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JFL Rename the forum "Stormfront.is"

So how is wanting to keep your area free from ethnics "cringe?" jfl
It's cringe because there are just certain policies the elites are not going to let you change with temporary governments. Also the black pill has made me a million times more emphatic towards non white men. :feelsokman:
Not entitled to invade White lands.
If they immigrate legally then they are welcome. I voted for trump because I don’t want huge waves of illegals pouring in my country without any control.
That is not scientifically supported.
It is. I've come across a scientific study where it was far less likely for nigs to have genes which are necessary for high IQ.
Don't say nigger! Don't say that word!
It is. I've come across a scientific study where it was far less likely for nigs to have genes which are necessary for high IQ.
Show me it, it’s probably a scientific theory instead of a scientific fact
jewish bullshit
Legal immigration is not bad, unregulated illegal immigration is bad. I don’t care about skin color, I am tolerant of anyone who wants to contribute to society. Im glad people like you are not involved in politics.
It's cringe because there are just certain policies the elites are not going to let you change with temporary governments.
Huh? How is it cringe
Also the black pill has made me a million times more emphatic towards non white men. :feelsokman:
Only applies to my ethnic brocels, I hate bluepilled Incels of all races just as much as normies & more than chad tbh
They use it to refer to peoples behavior mainly
Doesn't change the fact that in reality it's them who are considered sub human by their own race of superior women, not just the non white people they like to rant on about so much. :feelskek:
No far right rule is inevitable. Eugenics is inevitable.
most right wingers are not as extreme as you. Keep coping
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This forum is filled with a shit load of self-hating ethnics and white supremacists. This place doesn't feel like an incel forum, it feels like I'm on Stormfront, no joke. This is madness. I'm constantly seeing non-white people arguing with other non-white people over what races are inferior or superior. The most retarded argument I witnessed on .is was between a Southern Indian and a Pakinstani the Pakistani was claiming that his race/ethnicity was superior because their ancestors colonized South India, lmfao. There was also a dumb whitecel who said that only white people can be human, another lol moment. We have Asians and South Asians starting silly debates on whether Asians or South Indian Asians are more attractive. The Asian guy said that South Indians are superior because they have pointy skulls :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: We have white supremacists advocating for the extermination of poor people, blacks, mixed race people, Hispanics, Turks, Muslims, slavics, etc. At this point, I'm not even taking these people seriously, they are a bunch of race copers. This place is a fucking circus
Also everetinisdajoosfolt.is


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Doesn't change the fact that in reality it's them who are considered sub human by their own race of superior women, not just the non white people they like to rant on about so much. :feelskek:
Well, they're considered subhuman due to looks jfl, and they used the term for it in behavior I'd say, but yeah I do agree it's a poor insult to use since it can be used against them.

And besides, are they wrong for being against demographic issues? I mean dude, I am sympathetic to non-White Incels, but most non-Whites I've met irl have been pieces of shit to me & stats don't lie, they cause issues for the QoL.
Title is facts
this site is mostly just /pol/tards who want a forum where they can say 'nigger'
Good job, OP

You caused a whole war & shitstorm in ID, since you can't handle the fact some people have a different take from your SJW-tier one
Good job, OP

You caused a whole war & shitstorm in ID, since you can't handle the fact some people have a different take from your SJW-tier one
It was bound to happen. Tbh, I was expecting people on here to troll this thread. And my views on race and IQ are completely valid. When someone says something false, I will call them out.
I have a question, am i a SJW for supporting racial equality even though I am opposed to gender equality?
I'm so sorry we are being genocided dude. We should take your feelings into account and talk about it less.
I'm so sorry we are being genocided dude. We should take your feelings into account and talk about it less.
Non-white countries are having their own immigration waves just like in Europe. I believe in legal immigration, not illegal immigration. I personally don't mind living in a diverse society. I'm saying this as someone who lives in a racially diverse country, the United States
It was bound to happen.
Why did you make it then? Especially for someone who was worthy of holding Mod status.
Tbh, I was expecting people on here to troll this thread.
Some did
And my views on race and IQ are completely valid.
So are mine, since I've researched it
When someone says something false, I will call them out.
As will I
I have a question, am i a SJW for supporting racial equality even though I am opposed to gender equality?
Yes, since both are fallacies
>Is Black
>Wants to see his own race genocided

And these are the people who call me "cucks" jfl
I mean I'm as white as it gets and I wouldn't mind 95%+ of whiteys gone. retarded spineless cuckold goysimp animals all of them
I mean I'm as white as it gets and I wouldn't mind 95%+ of whiteys gone. retarded spineless cuckold goysimp animals all of them
What about ethnics as well?

And tbh, I do hate a lot of us & I do admit we are kinda cucks, but imagine wanting this but being fine with the increasing non-white population
What about ethnics as well?

And tbh, I do hate a lot of us & I do admit we are kinda cucks, but imagine wanting this but being fine with the increasing non-white population
wouldn't mind every single pajeet gone. and most others indeed. vast majority of humanity is trash and ripe for purging
wouldn't mind every single pajeet gone. and most others indeed. vast majority of humanity is trash and ripe for purging
Based & I agree

I do agree that nowadays we're cucks, but we have achievements which are worth showing for & preserving imo, since it's improved both of our lives meaning it can be used to better our current condition.

Plus also, I mainly just don't want to live around people who are far more problematic & insufferable compared to my own: What most people don't get here, is that "SFcels" such as myself & others still hate normies of our own race & blame them for issues, it's just we mainly don't want to live in an area which is a complete shithole.
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1. Self-hating ethnics are a minority
2. "supremacist" is a meaningless epithet used by MSM, it's more "nationalist"

Incorrect, I see the same types of threads constantly sure, but not to the

Feels like I'm on Reddit at times here


So non-whites are arguing with non-whites? How is this my fault?

This is a tangent, not even related to your original topic

Probably used metaphorically/hyperbolically

This is a forum for the blackpill...ofc looks will be discussed

Not extermination, rather just don't want to live with them

Slavs are White you idiot, and also I see more ethnics shit on them because you guys again, or more obsessed than we are

Despite the tons of scientific evidence I showed jfl

And you're just a deranged Leftist
There was also a dumb whitecel who said that only white people can be human
My mother claims the same thing except she's black and whenever I tell her she's wrong. She goes into long rant and shows her evidence by showing me a 1minute short on Soytok:fuk:
She really said
"White people are made in tubes" :feelskek:
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racism is right
Brown people will rule the West by 2050 or before then end of the century :feelsokman:
Brown people will rape and slaughter each other before that happens.
White civilizations in Europe progressed faster than non_white civilizations , is that true or false?
Depends. Everyone here has a very limited understanding of history here.

Before Antiquity "browns" were the most advanced. After Antiquity it was Europeans. It's as simple as that.

"Browns" made a quick comeback with the Byzantines and Later Ottomans but they never reached the same height as what they were in Antiquity

Yes I'm overly simplifying and using dumb terms here for Californiancels.
Legal immigration is not bad, unregulated illegal immigration is bad. I don’t care about skin color, I am tolerant of anyone who wants to contribute to society. Im glad people like you are not involved in politics.
Depends. If I get 100 Iraqi Doctors then sure. If I get 300k Kenyan farmers then no.

Both is legal migration.
n-white countries are having their own immigration waves just like in Europe
Holy shit name 3.

There's no area in the world right now that gets as raped as European countries.
I’m very Caucasian-looking despite having nearly half Native American ancestry.
I highly doubt that. You may "pass" as caucasioid for normies, but you probably have non-white facial features (nose and eyes in particular) that anyone familiar with raciology can identify.
I highly doubt that. You may "pass" as caucasioid for normies, but you probably have non-white facial features (nose and eyes in particular) that anyone familiar with raciology can identify.
I would pass off as Caucasoid for sure.

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