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Yet again, I saw JBW in action yesterday

Must be hell. Dutchcels have it the worst I reckon
You're right bro. So many good looking men and women; not only do I get heightmogged by men, I also get heightmogged by a lot of women; and they aren't even wearing heels.
Fuck you all you fucking wh*tecel larpers, you know JBW theory is real but you deny that because you know with a tiny amount of effort you could get a gf as a wh*te male but instead you prefer to stay here and laugh at us real truecels.
and I saw some arab guy kissing up with a white foid right in front of my very eyes yesterday. It may not seem as much, but every time I leave the house I swear to fuck there's some arab looking guy with his tongue drooling 3 inches deep inside a white foid's mouth. I very rarely, if ever, see the counterpart
I'm white passing as fuck, where is my Asiatic or currywhore? (One I don't have to pay in cash for anyway).

Jbw is cope.
Fuck you all you fucking wh*tecel larpers, you know JBW theory is real but you deny that because you know with a tiny amount of effort you could get a gf as a wh*te male but instead you prefer to stay here and laugh at us real truecels.
High IQ. They just want white Stacies instead of settling for a noodlewhore or a currywhore.
and I saw some arab guy kissing up with a white foid right in front of my very eyes yesterday. It may not seem as much, but every time I leave the house I swear to fuck there's some arab looking guy with his tongue drooling 3 inches deep inside a white foid's mouth. I very rarely, if ever, see the counterpart
Now tell me this, are they or are they not at least above average those Arab men? You won't see a sub 6 Arab guy with an attractive white girl.
I'm white passing as fuck, where is my Asiatic or currywhore? (One I don't have to pay in cash for anyway).

Jbw is cope.
Clearly you aren't trying; there are a lot of self-hating noodlewhores and currywhores, you can easily find one if you try.
High IQ. They just want white Stacies instead of settling for a noodlewhore or a currywhore.

Now tell me this, are they or are they not at least above average those Arab men? You won't see a sub 6 Arab guy with an attractive white girl.

Clearly you aren't trying; there are a lot of self-hating noodlewhores and currywhores, you can easily find one if you try.

Cut this dishonest goobly goobly ethnicope out.

Herr "5,000 posts of 'I wich eternul suffer upon fake cells'" is not "High IQ" when he regurgitates the lowest of low effort bait. Just Be White is nothing but a diarrheal salve for people who refuse to admit they're ugly. The shitlib propaganda machine is working tirelessly to encourage White holes to miscegenate with ethneesells and everyone here just seems to be upset that it hasn't produced the implicitly promised outcome. The leadership of Western countries could not be any more ingratiating to ethnicopers, but to their eternal disappointment, desire can't be inculcated. Things are as good as they could possibly be - you're plied with the resources, support, and accolades of Western institutions and you're still upset that it can't give you the red carpet treatment reserved for the best looking 2% of the native population. Dass raciss, indeed.

Here's an informative thread. You want to know who's holding out for "White Stacies"? All of the ethneesells projecting their lusts onto their foid counterparts. You'll see some curious voters for "White". After you note them, check out the votes under "Hispanic" (interesting related point is that ethnicopers castigate "Alt-Ry raciss" who have Asian girlfriends, claiming their foids are being "stolen" by "JBW", then proceed to get mad at an imagined "volcel" who would reject this arrangement. Seems to me like tortuous head games hinting at a desire to play cuck tbh).

Cut this dishonest goobly goobly ethnicope out.

Herr "5,000 posts of 'I wich eternul suffer upon fake cells'" is not "High IQ" when he regurgitates the lowest of low effort bait. Just Be White is nothing but a diarrheal salve for people who refuse to admit they're ugly. The shitlib propaganda machine is working tirelessly to encourage White holes to miscegenate with ethneesells and everyone here just seems to be upset that it hasn't produced the implicitly promised outcome. The leadership of Western countries could not be any more ingratiating to ethnicopers, but to their eternal disappointment, desire can't be inculcated. Things are as good as they could possibly be - you're plied with the resources, support, and accolades of Western institutions and you're still upset that it can't give you the red carpet treatment reserved for the best looking 2% of the native population. Dass raciss, indeed.

Here's an informative thread. You want to know who's holding out for "White Stacies"? All of the ethneesells projecting their lusts onto their foid counterparts. You'll see some curious voters for "White". After you note them, check out the votes under "Hispanic" (interesting related point is that ethnicopers castigate "Alt-Ry raciss" who have Asian girlfriends, claiming their foids are being "stolen" by "JBW", then proceed to get mad at an imagined "volcel" who would reject this arrangement. Seems to me like tortuous head games hinting at a desire to play cuck tbh).


It's not an ethnic cope, many noodlewhores and currywhores are self-hating deathnik whores who want a white male, whether he is attractive or not does not matter. This is an established fact. If you can't get one, it means you aren't trying to look for a self-hating deathnik. It's no coincidence that ugly white males like the ones I saw at the subway station were in a relationship with an above average self-hating deathnik. If you've read any of my posts, you'd know that I do not blame my race for inceldom, and that I have blamed my 2/10 face for it over and over again. But that does not change the fact that there are a lot of self-hating deathnik whores out there who will go for any white man, just because he's white. JBW is not some silly theory we made up. I have seen it with my own eyes. There was this Moroccan bitch who was being very nice to this white, tall Chad-lite and then immediately after, she brutally ignored me. Also, since you brought up ""western resources,"" you should know that these resources were stolen from non-white countries in the first place. It's not a good argument, it's rather silly and shows ignorance about your history and savage ancestors. But that's a discussion for another day.
It's not an ethnic cope, many noodlewhores and currywhores are self-hating deathnik whores who want a white male, whether he is attractive or not does not matter. This is an established fact. If you can't get one, it means you aren't trying to look for a self-hating deathnik.

60% of the forum should "just try" to look for "self-hating" ethnic whores? How do you not see the reality-denying bluepill retardation lurking at the heart of "JBW"? You should "just work on your personality" and find a nice girl who appreciates you for who you are - this makes about as much sense and will work just as well as "Just Be White".

Ethnic holes in developed countries have been titillated and desensitized by Chad - how do you reconcile the absurd and growing demands of whores with any kind of "Just Be"? Even assuming they wanted someone White, they'd get violated and annihilated by Chad - why would they settle for an incel? Again bluepilled. Review the concept of hypergamy.

JBW is not some silly theory we made up.

Of course you didn't make it up. I wouldn't even be so nauseated by it if you did. It's the fact that you were propagandized to think that White men are "advantaged" in Current Year. You are a credulous pawn taking comfort in prefab mass narratives hoping for material recompense lying behind them. You are playing right into the hands of degenerate and malevolent forces that ultimately have neither your nor my interests in mind. You are being swung at me with a smile on your face.

For all that ethnicopers like to talk about "Alt-Right cucks", this behavior is more in line with Stormfront than any Rightist poster on here. Just as nearly-incel ugly wignats swallow tacit acceptance of feminism disguised as "the beauty of the Aryan female", you delight in being weaponized against the native populations of Europe, being told you're fighting "ebil racists". In both cases, you have people who only have part of the picture - whichever most closely aligns with the interests they've prioritized, national or sexual security - and otherwise shill for the nauseating and hegemonic ideology of modern liberalism.

There was this Moroccan bitch who was being very nice to this white, tall Chad-lite and then immediately after, she brutally ignored me ("2/10 face")

Huh, interesting. Just Be White "proved" again.

Also, since you brought up ""western resources,"" you should know that these resources were stolen from non-white countries in the first place. It's not a good argument, it's rather silly and shows ignorance about your history and savage ancestors. But that's a discussion for another day.

It's a great argument that bears even more discussion, to be h. We are talking about the present, not the past. We are not accountants making an audit of history. I am not demanding the Mongols "gibs respirationz" exceeding their current GDP for subjugating European lands.

Colonialism was a mess with the unfortunate denouement we see before us. It brought your lands under the exploitation and rule of foreign powers, leading ultimately to an uncontrolled exodus of perennially-dissatisfied beggars (even - especially - when they ascend to positions of power and influence) into Europe and America for the last several decades. Neither of us likes this outcome, but there is also the fact to consider that this exploitation was not simple pillaging - it was responsible for bringing modern infrastructure to wherever you're from. In determining whether or not this is a net benefit, you'll have to weigh things like the internet, medicine, heating, electricity, and food hygiene against the institutionalization of women's rights, environmental ruination, and Tinder.

"Muh ancestors" were Scandinavian peasants. Neither they nor even the states the governed them had anything to do with your grievances. I don't blame you for acting in your interests and taking advantage of whatever "diversity" initiatives exist in the Netherlands - it is the fault of the masochists who promulgate them. But that you ungratefully use these benefits - that you, personally, are offered - as a starting point from which to lodge even more complaints seems profoundly distasteful.
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60% of the forum should "just try" to look for "self-hating" ethnic whores? How do you not see the reality-denying bluepill retardation lurking at the heart of "JBW"? You should "just work on your personality" and find a nice girl who appreciates you for who you are - this makes about as much sense and will work just as well as "Just Be White".

Ethnic holes in developed countries have been titillated and desensitized by Chad - how do you reconcile the absurd and growing demands of whores with any kind of "Just Be"? Even assuming they wanted someone White, they'd get violated and annihilated by Chad - why would they settle for an incel? Again bluepilled. Review the concept of hypergamy.

Of course you didn't make it up. I wouldn't even be so nauseated by it if you did. It's the fact that you were propagandized to think that White men are "advantaged" in Current Year. You are a credulous pawn taking comfort in prefab mass narratives hoping for material recompense lying behind them. You are playing right into the hands of degenerate and malevolent forces that ultimately have neither your nor my interests in mind. You are being swung at me with a smile on your face.

For all that ethnicopers like to talk about "Alt-Right cucks", this behavior is more in line with Stormfront than any Rightist poster on here. Just as nearly-incel ugly wignats swallow tacit acceptance of feminism disguised as "the beauty of the Aryan female", you delight in being weaponized against the native populations of Europe, being told you're fighting "ebil racists". In both cases, you have people who only have part of the picture - whichever most closely aligns with the interests they've prioritized, national or sexual security - and otherwise shill for the nauseating and hegemonic ideology of modern liberalism.

Huh, interesting. Just Be White "proved" again.

It's a great argument that bears even more discussion, to be h. We are talking about the present, not the past. We are not accountants making an audit of history. I am not demanding the Mongols "gibs respirationz" exceeding their current GDP for subjugating European lands.

Colonialism was a mess with the unfortunate denouement we see before us. It brought your lands under the exploitation and rule of foreign powers, leading ultimately to an uncontrolled exodus of perennially-dissatisfied beggars (even - especially - when they ascend to positions of power and influence) into Europe and America for the last several decades. Neither of us likes this outcome, but there is also the fact to consider that this exploitation was not simple pillaging - it was responsible for bringing modern infrastructure to wherever you're from. In determining whether or not this is a net benefit, you'll have to weigh things like heating, electricity, paved roads, and food hygiene against the institutionalization of women's rights and Tinder.

"Muh ancestors" were Scandinavian peasants. Neither they nor the states the governed them had anything to do with your grievances. I don't blame you for acting in your interests and taking advantage of whatever "diversity" initiatives exist in the Netherlands - it is the fault of the masochists who promulgate them. But that you ungratefully use these benefits - that you, personally, are offered - as a starting point from which to lodge even more complaints seems profoundly distasteful.

You clearly have no idea how racist the system here in the Netherlands is, there are zero benefits for me here that puts me above anyone else here. In comparison to curryland, that's a different story. But I live here, and not in curryland. You also don't seem to understand that there are plenty of self-hating deathnik whores who will date any white male, as long as they are white; and refuse to date their ethnic counterpart, just because they are ethnic. There is nothing "bluepilled" about this, in fact, it is the essence of the blackpill: your looks determine your success in life. And for whites, there's more options than non-whites. Need I remind you, aside from the self-hating deathnik whores, there are also white women who exclusively date white men? I have known my fair share of these type of women. I don't resent them for it, but at least I don't deny the fact that white men are the most desirable for a lot of women; from all kinds of background. There is no "just be curry" theory because everyone knows curries are the most hated race on Earth. We are subjected to ridicule every day with these racist "send bobs and vagene" memes. Also, what is this talk about "being weaponized against the native population"? That's just an alt-right cuck meme, and you falling for it says more about you than it says about me. Sure, I have become "weaponized" by going to school, eventually having to work and pay taxes and being a 2/10 ugly male. Anyone who falls for any cucked alt-right meme is beyond retarded anyways.
You clearly have no idea how racist the system here in the Netherlands is, there are zero benefits for me here that puts me above anyone else here. In comparison to curryland, that's a different story. But I live here, and not in curryland.

How racist is the system? Is it exactly as racist as it's told you it is? Probably, right?

Bolded is a nice point too. You fare better in the Netherlands than among your own people and it's conveniently ignored.

You also don't seem to understand that there are plenty of self-hating deathnik whores who will date any white male, as long as they are white; and refuse to date their ethnic counterpart, just because they are ethnic. There is nothing "bluepilled" about this, in fact, it is the essence of the blackpill: your looks determine your success in life.

This is a gay meme. I know that there are absolutely no "self-hating deathnik whores" who will date any White man. I know it because I'm a walking ghost who has barely ever had appeal to any kind of whore and I know countless White men who look worse, are shorter, are worse off in terms of career prospects, live with their parents, are more mentally screwed, etc. - what of them?

"Goobly goobly dass fake cause I want to be." If there are so many holes to go around, go get them one. Until then, you're talking out of your ass.

And for whites, there's more options than non-whites. Need I remind you, aside from the self-hating deathnik whores, there are also white women who exclusively date white men? I have known my fair share of these type of women. I don't resent them for it, but at least I don't deny the fact that white men are the most desirable for a lot of women; from all kinds of background. There is no "just be curry" theory because everyone knows curries are the most hated race on Earth. We are subjected to ridicule every day with these racist "send bobs and vagene" memes.

Every race catches its share of mockery. The difference is that memes against Whites ("White devil oppressor", "entitled and privileged", "stiff, sexless, can't dance", "cultureless - we need more wise, strong, and beautiful immigrants to swamp out stupid, fat rednecks") are sanctioned by the dominant media institutions of their own countries.

Also, what is this talk about "being weaponized against the native population"? That's just an alt-right cuck meme, and you falling for it says more about you than it says about me. Sure, I have become "weaponized" by going to school, eventually having to work and pay taxes and being a 2/10 ugly male. Anyone who falls for any cucked alt-right meme is beyond retarded anyways.

How much of that last post did you read? Hilariously, all of your contentions stand as proof of the point. Your entry into Europe, America, Canada, etc. is celebrated and accelerated, you have inordinate support from their institutions (at least in America, Affirmative Action and diversity hires, to name only two things, are very real phenomena), you receive favorable coverage in the media (this should be obvious to you, just think of how this place is painted as "filled with White supremacists" - implicitly, wise and sensitive browpipo would never be misogynistic and are certainly not losers). All of this and yet you demand White men genuflect and admit their "privilege". All of this and society is still raciss. Gibs mo. Directionless fighting is a good way to keep people from looking up the strings that guide their movements.

I don't claim you're living like a king or anything - most of this is insincere posturing on the part of cosmopolitan elites - again, weaponized not pampered - but you will not grant the same to Whites.

"Awlt-Right cuck" = forced meme by neurotic HuffPo wine aunts and the opportunistic browpipo they memed on
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I see JBW every day.
Every hot curry whore I have seen is always with a white guy. In the west it's rare to find a 8+ currywhore with a curry. It's over
jbw only works on asians and indians
Cope. ME foids are gravitating towards kracker cumskin in hoardes where I am from. The hoejabis in my class ignores me while they never let go of whiteys.
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JBW is an ethnic cope, however there a few exceptions, being East Asian women.
Every hot curry whore I have seen is always with a white guy. In the west it's rare to find a 8+ currywhore with a curry. It's over

Every fucking one of them. They even go for low tier white normies.
60% of the forum should "just try" to look for "self-hating" ethnic whores? How do you not see the reality-denying bluepill retardation lurking at the heart of "JBW"? You should "just work on your personality" and find a nice girl who appreciates you for who you are - this makes about as much sense and will work just as well as "Just Be White".

Ethnic holes in developed countries have been titillated and desensitized by Chad - how do you reconcile the absurd and growing demands of whores with any kind of "Just Be"? Even assuming they wanted someone White, they'd get violated and annihilated by Chad - why would they settle for an incel? Again bluepilled. Review the concept of hypergamy.

Of course you didn't make it up. I wouldn't even be so nauseated by it if you did. It's the fact that you were propagandized to think that White men are "advantaged" in Current Year. You are a credulous pawn taking comfort in prefab mass narratives hoping for material recompense lying behind them. You are playing right into the hands of degenerate and malevolent forces that ultimately have neither your nor my interests in mind. You are being swung at me with a smile on your face.

For all that ethnicopers like to talk about "Alt-Right cucks", this behavior is more in line with Stormfront than any Rightist poster on here. Just as nearly-incel ugly wignats swallow tacit acceptance of feminism disguised as "the beauty of the Aryan female", you delight in being weaponized against the native populations of Europe, being told you're fighting "ebil racists". In both cases, you have people who only have part of the picture - whichever most closely aligns with the interests they've prioritized, national or sexual security - and otherwise shill for the nauseating and hegemonic ideology of modern liberalism.

Huh, interesting. Just Be White "proved" again.

It's a great argument that bears even more discussion, to be h. We are talking about the present, not the past. We are not accountants making an audit of history. I am not demanding the Mongols "gibs respirationz" exceeding their current GDP for subjugating European lands.

Colonialism was a mess with the unfortunate denouement we see before us. It brought your lands under the exploitation and rule of foreign powers, leading ultimately to an uncontrolled exodus of perennially-dissatisfied beggars (even - especially - when they ascend to positions of power and influence) into Europe and America for the last several decades. Neither of us likes this outcome, but there is also the fact to consider that this exploitation was not simple pillaging - it was responsible for bringing modern infrastructure to wherever you're from. In determining whether or not this is a net benefit, you'll have to weigh things like the internet, medicine, heating, electricity, and food hygiene against the institutionalization of women's rights, environmental ruination, and Tinder.

"Muh ancestors" were Scandinavian peasants. Neither they nor even the states the governed them had anything to do with your grievances. I don't blame you for acting in your interests and taking advantage of whatever "diversity" initiatives exist in the Netherlands - it is the fault of the masochists who promulgate them. But that you ungratefully use these benefits - that you, personally, are offered - as a starting point from which to lodge even more complaints seems profoundly distasteful.

One thing I've realized after living in the west and interacting with you people is that you whites have zero empathy for non-white males. Even so-called incel whites revert to using the same language as IncelTears when it comes to non-white incels.

Looking forward to the Islamization of Europe:yes:
Every fucking one of them. They even go for low tier white normies.
The beta cumskins go for noodlewhores. The most beta among those beta cumskins who can't manage a noodle whore go for gookwhores. The bottom of the barrel beta who can't manage either a gook whore or a noodlewhofe goes for currywhores. And guess what they get top tier currywhores.
The beta cumskins go for noodlewhores. The most beta among those beta cumskins who can't manage a noodle whore go for gookwhores. The bottom of the barrel beta who can't manage either a gook whore or a noodlewhofe goes for currywhores. And guess what they get top tier currywhores.
This hits hard man. I can tolerate seeing Chad with a curryslut but seeing a 3/10 whitecel kissing a hot currywhore makes me want to commit seppuku right then and there.
JBW theory is as retarded as the sub8 theory to be honest. Maybe it's the best race but it's like saying that between being 5'1 and 5'2 it's the best to be 5'2. Cool, you are still fucked.

So what brothers? Do you think that because you are white you can get laid instantly? If it was true I wouldn't be there, and so wouldn't a lot more probably.
Anybody that denies JBW theory is delusional. It's not even a theory anymore. Its damn near a Law
Anybody that denies JBW theory is delusional. It's not even a theory anymore. Its damn near a Law
Then fucking tell me why I'm an incel GOD DAMNIT.
LMFAO! I thank White Allah every day that I wasn't born a curry
Here in France, all YOUNG Asian and Indian foids have white boyfriends. I see such couples 5-6 times a day. While all YOUNG Asian/Indian males are alone. Truly a fucking World.

View attachment 77923
But black, arab and indian guys date all the white girls in france from what I saw.
Who is dating black girls there btw?
just be white - :feelsseriously:

how many times does this flawed logic have to come up.
But black, arab and indian guys date all the white girls in france from what I saw.


Black yed but only Tyrone with below average French girl maybe once a week. Never seen an Arab/Indian with a French woman. They must be hiding somewhere.
One thing I've realized after living in the west and interacting with you people is that you whites have zero empathy for non-white males.

What is it with goobly goo ethneesells and this rank hypocrisy? This is coming from someone who has "Just Be White" logorrhea, who chimps out at half of the forum just so he can establish a reassuring a simple cause for his problems - just so he can cope. Nine times out of ten, anyone who goes out of their way to call themselves an "ethneesell" will act like this.

Here's the difference: I've never claimed ethneesells aren't incels, while in this very post you can't avoid modifying "incel Whites" with "so-called".

There are plenty of non-Whites I like just fine here because they have the restraint, discernment and intelligence necessary to avoid credulously swallowing White privilege propaganda and baiting half of the forum with it. They are not stupid enough to blame their issues on race and they are not gay and resentful enough to want to. I have no "empathy" for people like you because you're greedy, dishonest, and gullible and would make a perfectly vicious normalnig if you were one PSL point higher and holes liked you even a little. The only thing making you a dissident in Current Year is mithogyny, otherwise you fall right in line with hegemonic shitliberalism.

Even so-called incel whites revert to using the same language as IncelTears when it comes to non-white incels.

Yeah, IncelTiers loves to use phrases like "bluepill", "hypergamy", "holes", "degenerate", "nauseating ideology of modern liberalism", "White privilege doesn't exist", "keeps people from looking up the (((strings))) that guide their movements". What a dogshit insult.

I'm sure you could have a great discussion about "White privilege" and "Eurocentric beauty standards" over at IncelTiers. Only thing is, at the end of it they'd claim whores are helpless victims whose "preferences" are shaped by the raciss media - that raciss ass Amerikkka is problematic, but you can't fault people for having preferences (NOT RATHITHM), and that you still aren't entitled to anyone's body. I have seen the dassracisspill brush past them like water off a duck's back - they've learned how to assimilate it into their consensus and it's no longer "IT kryptonite". The only effect is has is to sink this forum into fractious chimp outs where uncreative, boring, thin-skinned, selfish spammers flood the place with "JBW". It turns this place into an open diary for failed normies. It's like shooting yourself in the face so the smoke from the barrel makes your opponent cough.

Looking forward to the Islamization of Europe:yes:

Yeah me too, but it's not going to happen, chimpy. The people of Europe need religion again and would benefit from a theocracy of their own making. But Islam as an imported product from neoliberal war zones is not going to last a generation in its native form. It is going to be assimilated into the decaying, spent Faustian culture - at "best" it will be a pseudomorphosis cloaking modern conceits in the outward form of the Islamic Middle East. That Islam has been neatly coopted by LGBTQWTF and that holes have taken to calling themselves "hoejabis" should speak to this well enough. A more likely outcome is that the Middle East just gets overrun by the imperium of liberal democracy - Saudi Arabia already lets foids drive, just wait until Iran's new constitution has a provision for matching the number of a citizen's allowed votes to their Tinder matches.
Yes, being an ugly white is better than being an ugly ethnic. It's like saying that eating dogshit is still better than eating cow's diarrhea, both options are shit.

As a white I never suffered from racism or bullying, because I'm an ogrelite. But when it comes to dating, an ugly white is in the same condition of an ugly ethnic, or worse if he has lower status than him. Though this is only a "battle" between lowlife humans.

I understand this coping strategy, I red those JBW "racepill" threads based on online dating stats. Ok, we got it, a white Chad is a god, we already knew that before all this JBW copers came out, that's not a novelty.
Then fucking tell me why I'm an incel GOD DAMNIT.
You're not an incel. You just need a trip tl Thailand. For a cumskin to be incel he has to be very convincingly ugly. Every black guy whose a sub 5 is automatically incel. Every ethnic who's a sub 8 is automatically incel. And every curry is an incel doesn't matter if he mogs every single living men on earth.
You're not an incel. You just need a trip tl Thailand. For a cumskin to be incel he has to be very convincingly ugly. Every black guy whose a sub 5 is automatically incel. Every ethnic who's a sub 8 is automatically incel. And every curry is an incel doesn't matter if he mogs every single living men on earth.

t. coping curry who thinks he's an 11/10 truecel
t. coping curry who thinks he's an 11/10 truecel
Every curry is a turcel. Arranged marriage and forced pair bonding has fucked up our genetic pool.
Which is it?
"Curries are incel even if they hypothetically mogs every men" is an hyperbole. But the dire state of curries is irrefutable.
"Curries are incel even if they hypothetically mogs every men" is an hyperbole. But the dire state of curries is irrefutable.

Severe hyperbole. That whores prefer Chad to Chadpreet or that the average White looks better than the average curry gets blown out of proportion to become something like "Just Be White". There are no "justs."
Severe hyperbole. That whores prefer Chad to Chadpreet or that the average White looks better than the average curry gets blown out of proportion to become something like "Just Be White". There are no "justs."
But average white does mog average curries and rice. That's where JBW originates.
But average white does mog average curries and rice. That's where JBW originates.

Yeah, by a bit. Why people are so worked up about the relative SMVs of normalfaggots is beyond me. Whether due to appearance, status, or mind, few here are covered under discussion of the average.
You're not an incel. You just need a trip tl Thailand. For a cumskin to be incel he has to be very convincingly ugly. Every black guy whose a sub 5 is automatically incel. Every ethnic who's a sub 8 is automatically incel. And every curry is an incel doesn't matter if he mogs every single living men on earth.
Lowest IQ I have ever seen.
Lowest IQ I have ever seen.
So what's the acceptance rate of high iw cumskins in universities ?

I used to admire your kind. I used to look up to you people. Your ancestors had it all and were making most of it. Then you weaklings came and played right into the hands of kikes.
Kalergi plan in full swing and you prey upon the low hanging fruits of chink, gooks and curry. I am just a bystander. I was never meant to succeed in sexual market due to my disgusting race. But you fail despite having everything in your favor. This is what fuhrer has left me to work with. Pathetic bunch who lost their roots, who lost their woman, who lost their true gods and started worshipping a shitskin Jew and now taking away whatever scraps they can get from the sewer rat equivalent of human race. Which is curries and rice. Wouldn't have cared if I was a nig. But what can I do? Tainted may it be but the same blood of the same migratory party flows through me veins. And only hurts to see the pure ones repeat tge same mistake that we did thousands of years ago.
the pure ones


So what's the acceptance rate of high iw cumskins in universities ?

I used to admire your kind. I used to look up to you people. Your ancestors had it all and were making most of it. Then you weaklings came and played right into the hands of kikes.
Kalergi plan in full swing and you prey upon the low hanging fruits of chink, gooks and curry. I am just a bystander. I was never meant to succeed in sexual market due to my disgusting race. But you fail despite having everything in your favor. This is what fuhrer has left me to work with. Pathetic bunch who lost their roots, who lost their woman, who lost their true gods and started worshipping a shitskin Jew and now taking away whatever scraps they can get from the sewer rat equivalent of human race. Which is curries and rice. Wouldn't have cared if I was a nig. But what can I do? Tainted may it be but the same blood of the same migratory party flows through me veins. And only hurts to see the pure ones repeat tge same mistake that we did thousands of years ago.

Totally incoherent. Are you mad at whyboi for taking your holes away or for not taking them away?

Then you weaklings came and played right into the hands of kikes.
...you fail despite having everything in your favor...pathetic bunch who lost their roots

Goobly goobly goo
The only one doing this is you:

you were propagandized to think that White men are "advantaged" in Current Year. You are a credulous pawn taking comfort in prefab mass narratives hoping for material recompense lying behind them. You are playing right into the hands of degenerate and malevolent forces that ultimately have neither your nor my interests in mind. You are being swung at me with a smile on your face.

The shitlib propaganda machine is working tirelessly to encourage White holes to miscegenate with ethneesells and everyone here just seems to be upset that it hasn't produced the implicitly promised outcome. The leadership of Western countries could not be any more ingratiating to ethnicopers, but to their eternal disappointment, desire can't be inculcated. Things are as good as they could possibly be - you're plied with the resources, support, and accolades of Western institutions and you're still upset that it can't give you the red carpet treatment reserved for the best looking 2% of the native population. Dass raciss, indeed.
Totally incoherent. Are you mad at whyboi for taking your holes away or for not taking them away?
Of course I am mad at you for taking away our woman you fuckface. I don't mind to stick to my kind rather prefer it that way. But it rages the fuck outta me when I see an ugly white guy get a hot rice/currywhore. They're ruining the gene pool and ensuring inceldom of countless ethnics.

Goobly goobly goo
The only one doing this is you:
The propaganda machine only pushes niggers on your woman . Find me one example of a commercial where an Arab is depicted with a blondie; you might find some but not even close to as mamy as the black male amd white female depiction.
I doubt you'll find any curry and blondie depiction in any form of media.
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Of course I am mad at you for taking away our woman you fuckface. I don't mind to stick to my kind rather prefer it that way. But it rages the fuck outta me when I see an ugly white guy get a hot rice/currywhore. They're ruining the gene pool and ensuring inceldom of countless ethnics.

you fail despite having everything in your favor.

Everything isn't "in their favor". You're coping hard and getting mad at nothing.

No one on this forum is taking your whores and you insist they are. You have outlandish cuck fantasies and chimp out when they aren't fulfilled. "Whaddoo you mean you cannob geb ethnic whore? FUCKEGN LIAR GO GET WON RIGHT NOW!" You think it's that easy, that they're "failing" when they don't reap the spoils of the whacked out imaginary world that exists in your addled head.
Everything isn't "in their favor". You're coping hard and getting mad at nothing.

No one on this forum is taking your whores and you insist they are. You have outlandish cuck fantasies and chimp out when they aren't fulfilled. "Whaddoo you mean you cannob geb ethnic whore? FUCKEGN LIAR GO GET WON RIGHT NOW!" You think it's that easy, that they're "failing" when they don't reap the spoils of the whacked out imaginary world that exists in your addled head.
O have seen plenty of hot curry Stacies with normie to low tier borderline incels to realize JBW is a law not a theory. I am sure you fail with white woman but if you go for currywhores or ricewhores who are your looksmatch you'll easily ascend. If I go for cumskin whores who are waaayyyy below my looks level I will never ascend. I have to go for currywhores below my looks level to hopefully and luckily land some ugly sack of shit. That is the genetic privilege that you and every white passing male enjoys I don't. Even with my current looks if I was a bit taller and WHITE I would have lost my virginity by now.
O have seen plenty of hot curry Stacies with normie to low tier borderline incels to realize JBW is a law not a theory. I am sure you fail with white woman but if you go for currywhores or ricewhores who are your looksmatch you'll easily ascend. If I go for cumskin whores who are waaayyyy below my looks level I will never ascend. I have to go for currywhores below my looks level to hopefully and luckily land some ugly sack of shit. That is the genetic privilege that you and every white passing male enjoys I don't. Even with my current looks if I was a bit taller and WHITE I would have lost my virginity by now.

Root of the cope - no you wouldn't have. There are plenty of Whites here and you assume they aren't trying to get ethnic holes. Maybe a very, very few of them, but most of them aren't going to have standards that excludes a looksmatched dusky foid. Give them the credit to understand their situation better than you do.

"I've seen." Who gives a shit? IncelTiers sees plenty of "less fortunate looking dudes, my dude, who have found a partner smh."

The propaganda machine only pushes niggers on your woman . Find me one example of a commercial where an Arab is depicted with a blondie; you might find some but not even close to as mamy as the black male amd white female depiction.
I doubt you'll find any curry and blondie depiction in any form of media.

True enough I guess, but I'm not really talking about mixed couples in insurance commercials or whatever. The dominant narrative in Western media paints non-White immigrants as wise, noble souls, Whites as outmoded oppressors clinging to scraps of institutional privilege (presumably the same institutions that push this line, somehow).

Here's my main problem: you don't limit your coping to claim that being Indian, East Asian, whatever, hurts your prospects. You posit that this necessarily ensures a converse where White men have an "advantage" to the point of being universally desired no matter how fucked up their face or head. It's greedy and myopic.
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When you go down in race you can go up in looks :feelsthink:
High iq tbh
I can't stand the sight of Asian foids with white guys or any interracial couples because it's a cause of inceldom.
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60% of the forum should "just try" to look for "self-hating" ethnic whores? How do you not see the reality-denying bluepill retardation lurking at the heart of "JBW"? You should "just work on your personality" and find a nice girl who appreciates you for who you are - this makes about as much sense and will work just as well as "Just Be White".

Ethnic holes in developed countries have been titillated and desensitized by Chad - how do you reconcile the absurd and growing demands of whores with any kind of "Just Be"? Even assuming they wanted someone White, they'd get violated and annihilated by Chad - why would they settle for an incel? Again bluepilled. Review the concept of hypergamy.
OH, now you changed your argument???

I thought you didnt believe in sub8 law, weird...

JBW is a LAW son. Its evident, EVERYWHERE in Rio de Janeiro i see 4/10 white males dating 5+ mixed and black girls.

NOBODY HERE except for the other white supremacists falls into your "argumentative" detour. At this point you are trying to refute the gravity law. Its trully over for you here.

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