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JFL Why I Think @shy niceguy Is a Female (a Lot of Evidence)

Which of these do you think @shy niceguy is?

  • Total voters


Alea Jacta Est
Jan 10, 2024
Miscellaneous evidence:
  • Profile (avi, banner, custom title):

And initially, to seem more masculine (and after the accusations), she changed her avi and background to Richard Ramirez, literally the most cliche dark-triad criminal that stereotypical hybristophilic females like to point to. This is also the edgiest shit ever coming from this bitch. :lul::lul::lul:

  • Habitually using lowercase (female trait; many adolescent or younger females are known to write in lowercase)
  • Frequent use of emoticons: ;3 :< :D ;]

Posts and threads:

She cries when she cuts herself (it is very rare for adult men to cry in response to physical injury):


brutal, how do you not cry when you cut yourself?

This also implies she has to an extent engaged in self-harm, something that is more prevalent in females.

Her first profile custom title was "mommy boy," as evidenced by @DarkStar's comment and her response, confirming that this was indeed her previous profile title:

shy niceguy

mommy boy​

Jesus Christ.......

i hate every foids, but not my mother

This is actually the first instance of a user pointing out this person's femininity and them supposedly being female, so hats off to you, @DarkStar. :feelsYall:

She made this thread:

Very ironic coming from her and very suspicious when you consider it's her first two threads ever.

Racist ad hominem and evidence of projection:

and why is it always the white people that becomes a femboy. jfl I always knew ya are the gayest race, but cmon now.

not a racist
E02e5ffb5f980cd8262cf7f0ae00a4a9 press x to doubt memes memesuper la noire doubt meme 419 238

do not want to say my race because I don't want people to be racist towards me.
I know, but I can easily avoid experiencing racism by not disclosing my race.
>is racist
>doesn't want people to be racist towards her


Blatant pro-homosexual arguments and being accepting of the concept of "incel" homosexuals/transvestites:

are femboys incels? because not all femboys are gay

Most transvestites are also androphiles, not gynephiles. The reason they crossdress is to attract the male gender; otherwise, why would they shape themselves in a feminine image? Why would they act feminine? It makes no sense for a transvestite to be heterosexual because I doubt females, although they notoriously are known for their homosexual tendencies (even those who self-identify as heterosexual), would accept pseudo-female mimics as genuine sexual partner unless they have some degenerate fetish where they are attracted to such people, which I wager is rare among females as a whole.

so, I can't love my mommy?


Weird fucking homo questions:

would you be a femboy if you had a cutecel face?

This fucking thread again demonstrating projection:

probably because i am a thug
that not even how I usually talk tho just don't wanna be seen as a ghetto nigga

Honey, I doubt you are either one. :feelskek:

Does this look like a "ghetto nigga" or "thug" to you?


She also doesn't like to address arguments:

@lazy_gamer_423 they're some foid or faggot sending moderators nudes to fuck around on this forum and do whatever they want. Read literally anything they've wrote and tell me it doesn't give you discordian BPD e-girl vibes; their custom title and pfp don't help their case at all either. @lonelysince2006 got banned for calling this roach out
wtf is wrong with you


just ask @lonelysince2006 because I wasn't even holding back on that fag

weirdo stop over analyzing shit

Again, I know this seems cliche, but I have never heard a guy say "weirdo" unless that person was a fag or not a man at all.

dude wtf if I were really a foid. I fucking wouldn't be here,
yes, dumbass if I was really a foid. I would be living in easy mode.

In the words of @Rixinuj:

You're entertaining these allegations a bit too much

Almost as if she is one and trying to not look like one.

Trying to look as masculine and macho as possible:

i am more into guns
i only like guns because of the damage they can cause


Jojo art style looks gay

Using faggoty emoticons:


what type of wear did you wear?
I always wear a black mask with a cute animal design

:feelspuke: Disgusting female/fag/troon trait.

choke please

:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: Female insult.

Femdom cuckery:

I'm neither of them and what is wrong with me wanting to get dominated by a hot foid?

you still need to chill out because you have been messaging me inappropriately, you fucking creep.
messaging me inappropriately
you fucking creep

:foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy: I can literally tell female hands typed these.

Confirms she has a feminine voice, far from the macho, "thug" persona she was trying to LARP as just a few posts ago:

one dude even said I had an anime voice

Who else would have an anime voice but a girl? And why would a guy say that casually to his friend unless it wasn't his friend but his girlfriend?

Literally offered to send user "his" dick pic:

i need a bigger dick and bones
if ur young its worth it and dick lenghtening surgery is never worth it im gonna start taking it soon to ogremax

Female advocating for her own kind's genocide:

Femdom cuck gets perma'd (thank you, @LeFrenchCel):

I am just a little ugly incel who wishes to be grape by a tall female

Famous last words:

Profile posts:

omg can you fucking stop it getting annoying
I like girls, I am not a fag. just stfu already.

What straight man uses "omg"? I have not once in my life heard any grown man use this phrase ("oh em gee") unless he was effeminate, nor have I seen this on .is, so this either makes her a homosexual man or a female.

The overemphasis on "I like girls, I am not a fag" is also funny af. :feelskek: It's exactly what you expect from a female trying to LARP as not being one.

The "just stfu already" part is also very typical of female speech.

Another example not from her profile:

omg dude I am a guy

I also asked her this:

Tell me how it feels to piss with an erection.

And she responded:

when my dick is hard it is hard for me to control my piss. and after I finish jerking off sometimes it hurt when I need to pee

I think all of us know that it is almost impossible to piss with an erection, and even if you're semi-flaccid, it's still very difficult.

Also, notice how she completely assumed a different demeanor when I asked her this question. It's almost as if she's trying her hardest to sound like a man and using every opportunity to do so. :feelsugh:

Another example of the above:

I said:

Death to all women.

Which she responded to by:

agreed tfd

Suspicious, no?

Last one:

How does it feel to know that the agepill will start to take effect soon if it hasn’t already and that you’ll just be a worthless, dried up, used-up whore with an eating disorder who LARPs for male attention to recompensate for what you will never get back since your stacy prime?

@shy niceguy:


She doesn't care; she'll just get some cuck betabuxxer to make her money while she browses incel forums.

Then she basically threatens to report me in total bitchy fashion:

the report button looking so cute

More signs of female-speak, using "aww" (on my own profile wall):

aww what happened? aahahahahahahah

TLDR: massive amounts of soy and/or estrogen:


Fucking bitch whore, I hope you die and bite the dust or get raped in an alleyway by hobos. You should be shot and thrown in the sea. Do us a favor and cut your neck and drown yourself in a bathtub. Fuck you.

jfl if I were a female, the mods would've been banned a long time ago.

Look at you now. :smonk:
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I don't think it was a foid seriously trying to infiltrate, but someone coming to troll and see what they could get away with. If they were a foid infiltrator, they would not have been nearly as obvious.
What the fuck man I’m not reading this.
It’s a foid clear as day.
i already knew just by the "manipulate me" title that the user was a foid.
I don't even know who that person is but nice detective shit brocel. Definitely looks like a female from the things you quoted.
it's very clearly a foid or a fag, it should be banned either way.
maybe ask for boob and vagina pictures as proof?
maybe just a soy otaku
im not against "different" users
Brocel, you put so much effort into your posts. You deserve a role.
I don't think it was a foid seriously trying to infiltrate, but someone coming to troll and see what they could get away with. If they were a foid infiltrator, they would not have been nearly as obvious.
It could be both. Females are notoriously sadistic and love to watch men suffer and revel in it, so maybe she's a female troll?
Seems more like a bored troll trolling trying to see what he/she would get away with. I doubt an actual femoid infiltrator would be that obvious.
The avi is a much stronger point than most of you realize. This is drawn in a very stereotypical Shoujo style, you probably could reverse image search it and it would be a shoujo manga or anime.
The thing about shoujo manga that most of them are unbearable to read unless you are a foid.
Trannies usually use mainly mainstream anime.
It could be both. Females are notoriously sadistic and love to watch men suffer and revel in it, so maybe she's a female troll?
Yeah could be, the writing style felt like it was either from a faggot or a foid. Deserved the ban either way
Galatic IQ, very good analysis, foids are disgusting and inferior creatures so it's very easy to spot their disgusting nature even through a screen.
Also foids really, REALLY hate transformers. See J.K Rowling as an example.
I disagree with most of these but the way he called people creeps ect IS pretty suspicious, gimme a sec to write
The avi is a much stronger point than most of you realize. This is drawn in a very stereotypical Shoujo style, you probably could reverse image search it and it would be a shoujo manga or anime.
The thing about shoujo manga that most of them are unbearable to read unless you are a foid.
Trannies usually use mainly mainstream anime.
true ain't no way a guy would use this shit as an avi
View attachment 1720561281664.webp
Most transvestites are also androphiles, not gynephiles. The reason they crossdress is to attract the male gender; otherwise, why would they shape themselves in a feminine image? Why would they act feminine? It makes no sense for a transvestite to be heterosexual because I doubt females, although they notoriously are known for their homosexual tendencies (even those who self-identify as heterosexual), would accept pseudo-female mimics as genuine sexual partner unless they have some degenerate fetish where they are attracted to such people, which I wager is rare among females as a whole.
Some have a fetish for dressing like women, other issues that I consider to be "of the castration", It's difficult to define but it's a tendency of some not very masculine men to emasculate themselves even more
Dnr but tell her that im young bvll avalaible call me whatsapp or telegram baby
Thanks for the proofs mang :feelsokman:
User is definitely sus. I would have suspected femboy though, but tbh I don't care too much to investigate.
It looks like a female profile very troonish if its a male
Mby a femboy/troon who grew up with female siblings.
Or just trolling, idk.
I don't think that a faggot would write like that.
and mods first banned you instead of her jfl

but what caused her ban? she got away with the shit she posted for a few days
and mods first banned you instead of her jfl

but what caused her ban? she got away with the shit she posted for a few days
I was at a 50% and this gave me a 20%, which brought me to a 70%, thus giving me a 2-day ban:

This is the rape squad sent to deal with @shy niceguy.
I don't even know who that person is but nice detective shit brocel. Definitely looks like a female from the things you quoted.
Brocel, you put so much effort into your posts. You deserve a role.
The greatest detective
Galatic IQ, very good analysis, foids are disgusting and inferior creatures so it's very easy to spot their disgusting nature even through a screen.
Thanks for the proofs mang :feelsokman:
The site used to decorate that pic, Blingee, is associated with Tumblr lmao. Case Closed detective.
Females love that site.
Some have a fetish for dressing like women, other issues that I consider to be "of the castration", It's difficult to define but it's a tendency of some not very masculine men to emasculate themselves even more
So tranvestism/nullification. Interesting.
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Wow! That's some impressive detective work bro!

That's what I call, "reading between the lines"
Some have a fetish for dressing like women, other issues that I consider to be "of the castration", It's difficult to define but it's a tendency of some not very masculine men to emasculate themselves even more
I believe femboys are sub5 men who never received any attention and decided to dress/act feminine to finally get the attention they craved.
Femboys are usually ugly or a cutecel, so it makes perfect sense why they became a fag. I still fucking hate femboys they're still disgusting fags
Every day, all I do is rott in my room, and I find it really hard to make friends because I'm very antisocial and even speaking to someone makes me really scared. My face turns really red, making it even harder for me to talk to people in real life since I'm afraid of saying something rude or outta pocket. I think it's because of my autism.
I always say whatever is on my mind, and people just tend to look at me weirdly. fuck this is why I don't have any friends
is the main character a foid?
Every time when I speak, people tend to make fun of me for having a soft, feminine voice. They even make fun of me by saying my voice is "cute," which is clearly not a compliment at all. I wish I had a deeper voice so that people would take me seriously and not treat me like a kid.
I saw some posts and I already understood, it's probably not a woman, the blatant way in which it has a female profile and the attention to posting things like "foid" (which I highly doubt a woman would write) are a bit contradictory
If he assumed a female profile like he did, it is normal to expect that he would resemble the other users in the things he post
And if he assumed a male profile he could expose his “sus” things without worrying about being banned
He's probably an feminine guy who's been tricked into thinking he's a girl by other people's comments (these things really work, it's not hard to change someone's mind given enough time, MK-ULTRA)
Damn, you really did a deep dive. Deductive reasoning-cels rising up.
She's most likely a sheboon or pajeeta. I'm gonna write a thread rn elaborating on this
agreed. they’re on the outskirts of female smv and don’t get attention from guys like white girls and latinas do. (yet another brutal race pill)

i’ve spoken with some of them before, they’re usually suicidal depressed whores
Better detective than Batman

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