On a quest to fuck a sheboon to improve my genes.
- Joined
- Sep 14, 2023
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5. "YouR fAmIly LoVeS yOu" - They only love you by default and it doesnt mean shit
4. "GoD WilL gIvE YOu thE RigHt OnE" - The right one:A used up roastie with a higher body count than a prostitute
3. "LoVe YOuRseLF FiRsT thEn WomEn wiLl lOVe YOu" z- Elliot Rodger loved himself and thought of himself as attractive did foids love him?
2. "I kNoW a 5'-" - *blocked*
1. "thErE iS mORe To LiFe ThaN a ReLAtioNSHip!" - Our hobbies are instantly ruined by couples
4. "GoD WilL gIvE YOu thE RigHt OnE" - The right one:A used up roastie with a higher body count than a prostitute
3. "LoVe YOuRseLF FiRsT thEn WomEn wiLl lOVe YOu" z- Elliot Rodger loved himself and thought of himself as attractive did foids love him?
2. "I kNoW a 5'-" - *blocked*
1. "thErE iS mORe To LiFe ThaN a ReLAtioNSHip!" - Our hobbies are instantly ruined by couples