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Discussion Would You Move To Incelistan

Would You Move to Incelistan

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We would need some physicscels
I'm sure there's plenty of curries/ricecels here who are knowledgeable enough. If not, we'll get enough high IQ males from China/India that would emigrate into our state instead of LDAR'ing that it wouldn't be an issue, which brings the issue of an official language. Should it be English? Hindi? Mandarin? or what?

Amazing read! But I do have 1 disagreement democracy an ideology which te gynocentric west adores shouldn't be apart of Incelistan if anything people may voice their concerns & opinions but the ruling structure should remain largely the same unless those those better skills can have power passed onto them or delegated roles which fit their skillset
We should be a Republic, not a “democracy”.
Females should be allowed. How else are you going have wives and whores? There should be very strict patriarchal laws. Women would either be property or need to have a male ward/guardian/charge.

Even with artificial wombs being commonplace commercial technology, there is utility in keeping biofoids around.
this is what you don’t get, by making women “citizens” of your country (even though they’re property they will still revolt and attempt to rebel against the system, just like how women and African Americans have done in the US) they are present in the nation and WILL be a liability to us later down the line once we become a financially stable nation.

The future male citizens will erode our imposed Male Blackpill values (like how many Modern Americans have disregard the constitution and also destroyed the core values of the nation to create the Federal Central Dictatorship we know today) we should make sure that this society is tailored to Men, by Men… ONLY!
Where's the option "No, because this sounds like a dystopian hellhole"? Artificial wombs, expelling below-average IQ children, enforcing the blackpill via death sentence, the whole proposed treatment of women, etc. None of those things sound remotely desirable from where I'm standing.
>artificial wombs
A response to the hoeflation of value of female biological womb. If you have a better idea than please care to explain how you will revert a hundred + years of feminism and un-brainwash a population of millions if not hundreds of millions of people?

>expelling below average IQ children
I’m sure you enjoy sending your tax money to Shaniqua and her tribe of 6 Tyrone Jrs on the Westside Block where the crime rate is so high it compares to a African or South American shithole. If we are seceding from the Matriarchy for holding us back shouldn't we do so for dimwits as well?

>enforcing the blackpill via death sentence
I will concede this is a bit autistic because if we live in a male dominated society with true Freedom of Speech than the truth will speak for itself. There is no need for excessive punishment like this.

>proposed treatment of women
Treatment of women in your society is a slippery slope. Once your society liberated them even a little, they begin to take more and more and more and before you know it you end up with modern Western Feminism. Their cancer cannot reach our society if they cannot creep into our political scene. They must be kept out.
>artificial wombs
A response to the hoeflation of value of female biological womb. If you have a better idea than please care to explain how you will revert a hundred + years of feminism and un-brainwash a population of millions if not hundreds of millions of people?
I'm not convinced man can make an artificial womb that rivals nature's prowess. I'm not a fan of IVF or even surrogacy either. If you can't do it au naturel, then you should just take the L in my humble opinion. As for your question, in my deepest of hearts I'm a proponent of speciocide, which does technically accomplish what you asked. On a more realistic note (not that OP's proposal was anywhere near realistic) I would force people to pair up monogamously (they'd get to choose with whom) before a certain age and outlaw promiscuity. That should do away with hoeflation, no?

By the bye, here's one reason why I'm not fond of artificial conception. Breast milk is tailored to the baby -- i.e., every mother lactates a slightly different formula suited to the needs of her baby. The female body just knows. Our bumbling wetwares haven't the slightest inkling of how to mimic nature in that regard.
>expelling below average IQ children
I’m sure you enjoy sending your tax money to Shaniqua and her tribe of 6 Tyrone Jrs on the Westside Block where the crime rate is so high it compares to a African or South American shithole. If we are seceding from the Matriarchy for holding us back shouldn't we do so for dimwits as well?
B-b-but muh queans queens are downtrodden and must be supported:soy: Jokes aside, in addition to the obvious moral argument, I see myriad practical problems with this. First, whither would you send those children? You can hardly force them onto neighboring countries if they don't want them, so then what? Kill them? Then it's even more morally dubious. Secondly, who is going to work the menial jobs like picking up the garbage? Good luck convincing double-domes to work the soul-destroying jobs that are oh so vital. Thirdly, when IQ becomes this crucial, you're inevitably going to get disputes regarding how exactly IQ should be measured.
>proposed treatment of women
Treatment of women in your society is a slippery slope. Once your society liberated them even a little, they begin to take more and more and more and before you know it you end up with modern Western Feminism. Their cancer cannot reach our society if they cannot creep into our political scene. They must be kept out.
Give an inch and they'll take a mile applies so much more broadly. If you were to try and eradicate every negative consequence of this phenomenon there'd be nothing left. Give a man power and he'll use that power to seize more. Power corrupts after all. Does that mean no one should be allowed any power? Oh wait, that's impossible. In a similar vein, women are necessary in my view. I delineated one of the reasons therefor above.

Besides, I've never been a fan of "my wife shouldn't be allowed to leave the basement" type of draconian propositions. I cannot view women as property and as such I cannot condone them being treated as such.
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Bluepilled ideas being spread without evidence will lead to execution
This sounds like it will cause a Stalinist purges type situation, and discourage many people from coming. Execution is way too harsh here
Minimum IQ of 105 required along with a psychological exam. No retards or psychotics allowed. This will prevent a large amount of issues. Those who are born in the LMS that don't meet the threshold for IQ are expelled.
I disagree with this. IQ is pseudoscience

Otherwise good post. 乙
Revisiting this thread to read what you guys wrote. Mostly interesting responses.
I'm not convinced man can make an artificial womb that rivals nature's prowess.
This is because you lack the foresight to visualize how technology will develop. Human childbirth is currently very expensive. One of the last things that can be considered "natural" even. But similar to how men thought they would never fly or talk around the world, a plane ticket costs $300 and a cell phone is $15. You need to understand that artificial wombs, like planes/flying machines and global communication, are simply a combination of math and funding. There is nothing unique about the birth process. Give a development/research grant of $100 billion and watch how these problems get solved. A society that priorities that technology will eventually develop it.
f you can't do it au naturel, then you should just take the L in my humble opinion.
Literal simp thinking. The kind of thinking that would have humanity living in trees because "tool" making and use wasn't "natural" (until it happened).
On a more realistic note (not that OP's proposal was anywhere near realistic) I would force people to pair up monogamously (they'd get to choose with whom) before a certain age and outlaw promiscuity. That should do away with hoeflation, no?
Its less realistic because enforcing monogamy (which is unnatural and a byproduct of the agricultural revolution) is like trying to build a house made out of ice in a tropical rainforest. It doesn't matter what rules you put in place, the civilization will fall to gynocentric related destruction anyways. Your idea has been tried 100+ times and has/is failing everything. What is the definition of insanity?

And no, it wouldn't fix hoeflation. You would get a temporary period of monogamy followed by decadence (as has happened each time the idea has been tried). Females are far smarter than you think and innately understand that male control mechanisms rely on either force (which degrades overtime as the society becomes more prosperous) or a certain group of males retaining power and not being conquered/killed. Females have lived through millions of these cycles, and they intrinsically understand that male concepts like honor, loyalty or even civilization have no real basis in a world where males will kill each other for breeding access.

If we want these ideals to have a greater sense of permanence (2500 years versus 250, which is the average age of human civilization), we need to eliminate mate competition and guarantee the vast majority of males breeding access. This will only be accomplished over the long term by artificial wombs.

ill them? Then it's even more morally dubious.
Its only morally dubious because people say its morally dubious today. Eugenics was once a widely held belief, and only became le bad idea because of the Nazis. Besides, women practice their version of eugenics daily and, curiously enough, so do the elites that own the world. In short, the real reason why eugenics and similar things like genetic engineering are frowned upon is because it creates competition for the rich and powerful.

Secondly, who is going to work the menial jobs like picking up the garbage?
Plenty of intelligent people would do this provided it paid enough and had a social status boost. Some people just want to work a few hours a week and then game/waste time. Not every high IQ individual is going to be a workaholic chasing money or fame. Besides, sanitation is a more important job than medical care or police work. Without sanitation and utilities workers, modern society would not function at all. In fact, in order for a society to be considered "modern" , it must have sanitation/utility workers. They deserve recognition and a social standing for what they do, similar to nurses and doctors. And, in addition to all of this, if a job is menial and repetitive enough, a robot will perform it. There is no need to have a slave class in 2023. They will only cause problems later on as automation and tech advances.

Oh wait, that's impossible. In a similar vein, women are necessary in my view. I delineated one of the reasons therefor above.
This argument is retarded. Might as well argue that we should keep slavery around and never invent mechanized agricultural equipment.
Freedom of Speech than the truth will speak for itself.
Brocel, look around you. The society we live in is controlled by either insane but competent villainous elites or absolute retards costing on their parents coattails. How has Freedom of Speech stopped any of this? How many people refuse to believe this despite the evidence being so overwhelming? Shit, how many people actually believe the blackpill, despite it being obvious?

The problem here is that there is too much information for the average person to parse through. You are being flooding with billions of junk and useless information daily. How can a human with a set amount of time and energy get up in the morning and wade through so much trash? We did it largely because we were forced to, but it took us at least a decade to come to the blackpill. The average normie simply won't have the time to do this. My stance on the bluepill is simply due to it being a lie. Imagine if millions of people told you the sky was red? This is what the bluepill fundamentally is. Most people are lemmings and need to be told what to think, citizens of the LMS are no different. This is why elites put a lot of effort into media and academia control. Maybe once a certain critical mass of intelligent people is met can these restrictions be relaxed, but we don't even know when that point will be since its never been done before.
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How would we get our hands on WMDs?
Because this would trigger the soys and foids who are in control of most Western countries. NATO? THE UN? You really think they're not gonna start an UN resolution to justify an invasion of the LMS due to muh women's rights abuse JFL. NAH FUCK THAT, LET THE FOIDS COME IN WITH VISAS AND THEN GTFO.

WMDs (if we decide to do this outside of Russia) would probably be biological in nature. Some form of genetically modified smallpox that is vaccine resistant and very virulent. Nukes are overrated on a cost to fear factor scale. The real reason the US/NATO has not invaded North Korea or Iran, despite the latter not having nukes, is because such a war would cost so many bodies that it is not economical. Each US soldier killed is like $250k being burned.

Still Russia is superior to Africa/SA simply because there is so much empty space. You could fit a European sized nation in the Far East and still have room for a few more.
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Russia's army is as good as a wet fart into the wind as proven by their asses getting kicked in Ukraine with weapons made in the West. A better CHOice would be some African country that's rich in either uranium or oil :feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
The just won bACKmut with a penal battalion armed with shovels and led by a former fast restaurant shift manager (according to NAFO retards). Russia's military is good enough that the US won't invade or directly fight it.
@NoCopeNoHope I appreciate the effort you put into this, brocel, but I'm afraid that this vision of incel utopia is even less realistic than @mlcurrycel's vision of a Marxist-Rodgerist Incelistan/Inceldia.
His idea relies on forming an incel army and taking land and women. Mine is just men recreating a better and nonreligious Mt. Athos with sexbots and hookers.
His idea relies on forming an incel army and taking land and women. Mine is just men recreating a better and nonreligious Mt. Athos with sexbots and hookers.
Then you have my full support.
Still Russia is superior to Africa/SA simply because there is so much empty space. You could fit a European sized nation in the Far East and still have room for a few more.
Good point, but I disagree. Russia is a big country yes, but it's frigid and cold as hell. In Yakutsk right now, it's like 41 degrees Celsius in the middle of Summer. I don't think the Russian government would sell us land near the Western border with Europe, they'll most likely want to sell us land in Siberia, while there is a lot of space, it is not conducive for building large scale metropolitan areas due to lack of mineral resources and gems. Therefore, Africa would be a better choice:

1) Plentiful resources in the countries in the Ivory Coast.
2) Population that can be easily tricked into selling us those resources/land.
3) Good all-year round weather, warm and sunny, suitable for growing tropical crops such as mangoes, sugarcane, etc. which we can processed and can be a source of income for the LMS.

There's a reason why the Chinese are investing so heavily into Africa.
Russia's military is good enough that the US won't invade or directly fight it.
The U.S. never fights their wars alone, it's usually as part of a NATO coalition. So not only would Russia have to deal with the U.S. Armed Forces, they'll have to deal with the UK, France, Germany, and their Armed Forces as well. Short of a nuclear exchange where no one wins, I don't think Russia can withstand a conventional war against NATO.

We could save ourselves a lot of trouble and do like the Chinese and go to Africa instead.
A nation filled with nothing but sexually frustrated men? Sounds like it would turn into a cesspit of faggottry real quick, even if it is officially banned
Good point, but I disagree. Russia is a big country yes, but it's frigid and cold as hell. In Yakutsk right now, it's like 41 degrees Celsius in the middle of Summer. I don't think the Russian government would sell us land near the Western border with Europe, they'll most likely want to sell us land in Siberia, while there is a lot of space, it is not conducive for building large scale metropolitan areas due to lack of mineral resources and gems. Therefore, Africa would be a better choice:

1) Plentiful resources in the countries in the Ivory Coast.
2) Population that can be easily tricked into selling us those resources/land.
3) Good all-year round weather, warm and sunny, suitable for growing tropical crops such as mangoes, sugarcane, etc. which we can processed and can be a source of income for the LMS.

There's a reason why the Chinese are investing so heavily into Africa.
I disagree with Africa since their governments are all owned by either China or the US. Neither of which will be fine with a bunch of wild card males setting up shop on prime real estate. And trust me, look at the real estate prices in Nambia or even some tropical nations like Benin. They know what they have. You can't trick them lol.

If I were to choose a place to found Pygmalion (my name for the capitol city of the LMS), it would be east of Magadan, far and isolated from the rest of the world. Out of sight, out of mind. The Taygonos Peninsula is perfect since it is very sparsely populated along with the surrounding areas. The sea keeps the continental factor of the climate to a minimum. Essentially, Evensk/Taygonos don't get any colder than Chicago. The only problem is the average high in summer is a balmy 11 degrees Celsius. Agriculture will be difficult, but I think a combination of green houses and sea farming (seaweed and other crops), it will be sustainable. Power will be proved via a combination of wind, nuclear and natural gas. Natural gas and wind will be the first followed by more permanent LTSR and conventional fission plants.

The few thousand native Koryak peoples could be preserved or bought out depending on what agreement is made. Their numbers have dwindled dramatically over the last few years since their females flee to the major cities as soon as they can, leaving a bunch of males behind.

As an added bonus, Penzhina Bay has great potential for cheap and renewable tidal power generation due to the dramatic differences in high and low tides (the greatest of any bay on the Pacific Ocean). The Severo-Evensk region to the north would provide a large source of untapped minerals and the Gizhiga and Penzhina Rivers would provide a constant source of salmon which, along with reindeer meat, would form the major protein components of our food chain.

That entire region of Russia has more minerals then we will ever need, and whenever we need more space, we just ask Russia for more. Its not like they (or anyone else) will use the land.
Agriculture will be difficult, but I think a combination of green houses and sea farming (seaweed and other crops), it will be sustainable. Power will be proved via a combination of wind, nuclear and natural gas. Natural gas and wind will be the first followed by more permanent LTSR and conventional fission plants.
Greenhouses and thermonuclear plants take time and resources to build. In the meanwhile, how are you going to supply enough energy to provide electricity to the starting buildings aka a warehouse to stock supplies such as wood, rock, cement, etc, a general store, etc.?
The Severo-Evensk region to the north would provide a large source of untapped minerals and the Gizhiga and Penzhina Rivers would provide a constant source of salmon which, along with reindeer meat, would form the major protein components of our food chain.
Again, this is all good, but eventually, dudes in here would get tired of living on reindeer meat/salmon. As the LMS becomes more wealthy, the male population would start demanding other cuts of meat such as beef, chicken, pheasant (fancy shit, really expensive), etc. It's not sustainable for the small LMS economy to import all of this products, we are gonna have to have some sort of agricultural business dedicated to raising livestock. The only problem with the Taygonos Peninsula is the harsh cold climate. It's currently 39 degrees Fahrenheit in the middle of summer, the sheer amount of energy needed to constantly heat every building would prove to overwhelmed the measly power grid that we'll have before thinking about building any thermonuclear plants, etc. Finally, a greenhouse needs some sort of sunlight, and the taygonos peninsula seems to be lacking a lot of that, so some sort of lighting for plants to grow would be needed, which circles back to needing a strong power grid before doing anything else.

TL;DR Eastern Siberia proves to be a challenging location for an LMS.
I disagree with Africa since their governments are all owned by either China or the US. Neither of which will be fine with a bunch of wild card males setting up shop on prime real estate. And trust me, look at the real estate prices in Nambia or even some tropical nations like Benin. They know what they have. You can't trick them lol.
Lmao, there are a shit ton of African countries, Namibia isn't the only one. Here's a photo of one of the "supposed" cities they're building in Equatorial Guinea right now:


Equatorial Guinea is not a landlocked country, and while small, I don't think the Chinese/Americans are going to be interested in messing with it. Besides, once the LMS gets a colony established and its economy starts gaining traction, possibly to become the #1 economy in Africa JFL, all of the African countries would probably want to start trading with us, making the LMS wealthy in the process and attracting outside investors. By being wealthy, we can either a) buy influence and protection from either the Chinese or Americans (highly doubt it JFL, they'll hate our fucking guts) or b) Buy equipment licenses from Russia to build their S-400 anti air systems, T90A tanks, Su-35 fighter jets, you name it. Any funny business by the Chinese/Americans would prove futile.
As the LMS becomes more wealthy, the male population would start demanding other cuts of meat such as beef, chicken, pheasant (fancy shit, really expensive), etc.
The native Koryaks have a perfectly fine diet lol. Reindeer tastes a lot like most other forms of red meat. Closest would be venison or bison. But I see your point. Yes, eventually we will start importing other shit. But if you are moving to such a place, you are perfectly fine eating sea lion, salmon, tuna, and reindeer with a side of greenhouse grown potatoes. Part of the sacrifice of getting away from gynocentric society.
The only problem with the Taygonos Peninsula is the harsh cold climate. It's currently 39 degrees Fahrenheit in the middle of summer, the sheer amount of energy needed to constantly heat every building would prove to overwhelmed the measly power grid that we'll have before thinking about building any thermonuclear plants, etc.
Indeed. We will need to take maximum advantage of sunlight in order to provide heat. The area is extremely windy, so wind power (provided we can deice the windmills) will be fine. Natural gas is abundantly available, it just needs to be extracted. Essentially, this would be covered in the first/pioneer phase. Basic shit like oil and power infrastructure will be built first, then local industry developed. The majority of the funding during this phase will come from men outside of the LMS. It will be like a charity fund that you pay into.
Finally, a greenhouse needs some sort of sunlight, and the taygonos peninsula seems to be lacking a lot of that, so some sort of lighting for plants to grow would be needed, which circles back to needing a strong power grid before doing anything else.
Depends on the plants grown. Fruit bearers beyond native berries are not likely, but root crops like potatoes, onions and carrots will do fine. If it can be grown in Scandinavia, it can be grown there. And the area has lots of clear days during the winter. Rainy season is in the summer. And as climate continues to get warmer, the area will start to have some agriculture.

So yes it is a challenge. But its easier to get ~7k native Koryaks to sell you land along with the Russian government then to try and beat China/US in Africa or South America.
Lmao, there are a shit ton of African countries, Namibia isn't the only one. Here's a photo of one of the "supposed" cities they're building in Equatorial Guinea right now:


Equatorial Guinea is not a landlocked country, and while small, I don't think the Chinese/Americans are going to be interested in messing with it. Besides, once the LMS gets a colony established and its economy starts gaining traction, possibly to become the #1 economy in Africa JFL, all of the African countries would probably want to start trading with us, making the LMS wealthy in the process and attracting outside investors. By being wealthy, we can either a) buy influence and protection from either the Chinese or Americans (highly doubt it JFL, they'll hate our fucking guts) or b) Buy equipment licenses from Russia to build their S-400 anti air systems, T90A tanks, Su-35 fighter jets, you name it. Any funny business by the Chinese/Americans would prove futile.
I need you to watch this documentary. It is called "Empire of Dust" and it details the Chinese experience in post colonial Africa.
Trailer and basic gist

Full movie

There are too many hurdles and problems in Africa. I'd rather suffer in a gulag than deal with Chinese/US puppets or, even worse, local Africans.
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I agree bro, but earlier in one of your posts, you were talking about how escorts/prostitutes would have to be imported. I know we shouldn't care about foids or what they think, but I don't know if the LMS would be an appealing touristic destination for the world top escorts/SBs to come and satisfy the male population LOL. Moreover, as the LMS becomes affluent and wealthy, some people would start buying megayachts and luxury jets/Bugattis, etc. The last place I would imagine seeing expensive shit like this is in some frozen wasteland in Eastern Russia JFL, instead of tropical islands, Monaco, etc but I guess, it's like you said:
Part of the sacrifice of getting away from gynocentric society.
But its easier to get ~7k native Koryaks to sell you land along with the Russian government then to try and beat China/US in Africa or South America.
We aren't going to be exactly dealing with the "Koryaks" or whatever they're called. We're going to be dealing with the Russian government, and last time I checked, Russia's government is strongly pro-vagina and gynocentric af. I don't think they'll take too kindly to having a predominantly wealthy nation composed of males. Besides, Eastern Russia or the Taygonos Peninsula lacks the necessary infrastructure/roads to make the initial setup phase not only perilous, but expensive. Just take a look at the terrain:

Screen Shot 2023 05 20 at 100517 PM

A better idea would be to offer the Russian government a deal to buy land west of the Peninsula:
Screen Shot 2023 05 20 at 100815 PM
Screen Shot 2023 05 20 at 101017 PM

At least there are roads here JFL.
Fruit bearers beyond native berries are not likely,
It's ovER. We're gonna have to either import shit like bananas, apples, and other shit from some shithole 3rd world country at steep prices or invest into greenhouse in a large scale. Like you said though JFL:

"Part of the sacrifice of getting away from gynocentric society."
I need you to watch this documentary. It is called "Empire of Dust" and it details the Chinese experience in post colonial Africa.
Trailer and basic gist

Full movie

There are too many hurdles and problems in Africa. I'd rather suffer in a gulag than deal with Chinese/US puppets or, even worse, local Africans.

The Chinese are there to just make money, we are going there to live away from Western society and live peacefully. I think we're gonna get along fine or at least, tolerate each other. Moreover, logistically speaking, as of right now, the Chinese lack the ability to project their power overseas and last time I checked, China is quite a bit away from Africa, yet is closer to Russia and the Taygonos Peninsula, same as Alaska. If SHTF, we'll find ourselves dealing with U.S./Chinese troops at our doorsteps, and Russia can only do so much to defend us JFL. While Eastern Siberia is treacherous terrain and easy to defend and conduct guerilla warfare, the U.S. Army would fill the forests very quickly with Rangers and SEALs to prevent the former from happening. Same as the Chinese.

TL;DR Rather deal with China's bullshit in Africa rather than the Taygonos Peninsula. They lacked the ability to mobilize their entire army and move it to another continent JFL.
I agree bro, but earlier in one of your posts, you were talking about how escorts/prostitutes would have to be imported. I know we shouldn't care about foids or what they think, but I don't know if the LMS would be an appealing touristic destination for the world top escorts/SBs to come and satisfy the male population LOL. Moreover, as the LMS becomes affluent and wealthy, some people would start buying megayachts and luxury jets/Bugattis, etc. The last place I would imagine seeing expensive shit like this is in some frozen wasteland in Eastern Russia JFL, instead of tropical islands, Monaco, etc but I guess, it's like you said:

We aren't going to be exactly dealing with the "Koryaks" or whatever they're called. We're going to be dealing with the Russian government, and last time I checked, Russia's government is strongly pro-vagina and gynocentric af. I don't think they'll take too kindly to having a predominantly wealthy nation composed of males. Besides, Eastern Russia or the Taygonos Peninsula lacks the necessary infrastructure/roads to make the initial setup phase not only perilous, but expensive. Just take a look at the terrain:

View attachment 755447

A better idea would be to offer the Russian government a deal to buy land west of the Peninsula:
View attachment 755448View attachment 755449

At least there are roads here JFL.
I know that Far Eastern Russia is difficult, but out there we are essentially alone, which cannot be said of anywhere that isn't an isolated island in the Pacific or Antarctica. We are closer to Chicago than Moscow. The building up phase will take awhile, but we have no competition for the region. We sign a deal with the Russians, and we have workers arriving in Magadan to start building the road north. They are already building a road to Anadyr in Chukotka from one of the towns on the Road of Bones. Don't know what the progress is, but the Russian government is actively trying to entice people to move to these regions. The distance from the capitol combined with a Russian willingness to develop the area means that we will get plenty of autonomy in how we govern ourselves. The Koryaks and other natives are important because they will be the ones we learn from in regard to survival in the area.

The lack of roads doesn't really mean anything because the only major road in the area is P-504. Most material transport to Magadan is via ship. Road construction will start from the incomplete Anadyr highway and then proceed southeast toward Evensk and then to the peninsula itself. On the site of the main settlement, supplies are brought in by barge/ship. The first thing to be built is an airport capable of servicing non wide body airliners and cargo aircraft. These will bring supplies in from PK, Vladivostok and Magadan.

As far as our relationship with Russia itself, they will not give a shit. We are so far away that we might as well be in the middle of the ocean. If Putin and his clique want something, they will make it happen. A bunch of men developing your empty and barren arctic tundra in exchange for being left alone? Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Women will not care because we aren't displacing anybody. and the few that do will be seen as retarded screaming babies. As far as tourism, Kamchatka is a pretty cool place. Land of fire and ice. But yes, I don't imagine too many tourists at first. But this can be a good thing, since a lack of eyes means a lack of problems. Dubai was at one point a dusty shithole port. One resource changed everything.

And yes, when we inevitably become wealthy thanks to our industriousness and the mineral wealth of that part of the world, women will start hating. But that is the same everywhere we go. The best we can hope for is a quiet and peaceful existence early on.

It's ovER. We're gonna have to either import shit like bananas, apples, and other shit from some shithole 3rd world country at steep prices or invest into greenhouse in a large scale. Like you said though JFL:
I'd rather not have bananas than coexist with liberated women. Have some salmon caviar instead.
U.S./Chinese troops at our doorsteps,
There won't be troops involved either way. China will always side with Russia anyways, and the US presence in Alaska is essentially a nuclear response team.
I'd rather not have bananas than coexist with liberated women. Have some salmon caviar instead.
Fair point.
China will always side with Russia anyways, and the US presence in Alaska is essentially a nuclear response team.
Meh. China and Russia's relationship is complicated, I don't think they'll form an alliance to protect the LMS from a NATO-backed coalition invasion lead by the U.S. And yes, Alaska may only have a nuclear response team, but you're underestimating the ability the U.S. Army has in mobilizing its troops lol. They could be knocking down and bombing the shit out of the Taygonos Peninsula within hours, and I don't fully trust Putin to uphold his word in protecting us. He might either throw us to the wolves aka NATO scum or backstab us by using the Russian army against us. The best thing we could do, like I've said, is develop some sort of "Iron Dome" sorta like Israel, but 10x more powerful, capable of shooting and deactivating nuclear ICBMs, like the Star Wars Program the U.S. was developing during the 80s. Putin only cares about his own interests, not some raggedy group of incels and their LMS as harsh as it sounds JFL.

TL;DR The inner politics of Russia have to be studied in more detail before making any decision.
I hope it happens though, I'll gladly move there if I'm able to reproduce without needing any foid ever.
Fair point.

Meh. China and Russia's relationship is complicated, I don't think they'll form an alliance to protect the LMS from a NATO-backed coalition invasion lead by the U.S. And yes, Alaska may only have a nuclear response team, but you're underestimating the ability the U.S. Army has in mobilizing its troops lol. They could be knocking down and bombing the shit out of the Taygonos Peninsula within hours, and I don't fully trust Putin to uphold his word in protecting us. He might either throw us to the wolves aka NATO scum or backstab us by using the Russian army against us. The best thing we could do, like I've said, is develop some sort of "Iron Dome" sorta like Israel, but 10x more powerful, capable of shooting and deactivating nuclear ICBMs, like the Star Wars Program the U.S. was developing during the 80s. Putin only cares about his own interests, not some raggedy group of incels and their LMS as harsh as it sounds JFL.

TL;DR The inner politics of Russia have to be studied in more detail before making any decision.
Agreed. Although I do genuinely question the ability of the US to fight wars. Not even memeing. A literal army of mercenaries whose only loyalty is to the (steadily declining) dollar. Maybe fearsome 20 years ago, not so much now since its filled with fags and women lol. Any attempt to snuff us out will have to be during the early stage. Once we have a functioning export/import system and military, its over for NATOcels. Also thank you for indulging and feeding my autism.
This is because you lack the foresight to visualize how technology will develop. Human childbirth is currently very expensive. One of the last things that can be considered "natural" even. But similar to how men thought they would never fly or talk around the world, a plane ticket costs $300 and a cell phone is $15. You need to understand that artificial wombs, like planes/flying machines and global communication, are simply a combination of math and funding. There is nothing unique about the birth process. Give a development/research grant of $100 billion and watch how these problems get solved. A society that priorities that technology will eventually develop it.
I'm not convinced technology won't eventually hit a ceiling. Claiming there's no ceiling just because we have surpassed so many of our wildest imaginations already holds no water. Surely the human brain can only handle so much complexity. Maybe nature is just even more complex. Perhaps proper childbirth is of such unfathomable complexity. I'm not impressed with modern medicine on the whole, so I don't have a whole lot of faith in whatever half-baked arificial wombs are in development as we speak.
Literal simp thinking. The kind of thinking that would have humanity living in trees because "tool" making and use wasn't "natural" (until it happened).
Artificial conception is still very much an experiment. The first baby conceived via IVF was born in 1978 and is only about 45 today. The track record of medical science is absolutely abysmal. Radithor, diethylstilbestrol (DES) and vaccines (tho sheeple have yet to figure that one out) to name some of their more recent failed experiments (vaccines are almost certainly intended tho). Most modern medicines only work for a fraction of the populace, making most prescriptions a trial and error circus. And then you'd better hope they diagnosed you right. Wrong diagnoses are still commonplace. The human body is still very poorly understood on the whole. One would have to be an actual retard to put one's faith in such bumbling incompetence, at least at this stage.
Its less realistic because enforcing monogamy (which is unnatural and a byproduct of the agricultural revolution) is like trying to build a house made out of ice in a tropical rainforest. It doesn't matter what rules you put in place, the civilization will fall to gynocentric related destruction anyways. Your idea has been tried 100+ times and has/is failing everything. What is the definition of insanity?

And no, it wouldn't fix hoeflation. You would get a temporary period of monogamy followed by decadence (as has happened each time the idea has been tried). Females are far smarter than you think and innately understand that male control mechanisms rely on either force (which degrades overtime as the society becomes more prosperous) or a certain group of males retaining power and not being conquered/killed. Females have lived through millions of these cycles, and they intrinsically understand that male concepts like honor, loyalty or even civilization have no real basis in a world where males will kill each other for breeding access.
Everything eventually goes to shit. Nothing good lasts forever. This is like telling people that "that's just the way the cookie crumbles" except that "that's just the way the cookie crumbles" can justify everything whereas your argument denies everything.
If we want these ideals to have a greater sense of permanence (2500 years versus 250, which is the average age of human civilization), we need to eliminate mate competition and guarantee the vast majority of males breeding access. This will only be accomplished over the long term by artificial wombs.
I sincerely doubt your envisioned society has much staying power. Besides, if you're such a fan of eugenics, why insist on the preponderance of men procreating?
Its only morally dubious because people say its morally dubious today. Eugenics was once a widely held belief, and only became le bad idea because of the Nazis. Besides, women practice their version of eugenics daily and, curiously enough, so do the elites that own the world. In short, the real reason why eugenics and similar things like genetic engineering are frowned upon is because it creates competition for the rich and powerful.
Your society wouldn't exist in a vacuum and its first generation of inhabitants is sure to find fault with killing slightly below average IQ kids. Provided enough men would even sign up to kick-start a functional industrial society. Besides, there's a significant difference between women practicing eugenics before conception and killing teenagers because they turned out to be dumb. As for the elite and their nefarious practices, to my great chagrin most sheeple are oblivious to their evils.
Plenty of intelligent people would do this provided it paid enough and had a social status boost. Some people just want to work a few hours a week and then game/waste time. Not every high IQ individual is going to be a workaholic chasing money or fame. Besides, sanitation is a more important job than medical care or police work. Without sanitation and utilities workers, modern society would not function at all. In fact, in order for a society to be considered "modern" , it must have sanitation/utility workers. They deserve recognition and a social standing for what they do, similar to nurses and doctors. And, in addition to all of this, if a job is menial and repetitive enough, a robot will perform it. There is no need to have a slave class in 2023. They will only cause problems later on as automation and tech advances.
Sure, but is making every job enticing economically and socially feasible? I'm skeptical as always. Also jfl at putting healthcare workers at the top just like all the normcattle, but I digress.
This argument is retarded. Might as well argue that we should keep slavery around and never invent mechanized agricultural equipment.
In practice you generally always have to take a stance somewhere in the middle between any two ideological extremes. Abandoning all technology is practically impossible and probably not ideal either. Yet too much technology ain't ideal either, as outlined by Kaczynski in his excellent manifesto. Playing the game of "where do we draw the line" never leads anywhere, because ideologically justifying any position in the middle is impossible. After all, why just shift the line infinitesimally to the left or right?
Most modern medicines only work for a fraction of the populace, making most prescriptions a trial and error circus. And then you'd better hope they diagnosed you right. Wrong diagnoses are still commonplace. The human body is still very poorly understood on the whole. One would have to be an actual retard to put one's faith in such bumbling incompetence, at least at this stage.
Compare where we were prior to germ theory where the average life expectancy was less than 55 (if you even made it to adulthood). Medicine is not infallible, but you are delusional if you think that it hasn't come far from where it was just 200 years ago. Just because something is not well understood right now does not mean it will be that way forever. A lot medical misdiagnosis is really related to the lack of care the doctor has for his patients. He sees them as yet another paycheck/problem. Ever since large amounts of money have flown into medicine, the quality has become worse. Now it is about maximizing suffering to maximize profits.
Everything eventually goes to shit. Nothing good lasts forever. This is like telling people that "that's just the way the cookie crumbles" except that "that's just the way the cookie crumbles" can justify everything whereas your argument denies everything.
This argument is basically advocation for suicide. Its like asking why you should not kill yourself if everything ends anyways? All I'm saying is that your solution does not work and has been proven not to work.
I sincerely doubt your envisioned society has much staying power.
Based on what exactly? Mt. Athos has been in continual operation for 1000 years, and while it is not self sustaining, it has been shown to outlast many empires.
Besides, if you're such a fan of eugenics, why insist on the preponderance of men procreating?
Keeps men invested in the society. Men with no kids have no stake in the future.
Your society wouldn't exist in a vacuum and its first generation of inhabitants is sure to find fault with killing slightly below average IQ kids.
The kinds of people who would be coming to form this society would not be irrational. Eugenics is a rational practice. Allowing dysgenic 90 IQ retards to clog your society up and negatively affect it is objectively bad. A 105 IQ is not terribly difficult to achieve provided proper care and genetic base, which society will try to provide to the greatest extent it can.
Yet too much technology ain't ideal either, as outlined by Kaczynski in his excellent manifesto.
What is technology if not an extension of human behavior? Kaczynski's flaw was that he didn't realize that humans, as a biological entity, are technological constructs. He was right about the industrial revolution, but wrong about what it really meant. We are no longer really Homo Sapiens but rather Homo Machina.
As long as I don't have to work and I get free food medical care housing. Get unemployment and free prostitution paid for by the government then i'm all good for it
Compare where we were prior to germ theory where the average life expectancy was less than 55 (if you even made it to adulthood). Medicine is not infallible, but you are delusional if you think that it hasn't come far from where it was just 200 years ago.
Increase is life expectancy is likely primarily due to improved hygiene. And sure, progress has been made, but not nearly enough to warrant the almost sacred status people ascribe it IMHO.
Just because something is not well understood right now does not mean it will be that way forever.
Sure, but there is equally little reason to assume it yet will.
A lot medical misdiagnosis is really related to the lack of care the doctor has for his patients. He sees them as yet another paycheck/problem. Ever since large amounts of money have flown into medicine, the quality has become worse. Now it is about maximizing suffering to maximize profits.
Yeah OK I agree.
This argument is basically advocation for suicide. Its like asking why you should not kill yourself if everything ends anyways? All I'm saying is that your solution does not work and has been proven not to work.
That was kinda my point. Some arguments, like you saying that things that will eventually fail ain't worth doing, lead to absurd conclusions (namely that nothing would be worth doing) if applied consistently.
Based on what exactly? Mt. Athos has been in continual operation for 1000 years, and while it is not self sustaining, it has been shown to outlast many empires.
I'm not very familiar with Mt Athos, but I think it's sufficiently different from your vision to render the comparison immaterial (e.g., it not being self-sustaining as you already mentioned). As for why I think your vision has little staying power, I think its policies are too draconian, too extreme. E.g., people flee their homeland lest they be persecuted for their religious or political opinions. A "blackpill or death" policy will likely lead to similar emigration, esp. because a couple of generations in your denizens wouldn't have firsthand experience with the blackpill anymore.
Keeps men invested in the society. Men with no kids have no stake in the future.
Killing their kids if they turn out to be dumb runs counter to this, but you could chalk that up as a necessary evil in that regard.
The kinds of people who would be coming to form this society would not be irrational. Eugenics is a rational practice. Allowing dysgenic 90 IQ retards to clog your society up and negatively affect it is objectively bad. A 105 IQ is not terribly difficult to achieve provided proper care and genetic base, which society will try to provide to the greatest extent it can.
Rational from the POV of productivity maybe. But why should productivity be the be-all and end-all?
What is technology if not an extension of human behavior? Kaczynski's flaw was that he didn't realize that humans, as a biological entity, are technological constructs. He was right about the industrial revolution, but wrong about what it really meant. We are no longer really Homo Sapiens but rather Homo Machina.
Applying the reasoning you just applied more broadly has some fun consequences. What is indiscriminate murder if not a facet of human bevahior? Should we embrace indiscriminate murder?
Can we add no opaque, translucent or gym tights/ yoga pants as a everyday outfit past the toddler stage of life a part of the laws?
That shit is just torture.
Sure, but there is equally little reason to assume it yet will.
We can assume that it will because humans have solved complex problems in the past. If its a factor of evolutionary survival, people will put resources and time into its development. And for many men, it IS a factor of evolutionary survival. Surrogacy is likely going to be the only way for the bottom 20% of males to pass on their genes.
That was kinda my point. Some arguments, like you saying that things that will eventually fail ain't worth doing, lead to absurd conclusions (namely that nothing would be worth doing) if applied consistently.
Ah. I just think that its honestly time for something new.
A "blackpill or death" policy will likely lead to similar emigration, esp. because a couple of generations in your denizens wouldn't have firsthand experience with the blackpill anymore.
We would have documentary proof of its existence though. Millions of studies and millions to billions even of male/female interactions. Most places that have these extreme policies do so to maintain some illusion or religious belief with no real basis in reality. We are doing it to essentially punish lying and denial of objective reality to cause discord and mayhem.
Killing their kids if they turn out to be dumb runs counter to this, but you could chalk that up as a necessary evil in that regard.
Again, makes sure men are invested by not letting their kids become retards. IQ, while a rough estimate, has both genetic and environmental components to it. A man won't have a kid until he feels like he can devote enough time to his son's development. Generally speaking, if a person cannot follow a logical train of thought, they will be a net drain on society.
Rational from the POV of productivity maybe. But why should productivity be the be-all and end-all?
Have you ever lived around ~80-90 IQ retards before?
Should we embrace indiscriminate murder?
Only of feminists and their enablers.
Can we add no opaque, translucent or gym tights/ yoga pants as a everyday outfit past the toddler stage of life a part of the laws?
That shit is just torture.
Any woman that is not a prostitute will be likely wearing something similar to a burka or niqab. If she is wearing that stuff, she is for sale.
We can assume that it will because humans have solved complex problems in the past.
Not really. Just because various atheletic barriers have been broken time and time again doesn't mean someone will one day high jump 3 meters (barring genetic engineering).
Ah. I just think that its honestly time for something new.
At any rate we agree that all the sex-positive bullshit has got to make way.
We would have documentary proof of its existence though. Millions of studies and millions to billions even of male/female interactions. Most places that have these extreme policies do so to maintain some illusion or religious belief with no real basis in reality. We are doing it to essentially punish lying and denial of objective reality to cause discord and mayhem.
One man's truth is another man's balderdash.
A man won't have a kid until he feels like he can devote enough time to his son's development.
I really want to believe this, but given the number of neglected children in contemporary soyciety, I'm little hopeful tbh. While we're on the topic, will there be financial support for dads so as to allow them to spend sufficient time with their kids during formative years? If not, I think it might get difficult for a dad to find the time, esp. if his kid ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
Have you ever lived around ~80-90 IQ retards before?
I think not.
Only of feminists and their enablers.
Not exactly indiscriminate anymore at that point, but points for throwing me a curveball.
Not really. Just because various atheletic barriers have been broken time and time again doesn't mean someone will one day high jump 3 meters (barring genetic engineering).
Genetic engineering is just as natural as walking upright and using tools.
One man's truth is another man's balderdash.
The sky is blue and water is wet. The sun rises in the east. Anybody that says otherwise without proof is killed.
I really want to believe this, but given the number of neglected children in contemporary soyciety, I'm little hopeful tbh.
For what its worth, limited data is starting to come in from single fathers that had kids via surrogacy (essentially planned kids). So far, they seem to be meet basic standard when compared to those raised in traditional two parent households. Not enough data yet though since they are a small fraction of the total number of single dads.
While we're on the topic, will there be financial support for dads so as to allow them to spend sufficient time with their kids during formative years?
Yes. Children are an investment made not only by the father but by society as well. We will have common things like schools, daycare and other things. I'd imagine that most men won't become fathers until they are financially viable enough to pay for the surrogate, which will still cost a lot even with subsidization. Artificial wombs will bring down the price, but it still costs what a new car would cost. Essentially, men would work from 16 to about mid 30s or mid 40s. They will have a child, and raise that child for the first decade (critical time for human development). Once his son hits age 10, the boy is sent to a boarding school for a few years where he organizes and learns with other boys. These age in 6 month increments. So a child born in January will not mog a kid born in July even though they are in the same grade. You will have a "winter" class and a "summer" class. Winter babies have an advantage in the current system because they have a few months development time ahead of their summer counterparts. This is actually proven by data, although I can't find the study. Its in the blackpill wiki I believe.

This bifurcation of classes ends at 16, when they go back to normal year based classes. Instead of going to university, they go and take series of technical exams. These exams measure what they are good at. An ASVAB like test is also administered. Anybody scoring less than 60% is exiled/euthanized or has the option of becoming a career enlisted soldier in the armed forces. Anybody scoring less than 30% is euthanized instantly.
Genetic engineering is just as natural as walking upright and using tools.
In my view walking upright is more natural than using tools, which is far more natural still than genetic engineering.
The sky is blue and water is wet. The sun rises in the east. Anybody that says otherwise without proof is killed.
To a red-green colorblind person grass and blood may very well have the same color. In a similar vein, certain psychological makeups may be blind to certain contrasts that are clear as day to others. Certain statements are indeed exempt, such as "water is wet", which is pretty much tautological by the definition of wetness.
For what its worth, limited data is starting to come in from single fathers that had kids via surrogacy (essentially planned kids). So far, they seem to be meet basic standard when compared to those raised in traditional two parent households. Not enough data yet though since they are a small fraction of the total number of single dads.
Aren't even a decent chunk of kids from two-parent households neglected in one way or another?
Yes. Children are an investment made not only by the father but by society as well. We will have common things like schools, daycare and other things. I'd imagine that most men won't become fathers until they are financially viable enough to pay for the surrogate, which will still cost a lot even with subsidization. Artificial wombs will bring down the price, but it still costs what a new car would cost. Essentially, men would work from 16 to about mid 30s or mid 40s. They will have a child, and raise that child for the first decade (critical time for human development). Once his son hits age 10, the boy is sent to a boarding school for a few years where he organizes and learns with other boys. These age in 6 month increments. So a child born in January will not mog a kid born in July even though they are in the same grade. You will have a "winter" class and a "summer" class. Winter babies have an advantage in the current system because they have a few months development time ahead of their summer counterparts. This is actually proven by data, although I can't find the study. Its in the blackpill wiki I believe.

This bifurcation of classes ends at 16, when they go back to normal year based classes. Instead of going to university, they go and take series of technical exams. These exams measure what they are good at. An ASVAB like test is also administered. Anybody scoring less than 60% is exiled/euthanized or has the option of becoming a career enlisted soldier in the armed forces. Anybody scoring less than 30% is euthanized instantly
Daycare is the polar opposite of having dads spending time with their young. This is what I like about old-fashioned two-parent households. The kids (and things like cooking) actually got properly taken care of by the mother.

Why boarding school btw? Any reason in particular? As a social outcast, I'm damn glad I never went to a boarding school.
Daycare is the polar opposite of having dads spending time with their young. This is what I like about old-fashioned two-parent households. The kids (and things like cooking) actually got properly taken care of by the mother.
Daycare would be more like a place where dads can drop their sons off for a day or two if they need time to do other shit without their kid.
Why boarding school btw? Any reason in particular? As a social outcast, I'm damn glad I never went to a boarding school.
Builds relationship and comradery early. By removing their father from their daily life, you give boys a chance to develop on their own. Puberty is a good time to do this.
Daycare would be more like a place where dads can drop their sons off for a day or two if they need time to do other shit without their kid.
Builds relationship and comradery early. By removing their father from their daily life, you give boys a chance to develop on their own. Puberty is a good time to do this.
I understand the reasoning, but I'm still not a fan. Removing the father figure at age 10 will likely just mean that some teacher will partially fill the void. And then there's the bullying that's almost certainly bound to happen. Whichever poor soul becomes the target thereof will have no real escape.
Where's the option "No, because this sounds like a dystopian hellhole"? Artificial wombs, expelling below-average IQ children, enforcing the blackpill via death sentence, the whole proposed treatment of women, etc. None of those things sound remotely desirable from where I'm standing.
"A society of high-IQ males would be le bad because...it just would OK???" faggot
"A society of high-IQ males would be le bad because...it just would OK???" faggot
in addition to the obvious moral argument, I see myriad practical problems with this. First, whither would you send those children? You can hardly force them onto neighboring countries if they don't want them, so then what? Kill them? Then it's even more morally dubious. Secondly, who is going to work the menial jobs like picking up the garbage? Good luck convincing double-domes to work the soul-destroying jobs that are oh so vital. Thirdly, when IQ becomes this crucial, you're inevitably going to get disputes regarding how exactly IQ should be measured.
I would move to Incelistan as long as I don't have to bear extreme weather. Please choose a beautiful place with a mild climate so that I can enjoy a blissful existence there.
in addition to the obvious moral argument
moralfag detected
I see myriad practical problems with this. First, whither would you send those children?
Spartan treatment
You can hardly force them onto neighboring countries if they don't want them, so then what? Kill them? Then it's even more morally dubious.
Morality is the enemy of progress
Secondly, who is going to work the menial jobs like picking up the garbage?
That's what AI is for
Thirdly, when IQ becomes this crucial, you're inevitably going to get disputes regarding how exactly IQ should be measured.
A cripple will never be a top athlete no matter what sport he tries to play
@NoCopeNoHope I appreciate the effort you put into this, brocel, but I'm afraid that this vision of incel utopia is even less realistic than @mlcurrycel's vision of a Marxist-Rodgerist Incelistan/Inceldia.

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