Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious Stop whining. Make money. Fuck hookers.

depends how old you are. For me:

teens and twenties - Brutal. Everyone around me is going to house parties, weddings, dating, trips with friends, etc. MAJOR FOMO.

30s - gradual acceptance, focus on my needs, focus on career and saving money.

40s - calm and nice feeling, peace of mind in solitude ... take walks and hikes alone, go on drives alone, go to casino to play poker, watch porn and use sex doll, creative writing, etc
im 31 still havent be able to cope with it tbh, especially after my parents death now i have no one to talk to for real. no friends and relatives. i also have feeling co-workers know im incel and misogynistic maybe cause i shared some of my world view in the past so i dont really intereact much with them on personal level. i also have feeling of wutever i do i just feel boredom idk how to get the calm and nice feeling u having tbh
can't even make money cus im disabled
rope is all that's left
In my late 20s and I came to the same conclusion you described, thanks for sharing
I feel like it's better just spend money on your copes and heath and just jerk off. Hookers are worthless.
These are just a few thoughts I have about inceldom.

Full disclosure, I'm 46 years old. I asked a girl out once in my life when I was 19 and was brutally turned down. In my early 20s I really wanted a girlfriend and had dreams of relationship and marriage, and was intensely jealous of my peers my age who were dating and getting engaged. However, by the time I got to my late 20s I stopped trying altogether and gave up the idea for a variety of reasons.

Reason 1:

Over the years I have increasingly become more aware of female nature and how illogical, duplicitous and disingenuous all foids are. I'm also fully both "red pilled" and "black pilled" at the same time about the realities of female attraction triggers. Females are viscerally attracted to physically and socially dominant men. That is the essence of the “red pill”. In light of this, today's feminist environment, blue pilled gynocentric society, social media and online dating culture are all social pressures that have massively increased the number of male sexual outcasts in society, far more so than at any point in human history.

I am also aware that males inherently fall under a natural hierarchy that is largely genetic.

Roman Reigns, Dwayne Johnson and Jeremy Meeks were born Chads. You guys reading this were born incels. Most of the rest of the male population browsing dating apps or stuck in unhappy marriages are beta males who lie somewhere in between those two extremes. This is determined by the genetic lottery. That is the essence of the “black pill”. In today’s world this natural hierarchy is the key paradigm that determines which males receive the attraction and attention of all females. I am under no illusion about this.

In the past, social norms were designed to override the female base impulse in order ensure a healthier and more prosperous society. This was the world of our grandfathers and prior. A world of arranged marriage, strict social enforcement of gender roles, and women being raised to obey their husbands. 100 years ago someone like myself would be happily married in an arranged marriage with a solid 5 who would have been raised to be an obedient housewife. This would be true for most of you reading this forum right now.

That world is long gone. In today’s world, attempting to “ascend with a foid” (to quote a phrase most of you young ones use these days) is basically applying an out-dated strategy to a game whose rules have changed. It is foolish and delusional to even consider “dating” in the traditional sense in today’s sexual dystopia. You cannot win a game that is rigged against you.

Reason 2:

I am by nature a logical person, as I assume most on this forum are. High functioning autists with a natural aptitude for mathematics, systematic analysis and straightforward communication. All completely the opposite of the way most females communicate. Dissimulation is innate in women. Once this became clear to me I lost all interest in trying to connect with females in any way. I have zero patience for all females outside of seeing them as sex objects.

Reason 3:

I went on a trip to a Caribbean island (St. Marteen) when I was 26 where I lost my virginity to an island prostitute. This is not to brag that I am a “sex haver”. The only sexual contact I have ever had with females have been with paid hookers.

However, the fact that sex can be bought and paid for with money opened my eyes as to exactly what I want from women. I have zero interest in a “real girlfriend” in the way a Chad or a beta would define it.

You might call this a “cope”. I call it an understanding of reality, an evaluation of my position on the chess board and a maturity with age that enables me to make the best moves for my own happiness given my current station in life.

Final thoughts:

Given my age, I only became aware of the incel subculture within the last 5 years. I have no idea what my life would have been like had I been exposed to this level of “red pilling” and “black pilling” in my teens and early twenties like many of you reading this are.

However, as an older incel man here is my advice for you younger guys, take it or leave it.
  • Resentment is useless: You were fed a lie that men and women are equal and that women want to be treated “equal to men”. Most of you know this, obviously, but still hold resentment over the fact that this pernicious lie was fed to you. This resentment is useless.
    Feminism is a lie. Society lied to us. Women by their very nature are liars. Accept it and get over it.

  • Fully give up the idea of a “real girlfriend”: You are not Chad. You are not even betabuxx. You are incel. This is of no fault of your own. This is genetic lottery as explained above. That is a fact. The fact that you cannot do anything about that and your expectations of trying to be someone you’re not will eat a hole of negativity in your life that simply isn’t worth it. Accept this reality and get over it.

  • Make money and fuck hookers: Once all the points above are fully understood and imbibed, the only next logical step for men like us is Moneymaxx, Escortmaxx. ‘nuff said.
    Today my sexual outlets are the occasional escort but also a Tantaly torso doll, a fleshlight, a Doc Johnson pocket pussy and VR porn. I can enjoy all these things worry free because I have overcome my resentment over never having this blue-pilled version of so-called “real relationship”.
My final word to you young Padawans as an older incel is to fully accept and embrace every objective fact listed above, let go of resentments and expectations of something you will never get, enjoy what you can get, and with age, life gets better.

Stop whining. Make money. Fuck hookers.
Make money to fund a whores life style so she give you shitty starfish sex and then go fuck chad for free theory :feelsthink:
Does this also applies to curry too?
These are just a few thoughts I have about inceldom.

Full disclosure, I'm 46 years old. I asked a girl out once in my life when I was 19 and was brutally turned down. In my early 20s I really wanted a girlfriend and had dreams of relationship and marriage, and was intensely jealous of my peers my age who were dating and getting engaged. However, by the time I got to my late 20s I stopped trying altogether and gave up the idea for a variety of reasons.

Reason 1:

Over the years I have increasingly become more aware of female nature and how illogical, duplicitous and disingenuous all foids are. I'm also fully both "red pilled" and "black pilled" at the same time about the realities of female attraction triggers. Females are viscerally attracted to physically and socially dominant men. That is the essence of the “red pill”. In light of this, today's feminist environment, blue pilled gynocentric society, social media and online dating culture are all social pressures that have massively increased the number of male sexual outcasts in society, far more so than at any point in human history.

I am also aware that males inherently fall under a natural hierarchy that is largely genetic.

Roman Reigns, Dwayne Johnson and Jeremy Meeks were born Chads. You guys reading this were born incels. Most of the rest of the male population browsing dating apps or stuck in unhappy marriages are beta males who lie somewhere in between those two extremes. This is determined by the genetic lottery. That is the essence of the “black pill”. In today’s world this natural hierarchy is the key paradigm that determines which males receive the attraction and attention of all females. I am under no illusion about this.

In the past, social norms were designed to override the female base impulse in order ensure a healthier and more prosperous society. This was the world of our grandfathers and prior. A world of arranged marriage, strict social enforcement of gender roles, and women being raised to obey their husbands. 100 years ago someone like myself would be happily married in an arranged marriage with a solid 5 who would have been raised to be an obedient housewife. This would be true for most of you reading this forum right now.

That world is long gone. In today’s world, attempting to “ascend with a foid” (to quote a phrase most of you young ones use these days) is basically applying an out-dated strategy to a game whose rules have changed. It is foolish and delusional to even consider “dating” in the traditional sense in today’s sexual dystopia. You cannot win a game that is rigged against you.

Reason 2:

I am by nature a logical person, as I assume most on this forum are. High functioning autists with a natural aptitude for mathematics, systematic analysis and straightforward communication. All completely the opposite of the way most females communicate. Dissimulation is innate in women. Once this became clear to me I lost all interest in trying to connect with females in any way. I have zero patience for all females outside of seeing them as sex objects.

Reason 3:

I went on a trip to a Caribbean island (St. Marteen) when I was 26 where I lost my virginity to an island prostitute. This is not to brag that I am a “sex haver”. The only sexual contact I have ever had with females have been with paid hookers.

However, the fact that sex can be bought and paid for with money opened my eyes as to exactly what I want from women. I have zero interest in a “real girlfriend” in the way a Chad or a beta would define it.

You might call this a “cope”. I call it an understanding of reality, an evaluation of my position on the chess board and a maturity with age that enables me to make the best moves for my own happiness given my current station in life.

Final thoughts:

Given my age, I only became aware of the incel subculture within the last 5 years. I have no idea what my life would have been like had I been exposed to this level of “red pilling” and “black pilling” in my teens and early twenties like many of you reading this are.

However, as an older incel man here is my advice for you younger guys, take it or leave it.
  • Resentment is useless: You were fed a lie that men and women are equal and that women want to be treated “equal to men”. Most of you know this, obviously, but still hold resentment over the fact that this pernicious lie was fed to you. This resentment is useless.
    Feminism is a lie. Society lied to us. Women by their very nature are liars. Accept it and get over it.

  • Fully give up the idea of a “real girlfriend”: You are not Chad. You are not even betabuxx. You are incel. This is of no fault of your own. This is genetic lottery as explained above. That is a fact. The fact that you cannot do anything about that and your expectations of trying to be someone you’re not will eat a hole of negativity in your life that simply isn’t worth it. Accept this reality and get over it.

  • Make money and fuck hookers: Once all the points above are fully understood and imbibed, the only next logical step for men like us is Moneymaxx, Escortmaxx. ‘nuff said.
    Today my sexual outlets are the occasional escort but also a Tantaly torso doll, a fleshlight, a Doc Johnson pocket pussy and VR porn. I can enjoy all these things worry free because I have overcome my resentment over never having this blue-pilled version of so-called “real relationship”.
My final word to you young Padawans as an older incel is to fully accept and embrace every objective fact listed above, let go of resentments and expectations of something you will never get, enjoy what you can get, and with age, life gets better.

Stop whining. Make money. Fuck hookers.
ok disciple of @blkpillpress
This being pinned only fuels my suspicion mods are escortcels.
Go fuck yourself with that boomer bs, you JBW moron. Fucking foid worshipping cuck.
grAY troll account telling incels to stop whining and pay sexworkers.

Worthless shit thread.
Last edited:
I wish I could make money. Unfortunately, the only jobs available are wageslaving away with normies. Maybe I should just use my remaining funds to buy some lottery tickets and hope to get lucky, lol.
These are just a few thoughts I have about inceldom.

Full disclosure, I'm 46 years old. I asked a girl out once in my life when I was 19 and was brutally turned down. In my early 20s I really wanted a girlfriend and had dreams of relationship and marriage, and was intensely jealous of my peers my age who were dating and getting engaged. However, by the time I got to my late 20s I stopped trying altogether and gave up the idea for a variety of reasons.
This was basically me except for my recent foray w/ Z which was quite disappointing.

Reason 1:

Over the years I have increasingly become more aware of female nature and how illogical, duplicitous and disingenuous all foids are.
I won't say 'all' but my 'many' has gradually been morphing into a 'most' and I've been wondering if any of us have a reliable ability to focus on the good ones.

Reason 2:

I am by nature a logical person, as I assume most on this forum are. High functioning autists with a natural aptitude for mathematics, systematic analysis and straightforward communication. All completely the opposite of the way most females communicate. Dissimulation is innate in women. Once this became clear to me I lost all interest in trying to connect with females in any way. I have zero patience for all females outside of seeing them as sex objects.
Seems excessive to me, I've encountered some intelligent women but yeah it's unusual

Reason 3:

I went on a trip to a Caribbean island (St. Marteen) when I was 26 where I lost my virginity to an island prostitute. This is not to brag that I am a “sex haver”. The only sexual contact I have ever had with females have been with paid hookers.

However, the fact that sex can be bought and paid for with money opened my eyes as to exactly what I want from women. I have zero interest in a “real girlfriend” in the way a Chad or a beta would define it.

You might call this a “cope”. I call it an understanding of reality, an evaluation of my position on the chess board and a maturity with age that enables me to make the best moves for my own happiness given my current station in life.
Understanding the position that you can't easily get a good GF isn't the same as not wanting one.

Being unable to get it makes you want it more, so it's a cope to deny it.

  • Fully give up the idea of a “real girlfriend”: You are not Chad. You are not even betabuxx. You are incel. This is of no fault of your own. This is genetic lottery as explained above. That is a fact. The fact that you cannot do anything about that and your expectations of trying to be someone you’re not will eat a hole of negativity in your life that simply isn’t worth it. Accept this reality and get over it.
'get over it' is normy speak - actually give specifics and strategies about what you mean please

  • Make money and fuck hookers: Once all the points above are fully understood and imbibed, the only next logical step for men like us is Moneymaxx, Escortmaxx. ‘nuff said.
    Today my sexual outlets are the occasional escort but also a Tantaly torso doll, a fleshlight, a Doc Johnson pocket pussy and VR porn. I can enjoy all these things worry free because I have overcome my resentment over never having this blue-pilled version of so-called “real relationship”.
The fact you speak in absolutes like 'worry free' instead of 'less worry' makes it seem like you're coping and in denial.

Avoiding dwelling in resentment is good and I think there are ways to diminish it but we shouldn't aim for absolutes like 'it just won't be there anymore' because there's no way of proving that anyway.
40s - calm and nice feeling, peace of mind in solitude ... take walks and hikes alone, go on drives alone, go to casino to play poker, watch porn and use sex doll, creative writing, etc
If I ever make it to 40 years old I think I will do something that the letter agencies are not gonna like.
Beyond brutal I should just rope
no dont rope

its true many escorts hate curries but money is king they are whores money can win them over tbh tbh
These are just a few thoughts I have about inceldom.

Full disclosure, I'm 46 years old. I asked a girl out once in my life when I was 19 and was brutally turned down. In my early 20s I really wanted a girlfriend and had dreams of relationship and marriage, and was intensely jealous of my peers my age who were dating and getting engaged. However, by the time I got to my late 20s I stopped trying altogether and gave up the idea for a variety of reasons.

Reason 1:

Over the years I have increasingly become more aware of female nature and how illogical, duplicitous and disingenuous all foids are. I'm also fully both "red pilled" and "black pilled" at the same time about the realities of female attraction triggers. Females are viscerally attracted to physically and socially dominant men. That is the essence of the “red pill”. In light of this, today's feminist environment, blue pilled gynocentric society, social media and online dating culture are all social pressures that have massively increased the number of male sexual outcasts in society, far more so than at any point in human history.

I am also aware that males inherently fall under a natural hierarchy that is largely genetic.

Roman Reigns, Dwayne Johnson and Jeremy Meeks were born Chads. You guys reading this were born incels. Most of the rest of the male population browsing dating apps or stuck in unhappy marriages are beta males who lie somewhere in between those two extremes. This is determined by the genetic lottery. That is the essence of the “black pill”. In today’s world this natural hierarchy is the key paradigm that determines which males receive the attraction and attention of all females. I am under no illusion about this.

In the past, social norms were designed to override the female base impulse in order ensure a healthier and more prosperous society. This was the world of our grandfathers and prior. A world of arranged marriage, strict social enforcement of gender roles, and women being raised to obey their husbands. 100 years ago someone like myself would be happily married in an arranged marriage with a solid 5 who would have been raised to be an obedient housewife. This would be true for most of you reading this forum right now.

That world is long gone. In today’s world, attempting to “ascend with a foid” (to quote a phrase most of you young ones use these days) is basically applying an out-dated strategy to a game whose rules have changed. It is foolish and delusional to even consider “dating” in the traditional sense in today’s sexual dystopia. You cannot win a game that is rigged against you.

Reason 2:

I am by nature a logical person, as I assume most on this forum are. High functioning autists with a natural aptitude for mathematics, systematic analysis and straightforward communication. All completely the opposite of the way most females communicate. Dissimulation is innate in women. Once this became clear to me I lost all interest in trying to connect with females in any way. I have zero patience for all females outside of seeing them as sex objects.

Reason 3:

I went on a trip to a Caribbean island (St. Marteen) when I was 26 where I lost my virginity to an island prostitute. This is not to brag that I am a “sex haver”. The only sexual contact I have ever had with females have been with paid hookers.

However, the fact that sex can be bought and paid for with money opened my eyes as to exactly what I want from women. I have zero interest in a “real girlfriend” in the way a Chad or a beta would define it.

You might call this a “cope”. I call it an understanding of reality, an evaluation of my position on the chess board and a maturity with age that enables me to make the best moves for my own happiness given my current station in life.

Final thoughts:

Given my age, I only became aware of the incel subculture within the last 5 years. I have no idea what my life would have been like had I been exposed to this level of “red pilling” and “black pilling” in my teens and early twenties like many of you reading this are.

However, as an older incel man here is my advice for you younger guys, take it or leave it.
  • Resentment is useless: You were fed a lie that men and women are equal and that women want to be treated “equal to men”. Most of you know this, obviously, but still hold resentment over the fact that this pernicious lie was fed to you. This resentment is useless.
    Feminism is a lie. Society lied to us. Women by their very nature are liars. Accept it and get over it.

  • Fully give up the idea of a “real girlfriend”: You are not Chad. You are not even betabuxx. You are incel. This is of no fault of your own. This is genetic lottery as explained above. That is a fact. The fact that you cannot do anything about that and your expectations of trying to be someone you’re not will eat a hole of negativity in your life that simply isn’t worth it. Accept this reality and get over it.

  • Make money and fuck hookers: Once all the points above are fully understood and imbibed, the only next logical step for men like us is Moneymaxx, Escortmaxx. ‘nuff said.
    Today my sexual outlets are the occasional escort but also a Tantaly torso doll, a fleshlight, a Doc Johnson pocket pussy and VR porn. I can enjoy all these things worry free because I have overcome my resentment over never having this blue-pilled version of so-called “real relationship”.
My final word to you young Padawans as an older incel is to fully accept and embrace every objective fact listed above, let go of resentments and expectations of something you will never get, enjoy what you can get, and with age, life gets better.

Stop whining. Make money. Fuck hookers.
Most hookers are old ladies and disgusting you goddamn cuck you show me a white 18 yr old college girl looking hooker not charging 5k an hour and I’ll give you million dollars
Most hookers are old ladies and disgusting you goddamn cuck you show me a white 18 yr old college girl looking hooker not charging 5k an hour and I’ll give you million dollars
In Pattaya its easy to find 20 year old hookers or younger.
Most hookers are old ladies and disgusting you goddamn cuck you show me a white 18 yr old college girl looking hooker not charging 5k an hour and I’ll give you million dollars
All the village hoes see their friends making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ giga buxx

the thai minimum wage is some starvation shit dogshit, this girls go to shitty school cant afford shit and see their older friends getting 30x the minimum wage in 1 day, this hoes are not stupid from the very young age they are indoctrinated, and not even them lmao their own family pimps them the fuck out because they are the retirement for the family fund.

The only reason you dont see 18 year old thai whores is because the drinking age is 20. But you can find the 18 ones on apps, 20 in bars.
All the village hoes see their friends making $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ giga buxx

the thai minimum wage is some starvation shit dogshit, this girls go to shitty school cant afford shit and see their older friends getting 30x the minimum wage in 1 day, this hoes are not stupid from the very young age they are indoctrinated, and not even them lmao their own family pimps them the fuck out because they are the retirement for the family fund.

The only reason you dont see 18 year old thai whores is because the drinking age is 20. But you can find the 18 ones on apps, 20 in bars.
Asian “ girl “ disgusts me
Asian “ girl “ disgusts me
Im not even gonna say anything anymore its pointless

There should be a forum for oldcels like me with actual problems
Im not even gonna say anything anymore its pointless

There should be a forum for oldcels like me with actual problems
I used to fuck this beautiful white American born hooker in nyc but she disappeared :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee: :reeeeee:
What’s with all the oldcels giving out advice now lol
depends how old you are. For me:

teens and twenties - Brutal. Everyone around me is going to house parties, weddings, dating, trips with friends, etc. MAJOR FOMO.

30s - gradual acceptance, focus on my needs, focus on career and saving money.

40s - calm and nice feeling, peace of mind in solitude ... take walks and hikes alone, go on drives alone, go to casino to play poker, watch porn and use sex doll, creative writing, etc
50s dead
Stfu larper newfagot
That's a scary thought. And that is what drives me today to connect with the younger generation of incels (you guys). You guys are facing society pressures that my generation didn't when I was your age. But there is a way through this to the other side and as you get older life isn't as bleak as it probably seems to you guys now.

Hang in there. Don't rope. Look forward to life in your 40's. It gets better.
How do you deal with the desire to cuddle and have someone to sleep next to? Does it get less overtime?
I agree with everything you said, I've accepted my fate when I was 25, I'm 31 today and it was like taking a weight off my shoulders the depression decreased but still there a little.

You see, most guys who are against escorteceling like those ones who "didn't read" the post are youngcels which believe in love and call escortecelers copers LOL. In fact, most youngcels here are not incels as they think, they just don't know how to talk with foids, they aren't truecels like a fucking bald manlet like me.

I did moneymaxx but unfortunately I have hard flaccid so I can't even cope with a escort even if I wanted so I spend my money with doctors to try to find my problem...
Im not even gonna say anything anymore its pointless

There should be a forum for oldcels like me with actual problems
lol the forum would be dead tbh, theres very few real incel. id say u prob will ascend too after SEAmaxx, so forum cant run with real incels sadly
Title sounds like a Richard Coper quote
Late topic in knowledge and foundation levels. But if we look at the side of personal choice in continuing with your life like this, then it becomes a unique and exclusive confrontation of yours. There's no advice in that, it's just an idiot saying what he thinks he understands. It has mixed concepts that are not acceptable to each other. There's no black pill on that.

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