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Serious Women create Nazis. Andrew Anglin went from radical antifa to neonazi because of female betrayal



Nov 15, 2017

In high school, Anglin was a vegan and took progressive stances on various issues.

Anglin was one of only two vegans at Linworth, and before long he began dating the other, a brunette named Alison in the class ahead of him, whom he wooed by baking vegan cookies. She was a popular girl who introduced him to a diverse and edgy clique of kids. To them, Anglin seemed sweet and funny, if a little too eager to latch on to causes. Alison was deeply into animal rights. Suddenly, he was too.


Several recall an episode at a party: Anglin burst out crying after Alison drunkenly kissed someone else, then ran outside and bashed his head on the sidewalk over and over.

Alison (who asked that her last name be withheld from this article) told me that during Anglin’s sophomore year, she called him, distraught: She said she’d passed out at a party and been raped by a friend’s older brother (yea right...) She needed compassion and support, but Anglin just laughed and broke up with her.

“You’re a slut,” she remembers him saying.

Anglin found a new emotional outlet: listening to a right-wing radio host who claimed that 9/11 was an inside job. This was Alex Jones, who would go on to become America’s premier conspiracy theorist.

TLDR: Anglin's descent into neo-nazism and craziness was caused by his girlfriend of the time cheating on him repeatedly with Chads.

Haha raped at a party = got drunk had sex then regretted it next morning.

She probably fucked chadisaurus rex doggy style whilst he ate a t-bone steak off her back.
Haha raped at a party = got drunk had sex then regretted it next morning.

She probably fucked chadisaurus rex doggy style whilst he ate a t-bone steak off her back.

Yeah, Andrew didn't fall for this shit
Well that's a tragic romance story for you.

Also he was punching way above his weight dating her. And he's a moron, people who jump from one extreme stance to another like he did usually are. He got lucky as hell and the luck ran out.
Well that's a tragic romance story for you.

Also he was punching way above his weight dating her. And he's a moron, people who jump from one extreme stance to another like he did usually are. He got lucky as hell and the luck ran out.
Nope, I'm convinced Anglin's IQ is easily above 115. It's rather linked to mood instability
Describing Alex Jones as ‘premier’ in any field is laughable.
Nope, I'm convinced Anglin's IQ is easily above 115. It's rather linked to mood instability
If he fell for the Alex Jones bs then he can be that smart, although I do believe 9/11 was an inside job I also believe 95% of Alex Jones content is just to mislead idiots into buying bullshit products so Alex can get rich
It is Jews and their distinctive Jewish bahavior which caused Nazism to rise; let this recent (((HBO))) propaganda act as an example:

Imagine having mainstream media demonize your very existence, and then afterwards a slimy hooknose Jew coming to tell you that this is simply a character flaw of yours, and that you must not react? As if the course of action whilst getting jabbed with a knife is to stand still and take it?

Your threads make me want to puke @Fontaine.
I already knew this, for some reason Weev had a similar trajectory, it takes a little bit out of the enjoyment i get from their output but I doubt they're going to pendulum swing again at this point.

Also I believe this is why Anthony Bourdain roped, he realised his pixie dream girl was just a garden variety slut, his whole perspective/paradigm was probably falling apart, and it was too late for him to do a reset, he was just too old and set in his ways.
It is Jews and their distinctive Jewish bahavior which caused Nazism to rise
Nope. Jews have always been used as scapegoats. Most of the degeneracy in Weimar Germany came from goyim themselves, for instance; the figure of the Eternal Jew was simply used by reactionary elements in Germany to absolve goyim of the guilt and unite them against degeneracy through simple emotional images.

In reality, Jews are mostly harmless, meek men who contributed a lot to society in the way of doctors, scientists, etc. And I'm not talking about Einstein. I'm thinking many, many thousands of Jewish brains.

Imagine having mainstream media demonize your very existence
Typical alt-right exaggeration.

Nationalism has indeed been demonized by the media and elites ever since 1945, for an obvious reason: nationalism had just caused the most terrible and wasteful conflict in history.

Beyond this, it's a stretch to say that being white is bad in the modern world. Whites have no idea about what true discrimination means.
I believe it. I've personally known more than one dude who became a neo-nazi after repeated rejections by women. Being a balding manlet didn't help either of course. Anyhow they would deny it of course but there's an obvious pattern here with almost all of these guys:

1.) Guy gets dumped/is repeatedly ignored by women altogether, starts to become misogynistic

2.) Guy seeks out a way to vent frustrations with fellow misogynists, ends up on TRP sites and the like -- many of whom are also racist, or at least on the right

3.) Guy begins to become more like them. Suddenly it isn't just women who are the enemy, but also blacks, Muslims, gays, "the Jews" and the other usual bogeymen. Next thing you know he's a full blown neo-nazi in extreme cases.

It's also why there's a disproportionately high number of far-right incels I'm sorry to say.

At this moment, I am unsure if you are exhibiting typical Jewish Behavior© or if perhaps TMS depression therapy has destroyed your Jewish Brain™ even further than what your Jewishness originally entailed. Your kin has been expelled so many numerous times that the "we're just a scapegoat" theory is absolutely implausible. Get this silly idea outside of your 18-inched Goebells-looking peanut-skull that you are all poor innocent little angels who were wrongly persecuted over and over and over, as the evidence I see today points to the exact opposite conclusion: You are not angels.

Taking a glance at that HBO video: This is demeaning not nationalism, but simply anyone with white European heritage.

To any white man or woman reading this:

You have to be an absolute God-damn weak soyboy cuckold to live in today's political climate and not at least have some tendency to lean toward white awareness, white nationalism, or whichever term you want to use. You are being targeted in the same manner incels are being targeted.

You don't have to watch "Andrew Anglin" or whoever that man is, but at the very least you should be aware (racially aware, that is)
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I believe it. I've personally known more than one dude who became a neo-nazi after repeated rejections by women. Being a balding manlet didn't help either of course. Anyhow they would deny it of course but there's an obvious pattern here with almost all of these guys:

1.) Guy gets dumped/is repeatedly ignored by women altogether, starts to become misogynistic

2.) Guy seeks out a way to vent frustrations with fellow misogynists, ends up on TRP sites and the like -- many of whom are also racist, or at least on the right

3.) Guy begins to become more like them. Suddenly it isn't just women who are the enemy, but also blacks, Muslims, "the Jews" and the other usual bogeymen. Next thing you know he's a full blown neo-nazi in extreme cases.

It's also why there's a disproportionately high number of far-right incels I'm sorry to say.

Top-notch explanation.

In my case (I used to be a neo-nazi, and still am to a small extent) there was also a kind of morbid fascination with a regime that did not lie about the importance of genes or physical beauty.
horseshoe theory is real
Your kin has been expelled so many numerous times that the "we're just a scapegoat" theory is absolutely implausible.
This can be explained by the eternal need for scapegoats at cyclical times of inevitable economic downturns, military defeats, epidemies or other setbacks. Goyim have always used Jews as scapegoats for the same reason Chads bully the already-bullied: they're easy targets.

horseshoe theory is real
Definitely. Anglin would have been a revolutionary Marxist in the 60s.

Top-notch explanation.

In my case (I used to be a neo-nazi, and still am to a small extent) there was also a kind of morbid fascination with a regime that did not lie about the importance of genes or physical beauty.

I used to be on the far-right but having always been a loner did not adhere to nazism or any ideologies really. It was more just a combination of being raised very conservative in the south and remaining that way in HS while everyone else was socializing and doing drugs as well as a hatred for blacks (as I went to a very ghetto school). I grew out of it all years ago of course, in large part because how cucked right-wing economic policies tend to be for anybody that isn't rich which eventually made me realize it was pretty much all bullshit and cope. Will never be a leftist or anything but we do need more/better social programs and there honestly is structural inequity in this country.

At this moment, I am unsure if you are exhibiting typical Jewish Behavior© or if perhaps TMS depression therapy has destroyed your Jewish Brain™ even further than what your Jewishness originally entailed. Your kin has been expelled so many numerous times that the "we're just a scapegoat" theory is absolutely implausible. Get this silly idea outside of your 18-inched Goebells-looking peanut-skull that you are all poor innocent little angels who were wrongly persecuted over and over and over, as the evidence I see today points to the exact opposite conclusion: You are not angels.

Taking a glance at that HBO video: This is demeaning not nationalism, but simply anyone with white European heritage.
Yes, I saw it in school: Bunch of chadlites, normies, stacyligts and beckys bulying an Incel and then blaming him for it "because he is not an angel". No, he is not. Nobody is an angel. It's not a reason to bully him.
Anglin is ourguy with much skill and perseverance.
It's not because of women or other stuff. It's because radical people are fucked-up so they are doing crazy and unpredictable shit. Today he is nazi, tomorrow antifa, in a week he is in ISIS.
Crazy people.
Bourdain should have known better.

Why did he get a one itis with some younger model?

I mean, old men know they PAY for such things they dont MARRY them
Haha raped at a party = got drunk had sex then regretted it next morning.
These females who get "raped" at parties don't regret the sex, they only regret that people found out.
These females who get "raped" at parties don't regret the sex, they only regret that people found out.

They regret it if the beer goggles made them think the guy was hot and they find out hes actually kind of ugly and gross. Then its rape.
Not really a nazi but still, his articles on female nature are based AF.
Alison looks like Anita Sarkessian. I wonder if she was a kike.

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