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Discussion Would You Move To Incelistan

Would You Move to Incelistan

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Just Replace Them Already
Jun 26, 2019

Would You Move To Incelistan

This is intended to start a discussion on what I'd imagine a real Incelistan (I call it the Liberated Male State) would look like. Included in the thread is a poll that I would like you guys to answer after reading through my idea. My version of Incelistan (a nation run by and for incels) would essentially be a male separatist state that is founded by the blackpilled incels, volcels and MGTOWs of the Western world. Overtime, this nation would include males from all over the world, with an increasing number coming from China, India, Africa and South America (areas of rapid industrialization leading to the inflation of female SMV leading to the create of incels).
For background and why I think such a place may be necessary/beneficial, please read my other thread:

Founding Principles

The founding principles of the Liberated Male State (LMS) will include:
  1. Guaranteed access to reproduction via artificial wombs or surrogates so long as the male meets the requirements created by the Breeding and Sustainability Committee. All babies born must be male.
  2. Guaranteed access to sex from prostitutes and eventually sexbots.
  3. Unlimited development of copes. A large portion of this will be accomplished by what I would term the M.H.I.C. (Male Heavy Industrial Conglomerate), a partially state owned and worker owned alliance of companies, cooperatives, syndicates, and business operating under an umbrella company.
  4. No permanent residency or citizenship for females. Many parts of Incelistan will be male only, with females only allowed in certain areas. Females will also require special visas to get in. General tourist visa and residency visas will be very difficult for them to get.
  5. The blackpill will be state sanctioned and enforced at all times. Bluepilled ideas being spread without evidence will lead to execution.
  6. Mutual cooperation amongst males for the betterment of both the civilization and humanity at large.
  7. ABSOLUTELY NO FEMALES without prior authorization. Unless a man wants them there, they don't get in.
More can be added as we develop the idea.

Initial Formation

In order to attract men to live in the LMS, we must first provide incentives. The above objectives are great, but they will not attract too many men, especially men who have established lives in the West and other nations, to move there. So we offer incentives, such as

  1. Deferred taxes in exchange for residency.
  2. Non-extradition for child support/alimony and other violations of gynocentric law (especially from the west).
  3. Legal and high quality prostitution with subsidies for those who qualify.
  4. Excellent remote work opportunities with assistance for bypassing sanctions and other rules that may prohibit employees from working for certain employers.
  5. Free land for development for individuals and groups who want to contribute to the LMS.
  6. Subsidized surrogacy and artificial womb usage for those who qualify.
  7. Socialized childcare and healthcare.
  8. Strong worker protections while maintaining an environment friendly for small and medium sized business. Heavy promotion of worker owned industries and conglomerates.
  9. No interests on loans. Usury is banned. Rent, while allowed, may only be performed by individuals (not private companies) and private property rights of landowners are respected. Companies may not buy and then sit (speculate) on undeveloped land. If a company wants to own land, it must improve the land.
  10. Privately owned weapons (with the exception of large explosives and NBC weapons) are guaranteed. In the LMS, you will be able to own a rocket launcher, as an example.

As above, we can add more incentives as we develop the concept.

The LMS itself will be located in a large country with low population density. The benefits for the country that decides to host this nation will be a state with a large amount of educated and motivated men who will develop areas that are most likely to remain undeveloped if left alone. The LMS will pay 25% of its GDP to the host nation in exchange for protection against both western sanctions and military action. The LMS will have its own military service (Male Liberation Army), which is meshed in with the nation state's regular military. Other aspects of the state will be negotiated as a contract with the host nation. The idea here is that we create this state and interfere with the host country as little as possible. Russia would be the preferred, but there are others.

The initial goal for such a project should be at least 100k men, but we may be able to start with numbers as high as 1 million depending on how the negotiations with the host state go. My personal plan is for 250k men to offer $10k USD each minimum for citizenship. This will give them a small domicile and some land rented by to them by the LMS's state development agency. The more a man puts up as starting money, the bigger his domicile and land allotment will be (capped at $50k USD). Additional capital is stored in a bank in the form of development bonds.

If the project fails (defined by contract terms), the land that is granted as part of the contract to the LMS is reintegrated into the host nation. If it succeeds and meets its metrics, it will continue its development according to goals set by the LMS's internal administration with only the negotiated GDP amount being paid to the host nation. At a certain point, males who wish to join the LMS must also reside in the LMS for a certain number of years (10 at minimum). This will be waived for those who have contributed significant amounts of money or other capital to the LMS's central development fund.

Females in the Male State

As stated above, females will not be allowed to have permanent residence in the LMS. All the females inside the LMS will be under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Female Relations and Affairs. This office will have special enforcement and police powers independent of the LMS's Bureau of Central Security. They will instead be granted visas depending on what their role is. These are
General Prostitution visas
  • Temporary visa that expires every two years. The female receives a special license for solo prostitution independent of a brothel or sponsor.
  • Cannot be renewed after 8 years of initial issue
  • Cannot be concurrently held with any other type of visa
Surrogacy visas
  • Temporary visa that expires every 4 years. Surrogacy license.
  • Cannot be renewed after 20 years of initial issue
  • Cannot engage in selling of physical sexual intercourse
  • Cannot be allowed to leave the male state during pregnancy (must remain under supervision of the surrogacy clinic)
Blood or Family Relation visas (for the mothers and sisters of male citizens)
  • Cannot engage in any commercial activities without the required visas
  • Visas granted to blood relation sisters expire in 6 months. Cannot be renewed and can only be issured once every 4 years.
  • Visas granted to mothers of citizens (doesn't not apply to gestational surrogates or egg donors) expire in 9 months and can only be issued once every 4 years.
  • Visas granted to adult daughters (of MGTOWs and such) expire in 12 months. Cannot be renewed and can only be reissued once every 4 years.
  • My personal recommendation to men want to visit family members for longer periods is to go to their home nation.
Non-Sexual Commercial Activity (Work) Visas
  • For foreign businesswomen and other foreign female support staff.
  • Length to not exceed 1 year but can be renewed for up to 20 years with approval from BFRA.
  • Requires cooperate or state sponsorship.
Tourist Visa
  • Valid for 2 months with no renewal.
  • No commercial activity allowed.
Brothel or Special Short Term Visa
  • Brothel based visas allow prostitutes to practice in a brothel or pimp setting. They are considered property of the brothel/pimp and only allowed to dwell inside a registered brothel. They are not allowed to be independent. This visa exists because many large areas of the male state consist of male only areas where females will not be allowed in public. This means that there will be certain building in these areas that house the whores and keep them out of public sight. Mostly applies to rural areas.
  • Brothel visas have the same time restrictions as the general prostitution visa
  • Special short term visas allow very short term visits for women selling sexual services or egg donros. Used for traveling foreign prostitutes and pornstars. Also used for those selling/donating their eggs to an egg bank. Expiration time is usually a month or less unless extended under special circumstances.
Just my ideas concerning females and for how long they should be allowed. My position on females is based entirely on the idea that females should only be present where and when they are needed/wanted. We should not permit females to slowly flood into the LMS using work permits. This will allow us to keep most of the heat from the rest of the gynocentric world off of us, since every female in the male state wants to be their by choice. No "sex slaves" or "muh princess is being abused. Invade now!" I also think that gynocentrism is inevitable if females are allowed to coexist with males. Males will begin to give clemency and privileges to women, similar to what happens when a woman enters an all male space. I also believe that having no females, along with guaranteed reproduction, will mean that many social problems like racism and many inter-male conflicts will be solved.

Prostitutes must abide by certain rules. They are subject to routine health inspections, subject to routine work inspections (checking license and visa paperwork), and are required to do a few hours of social service assignments per year for men who qualify for the aid through the state. Surrogates will also have restrictions, such as what they are allowed to consume while pregnant, where they are allowed to be, etc. There is no formal age of consent in the LMS, but inspections are performed to check for puberty and related developments for females under the age of 16 during the licensing process.

All of these ideas could be discussed further. I am sure there are plenty of rules that could be put on the various types of females.

Restrictions on Male Citizens

Very few restrictions, but there are some major ones that must be followed. if they aren't followed, they should be instantly expelled from the male state.
  1. No marriage or other permanent romantic relationships with women. No girlfriends, no sugar babies, etc. Romantic relationships with women are not allowed since they contradict the mission of the LMS. If you want to have romantic relationships with females, do so in another nation. Punishment is permanent expulsion.
  2. Illegal smuggling of females is punishable by death.
  3. Faggotry is banned. Go be a fag somewhere else.
  4. Trannies are banned. Go rope.
  5. No feminist or sex integrationist political ideas. They may be discussed academically but may not be spread in public. Punishable by death potentially in extreme cases
  6. Pedophilia (sexual attraction to minors before puberty) is banned. Pedos get the rope. Note that sexbots that look like female minors may be allowed. I'll let democracy handle this.
  7. NEETs will not be allowed into the LMS at first. This is to prevent a giant amount of men burdening the social safety net during the most vulnerable time. Every man must work at least 24 hours a week OR have a weekly income that keeps them above the poverty line. As the male state advances, NEETs may be allowed in under hardship status. They will be expected to contribute to society at some point however.
  8. As touched on above, at some point a residency requirement will be implemented requiring all new LMS applicants to live in the state for at least 15 years. This will force these men to have a stake in the outcome of the project.
  9. Minimum IQ of 105 required along with a psychological exam. No retards or psychotics allowed. This will prevent a large amount of issues. Those who are born in the LMS that don't meet the threshold for IQ are expelled.


This post is starting to get way too long. The general idea is that the LMS will be founded in an underpopulated or, preferably, unpopulated area of the host nation. The will mean that for the first few years, the project will largely be funded by outside capital. Ports and infrastructure will need to be built from scratch, and this will require an initial workforce of a few thousand, largely performing manual labor. Extraction of natural resources, medical and government services, and software development will be the first major industries, followed by things like manufacturing and other more advanced industries. I'm not a specialist in this, so I will keep this section brief.

I would like there to be a particular focus on worker owned industries. While I am not a Marxist, I do think that allowing international and even domestic capitalists to owning almost everything will gravely undermine the LMS and will lead to the selling out of its core principles in pursuit of profit.

Please share your opinions of my little larp/daydream. I've made a similar thread along time ago, but it seems to have gotten nuked when the site migrated.

Motherfucker I spent 20 minutes typing this post up, 10 of which was editing for readability. You will read it.:feelsree:
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  1. Pedophilia (sexual attraction to minors before puberty) is banned. Pedos get the rope.
Also, if you have genetic engineering you could simply remove our desire for sex, making prostitution unnecessary.
Also, if you have genetic engineering you could simply remove our desire for sex, making prostitution unnecessary.
Not soy. There is legit no reason to be attracted to 7 year olds except for mental illness reasons. This is especially true of men attracted to boys. Lolibots may be legal. Depends on if it is voted on.
Just give me neetbux
Lolibots may be legal.
Good compromise:feelsokman:
I don't want endless sex though, I want to merge man with machine. We could achieve as much pleasure as we want, as well as elevated cognitive abilities.
Yeah fuck it. I don’t have anything to lose
Not soy. There is legit no reason to be attracted to 7 year olds except for mental illness reasons. This is especially true of men attracted to boys. Lolibots may be legal. Depends on if it is voted on.
@Sheogorath thoughts?
Good compromise:feelsokman:
I don't want endless sex though, I want to merge man with machine. We could achieve as much pleasure as we want, as well as elevated cognitive abilities.
My major concern with minors, especially female minors, is that allowing them to have sex will almost certainly get us expelled from literally any nation. Lolibots are something I'm personally fine with, but like I said, I think attraction to lolis is due to mental illness caused by some kind of trauma or the (erroneous) belief that a loli will somehow be more loyal than a foid just 5 years older. All foids are only as loyal as the society allows them to be.

I mean, where do we cut it off? Should we let pedocels fuck babies? Puberty is fine for 99.99% of males. Lolibots will work for 90% of the 00.01%. Male on male pedophilia is definitely bad shit though, and should be ruthlessly destroyed.
There is legit no reason to be attracted to 7 year olds except for mental illness reasons.
The legitimate biological reason to be attracted to seven-year-old girls is because it motivates men to begin relationships with undefiled virgins.

This allows for proper pair-bonding and a more sustainable relationship late into life.

It would only be mentally ill if you are ONLY attracted to seven-year-olds because that would interfere with sustaining love for your wife.

You should be able to maintain your love for her in decades to come as you raise your children and grandchildren in co-operation.

I think attraction to lolis is due to mental illness caused by some kind of trauma or the (erroneous) belief that a loli will somehow be more loyal than a foid just 5 years older. All foids are only as loyal as the society allows them to be.
women are less loyal (more likely to divorce you) if they've had previous sexual partners
the older they are, the greater the likelyhood their number of sexual partners is higher

It's not so much "a twelve year old is less likely to cheat on me than a twenty year old" so much as "a twenty year old is likely to have a much higher partner count".

Number of partners aside though, if we're comparing virgin to virgin, the older woman had had more time to form unrealistic standards and high expectations compared to the younger girl. She is bitter she wasn't swept off her feet at a young age by a prince, and will take that bitterness out on whichever man is willing to give her a chance.
women are less loyal (more likely to divorce you) if they've had previous sexual partners
I understand this. A 14 old foid that is post puberty and a virgin meets these criteria as well. So why a 7 year old?
This allows for proper pair-bonding and a more sustainable relationship late into life.
Women are only as loyal as they are allowed to be. Pair bonding is true, but it won't work without some kind of reinforcement mechanism like religion. The chart you linked doesn't distinguish between religious virgins or irreligious virgins. Just be first theory is faulty imho.
It's not so much "a twelve year old is less likely to cheat on me than a twenty year old" so much as "a twenty year old is likely to have a much higher partner count".
Marriage should only be to virgins anyways.
Number of partners aside though, if we're comparing virgin to virgin, the older woman had had more time to form unrealistic standards and high expectations compared to the younger girl. She is bitter she wasn't swept off her feet at a young age by a prince, and will take that bitterness out on whichever man is willing to give her a chance.
Most of the virgins in your graph (perhaps all) didn't get married prior to puberty.

Regardless of this, this is not the proper place to discuss this. Another thread should be made tbh. But, to the topic at hand, I assume you are a "no, I want females in society" voter?
I understand this. A 14 old foid that is post puberty and a virgin meets these criteria as well. So why a 7 year old?
Think of all the eggs that have probably gone to waste at that point.
Menarche is when the body is ready to become a mother.
A girl is neglected if she does not become pregnant ASAP because this is what helps her body grow into it's properly womanly shape.

It is actually pedophilic NOT to impregnate girls ASAP because doing that prevents their bodies from properly maturing into a motherly form.
Their pelvises will not reach maximum girth and you are dooming them to painful childbirth just because you want them to have narrow hips and look like little girls into adulthood.

Pair bonding is true, but it won't work without some kind of reinforcement mechanism like religion.
I believe other enforcement mechanisms could work. Religion never really worked because of it's own sake (women are rarely honestly religious) but because of social shaming and ostracization.

One of the more major forces was I think just because of the dependence upon the man who controlled the resources.

The chart you linked doesn't distinguish between religious virgins or irreligious virgins. Just be first theory is faulty imho.
We have no means of measuring religiousness, and I don't buy into the idea that going to church means she'll be less of a slut or vice versa.

Marriage should only be to virgins anyways.
Marriage should be done with honesty. Yeah marrying a virgin is ideal, but I am open to marrying a non-virgin depending on the circumstances.

Regardless of this, this is not the proper place to discuss this. Another thread should be made tbh. But, to the topic at hand, I assume you are a "no, I want females in society" voter?
How does this work if there is "guaranteed access to sex from prostitutes" ? You import them?
no. it already sounds like a third world country:feelsohgod:
To expand on the male only areas point a bit. Large rural areas will not have the adequate ability to police female activity. So the brothels are buildings or areas (large compounds) where these women can be housed. This makes law enforcement against rogue foids easier. In the major cities, normal prostitutes will be more common, but there will still be male only areas and neighborhoods/districts. In these areas, females will need to be transported via a transport service directly to a client. In other areas, they will be allowed to roam the streets. In some areas (especially the red light districts and tourist areas) they will be allowed to be on the street fully nude minus a pouch for money and paperwork and a phone. Others, like certain shopping and business areas, will be fully mixed.

This will allow those who wish to escape foids a place to live while allowing the guys that want women around (in a somewhat limited and narrowly defined role) to live as they wish. Win win. Females engaged in non sexual work, or those on a non sexual visa, will need to still abide by the rules. Familial females maybe allowed limited access to male only areas provided they wear a niqab/burka and are escorted by the male family member to and from said family member's domicile.
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Think of all the eggs that have probably gone to waste at that point.
Most men aren't having more then ten kids. Still more than enough eggs left.
How does this work if there is "guaranteed access to sex from prostitutes" ? You import them?
Correct. This is done until sexbots/AI advance so much that they replace women.
no. it already sounds like a third world country:feelsohgod:
The good or bad kind?
I'm not reading your 50000 fag rules. I only want to live somewhere where there is freedom. Not some other fag Jew state with too many rules. I want to live in the wild west.
Women should be allowed and slavery should be legalized.
I need a Marxist rodgerist workers and incels state.
If I move to inceldia, I want to have a statue that looks like this


It represents me taking a virgin jb against her will. The kid is a metaphor for my ideas and hopes. They point towards the city center of inceldia.
make my siggy the flag
If I move to inceldia, I want to have a statue that looks like this

View attachment 743892

It represents me taking a virgin jb against her will. The kid is a metaphor for my ideas and hopes. They point towards the city center of inceldia.
Dangerously based.
make my siggy the flag
I like it. But I think the flag should be a black and white flag with the male symbol on it. Might make my own.
UN will probably place sanctions
The first president will start simping for a woman and it'd just be another Saudi Arabia.
If I move to inceldia, I want to have a statue that looks like this

View attachment 743892

It represents me taking a virgin jb against her will. The kid is a metaphor for my ideas and hopes. They point towards the city center of inceldia.

Based north Korean statue
Females should be allowed. How else are you going have wives and whores? There should be very strict patriarchal laws. Women would either be property or need to have a male ward/guardian/charge.

Even with artificial wombs being commonplace commercial technology, there is utility in keeping biofoids around.
@NoCopeNoHope I appreciate the effort you put into this, brocel, but I'm afraid that this vision of incel utopia is even less realistic than @mlcurrycel's vision of a Marxist-Rodgerist Incelistan/Inceldia.
If I move to inceldia, I want to have a statue that looks like this

View attachment 743892

It represents me taking a virgin jb against her will. The kid is a metaphor for my ideas and hopes. They point towards the city center of inceldia.
I'll try to replicate the statue in opencanny Stable Diffusion.
Amazing read! But I do have 1 disagreement democracy an ideology which te gynocentric west adores shouldn't be apart of Incelistan if anything people may voice their concerns & opinions but the ruling structure should remain largely the same unless those those better skills can have power passed onto them or delegated roles which fit their skillset
i would really love to read all of that but the problem is that i don't take the "inceldia" and "inceltisan" any serious tbh
it's just a joke and writing full essais about it seems like a lot
Where's the option "No, because this sounds like a dystopian hellhole"? Artificial wombs, expelling below-average IQ children, enforcing the blackpill via death sentence, the whole proposed treatment of women, etc. None of those things sound remotely desirable from where I'm standing.
@Swagpilled voted female xD
Who’s going to be king or supreme leader?
Will I get honorary colonel status?
  1. Faggotry is banned. Go be a fag somewhere else.
  2. Trannies are banned. Go rope.
It's ovER. NATO would definitely take up arms and invade just for muh LGBTQIA RIGHTS, especially if the LMS is a successful natio with a high GDP. LMS and Russia won't be able to withstand a full scale NATO invasion by the (((U.S.))) AND (((ALLIES)))
Russia would be the preferred, but there are others.
Russia's army is as good as a wet fart into the wind as proven by their asses getting kicked in Ukraine with weapons made in the West. A better CHOice would be some African country that's rich in either uranium or oil :feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
The first president will start simping for a woman and it'd just be another Saudi Arabia.
Then there should be a council that decides on impeachment and punishment for the former president.
Females should be allowed. How else are you going have wives and whores? There should be very strict patriarchal laws. Women would either be property or need to have a male ward/guardian/charge.
Because this would trigger the soys and foids who are in control of most Western countries. NATO? THE UN? You really think they're not gonna start an UN resolution to justify an invasion of the LMS due to muh women's rights abuse JFL. NAH FUCK THAT, LET THE FOIDS COME IN WITH VISAS AND THEN GTFO.

How would we get our hands on WMDs?
Enrichment of uranium goyim :feelsLSD: :feelsLSD:. That's why it's better if the LMS is in some African country rich in those resources. We can just pay the niggers to hand it to us and let us use it.

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