Zhou Chang-Xing
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- Feb 16, 2022
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First of all, not everyone here. Whenever JBW debates arise there's a civil war, but those that do believe in JBW as an absolute law of life take it way further than a slight market preference and take it as an absolute universal law.
The White supremacy found here is mostly found in non-Whites and some coping Whites (it's mostly Whitecels that don't believe it because they actually have the lived experiences of being White men and still not being able to find a toilet attracted to them). For some of the Whites it's a defecting cope that essentially states "I can ascend at any time whenever I want, but I only want White toilets because I respect my race". Absolute cope.
Now let's take an actual example from Stormfront. I have been a poster on Stormfront for several years in the past (though I quit several years ago), I'm a White ethno-nationalist and believe that White Dutch people should have our own country and banish immigrants back to their own countries. The day this happens I'd work hard to improve Africa, until that day I stay here and advocate for that.
Anyhow, here is an example page:
"What Is It With Polish Women and Black Men ?
I live near Stamford, Connecticut which has one of the biggest Polish populations outside of Chicago. So I get the opportunity to see and meet many Polish women.
But over time I began to see a pattern of them consorting with black men, or dark men in general. Its a shame because some of these Polish women are of stunning beauty. They are the epitome of Aryan beauty. But they seem to defile and degrade this priveledge by keeping the company of dark men.
I sometimes think I'd have better luck with Polish women if I was a groid. I don't know the reason for this. It might be that are from a predominantly White country that is pretty much isolated in Eastern Europe, so maybe dark men are exotic, exciting and something new to them ? But my suspicions of this disturbing trend were confirmed when I recently read a thread on this website about a Cameroonian immigrant in Warsaw, Simon Mol, who knowingly infected over 30 Polish women with AIDS. He claimed it was "racist" to wear a condom with a black man. He used the term "racist" to manipulate these women.
I honestly don't what the attraction is. I find black men to be of low intelligence, childish, violent and physically repulsive. So does anybody have any theories ? I think maybe because these Polish women are from a country that has virtually no African population, this therefore makes them naive and vulnerable to the racial realities of the Negro race.
I am utterly baffled...."
Now, I believe that the Slavpill excludes us Black men, but these guys don't, the first reaction is:
"Absolutely terrific. I love hearing this kind of sh*t to make me feel optimistic.
I think this is the result of there not being the Polish men around to kick the sh*t out of the groids when they see this travesty.
When SHTF, not only will your skin be your uniform, but whether or not you have been proven to and continue to prove to be pro-White in your life will be a deciding factor in your fate. Regardless of how beautiful you are."
Just for the uninitiated, the term GROID means African, calling Black people on SF "Groids" would be like if we referred to toilets as "Toids" or "Woids".
A common trend on Stormfront is complaining about how non-White men take White toilets. This forum is the opposite, many Incels here genuinely believe that no White toilet would ever even dare touch a non-White man because White men are soooo amazing and these amazing genetics, while all non-Whites, male and female, lust after superior White genetics. I mean, obviously no Black toilet would EVER want those disgusting inferior African genes right? Oh wait...
The JBW White Supremacist would say "Keep coping Blackcel, every Sheboon dreams about White dick".
Meanwhile, the USA 7% of White men marry non-Whites and 7% of White toilets marry non-Whites, these are identical numbers. If every non-White toilet wanted superior White genetics all Whitecels would be riding non-Euro Stacy pussies 24/7 and 0% of White toilets except for the truly mentally ill would date Asian and African men. Reality tells something completely different.
Remember, Whites enjoy a higher status in society compared to Blacks, White men earn more money, White men are on average more intelligent, way taller, and basically every celebrity known for being hot is either White or South Korean, I can't think of a single Black male celebrity who is celebrated for his looks. Meanwhile, double the amount of Black men date Whites than Black toilets.
We also know that some toilets use Tinder only for free lunch, is it possible that in this specific case they might want White men more for immediate resources.
Don't get me wrong, JBW is valid in a lot of cases, but JBA (Just be Asian) is too with White toilets who have an Asian fetish. But JBW advocates selectively accept Asian toilets drooling over White men as valid while call White toilets drooling over Asian men "cope".
The JBW coper only accepts the reality he sees.
Is an Indian man living in India really rejected because he's not some random White dude thousands of kilometers away? Are all men in India incels? I don't think so, these men use JBW as a crutch to not take responsibility for the fact that they themselves are ugly. I live in the Netherlands, I see short Indian Chadpreets slay White Stacies that stand head and shoulders above them in height, your race isn't an issue when you have a good jaw.
Unless you're Black, your race ain't holding you back from dating.
The only reason why Indians are overrepresented on this forum is because English is their national language and incels who only speak Arabic or Ukrainian can't join here. Yet these men would look more European than Curries and see Curriecels go to their countries to snatch local pussy.
JBW is cope, JDBB (Just don't be Black) is reality.
I'm not a White supremacist, I'm a Black inferiorist. And any other race of incel should stop this race-bait non-sense and recognise the fact that White men exist doesn't mean that they're incels in their own countries.
Most Thai and Filipino toilets marry other Asians from South Korea and Japan as likely as Americans and Germans. And passport sisters often drool over Thai and Filipino men.
Chang, Chad, Chadpreet, Etc. all have life experiences more similar to each other than any of us. I saw a vlogging channel of a White toilet moving to Malaysia to be with her Curry husband. However, this guy height-mogs most Americans.
Likewise, in Hanoi I commonly saw tall Asian men with White wives, why? Tall people want to marry other tall people, most tall toilets end up with a tall husband, most tall men end up with a tall wife. And if the average toilet around you is like 4'9 you're going online to find someone taller.
Shortcels often complain about tall men taking short wives, but EXTREME couple height differences are about as rare as toilets dating shorter men.
The reality is that very few copers on this forum are JUST single because of their race (unless they're Black).
Also, of all the toilets who are more likely to respond to White men, how many actually end up marrying and reproducing with them?
The White supremacy found here is mostly found in non-Whites and some coping Whites (it's mostly Whitecels that don't believe it because they actually have the lived experiences of being White men and still not being able to find a toilet attracted to them). For some of the Whites it's a defecting cope that essentially states "I can ascend at any time whenever I want, but I only want White toilets because I respect my race". Absolute cope.
Now let's take an actual example from Stormfront. I have been a poster on Stormfront for several years in the past (though I quit several years ago), I'm a White ethno-nationalist and believe that White Dutch people should have our own country and banish immigrants back to their own countries. The day this happens I'd work hard to improve Africa, until that day I stay here and advocate for that.
Anyhow, here is an example page:
"What Is It With Polish Women and Black Men ?
I live near Stamford, Connecticut which has one of the biggest Polish populations outside of Chicago. So I get the opportunity to see and meet many Polish women.
But over time I began to see a pattern of them consorting with black men, or dark men in general. Its a shame because some of these Polish women are of stunning beauty. They are the epitome of Aryan beauty. But they seem to defile and degrade this priveledge by keeping the company of dark men.
I sometimes think I'd have better luck with Polish women if I was a groid. I don't know the reason for this. It might be that are from a predominantly White country that is pretty much isolated in Eastern Europe, so maybe dark men are exotic, exciting and something new to them ? But my suspicions of this disturbing trend were confirmed when I recently read a thread on this website about a Cameroonian immigrant in Warsaw, Simon Mol, who knowingly infected over 30 Polish women with AIDS. He claimed it was "racist" to wear a condom with a black man. He used the term "racist" to manipulate these women.
I honestly don't what the attraction is. I find black men to be of low intelligence, childish, violent and physically repulsive. So does anybody have any theories ? I think maybe because these Polish women are from a country that has virtually no African population, this therefore makes them naive and vulnerable to the racial realities of the Negro race.
I am utterly baffled...."
Now, I believe that the Slavpill excludes us Black men, but these guys don't, the first reaction is:
"Absolutely terrific. I love hearing this kind of sh*t to make me feel optimistic.
I think this is the result of there not being the Polish men around to kick the sh*t out of the groids when they see this travesty.
When SHTF, not only will your skin be your uniform, but whether or not you have been proven to and continue to prove to be pro-White in your life will be a deciding factor in your fate. Regardless of how beautiful you are."
Just for the uninitiated, the term GROID means African, calling Black people on SF "Groids" would be like if we referred to toilets as "Toids" or "Woids".
A common trend on Stormfront is complaining about how non-White men take White toilets. This forum is the opposite, many Incels here genuinely believe that no White toilet would ever even dare touch a non-White man because White men are soooo amazing and these amazing genetics, while all non-Whites, male and female, lust after superior White genetics. I mean, obviously no Black toilet would EVER want those disgusting inferior African genes right? Oh wait...
The JBW White Supremacist would say "Keep coping Blackcel, every Sheboon dreams about White dick".
Meanwhile, the USA 7% of White men marry non-Whites and 7% of White toilets marry non-Whites, these are identical numbers. If every non-White toilet wanted superior White genetics all Whitecels would be riding non-Euro Stacy pussies 24/7 and 0% of White toilets except for the truly mentally ill would date Asian and African men. Reality tells something completely different.
Remember, Whites enjoy a higher status in society compared to Blacks, White men earn more money, White men are on average more intelligent, way taller, and basically every celebrity known for being hot is either White or South Korean, I can't think of a single Black male celebrity who is celebrated for his looks. Meanwhile, double the amount of Black men date Whites than Black toilets.
We also know that some toilets use Tinder only for free lunch, is it possible that in this specific case they might want White men more for immediate resources.
Don't get me wrong, JBW is valid in a lot of cases, but JBA (Just be Asian) is too with White toilets who have an Asian fetish. But JBW advocates selectively accept Asian toilets drooling over White men as valid while call White toilets drooling over Asian men "cope".
The JBW coper only accepts the reality he sees.
Is an Indian man living in India really rejected because he's not some random White dude thousands of kilometers away? Are all men in India incels? I don't think so, these men use JBW as a crutch to not take responsibility for the fact that they themselves are ugly. I live in the Netherlands, I see short Indian Chadpreets slay White Stacies that stand head and shoulders above them in height, your race isn't an issue when you have a good jaw.
Unless you're Black, your race ain't holding you back from dating.
The only reason why Indians are overrepresented on this forum is because English is their national language and incels who only speak Arabic or Ukrainian can't join here. Yet these men would look more European than Curries and see Curriecels go to their countries to snatch local pussy.
JBW is cope, JDBB (Just don't be Black) is reality.
I'm not a White supremacist, I'm a Black inferiorist. And any other race of incel should stop this race-bait non-sense and recognise the fact that White men exist doesn't mean that they're incels in their own countries.
Most Thai and Filipino toilets marry other Asians from South Korea and Japan as likely as Americans and Germans. And passport sisters often drool over Thai and Filipino men.
Chang, Chad, Chadpreet, Etc. all have life experiences more similar to each other than any of us. I saw a vlogging channel of a White toilet moving to Malaysia to be with her Curry husband. However, this guy height-mogs most Americans.
Likewise, in Hanoi I commonly saw tall Asian men with White wives, why? Tall people want to marry other tall people, most tall toilets end up with a tall husband, most tall men end up with a tall wife. And if the average toilet around you is like 4'9 you're going online to find someone taller.
Shortcels often complain about tall men taking short wives, but EXTREME couple height differences are about as rare as toilets dating shorter men.
The reality is that very few copers on this forum are JUST single because of their race (unless they're Black).
Also, of all the toilets who are more likely to respond to White men, how many actually end up marrying and reproducing with them?