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News Two women who tortured and kicked their 'quiet and shy' neighbour, 60, to death after falsely accusing him of being a paedophile



Feb 27, 2024

TLDR; two cunts kill a NT 60yo man living along because they thought he was a pedophile, tried to throw the other of the 2 under the bus when caught.

Two women tortured and kicked their 'quiet, shy' neighbour to death after falsely accusing him of being a paedophile.

Zoe Rider, 36, and Nicola Lethbridge, 45, attacked 'quiet' 60-year-old Stephen Koszyczarski, even filming some of the sadistic attack as they taunted him with sickening, unfounded abuse.

Jurors at Sheffield Crown Court were shown footage of the killers baselessly labelling him a 'dirty f***ing wrong 'un' who was 'abusing little girls' as they threatened to mutilate him with scissors.
As Mr Koszyczarski, who was reported to have a mild learning difficulty, pleaded for mercy, telling them 'I can't stop bleeding', one of his killers replied: 'Do you think I give a f***?'

The jury took just two hours and 35 minutes to find Rider and Lethbridge guilty of murder and an additional charge of robbery.
They attacked their victim, who was a neighbour, at his home in Woodseats, Sheffield on August 9 last year.

He used a call line to beg for help, asking for an ambulance as he lay dying, and a recording of his final call was played to the court in which he could be heard asking for his property back.

His callous killers then left him critically injured and went to a nearby property. Mr Koszyczarski died in hospital on August 11.
Rider and Lethbridge evaded justice for only a few days, and were charged with murder on August 15 following what South Yorkshire Police called 'old-fashioned police work' including door-to-door inquiries.

The pair's phones were seized and the horrific footage of their attack pored over by specialists, which showed them attacking him, falsely labelling him a pedophile and taunting: 'Not even denying it you f***ing c***.'

Forensic officers then discovered trace amounts of Mr Koszyczarski's blood on a pair of cream jogging bottoms worn by one of the attackers.

Both women turned on each other during the trial - but jurors saw through their attempts to pin blame on one another.

The court heard the women had carried out their attack without any evidence to suggest Mr Koszyczarski was a sex offender. A South Yorkshire Police investigation also uncovered no wrongdoing on his part.

Judge Sarah Wright told the jury 'no information was uncovered at all suggesting that he'd ever had children visit his address or any connection of paedophile interests', reports BBC News.

The BBC said friends had described him as a 'quiet, shy man'. He was said to have had a mild learning difficulty.

Prosecutor Andrew O'Byrne KC told the court that Mr Koszyczarski lived alone at his flat. On the day of his murder, he had gone to a cafe and had spoken to the female owner, who he knew.

The woman was said to be concerned about Mr Koszyczarski, who seemed to be 'running short of money'.

Mr O'Byrne said: 'During the course of the conversation, he complained he wasn't getting much sleep because people in his block were making a lot of noise and disturbing him.'

It was said the woman offered to give Mr Koszyczarski £55 and although he was reluctant at first, he eventually took it.

Every foid hates slav men they want us all dead we can't even cope in our 60s we have to watch our backs at all time. :reeeeee:
Normal unattractive male = "what a gross pedo"

Attractive male who's a literal pedo = "he's a good man with a bad past"
The chances he died without getting laid are pretty high judging by the description of his looks and behavior
Unattractive male = "what a gross pedo"

Attractive male who's a literal pedo = " he's a good man with a bad past"
They would love to deliver their kids to that pedo just like foid parents did with Jimmy Saville all of them knew about his pedophile history and still did it anyway.
This what peak personality according to foids looks like:

Jimmy savile bad personality thats why you are incel pedo paedophile rapist 2
The chances he died without getting laid are pretty high judging by the description of his looks and behavior
Tormented by foids literally until the day he died :feelscry:

Rest in peace oldcel
Every foid hates slav men they want us all dead we can't even cope in our 60s we have to watch our backs at all time. :reeeeee:
no wonder ted turned out the way he did
The chances he died without getting laid are pretty high judging by the description of his looks and behavior
he had learning disability so austism 100% he was incel with slavic subhuman genes what a shame
Tormented by foids literally until the day he died :feelscry:

Rest in peace oldcel
Foids will kill you just to make sure you die a virgin if you're incel :feelsree:
Foids will kill you just to make sure you die a virgin if you're incel :feelsree:
moving to the woods as the incel away from foids and civilization is getting more appealing to me every single day
moving to the woods as the incel away from foids and civilization is getting more appealing to me every single day
Ted K was a high IQ slav so he knew this would happen and decided to move away from normgroid infested areas
moving to the woods as the incel away from foids and civilization is getting more appealing to me every single day
If only there was somewhere left to do this

Even the american west where Ted k was is now too developed to live in the woods. There's no woods left, it's malls and parking lots. Nowadays if you're a north americacel your only hope at a Ted k lifestyle is Alaska but it's going to be a pain to get there considering you gotta go through a border

And if you're a eurocel I don't think there's anywhere on the continent except maybe northern Scandinavia where you can live that way. And that'll be a pain because you'll probably have to cross a sea to get there

The world is too overpopulated and too overdeveloped. I just want to live in nature away from people, man :feelscry:
If only there was somewhere left to do this

Even the american west where Ted k was is now too developed to live in the woods. There's no woods left, it's malls and parking lots. Nowadays if you're a north americacel your only hope at a Ted k lifestyle is Alaska but it's going to be a pain to get there considering you gotta go through a border

And if you're a eurocel I don't think there's anywhere on the content except maybe northern Scandinavia where you can live that way. And that'll be a pain because you'll probably have to cross a sea to get there

The world is too overpopulated and too overdeveloped. I just want to live in nature away from people, man :feelscry:
Canada has many regions full of woods but you would be thrown to jail for speaking against Satanists, kikes and fags. Italy, Japan and Spain has many areas where only old people live and most likely there are a lot of areas with just forest and few abandoned buildings or even entire towns for you.
Foids despise men, even when men are alone quietly minding their own business and living their life
Canada has many regions full of woods but you would be thrown to jail for speaking against Satanists, kikes and fags. Italy, Japan and Spain has many areas where only old people live and most likely there are a lot of areas with just forest and few abandoned buildings or even entire towns for you.
Man, imagine living in the forest in Japan. I'm not a weeb or anything but Japan is such a beautiful country in terms of landscape. Would be so much better than the icy wastelands of Canada, but as an American that's probably my only realistic option
Foids despise men, even when men are alone quietly minding their own business and living their life
No quiet peaceful life for you, inky :foidSoy:
Man, imagine living in the forest in Japan. I'm not a weeb or anything but Japan is such a beautiful country in terms of landscape. Would be so much better than the icy wastelands of Canada, but as an American that's probably my only realistic option
Or just have entire village/small city owned by you since boomers will die and young foids will leave anyway:feelsthink:
The pedo hysteria is going too far.
The pedo hysteria is going too far.
This is why soyciety needs to admit that men are discriminated against more than women so things like this don't happen, but good luck getting the average foid to even touch a story like this and if you do good luck getting them to see it as a trend instead of a one-off occurrence that they begrudgingly have to consider.
The pedo hysteria is going too far.
They blame incels and average men that would never touch kids in their lives but not rapist foids or kikes that can rape kids for decades with no issues even if there are mountain of proof
To koniec dla polcelów
There you go, women hate shy & quiet. They will label you as bad shit in fact. The irony is if the guy was a Chad & open peado they'd be praising & fucking him while offering up their daughters if they have any.

They don't hate peados, they hate ugly, short & "nice" men.

Oh also they look like typical dogshit English women that raise criminals.
Why would they feel the need to record them torturing the poor guy?
If only there was somewhere left to do this

Even the american west where Ted k was is now too developed to live in the woods. There's no woods left, it's malls and parking lots. Nowadays if you're a north americacel your only hope at a Ted k lifestyle is Alaska but it's going to be a pain to get there considering you gotta go through a border

And if you're a eurocel I don't think there's anywhere on the continent except maybe northern Scandinavia where you can live that way. And that'll be a pain because you'll probably have to cross a sea to get there

The world is too overpopulated and too overdeveloped. I just want to live in nature away from people, man :feelscry:
Can't even build a little shack in a forest somewhere, some nosey fuck with a dog will report you to authorities.
One of the comments :
Appalling !
These people living on their own , supposedly in the ‘care of the community’ , are very vulnerable. There used to be a youngish man who used to walk down the road where I lived at the time, who was obviously one of these people, one more than a few occasions, who was being ‘plagued’ by a group of children, who insisted on following him & calling out insults. ….
I do wonder what happened to him.
This is fucking brutal. It's true that when you're isolated and just keep to yourself normies will ressent you and or smell blood like sharks. Even children can do it instinctually. Adults are only different in the sense that they might make shit up and demonize you in order to justify their taste for blood.

Someone from my family told me a story from my hometown before i was even born. There was this older guy living alone and at some points the kids from the block started to call him gay (although he wasn't) and point fingers at him and he ended up killing himself :feelswhat:

TLDR; two cunts kill a NT 60yo man living along because they thought he was a pedophile, tried to throw the other of the 2 under the bus when caught.
Why didn't he fight back ? Some brought a scissor near me I am shoving it inside the whore's eyes.
One of the comments :

This is fucking brutal. It's true that when you're isolated and just keep to yourself normies will ressent you and or smell blood like sharks. Even children can do it instinctually. Adults are only different in the sense that they might make shit up and demonize you in order to justify their taste for blood.

Someone from my family told me a story from my hometown before i was even born. There was this older guy living alone and at some points the kids from the block started to call him gay (although he wasn't) and point fingers at him and he ended up killing himself :feelswhat:

JFL at incels who think they can live happily in isolation

TLDR; two cunts kill a NT 60yo man living along because they thought he was a pedophile, tried to throw the other of the 2 under the bus when caught.
these foids are so fucking evil I’m glad they got sent to prison and i hope they get tortured
Can't even build a little shack in a forest somewhere, some nosey fuck with a dog will report you to authorities.
shoot and feed them to the bear :feelsEhh:
Why didn't he fight back ? Some brought a scissor near me I am shoving it inside the whore's eyes.
maybe they attacked against back of his head like coward foids they are
Why would they feel the need to record them torturing the poor guy?
foid need attention to summon chad to impregnate them, their entire lives are all about attracting chads, plus they want free money from mobile ATMs (simps)
ATM on legs simp

JFL at incels who think they can live happily in isolation
Yeah i'm experiencing this first fucking hand by the way. There's a very precise part of town where i'm the source of ridicule and gossip despite completely keeping to myself but idgaf. I feel like it's a small minority that's not even that bad and on top of not being the violent type, i could break their neck like a pencil stick if i wanted to. So it's just some stupid comments and condescending, conniving smirks. But with pos trashbags lowlifes like these 2 foids it's another story, your life might be in danger because of people like this.
Damn thats fucked up.
moving to the woods as the incel away from foids and civilization is getting more appealing to me every single day
You can run all you want, but femoids will fucking move there eventually. I've now got femoid neighbours down the road, plus a cat bitch neighbour who I've had legal trouble with since that cunt moved here. I'm preparing to sell up and buy a mining claim further out in the country.
Terrible world we live in.

I basically am that man, an ugly loner autistic Polak.

The only option is scaring cunts like this first.
Throttle them until they turn blue.
Normal unattractive male = "what a gross pedo"

Attractive male who's a literal pedo = "he's a good man with a bad past"

Also "pedo" just like most crimes today seemed to be only applying to ugly / poor men.

Men who are attractive, famous, or at least wealthy (epstein island) dont get punished for pedophile.

Same goes for women (specially teachers) who sleeps with male minors.

Normies everywhere talk about how evil this crime is, and they would be happy if they get raped in the prison, meanwhile people who actually fucks children goes without any harm to their daily lives
Someone from my family told me a story from my hometown before i was even born. There was this older guy living alone and at some points the kids from the block started to call him gay (although he wasn't) and point fingers at him and he ended up killing himself :feelswhat:
I never understood only killing yourself. I wouldn't do it, but hypothetically speaking if I reached the point where I 100% want to die due to actions of others, you can bet I would try and kill them first before commiting suicide
I never understood only killing yourself. I wouldn't do it, but hypothetically speaking if I reached the point where I 100% want to die due to actions of others, you can bet I would try and kill them first before commiting suicide
This is the right way to think.
people will call any sub 5 non NT man a pedo and everybody would believe it and start hating him and even kill him. If you're sub-5 and non NT, you're born into a shark tank where niggas will tear you limb from limb

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