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Can Virginity make someone go crazy/insane?

Dry Spell

Dry Spell

Nov 21, 2017
Mentalcels abound, but how much of mental disorders are environment vs. innate? 

Dr. Phil: "So you're a virgin, right?"
Dog Guy: "Yes..."
Absolutely and that is my worst fear.
there are studies that prove that social isolation actually can drive you insane and that's why everyone is against solitary confinement as a punishment for prisoners
Almost anyone on this forum is an example of this
i stink of shit
Not virginity by itself, but it's been proven that prolonged loneliness and isolation can damage one's mental (and even physical) health.
Humans are social beings, it's in our biology to seek out a partner and everything that comes with it. (Sex, love, validation) Living like this, I feel like I'm stuck in solitary confinement.
I actually thought of this. This is basically a better idea. Put on a dog costume, bark, wiggle your tail (there is a japanese one with a motorized tail), piss and shit on the streets. Everyone, specially white femoids will treat you real nice, like a human.
Yeah. The existential crisis caused by knowing you will never have sex and never successfully reproduce is too much for most mortals too take in. We are programmed to desire these things.
chudur-budur said:
I actually thought of this. This is basically a better idea. Put on a dog costume, bark, wiggle your tail (there is a japanese one with a motorized tail), piss and shit on the streets. Everyone, specially white femoids will treat you real nice, like a human.

Dogmaxxing is legit in 2018
fukmylyf said:
Dogmaxxing is legit in 2018

Shit, I forgot about the dogpill though.
Why does Dr. Phil seem so low iq.
whogivesafucc said:
there are studies that prove that social isolation actually can drive you insane and that's why everyone is against solitary confinement as a punishment for prisoners

ive been living 2 years in complete isolation....
God must be brutal being mogged like that right on national tv. dr phill is a fucking ruthless killer

look at that fucking cathal tilt holy shit
Tesla and Newton died virgins and were able to cope with no anime, vidya, or porn. maybe some brothels, but at the end of the day, you are just an escortcel (virgin)
aut said:
You're a hikki?

im assuming you mean hikkomori, and no because most of them are guys who go to college / into anime.

im just an Unemployed neet with no friends so no reason to go outside at all.
What is this stupid question? Go ask Elliot Rodger. Oh wait, he's dead.
gstvtrp said:
Why does Dr. Phil seem so low iq.
He always shits on retarded teens like me. I hate him lol.
"Does getting kicked in the stomach hurt?" Yes, although some don't feel it but the vast majority do.
Virginp0wers said:
im assuming you mean hikkomori, and no because most of them are guys who go to college / into anime.

im just an Unemployed neet with no friends so no reason to go outside at all.

That is not what a hikkikomori is. Hikkis shut themselves in. They never leave their room, maybe a few times a month to wash themselves and that's it. They would often even block the sunlight from entering their rooms and delve into anime and TV. Their parents bring food to the door and leave it there. They are ashamed so they tell relatives and colleages that he/ she is studying, working whatever. They also do not want to harm or dicispline their kid and just hope that he/ she will eventually get bored and step outside again.

I am a complete no lifer, excluded and isolated for years. In my experience, if you spend a long time isolated you will approach a chasm.
My thoughts began racing and I developed schizophrenia. Eventually I managed to cross the chasm and my mind turned to normal, well almost normal, my brain got accostumed to complete isolation.

I can imagine some people will not cross the chasm like doggy boyo or at least carry some psychological damage from the whole shenanigans. I am left alienated and my sex drive and erectile function took a huge hit. I am trying to pick up the pieces now. I also lost my empathy, I effectively became a sociopath.
Humans are social beings who need other people's attention and validation, if we don't get any our brains litterally rot.

I swear, we must be test subjects for some mad scientist or researcher who wants to test this theory.

As for me, I am 35 years old and have never had a woman show interest in me. I die a little each time I observe a female legitimately enjoying herself in the presence of other men (flirting with them, laughing with them, and hooking up with them), knowing that I will never know what it's like to be validated in such a way. The sounds of a female's laughter or moans feel like daggers to the heart. Everyday is torture for me, and I am certain that god enjoys bullying me relentlessly. I am legitimately going insane and cannot bear another year of this hellish existence. The only way I can restore my sanity is by removing myself from this disgusting world in which we live.

I never asked for this...
Disappearance said:
I swear, we must be test subjects for some mad scientist or researcher who wants to test this theory.

As for me, I am 35 years old and have never had a woman show interest in me. I die a little each time I observe a female legitimately enjoying herself in the presence of other men (flirting with them, laughing with them, and hooking up with them), knowing that I will never know what it's like to be validated in such a way. The sounds of a female's laughter or moans feel like daggers to the heart. Everyday is torture for me, and I am certain that god enjoys bullying me relentlessly. I am legitimately going insane and cannot bear another year of this hellish existence. The only way I can restore my sanity is by removing myself from this disgusting world in which we live.

I never asked for this...

Damn 35. What you need to do is schizoidmax and gain a new perspective that stops you from caring to negate some of the pain
_incelinside said:
Damn 35. What you need to do is schizoidmax and gain a new perspective that stops you from caring to negate some of the pain

The only way I can achieve this is by completely removing myself from society and humanity. Only in seclusion can I ever be happy.
Yep. What destroys one more isn't being virgin, but being single/alone for a very long time. One can escortcel but deep down they realize they will never be able to get some for free with a girlfriend, because they/we can't get girls.I also heard after an incel turns 25, they start to deteriorate their mind even more.
Disappearance said:
I swear, we must be test subjects for some mad scientist or researcher who wants to test this theory.

As for me, I am 35 years old and have never had a woman show interest in me. I die a little each time I observe a female legitimately enjoying herself in the presence of other men (flirting with them, laughing with them, and hooking up with them), knowing that I will never know what it's like to be validated in such a way. The sounds of a female's laughter or moans feel like daggers to the heart. Everyday is torture for me, and I am certain that god enjoys bullying me relentlessly. I am legitimately going insane and cannot bear another year of this hellish existence. The only way I can restore my sanity is by removing myself from this disgusting world in which we live.

I never asked for this...

I'm 45 bro. I am just numb. I did meet some girls at your age though.
Virginity alone can not make someone go insane however loneliness can. If a virgin has a girlfriend he feels loved and that's what every incel needs to feel loved and not feeling loved is what makes people go insane. Being a virgin or not does not contribute to someone being an incel because anyone can hire a prositute.
I feel like I've already gone insane. If you don't have anyone to connect with, the suicide thoughts will creep in and all you think about is how to end your existence and what you will put into your suicide note.

I don't think virginity itself can make you go insane but you WILL go insane once you run out of copes. When your copes don't provide you with at least a little bit of happiness anymore, that's when the real torture starts.

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