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JFL Noodlewhore journalist rages about white-worshipping noodles being called out on social media

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022
Jfl, "journalism" in 2024 is just foids in those companies using their privileges to use those publications as blogs:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

By Steffi Cao
Of course it's a noodlewhore:feelshaha:.

steffi cao is an internet culture journalist, once described as "aggressively sprite-like.
The fuck does that even mean:feelskek:? We really need dedicated foid-bullshit-to-sentient-being translators to decipher this type of bullshit:feelshaha:.

An Asian woman vlogging about her dating life – and particularly about dating white men – gets commenters reacting to her updates with the words “Oxford study”. A young Asian student showing off her prom dress with her white boyfriend sees “obligatory Oxford study comment” on her TikTok. “I can already hear the oxford study comments coming,” one Asian woman captions a video of her dancing with her white partner.
Imagine being so privileged that this is the biggest problem in your life, holy shit:feelsUnreal::feelsree:.

The phrase “Oxford study” refers to just that: an academic study out of Oxford University. The research is of interest because commenters believe it explores why Asian women, like the women in these posts, date white men instead of men of color.
Nice verbal sleight of hand to make your fellow noodlewhores look more sympathetic.

Just two things:

- It's not really about Asian women dating white only, it's about them dating anyone except their own men. Sure, they clearly prefer white guys, but most ricecels will frankly admit that their women are whores for any non-Asians who come their way.

- So now Asian guys are supposed to be included among "men of color":feelshaha:? After years of it being almost a meme that every time American left talks about racial differences, it leaves Asians out and talks solely about blacks and whites, sometimes including Hispanics as well?

In most cases, the use of “Oxford study” takes on a ugly tone. Commenters use it to signal a rabid interest in the personal lives of Asian women, informed by entrenched stereotypes around race and gender. They cite the study as a shorthand to criticize the romantic and sexual choices of Asian women in interracial relationships. Many of these commenters are men, often Asian men, and they want to make Asian women the butt of their bad joke.
How retarded, self-centered and privileged do you even have to be to believe that this is a "problem" worthy of being talked about in the news and forced into the mainstream:feelsUnreal::feelskek:?

However, the study they’re so eager to cite doesn’t actually exist – at least, not in the way they think it does. But that hasn’t stopped “Oxford study” from fueling Asian women’s anxiety about dating or affecting their sense of self.
So many paragraphs, so little said about the subject at hand:feelskek:.

When an Asian woman decides to date a white man, she knows there is a good chance she will be blamed by some Asian men for what they see as the degradation of their own dating pool. They might cast her as both a victim of white supremacy and a villain for upholding it: yet another Asian woman happy to be in the clutches of a totally ordinary white man. They probably won’t consider how her experiences dating within the Asian community have influenced her decision to date outside it.
"I-I-I-I-It's the Asian guys' fault that we are chasing white men:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."

The stereotypes wrapped up in “Oxford study” stem from a long history of Asian women being dehumanized and conceptualized as submissive by white society, and fetishized by white men in particular.

After the second world war, the media peddled a binary: Asian women were either the duplicitous, hyper-sexualized Dragon Lady, or Madame Butterfly, a tragic figure of self-sacrifice and chastity, said Wendy Sung, assistant professor of race and digital culture at the University of California, Los Angeles. “As white women within the US became radicalized, questioning traditional gender roles, Asian women were then configured and represented in the white imaginary as the traditional feminine ideal – docile ‘good wives’ who [were] ascribed those very ideals that were being questioned,” Sung said.
"No, screw that, it's the media's fault actually:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:. Just ignore the fact that men would happily fuck any woman willing to fuck them, so it's not them having yellow fever, it's us having white fever and choosing them specifically."

Also, "assistant professor of race and digital culture":feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:. If there's one thing SJW DEI bullshit is good at that nobody can deny, it's creating utterly meme jobs for useless people:lul::lul:.

Much of this misogyny is nurtured within men’s rights Asian (MRAsian) groups online, which organize harassment campaigns towards Asian women who date non-Asian people.
A literal internet joke/meme term being used in a The Guardian article:feelskek::feelskek:.

(Asian men were revealed as one of the least swiped-on racial groups in a 2014 OKCupid report.)
So now the dating studies aren't bullshit, like they supposedly are whenever we use them to support our arguments:feelsree::feelsree:???

Much of the recent derogatory language around the dating habits of Asian women has been coined in the MRAsian space: “WMAF”, or a white male, Asian female relationship; “Lu”, an Asian woman who rejects Asian men in favor of white men; “bananarang”, an Asian woman who used to date white men but now seeks a relationship with an Asian man.
Just the thought of some britbong boomers who have no idea of any of this shit reading this slew of internet meme racewar terms is:lul::lul::lul:.

“Some of them seem to have a critique around Asian fetishes and racialization, but they need to think deeply about their own position,” Sung said. “How are they similarly treating Asian women as objects to be possessed rather than respecting the agency, autonomy and humanity of Asian women?”
How has the latter been working out for them?

The groups also misappropriate critical race terminology.
"They are using our techniques against us:foidSoy::foidSoy:. That's illegal:foidSoy::foidSoy::feelsree::feelsree:."


Also, "critical race terminology"? I thought that critical race theory was just something that didn't actually exist and evil white rightwing fascist racists made it up to oppress powerless peepo of color:soy::soy:. At least that's what leftwingers have been saying when US rightwingers were pushing against CRT being taught in schools. So now it actually exists and has its own terminology that can apparently be misappropriated? Good to know.

To MRAsians, Asian women who choose white men are perpetrators of anti-Asian racism, despite the fact that Asian women are not part of a privileged class and must navigate systems of whiteness every day.
So now we are back to claiming that only white people can be racist? No "multiracial white supremacy" rising anymore?

Good. Extemely good. This is how I like CRT leftists to be, just freely admitting what they believe and freely admitting how all of their beliefs are just built on whites being inherent villains who need to be either destroyed or replaced. Please, keep those masks off, you look like clowns in them anyway, and just keep saying what you actually believe in, I really want to see another Trump presidency and nothing else can get him it other than leftists clearly saying what the alternative to him is.

This fixation on dating has real impacts on how Asian women approach love and relationships. Dawn, 25, primarily dated interracially in the past, but her most recent relationships were with Asian men.
So... shaming worked better than "respecting" her "autonomy" did:feelsthink::feelshmm:?

Racialized fantasies put Asian women at risk of online harassment and workplace discrimination, as well as racially motivated shootings, police brutality, and abuse. “It can be incredibly injurious because they are never seen in their multitudes, their whole humanity,” said Sung. This can play out when Asian women date within their race too, said Sung, as Asian men might expect the same kind of docility of their Asian partners.
It also makes them have higher average incomes as a group than white men do.

Muh cruel oppression:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Sung also notes that the very identity most often relevant to these discussions, Asian American, is fractured into dozens of languages, ethnicities, cuisines and diasporic histories. “The conversation isn’t about intra-racial dating, like Chinese Americans dating ‘inside their culture’ versus a Chinese-Filipino relationship,” Sung said. “There is a fixation on race that doesn’t translate to ethnicity, despite all these ridiculous eugenical decrees to keep the ‘bloodline pure’ that I see circulating on social media.”
Americans rediscovering ethnic identities because racial ones are bullshit is always hilarious:feelskek:. Funny though, I've never seen any leftists ever acknowldging any differences between the white ethnicites and always treating all whites as a single group, so why should the differences between various Asian ethnicities suddenly be a valid counterargument against absolutely anything?

Dawn has always felt pressure to date within her race, but she has considered it more as she’s gotten older. She worries she won’t be able to pass on some of the cultural aspects of her identity if she ends up with a white guy. Videos of women crying as they realize this same conundrum have gone viral online, with some equating dating white men to disrespecting their families.
Wow, you don't say:feelsahh:. It's almost like treating race/ethnicity and culture as two distinct things is an inherently ridiculous fallacy, because the two are inextricably linked. It's almost like racemixing inherently destroys your ancestors' bloodline. But wait, those are "racist" arguments, aren't they:soy:?

Both women heed warning signs of “yellow fever” when scrolling on a dating app: any mentions of anime or a voracious desire to travel to Japan, or comments expressing interest in practicing an Asian language with matches. Chinese characters are an immediate no, as are photos of white guys in traditional kimonos, hanbok, or áo gấm.
“Last week, I saw a profile where all the profile pictures were either him with Asian guys, or him literally in Asia,” said Emily. “Red flag.”

Ricecels are such truecels that merely being around Asian guys is enough to make white guys unattractive to noodles:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

There's even more there but I don't have the strength to get through all of that shit:feelsclown::feelsclown:.

@Lv99_BixNood @SlayerSlayer @pyromancer1234 @Biowaste Removal @mcmoohyun @DarkStarDown
I would sooner die than have hapa children. Genetic death sentence
white ethnicites and always treating all whites as a single group
mutts consider white it's own ethnicity. Go to europe, and you will see British nationalists even hating on Polish immigrants and Ukranian refugees. It's WAY different there. Meanwhile, in America, a British man like Matt Walsh admits he can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking pajeeta, is brown.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8lzYuXa0uc&ab_channel=TheSerfTimes

I also saw another tiktok of a white american woman admitting the same thing, that she too couldn't tell Nikki Haley was a pajeeta. I posted it on one of my threads iirc.
It's fucking Guardian, What did you expect?

The only good thing about them is they have no paywall, But eventually i'm not reading them anymore even though i have to pay for another newspapers
Of course it's a noodlewhore:feelshaha:.
Illustration: Lucia Pham
They even paid another Asian woman to illustrate a WMAF couple.

Just the thought of some britbong boomers who have no idea of any of this shit reading this slew of internet meme racewar terms is:lul::lul::lul:.
The more widespread the better. Confirmation that Asian women are a meme.

Okay @WorthlessSlavicShit, good work, I'll read and commentate the last section for you.

In April 2024, Cherdleys, a comedian and troll, posted a TikTok of him sitting on the back of a pickup truck with his arm slung proprietarily over the influencer Lydia Ren, who kneels on her hands and knees in full-body black latex, a muzzle over her face and dog ears on her head.
I remember seeing this video. Needs to be spread around tenfold.

“With the increasing representation of Asian and Asian Americans in the media, such as Marvel films and the K-pop phenomenon, we are starting to see stereotypes of Asian men being redefined,” she said.
Yeah, like Marvel's WMAF-directed WMAF fantasy Eternals, and Shang-Chi the asexual kung fu man.

“It’s just weird to take it out on us instead of people in society who are being racist towards Asian men.”
The people in society who are most racist towards Asian men are...drumroll...Asian women.
mutts consider white it's own ethnicity. Go to europe, and you will see British nationalists even hating on Polish immigrants and Ukranian refugees. It's WAY different there. Meanwhile, in America, a British man like Matt Walsh admits he can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking pajeeta, is brown.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8lzYuXa0uc&ab_channel=TheSerfTimes

I also saw another tiktok of a white american woman admitting the same thing, that she too couldn't tell Nikki Haley was a pajeeta. I posted it on one of my threads iirc.

ive always thought Europe was much more racist than the States for that reason. Even when people try to be racist in the states they dont really mean it-- at least men
I bet the author dates white men and prefers them over asian men. Even fucking buzzfeed pointed out how white worshipping the dating preferences of both men and women are jfl :feelskek:
And these cunts somehow refuse to acknowledge it because that would make them feel bad and involve womeme being held accountable for their shitty behavior for once. And god forbid we can't have that happening ever because they're perfect pure infallible angels who are always in the right and can no wrong in this gynocentric soyciety.
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“Last week, I saw a profile where all the profile pictures were either him with Asian guys, or him literally in Asia,” said Emily. “Red flag.”
Some of these white guys are so dumb. These noodlewhores don't want to see you in asian shit - they want to see you in a WASPy new-england prep scene, an alt-hard-metal rocker or troubled musician trope, or a rough-and-tumble outdoorsy redneck country-boy aesthetic. Basically "all-American" whiteness.

Instead what do these dumbasses do?
photos of white guys in traditional kimonos, hanbok, or áo gấm.

Notice however despite their remarkable stupidity at not playing into the whiteness that noodlewhores crave - they still get them in the end.
I would sooner die than have hapa children. Genetic death sentence

Tbqh I didn't read a single molecule of the post but ever since the black pill gooks have automatically looked disgusting to me always don't understand the gook obession with these whores whites.exist I mean if your gonna simp simp for something good
Oxford study meme was started by a nigger, a lot of the tiktok normies who use it are shitskins who got rejected by noodlewhores because they're whitu cocku onry. But you can't blame niggers that would be rayciss, much safer to blame it on ricecels - a group that is universally hated by everyone: white men, white women, noodlewhores and 50 shades of shitskins @pyromancer1234 @DarkStarDown
ofc noodle whores deny it now that red/blackpill exposes their bs
in my hs(years ago this is 2000s) most noodlesluts dated the light skin/white passing pajeets by a big margin over their own males. you ofc had some random pajeeta with a rice as well but way less common.
mutts consider white it's own ethnicity. Go to europe, and you will see British nationalists even hating on Polish immigrants and Ukranian refugees. It's WAY different there. Meanwhile, in America, a British man like Matt Walsh admits he can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking pajeeta, is brown.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8lzYuXa0uc&ab_channel=TheSerfTimes

I also saw another tiktok of a white american woman admitting the same thing, that she too couldn't tell Nikki Haley was a pajeeta. I posted it on one of my threads iirc.

cuz nikki got white like features(north curry), its ez to confuse her for a tanned white bitch
her marrying a white dude doesn't help either. but yay she a pajeeta
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cuz nikki got white like features(north curry), its ez to confuse her for a tanned white bitch
her marrying a white dude doesn't help either. but yay she a pajeeta
The point is americans have a VERY loose defintion of what qualifies as white. If a pajeeta like Nikki Haley can be confused as white by americans, of course they won't have a proper understanding of race in europe.
Stupid and dishonest disgusting foid's brainfart. The amount of pseudo-intellectual circumvention in this article is so typical.
And these cunts somehow refuse to acknowledge
It's straight up denial and in your face lying with the most bullshit arguments possible. Like referring to asian women's archetypes in the collective western mind - ultimately putting the blame on white men's asian fever - when everybody knows by now that it's more about white fever of asian women. Especially now that these archetypes are old as hell and your average asian campus slut is a replica of white women. Besides, they make it clear everywhere how they fetishize white men.
It's straight up denial and in your face lying with the most bullshit arguments possible. Like referring to asian women's archetypes in the collective western mind - ultimately putting the blame on white men's asian fever - when everybody knows by now that it's more about white fever of asian women. Especially now that these archetypes are old as hell and your average asian campus slut is a replica of white women. Besides, they make it clear everywhere how they fetishize white men.
They will never address the 11 ton elephant in the room of noodlewhores dating white men more at higher rates than they date their own men within their own race. White men are the number one choice for noodlesluts yet these gooks aren't the number one choice for white men in return because white males still prefer to pick dating their own white women as their number one choice. If it really was yellow fever like the fake contrived awfully convenient narrative that they push to deflect blame away from the precious womeme who can do no wrong whatsoever says it is, it wouldn't be this one sided. It's blatantly obvious going by data that it's the asian women chasing the white men and not the other way around. And you can't blame this on the white population being much larger too, since this trend still applies in places with closer to even numbers of whites and asians like specific cities in Canada.
If white men really fetishized asian women for racist reasons THAT MUCH (I'm not denying some do but it's clearly not to the scale and extent the people blaming this on white men having yellow fever say it is), the exchange wouldn't be so one sided and asian women would the number one pick for white men in the same way white men are the number one pick for asian men.
This is just one of the many reasons why I hate noodlewhores so much for their deceit and lies. They're the most vile, treacherous, self hating, racist and duplicitous race of foids by far.
They have no redeeming qualities other than or artificially inflated media halo and cultural propaganda that makes them look more appealing than they actually are and creates a false impression of their appearance and purported merits that's far more attractive and embellished than they actually are. Everything good about them is fake and the result of media hype, they have nothing going for them once you break through their illusion and escape the carefully constructed mirage cultivated by their media halo. They are quite literally good for nothing.
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It's straight up denial and in your face lying with the most bullshit arguments possible. Like referring to asian women's archetypes in the collective western mind - ultimately putting the blame on white men's asian fever - when everybody knows by now that it's more about white fever of asian women. Especially now that these archetypes are old as hell and your average asian campus slut is a replica of white women. Besides, they make it clear everywhere how they fetishize white men.
They always complain about cumskins "fetishizing" them but if white men are so evil why do they keep dating them? :foidSoy:
They will never address the 11 ton elephant in the room of noodlewhores dating white men more at higher rates than they date their own men within their own race. White men are the number one choice for noodlesluts yet these gooks aren't the number one choice for white men in return because white males still prefer to pick dating their own white women as their number one choice. If it really was yellow fever like the fake contrived awfully convenient narrative that they push to deflect blame away from the precious womeme who can do no wrong whatsoever says it is, it wouldn't be this one sided. It's blatantly obvious going by data that it's the asian women chasing the white men and not the other way around. And you can't blame this on the white population being much larger too, since this trend still applies in places with closer to even numbers of whites and asians like specific cities in Canada.
If white men really fetishized asian women for racist reasons THAT MUCH (I'm not denying some do but it's clearly not to the scale and extent the people blaming this on white men having yellow fever do), the exchange wouldn't be so one sided and asian women would the number one pick for white men in the same way white men are the number one pick for asian men.
This is just one of the many reasons why I hate noodlewhores so much for their deceit and lies. They're the most vile, treacherous, self hating, racist and duplicitous race of foids by far.
They have no redeeming qualities other than or artificially inflated media halo and cultural propaganda that makes them look more appealing than they actually are and creates a false impression of their appearance and purported merits that's far more attractive and embellished than they actually are. Everything good about them is fake and the result of media hype, they have nothing going for them once you break through their illusion and escape the carefully constructed mirage cultivated by their media halo. They are quite literally good for nothing.
They make it clear everywhere how they fetishize white men but yeah we should just totally ignore that and go for faux intellectual outdated reflexions. :feelskek:

But if you had to deal with women irl you'll know that this is pretty much a woman trait. It's so disgusting how they can completely let lies make one with their soul. And this is not the worst yet because they might get off on it. You know, this noodlewhore might be all sanctimonious while talking about those issues, then consciously snigger as it crosses her mind while she's in Brad Thundercock's arms.

Some women aren't like this or at least fight it but this cultural zeitgeist and feminism clearly encourages them to be that way. Also they're just not cut out for honest reflexion cause it might hurt feefees. It's a mix of weakness, solipsism and connivance. From my observation, i think this is where the problem lies in the natural order between the sexes. A woman might be a super intelligent scientist etc, 140 IQ, but she can hardly transcend such fundamental elements. So to expect them to apply real morality at an universal scale is foolish.
ive always thought Europe was much more racist than the States for that reason. Even when people try to be racist in the states they dont really mean it-- at least men
They make it clear everywhere how they fetishize white men but yeah we should just totally ignore that and go for faux intellectual outdated reflexions. :feelskek:

But if you had to deal with women irl you'll know that this is pretty much a woman trait. It's so disgusting how they can completely let lies make one with their soul. And this is not the worst yet because they might get off on it. You know, this noodlewhore might be all sanctimonious while talking about those issues, then consciously snigger as it crosses her mind while she's in Brad Thundercock's arms.

Some women aren't like this or at least fight it but this cultural zeitgeist and feminism clearly encourages them to be that way. Also they're just not cut out for honest reflexion cause it might hurt feefees. It's a mix of weakness, solipsism and connivance. From my observation, i think this is where the problem lies in the natural order between the sexes. A woman might be a super intelligent scientist etc, 140 IQ, but she can hardly transcend such fundamental elements. So to expect them to apply real morality at an universal scale is foolish.
Sometimes foids are so delusional they end up huffing their own farts and fall for their own propaganda. With noodlewhores, this is especially true to be the case and turned up to 11. They're incapable of self reflection or contemplating their own failings because introspection might force them to confront their own flaws to come to terms with them and they're too afraid of feeling bad about themselves for admitting something is wrong with them or if they're not right about something. They have an inability to accept the truth if it means accepting blame or responsibility as being held culpable for any wrongdoing. But at the same time, they're too inept and steeped in their biases to be self aware anyways. Being too stupid for self realization is the just the natural state of being for many of them.
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mutts consider white it's own ethnicity. Go to europe, and you will see British nationalists even hating on Polish immigrants and Ukranian refugees. It's WAY different there. Meanwhile, in America, a British man like Matt Walsh admits he can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking pajeeta, is brown.
Very true, as an American i can confirm so many Americans dont know anything about ethnicity. ESPECIALLY the shitskins. I remember one thing in particular - for context there's this one racing driver who races in america who is ethnically Irish and grew up in America but was born in Mexico and therefore he has millions of brown mexican fans - i always see dumbass spics leaving comments rooting for this driver calling him "pure mexican" and an "aztec warrior" and whenever i try to correct these retards and say "yeah he was born in mexico but you guys know he's a white european man, right? Why are you calling him aztec" people (not just the darkies but even white people) always get on me and start calling me an idiot and racist because "he was born in mexico, that makes him mexican :feelstastyman: ". You can try to explain ethnicity to them but they just call you racist. So many americans have absolutely zero clue about anything regarding ethnicity. To them, all that matters is what abritrary invisible line you were born in (aka nationality), and to acknowledge ethnicity would be rayciss

Meanwhile you go over to europe and they can instantly tell what european country you're from and theyll be racist to you accordingly :feelshaha:
Very true, as an American i can confirm so many Americans dont know anything about ethnicity. ESPECIALLY the shitskins. I remember one thing in particular - for context there's this one racing driver who races in america who is ethnically Irish and grew up in America but was born in Mexico and therefore he has millions of brown mexican fans - i always see dumbass spics leaving comments rooting for this driver calling him "pure mexican" and an "aztec warrior" and whenever i try to correct these retards and say "yeah he was born in mexico but you guys know he's a white european man, right? Why are you calling him aztec" people (not just the darkies but even white people) always get on me and start calling me an idiot and racist because "he was born in mexico, that makes him mexican :feelstastyman: ". You can try to explain ethnicity to them but they just call you racist. So many americans have absolutely zero clue about anything regarding ethnicity. To them, all that matters is what abritrary invisible line you were born in (aka nationality), and to acknowledge ethnicity would be rayciss

Meanwhile you go over to europe and they can instantly tell what european country you're from and theyll be racist to you accordingly :feelshaha:
Kek this makes me think of the surprisingly vast amount of ethnically nationalistic south americans comments on ancient rome videos on youtube. Cause latin = latin countries = latinos :feelstastyman: :feelskek:
Kek this makes me think of the surprisingly vast amount of ethnically nationalistic south americans comments on ancient rome videos on youtube. Cause latin = latin countries = latinos :feelstastyman: :feelskek:
:feelshaha: :feelshaha: :feelskek:
ofc noodle whores deny it now that red/blackpill exposes their bs
in my hs(years ago this is 2000s) most noodlesluts dated the light skin/white passing pajeets by a big margin over their own males.

What Asian foids really mean when they say they love ethnic men
Very true, as an American i can confirm so many Americans dont know anything about ethnicity. ESPECIALLY the shitskins. I remember one thing in particular - for context there's this one racing driver who races in america who is ethnically Irish and grew up in America but was born in Mexico and therefore he has millions of brown mexican fans - i always see dumbass spics leaving comments rooting for this driver calling him "pure mexican" and an "aztec warrior" and whenever i try to correct these retards and say "yeah he was born in mexico but you guys know he's a white european man, right? Why are you calling him aztec" people (not just the darkies but even white people) always get on me and start calling me an idiot and racist because "he was born in mexico, that makes him mexican :feelstastyman: ". You can try to explain ethnicity to them but they just call you racist. So many americans have absolutely zero clue about anything regarding ethnicity. To them, all that matters is what abritrary invisible line you were born in (aka nationality), and to acknowledge ethnicity would be rayciss

Meanwhile you go over to europe and they can instantly tell what european country you're from and theyll be racist to you accordingly :feelshaha:
Yes, this is probably why these retards also can't comprehend how there are white Arabs, especially in the Levant, because they automatically default to thinking Arab = Gulfie Bedouin type. Two examples from twitter I recall was back when the Taliban took over, there were some American accounts shocked at the Afghan refugees being "white", and recently, due to the videos coming out of Palestine, many Americans likewise expressing shock at many Palestinian kids being blonde. Shit's so fucking hilraious.

This is also why many white american christians are easily fooled into believing Jesus was a "brown POC" by their progressive pastors, when even the average levantine is light brown or peach (and even as Muslims, our hadiths say Jesus was "red colored" AKA rosey skinned. I have seen many videos on youtube of churches calling Jesus a "brown man" and showing this picture of him, when this looks like a Yemeni, not a Palestinain/Lebanese


In europe, there recently was a Croatian man killed in Britain because he wasn't speaking English. I have also seen stats that Irish people in Britain get "hate crimed" more than Arabs and other ethnics do. The sheer delusion among white nationalists, especially in America, that Whites in Europe are all brotherly with one another is delusional mutt fantasy. And that's not mentioning the elephant in the room, Russia, and how they're currently killing Ukranians.
Who cares about this bullshit phase
Let the dumb noodles rest their case
Based that this white supremacy is now being called out
Yes, this is probably why these retards also can't comprehend how there are white Arabs, especially in the Levant, because they automatically default to thinking Arab = Gulfie Bedouin type. Two examples from twitter I recall was back when the Taliban took over, there were some American accounts shocked at the Afghan refugees being "white", and recently, due to the videos coming out of Palestine, many Americans likewise expressing shock at many Palestinian kids being blonde. Shit's so fucking hilraious.

This is also why many white american christians are easily fooled into believing Jesus was a "brown POC" by their progressive pastors, when even the average levantine is light brown or peach (and even as Muslims, our hadiths say Jesus was "red colored" AKA rosey skinned. I have seen many videos on youtube of churches calling Jesus a "brown man" and showing this picture of him, when this looks like a Yemeni, not a Palestinain/Lebanese

View attachment 1179076

In europe, there recently was a Croatian man killed in Britain because he wasn't speaking English. I have also seen stats that Irish people in Britain get "hate crimed" more than Arabs and other ethnics do. The sheer delusion among white nationalists, especially in America, that Whites in Europe are all brotherly with one another is delusional mutt fantasy. And that's not mentioning the elephant in the room, Russia, and how they're currently killing Ukranians.
Asian woman: “I love my Arab boyfriend”
Him: -brunette blue eyed Lebanese-
Asian woman: “I love my Arab boyfriend”
Him: -brunette blue eyed Lebanese-
Even arabs with black hair and black eyes can slay asian women. My brother looks arab AF and he once had a HAPA girl ask him out on a date
Even arabs with black hair and black eyes can slay asian women. My brother looks arab AF and he once had a HAPA girl ask him out on a date
Hapa doesn’t count I’m talking full Asian
Hapa doesn’t count I’m talking full Asian
Bruh use your brain. Hapas are MORE white than asians, so you would think they're LESS white worshipping than Asian women, so a Hapa woman asking my Arab-looking brother out is even more pathetic than if she was fully Asian
Chink genestealing alien foids are desperate for White DNA. They want to move to White countries, live in a society created and maintained by Whites, give themselves White names, dress White, pretend to have White hobbies and interests, speak a White language without a native accent, be accepted by White society and most of all have sex with White men, have White husbands and spawn half-White children. Who will repeat the above, and spawn 3/4 White children. Kind of like Bodysnatchers usurping the humans, mimicking them and taking over their society.

What Mongoloid females want for Mongoloid males:


Chink genestealing alien foids are desperate for White DNA. They want to move to White countries, live in a society created and maintained by Whites, give themselves White names, dress White, pretend to have White hobbies and interests, speak a White language without a native accent, be accepted by White society and most of all have sex with White men, have White husbands and spawn half-White children. Who will repeat the above, and spawn 3/4 White children. Kind of like Bodysnatchers usurping the humans, mimicking them and taking over their society.

What Mongoloid females want for Mongoloid males:


It's sad because even 3/4 white-asian kids still look VERY asian
Bruh use your brain. Hapas are MORE white than asians, so you would think they're LESS white worshipping than Asian women, so a Hapa woman asking my Arab-looking brother out is even more pathetic than if she was fully Asian
So they basically want caucasoids
And did the Arab looking guy basically look Italian?
They usually hate brown
Oxford study meme was started by a nigger, a lot of the tiktok normies who use it are shitskins who got rejected by noodlewhores because they're whitu cocku onry. But you can't blame niggers that would be rayciss, much safer to blame it on ricecels - a group that is universally hated by everyone: white men, white women, noodlewhores and 50 shades of shitskins @pyromancer1234 @DarkStarDown
Im white, but i’ve never had any issues with Rices, since I pay attention to crime-stats & the such.

Rices are one of the few groups it’s ok to hate on.
mutts consider white it's own ethnicity. Go to europe, and you will see British nationalists even hating on Polish immigrants and Ukranian refugees. It's WAY different there.
Yup, can confirm as someone who lives in EE.

Same in Asia and Africa if I understand it right, this dude explains those layered identities pretty well and the comments section is nothing but people from various parts of the world annoyed at how oversimplified and two-dimensional the American view of race and identity is:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GhbJh-6vf0A

Meanwhile, in America, a British man like Matt Walsh admits he can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking pajeeta, is brown.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8lzYuXa0uc&ab_channel=TheSerfTimes

I also saw another tiktok of a white american woman admitting the same thing, that she too couldn't tell Nikki Haley was a pajeeta. I posted it on one of my threads iirc.


Kek this makes me think of the surprisingly vast amount of ethnically nationalistic south americans comments on ancient rome videos on youtube. Cause latin = latin countries = latinos :feelstastyman: :feelskek:
I once saw a Hellenist neopagan blog claiming this and saying that LatAm countries are heirs of Roman Empire:feelskek:.
Yup, can confirm as someone who lives in EE.

Same in Asia and Africa if I understand it right, this dude explains those layered identities pretty well and the comments section is nothing but people from various parts of the world annoyed at how oversimplified and two-dimensional the American view of race and identity is:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GhbJh-6vf0A

I have relatives who live in norway/denmark, and because everyone there is scandinavian blonde, my family have told me how many of them feel isolated. Not discriminated, since my family there are all upper class doctors, but just racially alienated. Whereas I here in Canada have never felt like an alien, I always viewed myself as "white", though not european, growing up. Even when I lived in a place like Yellowknife, which is way more white than other parts of Canada, I still didn't feel out of place.
This is one of the reasons I firmly believe there won't be any white uprising, especially not in America. I made a VERY LONG thread about it if you want to check it out, but one of the MANY factors is that America's definition of white is SO loose, SO flimsy, it becomes near impossible to have a race war. Nowadays, you have people like THIS who are part black yet would be considered white to most americans. I also distinctly remember many Americans being shocked at Afghan refugees "looking so white".


I once saw a Hellenist neopagan blog claiming this and saying that LatAm countries are heirs of Roman Empire:feelskek:.
Almost definitley a spic
Holy fuck, I’m just shocked such a relatively niche TikTok trend made it into The Guardian opinion pages

Anyway, I should send this foid some chocolates or something. She has done more to spread the word and bolster the cause of ricecels than anyone else.

EDIT: actually let me say something else nice about the piece. I don’t really disagree with what she said about Asian men, what she doesn’t realize however is that young Asian men in the West will read this piece and think “Wow, there are some based Asian men out there and we can become like them!” So thanks to this bitch for helping build the next generation
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total noodlwhore death
Yup, can confirm as someone who lives in EE.

Same in Asia and Africa if I understand it right, this dude explains those layered identities pretty well and the comments section is nothing but people from various parts of the world annoyed at how oversimplified and two-dimensional the American view of race and identity is:feelskek::feelskek:.

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GhbJh-6vf0A


I once saw a Hellenist neopagan blog claiming this and saying that LatAm countries are heirs of Roman Empire:feelskek:.

I have relatives who live in norway/denmark, and because everyone there is scandinavian blonde, my family have told me how many of them feel isolated. Not discriminated, since my family there are all upper class doctors, but just racially alienated. Whereas I here in Canada have never felt like an alien, I always viewed myself as "white", though not european, growing up. Even when I lived in a place like Yellowknife, which is way more white than other parts of Canada, I still didn't feel out of place.

This is one of the reasons I firmly believe there won't be any white uprising, especially not in America. I made a VERY LONG thread about it if you want to check it out, but one of the MANY factors is that America's definition of white is SO loose, SO flimsy, it becomes near impossible to have a race war. Nowadays, you have people like THIS who are part black yet would be considered white to most americans. I also distinctly remember many Americans being shocked at Afghan refugees "looking so white".

View attachment 1179355View attachment 1179356

Almost definitley a spic
Correct. Americans are mongrels who attempt to usurp Whiteness. Latin Americans are like "I'm pure Spanish, we descend from Mother Spain and Grandmother Rome." and people from the USA usually call themselves 'Irish'. They have Black, Chinese, Jewish and Red Indian blood.



At this point the USA is probably the second least White American country, after Haiti


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Correct. Americans are mongrels who attempt to usurp Whiteness. Latin Americans are like "I'm pure Spanish, we descend from Mother Spain and Grandmother Rome." and people from the USA usually call themselves 'Irish'. They have Black, Chinese, Jewish and Red Indian blood.



At this point the USA is probably the second least White American country, after Haiti


DNA tests scare americans

I would sooner die than have hapa children. Genetic death sentence
Yep. Never seen a more mentally unstable group online. If that doesn't discourage people(Whitu man), from fucking noodlewhores I don't know what will.
mutts consider white it's own ethnicity. Go to europe, and you will see British nationalists even hating on Polish immigrants and Ukranian refugees. It's WAY different there. Meanwhile, in America, a British man like Matt Walsh admits he can't even tell Nikki Haley, a fucking pajeeta, is brown.
It's so easy to pass as white these days in America. that's why so many spiceniggers keep asking if they're "white passing" on Reddit. As long as you don't look distinctively, Asian or black/curry, people might think you're White there. Shows how much amerimutts are Mixed these days
Very true, as an American i can confirm so many Americans dont know anything about ethnicity. ESPECIALLY the shitskins. I remember one thing in particular - for context there's this one racing driver who races in america who is ethnically Irish and grew up in America but was born in Mexico and therefore he has millions of brown mexican fans - i always see dumbass spics leaving comments rooting for this driver calling him "pure mexican" and an "aztec warrior" and whenever i try to correct these retards and say "yeah he was born in mexico but you guys know he's a white european man, right? Why are you calling him aztec" people (not just the darkies but even white people) always get on me and start calling me an idiot and racist because "he was born in mexico, that makes him mexican :feelstastyman: ". You can try to explain ethnicity to them but they just call you racist. So many americans have absolutely zero clue about anything regarding ethnicity. To them, all that matters is what abritrary invisible line you were born in (aka nationality), and to acknowledge ethnicity would be rayciss
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: these subhuman spiceniggers are so disgusting.
ingly vast amount of ethnically nationalistic south americans comments on ancient rome videos on youtube. Cause latin = latin countries = latinos
Most retarded group of people. And they get no hate.
comprehend how there are white Arabs, especially in the Levant, because they automatically default to thinking Arab = Gulfie Bedouin type. Two examples from twitter I recall was back when the Taliban took over, there were some American accounts shocked at the Afghan refugees being "white", and recently, due to the videos coming out of Palestine, many Americans likewise expressing shock at many Palestinian kids being blonde. Shit's so fucking hilraious.
Seeing these mutts cope is lifefuel tbh.

Almost definitley a spic
Dunno about that specifically, but I know that he's a he/him/they/them disabled feminine pansexual demi-male:feelskek::feelskek:.

Oxford study meme was started by a nigger, a lot of the tiktok normies who use it are shitskins who got rejected by noodlewhores because they're whitu cocku onry. But you can't blame niggers that would be rayciss, much safer to blame it on ricecels - a group that is universally hated by everyone: white men, white women, noodlewhores and 50 shades of shitskins @
Yeah its just a general Tiktok trend, and if anything, its mocking asian men just as much as the women. Most of the people i've seen commenting this aren't ricecels and I doubt they make up much of the demographic of Tiktok anyway (at least in the west). Its really bizarre that she would make an article seething about this and then try to pin it on asian guys specifically. Just shows you how fucked up the mind of a noodlewhore is.
"I-I-I-I-It's the Asian guys' fault that we are chasing white men:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:."
This is the entire point of the article basically. In what is supposedly an article about a "problematic" Tiktok trend, she spends half the time talking about how asian men are misogynist and oppress them so she can justify being attracted to white guys. Noodlewhores will always take every opportunity they can get to shit on asian men and this is just another example of that.
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Oxford study and "white man did it in 1 week" made JBW go global amongst bluepilled men.
Oxford study and "white man did it in 1 week" made JBW go global amongst bluepilled men.
No, everyone has ALWAYS known JBW is truth, how can you deny it when whites have ALWAYS ruled the world no MATTER where they go? Even among arabs, the whitest arabs are the best. Among indians, the whitest indians are the best. Among african americans, the whitest blacks are the best. It's a CONSISTENT pattern

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