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JFL Why are Stormfrontcels the Most Delusional People on Earth?



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021
10% - racebait in ID, moved to lounge

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/1bdivkv/nazi_comic_artist_stonetoss_finally_unmasked/

Stormfrontcels love constantly talking about how superior their race is, genetics, and Social Darwinism when they can’t even get a bitch of their race to fuck them as if they also have shit genetics. Some of them even post here and want to make the only incel rotting forum white only like as if being a incel is a some exclusive badge of their white pride. :lul::lul:

And wait till you get them started on Jews, the way they talk about them like their some unstoppable cabal running the world exterminating white babies makes the Jews look like the real Nazi master race.

when they can’t even get a bitch of their race to fuck them as if they also have shit genetics
Even with their shit genetics, they are infinitely superior to low IQ and low trust shitskin turd world scum.
make the only incel rotting forum white only like as if being a incel is a some exclusive badge of their white pride. :lul::lul:
Based! Ethnics can't even accept the racepill (a core tenant of the blackpill) so I rather not have them here. They can't accept their position at the bottom of the dominance hierarchy. Better White than ethnic any day.
Their race is the only thing they have left. They think they are some nazi super soldier meanwhile they are fully induldged in the system they are 'fighting'
I need to gather all my previous posts on the subject so I can just copy paste it in future retarded threads like OP's, since they'll just keep repeating themselves no matter what points are made.
Dnr + you're a morbidly obese shitskin.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/1bdivkv/nazi_comic_artist_stonetoss_finally_unmasked/

Stormfrontcels love constantly talking about how superior their race is, genetics, and Social Darwinism when they can’t even get a bitch of their race to fuck them as if they also have shit genetics. Some of them even post here and want to make the only incel rotting forum white only like as if being a incel is a some exclusive badge of their white pride. :lul::lul:

And wait till you get them started on Jews, the way they talk about them like their some unstoppable cabal running the world exterminating white babies makes the Jews look like the real Nazi master race.

View attachment 1104883

every race is cucked and every society is soyceity, lets work towards the common goal.

enter : incelstan (not islamic tho fuck allah the disgusting chaddam worshipper)
He's pajeet.

even though im a lower than dirt incel who is being ethnically cleansed by foids, at least my skin isnt the color of literal sewage lol
When Finn took off his helmet, they must have been like "WHEN DID THAT NIGGER!!! INFILTRATE OUR RANKS. GO WHIP THAT STUPID MONKEY!!"
Europeans are effectively stateless at this point, but at least we'll always be able to live in the heads of ethnic incels rent free :lul:
I need to gather all my previous posts on the subject so I can just copy paste it in future retarded threads like OP's, since they'll just keep repeating themselves no matter what points are made.
If whites have such good genes, how come there are so many tall European permarotters here that complain about manlet shitskins that can’t even speak their language taking their women?
If whites have such good genes, how come there are so many tall European permarotters here that complain about manlet shitskins that can’t even speak their language taking their women?
chads.is my friend
If whites have such good genes, how come there are so many tall European permarotters here that complain about manlet shitskins that can’t even speak their language taking their women?
They're too busy fucking your sister.
If whites have such good genes, how come there are so many tall European permarotters here that complain about manlet shitskins that can’t even speak their language taking their women?
It's not about us having "superior genes" or being more attractive yadda yadda, you maroon.
Uggo Mongo said:
Clashing, heterogenous cultures and peoples = low-trust society and conflict.

OP you are simply not worth the effort it takes to reply.
Uggo Mongo said:
Why would I pin it? These sentiments are echoed at least 20 times a year in epic length screeds. "You are the ugly. So why would you want to live with people that look phenotypically similar to you, speak your language, hold the same cultural values, and are more trustworthy than racial, cultural, religious, national aliens?" Gosh I just don't know.
Uggo Mongo said:
Ah, you shifting dishonest weasel. Now it's about eugenicism. What does that have to do with being against the changing of your culture, traditional values, and national identity? What does that have to do with not wanting to live in a violent, low-trust society? What does that have to do with wanting to live with people that look like you, speak like you, share your values and whom you can trust?

That was neither his nor your point at all, you sophist faggot. Your OP is about low value males competing with "sexy curry studs that are geniuses but have to work manual labor for the same beckies and lower and that's why they're racist!"
Uggo Mongo said:
Nigs are worse than pigs, only a retarded 2021 poster fresh from reddit would believe otherwise.

Nigs and 3rd world foreigners are the reason we have a low trust society and the reason cities need huge police forces of psychopathic cops in the first place. Even big city pigs weren't like this when the US was 90% or more white.
Deathniks are on record here rejecting women of their own race because they want a white woman, and the women of their own race aren't good enough for them.

Deleted member 21219
@Legendarywristcel is 6'4'' and wealthy and rejected curry women.

So maybe you won't cop to it since then you would lose this argument, but your countrymen already have.

You however will never find a single post of mine suggesting what you are currently straw manning. Not wanting to live in a low trust, third world society has nothing to do with getting laid. Moron.
Replying to Joe Biden saying some platitude about how "diversity is our strength"
Uggo Mongo said:
A cohesive national identity is a source of strength, where people have HIGH TRUST with those living in their communities. Clashing cultures of disparate peoples is never a source of strength and leads to internal war and conflict and a general low trust society.
Replying to "super genius" BlkPllPres :feelskek: (remember verbosity = genius, and brevity even though it be the essence of wisdom and soul of wit makes you dumb!):
Uggo Mongo said:
You can't make straw man arguments and then whine about supposed straw man arguments. Where did any of us use the word "superior" besides when I mocked you with "super superior"? I'll wait for your failure to produce the relevant quote.

You're a goofy nigger. Yeah Jews were thinking about anything other than profit when they kept the slave trade alive during antiquity, they were thinking when the Americas are discovered 800 years later they're going to import undiscovered West African niggers en masse to white goy societies to destabilize them with low IQ, genetically violent apemen.

And if you pine for a high-trust society where your countrymen share commonalities with you instead of one where genetically superior (in the law of Nature) niggers aren't looking to slit your throat and rob when you kneel down to tie your shoe well you're a coper dude because Jews are "superior" to you and you don't get sex.

Hyuck hyuck :feelskek:
Uggo Mongo said:
White race are the carpenters, jews are the termites.

Whites would thrive without jews, jews need hosts to survive. Also I am white so I am for whites, you are black and you are for blacks but try (badly) to mask it and dissimulate about it.

In what way is it genetically superior and desirable to commit more wanton gun violence and stabbing violence against other citizens for a civilization with laws and order? If your objective is to create a low-trust society and chaotic shithole, then sure. They're "genetically superior." I still wouldn't want a bunch of them in my neighborhood though, retard.
Anyway there you go, mushhead. You will get no further response from me on this subject.
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Only pale aristocratic people are truly white.
Many westerners don't look white especially with tan.
Real fucking talk dawg you gotta realize that the way WE all feel towards normies and foids who "don't get us", the white supremacists feel the same kinda shit around shitskins and kikes.

You may not understand the racism but it's achieved through experience. For example, I was brainwashed by the narrative till I saw all the crime, statistics, LIVED AROUND NIGGERS MY WHOLE LIFE, and survived pajeet invasions. Pajeets are just disgusting and retarded. I don't want to be their friend, I don't want to eat at places that employ them because they lick their fucking fingers and don't wash their hands after shitting (You can smell the shit.) and their beliefs are retarded.

I've tried to be friends with fellow negroid and poo neets and incels. It never fucking works out. So I'm done trying to find a diamond in the shit.

At the end of the day the only hatred I have worse than the shitskins is the fucking kikes. Their jewwing ruined the fucking world and is the sole reason I don't have a wife and 3 kids and life a normal happy fucking life. It's all their fault 100% and no I won't elaborate cause you wouldn't listen anyway.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/comments/1bdivkv/nazi_comic_artist_stonetoss_finally_unmasked/

Stormfrontcels love constantly talking about how superior their race is, genetics, and Social Darwinism when they can’t even get a bitch of their race to fuck them as if they also have shit genetics. Some of them even post here and want to make the only incel rotting forum white only like as if being a incel is a some exclusive badge of their white pride. :lul::lul:

And wait till you get them started on Jews, the way they talk about them like their some unstoppable cabal running the world exterminating white babies makes the Jews look like the real Nazi master race.

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I like stonetoss hope will not get doxxed
It's not about us having "superior genes" or being more attractive yadda yadda, you maroon.

Replying to Joe Biden saying some platitude about how "diversity is our strength"

Replying to "super genius" BlkPllPres :feelskek: (remember verbosity = genius, and brevity even though it be the essence of wisdom and soul of wit makes you dumb!):

Anyway there you go, mushhead. You will get no further response from me on this subject.

Constantly having to fight the low IQ anti-White nonsense is draining. I always remind them they'll have a leg to stand on about their constant race bitching, if their civilizations match or surpass ours technologically. When they're reminded that it was White brains behind the computers they're using to talk shit about White people that usually turbocucks their idiotic arguments. Then it's usually users like blkpillpres who would double down and fail to take their fat Ls with dignity.
white rubbish and just die lol. White filthy trash u r getting genocided look at Ukraine their men getting slaughtered and their women breeding the race away from other men.

Look at Germany, look at France, UK

Filthy white trash should be genocided
Agree with the first, disagree with the second part. The Jews do control the world

Constantly having to fight the low IQ anti-White nonsense is draining. I always remind them they'll have a leg to stand on about their constant race bitching, if their civilizations match or surpass ours technologically. When they're reminded that it was White brains behind the computers they're using to talk shit about White people that usually turbocucks their idiotic arguments. Then it's usually users like blkpillpres who would double down and fail to take their fat Ls with dignity.
He repeated the same basic points with threads of ever increasing verbiage. Genius! :bigbrain:
Another day another subhuman curry post
we wuz nazis and shit.
It's funny listening to nigger street shitters and paki cunts bitch about white folk after use invade our countries thinking use deserve the world because of muh racism, use are all the same I deserve a white women i deserve money from u white man we was kings and shit nigger but use couldn't do shit on your own cos use are parasites. Stay in your own goat fucking, cannibal street shiting nations pieces of shit
It's funny listening to nigger street shitters and paki cunts bitch about white folk after use invade our countries thinking use deserve the world because of muh racism, use are all the same I deserve a white women i deserve money from u white man we was kings and shit nigger but use couldn't do shit on your own cos use are parasites. Stay in your own goat fucking, cannibal street shiting nations pieces of shit
Im gonna come to Europe and use your welfare while you wageslave for me whitey.
He repeated the same basic points with threads of ever increasing verbiage. Genius! :bigbrain:
I honestly don't know what his goal was. Maybe he thought he could post here, amass a following, and then use that follower base as a launchpad for a personal blog? That seems to be the only thing that immediately made sense, since he would regularly talk about moneymaxxing and building wealth through passive income.
It's funny listening to nigger street shitters and paki cunts bitch about white folk after use invade our countries thinking use deserve the world because of muh racism, use are all the same I deserve a white women i deserve money from u white man we was kings and shit nigger but use couldn't do shit on your own cos use are parasites. Stay in your own goat fucking, cannibal street shiting nations pieces of shit
Is English your first language?
Firstly, I would like to address the sheer irony of OP calling "SFcels" the "most delusional copers on Earth" considering the fact that he still has

Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom​

In his custom title, which is delusional for various reasons:
-Incelius was banned, and stated on another site he is done with the community
-He is clearly a fakecel after my preponderance of evidence, which is ironic considering OP is effectively a "fakecel hunter," whom has often based his judgements merely upon
-I think I heard OP even got fed-up with Fakecelius towards the end of it all, prior to his ban.

Now let me get to my point:

I am generally a misanthrope, as I have stated on here many times, yet I would much rather be around normies of my own race as opposed to ethnic normies: I have various reasonings for this, both based upon my own experiences living in a very multicultural/multiracial part of the United States.

I was treated poorly by everyone when I was younger: However, to the normies of my own race, I was just ugly & autistic, I was still one of them in a way. To the normies who are Hispanic or Black(main non-whites in my region) I am ugly, autistic and also White, which would prompt for them to have a more negative reaction towards me, yes stuff like this did happen to me. Not to mention, most "ethnic" cultures(with the exception of East Asians) tend to be much more "NT-centric" as opposed towards White cultures; meaning my interactions with them would be worse by default.

Part of the Blackpill is just acknowledging facts, the laws of nature, etc. as opposed to believing in deluded fantasies: In a way, this correlates with acknowledging the fact that due to our own biological nature humans have a default preference for their own group, whilst rejecting the notion that "all humans should live together" pushed upon us. In fact, research proves that even babies show default preferences when exposed to a face of the same race:

The results indicate that preference for own-race faces is present as early as 3 months of age
people are more accurate at recognizing faces from their own racial group than faces from other races
A recent functional magnetic resonance imaging study by Golby, Gabrieli, Chiao, and Eberhardt (2001) provided evidence that this recognition bias is accompanied by a race-dependent neural activation pattern. Using a recognition paradigm, these authors found higher activation in response to own-race than to other-race faces in specific face-sensitive regions of the adult brain.

Not to mention the fact, that research has proven higher trust, homogenous societies tend to function better: This also holds up empirically, when examining places such as Brazil, which will be how the United States looks given 20-30 years.

Robert Putnam, an actual Liberal scholar, even reached this consensus after the present state of the United States:

“People living in ethnically diverse settings appear to ‘hunker down’—that is, to pull in like a turtle,” Putnam writes.

In documenting that hunkering down, Putnam challenged the two dominant schools of thought on ethnic and racial diversity, the “contact” theory and the “conflict” theory. Under the contact theory, more time spent with those of other backgrounds leads to greater understanding and harmony between groups. Under the conflict theory, that proximity produces tension and discord.

Putnam's findings reject both theories. In more diverse communities, he says, there were neither great bonds formed across group lines nor heightened ethnic tensions, but a general civic malaise. And in perhaps the most surprising result of all, levels of trust were not only lower between groups in more diverse settings, but even among members of the same group.
Heterogeneity tends to breed distrust not just amongst the various differing races, but even internally amongst themselves.

In a recent study, Glaeser and colleague Alberto Alesina demonstrated that roughly half the difference in social welfare spending between the US and Europe—Europe spends far more—can be attributed to the greater ethnic diversity of the US population. Glaeser says lower national social welfare spending in the US is a “macro” version of the decreased civic engagement Putnam found in more diverse communities within the country.
Not to mention, it seemingly harms the overall quality of life, for just about everyone.

Economists Matthew Kahn of UCLA and Dora Costa of MIT reviewed 15 recent studies in a 2003 paper, all of which linked diversity with lower levels of social capital. Greater ethnic diversity was linked, for example, to lower school funding, census response rates, and trust in others. Kahn and Costa's own research documented higher desertion rates in the Civil War among Union Army soldiers serving in companies whose soldiers varied more by age, occupation, and birthplace.

And as an individual who actually lives in this country & knows how it is, I can confirm this correlates heavily with many of the issues I noticed, even right-down to my local neighborhood.

Not even addressing the bias against Whites in the media, as well as the fact that hirings have shafted Whites due to "corporate diversity" initiatives; thanks Crapitalism. :society:

GItvYkfWMAAdlfw 1

How does this impact me? Oh, well maybe because contrary to OP, I do not wish to be dependent on my parents for the rest of my life. :feelsjuice:

Now imagine in this case, not only being White, but also someone whom due to height, looks, and NT factors is already at an innate disadvantage?

To further reinforce my previous statement on non-homogenous societies creating crime, I would like to point out some crime stats:
IMAGE 2024 03 25 162533

Considering that I, as well as many other Whitecels & Incels in general are Autistic, let's apply some logic here: We see actual crime-stats, notice certain behavior from certain races irl & online, and then following our nature will "box" & "cluster" these things in together, so to speak.

Now let's also consider that not only are we at higher risk of being harmed by individuals of, certain, races, but are also more likely to have that happen by default due to ugly, non-nt, short, frame et, etc......

Europeans are effectively stateless at this point, but at least we'll always be able to live in the heads of ethnic incels rent free :lul:

my life may be shit, the white race may be dying(and therefore increasing white smv, ironically making things worse for ethnics), I may be an Incel, but at least I am not a curry.

my existance is 100 times better than the retarded coping curries on this forum.

It is better to be white in a crowd of shitskin curries than a curry in a crowd of a milion curries

you wish you were me but you will shit your pants tonight while I laugh at your miserable existance as you lick the shit of your dirt coloured fingers

your race will be forever imported by jews to preform cheap, underpaid labour while you rot in your shitty ghetto.
It's not about us having "superior genes" or being more attractive yadda yadda, you maroon.

Replying to Joe Biden saying some platitude about how "diversity is our strength"

Replying to "super genius" BlkPllPres :feelskek: (remember verbosity = genius, and brevity even though it be the essence of wisdom and soul of wit makes you dumb!):

Anyway there you go, mushhead. You will get no further response from me on this subject.

What I shared reinforces your claims here.

Constantly having to fight the low IQ anti-White nonsense is draining. I always remind them they'll have a leg to stand on about their constant race bitching, if their civilizations match or surpass ours technologically. When they're reminded that it was White brains behind the computers they're using to talk shit about White people that usually turbocucks their idiotic arguments. Then it's usually users like blkpillpres who would double down and fail to take their fat Ls with dignity.

Also, OP should consider that whenever Whitecels come on here, they are met with an array of "JBW is law no exceptions" "all whites are fakecels/locationcels" etc. which invalidates our experiences, and then on top of it are met with stuff such as "Meds/Slavs aren't white hur dur you're all sand/mongol rapebabies" which 90% of the time, is typed by Shitskin hands, and then also seeing shit such as "Whites need to die off" and then maybe should ask why some Whitecels come across this way. :feelsjuice:

The Jews do control the world
Anyone, regardless of race, ideology, etc. should know this by now.

Another day another subhuman curry post
Mudskin envy and cope.
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Their race is the only thing they have left. They think they are some nazi super soldier meanwhile they are fully induldged in the system they are 'fighting'
I respect you as a user, but I just want to point out the sheer irony of you, a Christian/Catholic, have in saying this.

Your religion is all you have left: You think that you are some kind of "knight" or "crusader" when in reality, you are upholding & indulged in this system, you yourself claim to be fighting.

In fact, I am planning on making a thread(in due time) as to how Protestantism, and thus Christianity as a whole, is responsible for many of the ills that we face in civilization today, amongst which is that of feminism & women's rights.

Race is a much better way to organize & structure a nation, society, civilization, etc.: In part, due to the fact that racial-realism can easily be proven by science, and whilst science also proves creationism, it does not specifically confirm Christianity nor any denomination of it. Not to mention, many of the issues we have in this world due to race, again, stem from that of organized Abrahamic religions.
that warning was undeserved imo
10% is fair
that warning was undeserved imo
It was originally posted in ID: Not really racebait imo, but kind of close.

Point is, if we want to have a place to talk about stuff like this, it should be in the lounge: ID strictly should strictly be for, well, Inceldom Discussion.
I was treated poorly by everyone when I was younger: However, to the normies of my own race, I was just ugly & autistic, I was still one of them in a way. To the normies who are Hispanic or Black(main non-whites in my region) I am ugly, autistic and also White, which would prompt for them to have a more negative reaction towards me, yes stuff like this did happen to me. Not to mention, most "ethnic" cultures(with the exception of East Asians) tend to be much more "NT-centric" as opposed towards White cultures; meaning my interactions with them would be worse by default.
Being white (and especially autistic) in a spic/black area is rough ngl. They are giga NT normies who think aggression=cool. Every area that ethnics touch becomes a shithole. When that happens, it is best for whites to move to the white area of the city or to move to the outside suburbs. Not all of America are ethnic shitholes, there are still many white areas that are prospering, such as the Midwest.

Not even addressing the bias against Whites in the media, as well as the fact that hirings have shafted Whites due to "corporate diversity" initiatives; thanks Crapitalism. :society:

View attachment 1105711View attachment 1105712

How does this impact me? Oh, well maybe because contrary to OP, I do not wish to be dependent on my parents for the rest of my life. :feelsjuice:
Eh, from my observation of black and spic highschoolers, most have no real career aspirations or ambitions. They are too low IQ and ghetto to continue going to college and would rather continue their cycles of poverty. I went to a spic school where college recruiters would offer scholarships to the students, but the students declined in favor of construction or roofing after high school. Their high school drop out rates are still high, and most unis have overall low rates of black and spic students. Realistically, blacks and spics aren't competing for the good white collar jobs at a large scale any time soon. The only real competitors are Asians.

View attachment 1105713

Now let's also consider that not only are we at higher risk of being harmed by individuals of, certain, races, but are also more likely to have that happen by default due to ugly, non-nt, short, frame et, etc......
Jfl these stats are showing nigs killing other nigs. A white can remove themselves from ethnics. Ethnics can't remove themselves from their own race.
my life may be shit, the white race may be dying(and therefore increasing white smv, ironically making things worse for ethnics), I may be an Incel, but at least I am not a curry.
You are acting like a nigger. Curries are one of the good ethnics in America, who share similar morals and goals of educated whites in America. They have the best stats yet curries face the worst racism in America, even more than whites in Baltimore.
You are acting like a nigger. Curries are one of the good ethnics in America, who share similar morals and goals of educated whites in America. They have the best stats yet curries face the worst racism in America, even more than whites in Baltimore.
I rather be curry than coping cumskin sfcel here, atleast I can cope arragemarriage. Their existence is laughable
white rubbish and just die lol. White filthy trash u r getting genocided look at Ukraine their men getting slaughtered and their women breeding the race away from other men.

Look at Germany, look at France, UK

Filthy white trash should be genocided

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