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Theory Arrested development pill -- my contribution to the blackpill philosophy



PTSD ADD NW4 5'8½" 4/10 sperg
Mar 21, 2022
If you lose a milestone, for instance, teenage romance/sex you'll become developmentally arrested, and then lose the following milestones one after another.

It's like that sprinter who trips and falls mid-race -- it's over for him, he's too far behind to be able to catch up. He may give up then and there, or he may go on to finish last just for the "sporting spirit", but either way it's over for him.

If you can't talk to people by your mid-20s (e.g.: due to autism or helicopter parenting) there is no way that life isn't over for you. Even if you pay for extensive training in conversation skills, you'll enter your 30s without formative experiences that are required to succeed as a 30yo man.

I'm nearing 40 now. My friends are in their second marriages now, with teenage kids to raise, businesses of their own to run, or underlings to boss, real estate, cars, investments, etc. ---- and I'm here thinking about that one time I killed a dragon in skyrim with a watermelon and telekinesis.

Even if I were to meet a foid who wasn't disgusted by my ugly face and spergy manneirisms we'd have nothing in common. She'd be either a mom, or a grandma, with adult worries of her own, and I'm stuck with the mental maturity of an 11yo boy stuck in a rotting 38yo body. I can't even approach young foids as that'd be creepy.

Other places I've written about the "arrested development pill" include:

Picked agepill, but my actual answer is the "arrested development pill", that is: it takes life experiences to make new life experiences.

If you're autistic, you can't have a normal childhood, therefore you'll be missing those experiences as you enter puberty, so you can't have normal teenage years, and it all snowballs until you're old but never learned things kids learn early. And nobody teaches an adult sperg obvious things, such as how to carry conversations with NPCs.

Arrested development also happens with sheltered kids, helicopter parents etc.

Even if you get surgery as an adult, you never regain the formative years of your infancy to develop as a confident well-liked person, you never regain the confident years of your adolescence to get early experiences such as sex, and friendship; you never get another chance to go through college befriending all the heirs and sons of businessmen who will be your connections into the business world, and so on.

I call this the "arrested development pill" : we missed so much early experiences that cannot be regained even if we were to become good-looking. These experiences mold your character, you psyche, your social circle, etc.

I call this the "arrested development pill" which can be synthesized as: "life experiences are the foundation on which to make new life experiences".

If you miss the boat, you can't really make up for the lost time later... for instance, if you never had a friend up to high school you probably won't be able to make your first friend in college because, in college, most of your colleagues will expect his friends to already have some interpersonal experience. If you don't have any, you'll be seen as "creepy".

an NT normie or good-looking guy would have had experiences forming groups of friends, having his voice heard, expressing his opinions and tastes and having people around him respect him. It is normal for an NT adolescent male to be able to organize groups of like-minded peers around activities (sports, parties, trips, etc.). Also, normies and NT guys have had formative "romantic"/sexual experiences, such as interacting with girls, talking and wooing them, touching them in appropriate and affectionate ways, and having sex.

A non-NT or ugly male would have none of those experiences. He would reach his 20s without ever having had the experience of leading a group of people towards a project, or eliciting attraction from a female, or even getting attention from an audience. The neural connections that are responsible for these social endeavours would simply fail to form because there were not enough opportunity to develop those.

And there is no way to develop in your 20s and 30s the social skills that you should have developed in your childhood or early teens. First because your neurological development has all but ceased; second because people don't give adult spergs the opportunity to try and fail in these attempts --- normie adults expect spergs to behave and perform socially like normie adults, something which spergs can't do since they hadn't had the early formative experiences. You need social experiences in order to develop newer social experiences.

I call this the "arrested development pill". You can't catch-up with time.

The arrested development pill is one of the most brutal, it's extent seems underrated here.

To get experience one needs to have prior experiences to build upon. It goes for sex, social relationships, sexual relationships, career development, etc.

If one misses the time window in which it is acceptable to be inexperienced (fresh out of college for jobs, middle school for friendships, high school for sexual relationships, etc.) it only becomes exponentially harder to make up for the lost time, one would have to grind harder and faster, but there is a point in which developmental arrest reaches escape velocity and no matter how hard one grinds the amount of required experience grows faster than the amount of experience one is capable of acquiring.

I'm 37, I'm supposed to be giving black pills and sex-ed to my adolescent children. Instead, I haven't had normal adolescent sexual experiences yet. No matter how many experiences I get, how hard I grind, by the time I have reached the capacity for a mature sexual relationship, it will be past the time i'm supposed to be welcoming my grandchildren. I can't outrun my arrested development anymore than light can escape a black hole.

Arrested development is the black hole of all black pills.

I have crossed the event horizon of developmental experiences a long time ago, now i'm just circling the singularity and witnessing the end of the universe.

The arrested development pill destroyed me.

To get adult experiences I'd need teenager experiences to build upon. But I couldn't get teenager experiences as a teen because non-NT, and now I'm too old.

I'm stuck in the mindset of a horny preteen who has no clue what to do with his dick, except I'm 37 years old now, and won't ever live a teenage romance. Foids willing to date a 37 yo guy expect him to be mature and NT, I'm neither. No foid wants to be around a balding autistic inexperienced 37 yo manchild.

"Teenage romance" is a building block for all of someone's adult sexual relationships.

If you miss this milestone, it is very hard to recover completely. You'll be developmentally arrested. Entering your first romance post-teenage years you'll be expected to "lead" the relationship, a skill you do not possess.

A foid will tolerate this deficiency only if she is really very invested in the success of the relationship, which is very rare outside of tight religious groups that still believe in and enforce lifelong marriage.

If you grew up ugly, isolated, lonely and sexless you're forever "orphaned by the teenage loves you never had" as Houellebecq wrote in "Whatever".

Without "teenage love", an incel lacks a social, sexual, psychological basis for developing relationships as a young adult.

Without young adult relationships, an incel lacks the skills for developing mature relationships all through life.

No "teenage love" means you're developmentally arrested. If you don't find a "starter relationship" in your early 20's you'll likely never get those skills, because teenage girls are unlikely to associate with a man in his late 20's and women of his age bracket are unlikely to be willing to guide an inexperienced man in his late 20's through the steps of having his first relationship, put up with his blunders, etc. Foids expect a man in this age to LEAD the relationship, even if she is the one that approaches the guy. Worse: even if the foid wanted to try, she wouldn't be capable of playing naïve and wouldn't be as forgiving and coy would as a teenager. It's not really neurologically possible to pretend you never played a game once you've played it for 10 years or more as any foid in her 20's has.

I've read here on .is a dozen stories of incels here being hit up by foids in bars, parties etc. in a clearly sexual manner, with sexual innuendo, and even direct references to sex in an explicitly interested manner, but the incel didn't have the malice and the cunning to navigate her shit-tests and steer the interaction in a way that leads to sex or relationship and lost his chance. And these incels will keep losing such chances as they present themselves to him through life, because they did not have ANY relationships so far with which to develop their witty responses and social skills.

That's why the "teenage love" pill is so brutal. It's a form of arrested development.

tl;dr: no surgery for your lost teenage days.

Best to spend this money on a single regular hooker, so she teaches you certain interpersonal skills as you both get more familiarized, or a sugar babies to be your girlfriend-for-hire so you develop these social skills.

Unless your face is clearly deformed, you would not benefit much from spending money on surgeries.

This is true, in a certain way...

Life naturally has stages. There is a time for teenage love, a time for college love, a time for young adult love, family, and a time to get old together, or to get divorced and find another foid (probably a sugar baby).

:chad: Chad starts fucking foids left and right since he's 12, and ends up impregnating several foids before he's 30.
:soy: Normies get a kiss or two in school, lose their v-card in college, "self-improve" (slave away) for years and when they're 30-something they get a chance or two to be the retirement plan of a single mom, and end up betabuxxing a used-up foid and the kids she's made with Chad. Their brain chemistry has an adaptation to dump feel-good neurotransmitters that allow them to endure this cucked predicament --- it's called "love". Eventually they get divorce-raped and lose everything they've worked for, but in the meanwhile there is a nonzero chance of breeding the foid.

:incel: Omega males, however, miss all the development milestones. They don't get their first kiss in school, so they don't get it in college either, because in college it is expected that you already know how to approach, smooth-talk and kiss. While his peers are losing their v-cards in college, the Omega male can only watch in disbelief. And when he graduates, gets a job, hobbies and frequents social environments (sports bars, etc.) he can't get any action either, because everyone there is already sexually active, so the man is expected to be able to notice the indications of interest, approach a foid and lead her to the bedroom -- a skill taught in college that you never learned.

And then the years pass... since you missed the early milestones, you can't get new experiences that have those as prerequisite.

This is the "arrested development pill". One of the blackest pills there is. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

The only way out is to find a friendly prostitute to teach you some sociosexual skills.

If you're a sperg it's pretty much over.


I've never been told any big lies.

The biggest half-lie I've been told is that foids are attracted by "nice" and "decent" men.

They actually are... when they're 30-somethings, financially bankrupt, with kids from deadbeat Chads, they start looking in churches and other hobby groups (even on the bus) for decent, nice, friendly, naïve, sexually inexperienced and emotionally-deprived men with stable incomes, to get these guys to betabuxx them and their kids, and later divorce-rape these poor men and take their house and money.

This is not the kind of "attraction" I thought they meant when they said it.
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in other words, the teen-sex as a teen pill
Talking to foids is probably one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. Seriously, it's all pure halo effect. Chad can talk about any bullshit and all the good vibes in that conversation will be based on sexual instinct. You can't talk deeply with a foid, you can't bring up great conversations by the end of the day, a foid has not developed—and does not need—abstract thinking.

Just chadfish and try to have deep convos with foids. It's like talking to a concrete wall.
Talking to foids is probably one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. Seriously, it's all pure halo effect. Chad can talk about any bullshit and all the good vibes in that conversation will be based on sexual instinct. You can't talk deeply with a foid, you can't bring up great conversations by the end of the day, a foid has not developed—and does not need—abstract thinking.

Just chadfish and try to have deep convos with foids. It's like talking to a concrete wall.
Foids do have deep conversations but they only happen behind closed doors with Chad and other foids
Being an oldcel must be brutal. I'm still in my mid-20's and already feel like a kid trapped in a decaying body. Thinking bout the future scares me
chico bioca avi lululu chupa um cu e sei que la
Foids do have deep conversations but they only happen behind closed doors with Chad and other foids
That is, you are stating that the nature of foids' abilities to have deep conversations is quantum: an overlap that is broken by observation.
@gymletethnicel I think we've talked about this exact thing: arrested development.
Pretty much, at 12-13 kids are starting to build sexual and friendship relationships which are the prologue, tutorial for the rest o the life
Over for chicobiocacels
extremely brutal
Pretty much, at 12-13 kids are starting to build sexual and friendship relationships which are the prologue, tutorial for the rest o the life
Imagine living half your life and having less relationship/romantic experiences than 12-14 y.o. kids.
The arrested development pill is brutal. There's no rite of passage for incels. Mentally I still feel like a 14 year old boy. It's only getting worse as I get older. I'm just getting left further behind. :feelsbadman:
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Being an oldcel must be brutal. I'm still in my mid-20's and already feel like a kid trapped in a decaying body. Thinking bout the future scares me
Same, I can't imagine living like this as a 30-year-old.
Imagine living half your life and having less relationship/romantic experiences than 12-14 y.o. kids.
Brutal i know, seeing my 14-20 cousins getting and changing gfs, one even got married and got a kid.
If you lose a milestone, for instance, teenage romance/sex you'll become developmentally arrested, and then lose the following milestones one after another.

It is very palpable in middle school - high school dynamics:

first kiss - first gf - making sports team - having wide circle of friends - going to prom

People who fail to reach these social milestones tend to isolate and alienate themselves.

Now I am 25 I only have 1-2 friends. There is no way I can meet a GF with whats going on now.

Nor can I convince a bunch of normies to befriend me. I am "the weird guy" unfortunately.
It is very palpable in middle school - high school dynamics:

first kiss - first gf - making sports team - having wide circle of friends - going to prom

People who fail to reach these social milestones tend to isolate and alienate themselves.

Now I am 25 I only have 1-2 friends. There is no way I can meet a GF with whats going on now.

Nor can I convince a bunch of normies to befriend me. I am "the weird guy" unfortunately.
The idea that I could change my life through working on myself, behaving differently, and making better choices

negates the fact that a lot of sociability and skills involve signals of acceptance and value from others.

I was bullied relentlessly my whole life in middle school and hs. Even got in trouble for fighting back a bunch of times!
Do you escortcel, since you're a Brazilian?
If you lose a milestone, for instance, teenage romance/sex you'll become developmentally arrested, and then lose the following milestones one after another.

It's like that sprinter who trips and falls mid-race -- it's over for him, he's too far behind to be able to catch up. He may give up then and there, or he may go on to finish last just for the "sporting spirit", but either way it's over for him.

If you can't talk to people by your mid-20s (e.g.: due to autism or helicopter parenting) there is no way that life isn't over for you. Even if you pay for extensive training in conversation skills, you'll enter your 30s without formative experiences that are required to succeed as a 30yo man.

I'm nearing 40 now. My friends are in their second marriages now, with teenage kids to raise, businesses of their own to run, or underlings to boss, real estate, cars, investments, etc. ---- and I'm here thinking about that one time I killed a dragon in skyrim with a watermelon and telekinesis.

Even if I were to meet a foid who wasn't disgusted by my ugly face and spergy manneirisms we'd have nothing in common. She'd be either a mom, or a grandma, with adult worries of her own, and I'm stuck with the mental maturity of an 11yo boy stuck in a rotting 38yo body. I can't even approach young foids as that'd be creepy.

Other places I've written about the "arrested development pill" include:

Not having a wife at your age is not a personal problem,but having no car,no house,no money it is.

You wasted your life until now.

But it's not over.You can still ascend if you man up,make money and buy a goblina wife from SEA or MENA for a few thousand dollars.

Or continue being miserable.Its your CHOice.
Do you escortcel, since you're a Brazilian?
Escortcelling is legal here.

I rarely indulge, as my libido isn't that high anymore. What I miss the most is affection, which can't be bought... at least not by a wageslave.
Not having a wife at your age is not a personal problem,but having no car,no house,no money it is.

You wasted your life until now.

But it's not over.You can still ascend if you man up,make money and buy a goblina wife from SEA or MENA for a few thousand dollars.

Or continue being miserable.Its your CHOice.
make money... isn't it what everyone is after?

My job is killing me already, I don't think I can go much further.

I'm a wageslave, but if i could make a lot of money, i sure would buy all sorts of experiences. If were rich I'd hire a surrogate from colombia.
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Being an oldcel must be brutal. I'm still in my mid-20's and already feel like a kid trapped in a decaying body. Thinking bout the future scares me
Try blowing yourself up.
The older I get, the fewer days I still have to live. That thought gives me peace.
'm nearing 40 now. My friends are in their second marriages now, with teenage kids to raise, businesses of their own to run, or underlings to boss, real estate, cars, investments, etc. ---- and I'm here thinking about that one time I killed a dragon in skyrim with a watermelon and telekinesis.
I read stuff about real telekinesis. I keep destroying old paradigms and accepting new ones. I guess it's part of never really fixating and growing up becoming rigid and enstablished
The good ol' Houellebecqpill. See signature.

I too feel that I am a kid in a man's body, sometimes. Oh well.
I know quite a lot of oldcels in my town, and every single one of them have missed the teenagepill
As an Incel you are trapped in a vicious cycle in which failure begets more failure, reaching a point where your life's trajectory has differed so much from what is normal that you feel no connection with other human beings. If you are blessed with good genetics the opposite is true, initial success brings more success, building the foundations for a happy life.
Realise that no-one you talk to will understand this except other members of this forum.
As an Incel you are trapped in a vicious cycle in which failure begets more failure, reaching a point where your life's trajectory has differed so much from what is normal that you feel no connection with other human beings. If you are blessed with good genetics the opposite is true, initial success brings more success, building the foundations for a happy life.
Realise that no-one you talk to will understand this except other members of this forum.
failure begets more failure, reaching a point where your life's trajectory has differed so much from what is normal that you feel no connection with other human beings
You gave me a new insight:

As a kid, any failure is easily corrected. It's like jumping off your feet and then you're back to the ground in 0.5s

As a teenager, some eventual failures are still correctable (in principle), It's like an aircraft taking off... eventually it will be back to earth.

An adult male that has only failures to show is like a rocketship reaching escape velocity aimed at the ends of the solar system...

There exists a point in an omega male's life when his failures have become so plentiful and these are multiplying so fast that he finds himself in a situation analogous to that of a spacecraft reaching "escape velocity", that is: the omega male begins to fail so much and so often that he has effectively moved out of soycietal orbit for good, he can no longer return anymore than the Pioneer 11 can come back to Earth.

In this situation, the Omega male is still free to try new things, for instance, joining a dance class; but he will fail so spectacularly at achieving friendships and romance there that the experience will only leave him further traumatized, causing even more disability (PTSD), setting him up for even more failures in the future (getting flashbacks, paranoia, feelings of inadequacy etc.).
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You gave me a new insight:

As a kid, any failure is easily corrected. It's like jumping off your feet and then you're back to the ground in 0.5s

As a teenager, some eventual failures are still correctable (in principle), It's like an aircraft taking off... eventually it will be back to earth.

An adult male that has only failures to show is like a rocketship reaching escape velocity aimed at the ends of the solar system...

There exists a point in an omega male's life when his failures have become so plentiful and these are multiplying so fast that he finds himself in a situation analogous to that of a spacecraft reaching "escape velocity", that is: the omega male begins to fail so much and so often that he has effectively moved out of soycietal orbit for good, he can no longer return anymore than the Pioneer 11 can come back to Earth.
This is probably the best description of agepill yet.

Even if I did find a girl or even another male friend to talk that isn't repulsed or amused by my looks, I wouldn't have anything to talk about really
It seems they had a failed first one.
I wonder if there children are actually there's now considering womans true nature is to reproduce with pretty men only.
It seems they had a failed first one.
it is natural in this soyciety that one's first marriage and first kids end in divorce.

foids have too much to gain and nothing to lose by divorce-raping the guy
it is natural in this soyciety that one's first marriage and first kids end in divorce.

foids have too much to gain and nothing to lose by divorce-raping the guy

The rest of your opening post is spot on too. I experience this every day too in my early 30s
The thing is that there is no way to unfuck yourself from all the things that you've missed. That's why I think that self improvement for the sake of getting friends and sex is bullshit. I have a job and my own place. I regularly go to the gym and take care of myself but I still stick out like sore thumb. Why? Because you can't effectively LARP as a normie. You've missed out on so much that you don't even know what's it like to be normal so how the hell are you gonna act like one. People will instantly sense that there is something off about you and there's fuck all you can do about it.
Talking to foids is probably one of the most frustrating experiences I've ever had. Seriously, it's all pure halo effect. Chad can talk about any bullshit and all the good vibes in that conversation will be based on sexual instinct. You can't talk deeply with a foid, you can't bring up great conversations by the end of the day, a foid has not developed—and does not need—abstract thinking.

Just chadfish and try to have deep convos with foids. It's like talking to a concrete wall.
i swear i had the exact same experience. You tell a joke and foids don't find it funny. Chad comes and tells the same joke and foids laugh their heads off. If you're not Chad and you try to open up to a foid, you quickly realize that she doesn't care about your ramblings. When Chad says something, she looks him intently in the eyes and hugs him.
I know quite a lot of oldcels in my town, and every single one of them have missed the teenagepill
And every one of them has autism? Life sucks
Being an oldcel must be brutal. I'm still in my mid-20's and already feel like a kid trapped in a decaying body. Thinking bout the future scares me
To 17-18 year olds you're already an oldcel.
Being an oldcel must be brutal. I'm still in my mid-20's and already feel like a kid trapped in a decaying body. Thinking bout the future scares me
I'm in my late teens and feel the same. I don't fear the future. I see a clear future for me in all areas, besides social and romantic. There will always be things that I won't be able to get: love from gf, relationship, marrige, kids, etc. No matter what succes in the workplace, no matter what I'll do, I won't have it. I'll always be a an akward virgin guy, death insade drom loonliness
I'm in my late teens and feel the same. I don't fear the future. I see a clear future for me in all areas, besides social and romantic. There will always be things that I won't be able to get: love from gf, relationship, marrige, kids, etc. No matter what succes in the workplace, no matter what I'll do, I won't have it. I'll always be a an akward virgin guy, death insade drom loonliness
forget about this cucked career stuff brocel, join no pussy no work.

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