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Discussion why do japs live so long ?

That's what the average kooks like. They might look a little whiter then that, but you can still tell they're Chinks.
He is ugly and looks very asian even for a hapa. His nose and brows are even below average for a full asian.

You can tell this guy is part asian but is he incel?

That's what the average kooks like. They might look a little whiter then that, but you can still tell they're Chinks.
you just have to accept reality. Hapas have high appeal to a decent race of women (asian women). They also do ok with white women provided they look white enough. There is very little arabs have over hapas. Maybe you mog in creating bombs?
dietary stuff is my guess, lots of fish and whatnot. presumably less goyslop.
@Despicablecel stop denying reality, Ricecel hell is real and eternal. We are inherently hated by all humans (non chinks) since humans are preprogrammed to find those with deformities and being mongoloid is a deformity but theres too many of us in the cult for the media and governments to classify us as such. The average rice in China is 1/10 and 5’7. The Elephant man would mog hard in China unrinonically, The average chink is a truecel living in hell breathing shit air with no redeeming qualities of any kind waiting to be sliced apart in a temu product assembly line. The average noodle is miles uglier than the average abo, if people knew what a typical chinksow looked like unfrauded without makeup nobody would count it as ascending (which it isnt since even somebody like elephant man can ascend with one). The average chink is also a 16 inch bideltoid turboframelet with tiny stick arms. Being a chink is hell, chinkland is a shithole where the air gives you cancer, everything smells like shit, all the food gives you food poisoning, everybody is grumpy, and love is absent. The ricecels in the west suffer to, but that is discussed enough on here. Ideally the yellow inbreeding cult wouldn’t exist, just like manlets, deformed folks, and autists wouldn’t exist. And thats how I view being rice, It’s bad like being a manlet, not something to be proud of, and something that fucks my life over. But I’m not self hating, I’m a realist who believes in uplifting fellow ricecels to the fullest potential. Self hating would be projection, projecting your insecurities onto others with the thing you’re insecure about in one way or another. Also jfl despicable literally nobody likes you here.
you just have to accept reality. Hapas have high appeal to a decent race of women (asian women). They also do ok with white women provided they look white enough. There is very little arabs have over hapas. Maybe you mog in creating bombs?
“decent race of women” fucking stop
He is ugly and looks very asian even for a hapa. His nose and brows are even below average for a full asian.

You can tell this guy is part asian but is he incel?

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I didn't say looking Asian was the problem. You worship whites so much, that you think I'm talking about Asian features. Hapas are just objectively ugly on average. Your jew propaganda won't change reality.
I didn't say looking Asian was the problem. You worship whites so much, that you think I'm talking about Asian features. Hapas are just objectively ugly on average. Your jew propaganda won't change reality.
Lmao and the average hapa isn't a gigachad with light eyes. This chink is out of his mind
They also do ok with white women provided they look white enough
No data for any if this. The ones who look white barely exist anyway.
There is very little arabs have over hapas. Maybe you mog in creating bombs?
Levantines are whiter and better looking then any hapa will ever be. And again using Whitu man's insults lol. Go back to China
Ethnics fighting over who’s whiter has got to be my favorite race war threads on .is
I don't think that I've ever seen an overweight Japanese person.
Ethnics fighting over who’s whiter has got to be my favorite race war threads on .is
im proud of being asian, i wasnt arguing about being whiter. I'm not a self hating hapa who distances themself from asian culture
that study i showed, shows hapas are 25% more likely to be responded to than whites. On daying apps, people showcase their faces
Use your fucking brain, dumbass. Most Asian women know they can't get white men, so they may choose to settle for a Hapa man due to him being more desperate for pussy, potential cultureal similarities, and not upsetting her parents. In WHAT fucking delusional world are you living in where Hapa men are more desired than White men by asian women?
@Seahorsecel @PixyBLACKED @lazy_gamer_423 if you live around arabs, do they have white colouring?

also i can post arabs with curry colouring

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Where is the proof this guy is arab? He looks very indian, look at his nose and eyes. LMAO typical rice retardation
Every person on the internet hates arabs and looks down on them
Just make shit up theory.

And this isn't true, many popular youtubers are Arabs, whereas you will never find a popular youtuber who is Asian unless he is mocking himself and jestermaxxing.

Also, even if this cope was true, who cares? IRL, people hate asians, that's why they get the least amount of pussy.
Not a single white nationalist likes arabs over asians.
We've been through this before, you stupid slant eyed NIGGER. White nationalists tend to be whitecels who cope with their subhumanity with White Nationalism, even Robert Spencer expressed how upset he was when he saw so many of his rallies were full of ugly incels, so they also end up being weebs who go for yellow pussy out of desperation. Of course they're going to tolerate chink immigrants because you guys are not a SEXUAL threat, you fucking chink, you are not COMPETION for them.
Not a singke asian nationalist likes arabs over whites
1. There's no such thing as an asian nationalist. All Asian women want foreign cock. All Asian men are killing themselves.
2. Even if there was, they're just mimicing the talking point of white nationalists, as always, chinks have no original thoughts.
3. As you showed in THIS exact thread before, you can't even tell when a paki is a paki. None of your gook brethren seem to be able to tell when someone is an Arab.
4. All the japanese women getting creampied by Iranian men show you're wrong.

Your kind should stop ruining the safety of the country i live in and taking taxes from hard working people when you live on welfare.!I had a european friend and he accepted me over arabs lmao. He said we should meet irl.
"Sar! Sar! White man approve of me Sar!"

lol meanwhile, I garuntee your european friend wouldn't even be able to tell me or @comradespiderman29 are arab lmfao, and I garuntee, much like you, your dumbass friend thinks pajeets are arabs

ead to dysgenic individuals unlike asians who at least have everything except looks goikg for them
lol Asians are easily one of the worst races. Looks matter the most.
nice projection, youre hated more than lgbt

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muslim=/=arab dumb nigger.

And the war on terror jew propoganda led to this, not due to us being ugly, like your kind. Propoganda can always be undone, genetics can't.
Jfl @Despicablecel and @comradespiderman29 arguing again. You guys will never agree with eachother it looks like. Its an endless competition of who is whiter
@Despicablecel is unfathomably delusional and it's fun seeing what new cope he comes up with

mogging arabs overall due to socioeconomic factors, non face related genetics and a lot more
No one cares about socioeconomics, genetics matter way way way more. And especially when most Arab countries are held back and sabotaged by jews and americans. We would be very well off countries if israel and america fucked off
There are enough for muslims to be hated. Pakis are less common than muslim arabs and indians are hindu.
Most muslims in america are curry, dumbass nigger. And as I've shown you before, and even @comradespiderman29 has shown you, Muttmericans are fed porpoganda by Jewllywood that we are browner than we are when they cast INDIAN ACTORS to play ARAB CHARACTERS. That's why your dumbass thought some pajeet is an arab
Europe is more affected by arabs though, my friend told me this.
And all those immigrants are plowing white pussy


Yep, this proves my point. Whites are just as racist to Asians as any other, they just tolerate them more due to chinkchongs letting white men fuck their women. Meanwhile, many Arabs can walk through the WHITEST neighborhoods and not be bothered. Literally experienced this myself.

Ethnics fighting over who’s whiter has got to be my favorite race war threads on .is
Everyone knows whites are the best. But even brown arabs still mog asians regardless.


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Diet and environment.
What no pussy does to a mf
lots of factors

clean environment, exercise, diet, genetics, etc...

if you lived in the green mountains with lots of shade, walked a mile or two everyday or every other day, and ate lots of vegetables/fish, you'd be very healthy.

if you lived in a dirty city with smog everywhere, sat down all day, smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day, drink beer, regularly eat steak, fries, and burgers, rarely get sex, you'd be one unhealthy miserable fuck. i didn't even mention being around criminal nigger and spic thugs that wreck havoc on society. your chances of becoming a victim of a crime when around them is much higher than winning the lottery. stress, depression, and anxiety all contribute to a shorter life span.
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lots of factors

clean environment, exercise, diet, genetics, etc...

if you lived in the green mountains with lots of shade, walked a mile or two everyday or every other day, and ate lots of vegetables/fish, you'd be very healthy.

if you lived in a dirty city with smog everywhere, sat down all day, smoke half a pack of cigarettes a day, drink beer, regularly eat steak, fries, and burgers, rarely get sex, you'd be one unhealthy miserable fuck. i didn't even mention being around criminal nigger and spic thugs that wreck havoc on society. your chances of becoming a victim of a crime when around them is much higher than winning the lottery. stress, depression, and anxiety all contribute to a shorter life span.
Yeah I visited Japan one time because my mom is Japanese so she wanted me to visit, and everyone was so nice and welcoming, even the kids there. And also there were no niggers! It was so nice there.

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