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Story When I was at English school a kid called a black teacher "nigga"

I never said I look like a Greek God. Having light eyes doesn't mean I'm attractive. Maybe to you because, your country Japan worships light features. But like you saw in those video, light hair/eyes isn't uncommon at all in the Levant. Hence, my skin colour or My light features doesn't mean much. And it's not 1%. If it was only 1% you wouldn't see so many people with light eyes and hair in those videos.

My grandfather has a very unique Light green eye colour if he was a chink or pajeet he would be a celebrity, just because, of his eye colour. Keep seething.
yet youre here with a “white” phenotype which means youre mid or slightly below average

wow anither anecdote which reflects that meme. Wow ur better looking than chinks and pajeets, and by extension me! Nice! were all incels here tho so idk why u care so much
yet youre here with a “white” phenotype which means youre mid or slightly below average
Most users here are white. Yet, another example of a chink worshiping WHITU man. Paint me surprised.
wow anither anecdote which reflects that meme
Not an anecdote. I linked you 5 videos, so when I say my grandfather has light green eyes(which I have said plenty of times) isn't really any ancedote. Because, I have proved that white passing people and Levantines with light hair/eyes aren't uncomon in Lebanon/Levant.

You saying you have hazel green eyes is an anecdote and less believable because, hapas almost always look Asian or if They're lucky like Turks. But they almost never have light hair or eyes. And unlike, me you haven't shown me a million photos/videos. Hence, I don't have to believe you.
which means youre mid or slightly below average
Yes, I'm below average. Never denied it. From the way you act, I know you're .org retard who is trying very hard not to insult other people's appearance/height. That's why you keep using "miring" like a looskafaggot.

And you have already been banned plenty of times for Incel shaming too. I haven't. Literally, everything which you type is projection lmfao. :feelskek:
Yes, I'm below average. Never denied it. From the way you act, I know you're .org retard who is trying very hard not to insult other people's appearance/height. That's why you keep using "miring" like a looskafaggot.
Miring is not related to insulting other people's appearance/height at all
And you have already been banned plenty of times for Incel shaming too. I haven't. Literally, everything which you type is projection lmfao. :feelskek:
If you were reported, you'd be banned. I have never incel shamed, only insulted. I'm one of the biggest incels here.
Not an anecdote. I linked you 5 videos, so when I say my grandfather has light green eyes(which I have said plenty of times) isn't really any ancedote. Because, I have proved that white passing people and Levantines with light hair/eyes aren't uncomon in Lebanon/Levant.

You saying you have hazel green eyes is an anecdote and less believable because, hapas almost always look Asian or if They're lucky like Turks. But they almost never have light hair or eyes. And unlike, me you haven't shown me a million photos/videos. Hence, I don't have to believe you.
Having an eye colour isnt the same as looking like phenos that commonly have that eye colour. Yea hair lighter than medium brown is rare, sure, but i never claimed to have blonde hair or that other hapas do. I have shown pics of hapas with hazel eyes, you could even search the internet for them.

im done here
im hapa you stupid nigger. That asian girl is like femcel tier too. @Cayden Zhang i know you dont like me but you know this guys retarded as shit. Is the average european hapa even close to the top pic?
This shows chink people are uglier than hapas
Miring is not related to insulting other people's appearance/height at all
I know that. But Nobody uses "Miring" here only looskafaggots. I said since, you have clearly spent a lot of time on that retarded site, where Incel shaming is allowed, I know you're trying very hard not to Incel shame. If you could you would. And you have done so many times, and you have been banned for it plenty of times.
you were reported, you'd be banned. I have never incel shamed, only insulted. I'm one of the biggest incels here.
Race baiting is allowed, not Incel shaming. So cope. And no, you're not the biggest Incels
here. You have clearly spent a lot of time on looksfaggots. And you have admitted to bullying people in school, your ass should have been banned a month ago. You're not an Incel. It's weird how a literal bully victimizes himself.
o. I have shown pics of hapas with hazel eyes, you could even search the internet for them.
Those are not as common as Levantines with blue eyes or red hair lol. You wouldn't come across/bump into one on the street. Unlike Levantines with light hair/
im hapa you stupid nigger. That asian girl is like femcel tier too. @Cayden Zhang i know you dont like me but you know this guys retarded as shit. Is the average european hapa even close to the top pic?
Nah thats an extreme example for sure. The average hapa looks like a perfect blend of white and asian, some get more lucky some get luckier. I live in a area with a lot of hapas so I’d know better than the rest of you. But they never have light eyes past light brown and they usually have dark brown hair.
Also I don’t have a problem with you I just think you’re ridiculous sometimws
Your the one whos always accusing me of ridiculous bullshit.
thats a 5th percentile asian girl and no one denied that. Id rather be hapa than sandnigger and you post that to combat that
Sandnigger is better than hapa though. Since you’re fully caucsoid. And you’re not percieved as white in either.
I know that. But Nobody uses "Miring" here only looskafaggots. I said since, you have clearly spent a lot of time on that retarded site, where Incel shaming is allowed, I know you're trying very hard not to Incel shame. If you could you would. And you have done so many times, and you have been banned for it plenty of times.
no correlation
Race baiting is allowed, not Incel shaming. So cope. And no, you're not the biggest Incels
here. You have clearly spent a lot of time on looksfaggots. And you have admitted to bullying people in school, your ass should have been banned a month ago. You're not an Incel. It's weird how a literal bully victimizes himself.
I didnt start it. Some balkan made fun of this arabs name and he got me to join in. His name was ACTUALLY funny though. Harmless racism is common at schools, even now. Made in heaven said he bullied kids yet hes given a pass because hes arab like you jfl.
Those are not as common as Levantines with blue eyes or red hair lol. You wouldn't come across/bump into one on the street. Unlike Levantines with light hair/
10% for levantines having blue eyes and/or red hair which is probably less than how many hapas have hazel eyes (25%) lmao. More anecdotes jfl.
I never said I look like a Greek God. Having light eyes doesn't mean I'm attractive. Maybe to you because, your country Japan worships light features. But like you saw in those video, light hair/eyes isn't uncommon at all in the Levant. Hence, my skin colour or My light features doesn't mean much. And it's not 1%. If it was only 1% you wouldn't see so many people with light eyes and hair in those videos.

My grandfather has a very unique Light green eye colour if he was a chink or pajeet he would be a celebrity, just because, of his eye colour. Keep seething.
From what I’ve heard you’re mostly mentalcel/jawcel.
average hapa looks like a perfect blend of white and asian,
They would still be recognised as Asian, if you asked someone to guess their race. The blend of Asian and white, is basically, what Turks(central Asians) look like. Hapas who look like Turks are much more rare. All the hapa kids I see online look Asian.
They would still be recognised as Asian, if you asked someone to guess their race. The blend of Asian and white, is basically, what Turks(central Asians) look like. Hapas who look like Turks are much more rare. All the hapa kids I see online look Asian.
From what I’ve seen its a chance game mostly.
But japanese hapas do look whiter, a lot look mexican or even southern european. Because of old ainu dna popping back up again.
Also @Despicablecel is pure autism
That is a brutal kid
no correlation

I didnt start it. Some balkan made fun of this arabs name and he got me to join in. His name was ACTUALLY funny though. Harmless racism is common at schools, even now. Made in heaven said he bullied kids yet hes given a pass because hes arab like you jfl.

10% for levantines having blue eyes and/or red hair which is probably less than how many hapas have hazel eyes (25%) lmao. More anecdotes jfl.
10% is cope. If you coubt the diaspora it's easily, 35%-40%. There's barely any Hapas with light hair or eyes. Stop coping gook. If it was 10% you wouldn't see so many in those street videos. The 10% data doesn't have any source as well. It's just a random map. Just like those stats which say Saudi Arabia's average height is 5'5.
no correlation
You're looksfaggot. There is a correlation, with being a looksfag and an annoying retard.
didnt start it. Some balkan made fun of this arabs name and he got me to join in. His name was ACTUALLY funny though. Harmless racism is common at schools, even now. Made in heaven said he bullied kids yet hes given a pass because hes arab like you
obviously, it wasn't an Arab. Arabs don't get bullied, it's Asians like you. You Also keep fantasying of raping Arab women, when you're scrawny Little chinksect. Chinks have never conquered anything, and you said chinks raped Arab women lol. But whatever, helps you cope.
whats your opinion on european hapas vs mena hapas since he thinks theres a big difference between the two?
Anyone with a brain can see Arab HAPAS are better looking. Whites have recessive genes, that's why the chinksect children don't inherit their features. Also show me a source for the 25% of Hapas have light eyes
From what I’ve seen its a chance game mostly.
But japanese hapas do look whiter, a lot look mexican or even southern european. Because of old ainu dna popping back up again.
There's barely any Ainu DNA anymore. Those have died out. And a lot of them look like Turks, that's whiter then japanese, but They are still not white passing. They still look chinky.
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It depends. But they definitely look a lot less chinky than chinese or korean hapas. Theres a difference. And hapas still look a lot better than pure chinks.
Yes. But still not white. You can Still tell they're chinks.
But yeah despicablecel subconsiously wants to be white but ultimately knows he’s half chink as well. Thats why he goes so hard on believing r/asianmasculinity copes and believing certain asian ethnicities are so far ahead of others. He’s also severely autistic thats why he says the retarded shit he does.
Yes. But still not white. You can Still tell they're chinks.
Well yeah of course, but they can’t pass for fulls either. Definitely nowhere near a pure white dude in smv but still far above a ricecel.
Well yeah of course, but they can’t pass for fulls either. Definitely nowhere near a pure white dude in smv but still far above a ricece
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These two look chinky. Though, the second one doesn't look very chinky at first glance, If you zoom in you can tell it's a chink.
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This one even with the dyed hair looks like a chink. And even hapas in Europe/America get suregry, so who knows if her eyes are naturally round. She looks like that hapa foid reporter Isobel Yeung from vice, even when I didn't know about Hapas when I was younger, I could still tell that she was a chink.
but they can’t pass for fulls either.
Plenty can. They're better looking then Ricecels because, they're mixed and can sometimes look like Turks. But it's still not by much.
Anyone with a brain can see Arab HAPAS are better looking. Whites have recessive genes, that's why the chinksect children don't inherit their features. Also show me a source for the 25% of Hapas have light eyes
im talking about this eye colour. maybe 25% was an exaggeration but it isn't THAT rare especially with a parent who has blue eyes. He's a japanese hapa.

im talking about this eye colour. maybe 25% was an exaggeration but it isn't THAT rare especially with a parent who has blue eyes. He's a japanese hapa.

View attachment 1187673
It's rare. You clearly don't know how genes work. Asians genes are extremely dominant, that's why a lot of whites are reluctant to ascend with a noodlwhore. Your propaganda won't change reality. And you lied about the stats like a typical gook. Show me the stats that this is common.
It's rare. You clearly don't know how genes work. Asians genes are extremely dominant, that's why a lot of whites are reluctant to ascend with a noodlwhore. Your propaganda won't change reality. And you lied about the stats like a typical gook. Show me the stats that this is common.
I never said they have blue or green eyes you retard. I think medium brown and darker is whats expected of hapas. Hazel isnt that rare though and id say its not that far off 25%. Yea asian genes like eye colour and hair colour are dominant because of homogeneity wow! Other ones arent that dominant though apart from epicanthal folds.
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These two look chinky. Though, the second one doesn't look very chinky at first glance, If you zoom in you can tell it's a chink.
View attachment 1187603
This one even with the dyed hair looks like a chink. And even hapas in Europe/America get suregry, so who knows if her eyes are naturally round. She looks like that hapa foid reporter Isobel Yeung from vice, even when I didn't know about Hapas when I was younger, I could still tell that she was a chink.
Top girl looks more asian but not asian passing, middle looks more white and could even be fully white passing in some countries, bottom looks 50/50
I never said they have blue or green eyes you retard. I think medium brown and darker is whats expected of hapas. Hazel isnt that rare though and id say its not that far off 25%. Yea asian genes like eye colour and hair colour are dominant because of homogeneity wow! Other ones arent that dominant though apart from epicanthal folds.
No source. Dnr. Most Hapas are ugly Mutts. Stop wasting my time. Also stop tagging me and I'll stop tagging you
looks more asian but not asian passing
Lmao :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:. She looks chinky af. Nobody except you thinks she is not Asian.
middle looks more white, bottom looks 50/50
Yeah, no wonder you think you're white adjacent. Middle looks white only at first glance, zoom in and she looks like a monkey. Not white at all. Third one is the best looking/least Asian looking one yes. She looks like Isobel Yeung from vice, and I think Isobel looked chinky even when I didn't know Hapas existed.
No source. Dnr. Most Hapas are ugly Mutts. Stop wasting my time. Also stop tagging me and I'll stop tagging you

Lmao :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:. She looks chinky af. Nobody except you thinks she is not Asian.

Yeah, no wonder you think you're white adjacent. Middle looks white only at first glance, zoom in and she looks like a monkey. Not white at all. Third one is the best looking/least Asian looking one yes. She looks like Isobel Yeung from vice, and I think Isobel looked chinky even when I didn't know Hapas existed.
you're retarded

the middle girl is completely white other than her eyes and shes squinting

bottom looks like she has significant asian admixture: her skull and even eyes look like theyre asian influenced
the middle girl is completely white other than her eyes and shes squinting
No, you can tell she she is not white, when you take a closer look, looks like a mutt.
Also look Asian. She is not squinting. What a retarded cope, if a white guy squints in pictures, he won't look Asian :feelskek:
you can tell from her lower lid and expression shes slightly squinching. Regardless, her skull is completely white bro

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