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Cucks whenever talking about male problems, always have to mention foids

  • Thread starter Grotesque Deformity
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Grotesque Deformity

Grotesque Deformity

A shower a day keeps inceldom away
Oct 5, 2023
A simple example of this is all the redpillers talking against online dating and how it is bad, but then they render everything they said previously completely mute by saying bs "women struggle too." Which is a comedic statement.
Your avi is funny. I too, dislike it when others seem to make things a "women's issue." I don't like how dismissive everyone is about male problems.
Your avi is funny. I too, dislike it when others seem to make things a "women's issue." I don't like how dismissive everyone is about male problems.
Yeah, women don't even really have struggles. Men's struggles are worse in every way possible overall
When a man has to vent about something a cuck always has to say some crap like "WOMEN HAVE PERIODS EVERY MONTH!!! YOU HAVE LIFE ON TUTORIAL MODE!!":soy:
Yeah, women don't even really have struggles. Men's struggles are worse in every way possible overall
Their only "struggles"
• Periods (I am fairly confident they are not that bad)

• Giving birth (most of the foids who say this never gave birth before)

• Apparently 98% of the time the rapist doesnt get punished (Falsely accuse a man of rape and watch what happens)
When a man has to vent about something a cuck always has to say some crap like "WOMEN HAVE PERIODS EVERY MONTH!!! YOU HAVE LIFE ON TUTORIAL MODE!!":soy:
Kidney stones (which men experience) are more painful anyways
Their only "struggles"
• Periods (I am fairly confident they are not that bad)

• Giving birth (most of the foids who say this never gave birth before)
Their only "struggles"
• Periods (I am fairly confident they are not that bad)

• Giving birth (most of the foids who say this never gave birth before)

• Apparently 98% of the time the rapist doesnt get punished (Falsely accuse a man of rape and watch what happens)
Giving birth is a choice JFL. Foids are so stupid
Giving birth is a choice JFL. Foids are so stupid
Giving birth after getting plowed by their abusive chad that they make up excuses on why they chose chad over a incel who would be too high inhib to abuse a foid
Yeah, women don't even really have struggles. Men's struggles are worse in every way possible overall
Women’s issues: you can’t get chad. You can still settle for 95% of the population thiugh

Mens issues: you’re a disposable entity that must brutally compete with other men just to be considered worthy of respect, even though according to society and laws every human being has an innate right to be treated with respect due to the simple fact that they’re human. Not only that, even if you win the competition, if you’re lacking in physical appearance you will be destined into a life of involuntary loneliness and misery without any sexual or romantical intimacy, and the best you will be able to do is make a woman settle for you due to your status or money; not because of who you are as a person, all while you have to take care of some random dudes spawn your “wife” got pregnant with. And if you dare to adress your dissatisfaction with life you will be relentlessly mocked, bullied and ostracized until you’re forced to accept your hopelessly bleak situation as a disposable worker drone for a society that hates you because you’ve been born male, like a slave.

bUT wOmeN stRugGLe ToO, iNkweLL
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When a man has to vent about something a cuck always has to say some crap like "WOMEN HAVE PERIODS EVERY MONTH!!! YOU HAVE LIFE ON TUTORIAL MODE!!":soy:
The issue of foid's on dating apps: too many options of Chad
Women’s issues: you can’t get chad. You can still settle for 95% of the population thiugh

Mens issues: you’re a disposable entity that must brutally compete with other men just to be considered worthy of respect, even though according to society and laws every human being has an innate right to be treated with respect due to the simple fact that they’re human. Not only that, even if you win the competition, if you’re lacking in physical appearance you will be destined into a life of involuntary loneliness and misery without any sexual or romantical intimacy, and the best you will be able to do is make a woman settle for you due to your status or money; not because of who you are as a person, all while you have to take care of some random dudes spawn turn “wife” got pregnant with.

bUT wOmeN stRugGLe ToO, iNkweLL
Yeah, it's crazy how anyone can act like women's struggles are even 1/100 of what men struggle with. 99.9% of women can get relationships so fucking easily and they don't even appreciate that privilege
Women’s issues: you can’t get chad. You can still settle for 95% of the population thiugh

Mens issues: you’re a disposable entity that must brutally compete with other men just to be considered worthy of respect, even though according to society and laws every human being has an innate right to be treated with respect due to the simple fact that they’re human. Not only that, even if you win the competition, if you’re lacking in physical appearance you will be destined into a life of involuntary loneliness and misery without any sexual or romantical intimacy, and the best you will be able to do is make a woman settle for you due to your status or money; not because of who you are as a person, all while you have to take care of some random dudes spawn turn “wife” got pregnant with.

bUT wOmeN stRugGLe ToO, iNkweLL
Most of foids's "struggles" are from their own choice such as being abused by a man that had massively obvious red flags of being abusive

And for their made up statistics of when the rapist doesnt get punished they can literally falsely accuse any man of rape and it will have a 99.95% success rate of working.
The issue of foid's on dating apps: too many options of Chad
Foid struggle: I have too many options and can't choose the best one. Men's struggle: I can't find one option and I'm emotionally starving and rotting in loneliness. The two cannot compare
Foid struggle: I have too many options and can't choose the best one. Men's struggle: I can't find one option and I'm emotionally starving and rotting in loneliness. The two cannot compare
"MuH pEriODs" :foidSoy:
"MUh RApiSt NoT gEttInG pUNiSHeD":foidSoy:
Foid struggle: I have too many options and can't choose the best one. Men's struggle: I can't find one option and I'm emotionally starving and rotting in loneliness. The two cannot compare
But we’re the entitled ones here, guys. Somehow not wanting to suffer in unbearable loneliness and pain makes us entitled. :fuk: :fuk: :feelsrope:
Yeah, women don't even really have struggles. Men's struggles are worse in every way possible overall

Their only "struggles"
• Periods (I am fairly confident they are not that bad)

• Giving birth (most of the foids who say this never gave birth before)

• Apparently 98% of the time the rapist doesnt get punished (Falsely accuse a man of rape and watch what happens)
These cucks still have a gynocentric mindset, even though they claim to be on the side of males. So they'll always say "Females have this issue too" when the quoted above are their only issues
But we’re the entitled ones here, guys.
Yep. Crazy how society acts like we are entitle for wanting a looksmatched partner, yet it's not entitled for a 3/10 woman to be Chad only
Yep. Crazy how society acts like we are entitle for wanting a looksmatched partner, yet it's not entitled for a 3/10 woman to be Chad only
Foids are not entitled to
• Men's protection when being attacked
• Tall men
• Free tampons
• Call rape when you regret a sex session
• Call rape from drunk sex
it is to prevent being banned or get the cops called for hate speech, is the cuck way out of that. it is also too seem more understanding and emphatic, but by doing that people forgets the point you started with.

its cucked and is a flawed strategy, pointless and idotic
Yep. Crazy how society acts like we are entitle for wanting a looksmatched partner, yet it's not entitled for a 3/10 woman to be Chad only
I just want to be fucking normal… why does the black pill have to be true? I fucking wish this was somehow in my control. I’d gladly work a thousand fucking years if it meant I could experience pure love without all this degeneracy. Without being cheated on, played on, mocked by the same people I’m supposed to bond. I fucking hate my life so much… why? I didn’t do anything bad to deserve it. I was just born into this fucking body, yet that somehow makes me evil and free to be ridiculed and makes it okay to mentally abuse me simply because I cannot stand being alone anymore? Just because I was born ugly and short? That’s why it’s okay for me to rot like a piece of used cloth until I decompose?

This isn’t a life, this is hell. This is yoke. This is for life. I have to exist like this and put up a strong front, otherwise I will be torn apart by hyenas. By psychopaths. I just want to be loved for fucks sake. That’s it… I want to know what’s it like to be loved… I don’t give a shit about all this Chad, Chad this, Chad that, Stacy this Stacy that… I just want to find someone who will love me, not use me for money, not dispose of me and hurt me just because I break after so much abuse I have sustained… why is that entitled?! What is it that those people cannot understand! That we aren’t happy, that we’re suffering? God. I’m so fucking sick of everything. I want to die. Dying is better than living in this miserable, loveless existence.

How is me not wanting to live a miserable life full of suffering entitled?!
Foids are not entitled to
• Men's protection when being attacked
• Tall men
• Free tampons
• Call rape when you regret a sex session
• Call rape from drunk sex
Ikr society insists on making everything abt foids, and forcing people to deal with foid issues constantly

what's the point?

foids are worthless inferior creatures and there's no reason why their problems should be of any significance. maybe we could give their problems a hearing, if we ever solved every problem faced by ACTUAL HUMANS first
I just want to be fucking normal… why does the black pill have to be true? I fucking wish this was somehow in my control. I’d gladly work a thousand fucking years if it meant I could experience pure love without all this degeneracy. Without being cheated on, played on, mocked by the same people I’m supposed to bond. I fucking hate my life so much… why? I didn’t do anything bad to deserve it. I was just born into this fucking body, yet that somehow makes me evil and free to be ridiculed and makes it okay to mentally abuse me simply because I cannot stand being alone anymore? Just because I was born ugly and short? That’s why it’s okay for me to rot like a piece of used cloth until I decompose?

This isn’t a life, this is hell. This is yoke. This is for life. I have to exist like this and put up a strong front, otherwise I will be torn apart by hyenas. By psychopaths. I just want to be loved for fucks sake. That’s it… I want to know what’s it like to be loved… I don’t give a shit about all this Chad, Chad this, Chad that, Stacy this Stacy that… I just want to find someone who will love me, not use me for money, not dispose of me and hurt me just because I break after so much abuse I have sustained… why is that entitled?! What is it that those people cannot understand! That we aren’t happy, that we’re suffering? God. I’m so fucking sick of everything. I want to die. Dying is better than living in this miserable, loveless existence.

How is me not wanting to live a miserable life full of suffering entitled?!
Yeah man, I’m completely with you on that. I’m so sick of rotting alone and not being loved, touched, and being deprived of sex. It fucking sucks dude. All I want is one loyal woman who is my looksmatch. Is that really so much to ask for? It’s such basic shit that everyone should have. I hate that my female looksmatch has endless options while I rot. This shit ain’t fair
With how feministic this society is it's no surprise that these normie cucks always have to bring it up; even though foids problems are like a little slap compared to incels problems is like getting shot in the leg
A simple example of this is all the redpillers talking against online dating and how it is bad, but then they render everything they said previously completely mute by saying bs "women struggle too." Which is a comedic statement.
kekfuel in pfp
A simple example of this is all the redpillers talking against online dating and how it is bad, but then they render everything they said previously completely mute by saying bs "women struggle too." Which is a comedic statement.
yea why do they always look at it from the other side meanwhile nobody does that when they talk about foid problems. it’s the same when people talk about white problems, they compare them to minorities
Their only "struggles"
• Periods (I am fairly confident they are not that bad)

• Giving birth (most of the foids who say this never gave birth before)

• Apparently 98% of the time the rapist doesnt get punished (Falsely accuse a man of rape and watch what happens)
all of these are miniscule compared to all the worship they receive on a daily basis
A simple example of this is all the redpillers talking against online dating and how it is bad, but then they render everything they said previously completely mute by saying bs "women struggle too." Which is a comedic statement.
Gen z foids are very selfish

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