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Story When I was at English school a kid called a black teacher "nigga"

No shit. Tajiks average 15%. Imagine, showing me someone who is only 10-12% Asian. You might as well, post white people at this point. Quapas are 25% Asian, that's why they look Asian.

Tajiks average 15%. Not 10-12 like you showed. And Quapas are 25% Asian. Why are you posting people who barely have gook DNA? Quapas look more Asian then her(tajik), obviously, people with barely any gook DNA will look more white.
1/8 is 12.5 which is basically 15%. Those 1/8 asians i posted are similar to the tajiks in dna. That tajik woman has asian-esque eyes and looks more asian than most tajiks i showed u. She is quapa.
No matter how much niggers cope, Nigger will always be the best insult. "Mayomonkey" sounds trash
The only way you can combat being called a “nigger” is through creative insults but there’s really no effective slur that can be used against whites. Asians have ‘chink’, hispanics ‘wetback’ or ‘beaners’. You could call a white ‘caucasoid’ but that’s honestly a lackluster insult
on .org and other sites, sandniggers immediately get attacked jfl
why are you mad?

The only way you can combat being called a “nigger” is through creative insults but there’s really no effective slur that can be used against whites. Asians have ‘chink’, hispanics ‘wetback’ or ‘beaners’. You could call a white ‘caucasoid’ but that’s honestly a lackluster insult
See my explanation here

Yes, I know but Quapa are 25% Asian

Autistic moment. Those eyes don't look that bad.

She probably has like 18-20% gook DNA. Still not "Quapa" because, Quapas look more Asian then that
tajiks are 15% and she looks way closer to quapas dude
@Cayden Zhang @Made in Heaven @comradespiderman29 this is the only forum where you guys can say exaggerated shit and get away with it. Enjoy it
See my explanation here

It’s a good explanation. Warning was undeserved because it really is true. My first time seeing blonde hair blue eyes was quite spectacular. Though now I find it quite unattractive. It was a picture of a “South African”
@Cayden Zhang @Made in Heaven @comradespiderman29 this is the only forum where you guys can say exaggerated shit and get away with it. Enjoy it
Nothing is being exaggerated lmfao


It’s a good explanation. Warning was undeserved because it really is true. My first time seeing blonde hair blue eyes was quite spectacular. Though now I find it quite unattractive. It was a picture of a “South African”
It's a good explanation because it is 100% the truth.
his eyes are whiter
He looks more gookish. And we were talking about Quapas now. Why are you posting 1/8th Asians? I think you're loosing it and I'm not saying this to provoke you.
this is the only forum where you guys can say exaggerated shit and get away with it. Enjoy it
You can go back to .org then, I'm sure that there are other Mentally ill hapas like you who will dick ride you and call you white, if that's what you like instead, of the cold objective truth, you can make yourself some coffee and rot there if you hate the truth here.
know you're too pussy to go on .org
It's filled with retards. We would have one less retard here if you joined your fellow Hapas there.
shes 21-25
Even, if that was true she looks less gookish then a white Quapa, because, she an Iranian-gook.
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tajiks are 15% and she looks way closer to quapas dude
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@Made in Heaven @Cayden Zhang which one looks more Asian?
The hapa obviously
No, I meant these two
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She is a tajik, and @Despicablecel says she looks more Asian then the average tajik. And says she has 20-25 gook DNA
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This kid is Quapa. It's written on his shirt lol.
He looks more gookish. And we were talking about Quapas now. Why are you posting 1/8th Asians? I think you're loosing it and I'm not saying this to provoke you.
i posted them to show she looks more than 1/8 asian. most tajiks from what ive seen look whiter than her and theyre 15%. She's around 21-25
You can go back to .org then, I'm sure that there are other Mentally ill hapas like you who will dick ride you and call you white, if that's what you like instead, of the cold objective truth, you can make yourself some coffee and rot there if you hate the truth here.
you dont know anything about looks unlike .org users
It's filled with retards. We would have one less retard here if you joined your fellow Hapas there.

Even, if that was true she looks less gookish then a white Quapa, because, she an Iranian-gook.
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@Made in Heaven @Cayden Zhang which one looks more Asian?
now you're coping and getting desperate. its pretty obvious youve reached a dead end
now you're coping and getting desperate. its pretty obvious youve reached a
tell that to the jews, im sure they'll spare
Why are you acting as if that's your win lol?
posted them to show she looks more than 1/8 asian. most tajiks from what ive seen look whiter than her and theyre 15%. She's around 21-
Ok. I never said she was 1/8 Asian. ONLY that she looks whiter then Quapas, even though, she might have similar percentage of chink DNA.
you dont know anything about looks unlike .org users
I knew you were an .org retard all along. Thanks for confirming.

Why are you acting as if that's your win lol?

Ok. I never said she was 1/8 Asian. ONLY that she looks whiter then Quapas, even though, she might have similar percentage of chink DNA.

I knew you were an .org retard all along. Thanks for confirming.
btw that pic doesnt do her justice since the quality is too shit

ok, thanks

@comradespiderman29 he agrees with me since i said 1/3

hes more credible than you or made in anus
Take it with a grain of salt. I sometimes can't tell with these toilets. Use men instead.
than the previous one
Yes, so this one is more gookish lol. And you look like her.( You probably look more gookish because, you lie so much, no wonder you're so insecure)
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@Made in Heaven he admitted to looking like this whore.
How the fuck did this become another hapa vs sand race war:feelskek:?
only ethnics dislike gooks this much
@Confessor is Indian and he likes noodlwhores.and I have already explained why sub5/normie white men like Asian women, it's because, they're so easy to get, compared to other races. No other race of women worships white men as much as noodlwhores. That's why they have a festish. Noodlwhores are Also flat, and can't give you Chad sons no matter how much they fraud. Also dominant genes will ensure, that you will produce another mentally ill Ricecel. It's simply not worth it.
Your poll should also prove that when given a choice most men will take other races.
most people who voted mena were sfcels lmao. 1% of men are sfcels. Also, i meant to add only ethnics dislike anything with gook dna. That distinction is important.
i knew this mena guy who even said hapa girls were ugly lmao. Most men are neutral about them or like them
@Confessor is Indian and he likes noodlwhores.and I have already explained why sub5/normie white men like Asian women, it's because, they're so easy to get, compared to other races. No other race of women worships white men as much as noodlwhores. That's why they have a festish. Noodlwhores are Also flat, and can't give you Chad sons no matter how much they fraud. Also dominant genes will ensure, that you will produce another mentally ill Ricecel. It's simply not worth it.
why dont men go for black or indian women lmao? im not denying theyre lower quality than white women but they arent bad. Japs are A-B whilst being some of the skinniest women in the world.
why dont men go for black or indian women lmao? im not denying theyre lower quality than white women but they arent bad. Japs are A-B whilst being some of the skinniest women in the world.
ASIANS might be better looking then sheboons facially. And plenty of Indian women are good looking, they mog Asian women. Black women also have good bodies and can at least give you tall sons. Asian women fraud a lot and Most men don't give a shit as long the woman is good looking, but they give you shit sons. Some Asian women are just good to look at, incels who ascend with them and produce children are retarded. Also a lot black women like somalis and ethiopians mog the shit out of Asians facially.

But No matter how good looking Asian women are after frauding, they will always give you shit offspring. I have almost never found them attractive enough for me to fantasize about starting a family with. And this is before, I was racepilled. After learning about how they fraud and hate themselves, I am even more repulsed by them.
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