This forum is filled with a shit load of self-hating ethnics and white supremacists. This place doesn't feel like an incel forum, it feels like I'm on Stormfront, no joke. This is madness. I'm constantly seeing non-white people arguing with other non-white people over what races are inferior or superior. The most retarded argument I witnessed on .is was between a Southern Indian and a Pakinstani the Pakistani was claiming that his race/ethnicity was superior because their ancestors colonized South India, lmfao. There was also a dumb whitecel who said that only white people can be human, another lol moment. We have Asians and South Asians starting silly debates on whether Asians or South Indian Asians are more attractive. The Asian guy said that South Indians are superior because they have pointy skulls

We have white supremacists advocating for the extermination of poor people, blacks, mixed race people, Hispanics, Turks, Muslims, slavics, etc. At this point, I'm not even taking these people seriously, they are a bunch of race copers. This place is a fucking circus