Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Blackpill If you think your "want for validation" is biological rather than socialized, you aren't blackpilled.

1. Validation isn't real

The males of nearly every species employ the use of force (rape) in order to pass on their genes, because what the female thinks of them (validation) is irrelevant to them, their primary goal is to reproduce (desire for sex is biological). In fact, in the animal world, the whole concept of validation is non-existant. Validation is a social construct, it is a figment of imagination and only exists in the minds of humans.

2. Men of the past didn't care about validation

If validation is inherent to human nature, then men of the past should also have chased after validation, seeing as though nature is a constant throughout the time-space continuum. But this is not the case, as evidenced by the prevalence of arranged marriages, which took place in order to establish a union/alliance between 2 clans/houses. Marriage was an institution which was established with the purpose of cementing a relationship between 2 families by merging their bloodlines, enabling unquestionable loyalty of the families to each other. The men of the past were aware of this fact, thus they didnt care what the women whom they were marrying thought of them, they cared more about forming powerful unions/alliances which would elevate their respective families/houses to a position of strength.

The only reason men of the present chase after illusory concepts such as "love" and "female validation" is because they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to do so via feminist propaganda masquerading in the form of the education system and media. Feminism is a movement with the objective of establishing female superiority, disguised as a movement for equality. The ultimate goal of feminists is to make men subservient to women, what better way to do this then by influencing men to value female validation, implicitly influencing men to value females themselves, creating a generation of men who are essentially pussy beggars and female worshippers.

The difference between the men of the past (who didnt care about validation at all) and the men of the present (who seek female validation) is socialization.


3. Valuing Female validation whilst devaluing females themselves is contradictory.

@BlkPillPres pretty much sums it up perfectly:

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.

I tried to explain this shit to some retards in the Incel Discord server, namely @Lester and even a mod @knajjd who said that desire for validation is biological, but without even listening to my arguments they verbally attacked me, calling me stupid and low IQ (lol, the irony) and kicked me from the server.

We've reached a point where this forum has become inundated by users who think they're blackpilled (when they really aren't), and to top it all off they have turnip level IQ.

This isnt even a surprise at this point considering the fact that AT LEAST ONE OF THE MODS aren't blackpilled. I felt initially frustrated that there are people who are so low IQ that they dont have the IQ to comprehend the fact that they're low IQ :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, but later i just felt sorry for them, life must be really tough when you are THAT mentally challenged :feelskek::feelskek:
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I want to suck titties and cream pussy
I find some flaws in your logic. Humans are a social animal, we evolved to be social. We evolved to value the opinions of others in the tribe as we socially communicated and shared resources. Evidence of trade between Homo Sapiens goes way back before large scale agriculture and confrontations between humans was serious and thus a selection bias created to ensure the ability to correctly identify others emotions and what their intentions are. This is biological, not a modern day social construct. Although I'm not arguing that dosen't have an effect.

Also, although more advanced in humans as we are the only known species to utilise complex verbal language, it exists in other animals too. In some social animal species, individuals will become depressive in behaviour following an out casting from the group, although it is arguable whether this is innate behaviour.

Also your point about rape and using it to justify your viewpoint dosen't convince me. Rape was common throughout human history as mostly a way of males overpowering females in order to get a chance to pass on their genes after not being able to do so through consentual means. This is a desperate attempt at conserving ones genetic liniage and was usually perpetrated by undesirable males, as this was there only choice from not winning the attention from females due to being unattractive. But this does not imply males don't care about validation. Professor Jordan Peterson has done some great work on lobsters and serotonin systems, and how this relates to human dominance heirarchies. Individuals in the human population have decreased levels of serotonin in the brain following social rejection and there are good evolutionary reasons behind that if you want to look into it.
Part of men's inborn 'white knighting' is because of evolution though. The same mechanisms which govern innate sexual selection is evolved, and I suggest that so are other behaviours which increase the success of the species.

But I see your point, and I mentioned that I believed it had a public influence component. It's kind of like culturally enforced monogamy which was introduced to societies to help stabalize them and give every man a chance.

Also, not out of purpose of argument, but to inform me. Can you give me some examples of other cultures that pedestalized women differently? And how does that relate to getting validation?

That was my point, that these features are innate and programmed because of the advantages they provided the overall species, at whatever cost of any individual member.

Biological does not benefit the individual, it benefits the species.

It serves none. Men actually partake in more mate-guarding behaviours to not waste energy and resources raising another man's kid. Men have been cucked throughout alot of human history. So much so that it is one of women's reproductive strategies and where the phrase 'alpha fuxx, beta buxx' comes from. I'm not sure the purpose of the cuck in this situation, either he is generally retarded, or he is trying to actually have a kid with the women by raising other children to try and 'woo' her.
Please bear in mind that I was only 16 when I wrote this, it sure has some retarded elements.
Doesn't erase the fact that I want validation, because I imagine it must feel really good.
Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

Jfl at wanting validation from a chad chasing cum bucket.
Validation is real and can be seen all across the animal kingdom.
For a non-chad the only validation from a foid that's valid is from a teen virgin, not a used 20+ rostie.
YES. Thank you for this high IQ post. Idk how I'm just seeing it now. It's insane how 99% of the people here "hate" females yet worship them and literally become suicidal because foids have a negative opinion of them. It's literal worship.
Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

OP is dumb af
Validation is a social contruct - fact
We should stop looking for validation - interpretation of a above fact; opinion
OP is making logical fallacy - naturalistic fallacy
Sounds like a big ass COPE, yeah bro dont worry about female attention or validation, even though other guys get it. Because look at animals. Let me make this big essay about it like I'm einstein.
I hate when cope shit like this gets pinned AND put into "must read content"
Validation means genuine desire that leads to sex. If women don't desire you then the sex is meaningless. Validation works for both sides because men also used to select and fuck only pretty hot women. Sex slaves were enslaved and sold based on their looks. Now only the Chad has the power to select women.

Validation is a psychological concept. The proof is that men who don't get female validation are desperate, depressed etc. Validation affects your mental health.
Validation means genuine desire that leads to sex. If women don't desire you then the sex is meaningless. Validation works for both sides because men also used to select and fuck only pretty hot women. Sex slaves were enslaved and sold based on their looks. Now only the Chad has the power to select women.

Validation is a psychological concept. The proof is that men who don't get female validation are desperate, depressed etc. Validation affects your mental health.
Validation means genuine desire that leads to sex. If women don't desire you then the sex is meaningless.
You are projecting modern day "feminized masculinity" standards onto biology.

You ancestors were raping, pillaging and claiming women for wives, and their masculinity dwarfs yours for sure, it dwarfs that of most men today.

Wanting to "be desired" is a feminine trait, and it being "part of masculinity" is modern day revisionism of our history as a species.

Men have always taken women by force and they didn't give a fuck about whether or not the woman they were fucking was attracted to them.

Women were something claimed through:
Conquest (spoils of battle/war)
Diplomacy (arranged marriages)
Payment (brothels, slaves, etc)

You are operating based on the modern standards of masculinity, which again, are ironically very feminine at their core.

Its very ironic when guys like you say you are black pilled when you are still falling for blue pilled beliefs you were indoctrinated to think from birth.

Go back 200 years in the past and very few men would be saying what you are saying right now, they would not care at all.

The proof is that men who don't get female validation are desperate, depressed etc. Validation affects your mental health.
You are confusing the "prerequisite" with the "goal". Validation is required to get sex today, it's the prerequisite to get sex, it isn't the goal, sex is the goal.

Men feel shame about it today because it isn't normalized. Just as how women no longer feel shame for being promiscuous because them being whores is now normalized. Normalization changes the general perspective of the population.

If prostitution was legal for 100 years up to this point you and I would not even be on this forum, we'd be in a brothel getting our dicks sucked right now lol.

You wouldn't have the ego hangup you have right now because prostitution would be normalized so you wouldn't care.

You really are just unable to mentally take yourself outside of modern day societal standards.
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Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

Yeah for real, and he uses a quote from blkpillpress with explaining why it isnt logical.

Like bro, biological urges dont have logic in them, he dont even realize this much yet things he is high IQ :feelskek::feelskek:.

And he doesnt act like he believes in the logical conclusion of his hyphotheis either, because by his logic he gets the same stuff chad gets when he escortcell, thus there is no reason for him to stay here.
Like bro, biological urges dont have logic in them
Wanting validation isn't biological, it's socialized.

If it was biological it wouldn't have ever been a norm for men to rape, and yes, go back far enough in the past and rape was a common occurrence, and it wasn't "some" men doing it, it was MOST if not ALL men doing it.

You are projecting modern day values you were raised to believe onto biological reality itself.

It's a perfect example of nurture over nature. The more intelligent the animal, the more it can be affected by "nurture" and the less "nature" can influence it.

If you were raised as part of some tribe of raiders how many thousands of years ago you'd think nothing of going into a village and claiming whatever woman you found as "spoils of war", you wouldn't care about whether or not she validated your existence or desired you. That is man in his natural state, pure self interest and savagery, not self beautification and submissiveness lol.
biological urges dont have logic in them
As much as I don't agree with the premise of this thread, principle of sufficient reason is true when it comes to certain biological aspects
Wanting validation isn't biological, it's socialized.

If it was biological it wouldn't have ever been a norm for men to rape, and yes, go back far enough in the past and rape was a common occurrence, and it wasn't "some" men doing it, it was MOST if not ALL men doing it.

You are projecting modern day values you were raised to believe onto biological reality itself.

It's a perfect example of nurture over nature. The more intelligent the animal, the more it can be affected by "nurture" and the less "nature" can influence it.

If you were raised as part of some tribe of raiders how many thousands of years ago you'd think nothing of going into a village and claiming whatever woman you found as "spoils of war", you wouldn't care about whether or not she validated your existence or desired you. That is man in his natural state, pure self interest and savagery, not self beautification and submissiveness lol.
I never said men cant enjoy sex without the womens validation, or even consent.

It might even be indeed true some or most of the desire for validation from other humans is a result of social nurture, yet I dont think so.

Humans are social animals, which thrive with more validation from other members of the tribe, there is a reason why banishment from the tribe/village was a high form of punishment back then, and is social isolation is STILL a high form of punishment.

Men in prison gets a place to stay, and constant food, yet its still harms you because you dont get the social interaction and validation you need, it cleearly has a biological backing.

That raider guy did in fact enjoyed raping a women, yet having sex with her enthusiasim would still be better.
I never said men cant enjoy sex without the womens validation, or even consent.

It might even be indeed true some or most of the desire for validation from other humans is a result of social nurture, yet I dont think so.

Humans are social animals, which thrive with more validation from other members of the tribe,

there is a reason why banishment from the tribe/village was a high form of punishment back then, and is social isolation is STILL a high form of punishment.
Banishment is a punishment because you can't effectively survive alone. If you were a superhuman and you could survive 10 years on one glass of water and a slice of bread you wouldn't care about banishment lol (outside of not having access to sex).

Oh and the whole "social isolation" thing I'd argue has more to do with the greatest negative of being an intelligent animal, BOREDOM. Because you can think and you have self awareness, you can become aware of the passage of time and experience "boredom". Take any of those guys who get locked up in "solitary confinement" and place them in a locked room by themselves but give them access to great food and access to a tv with netflix and cable, they won't give a fuck.

Notice that whenever people are talking about how social isolation can drive you mad it's always "worst case scenarios", they never do a "best case scenario" test (complete isolation but in luxury). The bad part about isolation isn't being isolated, it's what being isolated deprives you of (the conveniences that come with being part of a group - abundance of food, tools, entertainment, etc).

Isolate someone but grant them access to the same comforts and they won't care, and a perfect example of this is hikikomori culture in Japan. These guys spend all day in their rooms, playing games, watching shows, etc, some of them don't even go out to eat and they order their food, and they don't care because all of their needs are still being met.

Men in prison gets a place to stay, and constant food, yet its still harms you because you dont get the social interaction and validation you need, it cleearly has a biological backing.
Lol, you actually made the argument I addressed above, I only just read this line after typing out what I did above, no need for me to address it again. What you are doing here is really fallacious, once again it's a worst case scenario. Ever think it's the prison part and not the isolation part that harms them?

Also lol at saying "constant food" as if the food they are eating is any good, like come on dude, lets not be disingenuous. If these guys were isolated and eating steak and lobster, and had access to porn, tv, movies, etc, but they just couldn't communicate with anyone in person or online. I don't think they would care, and they would be glad to carry out their sentence.

Once again, the bad part about isolation is not being isolated, it's losing access to the conveniences that come with being part of a group. If you can retain those conveniences while being isolated you won't really care.

That raider guy did in fact enjoyed raping a women, yet having sex with her enthusiasim would still be better.
1. I don't think it makes a difference either way because men do 95% of the work in the bedroom anyways.

2. Depends on the guy, some men enjoy a little resistance.
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Banishment is a punishment because you can't effectively survive alone. If you were a superhuman and you could survive 10 years on one glass of water and a slice of bread you wouldn't care about banishment lol (outside of not having access to sex).

Oh and the whole "social isolation" thing I'd argue has more to do with the greatest negative of being an intelligent animal, BOREDOM. Because you can think and you have self awareness, you can become aware of the passage of time and experience "boredom". Take any of those guys who get locked up in "solitary confinement" and place them in a locked room by themselves but five them access to great food and access to a tv with netflix and cable, they won't give a fuck.

Notice that whenever people are talking about how social isolation can drive you mad it's always "worst case scenarios", they never do a "best case scenario" test (complete isolation but in luxury). The bad part about isolation isn't being isolated, it's what being isolated deprives you of (the conveniences that come with being part of a group - abundance of food, tools, entertainment, etc).

Isolate someone but grant them access to the same comforts and they won't care, and a perfect example of this is hikkikimori culture in Japan. These guys spend all day in their rooms, playing games, watching shows, etc, some of them don't even go out to eat and they order their food, and they don't care because all of their needs are still being met.

Lol, you actually made the argument I addressed above, I only just read this line after typing out what I did above, no need for me to address it again. What you are doing here is really fallacious, once again it's a worst case scenario. Ever think it's the prison part and not the isolation part that harms them?

Also lol at saying "constant food" as if the food they are eating is any good, like come on dude, lets not be disingenuous. If these guys were isolated and eating steak and lobster, and had access to porn, tv, movies, etc, but they just couldn't communicate with anyone in person or online. I don't think they would care, and they would be glad to carry out their sentence.

1. I don't think it makes a difference either way because men do 95% of the work in the bedroom anyways.

2. Depends on the guy, some men enjoy a little resistance.
Banishment is a punishment because you can't effectively survive alone. If you were a superhuman and you could survive 10 years on one glass of water and a slice of bread you wouldn't care about banishment lol (outside of not having access to sex).

Oh and the whole "social isolation" thing I'd argue has more to do with the greatest negative of being an intelligent animal, BOREDOM. Because you can think and you have self awareness, you can become aware of the passage of time and experience "boredom". Take any of those guys who get locked up in "solitary confinement" and place them in a locked room by themselves but give them access to great food and access to a tv with netflix and cable, they won't give a fuck.

Notice that whenever people are talking about how social isolation can drive you mad it's always "worst case scenarios", they never do a "best case scenario" test (complete isolation but in luxury). The bad part about isolation isn't being isolated, it's what being isolated deprives you of (the conveniences that come with being part of a group - abundance of food, tools, entertainment, etc).

Isolate someone but grant them access to the same comforts and they won't care, and a perfect example of this is hikikomori culture in Japan. These guys spend all day in their rooms, playing games, watching shows, etc, some of them don't even go out to eat and they order their food, and they don't care because all of their needs are still being met.

Lol, you actually made the argument I addressed above, I only just read this line after typing out what I did above, no need for me to address it again. What you are doing here is really fallacious, once again it's a worst case scenario. Ever think it's the prison part and not the isolation part that harms them?

Also lol at saying "constant food" as if the food they are eating is any good, like come on dude, lets not be disingenuous. If these guys were isolated and eating steak and lobster, and had access to porn, tv, movies, etc, but they just couldn't communicate with anyone in person or online. I don't think they would care, and they would be glad to carry out their sentence.

Once again, the bad part about isolation is not being isolated, it's losing access to the conveniences that come with being part of a group. If you can retain those conveniences while being isolated you won't really care.

1. I don't think it makes a difference either way because men do 95% of the work in the bedroom anyways.

2. Depends on the guy, some men enjoy a little resistance.
idk man, even with all the access to sex,food and entertainment. i would still need friends to bond with and im sure many people here can relate. just some homies to relate to and talk to. brotherhood and male friendship is still very important. if what your saying was the case then we could have all moneymaxxed and fucked escorts,spend our money on entertainment and food. but male friendship and bromance is still vital
if what your saying was the case then we could have all moneymaxxed and fucked escorts,spend our money on entertainment and food. but male friendship and bromance is still vital
No we couldn't, not everybody is going to "make it"

I guarantee you if you had to choose between living the life you do now, or spending the rest of your life in a locked spacious room with a realistic sex android and all the food, drinks and entertainment you want, you'd choose the latter.

Ever heard about a game called "Danganronpa", well look into it, Imagine a scenario like that. You are locked in a large facility where you have access to entertainment, food, drinks, etc, but you just can't communicate with anyone. What made that scenario bad was that it was set up to entice the residents to murder eachother as some kind of sick game lol, but if not for that it would be perfect.

The average person would grow quite comfortable even if it was just them alone in that building.
No we couldn't, not everybody is going to "make it"

I guarantee you if you had to choose between living the life you do now, or spending the rest of your life in a locked spacious room with a realistic sex android and all the food, drinks and entertainment you want, you'd choose the latter.

Ever heard about a game called "Danganronpa", well look into it, Imagine a scenario like that. You are locked in a large facility where you have access to entertainment, food, drinks, etc, but you just can't communicate with anyone. What made that scenario bad was that it was set up to entice the residents to murder eachother as some kind of sick game lol, but if not for that it would be perfect.

The average person would grow quite comfortable even if it was just them alone in that building.
I cant connect with a sex android on a deep level. I arleady have food and entertainment at home and I still feel lonely af. And even if I could have hyperrealistic sex robot to accompany me. I would still do anything to have some homies to hangout with. You need social connections. We are social animals and we can't be deprived of bonding with others of our kind. They are guys who are moneymaxxed and have spent money on entertainment,escorts and food. But yet are lonely and lack true friendship. Bromance and friendship is vital for the soul. I feel like your low-key coping. I would rather have many real life foids to fuck than have friends ngl but even If I did get that. I can still see myself wishing I had some genuine friends to hangout with. Some brothers to talk to about relatable stuff and chill with. Brotherhood is still important.

Btw when is your next upload on cinema pills?

Do it on a movie called Norbit (2007) w/Eddie Murphy. I wanna see that on cinemapills
Cope... validation exists.

Validation = good looks+height+dominance make validation, females are stalking you and they want to have your D

Of course validation dosen't exists for @BlkPillPres and @IncelKing cuz you guys are ugly and short, ofc it dosen't exist.:feelskek:

Keep it simple, you guys shame the blackpill with these low iq posts.

You know deep down that you are inferior cuz you know you ain't shit cuz genetic lottery. I bet if you were girls you guys wouldn't fuck your male version :feelskek::feelsthink:
I cant connect with a sex android on a deep level
You sound really blue pilled right now, humans are animals. I know must of you guys are hyped up on your ego and you think humans are "deep" and "special" but that's all in your head, it's what your biology has programmed you to feel for the sole purpose of pushing you to reproduce.

You lack the self-awareness to mentally distance yourself from your programming to see it for what it is.

Were animals, there is no "deep level", it's all about genetics and physical attraction.

Notice you don't care about any "deep level" when it comes to a 300+lb ugly faced woman :feelskek: (I guess that's a coincidence).

Do it on a movie called Norbit (2007) w/Eddie Murphy. I wanna see that on cinemapills
Noted, but I'm working on a lot of things now, I don't even know when the next video is coming out. I only invest time into things that interest me and show some potential to become a source of income. If the other things I'm working on take off my black pill youtube channels are going on the back burner.

If a video on one of them goes viral and the channels take off then the other things go on the back burner. It doesn't seem like anyone is sharing my content around much so it's very likely they'll be the things that end up on the waiting list.
Everything you wrote is correct.
People just wanna cope because of idee fixe
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What a shit opinion. Imagine a girl looking at you with pure desire, love, or passion. Imagine her taking one look at you and immediately cueing her sexual arousal toward you. Imagine a girl willingly degrading herself to the point that she puts your cock in her mouth.
That is not something that is just "hurr society"'d into your brain. It's an innate and evolutionary reaction to sexual signals. The examples given are completely retarded. As you said in your OP, arranged marriages were done for political reasons completely unrelated to sexual attraction at all.
Do you really think men in power weren't banging countless concubines regardless? Do you really believe that the universal reaction of every society to an attractive female signaling sexual attraction was somehow just drilled into people's brain through society? omegalul
The other example you gave, the simple fact that the evolutionary purpose of sex is just reproduction, would mean that it's just a result of society if you are sexually aroused by: Sex with an infertile woman, sex with a woman on birth control, oral sex, anal sex, thighjobs, titjobs, or any other form of non-penetrative sex. Do you think people's arousal toward those acts is also just from modern society?
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What a shit opinion. Imagine a girl looking at you with pure desire, love, or passion. Imagine her taking one look at you and immediately cueing her sexual arousal toward you. Imagine a girl willingly degrading herself to the point that she puts your cock in her mouth.
That is not something that is just "hurr society"'d into your brain. It's an innate and evolutionary reaction to sexual signals. The examples given are completely retarded. As you said in your OP, arranged marriages were done for political reasons completely unrelated to sexual attraction at all.
Do you really think men in power weren't banging countless concubines regardless? Do you really believe that the universal reaction of every society to an attractive female signaling sexual attraction was somehow just drilled into people's brain through society? omegalul
The other example you gave, the simple fact that the evolutionary purpose of sex is just reproduction, would mean that it's just a result of society if you are sexually aroused by: Sex with an infertile woman, sex with a woman on birth control, oral sex, anal sex, thighjobs, titjobs, or any other form of non-penetrative sex. Do you think people's arousal toward those acts is also just from modern society?
Ultra iq
this is the most important post in the whole forum and i hope everyone here reads it
but only the ones with a true grasp of historical development can truly understand this is nothing less than 100% true
Validation isn't real because the OP said so!!!
Men about the past didn't care about validation because the OP said so!!!

Never mind that there were literal wars between clans, tribes, and kingdoms in the past because of a woman. Never mind that chivalry was perfected by literal white knights in the medieval ages. Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.

chivalry said more on how to take care of ur horse then how to treat females
Its high iq post,But we arent in caveman times dude,deal with it,the validation Is the only way now to gwt sex AND only Chad gets it,it's over :feelsrope:
Nowadays the prey Is not the prey,AND the hunters are not the hunters. It's like if zebras got bodyguards,laws protecting em from lions,AND the 90% lions were castrated and the rest were able to hunt zebras . That's my analogy to your post AND reality.
but that only works if we support it (as in working and keeping the economy running)
Makes sense.

If you seek validation, you’re cucked.

Female validation perfectly sums up the “friend zone”. You get nothing out of it except bro g her emotional tampon.

Chads don’t require validation as they’ve already been chosen by females solely based on his looks.

This draws back to, “Men have lower standards and will fuck a girl if given the chance, women on the other hand, choose their partners based on a variety of outcomes, whether that be looks, money, network of friends, and if other girls want him.” Females love competition, if no other girl wants him, why would she want him?
Wanting toilet validation is entirely unnatural. Wanting it from your ingroup is biological as being ostrasized by the tribe could be a death sentance for a member of a species that hunts in groups. Due to social isolation and the desintigration of normal bonds between members of an ingroup and rise in maladaptive individualism likely has played a role in some men trying to replace that with approval from roasties.
Wanting toilet validation is entirely unnatural. Wanting it from your ingroup is biological as being ostrasized by the tribe could be a death sentance for a member of a species that hunts in groups. Due to social isolation and the desintigration of normal bonds between members of an ingroup and rise in maladaptive individualism likely has played a role in some men trying to replace that with approval from roasties.
1. Validation isn't real

The males of nearly every species employ the use of force (rape) in order to pass on their genes, because what the female thinks of them (validation) is irrelevant to them, their primary goal is to reproduce (desire for sex is biological). In fact, in the animal world, the whole concept of validation is non-existant. Validation is a social construct, it is a figment of imagination and only exists in the minds of humans.

2. Men of the past didn't care about validation

If validation is inherent to human nature, then men of the past should also have chased after validation, seeing as though nature is a constant throughout the time-space continuum. But this is not the case, as evidenced by the prevalence of arranged marriages, which took place in order to establish a union/alliance between 2 clans/houses. Marriage was an institution which was established with the purpose of cementing a relationship between 2 families by merging their bloodlines, enabling unquestionable loyalty of the families to each other. The men of the past were aware of this fact, thus they didnt care what the women whom they were marrying thought of them, they cared more about forming powerful unions/alliances which would elevate their respective families/houses to a position of strength.

The only reason men of the present chase after illusory concepts such as "love" and "female validation" is because they have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to do so via feminist propaganda masquerading in the form of the education system and media. Feminism is a movement with the objective of establishing female superiority, disguised as a movement for equality. The ultimate goal of feminists is to make men subservient to women, what better way to do this then by influencing men to value female validation, implicitly influencing men to value females themselves, creating a generation of men who are essentially pussy beggars and female worshippers.

The difference between the men of the past (who didnt care about validation at all) and the men of the present (who seek female validation) is socialization.


3. Valuing Female validation whilst devaluing females themselves is contradictory.

@BlkPillPres pretty much sums it up perfectly:

I tried to explain this shit to some retards in the Incel Discord server, namely @Lester and even a mod @knajjd who said that desire for validation is biological, but without even listening to my arguments they verbally attacked me, calling me stupid and low IQ (lol, the irony) and kicked me from the server.

We've reached a point where this forum has become inundated by users who think they're blackpilled (when they really aren't), and to top it all off they have turnip level IQ.

This isnt even a surprise at this point considering the fact that AT LEAST ONE OF THE MODS aren't blackpilled. I felt initially frustrated that there are people who are so low IQ that they dont have the IQ to comprehend the fact that they're low IQ :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:, but later i just felt sorry for them, life must be really tough when you are THAT mentally challenged :feelskek::feelskek:
Sorry, sweaty, but as long as humans remain a social species, validation remains a biological drive.
Normies are rapists, that's why they enjoy bullying incels it's all just their way of raping.
This thread triggered so many retards, it´s unbelievable.
I feel sad that Blkpillpress left a long time ago.
A true loss to the room IQ temperature.
Never mind that every single war song in history talks about defending your country to save the women.
Beeecause women pumped out babies to keep the kingdom going?
Wanting toilet validation is entirely unnatural. Wanting it from your ingroup is biological as being ostrasized by the tribe could be a death sentance for a member of a species that hunts in groups. Due to social isolation and the desintigration of normal bonds between members of an ingroup and rise in maladaptive individualism likely has played a role in some men trying to replace that with approval from roasties.

Yes, only the desire for validation from people of your in-group, is natural.

This post was about female validation, not about validation from the in-group.

I should have specified that

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