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Theory Theories about WMAF vs AMWF marriage rates



Apr 16, 2024
According to Wikipedia, in the US in 2010 there were 219,000 AMWF married couples and 529,000 WMAF married couples. There were 2,855,000 AMAF married couples.

I was surprised that the number of AMWF marriages is that high and the number of WMAF marriages is that low. I think there is a three-part explanation for these numbers.

1) White men the gatekeepers of WMAF marriages. This is the opposite of most other relationship pairings, where the female is the gatekeeper. Many white men will happily pump and dump noodles, but they don't want to produce hapas, especially hapa males. Essentially, there would be many more WMAF marriages if white men wanted to marry noodlewhores.

2) AMWF marriages are largely betabuxx situationships.

3) AMAF marriages are also largely betabuxx. Many of the Asian females in these relationships are "bananarangs" who couldn't get a white man to commit. Many other AMAF marriages are between older people who married in Asian countries and then immigrated to the US. Lastly, many of the AMAF marriages are curries marrying each other. No one wants curries.
Whats wmaf amwf and betabuxx been seing it alot here
WMAF couples are surely less likely to marry than AMWF.
1) White men the gatekeepers of WMAF marriages. This is the opposite of most other relationship pairings, where the female is the gatekeeper. Many white men will happily pump and dump noodles, but they don't want to produce hapas, especially hapa males. Essentially, there would be many more WMAF marriages if white men wanted to marry noodlewhores.

This is major cope. We know that men of all races (including White men) are extremely desperate for pussy, we also know that a disproportionate amount of those marriages are White natives and Yellow immigrants. Men are the gatekeepers of NOTHING, not even the almighty White man has any power over ANY female. We know in fact that Asian toilets are universally preferred when it comes to racial preferences. The idea that White toilets are somehow more beautiful than Asian toilets is a major cope, Asian toilets outperform any other race of toilets in any dating setting.

Asian toilets are more neotenous (which is attractive), shorter (shorter toilets are more successful reproductively), and more intelligent (less likely to divorce than dumber toilets). The idea that Eurasian children are undesirable (or "Hapa" as you called them using a Hawaiian term) is also non-sense. I didn't put the image in my folder, but in an old IncelTV video where he debunks the idea that Black men are desirable to ANY race of toilets he showed a study showing race and attraction and mixed race White-Asian men were perceived to be the exact same level of attractiveness to White toilets as pure White men. In fact, anyone who has spend any time in Asia knows that Eurasians are highly desirable in most Asian countries.

The only countries that don't idolise Eurasians are China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. In Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Etc. they are disproportionately represented as models, celebrities, actors, Etc.

IncelTV likes to claim that the reason Asian toilets are most desired is because "it's like the lion going after the wounded zebra, easy prey", but if that were true ugly obese toilets would get more likes on dating apps than a Stacy... Which isn't true at all. Stacy is more desirable compared to ugly toilets as Asian toilets are compared to non-Asian toilets.
2) AMWF marriages are largely betabuxx situationships.

3) AMAF marriages are also largely betabuxx. Many of the Asian females in these relationships are "bananarangs" who couldn't get a white man to commit. Many other AMAF marriages are between older people who married in Asian countries and then immigrated to the US. Lastly, many of the AMAF marriages are curries marrying each other. No one wants curries

Ah yes, "the Betabux of the gaps". If something doesn't conform to your worldview it's always "Betabux Deluxe". To many religious blackpillers (those who see the Blackpill as a dogmatic religion rather than a scientific-based way to explain interpersonal relationships) Betabux is what God is to Theists.

We know that people are strongly racially endogamous, even in highly multi-ethnic societies.

In the Philippines I constantly heard toilets of Filipinx people going to the United States and then marrying a Filipinx-American. Sometimes other Asian-Americans. If the big White penis was oh so irresistible to toilets of all races we wouldn't even see endogamous relationships, we'd just see non-White races going slowly extinct.
Whats wmaf amwf and betabuxx been seing it alot here

WMAF = White Male Asian Female.

AMWF = Asian Male White Female.

Betabux comes from the old PUA Redpill phrase "Alpha fux, Beta bux" which originally indicated that men with "good personalities" (asshole, dominant, antagonistic, negging, Etc.) had all the sex while men that like pleasing women and do what they ask just give them money and never have sex. With the PSL Redpill (later Incel Redpill, later Incel Blackpill) this became to mean that attractive men have sex because toilets fundamentally desire an attractive man regardless of his personality and that unattractive men can only enter relationships by bribing her with money, but that because you can't negotiate attraction these men are all largely sexless incels or in some cases have very rare instances of "starfish sex" with their uninterested partner who cheats on the side with an attractive man.

Chad's and Alpha's aren't interchangeable subjects and the word "Betabux" means wildly different things, but the underlying definition is always that a "lesser man" has to resort to bribing a woman with money to associate with him.
Another place we can look at is Sweden, in urban Sweden mixed race couples of males of any race with females of any race, but as toilets move out of the countryside to the cities White Swedish toilets marry more outside of their race, especially the poorer ones. Meanwhile, almost all immigrants to the rural parts of Sweden are Thai and Filipinx, being females marrying incel farmers.

Being rural Dutch myself, other than asylum seekers centres forced on us the only foreigners I see are Indonesian, Thai, and Pinay toilets. There are way more Chinese people than Turks and I literally don't know ANY Moroccans in rural parts of the Netherlands.

JBW really isn't as powerful as many people here make it out to be, otherwise lonely and desperate White men would simply lure immigrant toilets from the cities to the villages, but they actually have to go to Thailand and the Philippines to get laid.

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