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Venting I hate when normies say “respect your mom and dad bro”



The curse of intelligence
Feb 7, 2024
Normies say this because they actually have nice and can’t think about anything from a different perspective. But when your parents gave you shit genes or can’t make a smart financial decision anyone with half a brain wouldn’t respect them.

And what’s the kicker is when normies say “ Muh your mother birthed you:soy:” which is retarded since I didn’t want or asked to be born.
"They are still your parents" is also a classic gaslight
They've committed the crime of bringing you into this mortal coil without knowing or caring about the consequences of doing so
"Shit genes" is being born retarded, or nonviable. But if you're genuinely like "Fuck you Mom and Dad, didn't you know that I wasn't gonna have the right cranial structure" then maybe you are retarded.
But if you're genuinely like "Fuck you Mom and Dad, didn't you know that I wasn't gonna have the right cranial structure" then maybe you are retarded.
Ignorance is no excuse.
Unfortunately I’m 5’8 so cope

I'm shorter. And likely older. And yet I'm not actively trying to hold my parents to account for the crime of having a baby. That's bitch talk.
I'm shorter. And likely older. And yet I'm not actively trying to hold my parents to account for the crime of having a baby. That's bitch talk.
if you actually read I also said I was a poorcel
They don't know what it's like to grow up with curry parents
@Grim_Reaper @wereq
Our parents only gave birth to us so that they can turn us into money-making STEMslaves that will end up becoming their retirement plan.
I’ve heard most curry parents live with their children when they get to retirement age
And what’s the kicker is when normies say “ Muh your mother birthed you:soy:” which is retarded since I didn’t want or asked to be born.
They don't know what it's like to grow up with curry parents
@Grim_Reaper @wereq
In order to respect my parents, I have to value the life they've given me and I don't because the life they gave me is shit. Their genes are shit.
Then why the fuck do you care so much are you just always this retarded

Care about what? I don't spend my days cursing my parents for birthing me because that's not rational. That's all. Normal people aren't fucked up in the head like that.
Care about what? I don't spend my days cursing my parents for birthing me because that's not rational. That's all. Normal people aren't fucked up in the head like that.
When did I say I curse at my parents, B it’s not rational to have children in poor financial situations.
When did I say I curse at my parents, B it’s not rational to have children in poor financial situations.

You're complaining about being born. That's not a rational response to life.
"Shit genes" is being born retarded, or nonviable. But if you're genuinely like "Fuck you Mom and Dad, didn't you know that I wasn't gonna have the right cranial structure" then maybe you are retarded.
My parents were selfish racemixers, I hope the deepest pits of hell become their home after they bite the dust if the afterlife is real
Refute my 2 points I made

1. If your response is "I don't respect my parents because they committed the crime of birthing me," that's not a rational response to life.

2. What is the proper financial situation for having a child? If they can afford to raise you, you have no room to complain.
1. If your response is "I don't respect my parents because they committed the crime of birthing me," that's not a rational response to life.

2. What is the proper financial situation for having a child? If they can afford to raise you, you have no room to complain.
1. If you read My post you could figure out I had a poor financial which affected my quality of life significantly
2.My point was about ignorant normies
And what’s the kicker is when normies say “ Muh your mother birthed you:soy:” which is retarded since I didn’t want or asked to be born.
True, and not only that, she tries to find every opportunity to make my life hell. She scolds and beats me and gets mad at me for seemingly no reason. She doesn't even qualify as a mother. I think she lost any empathy and "love" she had for me the moment I hit puberty and stopped being "cute" in a childish way, and I think "neoteny" itself is an evolutionary adaptation to prevent mothers from just straight up abandoning or killing their male children. That's why I don't consider her my "mother," just my egg donor. The only person I genuinely love is my dad.
"Shit genes" is being born retarded, or nonviable. But if you're genuinely like "Fuck you Mom and Dad, didn't you know that I wasn't gonna have the right cranial structure" then maybe you are retarded.
Nobody gives consent to being born. My parents should've considered the possibility of me suffering before giving birth to me instead of just gambling on it. Most parents never factor in their bad experiences and just decide to have children, thinking that they'll live a positive life (Pollyanna principle). Even after they have given birth to you, if you decide to get off this ride, they'll tell you how they've spent so much money on you and so much time (sunk cost fallacy) and that you should live to support them (basically be a glorified human piggy bank).
They've committed the crime of bringing you into this mortal coil without knowing or caring about the consequences of doing so
This. This is the crux of the Pollyanna principle.
I'm shorter. And likely older. And yet I'm not actively trying to hold my parents to account for the crime of having a baby. That's bitch talk.
Their crime is perpetuating human suffering and gambling on the child having a good life or not.
Our parents only gave birth to us so that they can turn us into money-making STEMslaves that will end up becoming their retirement plan.
Reasons parents give birth:

1. Because they want to
2. Investment

Notice how parents never give birth to their child for the benefit of the child, just for their own SELFISH desires.
You're complaining about being born. That's not a rational response to life.
True, the most rational response to a life of agony is ending it.

Ayn Rand has said:
Suicide is justified when man's life, owing to circumstances outside of a person's control, is no longer possible; an example might be a person with a painful terminal illness, or a prisoner in a concentration camp who sees no chance of escape. In cases such as these, suicide is not necessarily a philosophic rejection of life or of reality. On the contrary, it may very well be their tragic reaffirmation. Self-destruction in such contexts may amount to the tortured cry: "Man's life means so much to me that I will not settle for anything less. I will not accept a living death as a substitute."

I will not settle for anything less than what other people have. I will not accept ROTTING alive, being a living CORPSE, as substitute to a genuine, fulfilling life. I will exercise my right to dying just as my parents exercised their right to give birth to me, but in my case, I am doing it with my own consent. Where my parents gave birth to me without my consent, I will consent to taking my own life.

Life for me is just eight decades of protracted suffering.
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1. If you read My post you could figure out I had a poor financial which affected my quality of life significantly
2.My point was about ignorant normies

1. Again, what is that standard? How poor do you have to be before it should be considered a "crime" to have kids?

2. The normies aren't really ignorant if what they're saying is "Blaming your parents simply for having you is an irrational position to take, unless you were born with a severe handicap. Unless you were genuinely better off never born."

Nobody cares what you view as a rational response to life. When you finally learn to deal with it and stop posting your opinions as a general truth?
It's not what I say. It's what anyone not living in an echo chamber for nonfunctioning autists says.

What is this shit? Happiness is a clear indicator of whether a person does enjoy his life and wants to live it or not, not your stupid claim about your parents being able to afford to raise you.

Be unhappy if you want. That's not your parents' fault. To say so presumes that parents are supposed to know how your life will turn out, as well as what you'll want out of life. Which is retarded. Or that no one should be ever born and that life itself is objectively suffering, which is also retarded. But this is beyond people living in an echo chamber.

Nobody gives consent to being born. My parents should've considered the possibility of me suffering before giving birth to me instead of just gambling on it. Most parents never factor in their bad experiences and just decide to have children, thinking that they'll live a positive life (Pollyanna principle). Even after they have given birth to you, if you decide to get off this ride, they'll tell you how they've spent so much money on you and so much time (sunk cost fallacy) and that you should live to support them (basically be a glorified human piggy bank).

"My parents should've considered the possibility of me suffering." What does that even mean? What factors were they supposed to look at, and what should they have looked like to justify your existence in the world?

I will not settle for anything less than what other people have. I will not accept ROTTING alive, being a living CORPSE, as substitute to a genuine, fulfilling life. I will exercise my right to dying just as my parents exercised their right to give birth to me, but in my case, I am doing it with my own consent. Where my parents gave birth to me without my consent, I will consent to taking my own life.

Life for me is just eight decades of protracted suffering.

What other people? There are billionaires in this world. Are you gonna kill yourself over not being a billionaire? Where does your arbitrary standard for a fair life begin and end?
Normies say this because they actually have nice and can’t think about anything from a different perspective. But when your parents gave you shit genes or can’t make a smart financial decision anyone with half a brain wouldn’t respect them.

And what’s the kicker is when normies say “ Muh your mother birthed you:soy:” which is retarded since I didn’t want or asked to be born.
Breeders are stupid
"My parents should've considered the possibility of me suffering." What does that even mean? What factors were they supposed to look at, and what should they have looked like to justify your existence in the world?
If you read the full sentence, you would know what I'm talking about. They should have considered the POSSIBILITY of me suffering and not have GAMBLED on it. They shouldn't have made my life a coin toss where one side meant happiness and the other suffering—that is what being born is, a 50-50 chance of finding joy. What I'm trying to say is, if they weren't sure my life was not going to be good—which, you made made a good point, can't be predicted—they shouldn't have given birth to me. I guess I can't blame them for their ignorance, though.
What other people? There are billionaires in this world. Are you gonna kill yourself over not being a billionaire? Where does your arbitrary standard for a fair life begin and end?
I wanted a life where I had a companion I could be with, my Eve, someone who I could hold the hand of and go on walks with, someone I could say "I love you" to. I wanted that, just that. I didn't want anything more. Maybe I'm being a selfish, ungrateful brat, but I for the life of me can't find life fulfilling without someone by my side I can give my love and affection to. I can't fathom life without that person. There is no reason for me to persist in this Hideous world if I'm doomed to die alone.

In the words of the late Christopher Swanson:

Someone gets to live happily-ever-after in a fairytale dream.
I get to drown in an ocean of Despair.
The pessimist was right all along.

I'm trapped in this Hideous world,
where the twin demons of Loneliness and Despair torment,
where the Longing desiccates,
where tears fall without end.
If you read the full sentence, you would know what I'm talking about. They should have considered the POSSIBILITY of me suffering and not have GAMBLED on it. They shouldn't have made my life a coin toss where one side meant happiness and the other suffering—that is what being born is, a 50-50 chance of finding joy. What I'm trying to say is, if they weren't sure my life was not going to be good—which, you made made a good point, can't be predicted—they shouldn't have given birth to me. I guess I can't blame them for their ignorance, though.

That is an irrational view to hold. This is essentially "No one should ever be born."
You shouldn't respect your parents any more than you would respect any other person of the same kind.

Your parents aren't necessarily more intelligent than others.
Your parents aren't necessarily better-looking than others.
Your parents don't necessarily have a better personality than others.

So there is no real reason to respect them more.
Normies say this because they actually have nice and can’t think about anything from a different perspective. But when your parents gave you shit genes or can’t make a smart financial decision anyone with half a brain wouldn’t respect them.

And what’s the kicker is when normies say “ Muh your mother birthed you:soy:” which is retarded since I didn’t want or asked to be born.
Normies who say this shit and call men who dont respect their abusive parents "beta males"
@FrothySolutions just casually writing out five essays on a Saturday evening to argue with a bunch of loners on a forum. It's so over. :feelskek::feelsrope:
It's not irrational, it's called anti-natalism.

Yes, that's irrational. Because where does it end?

Should no humans be born today? Okay, when should humans have been born? Antinatalists have no argument for that. So should no humans have ever been born? How do you define "human?" Does that mean our prehistoric ape ancestors never should've birthed offspring, so that humans could never evolve? Should no organisms live at all? Life itself is some cosmic fuck-up? Should the universe itself have not come into being?

Who anyone? Again and again, backing up your claims by hiding behind some invisible majority? For the last time. Say what you want, but learn to present it as your opinion and not as a general truth, because it isn´t. You probably have problems with it, but let me teach you something: if you present something as your opinion, it does not make it a general truth because you are the only one I see here claiming such bullshit, if you did not notice.

This was very derogatory toward the autists on this site. Most of the people on this forum have, to some degree, autism, but that does not make them stupid or have valid opinions. Just because you are NT does not mean that you have a patent on the truth compared to us.

Be unhappy if I want? You know, fucking damn well, why am I unhappy, since I am here. I was born ugly as shit, which ruined my life, and this, my friend, IS my parents fault. Whose genes are they? How have they compensated for it? They are poor and have low social status, which has also worsened my condition. To say that my parents would not know how my life would have turned out is also stupid. It does not take a genius to make 1+1. If you are poor, ugly, and without any social status, then your son will probably not succeed in life unless he wins a fucking lottery.

Who said that no one should have ever been born or that life is objectively suffering?

Is it beyond people living in echo chambers? Again, looking down on others here and feeling superior?

So, what, only wealthy models who are famous should have children? That's not rational. Yes, you're wrong for thinking that's rational. What you call an "invisible majority" is actually the product of your retarded ideas being held up to scrutiny. Your only defense for them is "Well I'M not happy. I wish I was pretty and had social status. Ugly people without social status shouldn't live."

If you personally must have looks and status, by all means hate your life. But that is your personal standard. You got the rest of the world fucked up if you think that's a standard anyone else would respect.
Yes, that's irrational. Because where does it end?

Should no humans be born today? Okay, when should humans have been born? Antinatalists have no argument for that. So should no humans have ever been born? How do you define "human?" Does that mean our prehistoric ape ancestors never should've birthed offspring, so that humans could never evolve? Should no organisms live at all? Life itself is some cosmic fuck-up? Should the universe itself have not come into being?

So, what, only wealthy models who are famous should have children? That's not rational. Yes, you're wrong for thinking that's rational. What you call an "invisible majority" is actually the product of your retarded ideas being held up to scrutiny. Your only defense for them is "Well I'M not happy. I wish I was pretty and had social status. Ugly people without social status shouldn't live."

If you personally must have looks and status, by all means hate your life. But that is your personal standard. You got the rest of the world fucked up if you think that's a standard anyone else would respect.
Irrational based on whom you ? You’re just strawmanning him, nobody said “only the rich should have children” Our original point was it’s not logical to have children when being poor. You’re inflicting them a life of poverty
Yes, that's irrational. Because where does it end?
It doesn't, that's the kicker. Ideally, it would end today. No one would reproduce and we'll all have hit the bucket in 80 years' time.
Should no humans be born today? Okay, when should humans have been born? Antinatalists have no argument for that.
Antinatalists argue for an end to humans reproducing today. Of course nobody existed 200,000 years ago to tell people to stop breeding. This makes no sense. Antinatalists have only argued for this as long as they've been around.
How do you define "human?"
Anatomically modern humans that emerged around 200,000 years ago in Africa.
So should no humans have ever been born?
Does that mean our prehistoric ape ancestors never should've birthed offspring, so that humans could never evolve?
That would've been ideal.
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Again, doing a strawman on me? Didn´t you learn your lesson the first time?

Who said that no one should have ever been born or that life is objectively suffering? You nicely avoided this question, didn´t you? Again, caught you doing a strawman?

This again. Okay...

I was born ugly as shit, which ruined my life, and this, my friend, IS my parents fault. Whose genes are they? How have they compensated for it? They are poor and have low social status, which has also worsened my condition. To say that my parents would not know how my life would have turned out is also stupid. It does not take a genius to make 1+1. If you are poor, ugly, and without any social status, then your son will probably not succeed in life unless he wins a fucking lottery.

Those are your fucking words. That's what I responded to you about.

But what I neglected to pick up on is that you can't read. If you could, you'd know that the "life is objectively suffering" conversation was one I'm having with @lonelysince2006. Quote block wouldn't be beyond you, if you could read.

So basically, you did not answer who the invisible majority is that you are trying to put behind yourself to be seen as more credible. Pathetic.

So you said it, and so it must be the truth, right? :feelskek: Tell me, who anyone else?

You want me to name everyone in rational society? There are literally dozens of us. But the larger issue that makes your views irrational is that you can't make an objective case for them. You haven't argued one. All you've argued is "I personally don't like my life." You've got jack fucking shit to hold against anyone until you can make a case for an objective standard all people must follow. Otherwise you can't turn to your parents and say "You are at fault for something." You have not presented "No man or woman shall have children unless X."

Irrational based on whom you ? You’re just strawmanning him, nobody said “only the rich should have children” Our original point was it’s not logical to have children when being poor. You’re inflicting them a life of poverty

Same to you. I asked you what the financial standard was and you've offered nothing. You looking at the cool kids and wishing you were them is no basis for an argument against your birth.

That would've been ideal.

So the antinatalists are arguing against ape life? How come the fish get to live? How come the frogs get to live?
So the antinatalists are arguing against ape life?
Antinatalists argue for an end to humans reproducing today. Of course nobody existed 200,000 years ago to tell people to stop breeding. This makes no sense. Antinatalists have only argued for this as long as they've been around.
How come the fish get to live? How come the frogs get to live?
You can't force other lifeforms to not reproduce or drive them to extinction. That's not ethical.

Just read this:

Antinatalist views are not necessarily limited only to humans, but may encompass all sentient creatures, claiming that coming into existence is a harm for sentient beings in general.

Of course, I would never subscribe to this thinking because that requires me forcing my will on other creatures, which I would never do (same thing as going ER, which is essentially you forcing your will [wanting to bring death] on other people, which is also why I would never go ER, even if I could or murder was legal or something).
Irrational based on whom you ? You’re just strawmanning him, nobody said “only the rich should have children” Our original point was it’s not logical to have children when being poor. You’re inflicting them a life of poverty
You can't force other lifeforms to not reproduce or drive them to extinction. That's not ethical.

Just read this:

Of course, I would never subscribe to this thinking because that requires me forcing my will on other creatures, which I would never do (same thing as going ER, which is essentially you forcing your will [wanting to bring death] on other people, which is also why I would never go ER, even if I could or murder was legal or something).

So some people are against all life, but not you. Sounds like the antinatalists can't agree on what life is okay and what isn't. So it's not really an argument you can stand by. You can't say "The antinatalists feel this way" because the antinatalists are not all in agreement.
This again. Okay...

Those are your fucking words. That's what I responded to you about.

But what I neglected to pick up on is that you can't read. If you could, you'd know that the "life is objectively suffering" conversation was one I'm having with @lonelysince2006. Quote block wouldn't be beyond you, if you could read.

You want me to name everyone in rational society? There are literally dozens of us. But the larger issue that makes your views irrational is that you can't make an objective case for them. You haven't argued one. All you've argued is "I personally don't like my life." You've got jack fucking shit to hold against anyone until you can make a case for an objective standard all people must follow. Otherwise you can't turn to your parents and say "You are at fault for something." You have not presented "No man or woman shall have children unless X."

Same to you. I asked you what the financial standard was and you've offered nothing. You looking at the cool kids and wishing you were them is no basis for an argument against your birth.

So the antinatalists are arguing against ape life? How come the fish get to live? How come the frogs get to live?
Irrational based on whom you cant seem to cite your majority” and the standard should be if your poor to a severe degree you shouldn’t have children because you’re subjecting them to poverty how hard is this to fucking grasp
Irrational based on whom you cant seem to cite your majority” and the standard should be if your poor to a severe degree you shouldn’t have children because you’re subjecting them to poverty how hard is this to fucking grasp

As I said earlier, if you want me to name everyone in rational society, I don't know everyone's name in rational society. What would naming them do for you, anyway?

And what is "a severe degree?" You haven't given me anything concrete to grasp. I want you to tell me exactly how poor you have to be before you shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
So some people are against all life, but not you. Sounds like the antinatalists can't agree on what life is okay and what isn't. So it's not really an argument you can stand by. You can't say "The antinatalists feel this way" because the antinatalists are not all in agreement.
I never said I speak for ALL antinatalists, but in order to be antinatalist, you either have to oppose (A) humans reproducing or (B) all sentient life (humans AND animals) reproducing (this is all consistent with the Wikipedia article).

What did I say?
Antinatalists argue for an end to humans reproducing today.

Which is consistent with the above statement, so my point still stands.

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