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Story Conversation with my parents, they admit to a double standard



Former Wagecuck turned Neetbuxmaxxer. Gymcel
Aug 24, 2023
Recently it has been very tense at my NEETcave as I snapped at my mother and called her a dumb bitch

Living around my mother is like walking on eggshells, she is mental and will snap over the smallest thing like leaving a cupboard door open or banging a draw shut too loud.

Past couple days I have been quite ill, naturally this lowers inhibition due to the mental and physical fatigue of fighting the disease off.

One day I sleep for a very long time, my mother comes in my room to check on me due to sleeping for so long which is unusual for me, she tries to gently talk to me which is fine, I just stayed there asleep as any sort of conversation would have been too exhausting and I presumed she would have gotten the memo as I mentioned last night how I felt like shit.

However she went ahead and decided to open the curtain to my room and roll open the window to let fresh air in while I was sleeping.

Needless to say this annoyed me very much, my mother is a massive control freak like this, and while getting some fresh air and sun is nice, it just wasnt an appropriate time at all and should have been left for later when I woke up properly, however I still decided to stay in my bed a little while longer and drew the covers over my face, I was more tired than annoyed.

To me this is already bad enough, if I were to disturb my mother like this while she was sick I would have been utterly crucified by her already but I did not get too mad about it since my bladder was really telling me to pee so I had to get up anyway

After peeing I feel like utter shit, I did not shower the night previously since my mother advised me not to so that I do not get sick.

Without a shower I feel like shit and I get really sweaty especially with a fever, my skin gets very oily and I can get back acne.

But it is also nearly 2pm and I have not eaten, I realise that to both make food, eat it and shower is too much both due to the time and my ill health

So I meekly walk into the kitchen, I could tell my mother was behaving a little erratic however I really needed a break so I decided I would try ask anyway

My exact words were "May you please make me a sandwich, I don't feel good"

Unfortunately this decision of mine ultimately ended up being a mistake

My mother snapped at me, I asked her so politely and meekly and she just completely SNAPPED at me, she started going on about how she does not have time, how she is stressed due to my siblings, she dumps on me how my sister threatened to kill herself.

In my time of need she just decided to do what she always does, she just used me to dump all her emotional baggage of the day on to me which is always really irritating and mentally taxing.

She then went on about how I do nothing and I have the time to do it myself.

Now I really didn't mind if she did not want to do it at all and was busy, that is fine.

But the fact that she just walked all over me and acted like a complete bitch pissed me off.

Now she is always like this, usually I have to control my emotions and remain calm and so on.

However I was sick, my inhibitions were lowered, and her actions today made me PISSED, first she disturbs my sleep, then treats me like shit and won't help me out.

So I don't remember exactly how as you do with these things, but I lost my temper, I told her it is incredible how she fucking somehow made a simple request about herself and by the end of it all we exchanged insults and I called her dumb, retarded and a bitch.

My simp bluepilled dad came in and immediately took her side and reprimanded me condemnig my poor language and frustration.

Between the illness, disturbed sleep and energy wasted getting heated, I could only manage to shower myself, I did not eat lunch that day and my only meal was dinner that day

Presently the tension continued when I woke up, I did not really give a shit though, I know my mother needs me talking to her more than I want to talk to her, I am actually happy to LDAR in peace with my computer while she purposefully ignores me and does not say a word to me.

She has continued to have an attitude to me throughout the day occasionally making snarky remarks, or saying rude things about me to my father, because she can and she is a petty bitch.

Whatever though, I was just LDARing

Until right now as I am typing this post at nighttime, she opens my room door ajar to disturb me, this annoyed me as I was in the middle of getting changed, and her reason to do this was very trivial and childish, she was asking me where a snack was that I had in my room, couldn't it wait?!

For context before me and my mother argued she purchased a snack for me that I love that only I eat, so I knew she wanted to force me to relinquish it, since everyone else in my family finds it disgusting. So it really annoyed me she wants to play her childish antics and open my door ajar while I am dressing.

I dress in my nightrobe which i love, as robes and jackets allow me to fraud my frameletism since I do not look like a genetic failure

And I go up to my mother with the snack, she orders me to place it near her on the couch, I ask her why since I knew she was just trying to childishly punish me, and she says something about being my mother so I just have to mindlessly obey her, because she knows there is no good reason to ask for a snack everyone else in the house detests.

I tell her I am not going to so she starts throwing a hissy fit complaining to my dad about me, now like a le sigma boss I open the snack packet and take one and enjoy it


I didnt choose the thug incel neet life, it simply chose me.

I did it intentionally as well since the snack is rather chewy, chewing on food relaxes you, as you could not eat in danger back in prehistoric times, so I kept my composure while my mother chimps out.

(retrospective thought on this action, skip brackets if you want to follow the story in order)

(looking at this in retrospect, how I intentionally used the snack to subdue my innate nature to want to lash out at her rudeness, really just highlights one of the little ways I am always autistically thinking of how I can keep her calm, I think of what word choice I should use, like for example the word "you" can feel very accusatory so the word "we" can help someone remain more calm, and it's ridiculous how I am constantly feeling like this in my head meanwhile my mother time and time again would never provide such due consideration to my own feelings and making me feel happy and having a pleasent conversation)

My dad decides to get involved, taking my mothers side of course since my dad is bluepilled and spineless, he starts explaining the concept of respect to me, as he feels it was actually me who was disrespectful to my mother, blatantly ignoring the fact I would not call my own mother a bitch for no reason of course.

Now this part that he says is important and relates to the title

He says that unless himself and my mother were literal junkie drug addicts that abused me, I really have to always be showing respect even if they treat me like dirt and emotionally dump everything on me all the time.

When he said that, it made me think of stuff I have seen users on here say which is very true.

Why for our parents, is the bar so low? As long as they did not physically abuse you and do drugs, then they have met the standard.

But as the child the standard is way opposite, if you are not succesful like your cousin, if maybe you don't have a job or a girlfriend, thats grounds for them to just treat you like dirt.

So I actually questioned my dad on this, I asked him why thats the case. I did not mention how the standards are high for me, but I asked him really are you going to compare yourself to a drug addict abuse parent, like that just makes you look bad if you have to start comparing your actions to the lowest of low.

This completely stumped my parents, my mothers response was to periodically interrupt me and my fathers conversation abruptly with occasional comments of needing to keep quite at night time, or the occasional comment of me being a jobless loser.

My fathers response was more of a double down and he basically just admitted to the double standard, he brought up his pisslamic book how the mother is of higher important than the father etc. he also said that you simply just need to always respect your parents, unless they are abusive drug addicts then he thinks its fine then for someone to be disrespectful to their parents.

Eventually since my father was being OWNED, by facts and logic, my mother does this thing where she will bring up something completely random and unrelated, roping my dad into a conversation and they both ignore me, she started randomly talking about a hiker that went missing in the woods.

She did this since she knew that I was completely 100% right of course.

Anyway then I just went back in to my room and wrote all this, thanks for reading :feelsYall:


My father admits that the bar for parents and standards are really low, as long as they are not abusive drug addicts then they deserve the utmost respect, where as I need a job, friends, girlfriend to be worthy of respect

Tags: @BlackCel_from_ZA @Fat Link @Mecoja (rly like your avi btw) @DarkStarDown
I'm sorry to hear your relationship with your parents is so strained. I hope they don't decide to kick you out.
Dealing with mentally unstable parents is nerve wrecking. My dad threw fits and tantrums to impose some hierarchy shits, it destroyed my childhood. I didn't had rights to complaint about anything and they were allowed to do whatever and to force us to do shits that we didn't want to.

You raised a very good point. Parents are enough not to beat you up daily and give you something to eat and voila, they're good parents. While they expect of kids to achieve what other did in million times better condition.

I understand why your mom snapped under stress, but she continuing to power struggle with you its incredibly childish. People never grow up, especially not emotionally.
I'm glad i'm the only child so at least my mom going to treat me better than you. Also my dad is gone. She still acts emotional and psychotic about random things.
I'm sorry to hear your relationship with your parents is so strained. I hope they don't decide to kick you out.
It's bad but it could definitely be worse, it's just temporary turmoil and as much as my mother loves to threaten me with sending me out on the streets, it will never actually happen, at least for a very long time. I have seen people have worse relationships with their parents on here so I am grateful for what I have to a degree
Dealing with mentally unstable parents is nerve wrecking. My dad threw fits and tantrums to impose some hierarchy shits, it destroyed my childhood. I didn't had rights to complaint about anything and they were allowed to do whatever and to force us to do shits that we didn't want to.
Yeah, I think a lot of people experience similar sort of stuff like this, it sucks.
You raised a very good point. Parents are enough not to beat you up daily and give you something to eat and voila, they're good parents. While they expect of kids to achieve what other did in million times better condition.
I can't take credit for it really since it's from what I saw on this site, which is one of the reasons this site is so amazing, as well as the ability to rant to like minded individuals.
I understand why your mom snapped under stress, but she continuing to power struggle with you its incredibly childish. People never grow up, especially not emotionally.
My mother has a right to be stressed or whatever which is fine, but she 24/7 treats me like shit whenever she feels like.

My mother definitely never grew up, she thinks because she had shit parents worse than her that what she does is fine and she is an angel, its really annoying
My mother definitely never grew up, she thinks because she had shit parents worse than her that what she does is fine and she is an angel, its really annoying
This did both of my parents, especially dad, as he had extremely bad and hard childhood. But normal people would learn a lesson from this and do better, while crazy ones continue the fucked up circle.
This did both of my parents, especially dad, as he had extremely bad and hard childhood. But normal people would learn a lesson from this and do better, while crazy ones continue the fucked up circle.
In my parents case, they both did better than their parents, maybe same with your dad?

Albeit still a shit job, but technically better
Ghosted my parents for 5 years straight

I was struggling to get a job and my mother would become very passive aggressive and nasty to be around, not to mention the constant comparisons to other guys my age saying how much houses and cars and money they have

I'm still on a high from the mental peace and clarity it's given me
Pinned this one due to high entertainment value. :feelshehe:
Ghosted my parents for 5 years straight

I was struggling to get a job and my mother would become very passive aggressive and nasty to be around, not to mention the constant comparisons to other guys my age saying how much houses and cars and money they have

I'm still on a high from the mental peace and clarity it's given me
Gigabased. You either run away on time or they eat your soul.
Recently it has been very tense at my NEETcave as I snapped at my mother and called her a dumb bitch

Living around my mother is like walking on eggshells, she is mental and will snap over the smallest thing like leaving a cupboard door open or banging a draw shut too loud.

Past couple days I have been quite ill, naturally this lowers inhibition due to the mental and physical fatigue of fighting the disease off.

One day I sleep for a very long time, my mother comes in my room to check on me due to sleeping for so long which is unusual for me, she tries to gently talk to me which is fine, I just stayed there asleep as any sort of conversation would have been too exhausting and I presumed she would have gotten the memo as I mentioned last night how I felt like shit.

However she went ahead and decided to open the curtain to my room and roll open the window to let fresh air in while I was sleeping.

Needless to say this annoyed me very much, my mother is a massive control freak like this, and while getting some fresh air and sun is nice, it just wasnt an appropriate time at all and should have been left for later when I woke up properly, however I still decided to stay in my bed a little while longer and drew the covers over my face, I was more tired than annoyed.

To me this is already bad enough, if I were to disturb my mother like this while she was sick I would have been utterly crucified by her already but I did not get too mad about it since my bladder was really telling me to pee so I had to get up anyway

After peeing I feel like utter shit, I did not shower the night previously since my mother advised me not to so that I do not get sick.

Without a shower I feel like shit and I get really sweaty especially with a fever, my skin gets very oily and I can get back acne.

But it is also nearly 2pm and I have not eaten, I realise that to both make food, eat it and shower is too much both due to the time and my ill health

So I meekly walk into the kitchen, I could tell my mother was behaving a little erratic however I really needed a break so I decided I would try ask anyway

My exact words were "May you please make me a sandwich, I don't feel good"

Unfortunately this decision of mine ultimately ended up being a mistake

My mother snapped at me, I asked her so politely and meekly and she just completely SNAPPED at me, she started going on about how she does not have time, how she is stressed due to my siblings, she dumps on me how my sister threatened to kill herself.

In my time of need she just decided to do what she always does, she just used me to dump all her emotional baggage of the day on to me which is always really irritating and mentally taxing.

She then went on about how I do nothing and I have the time to do it myself.

Now I really didn't mind if she did not want to do it at all and was busy, that is fine.

But the fact that she just walked all over me and acted like a complete bitch pissed me off.

Now she is always like this, usually I have to control my emotions and remain calm and so on.

However I was sick, my inhibitions were lowered, and her actions today made me PISSED, first she disturbs my sleep, then treats me like shit and won't help me out.

So I don't remember exactly how as you do with these things, but I lost my temper, I told her it is incredible how she fucking somehow made a simple request about herself and by the end of it all we exchanged insults and I called her dumb, retarded and a bitch.

My simp bluepilled dad came in and immediately took her side and reprimanded me condemnig my poor language and frustration.

Between the illness, disturbed sleep and energy wasted getting heated, I could only manage to shower myself, I did not eat lunch that day and my only meal was dinner that day

Presently the tension continued when I woke up, I did not really give a shit though, I know my mother needs me talking to her more than I want to talk to her, I am actually happy to LDAR in peace with my computer while she purposefully ignores me and does not say a word to me.

She has continued to have an attitude to me throughout the day occasionally making snarky remarks, or saying rude things about me to my father, because she can and she is a petty bitch.

Whatever though, I was just LDARing

Until right now as I am typing this post at nighttime, she opens my room door ajar to disturb me, this annoyed me as I was in the middle of getting changed, and her reason to do this was very trivial and childish, she was asking me where a snack was that I had in my room, couldn't it wait?!

For context before me and my mother argued she purchased a snack for me that I love that only I eat, so I knew she wanted to force me to relinquish it, since everyone else in my family finds it disgusting. So it really annoyed me she wants to play her childish antics and open my door ajar while I am dressing.

I dress in my nightrobe which i love, as robes and jackets allow me to fraud my frameletism since I do not look like a genetic failure
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And I go up to my mother with the snack, she orders me to place it near her on the couch, I ask her why since I knew she was just trying to childishly punish me, and she says something about being my mother so I just have to mindlessly obey her, because she knows there is no good reason to ask for a snack everyone else in the house detests.

I tell her I am not going to so she starts throwing a hissy fit complaining to my dad about me, now like a le sigma boss I open the snack packet and take one and enjoy it

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I didnt choose the thug incel neet life, it simply chose me.

I did it intentionally as well since the snack is rather chewy, chewing on food relaxes you, as you could not eat in danger back in prehistoric times, so I kept my composure while my mother chimps out.

(retrospective thought on this action, skip brackets if you want to follow the story in order)

(looking at this in retrospect, how I intentionally used the snack to subdue my innate nature to want to lash out at her rudeness, really just highlights one of the little ways I am always autistically thinking of how I can keep her calm, I think of what word choice I should use, like for example the word "you" can feel very accusatory so the word "we" can help someone remain more calm, and it's ridiculous how I am constantly feeling like this in my head meanwhile my mother time and time again would never provide such due consideration to my own feelings and making me feel happy and having a pleasent conversation)

My dad decides to get involved, taking my mothers side of course since my dad is bluepilled and spineless, he starts explaining the concept of respect to me, as he feels it was actually me who was disrespectful to my mother, blatantly ignoring the fact I would not call my own mother a bitch for no reason of course.

Now this part that he says is important and relates to the title

He says that unless himself and my mother were literal junkie drug addicts that abused me, I really have to always be showing respect even if they treat me like dirt and emotionally dump everything on me all the time.

When he said that, it made me think of stuff I have seen users on here say which is very true.

Why for our parents, is the bar so low? As long as they did not physically abuse you and do drugs, then they have met the standard.

But as the child the standard is way opposite, if you are not succesful like your cousin, if maybe you don't have a job or a girlfriend, thats grounds for them to just treat you like dirt.

So I actually questioned my dad on this, I asked him why thats the case. I did not mention how the standards are high for me, but I asked him really are you going to compare yourself to a drug addict abuse parent, like that just makes you look bad if you have to start comparing your actions to the lowest of low.

This completely stumped my parents, my mothers response was to periodically interrupt me and my fathers conversation abruptly with occasional comments of needing to keep quite at night time, or the occasional comment of me being a jobless loser.

My fathers response was more of a double down and he basically just admitted to the double standard, he brought up his pisslamic book how the mother is of higher important than the father etc. he also said that you simply just need to always respect your parents, unless they are abusive drug addicts then he thinks its fine then for someone to be disrespectful to their parents.

Eventually since my father was being OWNED, by facts and logic, my mother does this thing where she will bring up something completely random and unrelated, roping my dad into a conversation and they both ignore me, she started randomly talking about a hiker that went missing in the woods.

She did this since she knew that I was completely 100% right of course.

Anyway then I just went back in to my room and wrote all this, thanks for reading :feelsYall:


My father admits that the bar for parents and standards are really low, as long as they are not abusive drug addicts then they deserve the utmost respect, where as I need a job, friends, girlfriend to be worthy of respect

Tags: @BlackCel_from_ZA @Fat Link @Mecoja (rly like your avi btw) @DarkStarDown

my parents would say "just because you're sick doesn't mean you should be snapping at everyone. people get sick all the time and still manage to be pleasant. your mother is stressed and doing her best; you should be more understanding and less sensitive to small things like her opening the curtains. if you communicated better or were less confrontational, there wouldn't be any issues. your parents are good in their intentions, and you're just misinterpreting them. you're making a mountain out of a molehill and should just grow up. you should always respect your parents no matter what." i guess all parents suck

great post
Why did I read this shit
Recently it has been very tense at my NEETcave as I snapped at my mother and called her a dumb bitch

Living around my mother is like walking on eggshells, she is mental and will snap over the smallest thing like leaving a cupboard door open or banging a draw shut too loud.

Past couple days I have been quite ill, naturally this lowers inhibition due to the mental and physical fatigue of fighting the disease off.

One day I sleep for a very long time, my mother comes in my room to check on me due to sleeping for so long which is unusual for me, she tries to gently talk to me which is fine, I just stayed there asleep as any sort of conversation would have been too exhausting and I presumed she would have gotten the memo as I mentioned last night how I felt like shit.

However she went ahead and decided to open the curtain to my room and roll open the window to let fresh air in while I was sleeping.

Needless to say this annoyed me very much, my mother is a massive control freak like this, and while getting some fresh air and sun is nice, it just wasnt an appropriate time at all and should have been left for later when I woke up properly, however I still decided to stay in my bed a little while longer and drew the covers over my face, I was more tired than annoyed.

To me this is already bad enough, if I were to disturb my mother like this while she was sick I would have been utterly crucified by her already but I did not get too mad about it since my bladder was really telling me to pee so I had to get up anyway

After peeing I feel like utter shit, I did not shower the night previously since my mother advised me not to so that I do not get sick.

Without a shower I feel like shit and I get really sweaty especially with a fever, my skin gets very oily and I can get back acne.

But it is also nearly 2pm and I have not eaten, I realise that to both make food, eat it and shower is too much both due to the time and my ill health

So I meekly walk into the kitchen, I could tell my mother was behaving a little erratic however I really needed a break so I decided I would try ask anyway

My exact words were "May you please make me a sandwich, I don't feel good"

Unfortunately this decision of mine ultimately ended up being a mistake

My mother snapped at me, I asked her so politely and meekly and she just completely SNAPPED at me, she started going on about how she does not have time, how she is stressed due to my siblings, she dumps on me how my sister threatened to kill herself.

In my time of need she just decided to do what she always does, she just used me to dump all her emotional baggage of the day on to me which is always really irritating and mentally taxing.

She then went on about how I do nothing and I have the time to do it myself.

Now I really didn't mind if she did not want to do it at all and was busy, that is fine.

But the fact that she just walked all over me and acted like a complete bitch pissed me off.

Now she is always like this, usually I have to control my emotions and remain calm and so on.

However I was sick, my inhibitions were lowered, and her actions today made me PISSED, first she disturbs my sleep, then treats me like shit and won't help me out.

So I don't remember exactly how as you do with these things, but I lost my temper, I told her it is incredible how she fucking somehow made a simple request about herself and by the end of it all we exchanged insults and I called her dumb, retarded and a bitch.

My simp bluepilled dad came in and immediately took her side and reprimanded me condemnig my poor language and frustration.

Between the illness, disturbed sleep and energy wasted getting heated, I could only manage to shower myself, I did not eat lunch that day and my only meal was dinner that day

Presently the tension continued when I woke up, I did not really give a shit though, I know my mother needs me talking to her more than I want to talk to her, I am actually happy to LDAR in peace with my computer while she purposefully ignores me and does not say a word to me.

She has continued to have an attitude to me throughout the day occasionally making snarky remarks, or saying rude things about me to my father, because she can and she is a petty bitch.

Whatever though, I was just LDARing

Until right now as I am typing this post at nighttime, she opens my room door ajar to disturb me, this annoyed me as I was in the middle of getting changed, and her reason to do this was very trivial and childish, she was asking me where a snack was that I had in my room, couldn't it wait?!

For context before me and my mother argued she purchased a snack for me that I love that only I eat, so I knew she wanted to force me to relinquish it, since everyone else in my family finds it disgusting. So it really annoyed me she wants to play her childish antics and open my door ajar while I am dressing.

I dress in my nightrobe which i love, as robes and jackets allow me to fraud my frameletism since I do not look like a genetic failure
View attachment 1176234

And I go up to my mother with the snack, she orders me to place it near her on the couch, I ask her why since I knew she was just trying to childishly punish me, and she says something about being my mother so I just have to mindlessly obey her, because she knows there is no good reason to ask for a snack everyone else in the house detests.

I tell her I am not going to so she starts throwing a hissy fit complaining to my dad about me, now like a le sigma boss I open the snack packet and take one and enjoy it

View attachment 1176235

I didnt choose the thug incel neet life, it simply chose me.

I did it intentionally as well since the snack is rather chewy, chewing on food relaxes you, as you could not eat in danger back in prehistoric times, so I kept my composure while my mother chimps out.

(retrospective thought on this action, skip brackets if you want to follow the story in order)

(looking at this in retrospect, how I intentionally used the snack to subdue my innate nature to want to lash out at her rudeness, really just highlights one of the little ways I am always autistically thinking of how I can keep her calm, I think of what word choice I should use, like for example the word "you" can feel very accusatory so the word "we" can help someone remain more calm, and it's ridiculous how I am constantly feeling like this in my head meanwhile my mother time and time again would never provide such due consideration to my own feelings and making me feel happy and having a pleasent conversation)

My dad decides to get involved, taking my mothers side of course since my dad is bluepilled and spineless, he starts explaining the concept of respect to me, as he feels it was actually me who was disrespectful to my mother, blatantly ignoring the fact I would not call my own mother a bitch for no reason of course.

Now this part that he says is important and relates to the title

He says that unless himself and my mother were literal junkie drug addicts that abused me, I really have to always be showing respect even if they treat me like dirt and emotionally dump everything on me all the time.

When he said that, it made me think of stuff I have seen users on here say which is very true.

Why for our parents, is the bar so low? As long as they did not physically abuse you and do drugs, then they have met the standard.

But as the child the standard is way opposite, if you are not succesful like your cousin, if maybe you don't have a job or a girlfriend, thats grounds for them to just treat you like dirt.

So I actually questioned my dad on this, I asked him why thats the case. I did not mention how the standards are high for me, but I asked him really are you going to compare yourself to a drug addict abuse parent, like that just makes you look bad if you have to start comparing your actions to the lowest of low.

This completely stumped my parents, my mothers response was to periodically interrupt me and my fathers conversation abruptly with occasional comments of needing to keep quite at night time, or the occasional comment of me being a jobless loser.

My fathers response was more of a double down and he basically just admitted to the double standard, he brought up his pisslamic book how the mother is of higher important than the father etc. he also said that you simply just need to always respect your parents, unless they are abusive drug addicts then he thinks its fine then for someone to be disrespectful to their parents.

Eventually since my father was being OWNED, by facts and logic, my mother does this thing where she will bring up something completely random and unrelated, roping my dad into a conversation and they both ignore me, she started randomly talking about a hiker that went missing in the woods.

She did this since she knew that I was completely 100% right of course.

Anyway then I just went back in to my room and wrote all this, thanks for reading :feelsYall:


My father admits that the bar for parents and standards are really low, as long as they are not abusive drug addicts then they deserve the utmost respect, where as I need a job, friends, girlfriend to be worthy of respect

Tags: @BlackCel_from_ZA @Fat Link @Mecoja (rly like your avi btw) @DarkStarDown
Absolutely brootal brocel, hopefully your parents won't kick you out. If they were to kick you out would the neetbux be sufficient to live alone? Would you need to get into wage cuckery to survive? I don't know your whole situation but if you're able to move out, with you 'puter and vidya and still be able to NEET comfortably I most definitely would. If the chose is between NEETING and wage cuckery, you should weigh your options brocels, goodluck with your choice though
It's bad but it could definitely be worse, it's just temporary turmoil and as much as my mother loves to threaten me with sending me out on the streets, it will never actually happen, at least for a very long time. I have seen people have worse relationships with their parents on here so I am grateful for what I have to a degree
glad to hear it
Damn this sounds so relatable to the generic Balkan family dynamic. Anyhow you did the based thing and NEET at home, I really regret not going that path and going to uni...

Actually I say this retrospectively but if I had stayed at home then I would have wanted to escape my domineering mother. She's worse than your mother, I had 0% intimacy while growing up and she just used me, my sister and my dad as emotional tampons. Fuck her! I'm glad that I left but living with your parents can be more comfy than some shitty shared flat with a bunch of retards.
Great read boyo, thanks for the tag: I'm sorry you're family dynamic is this way, you have my condolences & whilst I have my own family issues, I can say you're a much stronger cel than I am for being able to deal with this.

And also, so much for "muh based Islam" when your dad literally invoked the Koran in order to appease towards your mom.

I also wasn't aware you're a siblingscel- if you dont mind me asking, what is your relationship like with your sister?

Happy you basically owned them like this though, very based of you.
Based basement dwellER
Recently it has been very tense at my NEETcave as I snapped at my mother and called her a dumb bitch

Living around my mother is like walking on eggshells, she is mental and will snap over the smallest thing like leaving a cupboard door open or banging a draw shut too loud.

Past couple days I have been quite ill, naturally this lowers inhibition due to the mental and physical fatigue of fighting the disease off.

One day I sleep for a very long time, my mother comes in my room to check on me due to sleeping for so long which is unusual for me, she tries to gently talk to me which is fine, I just stayed there asleep as any sort of conversation would have been too exhausting and I presumed she would have gotten the memo as I mentioned last night how I felt like shit.

However she went ahead and decided to open the curtain to my room and roll open the window to let fresh air in while I was sleeping.

Needless to say this annoyed me very much, my mother is a massive control freak like this, and while getting some fresh air and sun is nice, it just wasnt an appropriate time at all and should have been left for later when I woke up properly, however I still decided to stay in my bed a little while longer and drew the covers over my face, I was more tired than annoyed.

To me this is already bad enough, if I were to disturb my mother like this while she was sick I would have been utterly crucified by her already but I did not get too mad about it since my bladder was really telling me to pee so I had to get up anyway

After peeing I feel like utter shit, I did not shower the night previously since my mother advised me not to so that I do not get sick.

Without a shower I feel like shit and I get really sweaty especially with a fever, my skin gets very oily and I can get back acne.

But it is also nearly 2pm and I have not eaten, I realise that to both make food, eat it and shower is too much both due to the time and my ill health

So I meekly walk into the kitchen, I could tell my mother was behaving a little erratic however I really needed a break so I decided I would try ask anyway

My exact words were "May you please make me a sandwich, I don't feel good"

Unfortunately this decision of mine ultimately ended up being a mistake

My mother snapped at me, I asked her so politely and meekly and she just completely SNAPPED at me, she started going on about how she does not have time, how she is stressed due to my siblings, she dumps on me how my sister threatened to kill herself.

In my time of need she just decided to do what she always does, she just used me to dump all her emotional baggage of the day on to me which is always really irritating and mentally taxing.

She then went on about how I do nothing and I have the time to do it myself.

Now I really didn't mind if she did not want to do it at all and was busy, that is fine.

But the fact that she just walked all over me and acted like a complete bitch pissed me off.

Now she is always like this, usually I have to control my emotions and remain calm and so on.

However I was sick, my inhibitions were lowered, and her actions today made me PISSED, first she disturbs my sleep, then treats me like shit and won't help me out.

So I don't remember exactly how as you do with these things, but I lost my temper, I told her it is incredible how she fucking somehow made a simple request about herself and by the end of it all we exchanged insults and I called her dumb, retarded and a bitch.

My simp bluepilled dad came in and immediately took her side and reprimanded me condemnig my poor language and frustration.

Between the illness, disturbed sleep and energy wasted getting heated, I could only manage to shower myself, I did not eat lunch that day and my only meal was dinner that day

Presently the tension continued when I woke up, I did not really give a shit though, I know my mother needs me talking to her more than I want to talk to her, I am actually happy to LDAR in peace with my computer while she purposefully ignores me and does not say a word to me.

She has continued to have an attitude to me throughout the day occasionally making snarky remarks, or saying rude things about me to my father, because she can and she is a petty bitch.

Whatever though, I was just LDARing

Until right now as I am typing this post at nighttime, she opens my room door ajar to disturb me, this annoyed me as I was in the middle of getting changed, and her reason to do this was very trivial and childish, she was asking me where a snack was that I had in my room, couldn't it wait?!

For context before me and my mother argued she purchased a snack for me that I love that only I eat, so I knew she wanted to force me to relinquish it, since everyone else in my family finds it disgusting. So it really annoyed me she wants to play her childish antics and open my door ajar while I am dressing.

I dress in my nightrobe which i love, as robes and jackets allow me to fraud my frameletism since I do not look like a genetic failure
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And I go up to my mother with the snack, she orders me to place it near her on the couch, I ask her why since I knew she was just trying to childishly punish me, and she says something about being my mother so I just have to mindlessly obey her, because she knows there is no good reason to ask for a snack everyone else in the house detests.

I tell her I am not going to so she starts throwing a hissy fit complaining to my dad about me, now like a le sigma boss I open the snack packet and take one and enjoy it

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I didnt choose the thug incel neet life, it simply chose me.

I did it intentionally as well since the snack is rather chewy, chewing on food relaxes you, as you could not eat in danger back in prehistoric times, so I kept my composure while my mother chimps out.

(retrospective thought on this action, skip brackets if you want to follow the story in order)

(looking at this in retrospect, how I intentionally used the snack to subdue my innate nature to want to lash out at her rudeness, really just highlights one of the little ways I am always autistically thinking of how I can keep her calm, I think of what word choice I should use, like for example the word "you" can feel very accusatory so the word "we" can help someone remain more calm, and it's ridiculous how I am constantly feeling like this in my head meanwhile my mother time and time again would never provide such due consideration to my own feelings and making me feel happy and having a pleasent conversation)

My dad decides to get involved, taking my mothers side of course since my dad is bluepilled and spineless, he starts explaining the concept of respect to me, as he feels it was actually me who was disrespectful to my mother, blatantly ignoring the fact I would not call my own mother a bitch for no reason of course.

Now this part that he says is important and relates to the title

He says that unless himself and my mother were literal junkie drug addicts that abused me, I really have to always be showing respect even if they treat me like dirt and emotionally dump everything on me all the time.

When he said that, it made me think of stuff I have seen users on here say which is very true.

Why for our parents, is the bar so low? As long as they did not physically abuse you and do drugs, then they have met the standard.

But as the child the standard is way opposite, if you are not succesful like your cousin, if maybe you don't have a job or a girlfriend, thats grounds for them to just treat you like dirt.

So I actually questioned my dad on this, I asked him why thats the case. I did not mention how the standards are high for me, but I asked him really are you going to compare yourself to a drug addict abuse parent, like that just makes you look bad if you have to start comparing your actions to the lowest of low.

This completely stumped my parents, my mothers response was to periodically interrupt me and my fathers conversation abruptly with occasional comments of needing to keep quite at night time, or the occasional comment of me being a jobless loser.

My fathers response was more of a double down and he basically just admitted to the double standard, he brought up his pisslamic book how the mother is of higher important than the father etc. he also said that you simply just need to always respect your parents, unless they are abusive drug addicts then he thinks its fine then for someone to be disrespectful to their parents.

Eventually since my father was being OWNED, by facts and logic, my mother does this thing where she will bring up something completely random and unrelated, roping my dad into a conversation and they both ignore me, she started randomly talking about a hiker that went missing in the woods.

She did this since she knew that I was completely 100% right of course.

Anyway then I just went back in to my room and wrote all this, thanks for reading :feelsYall:


My father admits that the bar for parents and standards are really low, as long as they are not abusive drug addicts then they deserve the utmost respect, where as I need a job, friends, girlfriend to be worthy of respect

Tags: @BlackCel_from_ZA @Fat Link @Mecoja (rly like your avi btw) @DarkStarDown
Joke of a life. Sorry brocel.
Parents could make our lives a bit easier by being understanding and not being pricks but no they can’t do that. I wont help my parents one bit when they get old.
kinda unrelated but i fucking hate my mom. without her i wouldn't be here. my life could've been salvageable. she abused me until i was too depressed to do literally anything. even now i can't have headphones on both my ears because i got beaten a lot as a kid when she called and i couldn't hear her.
Parents could make our lives a bit easier by being understanding and not being pricks but no they can’t do that. I wont help my parents one bit when they get old.
I plan on going no contact with them you should too
Recently it has been very tense at my NEETcave as I snapped at my mother and called her a dumb bitch

Living around my mother is like walking on eggshells, she is mental and will snap over the smallest thing like leaving a cupboard door open or banging a draw shut too loud.

Past couple days I have been quite ill, naturally this lowers inhibition due to the mental and physical fatigue of fighting the disease off.

One day I sleep for a very long time, my mother comes in my room to check on me due to sleeping for so long which is unusual for me, she tries to gently talk to me which is fine, I just stayed there asleep as any sort of conversation would have been too exhausting and I presumed she would have gotten the memo as I mentioned last night how I felt like shit.

However she went ahead and decided to open the curtain to my room and roll open the window to let fresh air in while I was sleeping.

Needless to say this annoyed me very much, my mother is a massive control freak like this, and while getting some fresh air and sun is nice, it just wasnt an appropriate time at all and should have been left for later when I woke up properly, however I still decided to stay in my bed a little while longer and drew the covers over my face, I was more tired than annoyed.

To me this is already bad enough, if I were to disturb my mother like this while she was sick I would have been utterly crucified by her already but I did not get too mad about it since my bladder was really telling me to pee so I had to get up anyway

After peeing I feel like utter shit, I did not shower the night previously since my mother advised me not to so that I do not get sick.

Without a shower I feel like shit and I get really sweaty especially with a fever, my skin gets very oily and I can get back acne.

But it is also nearly 2pm and I have not eaten, I realise that to both make food, eat it and shower is too much both due to the time and my ill health

So I meekly walk into the kitchen, I could tell my mother was behaving a little erratic however I really needed a break so I decided I would try ask anyway

My exact words were "May you please make me a sandwich, I don't feel good"

Unfortunately this decision of mine ultimately ended up being a mistake

My mother snapped at me, I asked her so politely and meekly and she just completely SNAPPED at me, she started going on about how she does not have time, how she is stressed due to my siblings, she dumps on me how my sister threatened to kill herself.

In my time of need she just decided to do what she always does, she just used me to dump all her emotional baggage of the day on to me which is always really irritating and mentally taxing.

She then went on about how I do nothing and I have the time to do it myself.

Now I really didn't mind if she did not want to do it at all and was busy, that is fine.

But the fact that she just walked all over me and acted like a complete bitch pissed me off.

Now she is always like this, usually I have to control my emotions and remain calm and so on.

However I was sick, my inhibitions were lowered, and her actions today made me PISSED, first she disturbs my sleep, then treats me like shit and won't help me out.

So I don't remember exactly how as you do with these things, but I lost my temper, I told her it is incredible how she fucking somehow made a simple request about herself and by the end of it all we exchanged insults and I called her dumb, retarded and a bitch.

My simp bluepilled dad came in and immediately took her side and reprimanded me condemnig my poor language and frustration.

Between the illness, disturbed sleep and energy wasted getting heated, I could only manage to shower myself, I did not eat lunch that day and my only meal was dinner that day

Presently the tension continued when I woke up, I did not really give a shit though, I know my mother needs me talking to her more than I want to talk to her, I am actually happy to LDAR in peace with my computer while she purposefully ignores me and does not say a word to me.

She has continued to have an attitude to me throughout the day occasionally making snarky remarks, or saying rude things about me to my father, because she can and she is a petty bitch.

Whatever though, I was just LDARing

Until right now as I am typing this post at nighttime, she opens my room door ajar to disturb me, this annoyed me as I was in the middle of getting changed, and her reason to do this was very trivial and childish, she was asking me where a snack was that I had in my room, couldn't it wait?!

For context before me and my mother argued she purchased a snack for me that I love that only I eat, so I knew she wanted to force me to relinquish it, since everyone else in my family finds it disgusting. So it really annoyed me she wants to play her childish antics and open my door ajar while I am dressing.

I dress in my nightrobe which i love, as robes and jackets allow me to fraud my frameletism since I do not look like a genetic failure
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And I go up to my mother with the snack, she orders me to place it near her on the couch, I ask her why since I knew she was just trying to childishly punish me, and she says something about being my mother so I just have to mindlessly obey her, because she knows there is no good reason to ask for a snack everyone else in the house detests.

I tell her I am not going to so she starts throwing a hissy fit complaining to my dad about me, now like a le sigma boss I open the snack packet and take one and enjoy it

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I didnt choose the thug incel neet life, it simply chose me.

I did it intentionally as well since the snack is rather chewy, chewing on food relaxes you, as you could not eat in danger back in prehistoric times, so I kept my composure while my mother chimps out.

(retrospective thought on this action, skip brackets if you want to follow the story in order)

(looking at this in retrospect, how I intentionally used the snack to subdue my innate nature to want to lash out at her rudeness, really just highlights one of the little ways I am always autistically thinking of how I can keep her calm, I think of what word choice I should use, like for example the word "you" can feel very accusatory so the word "we" can help someone remain more calm, and it's ridiculous how I am constantly feeling like this in my head meanwhile my mother time and time again would never provide such due consideration to my own feelings and making me feel happy and having a pleasent conversation)

My dad decides to get involved, taking my mothers side of course since my dad is bluepilled and spineless, he starts explaining the concept of respect to me, as he feels it was actually me who was disrespectful to my mother, blatantly ignoring the fact I would not call my own mother a bitch for no reason of course.

Now this part that he says is important and relates to the title

He says that unless himself and my mother were literal junkie drug addicts that abused me, I really have to always be showing respect even if they treat me like dirt and emotionally dump everything on me all the time.

When he said that, it made me think of stuff I have seen users on here say which is very true.

Why for our parents, is the bar so low? As long as they did not physically abuse you and do drugs, then they have met the standard.

But as the child the standard is way opposite, if you are not succesful like your cousin, if maybe you don't have a job or a girlfriend, thats grounds for them to just treat you like dirt.

So I actually questioned my dad on this, I asked him why thats the case. I did not mention how the standards are high for me, but I asked him really are you going to compare yourself to a drug addict abuse parent, like that just makes you look bad if you have to start comparing your actions to the lowest of low.

This completely stumped my parents, my mothers response was to periodically interrupt me and my fathers conversation abruptly with occasional comments of needing to keep quite at night time, or the occasional comment of me being a jobless loser.

My fathers response was more of a double down and he basically just admitted to the double standard, he brought up his pisslamic book how the mother is of higher important than the father etc. he also said that you simply just need to always respect your parents, unless they are abusive drug addicts then he thinks its fine then for someone to be disrespectful to their parents.

Eventually since my father was being OWNED, by facts and logic, my mother does this thing where she will bring up something completely random and unrelated, roping my dad into a conversation and they both ignore me, she started randomly talking about a hiker that went missing in the woods.

She did this since she knew that I was completely 100% right of course.

Anyway then I just went back in to my room and wrote all this, thanks for reading :feelsYall:


My father admits that the bar for parents and standards are really low, as long as they are not abusive drug addicts then they deserve the utmost respect, where as I need a job, friends, girlfriend to be worthy of respect

Tags: @BlackCel_from_ZA @Fat Link @Mecoja (rly like your avi btw) @DarkStarDown
Jfl, that was a funny story. Such a relatable story, I remember my parents used to fight with me like this as well sometimes. Mom and dad had similar personalities as yours as well.

Even the ending was golden. The mom talking to the dad about something random to steer the conversation away. That was the cherry on top.
Shit like this is probably one of the few benefits of growing up as an orphan. Your parents sound retarded af.
I'm still on a high from the mental peace and clarity it's given me
mm yeah before this I was left home alone for a week and I loved it
I was struggling to get a job and my mother would become very passive aggressive and nasty to be around, not to mention the constant comparisons to other guys my age saying how much houses and cars and money they have
Yeah same situation myself and probably alot of others have experienced, just comparisons and stuff that is way harder for us to live up to
Pinned this one due to high entertainment value. :feelshehe:
thank you :feelsYall: i gave the tag since you have been making a lot of based posts recently
my parents would say "just because you're sick doesn't mean you should be snapping at everyone. people get sick all the time and still manage to be pleasant. your mother is stressed and doing her best; you should be more understanding and less sensitive to small things like her opening the curtains. if you communicated better or were less confrontational, there wouldn't be any issues. your parents are good in their intentions, and you're just misinterpreting them. you're making a mountain out of a molehill and should just grow up. you should always respect your parents no matter what." i guess all parents suck
I hate having to "always respect your parents" it fucking pisses me off and is just used as an excuse for them to act moronic and do the bare minimum, maybe I would have more respect for my parents if they gave me HGH, or actually helped me make friends by not moving me away from my family and so many other things
Taking a shower :soy:
I love it, can't go a day without a shower and feel like shit without it :chad:
Absolutely brootal brocel, hopefully your parents won't kick you out. If they were to kick you out would the neetbux be sufficient to live alone? Would you need to get into wage cuckery to survive? I don't know your whole situation but if you're able to move out, with you 'puter and vidya and still be able to NEET comfortably I most definitely would. If the chose is between NEETING and wage cuckery, you should weigh your options brocels, goodluck with your choice though
I dont think my parents will kick me out for a very long time, I would have to be bordering on 30 or something, I dont think the neetbux would be enough but it can get bumped up for rent assistance so possibly since being an incel is living a frugal life by default usually.
I probably could move out if I put a bit of effort in to it but I dont think its worth it, I am not constantly at odds with my parents and this was more of a one off due to me being sick.
Actually I say this retrospectively but if I had stayed at home then I would have wanted to escape my domineering mother. She's worse than your mother, I had 0% intimacy while growing up and she just used me, my sister and my dad as emotional tampons. Fuck her! I'm glad that I left but living with your parents can be more comfy than some shitty shared flat with a bunch of retards.
I think everyone has to weigh it up for themselves wether its better to move out or not, you either have to put up with shitty parents or a hard shitty life on your own out there living with random people, lose lose situation
And also, so much for "muh based Islam" when your dad literally invoked the Koran in order to appease towards your mom.
Yeah my dad is not the based islamic type it all, my sister would always get away with dressing like a whore, I still remember seeing her ass and cleavage all the time at home when she still lived with me and I was like 12 and she was 20 just retarded.

My dad is the bluepilled islamic type instead, and he never challenges my mother

I have a bit of a lack of respect for him, as in private he will tell me how she is crazy and rude, but then he just lets her walk all over me, and lets her do the things he complains about to me, then when he is the one on the receiving end he thinks he deserves to complain to me after, its just pathetic and frankly thats my genetics, fortunately I dont think I am really like my parents in mindset, I think I just inherited height the most
I also wasn't aware you're a siblingscel- if you dont mind me asking, what is your relationship like with your sister?
It's not great, she just asks me for money, maybe she will mock that I am skinny or something, I dont feel much love for her as she is a complete fuck up screw up and fails at life even on hole difficulty and she just chad chases, if she does not need anything from me she just ignores me, my bluepilled dad will tell me how I need to have a good relationship with her since one day they wont be around so it is just me and siblings JFL, but its impossible to talk to her IRL and through text as she will ignore you as if you dont exist when you try to speak to her, unless she wants money from your or something like that then you get her full attention, just fake bullshit and she also praises allah and pretends to be religious despite being a chad chaser, I could go on for awhile about my sister
Parents could make our lives a bit easier by being understanding and not being pricks but no they can’t do that. I wont help my parents one bit when they get old.
I wish they would let me LDAR in peace

I dont want to help them much when I am older but my sister wont do it, so it will probably fall on me for the most part, fml
even now i can't have headphones on both my ears because i got beaten a lot as a kid when she called and i couldn't hear her.
Same for me, I actually hear my mother randomly like schizo hear her calling me because of this even when she is not around or has not called me, I always tell her to stop this for my own sanity but she never does
Even the ending was golden. The mom talking to the dad about something random to steer the conversation away. That was the cherry on top.
My mother always does it, she has only ever apologised to me once in my life, otherwise she never does it so she would rather just use this stonewalling tactic instead and my spineless bluepill father is happy to go along with it
Sorry this is the nature of your living situation brocel. A little empathy from family would go a long way but it feels hard to come by at times.
Sorry this is the nature of your living situation brocel. A little empathy from family would go a long way but it feels hard to come by at times.
Thank you, short but sweet response, a little empathy would go a long way for most on this forum I think

My dad has started becoming aggressive to me and telling me to do something with my life, he told me how at my age he had a car and stuff

My mother on the other hand made a snack with nuts and biscuits and handed it to me in her neetcave, I think her way of kind of saying sorry, she never actually just apologises or changes though
My parents have the same stubborn minded insistence that they know what's best for me even they're completely out of touch with the reality of what issues people my age face. They get offended when I don't take their advice and even when I do, they're still nagging over the tiny details. I have to do everything a specific way they wanted and intended or else it's wrong even though I can make money and develop my skills better and more efficiently in my own style. I hate how they always gave invent new problems to complain about even when I meet their demands and succeed at something in my life. They are the human embodiment and manifestation of the shifting goalpost fallacy. So goddamn frustrating to deal with. Annoying obnoxious cretins of the highest order.
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My parents have the same stubborn minded insistence that they know what's best for me even they're completely out of touch with the reality of what issues people my age face. They get offended when I don't take their advice and even when I do, they're still nagging over the tiny details.
Yeah my parents are completely out of touch too, earlier my dad was telling me how he already had a car at my age and other bullshit, he would be a bluepilled incel in my shoes

And yeah even when I do succeed at something like getting a job they do nag over nothing just annoying
I hate how they always gave invent new problems to complain about even when I meet their demands and succeed at something in my life. They are the human embodiment and manifestation of the shifting goalpost fallacy. So goddamn frustrating to deal with.
My parents are the same, I still remember as a kid it was "oh you cant do this you have school" I leave school "you have no job" I get a job "you have no license"

And so on and so on, they frequently insult me about not having friends and stuff too
My mother always does it, she has only ever apologised to me once in my life, otherwise she never does it so she would rather just use this stonewalling tactic instead and my spineless bluepill father is happy to go along with it
I remember fantasizing about failing a suicide attempt (or faking one) and my parents would feel bad for me and knew to treat me better, cause me kms was a real possibility.
Its always an intEResting read when you post about your parents
I'm sorry to hear about your family situation. Alot of this really just comes down to them having the traits of narcisstic parents. Also the whole idea that just because there are worse parents (physically abusive parents and drug addicts) means that their treatment of you is fine and not a problem is called relative privation fallacy. On top of that alot of the way they have treated you may actually classify as emotional abuse and possibly emotional neglect which could be partly responsible for your life situation.
I remember fantasizing about failing a suicide attempt (or faking one) and my parents would feel bad for me and knew to treat me better, cause me kms was a real possibility.
I think that would only garner me temporary sympathy and would make my mother even more insane than she already is as she worries about my sister doing suicide attempts, its also not really my style i guess but its genuinely a good idea to try garner sympathy since sometimes radical action is needed
Its always an intEResting read when you post about your parents
I'll tag you next time I make a thread about them :feelsYall:
Exact same thing with me. I remember when I was a kid, my mom would get mad at me for taking too long to tie my shoes sitting on the door frame and would shut the door, which would push me on the doormat, or sometimes, she would literally shove me out the door and shut it. I especially hated how she used to (and still does) scream like a banshee whenever she thinks I'm going to run late in the morning.
Your mother sounds a bit worse than mine, it's more sporadic and getting physical is a line me and my parents almost never cross, it's more just constant verbal abuse, she called me ugly and ungroomed a week ago completely unprompted, but she thinks I am the one with lack of respect even though I would not go up to anyone in my family and say that, its just rude
Same here. My mom would constantly open the door to my bedroom even though I told her multiple times I don't want it open (she says it'll let in fresh air, but I don't like it because of the noise and the fact that the door is open) and also the window (which I hate because of the cold wind and noise, again). I got in so many fights with her over this that I have lost count. I even remember my dad getting pissed at her for opening the door and telling her to just leave it closed and to never open the door without my permission and she stopped for a bit.
Yeah my mother has been intentionally leaving the door to my room open because I give her no attention during this whole altercation which is really easy to do just by LDARing at my PC

I think opening windows or whatever and stuff like that is good for a variety of reasons but there is a time and place for it and me trying to rest while sick is not one of them
Normally, I would be able to control my temper, but with her bitchy attitude, I just completely lose it.
Genuinely nothing in this life makes me more angry than my parents, I dont even get angry its just my mother
In these cases, I would usually go along and tell her to go fuck herself. I once actually refused to eat anything for 3 days, which made my dad so pissed off he came to my room and yelled at me while I was taking a nap (he was mad because he perceived it as insubordination, i.e. he found any act of disobedience towards my mother on my part to be disrespectful towards him).
Lol, that seems like it would suck, dont want to do that and lose the gains, I am already skinny enough, for me all I need to do is not talk to them to piss them off
"love-shy" was a term denoting high-inhib incels, those shy from love (similar to the term "work-shy," which denotes fear, hatred, or apathy towards work, similar to the contemporary concept of "NEET"dom), but it was also interchangeable to an extent in the days of love-shy.com (2003–2020) with "incel."
The story with the pussy scar is fucked up, I wonder how my life would have turned out if my parents were different
I'm sorry to hear about your family situation.
Thank you for offering your sympathies for me with your very first post that is very kind of you
Also the whole idea that just because there are worse parents (physically abusive parents and drug addicts) means that their treatment of you is fine and not a problem is called relative privation fallacy.
Thank you for introducing me to this, I didnt know it had a name like that but thats definitely what my dad was doing, he just said "see you can be very smart so why dont you achieve something"
There are so many worse kids out there that I actually know about too, I used to know one guy that had his parents living in complete fear of him, kind of like reverse of my situation, then my own sister, they literally fork out thousands of dollars for her and she just verbally abuses them, they also fork out thier time and effort helping her maintain a clean house or something but I never resort to such illogical fallacies because ultimately at the end of the day my mother is an unreasonable bitch, there probably are drug addicts nicer than her
On top of that alot of the way they have treated you may actually classify as emotional abuse and possibly emotional neglect which could be partly responsible for your life situation.
As a child I was not neglected, I was actually cared for a little too much in all the wrong ways but neglected in other ways

For example, my parents still showered me up until the age of 13, I did not know how to shower myself, I could not wash my hands or pour myself a cup of milk or orange juice until around 10, I think I learnt to tie my own shoes at 11, so you can see how I got a late start at life

Yet they would neglect me completely in other aspects, like helping me make friends or whatever

On top of them being direct contributors to my failures they want me to respect them, even when they treat me like dirt, it's sad how unaware they are
### Summary

The user describes a series of conflicts with their mother, highlighting the ongoing tension and emotional strain within their household.

#### Key Points:

1. **Background Tension**:
- The user's relationship with their mother is described as walking on eggshells due to her quick temper and controlling nature.
- The user was already feeling unwell, which lowered their inhibitions and ability to handle stress.

2. **Initial Conflict**:
- While the user was sick and trying to rest, their mother entered their room, opened the curtains, and let in fresh air, which the user found intrusive.
- After getting up to use the bathroom, the user, feeling ill and needing help, politely asked their mother to make a sandwich.
- The mother responded angrily, dumping her stress about other family issues onto the user.

3. **Escalation**:
- The user's polite request turned into a heated argument, with the mother accusing the user of doing nothing and the user feeling unfairly treated.
- Frustrated and sick, the user snapped, calling their mother insulting names.
- The father intervened, siding with the mother and reprimanding the user for their language.

4. **Continued Tension**:
- The next day, the mother maintained a cold attitude, occasionally making snarky comments.
- At night, the mother interrupted the user while they were changing to ask about a snack, which the user found trivial and annoying.
- The user perceived this as a petty attempt to assert control and responded defiantly by eating the snack in front of her.

5. **Philosophical Reflection**:
- During another argument, the father lectured the user on respect, stating that unless parents are abusive drug addicts, they deserve respect regardless of their behavior.
- The user challenged this low standard for parents, questioning why children are held to higher standards of success and behavior.
- The conversation ended with the parents deflecting and changing the subject, leaving the user feeling validated in their perspective but still frustrated.

The user expresses a sense of injustice and resentment towards the perceived double standards in parental expectations and treatment, highlighting the emotional burden of navigating these family dynamics.
the double standard is interesting indeed, my parents are always bringing the fact im still single and that cousin vini just got married and all that shit... yet they never compare me to my drug addicted sister who fucking steals shit from home while i work my ass off 10 hours a day in work, my parents are good kind people but they dont seem to realize that being nice to your kid is not enough to act like you are the hot shit as a parent, my parents are illiterate, poor and clueless, i wish i had the balls to go on and say "Mom cousin vini went to the best private school in the city while you guys put me on a public school with underpaid teachers, while cousin vini befriended the rich son of the owner of the company he now works i had to share my class with bullies"
"cousin vini parents got him a such a genetic, educational and socio-economic headstart on me that seems like we lived in two diferent worlds, you know why? because we did, what advantage did you guys give me?"
dont get me wrong i know users here sometimes have monsters for parents but why does treating your child with kindness is seen as a accomplishment? its the bare minimum, the opposite is literally a fucking crime that gets you sent to jail.
imagine being given a skoda to drive in a race and then you get destroyed by a guy in a f1 car, is that that indicative of you putting less effort or never having a chance to begin with?
there is a bum here in my neighborhood that guys is fucking weird he talks slow and is clearly dumb as a rock, but people told me his mom was druggie who did not even feed him properly, if yoy are not getting enough food when you are young your brain does not develop properly, i have a car a job and financial stability and that guy does not have nothing, but he never had a chance to begin with, it is stupid to compare him to me just like it is stupid for our parents to compare us to chads.
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I think that would only garner me temporary sympathy and would make my mother even more insane than she already is as she worries about my sister doing suicide attempts, its also not really my style i guess but its genuinely a good idea to try garner sympathy since sometimes radical action is needed
I never ended up doing it. It was just a fantasy.
here's the thing, usually i am a reasonable and a calm person and even when i get angry I usually am able to control that anger (i usually just appear irritated), but the stupidity and naivety of my mom is so intoxicating to the point that i suffer from a personality change from a reasonable and calm person to that of a bipolar angry monkey

idk how the fuck she does this, but she awlays brings that side of me

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