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It's Over [VIDEO] Grotesque bloated alcoholic desperately requests female connection over brutal Facebook video



Mar 30, 2018

✓ mentalcel
✓ bloated from alcohol addiction and kebab meat
✓ teeth like a burnt out row of houses from cope cigarettes to hide anxiety in social situations
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lol some people actually posted their numbers? or they are trying to prank him?
I thought you were talking about @Grotesque.
oh dear. bless his little leprechaun heart. idk why people do this to themselves. i'd never post a video of me or my face on the internet i'd end up being mocked like this guy.
He probably never heard of the blackpill... poor guy.
could tell this was somewhere in the uk before even clicking play

During a 72-hour alcohol and nicotine binge he begins to reflect on his lonely, sexless life devoid of affection and validation.

>makes a video spouting barely coherent gibberish, but the glaring message penetrates the stupor quite easily

"And that's it Facebookers…keep that in mind…just in case someone feels that they love me too — good luck"
6EE5D071 B233 4FE7 8990 CCFBA0FE33CC
When are they gonna learn.
leave me yur number so i can rape u
Is he mentally retarded or just very Irish?
He's northern Irish lol, the femoid northern Irish accent is even worse, and they're so entitled aswel
Remember kids, if you're incel and do boozemaxx (and drugsmaxxx) you'll look more subhuman.
Just smile bro


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The exact type of idiot that could have gone to Asia 10 years ago when he was in his prime and literally had ALL of his sexual fantasies fulfilled. And not just Asia that guy could have gone to Morocco or south Europe and got wild action with those girls too.

Really feel sorry for those bluepilled white fools in bumfuck Ireland or wherever, completely ignorant and nobody to guide them. It's like having a winning lottery card but never cashing it in
✓ mentalcel
✓ bloated from alcohol addiction and kebab meat
✓ teeth like a burnt out row of houses from cope cigarettes to hide anxiety in social situations
everything you listed applies to me :D
also for some reason this girl posted her number under his video.
Taigcel mogs the average nerdic tbh
thats what you get from coping too hard using alcohol or other escapes..
A man who broke into Western House in the middle of Coalisland was trying to get out of the rain, a court has heard. Appearing in court via video link from HMP Maghaberry was Owen Roe Fay, 28, from Shanoch Close. He pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to steal and criminal damage to a window on March 23. The court heard how a woman had gone back to Western House on the night in question to retrieve her phone charger when she heard noises coming from the toilet. The defendant then exited the room and, without speaking, walked out of the building.The lady called the police after seeing that a window had been broken and Fay was subsequently arrested.

He made admissions to the offences at the scene. Mr Fintan McAleer, defending, told the court that his client had issues with alcohol. He said that he had been drinking and had forced his way into the building because it was raining and he was cold. “His intent was to take some coffee or food only. Nothing else was intended,” he said. “He acknowledges how foolish this was. It is the most foolish thing that he has done in his life - particularly because he has suspended sentences.” He said that his client apologised to the lady for causing her any fear but reminded the court that there had been “no aggression or even words” between them during the incident. Mr McAleer said Fay still wished to make amends. “These are serious offences, not trivial when set against his criminal record,” said Deputy District Judge Anne Marshall. “He is not yet 30 yet he has 20 previous entries including burglary and robbery,” she told him as she handed down a total of three months in prison. She then activated his suspended sentences, ordering that the five month sentence run consecutively to the first to give a total sentence of eight months in prison.

What a surprise kek
The exact type of idiot that could have gone to Asia 10 years ago when he was in his prime and literally had ALL of his sexual fantasies fulfilled. And not just Asia that guy could have gone to Morocco or south Europe and got wild action with those girls too.

Really feel sorry for those bluepilled white fools in bumfuck Ireland or wherever, completely ignorant and nobody to guide them. It's like having a winning lottery card but never cashing it in

Lol, this dude has schizophrenia, a criminal record and probably some kind of alcohol and/or drug addiction and your response is to sperg about which third-world shithole he could TOTALLY SLAYMAXXXX in.

Veganist said:
lol some people actually posted their numbers? or they are trying to prank him?

They're leaving their friends' numbers as a prank, dumbass.
Lol, this dude has schizophrenia, a criminal record and probably some kind of alcohol and/or drug addiction and your response is to sperg about which third-world shithole he could TOTALLY SLAYMAXXXX in.
Lol those type DO do well in Thailand, famously so

try again copetard
The exact type of idiot that could have gone to Asia 10 years ago when he was in his prime and literally had ALL of his sexual fantasies fulfilled. And not just Asia that guy could have gone to Morocco or south Europe and got wild action with those girls too.
What's stopping him from going now? Despite the wear and tear he looks about in his late twenties to me.

Also, he's better looking than me. He looks like a normal guy.

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