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RageFuel There isn't enough hate for sandniggers and pisslam

In what manner ? This is what Muzzie foids think of their men

Nah I just don't want to let 50 IQ Camelpiss drinkers dictate my life.
1 twitter account of an anonymous user is somehow proof for this dumb jeet
Cumskins invented the USE and value for oil so in a way they actually did make "oil", if it wasn't for whites the highest iq way sandniggers use oil would be lighting up their torches with it to find their way through the desert night
It was an Iraqi man who found oil for the Norweigians despite them spending years trying to find it. JFL
Nice try Muzzie but Hindu society is way way more foid rights limiting than Muzzies.
Holy copium
Morocco and Indonesia are muslim countries and literal sexpat brothels.
No they're not
Why isn't India or Nepal a sexpat brothel eunuch ?
Because indian women are disgusting and india is a shithole?
The biggest pornstar Mia Khalifa was a Hoejabi.
She's a christian/westernized chimpanzee. And no one wants to watch pajeetas get fucked anyways. Even nigger foids are more popular in porn than pajeetas
Most hapas look mixed
They dont. Almost always they look Asian af. Maybe Turk at best.
Yea thats why you resort to talking about your eye area and arabs having caucasian skull (caucasian but not white)
Because those traits are arab traits
instead of talking about your race being in the stone age compared to gooks
Saudi and Oman and UAE are better off than most chink shitholes
I do have hazel eyes but they arent like ana de armas tier. I have green but it only shows under bright lighting.
Post your eye or stfu
Because all Muzzies feel envious towards non circumcised men

Nah that Muzzies. They have long and traditioned history of fucking young boys(bacha bazi). I guess your own father and uncles engaged with you in such activities.
Well I don’t think about the dicks of others tbh. How often do you think about penis?
I dont have slanted eyes. My canthal tilt is neutral and I have almond eyes. Slanted eyes isnt even a failo though if you dont have monolids and have browridge. Look at japanese changs with jomon dna.
Post your eye area
i believe you (doubt its strikingly green though, probably dark which isnt that gud), i just meant i never saw it before then. Yea no one claimed sandNIGGERS are negroid or some shit. You’re caucasian and asians are mongoloid wow! Yea quapas mog sandNIGGERS.
Quapas are closer to Arabs than they are to Asians, so I dont know why you're saying that as if it's an own.
east asian countries are all powerful on their own
They're not. Jap and Korea are toys of america.
theres hardly any caste system which shows east asian superiority over sandNIGGERS who are ruled by jews and top 1% arabs.
How fucking ironic he says this when asians live like bugs to serve the top 1% of their seniors.
If you had any potential, you wouldve teamed up on israel and then jewed the states with oil and power but you cant lol.
Just like how China can't invade Taiwan hmmmm
At least gook countries can survive on their own even after numerous asiatic massacres
You have numbers on your side like insects. We are only 400 million
My eyes have barely any epicanthal folds and my brows are medium set (maybe high by anglo standards but the inside of my brows are not); I have normal white eye colour on top of that. My mother is japanese with asian almond eyes (near monolids and epicanthal folds). I have the white version of her eyes and my father’s ipd (not necessarily phenotypically white per se but not noticeably asian). My browridge also mogs my mums quite hard, she has that high set shallow set asian one like haerin from newjeans. Mine is lower set and my orbitals are also more deep set.
Still chinky eyes. I can tell before I even see them
Petroleum has been used for literally thousands of years, when cumskins were mostly running around naked in forests.
The way it was used in those times isn't even comparable to how it's been used since the industrial revolution, whites gave it its value and a whole new definition
And that doesn’t dispute the fact that the literal richest countries are Muslim
They are rich only because whites BRIBED them, it's white money (money as in luxury and power not just a piece of paper), it could've as well be niggers or curries in their location and they'd still be rich because it's not their money it's whites money
Well I don’t think about the dicks of others tbh. How often do you think about penis?
And now you try to shift the arguement. Off course when the subhumanity of muzzies is brought on full display they start chimping out.
The way it was used in those times isn't even comparable to how it's been used since the industrial revolution, whites gave it its value and a whole new definition

They are rich only because whites BRIBED them, it's white money (money as in luxury and power not just a piece of paper), it could've as well be niggers or curries in their location and they'd still be rich because it's not their money it's whites money
Petroleum was distilled for thousands of years. Americans used it for fuel.

They are still rich though so how is their countries a bad place to live?

Also why are you so proud of accomplishments of others with the same skin colour as you?
And now you try to shift the arguement. Off course when the subhumanity of muzzies is brought on full display they start chimping out.
Yes, I shifted the argument by talking about dick size JFL
1. Hapas are known to be complete mentalcels, because, your gook whore mothers take their anger out on you. because, you didn't come out as white passing as they had hoped.
kek @Lv99_BixNood made a thread about this exact thing long ago and I argued with a pajeet @JayGoptri and another hapa @K9Otaku on there. The hapa user was so mentally unstable.

2. I have been on plenty of discord servers where Hapas cope and say they are white passing, and when they reveal their face, it turns out to be another chingchong, I have seen it happen soooooo many times, this is again because, of point 1, most of you delusionmaxx, otherwise, you would rope.
lol True I have seen many hapas on twitter brag about how other asians think they're white JFL. Also, post some of these discord pics if you still have them
3) most of you are white nationalists, because, you have deluded yourselves into thinking you're white, no Arab does this, that's why I call myself Arab, while, you claimed you were Fully white at first.
They're white nationalists because they dont know where they belong, so they pathetically seek acceptance from whites by trying to be meat shields for them
You did. Guess when your own dick gets chopped off at birth you can't help but talking about it.
Tbh that doesn’t really bother me since I am an incel and I don’t use it to have sex. So idc
You are 100% right. Muzzies try to shove Islam and Arabic culture down everyone's throats and destroy native cultures. Arguing with them is retarded. Just make like the Burmese and bomb them to death.

Ultimately I don't think they are much of a threat to anyone. Indian Muslims are losing their religiosity at fast rates and it seems the same in Mid East.

Not gonna lie. I kinda find them gross. Their clothing, habitats and food gives me the ick.
They worship a stone.
You retarded camelpiss drinkers were born with a golden spoon in your shitty asses, without that you're desert shitholes full of pedophiles and cousin fuckers would look the same like 1500+ years ago. No technology, no expensive hypercars, no burj Khalifa etc.
You were just lucky to have oil to buy everything what we westeners/Germans invented. To buy all of that knowledge.
We Germans never had such resources in our small country but it didn't stop us from making the most important inventions of humanity. Maybe because we were never that retarded to believe in a so called prophet who allows you to fuck your cousins. Lmao
You retarded camelpiss drinkers were born with a golden spoon in your shitty asses, without that you're desert shitholes full of pedophiles and cousin fuckers would look the same like 1500+ years ago. No technology, no expensive hypercars, no burj Khalifa etc.
You were just lucky to have oil to buy everything what we westeners/Germans invented. To buy all of that knowledge.
We Germans never had such resources in our small country but it didn't stop us from making the most important inventions of humanity. Maybe because we were never that retarded to believe in a so called prophet who allows you to fuck your cousins. Lmao
German try not to be angry challenge (impossible) :feelshaha:

Still very true though
Literally the richest countries in the world are Muslim and they limit foid rights.
Gigacope found the coping nigger.
View attachment 1165493
My brother is a ginger, and I have dark green eyes. Plenty of people in my family have white skin(pink undertones) light hair and green/hazel and a few people have Blue eyes.
And we are Lebanese, we have no white blood. Arabs/Iranians/Turks are the only people who can have colored eyes and hair without White blood.

I'm a Lebanese maronite Christian, you have no fucking clue about what you're talking about. Sharia is not what American cucksersvatives say it is, even Niggers behave in the Gulf States and there's virtually, no crime. Sharia works.
@Made in Heaven
Stop arguing who is white.
nobody cares.
you are fueling white people ego for no reason.
Theres nothing wrong with having a different color.
Yeah you racist fucks

And why the fuck are you defending muslims as a christian and an arab christian of all ??
Thats just new to me.
You retarded camelpiss drinkers were born with a golden spoon in your shitty asses, without that you're desert shitholes full of pedophiles and cousin fuckers would look the same like 1500+ years ago. No technology, no expensive hypercars, no burj Khalifa etc.
You were just lucky to have oil to buy everything what we westeners/Germans invented. To buy all of that knowledge.
We Germans never had such resources in our small country but it didn't stop us from making the most important inventions of humanity. Maybe because we were never that retarded to believe in a so called prophet who allows you to fuck your cousins. Lmao
Most modern Germans are cucked soyboys. It's really hard to find some of the good old ones who could made the Führer proud lol.
I know that all too well. Holocaust ideology is battered into them from youth, even harder than over here in Weimerica.
I know that all too well. Holocaust ideology is battered into them from youth, even harder than over here in Weimerica.
Yes, that's true.
I was mainly raised by my grandparents so I've developed an immunity against certain forms of propaganda.
Most modern Germans are cucked soyboys. It's really hard to find some of the good old ones who could made the Führer proud lol.
Even "based & blackpilled" SFcels here are pro-Islam because MUH SHARIA, they hate on niggers and curries but give a pass to Muslim aka malicious retarded lustful savage animals
“Wealth” is meaningless because most of it is from property values. Just owning a regular house will make your “wealth” sky rocket in those countries
Still Muslim countries aren't the richest ones.
It's probably Luxembourg.
No, you didn't.

Those are not hapas. They're clearly like 75-80% white, nice try.
They’re all hapa, keep coping sandnigger

The boy still looks gookish. All Arabs have causcaian features like Almond eyes, a thin straight nose, double eyelids, causacoid jaws etc..
which you would mutilate your gook face for, add colored eyes and hair and we pass as white, which you do not,because, you have gook features. Also you have sick yellow skin. So you will never pass as white. Gooks are the least causcaian, that's why even black causcaians like Dravidians in Singapore are stealing your women, because, noodlwhores desire causcaian features.
Idk why you’re still coping with being more caucasian. You ignored the coloured eyes of the HAPAS not quapas and started talking about caucasian features to cope. Arabs btw are close to southern meds who are considered ethnic by north western europeans. You arent close to actual whites. You also dont have the success of southern med countries so you have nothing going for you except history from a million years ago lol. Asian countries have higher life expectancy, gdp per capita with such huge populations (lowly populated countries like qatar, uae, bahrain and kuwait dont count), happiness, innovation, quality of life, education, iq. No one gives a fuck that sandniggers are more caucasian. You’re hundreds of years behind in evolution physically and culturally. Keep coping with muh caucasoid, youre a joke with a shitty religion that keeps you from roping in your shitty desert environment filled with war. If gooks had religion, the suicide rate would go down quite a bit. You sandniggers cope with religion so hard lol. It can be based like sharia law but the actual religion you guys use to cope is fundamentally flawed and you guys are giving women more and more rights which means its more over for your reputations lol.
Also, I have no reason to believe,you because:

1. Hapas are known to be complete mentalcels, because, your gook whore mothers take their anger out on you. because, you didn't come out as white passing as they had hoped.
you just made that up
2. I have been on plenty of discord servers where Hapas cope and say they are white passing, and when they reveal their face, it turns out to be another chingchong, I have seen it happen soooooo many times, this is again because, of point 1, most of you delusionmaxx, otherwise, you would rope.
Miring lies
3) most of you are white nationalists, because, you have deluded yourselves into thinking you're white, no Arab does this, that's why I call myself Arab, while, you claimed you were Fully white at first.
Nope, most east asian hapas dont even care about race in that way because theyre normal people. They care about what race theyre seen as but they dont care about white nationalism esp in 2024. East asian hapas are not as mentally ill as sea hapas who are the ones with ancient fathers and mentally ill sea mothers. You’re just coping at this point. I once said i was fully white due to japanese being referred to as aryan but i was clearly joking, i never claimed to be white unironically
My nigga started war thread.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
My nigga started war thread.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Islam is the ultimate "dumb down" ideology, it abuses the shadow of the human soul and fear of death to make vulnerable low iq subhumans subservient, if you talk to anyone above the age of 20 who unironically believes in Islam you'll realize their brain is completely FRIED and rotted to the point of no return, there is absolutely no saving them and the only solution is their extermination, Islam has destroyed multiple civilized nations and cultures and reduced them to petty Islamic garbage, middle east, north Africa, etc were all great before they contracted the zombie virus called Islam, and below all, at the bottom of this hell is SHIA Islam, the most retarded, ugliest, piece of shit mind control cult to has ever existed, it should be classified as the worst mass mental disease in all of history
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Even "based & blackpilled" SFcels here are pro-Islam because MUH SHARIA, they hate on niggers and curries but give a pass to Muslim aka malicious retarded lustful savage animals
They don't have a clue about Sharia and their lust makes them blind for the truth. Stupid, horny motherfuckers.
Our families were stable without Sharia-copium and even a 4/10 man had no big problems to get his looksmatch wife. You don't need to establish Sharia and tyranny to make a society work and keep foids in their places. My grandmother wasn't a whore, not even my mother was one.
But so many muslim foids are sluts, regardless of sharia. I bet even in their shitholes. It's just a cope. Until their foids poison them or something like that.
if you talk to anyone above the age of 20 who unironically believes in Islam you'll realize their brain is completely FRIED and rotted to the point of no return
Literally me. I no longer believe but the brain damage is done and there is no coming back.
Islam is the ultimate "dumb down" ideology, it abuses the shadow of the human soul and fear of death to make vulnerable low iq subhumans subservient, if you talk to anyone above the age of 20 who unironically believes in Islam you'll realize their brain is completely FRIED and rotted to the point of no return, there is absolutely no saving them and the only solution is their extermination, Islam has destroyed multiple civilized nations and cultures and reduced them to petty Islamic garbage, middle east, north Africa, etc were all great before they contracted the zombie virus called Islam, and below all, at the bottom of this hell is SHIA Islam, the most retarded, ugliest, piece of shit mind control cult to has ever existed, it should be classified as the worst mass mental disease in all of history
Based af. 100% true.
kek @
@Lv99_BixNood made a thread about this exact thing long ago and I argued with a pajeet @
@JayGoptri and another hapa @
@K9Otaku on there. The hapa user was so mentally unstable.
That's why I tagged you, I'm loosing braincels arguing with this mutt. The thing with hapas is that they have Asian inteligence, and jealousy along with with having a little white blood which isn't very significant, because, they still look Asian. but the retards, become very prideful, because, of that small white admixture, just like tacocels, which is probably, why they become white nationalists. Asian intelligent+jealousy and a little white admixture is a very dangerous combo.

You can tell this guy is mentally unstable, because, he is completely disingenuous , which is what I hate the most. And there so many examples, I can think of:

1) he used that picture which you posted, and then edits out the boy and and what the mother wrote, to make it look like the little noodle is naturally blonde.

IMG 20240524 161516
And then, when I called him out for it, he claims the he didn't know that you posted the picture, and that he didn't edit it, like the lying slanted eye fox he is. I have noticed this behaviour, in other hapas too, when I called out another Hapa I was debating, on a discord server after he revealed, his face and was clearly still chingchong looking despite, being hapa. He still shamelessly tried to argue that he was white passing. They seem to have a tendency, to argue even when they're clearly, in the wrong.

2) claims, I have never talked about my appearance/features except when Arabs are attacked/or bought up. Why would I randomly, go around telling people what I look like? This guy is clearly mentally ill and autistic as fuck,
I have mentioned, my features many times, that's how he knew I had a good eye because, I remember, describing my area somewhere else, that's why he said "green eyes and good eye area" he has clearly seen, that thread. Looks like He jealous of my eye area because, his Chingchong eye area is a failo, which even small kids make fun of, and he is extremely, jealous of my near perfect eye area which plenty, of Arabs have. Also, notice how he acts smart and says " your eye colour is probably dark green?" When, I literally, mentioned my that eye colour was dark green on the first fucking page of this thread. But this dumbass probably, thought I forgot that and tries to act like he knows anything, about arabs. plenty of Arabs have light green/blue eyes. It's funny because, the majority of hapas have t50s.

3) He has never talked about his supposed, good eye area, and green hazel eyes until now. You know very well, that this prideful slant eyed yellow brown monkey would be talking about it 24/7,if he had a feature, which his master the WHITU MAN also has. I don't need to, because, My borther is a ginger and I there so many people in my family with green/hazel eyes, My grandfather has very a unique light green eyes colour, but barely anyone in family even cares because, it's common pretty among Arabs. If we were Indians or hapa my grandfather would be celebrity because, of his eye colour alone, but because, we are Arab, he is just another old man. Shows who worships white people more.

3) he claims I'm going on tangents. Does the dumbass, even realize, that he tagged us and and I started this argument by saying, I was superior to him because, I'm a green eyed causcasian, which he wishes he was? He is the one who started blabbering about how Asians are superior to us, in milatary strength and standard of living. Maybe, Ill make a separate thread because, this is simply not true, Chinese weapons are a complete joke, and their army hasn't fought a war since, the 70s and they rely on conscripts. And the gulf States are proof that Arabs can build good cities.

4) posts people who are like 70-80% white and claims they're hapas lol.

Also, as a side note, he is just extremely mad at both of us for destroying his gookoid copes, because, he lost the other debate, after he couldn't even show us one white passing hapa, the yellow brown Monkey is just throwing a tantrum now, in hopes that we will Stop replying to his autistic rants, so he can claim some sort of victory. I don't know if they do this because, they're a bunch of disingenuous slant eyed foxes or because, they're mentally ill. maybe, it's a combination of. Both.

These are my observations, mixed gooks are complete mentalcels, and are much harder to have a reasonable debate, with. because, of the points I listed above, at least Pajeets only go on tangents and are not so disingenuous
Also, post some of these discord pics if you still have them
This was last year, It was on my old phone, I wish I had it. There was one gook who claimed to be "white af" and would always, talk shit about his ethnic father for marrying his mother, he would act like a typical edgelord white nationalist by posting Aryan classic edits. But then, as the server grew and more actual whites, from Europe who were not not amerimutts started joining, he probably, realised he wasn't as White as he had thought he was, And when people pressured him to Post a picture,he did but he blurred out his face, but everyone who saw the pic could instantly, tell he was a chink based on his shit Black hair texture.

I remember, how everyone, was surprised, because, the way this nigger was acting was if he was blonde. Then, he admits that he has a chink eye area and his friend would keep mentioning it (probably, got bullied for it, that's he was delusionmaxxing)
And then, when, he finally, revealed his face, it was obvious, that he wouldn't stand out in China. He kicked me out for calling him out, on this. Akso for some reason these Chinks hate Arabs, just like they're white masters and he would keep making fun of Gazans, that's why I confronted him, and he eventually, admitted he wasn't white at one point, but then, started shamelessly saying he was white passing again Just before kicking me out. These guys will genuinely, kill themselves, if they don't delusionmaxx.

They're white nationalists because they dont know where they belong, so they pathetically seek acceptance from whites by trying to be meat shields for them
It's funny because, they will be the first ones to be killed, if White nationalists ever get power because, they're weird looking mutts.
They don't have a clue about Sharia and their lust makes them blind for the truth. Stupid, horny motherfuckers.
Our families were stable without Sharia-copium and even a 4/10 man had no big problems to get his looksmatch wife. You don't need to establish Sharia and tyranny to make a society work and keep foids in their places. My grandmother wasn't a whore, not even my mother was one.
But so many muslim foids are sluts, regardless of sharia. I bet even in their shitholes. It's just a cope. Until their foids poison them or something like that.
Modern inceldom isn't even the result of "women's rights", our parents generation and in some countries the generation before them also had women's rights but mass scale inceldom didn't exist, it's mostly the result of centralized Jewish media and internet which made foids a hivemind, 50 years ago foids had to settle with local men no matter how many "rights" they had, now a roastie in China can demand a whitu cocku sexpat on the other side of the planet thanks to internet
kek @Lv99_BixNood made a thread about this exact thing long ago and I argued with a pajeet @JayGoptri and another hapa @K9Otaku on there. The hapa user was so mentally unstable.

lol True I have seen many hapas on twitter brag about how other asians think they're white JFL. Also, post some of these discord pics if you still have them

They're white nationalists because they dont know where they belong, so they pathetically seek acceptance from whites by trying to be meat shields for them
projection :feelshaha: :feelshaha:
Modern inceldom isn't even the result of "women's rights", our parents generation and in some countries the generation before them also had women's rights but mass scale inceldom didn't exist, it's mostly the result of centralized Jewish media and internet which made foids a hivemind, 50 years ago foids had to settle with local men no matter how many "rights" they had, now a roastie in China can demand a whitu cocku sexpat on the other side of the planet thanks to internet
True. It's this and modern divorce laws that have ruined our society. Even if a normie guy is able to achieve a marriage because of betabuxxing, the foid can legally cheat on him and destroys his life and steal the children. That wasn't possible back then.
That's why I tagged you, I'm loosing braincels arguing with this mutt. The thing with hapas is that they have Asian inteligence, and jealousy along with with having a little white blood which isn't very significant, because, they still look Asian. but the retards, become very prideful, because, of that small white admixture, just like tacocels, which is probably, why they become white nationalists. Asian intelligent+jealousy and a little white admixture is a very dangerous combo.

You can tell this guy is mentally unstable, because, he is completely disingenuous , which is what I hate the most. And there so many examples, I can think of:

1) he used that picture which you posted, and then edits out the boy and and what the mother wrote, to make it look like the little noodle is naturally blonde.

View attachment 1166785
And then, when I called him out for it, he claims the he didn't know that you posted the picture, and that he didn't edit it, like the lying slanted eye fox he is. I have noticed this behaviour, in other hapas too, when I called out another Hapa I was debating, on a discord server after he revealed, his face and was clearly still chingchong looking despite, being hapa. He still shamelessly tried to argue that he was white passing. They seem to have a tendency, to argue even when they're clearly, in the wrong.

2) claims, I have never talked about my appearance/features except when Arabs are attacked/or bought up. Why would I randomly, go around telling people what I look like? This guy is clearly mentally ill and autistic as fuck,
I have mentioned, my features many times, that's how he knew I had a good eye because, I remember, describing my area somewhere else, that's why he said "green eyes and good eye area" he has clearly seen, that thread. Looks like He jealous of my eye area because, his Chingchong eye area is a failo, which even small kids make fun of, and he is extremely, jealous of my near perfect eye area which plenty, of Arabs have. Also, notice how he acts smart and says " your eye colour is probably dark green?" When, I literally, mentioned my that eye colour was dark green on the first fucking page of this thread. But this dumbass probably, thought I forgot that and tries to act like he knows anything, about arabs. plenty of Arabs have light green/blue eyes. It's funny because, the majority of hapas have t50s.

3) He has never talked about his supposed, good eye area, and green hazel eyes until now. You know very well, that this prideful slant eyed yellow brown monkey would be talking about it 24/7,if he had a feature, which his master the WHITU MAN also has. I don't need to, because, My borther is a ginger and I there so many people in my family with green/hazel eyes, My grandfather has very a unique light green eyes colour, but barely anyone in family even cares because, it's common pretty among Arabs. If we were Indians or hapa my grandfather would be celebrity because, of his eye colour alone, but because, we are Arab, he is just another old man. Shows who worships white people more.

3) he claims I'm going on tangents. Does the dumbass, even realize, that he tagged us and and I started this argument by saying, I was superior to him because, I'm a green eyed causcasian, which he wishes he was? He is the one who started blabbering about how Asians are superior to us, in milatary strength and standard of living. Maybe, Ill make a separate thread because, this is simply not true, Chinese weapons are a complete joke, and their army hasn't fought a war since, the 70s and they rely on conscripts. And the gulf States are proof that Arabs can build good cities.

4) posts people who are like 70-80% white and claims they're hapas lol.

Also, as a side note, he is just extremely mad at both of us for destroying his gookoid copes, because, he lost the other debate, after he couldn't even show us one white passing hapa, the yellow brown Monkey is just throwing a tantrum now, in hopes that we will Stop replying to his autistic rants, so he can claim some sort of victory. I don't know if they do this because, they're a bunch of disingenuous slant eyed foxes or because, they're mentally ill. maybe, it's a combination of. Both.

These are my observations, mixed gooks are complete mentalcels, and are much harder to have a reasonable debate, with. because, of the points I listed above, at least Pajeets only go on tangents and are not so disingenuous

This was last year, It was on my old phone, I wish I had it. There was one gook who claimed to be "white af" and would always, talk shit about his ethnic father for marrying his mother, he would act like a typical edgelord white nationalist by posting Aryan classic edits. But then, as the server grew and more actual whites, from Europe who were not not amerimutts started joining, he probably, realised he wasn't as White as he had thought he was, And when people pressured him to Post a picture,he did but he blurred out his face, but everyone who saw the pic could instantly, tell he was a chink based on his shit Black hair texture.

I remember, how everyone, was surprised, because, the way this nigger was acting was if he was blonde. Then, he admits that he has a chink eye area and his friend would keep mentioning it (probably, got bullied for it, that's he was delusionmaxxing)
And then, when, he finally, revealed his face, it was obvious, that he wouldn't stand out in China. He kicked me out for calling him out, on this. Akso for some reason these Chinks hate Arabs, just like they're white masters and he would keep making fun of Gazans, that's why I confronted him, and he eventually, admitted he wasn't white at one point, but then, started shamelessly saying he was white passing again Just before kicking me out. These guys will genuinely, kill themselves, if they don't delusionmaxx.

It's funny because, they will be the first ones to be killed, if White nationalists ever get power because, they're weird looking mutts.
Kek brutal post. And yeah, you're right about these hapas being deranged and mentally ill. They all become white nationalists to cope with their insecurity. Gooks hate arabs because they're mad that we are whiter than them despite being "brown". My sister told me how there is a Hapa at her HS that the arabs make fun of his chink eyes for, and he just laughs along with them because he is too pussy to do anything about it. No one wants chink eyes. It's a GIGA FAILO
you just made that u
It's so obvious. How would you not be mentally ill, when your own mother hates you?
Nope, most east asian hapas dont even care about race in that way because theyre normal people
Is that why they're all trying to look like White people?
Miring lies
Plenty, of people can confirm that's true. There is a reason, Elliot Rodger was so obsessed with his white side. Because, he knew that whites would Never see him as their own. That's why he would keep saying he was superior to pure gooks.
And That's why he was mentally ill, because, Everyday, was torture, because, his white dad Mixed with monkey gook. There's a reason why, so many chinks are killing themselves. Keep denying it, you yellow brown monkey. You will never be us.
Nope, most east asian hapas dont even care about race in that way because theyre normal people. They care about what race theyre seen as
So, you admit that you hate yourself, and want to be seen as white? Lol, what a cucked race, I have never claimed to be anything else other then, arab. It's funny how you deny that Asians are the most self hating, even after both me and @Made in Heaven have shown, you enough evidence, that you monkeys hate yourself.
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Ching chong ping ping pong. Lol even your languages suck so bad. No wonder you hate yourself so much.

East asian hapas are not as mentally ill as sea hapas who are the ones with ancient fathers and mentally ill sea mothers
ER was a East Asian hapa. Both Sea and East Asians are the same, except, East Asians are slightly, lighter(not by much because, literally, both the men and women whiten their skin like the gooks they are)
once said i was fully white due to japanese being referred to as aryan but i was clearly joking, i never claimed
You fucking retard, you do realize, that you can't tell if someone is sarcastic, over text right? Maybe, your monkey brain should have figured that out.
Arabs btw are close to southern meds who are considered ethnic by north western europeans. You arent close to actual whites.
Meds are white, and darker whites like meds mog yellow brown nigger monkeys like you back to chinkland. Why do you act like Scandinavians are the only whites? Plenty, of English and French people have black eyes and hair. All, you need to pass as white is have pink skin and a causacaoid skull.

Also plenty of Arabs can pass as western/northern European, because, have blonde hair and Blue eyes. And they won't stand out in Scandinavia, you're fucking delusional, if you think average Normie in western and northern Europe, would be able to instantly, that these people are Arab
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Also, hapa gooks can't even pass as southern European. So stop the fucking cope, and seethe more!
You also dont have the success of southern med countries so you have nothing going for you except history from a million years ago lol.
Are you fucking kidding? You're a fucking gook, your people haven't conquered shit. While, we Arabs have ruled south east Asia. the Ottomans had a hugeee Empire, stretching all the way from southern Europe, Northern Africa and the middle East.
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Mamluks, fatimds, Abbasids? Are you acting dumb on purpose or what? Also we kidnapped whites and took their women as slaves, while, you scrwany submissive ricecucks, literally bought Blue eyed Persian girls from from the Persians themselves, because, you're weaker then women.
lmaooo. " Ayyy PERSIAN MANNU PLEASE GIVE AS BLOOO EYEAD PERSIAN GIRLS OK" what a cucked race lol. Also, why are you trying to use meds and Europeans to try and prove a point when you're a yellow brown nigger? Imagine, having to use another race's achievements, to prove a point, when you don't belong to that race.
They’re all hapa, keep coping sandnigger
No, they're not, you yellow monkey. Those clearly, have a lot of white blood. I have seen what hapas look like, the thing is Asian genes are dominant, so you need like 75-80 white DNA to start passing as white.
Asian countries have higher life expectancy, gdp per capita with such huge populations (lowly populated countries like qatar, uae, bahrain and kuwait dont count), happiness, innovation, quality of life, education, iq.
Gigacope, Asians are all killing themselves, and have low birth rates, you're race is killing it's self. That's why we don't need any war. Chinks will die out by 2100, if the the world still exists then. All the other things you mentioned exist in the gulf states and why exclude, them just because, they don't have a high population? You're coping hard. Those countries have all those things you mentioned.

IQ doesn't mean shit, when all you do is studycelling, it's all book knowledge. Other arab counties would look like the gulf states if it wasn't for Americans destabilizing the region, even, your country would look like Syria, if Americans kept supporting rebel groups except, that you would all die out even faster lmfao. Imagine, bragging about something when you have had a huge advantage. If brown Arabs can have good countries, so can levantines, because, we have historically been successful.
No one gives a fuck that sandniggers are more caucasian
The Irish were always surprised, when they saw my brother when we lived in Ireland, because, he was a ginger. The more causcasian you are the better you are treated in society, it's not about getting girls.
You’re hundreds of years behind in evolution
That's you. You resemble, a monkey more then, a human. Even Indians are causacaoid, unlike, you.
youre a joke with a shitty religion that keeps you from roping in your shitty desert environment filled with war
I'm maronite catholic. Most Lebanese, are Christians, most Europeans adore me, when, I tell I'm a Christian, because, we are the first Christians, just like most non Arab Muslims adore Arabs because, they're the first Muslims. There's war because, of kikes/whites, it's not self inflicted, it's totally out of our control dumbass. If the kikes hated you and destabilized your region, Japan would look like Syria.
gooks had religion, the suicide rate would go down quite a bit.
True. Too bad you don't, and keep dreaming about some mass conversion, it won't happen. Your race is dying weather, you want to admit it if not. Your women are disloyal and want only White men and and don't have gook kids, and you're killing yourself, because, you have no religion, and nothing to live for, and whites are your Gods lol.
are giving women more and more rights which means its more over for your reputations lol.
More gook delusion + projection. Arab women are still submissive, unlike noodlewhores and we keep them from whoring around, unlike you cucks who a few years were making fun of us for controlling our women, because, ricecucks are slaves to Whitu Man and will try to live and act exactly, like whites. Because, you think it makes you closer to being white. Only Iranian women have protested, those protests have been put down. Also, Chinese Cucks like to boast about how so many Chinese billioners are women and Asians in general, like to boast about how free their women are.
Keep coping delusional gookoid.
@Made in Heaven
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just laughs along with them because he is too pussy to do anything about it.
Remember, how this guy was saying how Arabs get bullied? This yellow monkey really likes to project doesn't he?
No one wants chink eyes. It's a GIGA FAILO
It's a brutal failo. The fact that kids make fun of it, is proof. Kids Also make fun of bald people.
Kek brutal post. And yeah, you're right about these hapas being deranged and mentally ill. They all become white nationalists to cope with their insecurity. Gooks hate arabs because they're mad that we are whiter than them despite being "brown". My sister told me how there is a Hapa at her HS that the arabs make fun of his chink eyes for, and he just laughs along with them because he is too pussy to do anything about it. No one wants chink eyes. It's a GIGA FAILO
Semites are bullies.
You retarded camelpiss drinkers were born with a golden spoon in your shitty asses, without that you're desert shitholes full of pedophiles and cousin fuckers would look the same like 1500+ years ago. No technology, no expensive hypercars, no burj Khalifa etc.
You were just lucky to have oil to buy everything what we westeners/Germans invented. To buy all of that knowledge.
Well, Lebanon was called the 'paris of the East' a few decades ago, and we don't even have oil. We are mostly Christian by the way. Also, Arabs aren't dumb, Arabs made a lot of achievements during the golden age in science, all that was lost when Gheghis Khan burned down the library in badghad.
Elliot Rodger was so obsessed with his white side. Because, he knew that whites would Never see him as their own. That's why he would keep saying he was superior to pure gooks.
It's funny because Elliot Rodger had a half-brother who was Moroccan/White and ER admitted how jealous he was of his half brother. His brother is a model too JFL. The power of Eurabian mutt vs Hapa mutt. What more proof do we need that Arabs are better than chinks?

It's funny how you deny that Asians are the most self hating, even after both me and @
Made in Heaven
@Made in Heaven have shown, you enough evidence, that you monkeys hate yourself.
He's delusional beyond words. Even @Biowaste Removal who is mongolian, admitted that chinks are subhuman once I showed him how even KYRGYZ who are 50% ancient iranian hate their eye shape. And keep in mind MANY kyrgyz have blue eyes unlike pure gooks

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Stop arguing who is white.
nobody cares.
you are fueling white people ego for no reason
Well, it's true. The Racepill is 100% true. If I was dark brown Indian, I would 100% have been treated like shit. It's messed up I know, But to deny the racepill is to deny reality.
And why the fuck are you defending muslims as a christian and an arab christian of all ??
Thats just new to me.
Where did I defend Muslims? I just said Sharia law or harsher laws are effective, when it comes to stopping Niggers committing crime, if the laws were like in the west, the Gulf countries would have had so much crime. Yes, It would be nice, if the middle east was still a Majority Christian, region. but Just because, it's not, doesn't mean I'm going to start speaking English or German at home and dress like a European. My ancestors have lived in the middle east for centuries and we speak Arabic and I love my language and heritage. I was mostly defending Arabs in general. Not Islam.
Elliot Rodger had a half-brother who was Moroccan/White and ER admitted how jealous he was of his half brother. His brother is a model too JFL. The power of Eurabian mutt vs Hapa mutt. What more proof do we need that Arabs are better than chinks?
Anyone, with eyes can see, that Arabs mog them.
This guy Just wanted to provoke and drag us both into this, because, he is still butthurt, that he lost other debate. This yellow monkey is Just throwing a tantrum, in hopes, that both of us stop replying to him, so he can claim victory.

The hapa on this discord server, did exactly, this. They keep responding in replying in hopes that we Stop, but Since, I didn't stop responding, the coward kicked me out of the server and probably, thought, he won lmao.
Expect, to be randomly tagged in the near future, he won't give up, just watch.
Arabs btw are close to southern meds who are considered ethnic by north western europeans. You arent close to actual whites.
They're not. I'll just call @DarkStarDown to address this since he is NW euro.
Also plenty of Arabs can pass as western/northern European, and have blonde hair and Blue eyes. And they won't stand out in Scandinavia, you're fucking delusional, if you think average Normie in western and northern Europe, would be able to instantly, tell that these people are Arab
Lol you don't even NEED to go for blonde Arabs. I have black hair and black eyes and I've had white nationalists from Britain themselves think I'm white.

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Well, it's true. The Racepill is 100% true. If I was dark brown Indian, I would 100% have been treated like shit. It's messed up I know, But to deny the racepill is to deny reality.

Where did I defend Muslims? I just said Sharia law or harsher laws are effective, when it comes to stopping Niggers committing crime, if the laws were like in the west, the Gulf countries would have had so much crime. Yes, It would be nice, if the middle east was still a Majority Christian, region. but Just because, it's not, doesn't mean I'm going to start speaking English or German at home and dress like a European. My ancestors have lived in the middle east for centuries and we speak Arabic and I love my language and heritage. I was mostly defending Arabs in general. Not Islam.
You are not white.
You may be more pale but you are still arab.
I only have little respect to you because you are chrisitan.

And you did just defend Sharia...
And plus,
There is no reason to be proud about being an arab.
The arabian culture has always been shit.
they have always been pieces of shit who marry their sisters and fight with neighboring tribes(Beduein famlies) for dumb reasons.

Your people have always been shit.
You are shit for defending them.
I only have respect for zionist arabs.
How can you be proud about being lebanese when you live in a prison of a muslim nazi psycho called Hassan Nasralla.

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