is socialization.


3. Valuing Female validation whilst devaluing females themselves is contradictory.
1. Yes, and we are humans. Only humans have morality too, does that make it any less valuable or real? Inb4 "morality is stupid" or some nonsense like that
2. I would argue the reason men are worshippers and pussy beggars is because most men are sex starved. We have not lived in a culture/society where the SMV of an average male have virtually ever been this low. It creates a supply and demand problem, combine that with out high sex drive and you have this mess..
3. Not every incel devalues females, i'd say its one big cope. If females had no value, why would we persue them?
Ask yourself this, does chad devalue females? No. Why not you may ask? Because he doesn't get the short end of the stick.
If females gave you sex, compansionship, a soft feminine energy and balance to your life, would you still devalue them?
No you pretend to not value them as a defense mechanism. "Oh i didnt get rejected by women, i rejected them first!" Its the same cope MGTOW uses.
Men are just as shallow as women, only they have higher standards.

I like discussions like this but i think they are better if you don't call your opponents arguments non black pilled just because we might disagree.

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