Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

What is your opinion on dark triad??

Take a look at this video

View: https://rumble.com/v1o6yzh-existence-what-actually-exists.html

Sv3rige also made a video about the existance of money but I can't find it now

Just explain what you believe in with your own words or don't even bother.

we get lots of infiltrators from IT but this is a rare infiltrator who came from the twilight zone
I don't think you actually ever even leave your basement
I suppose you two would know better than me what my own experiences in life were.

@LeFrenchCel @SlayerSlayer @Dregster @Uggo Mongo @TheProphetMuscle @PLA1092 @proudweeb

This guy is either a fed or an infiltrator spreading bluepilled nonsense. Take a look at this
I don't think he belongs here
Babycel calls the mods whenever he can't win an online debate. Whatever, believe what you may. I'm done "arguing" with you. You are just a cultist, nothing more or less. If someone disagrees with you on some dogmas you instantly call the other person an infiltrator. This isn't civilized debate or even conversation, you are just having a meltdown.
You didn't provide any arguments at all about why we should suppose that women care about genetics. And why ugly people even exist IS related to the whole topic. Don't worm your way out of this.
The reason we care about genetics is to make the lives of our children better, its just nature what can I even say about it. Go on Incel Wiki and read some articles. Now as to why ugly people exist is because of genetics and genetics can believe it or not degenerate in quality over generations. The following thread kind of covers that topic
Thread '[Theory]Dietpill- How Modern Food & Diets Contribute To Inceldom.' https://incels.is/threads/theory-dietpill-how-modern-food-diets-contribute-to-inceldom.615293/
Now of course the modern medicine has also contributed to this. There are many different factors that make genes bad and our natural instincts tell us to reproduce with attractive people for a reason
Babycel calls the mods whenever he can't win an online debate. Whatever, believe what you may. I'm done "arguing" with you. You are just a cultist, nothing more or less. If someone disagrees with you on some dogmas you instantly call the other person an infiltrator. This isn't civilized debate or even conversation, you are just having a meltdown
Im not having a meltdown I just don't think you are on the right forum. You are probably either some redpilled coper who thinks he can still ascend even though he is not genetically fit for it or you are someone from reddit who came here to "save" the evil evil inkwell. You are infiltrating the wrong place
Just explain what you believe in with your own words or don't even bother.
I already explained it, now take a look at the video or don't. I can't tell you what to do and you can't tell me what to do either
The reason we care about genetics is to make the lives of our children better, its just nature what can I even say about it. Go on Incel Wiki and read some articles. Now as to why ugly people exist is because of genetics and genetics can believe it or not degenerate in quality over generations. The following thread kind of covers that topic
Thread '[Theory]Dietpill- How Modern Food & Diets Contribute To Inceldom.' https://incels.is/threads/theory-dietpill-how-modern-food-diets-contribute-to-inceldom.615293/
Now of course the modern medicine has also contributed to this. There are many different factors that make genes bad and our natural instincts tell us to reproduce with attractive people for a reason
Nature isn't a rational entity. Many species died off during the course of history. Darwinism is an overrated and outdated theory imo and we shouldn't let it influence our opinions very much. Most people, male or female simply don't a give a shit about genetics and what offspring their sexual behavior might result in. Most people only care about pleasure. As for the ugly people theory, if those genes had it in them to degenerate then they weren't good genes at all to begin with, were they? Foids don't have some 6th sense that can predict whose offspring will be healthier or stronger, that's just mystifying foids and thinking they are special. Or you are just putting way too much trust into "instinct". My whole point is that foids are simply attracted to people that have lots of resources at their disposal or some kind of "power". They are selecting mates based on pure hedonism and wanting to live the easy life, not with producing Übermensch children in the future. They don't care about genetic purity and producing healthy children, they just want to feel good here and now.
First of all it's called dark tirad, and second of all, no. No, it's not just my opinion.

People will deny it but of course it's my experience as well. Only looks matter, and I'll never forget that.
Nature isn't a rational entity.
Nature is where rationality and logic come from in the first place
Most people, male or female simply don't a give a shit about genetics and what offspring their sexual behavior might result in.
That is wrong and I already explained why
My whole point is that foids are simply attracted to people that have lots of resources at their disposal or some kind of "power".
I understand what you mean but that is not true. Physical features are the first thing we see when selecting for mates. If a man has a lot of money but no attractiveness he will just get used for the money and the reason anyone cares about money is because of what it can get you. Im right and you are wrong
Enjoy your ban
First of all it's called dark tirad, and second of all, no. No, it's not just my opinion.

People will deny it but of course it's my experience as well. Only looks matter, and I'll never forget that.
Tell that to @Dogg27 He is denying looks matter at all. Its common sense but not to everyone
Im not having a meltdown I just don't think you are on the right forum. You are probably either some redpilled coper who thinks he can still ascend even though he is not genetically fit for it or you are someone from reddit who came here to "save" the evil evil inkwell. You are infiltrating the wrong place
I already said multiple times that some people can't ever have sex. Don't put things I never said into my mouth. The only thing we are having a debate over is what is attractive to women. You and others said it's looks first of all. I said no, it is money/power/status/being a non-autist/non-weirdo guy. Idk why it is so triggering for some to acknowledge that looks as a male aren't everything. Looks are everything if you are a foid because foids attract males to them based on their physical attractiveness. Do you think cavewoman Stacy fucked with caveman prettyboy Chad or with caveman Chad who had meat and was ruthless enough to get the most of meat and other resources? Foids are whores yes we agree, but they aren't whores for the sake of having sex, They are whores because having sex means they get free stuff.
Nature is where rationality and logic come from in the first place

That is wrong and I already explained why

I understand what you mean but that is not true. Physical features are the first thing we see when selecting for mates. If a man has a lot of money but no attractiveness he will just get used for the money and the reason anyone cares about money is because of what it can get you. Im right and you are wrong
Enjoy your ban
There is no rationality and logic anywhere in this universe, that's where you are wrong. There are no natural laws, only events that happen in nature.
>If a man has a lot of money but no attractiveness he will just get used for the money and the reason anyone cares about money is because of what it can get you
How is this different from what I stated? Again, the only difference between us is that you think foids love Chad. No, they don't love anyone. They love the easy life and material comfort. And they can get it best by having sex with Chad and manipulating him according to their whims.
Tell that to @Dogg27 He is denying looks matter at all. Its common sense but not to everyone
these retards pretend that foids, who are largely led by emotion and will run off and get murdered by an abusive bf if it feels good, are some kind of nerdy schemer redpillers
They love the easy life and material comfort. And they can get it best by having sex with Chad and manipulating him according to their whims.
wtf r u talking abt chad isn't a betabuxx
these retards pretend that foids, who are largely led by emotion and will run off and get murdered by an abusive bf if it feels good, are some kind of nerdy schemer redpillers
Males are more emotional than foids. If you think foids are capable of having genuine emotions then you are bluepilled. They run off with abusive bf because they think he is some alpha who will protect them. Obviously, their conclusions about men are bullshit and they deserve everything bad that happens to them. That doesn't mean they aren't scheming cunts.
Males are more emotional than foids. If you think foids are capable of having genuine emotions then you are bluepilled.
Idk what a 'genuine emotion' is supposed to mean. emotions aren't deep. if u think foids don't feel emotions then that's just odd

druggies like getting high and foids like feeling good too, idk what's confusing abt that
wtf r u talking abt chad isn't a betabuxx
Every male is buxxx material in foid's eyes. Or do you honestly believe foids wouldn't cheat on Chad or leave him if he lost his desirable traits or ascend with a better Chad?
Idk what a 'genuine emotion' is supposed to mean. emotions aren't deep. if u think foids don't feel emotions then that's just odd

druggies like getting high and foids like feeling good too, idk what's confusing abt that
Simply that you do things spontaneously and without any planning as to how that action will benefit you in the future. Foids manipulate men all the time. Or you don't think so?
Every male is buxxx material in foid's eyes. Or do you honestly believe foids wouldn't cheat on Chad or leave him if he lost his desirable traits or ascend with a better Chad?
where is the buxx factor if no money is involved
where is the buxx factor if no money is involved
Okay, I stand corrected there but I mentioned it before. Money/resources/power/influence/being a non autist. Some foids go for simply the "powerful men" or alphas and these do happen to be lower class criminals or unpleasant, aggressive, violent people generally. You can be homeless loser but if you omit an aura of power then foids won't resist you. Either way, they always want something in return for sex. They don't just give themselves to anyone.
but if you omit an aura of power
That aura of power you are mentioning is simply height and sharp well developed facial features. Yes some of the dark triad traits come in play here aswell but the physical aspect is the dominant one
@Dogg27 the reason you don't understand the importance of looks is because you falsely assume that foid's mate choice always comes down to what a man provides for her, like "easy life" and protection as you said, but you forgot to include sexual and romantic desire, which usually stands above everything else especially nowadays, when living is too safe and easy compared to what we had throughout history. And this desire comes from a man's looks, not from the fact the he provides/has status/some other kind of power. As people have already said to you, most foids would rather fuck a homeless chad than a rich statusmaxxed normie.

Dual mating strategy is a thing because foids have two uses for men, which are power (money, protection, status) and sex & romance. You completely threw the second one out the window for some reason. I understand the desire to dehumanize foids, but they are people too, just shitty ones, and are capable of loving (chad), it's just that this love is way more shallow than a man's.

Also, ugly people exist because previously foids were not allowed to choose their own mates, especially based on bullshit qualities like jaws and heights.
When people here told you "foids choose by genetics" they didn't mean genetic purity or health, of course foids don't care about these things, they only care about their pleasure as you yourself have said and tall chads give them endless rushes of dopamine.

Ugly people also exist because it's only ugly men who are not allowed to reproduce now, but ugly foids are free to pass their genes.
That aura of power you are mentioning is simply height and sharp well developed facial features. Yes some of the dark triad traits come in play here aswell but the physical aspect is the dominant one
What are height and sharp facial features worth if you are some beta cuck, though? Physical features don't mean you are dominant at all, you can be a giant but still have a pacifist nature and avoid conflict. The conclusion of lookism is this little comedic sketch I came up with.
""Chad"" walks up to foid: Hi! I have a 10 m long cock, a jawline so sharp you could cut yourself touching it, 200 packs of muscles and as you can see I am 200 cm tall! But I also cry whenever someone is a little mean to me, I'm so much of an autist that I can't even wipe my ass correctly and haven't had a bath this year yet, I can't even talk without spitting you in the face and I live with my mom who has to read me fairy tales every night I go to sleep. Would you go out with me??
Foid: Why, O-M-G, this is the man I've been waiting for all my life! Just have sex with me right here, right now!
Of course you don't think this is realistic at all but yet you are implying this is the logical conclusion in a scenario like this.

@Dogg27 the reason you don't understand the importance of looks is because you falsely assume that foid's mate choice always comes down to what a man provides for her, like "easy life" and protection as you said, but you forgot to include sexual and romantic desire, which usually stands above everything else especially nowadays, when living is too safe and easy compared to what we had throughout history. And this desire comes from a man's looks, not from the fact the he provides/has status/some other kind of power. As people have already said to you, most foids would rather fuck a homeless chad than a rich statusmaxxed normie.

Dual mating strategy is a thing because foids have two uses for men, which are power (money, protection, status) and sex & romance. You completely threw the second one out the window for some reason. I understand the desire to dehumanize foids, but they are people too, just shitty ones, and are capable of loving (chad), it's just that this love is way more shallow than a man's.

Also, ugly people exist because previously foids were not allowed to choose their own mates, especially based on bullshit qualities like jaws and heights.
When people here told you "foids choose by genetics" they didn't mean genetic purity or health, of course foids don't care about these things, they only care about their pleasure as you yourself have said and tall chads give them endless rushes of dopamine.

Ugly people also exist because it's only ugly men who are not allowed to reproduce now, but ugly foids are free to pass their genes.
You have fallen for feminist myths when you speak of female romantic desire and sexuality. These things don't exist. I have a sister who isn't bad looking at all so I know how foids choose mates, but not just from her example. I had long talks with foids I approached and while they never obviously said things out clear it was always obvious that they only care about money and the easy life or simply status. Most of them really hate sex and only think of it as something to be done to keep your boyfriend/husband/etc. It's a ritual, an act of bonding they realize is necessary for men but they could be happy without it. A 10/10 milf foid (42 yo at the time of our conversation) said she never even derived any enjoyment from sex until she was 30+, despite having Chad bfs all her life. Another foid, she was younger, said that she never masturbated in her life and not because she always had someone but simply because she didn't feel the need to. Foids aren't what you see in porn, porn is something artificial created to satisfy men's fantasies. And they aren't even close being similar to us when it comes to sexuality and selecting mates. Most of this lookism cultism is just male projection onto foids.
If we followed your reasoning then teenage and young 20s good-looking "Chads" (who are more like just physically attractive normalfags) should be the most popular and should have harems of foids but again, reality proves otherwise because young "Chads" get cucked by rich older Chads who aren't as physically fit or attractive anymore (who are the actual Chads and who do have harems of foids). Also, how do you explain that foids love blacks and jews so much in the west? Blacks and jews are objectively uglier than white men yet they slay pussy. Blacks because they are portrayed as "cool" and jews because they tons of money.

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