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LifeFuel The person who hacked the site has been identified, doxxed and his now terrified and offering apologies

Okay, so you wanna be a hawk about this? Then don't warn the DDoSer. Call the police then. And you want a deterrent? That is itself a deterrent. We don't need to publish the guy's information to report him, nor do we need to publish the guy's information to tell people that we called the police.
If you call the police there is no guarantee he gets punished. They may just decide to let him off the hook because they wanna mollycoddle him like you and say "he's just a kid". That happens a lot, and people know this. So it's a weak deterrent.
What you want is the "sharing his name and location with everyone." Which you don't need. Not even as a deterrent. You want it, because it's revenge. It makes the community look tough.
No, because it's a strong deterrent, and "makes the community look tough" could go along with why the deterrent is a strong one.
And again, the statutes vary by state. You're the one defining "bad" here. If hanging his details out in public is itself a deterrent, there must be something to fear in having your details out in public. That means we intentionally menaced him with something to fear.
No, it could just be people don't want it to happen. Also, any supposed illegal fear would have to do with bodily injury, (which he isn't being threatend with or being advocated for), not having his details hanging out in public. So if he doesn't want his details hanging out in public, it serves as a deterrent, but isnt necessarily illegal. By your logic, as long as someone doesn't want to be doxxed, for any reason at all, its illegal. But that's not how the law works.

As for varies by state, what's your point? People should just obey the law of their state or country then. If doxxing in a certain way isn't illegal in a particular area, then it's irrelevant to the doxxer living in that area, if it is illegal in another area which they do not live.
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It will get moved back to bunkers when these 2 finish :society:
Oh I see.
Yeah I feel like shitting after I read some of their bullshit. Party poopers.
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What you do is you contact him privately and say "Stop the DDoS attacks because I don't want to press charges." You don't publish his private information. AKA, you don't doxx him. It's really simple, and you know that, but you don't want a simple solution to this. You don't just want the DDoS attacks to stop, you want "revenge."
btw, all the information was not even necessarily private, he made it publicly available. As I said earlier, doxxing is not illegal if the information was already publicly available.

If someone goes into a store and commits armed robbery in a town, its quite likely that word will spread around town and the shopkeeper may warn others about him. The shopkeeper is by no means obligated to keep the criminal's anonymity protected. HE OWES HIM NOTHING.

Similarly, if someone commits a literal crime against this forum, incels are by no means obligated to protect his anonymity, INCELS OWE HIM NOTHING. Mollycoddling those who commit crimes is not something incels are obligated to do.

As the saying goes "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". He is the one who brought it upon himself by committing a literal crime. His anonymity despite committing this crime is not something incels are obligated to keep. Incels should focus on protecting their forum and by using all options they can, assuming they aren't illegal, and doxxing in ways that aren't illegal, is among those options.
ah, shame it has been moved. i declare this a no postmaxxing zone
If you call the police there is no guarantee he gets punished. They may just decide to let him off the hook because they wanna mollycoddle him like you and say "he's just a kid". That happens a lot, and people know this. So it's a weak deterrent.

No, because it's a strong deterrent, and "makes the community look tough" could go along with why the deterrent is a strong one.

No, it could just be people don't want it to happen. Also, any supposed illegal fear would have to do with bodily injury, (which he isn't being threatend with or being advocated for), not having his details hanging out in public. So if he doesn't want his details hanging out in public, it serves as a deterrent, but isnt necessarily illegal. By your logic, as long as someone doesn't want to be doxxed, for any reason at all, its illegal. But that's not how the law works.

As for varies by state, what's your point? People should just obey the law of their state or country then. If doxxing in a certain way isn't illegal in a particular area, then it's irrelevant to the doxxer living in that area, if it is illegal in another area which they do not live.

So now your bullshit isn't adding up. You're saying "Well DDoSing is illegal, but reporting it means nothing because maybe the cops won't do anything. We have to expose his private details, it's the only way." But if there's something to fear in having your private details exposed, and we intentionally mean to expose him to that something, that is "menace."

And though the statutes vary by state, they do not vary in that they aren't limited to "bodily injury." It's exposing him to any unlawful action. It's menacing if you threaten to find where he lives and throw molotovs at his house. It's menacing if you SWAT him. It's menacing if you try to rob him. The statutes only vary in how you press the charges technically, but doxxing is illegal in every state, provided you know how to press the charges. So anything there is to fear about having your private information exposed, that's "menace." And if he has none of these things to fear, it's not a deterrent. You can't have it both ways. Your bullshit isn't adding up.

>someone takes down the website via illegal means
>he brags about it using a public forum
>someone uses his precious posts on said forum to get his name
>google his name and find his parents facebook
>parents Facebook has location, school, ect

None of this is illegal. It’s simple research. I’m not reading all 6 pages of your bullshit but you sound supremely cucked. Let the kid take his licking, aka people telling his mom “your sons a little shit” and reporting him to the FBI for federal crimes he committed and admitted to committing
no one has his address, no one has his SSN, phone number, ect. We have info that was easily attainable through his own admissions. Nothing illegal has happened. You take your caption “post like the FBI is watching” to the extreme. Do you live in some totalitarian shithole where you think something would actually come of this? Of internet sleuths identifying someone who illegally took down multiple websites?

don’t even bother replying to me btw I don’t wanna argue I just wanted to tell you how I feel

Menacing him is illegal. Leading people to menace him by telling him where he lives is illegal. It becomes "menacing by stalking" when the "menace" becomes a factor. And if you do not intend to menace him or teach him a lesson, if he has nothing to fear, then this has been for nothing. But it hasn't been for nothing, you want to hurt him.

btw, all the information was not even necessarily private, he made it publicly available. As I said earlier, doxxing is not illegal if the information was already publicly available.

If someone goes into a store and commits armed robbery in a town, its quite likely that word will spread around town and the shopkeeper may warn others about him. The shopkeeper is by no means obligated to keep the criminal's anonymity protected. HE OWES HIM NOTHING.

Similarly, if someone commits a literal crime against this forum, incels are by no means obligated to protect his anonymity, INCELS OWE HIM NOTHING. Mollycoddling those who commit crimes is not something incels are obligated to do.

As the saying goes "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". He is the one who brought it upon himself by committing a literal crime. His anonymity despite committing this crime is not something incels are obligated to keep. Incels should focus on protecting their forum and by using all options they can, assuming they aren't illegal, and doxxing in ways that aren't illegal, is among those options.

You really don't understand doxxing then. Even if I have my address listed somewhere on the Internet, it's still doxxing. It's doxxing if you try and bring that information to people's attention where they otherwise wouldn't know it, with the intention of people using that information to menace someone. If you intend for some kind of painful lesson to come to this guy, you're admitting the intention of menacing this guy. If you're looking for a way to reach this guy in the hopes that he'll suffer something for fucking with you, that is textbook "menacing by stalking."
So now your bullshit isn't adding up. You're saying "Well DDoSing is illegal, but reporting it means nothing because maybe the cops won't do anything. We have to expose his private details, it's the only way."
no, you're twisting my words. i said "the cops might not do anything"

why cant you argue without twisting my words? seriously? why can't you just use my words as i state them? do you need to be a fucking pussy and rely on strawmans? you've done it many times in the thread
But if there's something to fear in having your private details exposed, and we intentionally mean to expose him to that something, that is "menace."
are the police using "menace" in making people pay speeding tickets?
And though the statutes vary by state, they do not vary in that they aren't limited to "bodily injury." It's exposing him to any unlawful action. It's menacing if you threaten to find where he lives and throw molotovs at his house. It's menacing if you SWAT him. It's menacing if you try to rob him.
no one advocated for this. how many fucking times do i have to explain this to you, you absolute fucking moron
The statutes only vary in how you press the charges technically, but doxxing is illegal in every state, provided you know how to press the charges. So anything there is to fear about having your private information exposed, that's "menace." And if he has none of these things to fear, it's not a deterrent. You can't have it both ways. Your bullshit isn't adding up.
no, it's not you wannabe know it all. keep screeching "you can't have it both ways", like a fucking 12 year old bitch. you are not the one who makes the laws, and you never will be

@PPEcel please explain to this retarded faggot that doxxing isn't illegal, you seem like the legal bookoworm
You really don't understand doxxing then. Even if I have my address listed somewhere on the Internet, it's still doxxing. It's doxxing if you try and bring that information to people's attention where they otherwise wouldn't know it, with the intention of people using that information to menace someone. If you intend for some kind of painful lesson to come to this guy, you're admitting the intention of menacing this guy. If you're looking for a way to reach this guy in the hopes that he'll suffer something for fucking with you, that is textbook "menacing by stalking."
yeah, and there you go again, thinking that the intent is to send people after him. keep coping cuck
no, you're twisting my words. i said "the cops might not do anything"

why cant you argue without twisting my words? seriously? why can't you just use my words as i state them? do you need to be a fucking pussy and rely on strawmans? you've done it many times in the thread

are the police using "menace" in making people pay speeding tickets?

no one advocated for this. how many fucking times do i have to explain this to you, you absolute fucking moron

no, it's not you wannabe know it all. keep screeching "you can't have it both ways", like a fucking 12 year old bitch. you are not the one who makes the laws, and you never will be

@PPEcel please explain to this retarded faggot that doxxing isn't illegal, you seem like the legal bookoworm

Twisting your words? Did you miss the part where I said "maybe?" And did you miss the part where I said "If you're not advocating for any menace, there is no deterrent effect?"

I'm gonna make this simple for you. What exactly is this kid meant to fear in having his personal details exposed? And you can even go ahead and ignore the actual threat that was issued to him on Reddit. How exactly does his details getting exposed stop him, or anyone? If there's no menace to fear from doxxing?

And what do police and speeding tickets have to do with anything? Collecting on speeding tickets is lawful, if you owe on a speeding ticket, you're obligated to pay it.
Twisting your words? Did you miss the part where I said "maybe?" And did you miss the part where I said "If you're not advocating for any menace, there is no deterrent effect?"
I saw the part about menace, and being "no deterrent" effect, and i call bullshit
I'm gonna make this simple for you. What exactly is this kid meant to fear in having his personal details exposed? And you can even go ahead and ignore the actual threat that was issued to him on Reddit. How exactly does his details getting exposed stop him, or anyone? If there's no menace to fear from doxxing?
people who use the internet feel entitled to having their anonymity protected. They would prefer their anonymity be protected than not. That's the "muh fear".

if you decide to behave out of the realm of acceptable conduct, you don't deserve to have those rights. You broke the law, so you are not entitled to not being punished.
And what do police and speeding tickets have to do with anything? Collecting on speeding tickets is lawful, if you owe on a speeding ticket, you're obligated to pay it.
If you break the law, you are subject to punishment.
@PPEcel please explain to this retarded faggot that doxxing isn't illegal, you seem like the legal bookoworm

doxxing is not categorically illegal, there are no statutes explicitly criminalizing the mere act of doxxing, if such a statute was implemented it would definitely raise first amendment concerns

stalking/threat statutes have, generally speaking, a far more narrowly tailored construction
doxxing is not categorically illegal, there are no statutes explicitly criminalizing the mere act of doxxing, if such a statute was implemented it would definitely raise first amendment concerns

stalking/threat statutes have, generally speaking, a far more narrowly tailored construction
so why is he constantly pushing the notion that doxxing, in and of itself, is illegal?

do you suspect he has a motive here?
so why is he constantly pushing the notion that doxxing, in and of itself, is illegal?

do you suspect he has a motive here?

I explained to you that "menacing by stalking" is the crime. Your grasp of the conversation is loose, but I'll be patient with you.

I saw the part about menace, and being "no deterrent" effect, and i call bullshit

people who use the internet feel entitled to having their anonymity protected. They would prefer their anonymity be protected than not. That's the "muh fear".

if you decide to behave out of the realm of acceptable conduct, you don't deserve to have those rights. You broke the law, so you are not entitled to not being punished.

If you break the law, you are subject to punishment.

You are subject to specific punishments. Police have the authority to punish outstanding debts like that. We do not have the authority to menace people by stalking.

But what you're saying is "Let's expose this guy so that nothing will happen to him, that'll show him?" Nah, you don't mean that.
I explained to you that "menacing by stalking" is the crime.
you have to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, this is true. not just your hunch you idiot
Your grasp of the conversation is loose, but I'll be patient with you.
no no no. dont try this passive aggressive tactic on me and think i wont see through it

you're an absolute loser. with no hope of what's to come. for you to "be patient" implies you have other things in your life to get to, but you decide to wait here, and pass up those oppurtunities. but you don't. you have NOTHING IN YOUR EMPTY LIFE. the only thing you have is a sense of self righteousness over random incels online. and there is ZERO hope for that to change.

So don't try to give me this nice guy "I will be patient with you", bullshit, You will continue responding to my posts like the absolute pathethic WASTE OF LIFE you are, clawing for any sense of importance in your absolutely miserable existence.
You are subject to specific punishments. Police have the authority to punish outstanding debts like that. We do not have the authority to menace people by stalking.
you are reaching again.

if he puts the info online, it is legal. you need to read up on laws. seriously, go onto google you retarded moron
But what you're saying is "Let's expose this guy so that nothing will happen to him, that'll show him?" Nah, you don't mean that.
what, are you trying to play mind reader right now? prove it. either put up or shut up, bitch
you have to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, this is true. not just your hunch you idiot

no no no. dont try this passive aggressive tactic on me and think i wont see through it

you're an absolute loser. with no hope of what's to come. for you to "be patient" implies you have other things in your life to get to, but you decide to wait here, and pass up those oppurtunities. but you don't. you have NOTHING IN YOUR EMPTY LIFE. the only thing you have is a sense of self righteousness over random incels online. and there is ZERO hope for that to change.

So don't try to give me this nice guy "I will be patient with you", bullshit, You will continue responding to my posts like the absolute pathethic WASTE OF LIFE you are, clawing for any sense of importance in your absolutely miserable existence.

you are reaching again.

if he puts the info online, it is legal. you need to read up on laws. seriously, go onto google you retarded moron

what, are you trying to play mind reader right now? prove it. either put up or shut up, bitch
I wouldn’t bother arguing with him
seems like a lil cuckboy tbh, nothing illegal has happened, and no matter how much you explain it to him, he won’t have it

Id save your time and just stop
You're wasting your time. He's gonna go back and forth with you till you get either bored or tired of it.

I wouldn't bother.
are you suggesting @FrothySolutions is some sort of bot?
Stefan if you’re reading this thread remember these wise words well… :feelshehe:

“If you don’t trust your cellie, don’t sleep on your belly”. :feelskek:

Also watch Jay Williams video below to get a bit of an idea of what you may be in for… :feelsugh:

View: https://youtu.be/Um3qENg364c

Yeah, if I was you I’d start lifting weights now, getting scary looking tattoos and shaving that silly ass fuzzy as fuck ridiculous mop top of cuck’s hair off of your idiot head right now and change your wardrobe because everything about you screams “target” and or “victim” to those guys on the inside. :feelsthink: :feelshaha: :feelswhat:

hahah im your guy. just fucked over a foid who tried to swat me. ill gladly take a jab at this faggot
cheers :feelsautistic:
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I explained to you that "menacing by stalking" is the crime. Your grasp of the conversation is loose, but I'll be patient with you.

You are subject to specific punishments. Police have the authority to punish outstanding debts like that. We do not have the authority to menace people by stalking.

But what you're saying is "Let's expose this guy so that nothing will happen to him, that'll show him?" Nah, you don't mean that.
are you suggesting @FrothySolutions is some sort of bot?

We are hardly "menacing" or "stalking" anybody under the legal, not colloquial, definition of those terms.
you have to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, this is true. not just your hunch you idiot

no no no. dont try this passive aggressive tactic on me and think i wont see through it

you're an absolute loser. with no hope of what's to come. for you to "be patient" implies you have other things in your life to get to, but you decide to wait here, and pass up those oppurtunities. but you don't. you have NOTHING IN YOUR EMPTY LIFE. the only thing you have is a sense of self righteousness over random incels online. and there is ZERO hope for that to change.

So don't try to give me this nice guy "I will be patient with you", bullshit, You will continue responding to my posts like the absolute pathethic WASTE OF LIFE you are, clawing for any sense of importance in your absolutely miserable existence.

you are reaching again.

if he puts the info online, it is legal. you need to read up on laws. seriously, go onto google you retarded moron

what, are you trying to play mind reader right now? prove it. either put up or shut up, bitch

I don't need to play mind reader. You're the one who seems to be trying to fool someone. But as I've explained before, your bullshit doesn't add up. You claim to wanna scare DDoSers away, but also not give them anything to be afraid of. Because if you admit that you want to give them something to be afraid of, therein lies the intended menace.

I would make this simpler for you, but you know what I'm talking about. You're denying it so you can pretend you aren't full of shit.
I don't need to play mind reader. You're the one who seems to be trying to fool someone. But as I've explained before, your bullshit doesn't add up. You claim to wanna scare DDoSers away, but also not give them anything to be afraid of. Because if you admit that you want to give them something to be afraid of, therein lies the intended menace.

I would make this simpler for you, but you know what I'm talking about. You're denying it so you can pretend you aren't full of shit.
@Experiment626 it's time :society:
I don't need to play mind reader. You're the one who seems to be trying to fool someone. But as I've explained before, your bullshit doesn't add up. You claim to wanna scare DDoSers away, but also not give them anything to be afraid of. Because if you admit that you want to give them something to be afraid of, therein lies the intended menace.
You are trying to play mind reader. The fact that you say "you're the one who seems", implies you get a vibe from my posts and are trying to dig deeper into my intentions. Keep coping cuck.

Giving them something to be afraid of doesn't necessitate illegal "menace", you moron.

Heck, being on an incel forum, we can make an easy analogy of fear. Approaching women. If you approach a woman, she may reject you and say "ew, no". That isn't illegal, but its scaring you off from approaching her. Approaching her and being rejected is something to fear.
I would make this simpler for you, but you know what I'm talking about. You're denying it so you can pretend you aren't full of shit.
"but you know"

this is a tactic that has been used by you a dozen times in this thread. saying "you know", which implies "dont think you can play dumb with me, i see through you, and im gonna call you out and bring it to light, and end your charade"

Nope, you have to try harder than that bitch. You need proof, which you don't have.

Btw, let's get back to something you said earlier, about how society doesn't owe incels. Well do incels owe this teenage punk mercy? I don't think they do. And I'd like you to make a case otherwise
I don't need to play mind reader. You're the one who seems to be trying to fool someone. But as I've explained before, your bullshit doesn't add up. You claim to wanna scare DDoSers away, but also not give them anything to be afraid of. Because if you admit that you want to give them something to be afraid of, therein lies the intended menace.

I would make this simpler for you, but you know what I'm talking about. You're denying it so you can pretend you aren't full of shit.
It's amazing how stupid you are :feelsjuice:
It's amazing how stupid you are :feelsjuice:
do you think he's stupid? or just playing dumb?

he's an old fuck trying to stroke his ego by asserting his supposed "moral superiority" over incels, so it would only make sense for him to play dumb in order to try and "win" this debate.
You are trying to play mind reader. The fact that you say "you're the one who seems", implies you get a vibe from my posts and are trying to dig deeper into my intentions. Keep coping cuck.

Giving them something to be afraid of doesn't necessitate illegal "menace", you moron.

Heck, being on an incel forum, we can make an easy analogy of fear. Approaching women. If you approach a woman, she may reject you and say "ew, no". That isn't illegal, but its scaring you off from approaching her. Approaching her and being rejected is something to fear.

"but you know"

this is a tactic that has been used by you a dozen times in this thread. saying "you know", which implies "dont think you can play dumb with me, i see through you, and im gonna call you out and bring it to light, and end your charade"

Nope, you have to try harder than that bitch. You need proof, which you don't have.

Btw, let's get back to something you said earlier, about how society doesn't owe incels. Well do incels owe this teenage punk mercy? I don't think they do. And I'd like you to make a case otherwise

I've asked you already, what supposed "legal menace" do you intend to hold over this guy? You haven't answered that, because you don't care whether the menace is legal or not. You insist that you mean no real harm, but also that you intend to impose a strong deterrent. But as long as you don't actually explain what you mean by that, you can continue to be full of shit.
do you think he's stupid? or just playing dumb?

he's an old fuck trying to stroke his ego by asserting his supposed "moral superiority" over incels, so it would only make sense for him to play dumb in order to try and "win" this debate.
Ive no idea, Ive seen him defend more mind numbing things tbh I lean more towards him being stupid and naive.

Everyone pretty much agrees that he's a bluepilled faggot , so he loses either way, whether he is dumb or plays dumb :bigbrain:
I've asked you already, what supposed "legal menace" do you intend to hold over this guy? You haven't answered that, because you don't care whether the menace is legal or not. You insist that you mean no real harm, but also that you intend to impose a strong deterrent. But as long as you don't actually explain what you mean by that, you can continue to be full of shit.
The average person, when online, wants all their activity to be private.

If this dude posts his info online, and breaks the law, gathering the evidence together, and putting it into a single quick read, exposes his bad behavior.

That's the deterrent, and it is legal.

btw, you mentioned the "let's go after him" crap. and i didnt mention that. so if you dont advocate for "hunt him down and kill him", its not illegal
Ive no idea, Ive seen him defend more mind numbing things tbh I lean more towards him being stupid and naive.

Everyone pretty much agrees that he's a bluepilled faggot , so he loses either way, whether he is dumb or plays dumb :bigbrain:
if he's bluepilled, doesn't he win in his fragile mind?
The average person, when online, wants all their activity to be private.

If this dude posts his info online, and breaks the law, gathering the evidence together, and putting it into a single quick read, exposes his bad behavior.

That's the deterrent, and it is legal.

btw, you mentioned the "let's go after him" crap. and i didnt mention that. so if you dont advocate for "hunt him down and kill him", its not illegal

if he's bluepilled, doesn't he win in his fragile mind?
In this case it doesn't matter what he thinks :society: he's more desperate to get people to agree with his shitty logic and you dismantling his point proves how delusional he is to users who haven't seen his posts while continuing to confirm to us older users that he still hasnt learned and we know what he is :bigbrain:
Problem with DDOS attacks are that they are incredibly cheap to do and you don't even need to know to how to do it yourself - you can pay someone else to do it for you. What ends up happening is the website pays another third party to somehow mitigate the attacks but it's not a complete solution.
So now your bullshit isn't adding up. You're saying "Well DDoSing is illegal, but reporting it means nothing because maybe the cops won't do anything. We have to expose his private details, it's the only way." But if there's something to fear in having your private details exposed, and we intentionally mean to expose him to that something, that is "menace."

And though the statutes vary by state, they do not vary in that they aren't limited to "bodily injury." It's exposing him to any unlawful action. It's menacing if you threaten to find where he lives and throw molotovs at his house. It's menacing if you SWAT him. It's menacing if you try to rob him. The statutes only vary in how you press the charges technically, but doxxing is illegal in every state, provided you know how to press the charges. So anything there is to fear about having your private information exposed, that's "menace." And if he has none of these things to fear, it's not a deterrent. You can't have it both ways. Your bullshit isn't adding up.

Menacing him is illegal. Leading people to menace him by telling him where he lives is illegal. It becomes "menacing by stalking" when the "menace" becomes a factor. And if you do not intend to menace him or teach him a lesson, if he has nothing to fear, then this has been for nothing. But it hasn't been for nothing, you want to hurt him.

You really don't understand doxxing then. Even if I have my address listed somewhere on the Internet, it's still doxxing. It's doxxing if you try and bring that information to people's attention where they otherwise wouldn't know it, with the intention of people using that information to menace someone. If you intend for some kind of painful lesson to come to this guy, you're admitting the intention of menacing this guy. If you're looking for a way to reach this guy in the hopes that he'll suffer something for fucking with you, that is textbook "menacing by stalking."

So him causing damage to the point of database corruption that took 12 hours to repair + the 2 fans that had to be replaced before causing physical damage should be excused?

Not only did he cause physical damage, manhours, and downtime, but I'm pretty sure he committed and admitted to a federal crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the US, and he bragged about it on public platforms. I can't feel too much sympathy for this person after causing as much damage as he did. Perhaps his parents should pay for the damages?
So him causing damage to the point of database corruption that took 12 hours to repair + the 2 fans that had to be replaced before causing physical damage should be excused?

Not only did he cause physical damage, manhours, and downtime, but I'm pretty sure he committed and admitted to a federal crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the US, and he bragged about it on public platforms. I can't feel too much sympathy for this person after causing as much damage as he did. Perhaps his parents should pay for the damages?

damn i didn't realize the server took physical damage. it was being overworked that hard?
The average person, when online, wants all their activity to be private.

If this dude posts his info online, and breaks the law, gathering the evidence together, and putting it into a single quick read, exposes his bad behavior.

That's the deterrent, and it is legal.

btw, you mentioned the "let's go after him" crap. and i didnt mention that. so if you dont advocate for "hunt him down and kill him", its not illegal

if he's bluepilled, doesn't he win in his fragile mind?

Again, you're saying "Punish him by having people know about him, and nothing else." That's not a deterrent. And you know that, but if you said "Here's the actual bad thing I hope happens to him," that would be you admitting to menace.

Furthermore, even if something bad did happen to this kid, that wouldn't be a deterrent. The moral of this story is not "Oooh, better not fuck with the incels." It's "Okay next time we won't go admitting to the DDoS. And maybe be a little more tight lipped about our identities." If you really really really have no other recourse to stop/weather DDoS attacks but fear of reprisal, you're fucked.

So him causing damage to the point of database corruption that took 12 hours to repair + the 2 fans that had to be replaced before causing physical damage should be excused?

Not only did he cause physical damage, manhours, and downtime, but I'm pretty sure he committed and admitted to a federal crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the US, and he bragged about it on public platforms. I can't feel too much sympathy for this person after causing as much damage as he did. Perhaps his parents should pay for the damages?

If you really do take this as seriously as you sound, do what's legal. Pursue the actual course here. You can just report the kid. Or privately say "Hey stop, or I'll report you." The airing of his private information has jack to do with shit. It's not necessary, it's not even a deterrent. It's revenge.
Again, you're saying "Punish him by having people know about him, and nothing else." That's not a deterrent. And you know that, but if you said "Here's the actual bad thing I hope happens to him," that would be you admitting to menace.
yeah, but the doxx didnt advocate for hunting him down.

also there you go again with the "and you know that". keep coping cuck
If you really do take this as seriously as you sound, do what's legal. Pursue the actual course here. You can just report the kid. Or privately say "Hey stop, or I'll report you." The airing of his private information has jack to do with shit. It's not necessary, it's not even a deterrent. It's revenge.
doxxing isn't illegal if you don't advocate for vigilante tier violence, as you even said above
yeah, but the doxx didnt advocate for hunting him down.

also there you go again with the "and you know that". keep coping cuck

doxxing isn't illegal if you don't advocate for vigilante tier violence, as you even said above

You're not keeping track. But I will continue to be patient with you.

1. You say "Doxxing is a deterrent."
2. I say "So you want something bad to happen to him? You intend for menace to befall him?"
3. You say "Well now,I wouldn't say that..."
4. I say "So how is it a deterrent?"
5. You say "Well his name would be out there. That's bad on its own."

That's not a deterrent. And you know that. Because you don't actually mean "All I want is his name to be out there and nothing else, that'll show him." You only say that so that you can't be held to any intention of menace.
You're not keeping track. But I will continue to be patient with you.

1. You say "Doxxing is a deterrent."
2. I say "So you want something bad to happen to him? You intend for menace to befall him?"
3. You say "Well now,I wouldn't say that..."
4. I say "So how is it a deterrent?"
5. You say "Well his name would be out there. That's bad on its own."

That's not a deterrent. And you know that. Because you don't actually mean "All I want is his name to be out there and nothing else, that'll show him." You only say that so that you can't be held to any intention of menace.
Nope, his name out there holds a menace, because his name out there is linked to the crime he committed.

Don't tell me what "I know", btw, I think I know myself better than you.
Nope, his name out there holds a menace, because his name out there is linked to the crime he committed.

Don't tell me what "I know", btw, I think I know myself better than you.

I don't think you understand. I'm calling you a liar. Your defense of "No I'm not" isn't gonna persuade me, so why do you even say it?
I don't think you understand. I'm calling you a liar. Your defense of "No I'm not" isn't gonna persuade me, so why do you even say it?
I call bullshit, I think you're the liar. You are so desperate to not get completely slaughtered here that all you can do is grasp at straws and call me a liar.

Why do I say I'm not a liar? Well, because I'm not a liar. If your entire argument is dependent on you saying "I'm right, and you know I'm right, and if you don't agree I'm right I will call you a liar", it's a pathetic argument. And you know this. You are just so desperate to assert you are right here when all the evidence says you are wrong you make up self sealing arguments.
I call bullshit, I think you're the liar. You are so desperate to not get completely slaughtered here that all you can do is grasp at straws and call me a liar.

Why do I say I'm not a liar? Well, because I'm not a liar. If your entire argument is dependent on you saying "I'm right, and you know I'm right, and if you don't agree I'm right I will call you a liar", it's a pathetic argument. And you know this. You are just so desperate to assert you are right here when all the evidence says you are wrong you make up self sealing arguments.

I've explained why you're a liar. I've explained why your bullshit doesn't add up. Of all the people celebrating this doxx, you're the only one saying "I just wanted his name out there and nothing else." That's bullshit.
People knowing that he DDoSed a site means nothing, and you know that. Again, bullshit.
Fuck off with that "you know that". You've spammed that dozens of times through this thread, in a desperate attempt to say "I'm right you're wrong, and you know this", as if everything you say is a cold hard fact. Bullshit. When this kid got messaged, he got nervous and signed an apology. As this post said, he had to humiliate himself and apologize. So it's clear that him doing the DDoS attacks, being anonymous, and then having his identity exposed, was something he did not like, and feared.
On one hand, I kind of agree with this one. He was found out, he was forced to humiliate himself, but that's it. I'm not really a vengeful person, so I probably wouldn't stress this issue any further if I was in a position to make a decision about this. I just want this forum to be safe and available for incels.
Also, I'm not the only one who is saying not to go after him, the message above as well as the message below are saying not to pursue any violent action.
DDOS'ing is a crime. I am not asking for anything or advocating any violence.
No crime was committed by the doxxer, as detailed here.
We are hardly "menacing" or "stalking" anybody under the legal, not colloquial, definition of those terms.
It's not a threat.

It's not stalking.

Those two words have relatively narrow and specific definitions.
I'll trust PPEcel's interpretation of the law over yours. You clearly have a pre-existing mindset that all doxxing is illegal, and on top of that you keep trying to assert that people are advocating for violence every time you mention doxxing because you're so desperate to describe it in a way which would be a crime.
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Fuck off with that "you know that". You've spammed that dozens of times through this thread, in a desperate attempt to say "I'm right you're wrong, and you know this", as if everything you say is a cold hard fact. Bullshit. When this kid got messaged, he got nervous and signed an apology. As this post said, he had to humiliate himself and apologize. So it's clear that him doing the DDoS attacks, being anonymous, and then having his identity exposed, was something he did not like, and feared.

Also, I'm not the only one who is saying not to go after him, the message above as well as the message below are saying not to pursue any violent action.

No crime was committed by the doxxer, as detailed here.

You're the only one advocating for the doxx, but alleging that the doxx alone is a deterrent. This guy isn't afraid of being known. He's afraid of what people will do to him if they can find him. AKA, actual menace. And the reason I keep saying you know this, is because you'd have to be nine different kinds of retarded to even try to deny this, let alone legitimately not know it. Your bullshit alone is foolish.
You're the only one advocating for the doxx, but alleging that the doxx alone is a deterrent. This guy isn't afraid of being known. He's afraid of what people will do to him if they can find him. AKA, actual menace. And the reason I keep saying you know this, is because you'd have to be nine different kinds of retarded to even try to deny this, let alone legitimately not know it. Your bullshit alone is foolish.
If you're talking about the people who decide to use this information to track him down physically and attack him, then that is a crime.

However the mere act of putting the info online is not a crime if you don't advocate for the violence.
Furthermore, doxxing is a crime. Every state has some statute against cyberstalking or Internet communications containing threats to a person. So if we're like "Hey I know your real name now, get ready for the pain," that's illegal.
The doxxer did not say "someone should go and attack him". So therefore they did not commit a crime.
It's not a threat.

It's not stalking.

Those two words have relatively narrow and specific definitions.
We are hardly "menacing" or "stalking" anybody under the legal, not colloquial, definition of those terms.
I'll trust PPEcel's interpretation of the law over yours. You clearly have a pre-existing mindset that all doxxing is illegal, and on top of that you keep trying to assert that people are advocating for violence every time you mention doxxing because you're so desperate to describe it in a way which would be a crime.
You're the only one advocating for the doxx, but alleging that the doxx alone is a deterrent. This guy isn't afraid of being known. He's afraid of what people will do to him if they can find him. AKA, actual menace. And the reason I keep saying you know this, is because you'd have to be nine different kinds of retarded to even try to deny this, let alone legitimately not know it. Your bullshit alone is foolish.
Bruh stop getting yourself slapped around in this topic by a graycel :feelstastyman: you already lost this days ago :feelsugh:
I asked how you can prevent DDoS attacks. Prevent DDoS, Stop DDoS, that's what I'm asking. How do you stop people from trying to mess with the site and/or mess with the site?

For example, let's say some different teenage hacker decides "hey, I wanna mess with incels, I'm gonna DDoS that site". What is stopping him from doing so?

The doxxer never said "let's go mess with him."

Not necessarily. You're reaching now. Me saying "doxxing is a deterrent", doesn't automatically necessitate that doxxing in all circumstances is illegal, and it doesn't mean that the information others have is menacing him.

in order to deter the doxx? You mean deter the DDoS?

No, you're not. Saying "let's go after him", would be encouraging others to come after him.
well you could get a dedicated server with high specs, tho pricey

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