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Blackpill Having no friends can be deadly.



Neo Luddite • Unknown
Oct 25, 2023
Labelling George Sodini's shooting rampage in 2009 as 'hating women' is lazy and misguided. It went much deeper than that.

In 2009, 48 year old George Sodini killed himself and 3 women at an LA Fitness health club in Pittsburgh PA. He left behind an online diary (The link to his online diary is at the bottom of this page) detailing his years of loneliness and rejection from women. While he complains that women never were attracted to him, he also speaks of having no friends or a social life. This was at the core of his, and so many lonely men/Incels, problems.

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Sodini was a friendless loser

Why he did it..

To say Sodini committed his crimes “because he hated women” is an oversimplification of his reasons. He was a social outcast. For lonely men like Sodini (Sodini had one LTR in his youth, but was 19 years into a “dry spell” so more failed Normie than Incel) and Incels who are socially isolated, it is very hard to find women who are interested in dating them. If he had friends and a social life, he would have had at least an opening. Albeit most likely it would have led to rejection, but at least he would have had the opportunity to be rejected in the first place.

When most people think of an isolated loner, they think of a bearded, unkempt, person who can’t take care of himself. In reality, the vast majority of loners/Incels don’t fit this characterization. Many are productive citizens who present themselves well.

Sodini did not fit the stereotypical loner/loser profile because he had:

  • A job

  • Money (250k in assets)

  • His own house

  • His own car

  • Healthy eating habits

  • In good physical shape and worked out

  • No drug or alcohol addiction

Despite his financial situation and appearance being desirable, his life was absent of two things:

  1. Friend
  2. Romantic relationships

While he was no Brad Pitt, he could tell he wasn’t incredibly ugly for a man his age. He wasn’t overweight, short, or bald. He didn’t have messed up teeth or skin. He wasn’t a drug user or alcoholic. He wasn’t poor or unemployed. He was average looking, “Average Joe” basically. His problem was that he had no friends or social life. That’s what drove him to kill several women and himself at an LA Fitness.

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Things never went past the first date

On the very rare dates he had with women, Sodini was always rejected after the first or second date. This indicates women were perhaps interested in him until they learned about his absent social life, which was only apparent after they met and talked to him. Once they figured out he was a loner they didn't want to see him anymore because this is perceived as boring and weird.

Sodini’s problem of having no friends was a circular one. If you have zero friends to start with, it is very hard to make new ones. Sodini fell into this trap. Over the years, the effects of social isolation compounded more and more. For him, being rejected by women was the most obvious and frustrating part of being socially isolated. As a result, he took his revenge upon the women who he viewed as rejecting him (in reality, his victims were innocent third parties).

Normal people can have no friends too

The Blackpilled Incel on the bus or in a psychward (i.e. ME lol), understands why women are not interested in him. He knows he has nothing to offer, especially in this day and age with Tinder meaning that Chad is only a swipe away for women who want to hook up, and he accepts his place in life. He’s not necessarily happy about it, but grudgingly accepts it none the less.

But what if you have a job and money and you’re still alone? For these people, it’s much more difficult to face the boredom and isolation of having no friends.

There is a stereotype that poor people are the ones who are socially isolated. If you’re educated and have a good job you’re not supposed to be a loner. You should have people in your life and things going on. If one part of your life is normal, everything else should be as well.

Boredom drove Sodini to murder and suicide

View: https://youtu.be/f2tcEwbO6ZA

In the video above, Sodini spoke of the boredom that came with being a loner/loser. He spoke of going for long drives and running errands. For a loner/loser, doing errands and running around is sometimes the highlight of their day. It gets them out of their houses and gives them the opportunity to be around other people, albeit total strangers.

While some loners/losers turn to drugs or alcohol for entertainment (to fight boredom), Sodini did not drink or do drugs. For 20 years, he desperately tried to kill the time by going for drives and working out from time to time. This was not enough. He wanted more out of life, but found himself unable to achieve it.

He was left getting older and watching his opportunities and life situation further deteriorate. His frustrations only increased with age.

Getting older bothered Sodini. A Lot.
It can be inferred that when he was younger Sodini had hopes and dreams for his future. As he aged, it became more obvious that these dreams would never come true.

Part of aging that bothered him was his fleeting ability to attract the younger women he desired. He felt that he had about 10 years to find an attractive partner (this fantasy/delusion was put into his mind by R. Don Steele, who I cover a little later) or any partner for that matter. He wasted the best years of his life alone standing on the sidelines while everyone else was out having sex, socializing, and having fun. At 48 years of age, his time was running out and the pressure only increased.

Getting older is depressing for everyone, for loners/losers trying to break into the social world and develop romantic relationship, it is even more depressing.

In the last year of his life, Sodini feel prey to one of the many PUA charlatans that prey upon lonely, desperate men. In the following video he can be seen (Sodini is in the white shirt) attending one of R. Don Steele’s sham workshops:

View: https://youtu.be/9VDvZYcrq0o

The home videos from earlier in this article were part of the “homework” for this debacle.

Sodini a hero?

After his crimes occurred, many guys expressed their sympathy with Sodini’s life situation. Through online discussion forums and video postings, guys spoke of their loneliness, boredom, and experiences of rejection and social isolation. Sodini was not a hero to these people, but moreso a symbol of their own anger and frustrations.

Like Sodini, these guys search online dating sites only to be constantly ignored by uninterested women. It can be a demoralizing and painful experience. While 99.9% of Sodini sympathizers are not dangerous – they are able to contain their anger unlike him. These people also don’t condone his horrible crimes – they just relate to his experiences.

There are many adults who have worked very hard throughout their lives. They tried to do the right things. They did well in school, got good jobs, avoided drugs and alcohol, yet were never able to establish themselves socially. As a result, despite all their hard work their lives are lacking. They are unhappy.

What makes Sodini unique is not his life situation, but the reprehensible way in which he dealt with it.

I’ll finish with this, Sodini’s diary, it chronicles his thoughts for the last 9 months of his life, and you get a little window into his views on the world and descent into despair and insanity.

George Sodini's Diary

(I think if Sodini were around today, he would be a lot more despairing at how things have got (Tinder, BLM, MeToo, Wokeness etc) (in the near 12 years since his rampage and death.)
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@proudweeb pin this
If you have cash and reasonable health then you're not a loser.
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Labelling George Sodini's shooting rampage in 2009 as 'hating women' is lazy and misguided. It went much deeper than that.

In 2009, 48 year old George Sodini killed himself and 3 women at an LA Fitness health club in Pittsburgh PA. He left behind an online diary (The link to his online diary is at the bottom of this page) detailing his years of loneliness and rejection from women. While he complains that women never were attracted to him, he also speaks of having no friends or a social life. This was at the core of his, and so many lonely men/Incels, problems.

View attachment 955983
Sodini was a friendless loser

Why he did it..

To say Sodini committed his crimes “because he hated women” is an oversimplification of his reasons. He was a social outcast. For lonely men like Sodini (Sodini had one LTR in his youth, but was 19 years into a “dry spell” so more failed Normie than Incel) and Incels who are socially isolated, it is very hard to find women who are interested in dating them. If he had friends and a social life, he would have had at least an opening. Albeit most likely it would have led to rejection, but at least he would have had the opportunity to be rejected in the first place.

When most people think of an isolated loner, they think of a bearded, unkempt, person who can’t take care of himself. In reality, the vast majority of loners/Incels don’t fit this characterization. Many are productive citizens who present themselves well.

Sodini did not fit the stereotypical loner/loser profile because he had:

  • A job

  • Money (250k in assets)

  • His own house

  • His own car

  • Healthy eating habits

  • In good physical shape and worked out

  • No drug or alcohol addiction

Despite his financial situation and appearance being desirable, his life was absent of two things:

  1. Friend
  2. Romantic relationships

While he was no Brad Pitt, he could tell he wasn’t incredibly ugly for a man his age. He wasn’t overweight, short, or bald. He didn’t have messed up teeth or skin. He wasn’t a drug user or alcoholic. He wasn’t poor or unemployed. He was average looking, “Average Joe” basically. His problem was that he had no friends or social life. That’s what drove him to kill several women and himself at an LA Fitness.

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Things never went past the first date

On the very rare dates he had with women, Sodini was always rejected after the first or second date. This indicates women were perhaps interested in him until they learned about his absent social life, which was only apparent after they met and talked to him. Once they figured out he was a loner they didn't want to see him anymore because this is perceived as boring and weird.

Sodini’s problem of having no friends was a circular one. If you have zero friends to start with, it is very hard to make new ones. Sodini fell into this trap. Over the years, the effects of social isolation compounded more and more. For him, being rejected by women was the most obvious and frustrating part of being socially isolated. As a result, he took his revenge upon the women who he viewed as rejecting him (in reality, his victims were innocent third parties).

Normal people can have no friends too

The Blackpilled Incel on the bus or in a psychward (i.e. ME lol), understands why women are not interested in him. He knows he has nothing to offer, especially in this day and age with Tinder meaning that Chad is only a swipe away for women who want to hook up, and he accepts his place in life. He’s not necessarily happy about it, but grudgingly accepts it none the less.

But what if you have a job and money and you’re still alone? For these people, it’s much more difficult to face the boredom and isolation of having no friends.

There is a stereotype that poor people are the ones who are socially isolated. If you’re educated and have a good job you’re not supposed to be a loner. You should have people in your life and things going on. If one part of your life is normal, everything else should be as well.

Boredom drove Sodini to murder and suicide

View: https://youtu.be/f2tcEwbO6ZA

In the video above, Sodini spoke of the boredom that came with being a loner/loser. He spoke of going for long drives and running errands. For a loner/loser, doing errands and running around is sometimes the highlight of their day. It gets them out of their houses and gives them the opportunity to be around other people, albeit total strangers.

While some loners/losers turn to drugs or alcohol for entertainment (to fight boredom), Sodini did not drink or do drugs. For 20 years, he desperately tried to kill the time by going for drives and working out from time to time. This was not enough. He wanted more out of life, but found himself unable to achieve it.

He was left getting older and watching his opportunities and life situation further deteriorate. His frustrations only increased with age.

Getting older bothered Sodini. A Lot.
It can be inferred that when he was younger Sodini had hopes and dreams for his future. As he aged, it became more obvious that these dreams would never come true.

Part of aging that bothered him was his fleeting ability to attract the younger women he desired. He felt that he had about 10 years to find an attractive partner (this fantasy/delusion was put into his mind by R. Don Steele, who I cover a little later) or any partner for that matter. He wasted the best years of his life alone standing on the sidelines while everyone else was out having sex, socializing, and having fun. At 48 years of age, his time was running out and the pressure only increased.

Getting older is depressing for everyone, for loners/losers trying to break into the social world and develop romantic relationship, it is even more depressing.

In the last year of his life, Sodini feel prey to one of the many PUA charlatans that prey upon lonely, desperate men. In the following video he can be seen (Sodini is in the white shirt) attending one of R. Don Steele’s sham workshops:

View: https://youtu.be/9VDvZYcrq0o

The home videos from earlier in this article were part of the “homework” for this debacle.

Sodini a hero?

After his crimes occurred, many guys expressed their sympathy with Sodini’s life situation. Through online discussion forums and video postings, guys spoke of their loneliness, boredom, and experiences of rejection and social isolation. Sodini was not a hero to these people, but moreso a symbol of their own anger and frustrations.

Like Sodini, these guys search online dating sites only to be constantly ignored by uninterested women. It can be a demoralizing and painful experience. While 99.9% of Sodini sympathizers are not dangerous – they are able to contain their anger unlike him. These people also don’t condone his horrible crimes – they just relate to his experiences.

There are many adults who have worked very hard throughout their lives. They tried to do the right things. They did well in school, got good jobs, avoided drugs and alcohol, yet were never able to establish themselves socially. As a result, despite all their hard work their lives are lacking. They are unhappy.

What makes Sodini unique is not his life situation, but the reprehensible way in which he dealt with it.

I’ll finish with this, Sodini’s diary, it chronicles his thoughts for the last 9 months of his life, and you get a little window into his views on the world and descent into despair and insanity.

George Sodini's Diary

(I think if Sodini were around today, he would be a lot more despairing at how things have got (Tinder, BLM, MeToo, Wokeness etc) (in the near 12 years since his rampage and death.)

Man, he's just like me except older and homicidal. I have a job, don't drink, go to university, eat healthy, get good grades, etc. I also don't look terrible (5/10 maybe) and I'm not mentally ill but I can't get any sort of female attention or even form any friendships. Just like him I go to the gym, go for walks to get out the house and pass the time. Just like him I've felt this frustration build up inside me and have had suicidal fantasies at times from my extreme isolation. He's so similar to me it's unsettling.
Suifuel for straightedge moneymaxxercels.
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Most people have some money and a car and are overall health conscious, I'm not even 20 yet but I've been keeping charge of what I do and what I eat and working out for aesthetic with decent progress, on track to a good job after graduation and already have my own business plan and house of sorts, the bare minimum would be to do so, but I've also accepted my fate as a lifelong incel
Then govt should support this site's existance. It fulfils our social requirement and people are less likely to go ER. When will govt-sponsored incel site happen?
Suifuel for straightedge moneymaxxercels.
Truth. I will read the whole post later, but it sounds like he should have used drugs or escortmaxxed. 250k and not escortmaxxing? :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Normal people can have no friends too”

Truth. I will read the whole post later, but it sounds like he should have used drugs or escortmaxxed. 250k and not escortmaxxing? :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Yeah the dumbass had options he didn't even seem to consider tbh.
I want to skin alive everyone who tells us to be happy with ourselves.
Even if you had friends, you might not feel like you're with the right people because they would 100% be some bluepilled normies. And you would feel that you have nothing in common with them. Don't try to lie to yourself and pretend that you're one of them just because you want to be a part of that normie life.
Made it to sticky :smonk:
Social creatures need socialisation
Sodini did not fit the stereotypical loner/loser profile because he had:

  • A job

  • Money (250k in assets)

  • His own house

  • His own car

  • Healthy eating habits

  • In good physical shape and worked out

  • No drug or alcohol addiction

    And the standards are only rising JFL
If he is loser with his looks, then I never existed.
He mogs the shit out of me
how come he didnt have friends tho?
Man, he's just like me except older and homicidal. I have a job, don't drink, go to university, eat healthy, get good grades, etc. I also don't look terrible (5/10 maybe) and I'm not mentally ill but I can't get any sort of female attention or even form any friendships. Just like him I go to the gym, go for walks to get out the house and pass the time. Just like him I've felt this frustration build up inside me and have had suicidal fantasies at times from my extreme isolation. He's so similar to me it's unsettling.
My interest is breaking this cycle from nothing. How?
I'm almost like him, but younger, uglier, shorter and I have friends.

Oh forgot to say, I have no hair in my head.
I have no hair in my head.
Me too, brother.

A wise man has us baldcels in his heart:

"Hair is life.
If you have no hair, you have no life.

If your head is balding, then your life is balding too,

By each hair follicle you lost, your life is breaking up bit by bit, follicle by follicle."

----- Saint Hamudi (ﷺ)
He mogs me to another dimension and back

If it's over for him, it's 100x as over for me
True love, family and friendship are the most important things on this planet.
over for that white negro, he got lifemogged in LA
This is where the "just focus on yourself bro" advice will lead you to.

Ngl, I felt depressed after reading this, it's curious how I never came across his name before.
To make it short he was one of those occasional normie psychopaths that lose it.
True love, family and friendship are the most important things on this planet.
Why is it overshadowed by lust, greed and mistrust instead.

What's the point of all of this if those three things are more important

He impregnated someone and still a loser? Even with all other things he has as listed above? Holy shit if this guy is a loser then he mogs me to oblivion, there is an apparent social hierarchy among losers and those like him are at the top. :feelsrope:
Then govt should support this site's existance. It fulfils our social requirement and people are less likely to go ER. When will govt-sponsored incel site happen?
:feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:Yes goy....I mean gentiles, let us monitor and find out what you're doing.
This is brutally relatable. If I didn't have friends, I'd probably have gone Sodini myself.
This feels so close to me
Im exactly like him
Then govt should support this site's existance. It fulfils our social requirement and people are less likely to go ER. When will govt-sponsored incel site happen?

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