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An introduction to the Sex Cult



Jun 28, 2018
This is an excerpt from a much larger post of mine that I've shared with other incel communities. The larger post is well over 100,000 characters and I am having trouble to format it and get it through to this forum. However, the Sex Cult chapter is of the most relevance.

Case Study of a Pseudoreality - The Sex Cult

'The Sex Cult' is an umbrella term that refers to a dispersed loosely connected network of individuals who arguably have their origin as a social structure traced back to the late 19th century. Although there is a generally superordinate Sex Cult, there have also been numerous episodes of mass psychotic decompensation related to sexual matters that may or may not be directly linked to the superordinate Sex Cult. Note that the Sex Cult is concerned primarily with 'human trafficking' and 'child pornography', they are not to my knowledge involved with the moral panics that have been related to homosexuals.

The Sex Cult has been identified as consisting primarily of a network of feminists and evangelical Christians:


There is something familiar about the tide of misinformation which has swept through the subject of sex trafficking in the UK: it flows through exactly the same channels as the now notorious torrent about Saddam Hussein's weapons.
In both cases, the cycle has been driven by political opportunists and interest groups in pursuit of an agenda. In the case of sex trafficking, the role of the neo-conservatives and Iraqi exiles has been played by an unlikely union of evangelical Christians with feminist campaigners, who pursued the trafficking tale to secure their greater goal, not of regime change, but of legal change to abolish all prostitution. The sex trafficking story is a model of misinformation. It began to take shape in the mid 1990s, when the collapse of economies in the old Warsaw Pact countries saw the working flats of London flooded with young women from eastern Europe. Soon, there were rumours and media reports that attached a new word to these women. They had been "trafficked".

As an aside, note that when groups converge like this it is typically best thought of in terms of netwar:


Net-works, as opposed to institutions, are shaped by decentralized com-
mand and control structures, are resistant to “decapitation” attacks
targeting leaders, and are amorphous enough to weld together coali-
tions with significantly different agendas while concentrating forces
on a single symbolic target.

This characterization is to my knowledge primarily correct, however those who are neither feminist nor evangelical Christians are believers in the pseudoreality of the Sex Cult. The earliest knowledge I have of such a network that engaged in such mannerisms is traced back to the late 19th century:


"The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon" was a series of highly controversial newspaper articles on child prostitution that appeared in The Pall Mall Gazette in July 1885.

Written by crusading editor W. T. Stead, the series was a tour de force of Victorian journalism. With sensational crossheads, such as "The Violation of Virgins" and "Strapping Girls Down", the Maiden Tribute threw respectable Victorians into a state of moral panic, and achieved, as a consequence, the implementation of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, which raised the age of consent for girls from 13 to 16, and also re-criminalised homosexual acts.


In a subsequent study, Freund confirmed the normalcy of sexual arousal to
adolescents. His subjects were 48 young Czech soldiers, all presumed to be ‘‘normal’’
and heterosexual in orientation. He showed the men pictures of children (ages 4–10
years old), adolescents (ages 12–16), and adults (ages 17–36). As expected, most of the
heterosexual men were sexually aroused by photos of both adult and adolescent
They were not aroused by pictures of males of any age, and were aroused at an
intermediate level by pictures of children (Freund & Costell, 1970).


A new study of Bulgarian men has replicated a previous 2013 experiment on British men. In both studies, the same photographs of adolescent girls (Tanner stages 3-4) were shown to one group of men labelled as age 14-15, and a different set of men labelled as age 16-17. Subjects reported more sexual attraction when the photographs were labelled as 16-17. The researchers conclude:

[T]he consistent finding that the same photographs of younger females, but with different age labels, were assigned significantly different levels of attractiveness suggests that cognitive factors beyond biologically driven sexual attraction were involved in making these ratings. In all the three samples, apparently younger girls were rated as less attractive than older girls despite being the same photographs. We hypothesize that this difference reflects some self-censoring mechanism involved in making such judgments. This may involve a form of comparison between participants’ own sexual attraction to the individual girl and the likely social norms surrounding this judgment.

This finding has now been replicated across four samples, including one that is yet to be reported.


"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."


Social position determines one's ability to define and construct reality; therefore, the higher one's social position, the greater his or her moral value.


He was born in Embleton, Northumberland, the son of a Congregational minister, the Rev William Stead and Isabella (née Jobson), a cultivated daughter of a Yorkshire farmer.


At the end of 19th century, moral reformers drew the age of consent into campaigns against prostitution. Revelations of child prostitution were central to those campaigns, a situation that resulted, reformers argued, from men taking advantage of the innocence of girls just over the age of consent. W. T. Stead's series of articles entitled, "The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon," published in the Pall Mall Gazette in 1885, was the most sensational and influential of these exposés.

The outcry it provoked pushed British legislators to raise the age of consent to 16 years, and stirred reformers in the U.S, such as the Women's Christian Temperance Union, the British Empire, and Europe to push for similar legislation. By 1920, Anglo-American legislators had responded by increasing the age of consent to 16 years, and even as high as 18 years.


The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) is an active temperance organization that was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity."[1] It was influential in the temperance movement, and supported the 18th Amendment.

Personally, I think of them as being in this manner:


As a slight aside, I should mention pizzagate just toward completeness, however I do not believe that pizzagate is properly considered as a part of the Sex Cult, though there may be some mixing between these pseudorealities at this point:


An oddly disproportionate share of the tweets about Pizzagate appear to have come from, of all places, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Vietnam, said Jonathan Albright, an assistant professor of media analytics at Elon University in North Carolina. In some cases, the most avid retweeters appeared to be bots, programs designed to amplify certain news and information.

“What bots are doing is really getting this thing trending on Twitter,” Albright said. “These bots are providing the online crowds that are providing legitimacy.”

Online, the more something is retweeted or otherwise shared, the more prominently it appears in social media and on sites that track “trending” news. As the bots joined ordinary Twitter users in pushing out Pizzagate-related rumors, the notion spread like wildfire. Who programmed the bots to focus on that topic remains unknown.

As I said, there have been numerous outbreaks of pseudoreality in relation to these matters, and it is therefore hard to create a single cohesive picture of any given segment of the pseudoreality of the Sex Cult (or to even identify a discrete Sex Cult). It is similar to traditional religion however, in that although there are many variants and some of them are largely unrelated to each other, they still have belief in the same general themed make believe fantasy world. An example of one episode that I am uncertain of its integration into the broader outbreak of mass psychosis:


Nevertheless, Mr. Wilting's claims appeared to be confirmed in May 1987, when the large child pornography scandal broke out in the village of Oude Pekela11 in the northern province of Groningen. Dozens of children were said to have been enticed away by child pornographers dressed as clowns, and then abused, filmed and drugged before being returned to parents who, it was later reported, had never noticed anything. Claims of sacrificial offerings, and drinking of blood and satanism12 were overshadowed by the stories of pornography manufacture, which touched a sensitive chord among Dutch people.

Note the striking similarities between this outbreak and a related outbreak that happened in the same general time period in the United States:


Victorian-style devil outrage reached a fever pitch in the family-values 1980s. In his 2015 book We Believe the Children: A Moral Panic in the 1980s, author Richard Beck tells the story of a series of allegations of ritualized Satanic child abuse in daycare centers around the country. Through painstaking elicitation, police, prosecutors, and investigators managed to get children to testify to all sorts of unthinkable violations. Not just sexual assault: There were allegations of gamified animal torture and vast networks of child porn production and distribution. And, of course, the devil.

I asked Beck if in all his exhaustive research he had been able to track down a single instance of verified Satanic ritual child abuse. “No,” says. “My editor and I joked that the book would sell better if I could find an actual case, but as far as I could find it never happened.” Since they didn’t occur in reality, the infernal elements had to be products of adult interpretation and suggestion. Yet whole municipalities managed to convince themselves that there were hidden networks of devil worship and child abuse in their own backyards. How did they accomplish such a feat?


At trial, Dr. Noblitt testified about the existence of cults using ritual abuse and of organized satanic networks engaged in wide-ranging criminal enterprises including child abuse. The picture painted by Dr. Noblitt in his testimony at trial is one where criminal cults are common across the United States, and that these alleged cults typically engage in torture and murder of both adults and children. Furthermore, Dr. Noblitt opined that these cults are experts in a form of mind control or brainwashing in which victims are so heavily traumatized that they develop total and complete amnesia until the victim enters therapy and recovers the memory. His descriptions of these cults involved rape, murder, torture, grave robbing, and ceremonial animal and human sacrifice. Furthermore, he alleged that these activities took place at churches, involved police officers and other professional individuals. Lurid media coverage of this issue at the time additionally invoked the specter of widespread cannibalism. In order to explain the lack of physical evidence for these outrageous crimes, Dr. Noblitt explained to the jury that these cults will frequently lead their victims to believe in something preposterous, so that if they ever told of their tortures the stories would involve elements that would be so far-fetched that the victims would necessarily be disbelieved. This, according to Dr. Noblitt, was done intentionally by the cults as part of the mind control programming in order to discredit their victims.

In an interview shortly after the trial in a local newspaper, Dr. Noblitt was described as having been the prosecution expert witness in many ritual abuse cases, including the Keller case (Dickinson, 1993). He stated in that interview that Dan Keller, while in court, used a mysterious hand signal to mind-control people within the courtroom. Further, he asserted that cults use severe torture on victims and that all memory of the torture is repressed. In a direct quote from this news article, Dr. Noblitt stated: “I believe they use a technique of mind control unknown in legitimate psychology. It’s akin to hypnosis, created through abuse…the state of shock is so severe that it sends the victim into a deep trance state. Then cult members use different signals or triggers…” to control the victims.

Keeping this satanic ritual abuse episode in mind:


The Origin of the Myths

In 1976 Robin Lloyd, correspondent for NBC, published For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America (Out of Print)(Out of Print).18 In the book, for which a U.S. senator had written an introduction, Lloyd claimed that a huge network of prostitution involving 300,000 boys existed. The notion that child pornography trade is big business was initiated in this book. Yet, nowhere in the book is there any empirical basis for the number 300,000. Indeed, Lloyd admitted that it was a working hypothesis which he had suggested to a number of experts to test their reactions.19 This didn't prevent Judianne Densen-Gerber, director of Odyssey House, a chain of residential treatment clinics for drug addicts, from taking over the figure as if it represented a reliable statistic. She set about to mobilize public opinion against child pornography to which, she said, Lloyd had alerted her.

The media followed the stories of child exploitation in detail. In the national periodicals during 1977 nine articles appeared.20 The New York Times, a paper known to avoid sensationalism, printed 27 articles that year compared to one in the two years before. When in May, 1977 the highly popular television series Sixty Minutes devoted a program to child pornography, a tidal wave of letters to politicians resulted.21 That spring a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives held a series of hearings on the subject which lasted until autumn, keeping child pornography in the news in the U.S.A. A platform was established by crusaders against child pornography, and in the prevailing climate of moral panic their cries for stronger measures received wide political support.

The chairman of the committee was Representative John Conyers Jr., who had organized the hearings to pass judgment on the proposal of Representatives Kildee and Murphy for a first Federal law against child pornography. It was this series of hearings that would make the question of child pornography a national issue. The first hearing was dominated by the appearance of Judianne Densen-Gerber. Equipped. with some child pornography magazines, she shocked congressional representatives with her claim that she had, together with Robin Lloyd, counted 264 comparable publications that, according to her, appeared monthly (an exaggeration by a factor of several orders of magnitude as we shall see). The figures which Robin Lloyd had mentioned as a working hypothesis were repeated by Densen-Gerber as fact:

Lloyd's book documented the involvement of 300,000 boys, aged 8 to 16, in activities revolving around sex for sale.22

She then multiplied the number by two, because her intuition told her that 300,000 girls were also involved in such activities. She then multiplied it again by two since, according to Lloyd, the real figure was "twice what he (could) statistically validate,"23 and this lead to something like a million children. The chairman Conyers multiplied this again by two since, he reasoned, America had not only one million runaways but another one million school drop outs. In this way the contours of a national disaster were drawn. According to Conyers:

"So we have somewhere possibly in the neighbourhood of 2 million kids who form a ready market for sexual exploitation from pornographers and the like."24

Densen-Gerber could not agree more. The Kildee-Murphy proposal was made law without any opposition: 401 for, 0 against.

The Spread of Rumors

In 1986 the Senate Commission33 under the chairmanship of William V. Roth, Republican from Delaware, came to the same conclusion as the ILIC report. Nevertheless, neither the Roth report nor the ILIC report were able to dampen the spread of rumors about an enormous trade. Even in 1986, the claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber continued to come up as facts in official reports: the Meese Commission, initiated by the Reagan administration to prepare a drastic sharpening of the anti-pornography laws, uncritically took over these claims.34 According to the Meese Commission, Congress had discovered that child pornography and child prostitution "have become highly organized, multi-million dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."35 The monthly appearance of 264 magazines (Densen-Gerber) was again reported as truth, alongside the 30,000 exploited children of Los Angeles (Lloyd Martin).

The U.S. Supreme Court took over these claims in their first child pornography case, New York v Ferber (1982), saying that child pornography comprised, "highly organized multimillion dollar industries that operate on a nationwide scale."36 The otherwise dignified court was so upset by the alleged extent of the problem that the solicitor for the accused, Herald Price Fahringer, lost his composure and fled the sitting as fast as he could.37

The claims of Lloyd and Densen-Gerber also appeared outside the U.S.A. The report, Exploitation of Child Labour, which was submitted in 1981 to the Commission for Human Rights of the United Nations, claimed: "In the United States there are at least 264 pornographic magazines specializing in pornography concerning children."38 It was claimed that in 1977, 15,000 slides and 4,000 films of child pornography had been intercepted by the police, which was, according to the report, 5% of the total stock in circulation.

According to the United Nations report, the value of trade in child pornography in 1977 was estimated at $500 million. Such estimates are not based on any kind of empirical evidence, and are easy to refute. If these claims were true then the allegedly intercepted slides and films would have had a value of thousands of dollars each.39 In reality, these films were sold for much less, which can be checked with reference to the advertisement brochures of Deltaboek, publisher of homosexual pornography and literature. From here it is apparent that the Golden Boys film series, produced by COQ in Denmark, cost 85 guilders each, which is about $35.

In 1986, Defence for Children International prepared a report on child prostitution in which they claimed: "Estimates on the number of child prostitutes vary from 300,000 to several millions for the U.S. and Canada."40 A year later these figures were taken over by the Norwegian Ministry of Justice.41 This report was later submitted to the Ministers of Justice of the member countries of the Council of Europe. Within the Council of Europe a report on child exploitation was written in which it was claimed that: "A study of boy prostitutes had suggested that there were 300,000 boy prostitutes in the United States, many of whom are designated runaways."42 The claims of the United Nations report were also repeated. As late as 1988 the Dutch language world development magazine, Onze Wereld (Our World), claimed that: "The American (sic) periodical43 Child Abuse and Neglect reported that in the United States at least 264 different child pornography magazines are in circulation. The kiddieporn stars are drawn from the numerous American runaway teenagers."44 The same article made similar exaggerated claims about alleged illicit trade in donor organs obtained from children killed for the purpose. The story about donor organs had also appeared in the report of the Council of Europe, although there was never any evidence and the story was not credible from the beginning.45

The alleged size of the child pornography trade and the many children said to have been involved, are little more than myths. They are the result of the arbitrary multiplication of arbitrary numbers of alleged victims made by a journalist. The claims had taken on a life of their own. The fact that these claims had by 1980 been rejected by thorough official investigations was insufficient to prevent the claim from reappearing, not only in the media but also in other official circles, including the United States Senate, the United States Supreme Court, a Commission of the American Justice Department, the United Nations and the Council of Europe. After the number had been cited in the Hearings of the House of Representatives, it became associated with an ostensibly reliable source. The fact that the original source was anything but reliable was forgotten.

Note the name Judianne Densen-Gerber:


A 1979 profile in New York magazine quoted Mayor Edward I. Koch as saying that she was ''one of those seminal forces, original, a go-getter.'' He said there were ''few people who can claim as many accomplishments.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber's success at getting government help became her downfall when the state investigated her use of public funds in the early 1980's and found irregularities. She resigned as executive director of Odyssey House in 1983, but remained active in affiliated programs.

Her influence extended to areas like child pornography. In 1977, her testimony that there were 264 monthly publications devoted to the subject helped persuade the House of Representatives to unanimously pass a bill to regulate it.

IPT, the publication of the Institute for Psychological Therapy, reported in 1992 that later government investigations proved her estimates to be exaggerated by ''several orders of magnitude.''

Dr. Densen-Gerber also commented on many other hot issues from a psychiatric point of view.

In 1991, she went to Omaha to testify in court that her interview with a man convinced her he had witnessed four satanic ritual killings. She characterized herself as an expert at deprogramming survivors of satanic cults.

This links the outbreak of psychosis regarding satanic ritual sex abuse to the modern era Sex Cult, which is in similar fashion.


"child pornography is one of the fastest growing online businesses generating approximately $US3 billion ($3.43 billion) each year"

This '$US3 billion' figure has no credibility and even if it was factual as at January 2008, (when it appeared in an opinion article by Bernadette McMenamin, CEO of Child Wise/ ECPAT in Australia, with citing a source), then it could be regarded as 'good news' because it would mean (based on previously promulgated 'statistics') that there had been no increase at all in the five years to 2008, therefore 'child pornography' could not be "one of the fastest growing online businesses".

The '$US3 billion' figure has been promulgated far and wide since at least mid 2003, when Utah-based Jerry Ropelato commenced publishing it, without citing a source, on his web site InternetFilterReview.com, which has since become part of his TopTenReviews.com. According to Texas-based Red Orbit News (5 Nov 2006) Ropelato was "formerly chief operating officer of ContentWatch, a Salt Lake City-based developer of Internet filtering and virus protection software. He is also known locally as a speaker and presenter on Internet safety issues, and as a crusader against online pornography."[44]

The "fastest growing online businesses" claim originated with the U.S. NCMEC, in August 2005, which based its claim on the then two-year old US$3 billion 'statistic' promulgated by Ropelato. (The U.S. NCMEC has a long history of promulgating exaggerated/false statistics[45].)

The origins and history of '$US3 billion' and 'fastest growing' claims is outlined below.

June 2003 - March 2007: Since at least 21 June 2003[46], Ropelato had been claiming on his web site that "Child pornography generates $3 billion annually" (i.e. not necessarily via the Internet) without stating a source for that particular figure, or any of the many other 'pornography statistics' he promotes. Ropelato issued a press release making that and other uncredited statistical claims on 6 February 2004[47]. The claim remained on his 'Pornography Statistics' page until at least 6 March 2007[48], but had been deleted from the page by 15 March 2007[49] (according to the Internet Archive's WayBackMachine). His press release of 12 March 2007[50] which claimed to 'update' his previous 2003 uncredited 'statistics' about the 'worldwide pornography industry' did not mention child pornography. At least two journalists have attempted, without success, to ascertain sources of 'statistics' from Ropelato (see below).
29 November 2004: Australian Federal Police ("AFP") Commissioner Mick Keelty stated in a speech:[51]

Canadian estimates place the number of child pornography websites operating globally at over 100,000, generating around US$3 billion per annum

April 2005: The Wall Street Journal's "Numbers Guy", Carl Bialik, investigated the origin of an estimate attributed to 'Canadian Police'[52] and subsequently reported that he was directed by the officer-in-charge of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's National Child Exploitation Coordination Center to a 2002 magazine article and also:

to a Web site called Internet Filter Review... . My phone call to a number listed on the sites registration wasn't returned, and an e-mail to the sites contact address got bounced back to me.

18 August 2005: The U.S. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children ("NCMEC") issued a headline grabbing press release titled "Child Porn Among Fastest Growing Internet Businesses"[53] claiming:

Within only a few years, child pornography has become a multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise, and is among the fastest growing businesses on the Internet.1
1. Source: Top Ten Reviews 'Internet Filter Review' an online resource that reviews Internet Safety. (Reported that CP generates $3 billion annually)

The NCMEC's media release provided no source or grounds for their 'fastest growing' business claim other than the footnote mention of Ropelato's then two-year old uncredited US$3 billion 'statistic' (which did not mention the Internet). Hence, there was no basis for the claim (in 2005, nor its repetition in 2008) that the so-called "commercial enterprise" is growing at all, let alone is "among the fastest growing".
September 2007: A research report published by the Australian Institute of Criminology ("AIC"), a Commonwealth statutory authority, stated[54]:

Affordable technology has greatly facilitated the production and distribution of child pornography - a multi-billion dollar industry globally. [Introduction, page xx]
TopTenREVIEWS™ has estimated that child pornography generates approximately US$3 billion annually worldwide (Ropelato 2007). [page 62]
Ropelato J 2007. Internet pornography statistics. Internet Filter Review.

Ropelato is the only source cited in the above AIC report for its "multi-billion dollar industry" claim.
8 January 2008: An opinion article by Bernadette McMenamin, CEO of Child Wise/ECPAT in Australia, published in The Australian national newspaper, stated[55]:

Child pornography is one of the fastest growing online businesses generating approximately $US3 billion ($3.43 billion) each year.

In addition to The Wall Street Journal's "Numbers Guy", Carl Bialik (as referenced earlier herein), at least one other journalist has tried, also without success, to find out the original source of particular 'statistics' Ropelato promotes, after tracing other peoples'/organisations' claims to Ropelato. In November 2005, Seth Lubove reported:

...Sen. [Blanche] Lincoln lifted the factoid from a report issued in July by Third Way, a new Washington think tank that helps Democrats grab on to red-state issues. ...
Where did Third Way get that notion? From a May 12 story in the New York Times-owned Boston Globe headlined "The Secret Life of Boys," which cites an outfit called Family Safe Media. The small firm in Provo, Utah, is in the business of scaring parents into buying software to protect their kids from Internet smut. Jared Martin, who owns Family Safe Media, says he got his porn statistics from Internet Filter Review, a Web site that recommends content-blocking software. It is run by tech entrepreneur Jerry Ropelato of Huntsville, Utah, who pens antiporn screeds, such as "Tricks Pornographers Play," and publishes curious and uncredited stats (for example, "17% of all women struggle with pornography addiction").

"Most of the statistics there have come from literally hundreds of sources, all reputable," Ropelato insists. He says he got the age-11 item from The Drug of the New Millennium, a book about the dangers of porn self-published in 2000 by Mark Kastleman, a self-professed former porn addict in Orem, Utah, who counsels other porn fiends. "I don't remember where I got that from," Kastleman says breezily. "That is a very common statistic." And there the trail goes cold.

"child pornography is a $20 billion industry worldwide"

This out-of-date/discredited $20 billion 'statistic' was given new life in March 2008 when it appeared in Australian media reports as a result of a joint media release between the Australian Federal Police and Microsoft. The statistic was disowned in April 2006 by the organisations to which it had been, and still is being, attributed (i.e. the FBI and Unicef).

The history of this number is outlined below.

23 December 2004: A Council of Europe report titled "Organised crime situation report 2004, Provisional"[57] stated:

Experts assume that the number of Web sites containing child pornography has grown enormously in recent years. According to estimations by UNICEF, this market has a business volume of about $20 billion annually

September 2005: ECPAT International (based in Thailand) issued a report, Violence against Children in Cyberspace[58], which claimed:

The production and distribution of abuse images of children is big business, estimated to be worth billions of dollars a year. Estimates of annual business volume range widely from $US3 billion to $US20 billion (the latter, according to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation).

(The ECPAT report provides no source for the $US3 billion figure - presumably Ropelato, as detailed earlier herein.)

5 April 2006: Texas Republican Joe Barton, (as Chairman, U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce), issued a press release[59] which claimed:

Child pornography is apparently a multibillion...my staff analysis says $20 billion-a-year business. Twenty billion dollars.

5 April 2006: A New York Times article[60]attributed the entire claimed amount to the Internet:

the sexual exploitation of children on the Internet is a $20 billion industry.

April 2006: The FBI and Unicef disowned the US$20 billion number.
7 March 2008: A joint media release between the Australian Federal Police and Microsoft[61] and articles in The Australian IT[62] and ComputerWorld (AU)[63] claimed:

The FBI estimates that the production and distribution of child abuse images is valued at US$20 billion ($21.6 billion) annually.

5 June 2008: During an interview by Radio 2GB's Phillip Clarke about Operation Centurion, James McCormack (head of the AFP's High Tech Crime Operations)[64] claimed:

The FBI did a study a couple of years ago and they estimated the commercial child pornography industry was probably valued at anywhere between about three to twenty billion dollars of commercial activity per year, so it's a pretty signficant industry.

As a result of the April 2006 publicity, two U.S. journalists investigated the source of the $20 billion figure and reported their findings in:

"Measuring the Child-Porn Trade", Carl Bialik, The Numbers Guy, The Wall Street Journal Online, 18 April 2006[65]
"How big is the online kiddie porn industry?", Daniel Radosh, radosh.net, freelance journalist, 5 April 2006[66]

In short, the trail to the origin of the claimed $20 billion 'statistic' went from Joe Barton's press release/staff analysis, to the U.S. National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), to 'McKinsey Worldwide', to the ECPAT International 2005 publication (mentioned above) which claimed "...$US20 billion (the latter, according to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation)"[67].

WSJ Numbers Guy, Carl Bialik, reported his findings from following the above trail in April 2006:

...Mr. [Ernie] Allen [CEO, NCMEC] faxed me an NCMEC paper that cites the McKinsey study in placing the child-porn industry at $6 billion in 1999, and $20 billion in 2004.

But a McKinsey spokesman painted a different picture for me: "The number was not calculated or generated by McKinsey," he wrote in an email. Instead, for a pro bono analysis for Standard Chartered, he said, McKinsey used a number that appeared in a report last year by End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes, an international advocacy group. [i.e. ECPAT, which attributed the number to the FBI]

FBI spokesman Paul Bresson told me in an email, "The FBI has not stated the $20 billion figure... . I have asked many people who would know for sure if we have attached the $20 billion number to this problem. I have scoured our Web site, too. Nothing!"

I went back to the NCMEC Monday and shared what I found. In an email response, spokeswoman Joann Donnellan said, "If it is determined that this ends up not being a reliable statistic, NCMEC will stop citing McKinsey as the source and will also stop citing a specific number. Rather, NCMEC will revert to what it has said previously... that commercial child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry."

This isn't the first number from the NCMEC that struck me as questionable... As I wrote last year...

Source: "Measuring the Child-Porn Trade", Carl Bialik, The Wall Street Journal Online, 18 April 2006[68]

Fifteen months later, Ernie Allen of the NCMEC was still citing McKinsey as source. On 24 July 2007 he told the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation that: "A recent report by McKinsey Worldwide estimated that today commercial child pornography is a multi-billion-dollar industry worldwide, fueled by the Internet."[69].

The $20 billion figure was also found by Carl Bialik in a Council of Europe 2004 report which attributed the number to Unicef. Bialik subsequently reported on 27 Apr 2006:

...But Allison Hickling, a spokeswoman for the United Nations child agency, told me in an email, "The number is not attributable to Unicef -- we do not collect data on this issue."

I told Alexander Seger, who worked on the Council of Europe reports, that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Unicef, both cited in Council reports, said they weren't the source for the $20 billion figure. He said the Council won't use the number in the future, and added in an email, "I think we have what I would call a case of information laundering: You state a figure on something, somebody else [says] it, and then you and others [saying] it back, and thus it becomes clean and true. ... Perhaps this discussion will help instill more rigor in the future."

Source: Carl Bialik, The Numbers Guy, The Wall Street Journal Online, 27 Apr 2006[70]

In summary, the US$20 billion figure has been invented by some unknown person/organisation and since then been commonly attributed to the FBI or Unicef, both of which said in April 2006 that the 'statistic' did not originate with them.

The writer considers the fixation among advocacy groups and the media with attaching a dollar number to the problem is curious given commercial/monetary 'estimates' (or even factual statistics if it were possible to obtain same) are of minimal relevance to understanding or determining the extent of the problem. This is because a significant amount, possibly most, of the trade in child sexual abuse images takes place at no cost via Usenet newsgroups, IRC (Internet Relay Chat), Instant Messaging, P2P technologies, email, etc. The images themselves, not money, are the trading currency. Extensive information about the nature of the non-commercial trade is available in the book: Beyond tolerance : child pornography on the Internet by Philip Jenkins. New York University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0814742629.

Non-commercial criminal activity was referred to during an AFP media briefing about 'Operation Centurion' (June 2008) which concerned a legitimate web site that had been broken into for the purpose of uploading illegal images to it:

Journalist: The people who put these images up on a site, are they getting paid, [...inaudible...], where's the economic benefit?

AFP Andrew Colvin: We're not talking about a crime that's driven by a financial motive, there's other motivations here. So, while there may be some sites that attract a financial return, that's not the motivation here. So the answer to your question is no really, that's not what's motivating people, people aren't necessarily making a lot of money.

There is a complex pseudoreality in relation to the Sex Cult, however it involves the same rough make believe fantasy world:


Booming Cross-Border Business

According to a frequently mentioned statistic, the child pornography industry generates $50 billion every year; other sources speak of a $20 billion industry. In other words, the CAM industry is not a select club of old perverts roaming the web in the privacy of their musty apartment—it’s a multibillion-dollar business of global magnitude, with thriving demand and supply.



By some reports, child pornography is estimated to be as much as a $50 billion a year industry.[1]

cites this paper


Gender sensitivity about feminism
Another thing that keeps these web sites going is the amount of money that can, and is being made with this business. Some reports show that child pornography over the internet is more than a 50 billion dollar a year business.

cites nothing. It is false to allege that there is a booming multi billion dollar CP industry. More realistic estimates would value the commercial CP industry at no more than a few million dollars, and it is a small and weak industry that is typically concentrated to small groups of individuals.


Some law-enforcement officials contend that disrupting the companies making a profit off child pornography may only be the tip of the iceberg. Matt Dunn, of the Cyber Crimes Center at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau, said that non-commercial child pornography -- images shared without money changing hands -- is more of a concern than the for-profit industry.

Swapping child porn over file-sharing networks is ongoing -- and it's usually non-commercial, Dunn said. "It's happening every second of every day," he said.

Dunn also questions the estimate that commercial child porn is a $20 billion a year industry -- a figure cited in a 2006 congressional hearing -- and instead thinks it's substantially lower, perhaps in the tens of millions of dollars.


Since the websites -- with names like "Excited Angels" and "Boys Say Go" -- went offline in January, the number of active commercial child porn sites has nosedived from perhaps 300 to the single digits, said Matt Dunn, of the Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Custom's Enforcement (ICE), which was the lead law enforcement agency.

Indeed, the ring got paid well -- making somewhere between $5 million to $8 million from early 2006 until late 2007, according to Dunn.

As you can see, the largest commercial CP operation known to ICE from 2006 to 2007 made only in the area of 5 to 8 million dollars, despite operating just shy of 100% of known commercial CP sites. Of course there may be unknown sites selling CP, and there is some commercial activity more in the style of the drug forums where people may purchase it on forums or so on (this is extremely rare), so the number will be higher than five to eight million dollars during this time period, but only by a few million dollars in all probability. Moreover,


The ring used a variety of online and traditional payment methods, elaborate defense measures and a franchise business model one Interpol agent compared to a fast food chain to make millions of dollars providing 10,000 Americans and 20,000 others across the globe access to images and videos of sexually exploited boys and girls, some reportedly as young as 3 years old.

The previously mentioned ring supplied only 30,000 customers around the world, despite operating nearly 100% of known commercial CP sites during this time period (however there have been numerous other commercial CP operations at various times, including some that raped and tortured children for money. However, this one was in all probability the most lucrative ever and lasted for a few years). This pales in comparison to the P2P situation, which doesn't even take the darknet into consideration:


Over a one year period, we observed over
1.8 million distinct peers on eMule and over 700,000 peers on
Gnutella, from over 100 countries, sharing hundreds of thou-
sands of les verified as CP.

Note that this was an analysis of only two popular P2P networks, and as far as I could tell (I am not 100% for sure) they only spidered shared folders and such things, so this number of identified individuals on these P2P networks could be much smaller than the number of people who were actually using them to look at CP. Also note that this doesn't take the darknet or any other such sites into consideration. So, although the numbers are inherently fuzzy, it is apparent that commercial CP is a drop in the bucket compared to noncommercial activity. Also it is worth noting that the previously mentioned commercial ring primarily (possibly exclusively) distributed old content that was produced in eastern Europe years prior to their operation, so the payment to them was not necessarily funding the production of child pornography.


Where the pornography came from, and who the young victims are, are unclear. Dunn, section chief in the Child Exploitation Section of the ICE Cyber Crimes Center, says many of the images were recycled from LS and BD studios, giant Ukrainian producers of child pornography that were raided in 2004.

Moreover, LS and BD produced primarily softcore imagery and some videos a substantial percentage of which consisted of pubescent adolescent females.


The Ukrainian Angels Studio, better known as LS-Studio, (and also LS-Studios) based in Ukraine and was an online subscription service and photography studio that created hundreds of thousands of photographic images (and hundreds of videos) of young teen and prepubescent girls and sold them via the Internet from 2001 to August 2004.[1] During that time it produced approximately 80 issues or collections, such as LS-Magazine, LS-Island, LS-Land, LS-Dreams, LS-Stars, LS-Barbie, LS-Flash, LS-Girls, LS-Fantasy, etc., and had thousands of members worldwide. Subscription was done entirely online, and members paid for the service with credit cards.[1]
While early collections often featured nude girls in natural poses, later collections also contained many images of girls in sexually suggestive poses.[1] No actual sexual acts were portrayed but there were implied sexual acts. Many later collections also featured the girls wearing custom-tailored costumes. The backgrounds appeared to be custom-built, similar to stage-play sets.[1]
Approximately 1500 children, ages eight to 16, were recruited as models in Kiev, Kharkov and Simferopol in Ukraine. Various nude photos were taken and uploaded to servers in the United States and Canada.[1] Quality and quantity of material from that studio was unmatched, and soon it became the most popular child erotica website in the world. The site brought in several hundred thousand dollars in profit during the three years it was in service. It has since been shut down.[1]

However, this reality of the matter is in stark contrast to the pseudoreality of the Sex Cult:


Phinney, aided by Assistant County Attorney Sarah Warecki, also said society needs
deterrence because "predators such as Curry provide the motivation to this multibillion-dollar
industry," Conway said.


Half of all child porn now originates in America. The profits are massive. Estimated porn profits in 2006 exceed combined revenues of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink ranging from $3-$20 billion annually.


$3 Billion in Annual Sales

Allen says that global sales of illegal pornography that exploits children--including those under 4 years old--are about $3 billion a year.


Child pornography is one of the fastest growing businesses online, with estimated annual revenue of $3 billion.


Child pornography is among the fastest growing businesses on the Internet, a $20 billion per year enterprise.


Congressional estimates put the online child pornography business at $20 billion a year and growing. Online or offline, child pornography is illegal in the United States and most other countries.


“Child porn is a $3 billion dollar industry, fueled by images of sexual abuse, rape, and torture of children,”


More than 4 million Web sites worldwide show images of children being sexually exploited, said the U.N. investigator on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat M'jid Maalla.
Maalla urged international cooperation to stop the child pornography industry, which she estimated to be worth between $3 billion and $20 billion. She recommended countries share information on sites containing child pornography in order to block them faster.

The United Nations is in fact a central hub of operation for the Sex Cult:


More than 1 million are children. Nearly one-quarter are bought and sold as sex
slaves. Only 1-in-100 victims of human trafficking is ever rescued. It’s a booming
business. High profits and low risk make human trafficking one of the fastest-growing
and most lucrative crimes on the planet; the U.N. recently estimated that trafficking
nets $150 billion a year.


But there’s a bigger problem. Shared Hope’s graphic gave as its source a 2005
International Labour Organization report on human trafficking. But that report
contains no mention of a $9.8 billion figure for human trafficking in the United

New chapters of the Sex Cult are seemingly moving away from the pseudoreality in which there is a booming multi billion dollar CP industry, however numerous chapters of the Sex Cult still believe in it:

from 2016:


Little more than a decade ago, child pornography was a multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise and was among the fastest growing businesses on the Internet. Today, the commercial trade of child pornography online has been significantly reduced due to a variety of successful efforts to combat its growth.

Of course there is no credit due to them for the collapse of the multi billion dollar CP industry seeing as it never actually existed. However, they have successfully defeated the 8 million dollar CP industry that was operated by a dozen people in Eastern Europe and operated nearly 100% of all commercial CP sites known to ICE in its time period.

Essentially, this is the mental model of the Sex Cult:


Another key tenet of the Sex Cult is their belief in the supply demand hypothesis:


Therefore, as these graphic sexual images populate and spread, we can unfortunately predict there will be more child sexual abuse.

A notion that has been scientifically refuted and contradicted by the scientifically supported substitution hypothesis:



Could making child pornography legal lead to lower rates of child sex abuse? It could well do, according to a new study by Milton Diamond, from the University of Hawaii, and colleagues.
Results from the Czech Republic showed, as seen everywhere else studied (Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sweden, USA), that rape and other sex crimes have not increased following the legalization and wide availability of pornography. And most significantly, the incidence of child sex abuse has fallen considerably since 1989, when child pornography became readily accessible – a phenomenon also seen in Denmark and Japan. Their findings are published online today in Springer’s journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.
The findings support the theory that potential sexual offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex crimes against children

http://unh.edu/ccrc/pdf/CV204 CP possessors.pdf

One concern is that the accessibility of online CP has caused increases in child
sexual abuse. Some research suggests that CP may trigger sexual abuse by activating
and validating sexual urges in CP viewers that were previously suppressed or con-
trolled (Beech et al., 2008; Quayle & Taylor, 2003; Wilson & Jones, 2008). There is no
evidence of increasing abuse in the United States, however. In fact, rates of child sexual
abuse have declined substantially since the mid-1990s, a time period that corresponds
to the spread of CP online. Statistics from U.S. child protective service agencies show
that from 1992 to 2007, child sexual abuse declined 53% (Jones & Finkelhor, 2009),
including interfamilial abuse (Finkelhor & Jones, 2006). Evidence of this decline also
comes from victim self-report surveys and U.S. criminal justice system data (Finkelhor
& Jones, 2008; Finkelhor, Turner, Ormrod, & Hamby, 2010), as well as the child pro-
tective services data collection system. The fact that this trend is revealed in multiple
sources tends to undermine arguments that it is because of reduced reporting or changes
in investigatory or statistical procedures.


BALTIMORE (WJZ)– The number of child pornography cases in Maryland is skyrocketing, doubling in the past two years–fueled by new technology, Maryland State Police say.


Twenty years ago, the issue of child pornography was limited to helping professionals
who specialized in the area of sexual offenses. However, with the widespread use
of the Internet and subsequent technologies, child pornography is more available
and accessible than ever.


An annual report recently released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services showed that the rates of child abuse and child neglect have declined
for the third year in a row. Another study confirmed a continued decline in the
rate of child sexual abuse, which is now roughly half what it was 20 years ago.*

Another tenet of the Sex Cult is the concept of revictimization:

“These cases involve real-life abuse and assault of children. Every time an image is viewed, it’s like the assault happened again,” said Andrew M. McLees, special agent in charge of the Newark office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations.


The children might feel like being raped time and again when someone watches it.


Attorney General Doug Chin said in a news release: “Child pornography is child abuse. Victims of child pornography are abused when the images are first taken and they are abused again each and every time these horrendous images are viewed. Our department will continue to investigate and prosecute anyone who possesses or disseminates child pornography.”


"... every time somebody looks at that image it's like the crime is taking place all over again…"


"we hear that in court that they feel like they are victimized every single time someone downloads their videos or looks at their videos they feel like they are being raped all over again,” said Canonico

Which is of course a delusional superstition:


Evolutionary / cognitive perspective

From a simpler perspective, natural selection will tend to reinforce a tendency to generate weak associations or heuristics - rules of thumb - that are overgeneralized. If there is a strong survival advantage to making correct associations, then this will outweigh the negatives of making many incorrect, "superstitious" associations.[15] It has also been argued that there may be connections between OCD and superstition.[16] This may be connected to hygiene.

A recent theory by Jane Risen proposes that superstitions are intuitions that people acknowledge to be wrong, but acquiesce to rather than correct when they arise as the intuitive assessment of a situation. Her theory draws on dual-process models of reasoning. In this view, superstitions are the output of "System 1" reasoning that are not corrected even when caught by "System 2".[17]

and a false association between the action of viewing of CP and the orthogonal symptomatology of PTSD:


(3) Sudden acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative [flashback] episodes, even those that occur upon awakening or when intoxicated).

Much in the manner that the possession of voodoo dolls was falsely linked to the symptomatology of ergot poisoning in Salem:


Linnda Caporael, a psychology major at U.C. Santa Barbara, was told to choose a subject for a term paper in her American History course. Having just seen a production of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible (a fictional account of the Salem trials), she decided to write about the witch hunt. "As I began researching," she later recalled, "I had one of those 'a-ha!' experiences." The author of one of her sources said he remained at a loss to explain the hallucinations of the villagers of Salem. "It was the word 'hallucinations' that made everything click," said Caporael. Years before, she'd read of a case of ergot poisoning in France where the victim had suffered from hallucinations, and she thought there might be a connection.

Ergot is a fungus that infects rye, a grain more commonly used in past centuries to bake bread than it is today. One of the byproducts present in ergot-infected grain is ergotamine, which is related to LSD. Toxicologists have known for years that eating bread baked with ergot-contaminated rye can trigger convulsions, delusions, creepy-crawly sensations of the skin, vomiting, …and hallucinations. And historians were already aware that the illness caused by ergot poisoning (known as St. Anthony's Fire) was behind several incidents of mass insanity in medieval Europe. Caporael wondered if the same conditions might have been present in Salem.

They were. Ergot needs warm, damp weather to grow, and those conditions were rife in the fields around Salem in 1691. Rye was the primary grain grown, so there was plenty of it to be infected. Caporael also discovered that most of the accusers lived on the west side of the village, where the fields were chronically marshy, making them a perfect breeding ground for the fungus. The crop harvested in the fall of 1691 would have been baked and eaten during the following winter, which was when the fits of madness began. However, the next summer was unusually dry, which could explain the sudden drop in the bewitchments. No ergot, no madness.



In colonial New England these dolls were known as poppets, which is an old spelling of puppet. They were often cited in witchcraft trials as evidence of malicious magic. For example, Goody Glover, and elderly Irish woman accused of bewitching several Boston children, had in her home

"several small images, or poppets, or babies, made of rags and stuffed with goat's hair and other ingredients. When these were produced the vile woman acknowledged that her way to torment the objects of her malice was by wetting of her finger with her spittle and stroking of these little images."





Second, there is a gap between the concern over a condition and the objective threat it poses. Typically, the objective threat is far less than popularly perceived due to how it is presented by authorities.

The Sex Cult also has a substantial collection of pseudoscience that they frequently make reference to:


Nevertheless, Dr. Hernandez privately
distributed his study widely, without peer review or any
other oversight, and thus bypassed normal opportunities for
either scientific validation or refutation by experts in the field
of sexual offender diagnosis and treatment. He distributed his
study to a limited but very receptive audience nationally
(and later internationally, specifically Great Britain), including
law enforcement officials and agencies, the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and state
and federal prosecutors.
But it was the policy makers who especially welcomed the
study‘s implications.


From both a clinical and an actuarial statistical perspective, an early retrospective study conducted at a Federal Civil Commitment Facility in Butner, North Carolina, inferred an association between accessing child pornography and hands-on sexual offending.3 That study has been criticized regarding its methodology and lack of scientific rigor.4 More recent prospective data have questioned the contention that there is a correlation between accessing child pornography and hands-on offending.5 For example, one such study found that less than one percent of 231 men who had viewed child pornography (but with no evidence of a prior hands-on sexual offense) had gone on to commit a hands-on sexual offense.6 From a purely statistical standpoint (all else being equal) individuals with no history of a hands-on sexual offense against a child, but who have accessed child pornography, are at low risk as a group of committing a hands-on sexual offense in the future.5


McKune provides a single citation to support its statement “that the recidivism
rate of untreated offenders has been estimated to be as high as 80%”: the U.S.
Dept. of Justice, Nat. Institute of Corrections, A Practitioner’s Guide to Treating
the Incarcerated Male Sex Offender xiii (1988). Justice Kennedy likely found that
reference in the amicus brief supporting Kansas filed by the Solicitor General,
then Ted Olson, as the SG’s brief also cites it for the claim that sex offenders
have this astonishingly high recidivism rate. This Practitioner’s Guide11 itself
provides but one source for the claim, an article published in 1986 in Psychology
Today, a mass market magazine aimed at a lay audience. That article has this
sentence: “Most untreated sex offenders released from prison go on to commit more
offenses– indeed, as many as 80% do.” But the sentence is a bare assertion: the
article contains no supporting reference for it. But perhaps the author was merely
offering an estimate based on his training and expertise. The problem there is
that he had little of either.

He is a counselor, not a scholar of sex crimes or re-offense rates, and the cited
article is not about recidivism statistics. It’s about a counseling program for
sex offenders he then ran in an Oregon prison. His unsupported assertion about the
recidivism rate for untreated sex offenders was offered to contrast with his equally
unsupported assertion about the lower recidivism rate for those who complete his

Of course numerous special interest groups have exploited this pseudoreality toward their benefit:


Last year, Biden sponsored an RIAA-backed bill called the Perform Act aimed at
restricting Americans' ability to record and play back individual songs from
satellite and Internet radio services. (The RIAA sued XM Satellite Radio over
precisely this point.)

All of which meant that nobody in Washington was surprised when Biden was one of
only four U.S. senators invited to a champagne reception in celebration of the
Digital Millennium Copyright Act hosted by the MPAA's Jack Valenti, the RIAA, and
the Business Software Alliance. (Photos are here.)


Democrat Joe Biden at Capitol Hill hearing urges more police to be trained in
software developed by agent specializing in searching for child pornography.

WASHINGTON--A prominent Senate Democrat on Wednesday said federal and local police
should use custom software to monitor peer-to-peer networks for illegal activity,
and he wants to spend $1 billion in tax dollars to help make that happen.

As an aside, a note regarding the hopeless nature of the CP moral panic:

Biden and Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), the committee's ranking member, said they were troubled that because of limited resources, investigators are able to take on less than 2 percent of what they called "known" cases of child-pornography trafficking via the Internet.


Measurement and Analysis of
Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks


Illicit Image Detection. Given a set of target images, approximate matching can be used to search for manipulated variants of images in the set, fragments of known images, or images secreted in other files such as music files.

Intellectual Property Enforcement. As with illicit image detection, approximate matching can be used in the detection of manipulated or hidden copies of copyrighted works including documents, images, audio files and movies.


More than a dozen state legislatures are considering a bill called the “Human Trafficking Prevention Act,” which has nothing to do with human trafficking and all to do with one man’s crusade against pornography at the expense of free speech.

At its heart, the model bill would require device manufacturers to pre-install “obscenity” filters on devices like cell phones, tablets, and computers. Consumers would be forced to pony up $20 per device in order to surf the Internet without state censorship. The legislation is not only technologically unworkable, it violates the First Amendment and significantly burdens consumers and businesses.

The Sex Cult has diverted substantial public resources into the maintenance and construction of their make believe fantasy world, though the majority of adherents to the Sex Cult simply believe it is actual reality:


Despite plenty of evidence of the harm caused by criminalization, there’s still a tremendous amount of money in representing it as the “cure” for a situation it actually exacerbates. In an interview last May, Michael Horowitz, a fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute who led efforts to pass the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, told the Las Vegas Review Journal that the anti-trafficking movement has become more about securing grants for research than protecting victims. “Now it’s just one big federal entitlement program,” he said, “and everybody is more worried about where they’re going to get their next grant.”

Of course I should not neglect in covering the human trafficking component of the Sex Cult, though admittedly I am less familiar with it:


"It's now clear [anti-trafficking groups] used fake data to deceive the media and lie to Congress," the story charges. "And it was all done to score free publicity and a wealth of public funding."

What's the meat behind those claims? The story details how the Women's Funding Network commissioned a study from a political consulting group run by Beth Schapiro, which devised a totally unscientific method for determining how many online classified ads depicted children. It entailed having a group of adults guess, by looking at a picture in an ad, how old the person depicted was, and then doing it again over time to fuel the charge of explosive growth. Experts interviewed by City Pages point out that this is ridiculous from a methodological point of view — among the many criticisms, there's no way of knowing how old someone is from a picture, there's no way of knowing when the picture was taken, and there's no way of knowing if the picture is even of someone behind the advertised service.

The study, which was funded with public money, was subsequently uncritically picked up nationwide in headlines trumpeting a massive rise in the trafficking of children.


Hard Numbers and Malleable Data

Numbers throughout the murky world of human trafficking are notoriously hard to verify. How many traffickers? Uncountable! How many victims? So many! How old are they? Too young! How much money changes hands? Zillions upon gajillions of dollars, daily! "Scarily lucrative," Time declared it in a May 2014 headline. Sound unbelievable? It is, and aid groups will claim it's because the unvarnished truth of human slavery is incomprehensible to most living Americans today.

Presenting the adherents to the Sex Cult with evidence of the false nature of the reality they believe in is very largely a fruitless endeavor (due to their anosognosia):


It's a pretty good summary of the standard narrative on sex-trafficking these days: it's everywhere, all the time, and we don't even know it; the only way to combat it is to keep throwing cops and money and laws at it; and anyone who questions any of this is only aiding the evildoers. It's almost impossible to argue with people who buy this narrative, because the more evidence you present challenging sex trafficking's pervasiveness, the more they see proof that sex trafficking is so under the radar we need to throw more cops and money and laws at it.

Indeed, the pseudoreality of the Sex Cult is even substantially larger than this, however this is a general overview of the matter.



After these accusations arose, Noah Berlatsky of Salon compared Kim to Somaly Mam and commented that the film was thickly layered with exploitation tropes and improbable scenarios. Berlatsky found it shocking that "anyone took this clearly fanciful, clearly derivative fiction for fact".[5] Journalist Elizabeth Nolan Brown criticized "the authors who repeated Kim's story, the journalists who interviewed her, the organizations that brought her on as a speaker, or any of the myriad people behind the 'based on a true story' Eden" for not checking and verifying Kim's claims.[7] Journalist Mike Ludwig argued that the narrative promoted by the film harmed consensual sex workers.[8] Seattle sex worker Mistress Matisse had been questioning the veracity of the film since 2012.[6] Matisse stated that Colin Plank and Megan Griffiths "perpetrated a fraud in their movie called Eden." [19]


For the next six years until legislators corrected their error, the oldest profession
was not a crime in Rhode Island -- and public health and public safety substantially
improved as a result, according to a new working paper from the National Bureau of
Economic Research. The statewide incidence of gonorrhea among women declined by 39
percent, and the number of rapes reported to police in the state declined by 31
percent, according to the paper.


Project ROSE is a Phoenix city program that arrests sex workers in the name of saving them. In five two-day stings, more than 100 police officers targeted alleged sex workers on the street and online. They brought them in handcuffs to the Bethany Bible Church. There, the sex workers were forced to meet with prosecutors, detectives, and representatives of Project ROSE, who offered a diversion program to those who qualified. Those who did not may face months or years in jail.
your prose needs work. if you can't condense all of that down to two paragraphs, you're literally stupid.
My dearest psychotic shit flinging monkeys, I've taken it upon myself to write a comprehensive post regarding what I've taken to calling 'my standard narrative'. Many people wish I hadn't such a standard narrative, often expressing their unwillingness to read it due to its length. They commonly express general annoyance at me due to my standard narrative. However, as your reputedly stellar theories of mind should allow you to empathize with, I find the situation regarding your ongoing outbreaks of mass socially convergent anosognosic psychotic decompensation to be demanding of the utmost attention. Moreover, I would like to simply collate as much of the materials I've accumulated as possible into a single thread.


How should I even go about writing such a large and comprehensive post? I suppose I will start with the general premise, which is that you are selectively afflicted by anosognosic schizophrenia in social convergence in accordance with your sociocultural conditioning, which is triggered by arbitrary socially pertinent stimuli. Very notably and most concerningly, this condition of yours has been exploited by infestations of behavior modifying parasites toward isolating your consciousnesses in what I've taken to calling pseudorealities.

Pseudorealities typically consist of a notably detailed, decentralized, substantially themed, set of largely related information signaling materials, that falsely signal to you regarding the state of the actual existence. Some of these materials exaggerate or attenuate things that are in the realm of actual reality, whereas others describe fully fictional make believe fantasy worlds with even elements or themes of bizarre mysticism. The materials come in all forms one would expect to find information in; books, notes, websites, blogs, academic papers, text books, pamphlets, news reporting, and so forth. They may be mixed in with honestly signaling materials as well, though they dishonestly signal in the previously mentioned manners, a subsection of what is typically a much larger themed make believe fantasy world.

Pseudorealities are fabricated by the behavior modifying parasite infestions, thereafter they are deployed such that they engulf you and function as a substrate of sorts for you. You come to reference the associated themed fiction materials as if they were descriptive of actual reality, rather than simply being descriptive of the themed make believe fantasy world that was fully designed by the behavior modifying parasites nearly as if they were designing a game world. You hold the themed fiction materials of the behavior modifying parasites very dearly indeed. However, this is unwise seeing as the behavior modifying parasites are human predators who desire to isolate your consciousness in pseudoreality toward parasitizing you and your society, they are nearly analogous to those who falsely signal genetic fitness and thereby mislead you into evolutionarily disadvantaging yourself for their benefit via counterfeiting their genetic value to you, but rather than doing this the behavior modifying parasites counterfeit entire alternate realities and then falsely signal them to you toward literally making it such that you reference their materials that have no correlation to the state of actual existence rather than referencing materials that are descriptive of and correlated to the state of actual reality. They isolate your consciousness in their pseudoreality and thereby have essentially induced psychosis in you seeing as your understanding of actual reality in at least one area has been replaced by an understanding of the themed fiction materials of the behavior modifying parasites and therefore you've an impaired relationship with reality, yet concomitant cognitive anosognosia that prohibits you from the insight necessary to realize this.

The themed fiction materials of the behavior modifying parasites are likely inducing you into one or more of numerous states, among which include mass hysteria, social mania, and moral panic.


In sociology and psychology, mass hysteria (also known as collective hysteria, group hysteria, or collective obsessional behavior) is a phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear (memory acknowledgement).[1][2]


Social manias are mass movements which periodically sweep through societies. They are characterized by an outpouring of enthusiasm, mass involvement and millenarian goals. Social manias are contagious social epidemics, and as such they should be differentiated from mania in individuals.

Social manias come in different sizes and strengths. Some social manias fail to 'catch fire', while others persist for hundreds of years (although sometimes in severely attenuated form). Common to all is a vision of salvation, a new way of life, which if realized would radically change everyday life, ushering in a new world of freedom and justice.



A Guide to the Uses of Fear

[W]e are only episodic conductors of meaning, essentially. We
form a mass, living most of the time in a state of panic or
haphazardly, above and beyond any meaning.

“Moral panic” can be defined broadly as any mass movement that emerges in response to a false, exaggerated, or ill- defined moral threat to society and proposes to address this threat through punitive mea-sures: tougher enforcement, “zero tolerance,” new laws, communal vigi-lance, violent purges.1 Witch hunts are classic examples of moral panics in small, tribal, or agrarian communities. McCarthyism is the obvious example of a moral panic fueled by the mass media and tethered to re-pressive governance.2

However, I believe a more modern taxonomy of pseudorealities should be constructed.

An Introduction to the Neurology, Psychology, and Neuroscience of the Matter

Regarding my condition, I would like to inform you that I have the diametric opposite of what has been characterized as "an impaired relationship with reality".


The authors conclude that what they found “is the opposite pattern to autism and therefore consistent with the autism-psychosis model which proposes that these clinical disorders reside at diametrically opposing poles of a single continuum.


The Autism-Psychosis model proposes that an individual can only have one or the other (Psychosis or Autism).


What is psychosis?

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality.
And it is a symptom of serious mental disorders. People who are psychotic may have either hallucinations or delusions.

This is because I have the inversion of schizophrenia:


Autism and schizophrenia may be two sides of the same coin, suggests a review of genetic data associated with the conditions. The finding could help design complementary treatments for the two disorders.

Though autism was originally described as a form of schizophrenia a century ago, evidence for a link has remained equivocal. One theory puts the conditions at opposite ends of a developmental spectrum.

One manner in which I've the inversion of schizophrenia involves my vestigialization:


In the context of human evolution, human vestigiality involves those traits (such as organs or behaviors) occurring in humans that have lost all or most of their original function through evolution. Although structures called vestigial often appear functionless, a vestigial structure may retain lesser functions or develop minor new ones. In some cases, structures once identified as vestigial simply had an unrecognized function.

of the neural substrate:


ASD-related patterns of low function and aberrant activation in the brain differ depending on whether the brain is doing social or nonsocial tasks.[97] In autism there is evidence for reduced functional connectivity of the default network, a large-scale brain network involved in social and emotional processing, with intact connectivity of the task-positive network, used in sustained attention and goal-directed thinking. In people with autism the two networks are not negatively correlated in time, suggesting an imbalance in toggling between the two networks, possibly reflecting a disturbance of self-referential thought.[98]

of ancestral cognition (with fully functional and consistently activated modern cognition):


System 1 has been variously characterized as 'intuitive', 'emotion-driven' and 'experiential'; whereas System 2 has been characterized as, 'controlled', 'rule-based', 'rational' and 'analytic'. We know of two lines of work which link cognitive neuroscience to this classical form of dual process theory:one which looks at logical reasoning (Goel and Dolan, 2003), the other moral judgments (Greene et al., 2004). Both identify areas in the DMN and TPN associated with System 1 and System 2 reasoning respectively. Hence, the link between dual-process theories of cognition and the DMN vs.TPN dichotomy appears worthy of further investigation.


System 2 in humans

System 2 is evolutionarily recent and specific to humans. It is also known as the explicit system, the rule-based system, the rational system,[12] or the analytic system.[16] It performs the more slow and sequential thinking. It is domain-general, performed in the central working memory system. Because of this, it has a limited capacity and is slower than System 1 which correlates it with general intelligence. It is known as the rational system because it reasons according to logical standards.[16] Some overall properties associated with System 2 are that it is rule-based, analytic, controlled, demanding of cognitive capacity, and slow.[12]

as you can see:


The DMN is involved with processes of self-reflection, social cognition, and mind-wandering. Hyperconnectivity has been noted in the DMN of individuals at high risk for developing schizophrenia.

Whitfield-Gabrieli et al39 studied patients with schizophrenia; young, at-risk, first-degree relatives; and unaffected controls using fMRI during alternating conditions of wakeful rest and a focused working memory task. While the unaffected controls showed predictable deactivation of DMN during active task, the patients and relatives showed diminished deactivation, as well as greater activity in right DLPFC. This finding has essentially been replicated twice by two other research groups.

This has had the side effect of leaving me isolated in the state of actual reality:


Engaging social stimuli are associated with activation of the DMN and deactivation of the TPN, whereas analytic problems are associated with activation of the TPN and deactivation of the DMN.


Finally, we have demonstrated that attention to engaging social stimuli not only activates the DMN but also deactivates the TPN. In a subsequent study[30] it was shown that this pattern of DMN activation and TPN deactivation was present for humanizing depictions of individuals, whereas dehumanizing depictions, which are associated with decreased moral concern, either involved decreased activity in the DMN or increased activity in the TPN. Taken together, these findings suggest that we are neurologically constrained from simultaneously exercising moral concern and analytic thinking.


"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."

while you are busy socially convergently dissociating:


Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence
Challenges to political beliefs produced increased activity in the default mode network—a set of interconnected structures associated with self-representation and disengagement from the external world.

into whichever pertinent themed make believe fantasy world your local pertinent infestation of behavior modifying parasites socioculturally conditioned you into:


Social position determines one's ability to define and construct reality; therefore, the higher one's social position, the greater his or her moral value.

This dissociation into alternate realities thing you do, has caused my people substantial woe:


Most controversially, he believes society needs to tackle the taboo subject of ASD and paedophilia. Speaking ahead of World Autism Awareness Day today, he suggested that many inmates in sex offender units, including those convicted of child pornography offences, show signs of Asperger’s or ASD.


In a subsequent study, Freund confirmed the normalcy of sexual arousal to
adolescents. His subjects were 48 young Czech soldiers, all presumed to be ‘‘normal’’
and heterosexual in orientation. He showed the men pictures of children (ages 4–10
years old), adolescents (ages 12–16), and adults (ages 17–36). As expected, most of the
heterosexual men were sexually aroused by photos of both adult and adolescent
They were not aroused by pictures of males of any age, and were aroused at an
intermediate level by pictures of children (Freund & Costell, 1970).


A new study of Bulgarian men has replicated a previous 2013 experiment on British men. In both studies, the same photographs of adolescent girls (Tanner stages 3-4) were shown to one group of men labelled as age 14-15, and a different set of men labelled as age 16-17. Subjects reported more sexual attraction when the photographs were labelled as 16-17. The researchers conclude:

[T]he consistent finding that the same photographs of younger females, but with different age labels, were assigned significantly different levels of attractiveness suggests that cognitive factors beyond biologically driven sexual attraction were involved in making these ratings. In all the three samples, apparently younger girls were rated as less attractive than older girls despite being the same photographs. We hypothesize that this difference reflects some self-censoring mechanism involved in making such judgments. This may involve a form of comparison between participants’ own sexual attraction to the individual girl and the likely social norms surrounding this judgment.

This finding has now been replicated across four samples, including one that is yet to be reported.



The conventional level of moral reasoning is typical of adolescents and adults. To reason in a conventional way is to judge the morality of actions by comparing them to society's views and expectations. The conventional level consists of the third and fourth stages of moral development. Conventional morality is characterized by an acceptance of society's conventions concerning right and wrong. At this level an individual obeys rules and follows society's norms even when there are no consequences for obedience or disobedience. Adherence to rules and conventions is somewhat rigid, however, and a rule's appropriateness or fairness is seldom questioned.[7][8][9]

As well as has generally been an abomination unto mankind:


This article discusses the rationale of Nazi ethics and the moral conditioning of Nazi perpetrators aimed at developing a kind of “ethnic conscience” which restricted moral obligations to members of their own race community. It reconstructs how the universal ethics of humanism got turned upside down and replaced with the particularistic selective racial ethics and the pragmatics of eugenics and racial exterminatory politics. Traditional values regarding human life, based on the idea of its unconditional worth, were replaced by the distinction between life worthy of being promoted and life unworthy of being lived. It shows how ordinary Germans became willing executioners of criminal and immoral deeds. Neither did they act without any moral orientation nor in the awareness that what they were doing was morally reprehensible. As perpetrators with a clear conscience they were convinced that the humiliation, persecution, deportation and, finally, killing of the Jews was the right thing to do.


The study warned that untempered empathy can be dangerous.

It can result in terrorists who believe they are being highly moral

And it's really starting to freak me out that you keep dissociating from the state of actual existence into socially convergent make believe fantasy worlds described in themed collections of fiction materials. I mean, awesome as it is being in the state of actual reality, it's also quite alarming given that you don't have the diametric opposite of psychosis despite being the overwhelming majority of the hominids.


Fitness is not the same thing as reality as it is, and it's fitness, and not reality as it is, that figures centrally in the equations of evolution.

So, in my lab, we have run hundreds of thousands of evolutionary game simulations with lots of different randomly chosen worlds and organisms that compete for resources in those worlds. Some of the organisms see all of the reality, others see just part of the reality, and some see none of the reality, only fitness. Who wins?

Well, I hate to break it to you, but perception of reality goes extinct.
In almost every simulation, organisms that see none of reality but are just tuned to fitness drive to extinction all the organisms that perceive reality as it is. So the bottom line is, evolution does not favor veridical, or accurate perceptions. Those perceptions of reality go extinct.

That you have been compared to ancient people and small children is of no comfort to me whatsoever:

Does Poor Understanding of Physical World Predict Religious and Paranormal Beliefs?

Unlike the earlier studies, which have addressed
only few specific targets and attributes, unfounded
mentalizing was here apparent throughout a range of basic
physical objects and processes, and at a higher level
of abstraction, on the superordinate concept of mental.
This kind of mental-physical confusion has been recognized
mainly among ancient people and small children.

The ability to distinguish mental from physical seems to be impaired both among ASD individuals and supernatural believers, although its manifestation is reversed. Because findings from hyper-mentalistic and hyper-mechanistic cognition, as two opposite phenotypes, can help each other in the search for their underlying mechanisms, one promising approach for future studies might be to integrate research on this newly found matter-blindness to research on mind-blindness

What would be imagined as a comforting lack of hallucinosis:

http://www.grrec.ky.gov/CaveWeb/autism/ASD Webpage/Module 1/Gestalt thinking article.docx

How much do we see? In fact, we see very little, just a few things our attention happens to focus on. Every time we look at something we just pick up a few features and 'recognize' the whole picture from our past experiences and memories. For example, when we enter a familiar room, we do not have to examine every item there to recognize it. We just know what is there and where everything is located. A quick glance is enough. So do we actually see the environment or do we just know 'what is there'? In fact, our perceptual reconstruction (or 'what we think we see') comes from two opposite directions - from outside (environmental stimuli) and inside (mental images we have stored in the brain). The more familiar the environment or situation, the less we actually perceive it. The brain does not need to process all the stimuli; it just 'fills in the gaps' and 'predicts' the final picture.

There is much evidence that one of the problems many autistic people experience is their inability to distinguish between foreground and background stimuli. They often are unable to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant stimuli. What is background to others may be equally foreground to them. They perceive everything without filtration or selection. As Donna Williams describes it, they seem to have no sieve in their brain to select the information that is worth being attended. This results in a paradoxical phenomenon: sensory information is received in infinite detail and holistically at the same time. It can be described as 'gestalt perception', i.e. perception of the whole scene as a single entity with all the details perceived (not processed!) simultaneously. They may be aware of the information others miss, but the processing of 'holistic situations' can be overwhelming. As there is too much information coming in, it is hard to know which stimuli to attend. It is often difficult for the autistic person to 'break' the whole picture into meaningful entities, to 'draw the boundaries' around plenty of tiny sensory pieces to make them meaningful items.

In contrast to our guessing 'what is there' from our experience and memory instead of actually seeing it, autistic children seem to be unable to filter the incoming information and tend to perceive all the stimuli around them. Instead of 'inventing' the world as we do, they actually perceive it. Such 'acute-perception' brings overwhelming information the brain cannot cope with.

Possibly aided by an abundance of neurons (I need to research this more so):


Heather Hazlett, in the department of psychiatry at the Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities, and her colleagues studied MRI images of 38 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) at 2 years old and compared them with the scans from 21 unaffected youngsters of the same age. All the children were scanned again at age 4 or 5, and at all stages, the children with ASD had on average 6% more total brain volume and 9% more volume in the cerebral cortex, the region of the brain that contains the “newest” sprouting of neurons and is responsible for everything from receiving signals and input from the environment to processing memory and attention.

Is rendered less so due to the atypical nature of this:


Recent studies by researchers at Cardiff University and University of Cambridge suggest we are all hallucinating all of the time to comprehend the world that surrounds us. This research opens new doors of perception as related to the ways we view hallucinations and their prevalence.

Sifting through the noise

One way to look at hallucinations is seeing them as a part of predictive brain processes. We constantly need to make sense of our surrounding world. In trying to grasp a spatial and visual sense of our surroundings that might appear slightly vague when we're barraged by a wide array of sensory input, we have to use our brains to predict and understand the overall structure of the environment with the use of prior knowledge. The prior knowledge we have about an environment plays a huge role in the way we visually process our world.

"Vision is a constructive process — in other words, our brain makes up the world that we 'see'," and "fills in the blanks, ignoring the things that don't quite fit, and presents to us an image of the world that has been edited and made to fit with what we expect," explains lead researcher Christoph Teufel of Cardiff University.

Our predictive brains are beneficial to us because "it makes us efficient and adept at creating a coherent picture of an ambiguous and complex world,” and that it “means that we are not very far away from perceiving things that aren’t actually there, which is the definition of a hallucination,” says Paul Fletcher, senior author of the research done at Cambridge.

This is most likely due to my severely impaired long term visual memory, which is associated with the DMN. I'm also not delusional with cognitive anosognosia due to my consistent use of my TPN (which is associated with verbal working memory, of which mine is exceptional):


The results showed a correlation between insight as measured by the BCIS self-reflectiveness index and lower gray matter volume in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC). The VLPFC is involved in working memory and decision making. The findings suggest that a reduced VLPFC volume corresponds with a diminished capacity to entertain alternative explanations about one’s misperceptions leading to impairment in awareness of illness.


The ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) is a subdivision of the prefrontal cortex. Its involvement in modulating existing behavior and emotional output given contextual demands has been studied extensively using cognitive reappraisal studies and emotion-attention tasks. Cognitive reappraisal studies indicate the vlFPC’s role in reinterpreting stimuli, and reducing or augmenting responses. Studies using emotion-attention tasks demonstrate the vlFPC’s function in ignoring emotional distractions while the brain is engaged in performing other tasks.[6]

Alternatively, it is possible that my overabundance of neurons is impairing my social cognition (as I said I need to research more regarding the neuronal abundance):


Researchers say this is consistent with structural MRI findings of enlarged brain size and an overabundance of neurons in ASD, due to the fact that the synapses of neurons have not been sufficiently “pruned” as the brain develops. Too many functioning synapses inhibit cognition while requiring extra blood flow.


A study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego Autism Center of Excellence shows that brain overgrowth in boys with autism involves an abnormal, excess number of neurons in areas of the brain associated with social, communication and cognitive development.

Which is fine because social cognition is to all appearances a convergent form of schizophrenia:


Bethany T. Heywood, a graduate student at Queens University Belfast, asked 27 people with Asperger’s syndrome, a mild type of autism that involves impaired social cognition, about significant events in their lives. Working with experimental psychologist Jesse M. Bering (author of the "Bering in Mind" blog and a frequent contributor to Scientific American MIND), she asked them to speculate about why these important events happened—for instance, why they had gone through an illness or why they met a significant other. As compared with 34 neurotypical people, those with Asperger’s syndrome were significantly less likely to invoke a teleological response—for example, saying the event was meant to unfold in a particular way or explaining that God had a hand in it. They were more likely to invoke a natural cause (such as blaming an illness on a virus they thought they were exposed to) or to give a descriptive response, explaining the event again in a different way.

These results support the idea that seeing purpose behind life events is a result of our mind’s focus on social thinking. People whose social cognition is impaired—those with Asperger’s, in this case—are less likely to see the events in their lives as having happened for a reason. Heywood would like to test the hypothesis further by working with people who have schizophrenia or schizoid personalities. Some experts theorize that certain schizophrenia symptoms (for instance, paranoia) arise in part from a hyperactive sense of social reasoning. “I’d guess that they’d give lots of teleological answers; more than neurotypical people, and certainly far more than people with Asperger’s,” Heywood says.

Like religion:


The self-described atheist, who is also a neuroendocrinologist, argues that religion is comparable to a shared schizophrenia.


Religion and Autism, are they together or apart?
Recent studies suggest today's autistics tend to reject organized religion. Why?

And I don't mind being in actual reality, so please don't try to pharmacologically induce brain damage in me to repair my faulty social cognition:


A newly published brain-tissue study suggests that children affected by autism have a surplus of synapses, or connections between brain cells. The excess is due to a slowdown in the normal pruning process that occurs during brain development, the researchers say.

The study team also found that the medication rapamycin both restores normal synaptic pruning and reduces autism-like behaviors in a mouse model of autism. They propose that someday a similar medication might be used to treat autism after a child – or even adult – has been diagnosed.

However, feel free to send me ketamine so that I can pharmacologically induce acute psychosis via deactivating the neural substrate of evolutionarily recent cognition:


Study of Intranasal Ketamine for Social Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder


A prominent feature of the human brain's global architecture is the anticorrelation of default-mode vs. task-positive systems. Here,we show that administration of an NMDA glutamate receptor antagonist, ketamine, disrupted the reciprocal relationship between these systems in terms of task-dependent activation and connectivity during performance of delayed working memory. Furthermore, the degree of this disruption predicted task performance and transiently evoked symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia.


Several decades of research attempting to explain schizophrenia in terms of the dopamine hyperactivity hypothesis have produced disappointing results. A new hypothesis focusing on hypofunction of the NMDA glutamate transmitter system is emerging as a potentially more promising concept. In this article, we present a version of the NMDA receptor hypofunction hypothesis that has evolved from our recent studies pertaining to the neurotoxic and psychotomimetic effects of PCP and related NMDA antagonist drugs.

Which I may be being kept in due to atypically strong glutamatergic agonization:


Twelve studies involving 880 participants and 446 incident cases were included in this meta-analysis. The meta-analysis provided evidence for higher blood glutamate levels in ASD

Philosophical underpinnings

One thing of pertinence is the discrepancy between primacy of consciousness and primacy of existence:


The basic metaphysical issue that lies at the root of any system of philosophy [is] the primacy of existence or the primacy of consciousness.

The primacy of existence (of reality) is the axiom that existence exists, i.e., that the universe exists independent of consciousness (of any consciousness), that things are what they are, that they possess a specific nature, an identity. The epistemological corollary is the axiom that consciousness is the faculty of perceiving that which exists—and that man gains knowledge of reality by looking outward. The rejection of these axioms represents a reversal: the primacy of consciousness—the notion that the universe has no independent existence, that it is the product of a consciousness (either human or divine or both). The epistemological corollary is the notion that man gains knowledge of reality by looking inward (either at his own consciousness or at the revelations it receives from another, superior consciousness).

The source of this reversal is the inability or unwillingness fully to grasp the difference between one’s inner state and the outer world, i.e., between the perceiver and the perceived (thus blending consciousness and existence into one indeterminate package-deal). This crucial distinction is not given to man automatically; it has to be learned. It is implicit in any awareness, but it has to be grasped conceptually and held as an absolute.


We suggest that this structural feature of the brain underlies the long noted anecdotal tension between materialistic and spiritual worldviews. This linkage is supported by three observations. First, brain areas implicated in analytic thinking (TPN) support cognitive process essential for maintaining a naturalistic world view (e.g. thinking about objects, mechanisms and causes; [29, 49, 71, 73–77]), whereas the brain areas implicated in moral concern (DMN) are associated with thinking about phenomena which have traditionally been thought of as non-physical, namely minds and emotions [78–83]. Second, brain areas associated with materialism (TPN) tend to be suppressed when brain areas associated with moral concern (DMN) are activated [29, 71, 72]. This might explain the tendency to link mind with spirit, i.e. the view that minds and emotions are associated with the extra- or super- natural. Third, brain areas associated with analytic thinking are associated with religious disbelief [73, 74, 84], and brain areas associated with moral concern are associated with religious belief [73] and prayer [84, 85].

Does Poor Understanding of Physical World Predict Religious and Paranormal Beliefs?

Unlike the earlier studies, which have addressed
only few specific targets and attributes, unfounded
mentalizing was here apparent throughout a range of basic
physical objects and processes, and at a higher level
of abstraction, on the superordinate concept of mental.
This kind of mental-physical confusion has been recognized
mainly among ancient people and small children.

The ability to distinguish mental from physical seems to be impaired both among ASD individuals and supernatural believers, although its manifestation is reversed. Because findings from hyper-mentalistic and hyper-mechanistic cognition, as two opposite phenotypes, can help each other in the search for their underlying mechanisms, one promising approach for future studies might be to integrate research on this newly found matter-blindness to research on mind-blindness


The scientists found that, overall, those who believe in God and the paranormal
are more likely to be female and to base their actions on instinct instead of
analysis or critical thinking.


While the number of patients tested is small, it is clear that the
group of schizophrenic patients showed a strikingly high
degree of primitive animistic thinking. The results concur
with Nunberg's observation that animistic responses
are common in schizophrenia

Some other similarities between childhood thinking, schizophrenic thinking
and the unconscious are indicated. There is a strikingly high incidence
of primitive animism and syncretistic habits of thought in schizophrenia.

Psychologic factors are more important than neurologic ones as a
cause of primitive animism in the aged, although the latter also play
a part. The question as to why all psychologically regressed
patients do not show marked primitive animistic thinking remains

Syncretism is commonly used by the behavior modifying parasites in the fabrication of pseudorealities, as will be covered later. For now, you should be familiar with the word and keep this in mind:


1: the combination of different forms of belief or practice

2: the fusion of two or more originally different inflectional forms


Religious syncretism, the fusion of diverse religious beliefs and practices.

An example:


Quite related as well:




And when he remembered his old habitation, and the wisdom of the den and his fellow-prisoners, do you not suppose that he would felicitate himself on the change, and pity them?

Certainly, he would.

And if they were in the habit of conferring honours among themselves on those who were quickest to observe the passing shadows and to remark which of them went before, and which followed after, and which were together; and who were therefore best able to draw conclusions as to the future, do you think that he would care for such honours and glories, or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer,

Better to be the poor servant of a poor master, and to endure anything, rather than think as they do and live after their manner?

Yes, he said, I think that he would rather suffer anything than entertain these false notions and live in this miserable manner.

Imagine once more, I said, such an one coming suddenly out of the sun to be replaced in his old situation; would he not be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?

To be sure, he said.

And if there were a contest, and he had to compete in measuring the shadows with the prisoners who had never moved out of the den, while his sight was still weak, and before his eyes had become steady (and the time which would be needed to acquire this new habit of sight might be very considerable) would he not be ridiculous? Men would say of him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not even to think of ascending; and if any one tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death.

The allegory of the cave is a stellar example of an ancient philosopher covering the same general phenomenon that I discuss. Note that The Sun consists of the Task Positive Network, whereas The Cave consists of the Default Mode Network. The individuals holding objects in the cave are the behavior modifying parasites, or sophists as Socrates referred to them. The shadows on the wall of The Cave consist of pseudoreality, whereas the reality illuminated by The Sun consists of actual reality. The objects the parasites hold to cast the shadows are their true intentions for having isolated the troglodytes in the cave.

The bold text highlights the part of the phenomenon that is both related to anosognosia as well as heresy. People in pseudoreality have sometimes even remarkable understandings of the associated themed collection of fiction materials, so when confronted with someone who has been in actual reality, it seems as if the person in actual reality is insane due to having an impaired relationship with the pseudoreality that the afflicted mistakenly thinks is actual reality. Moreover, the psychotic shit flinging monkeys:


are extremely prevalent, and they cluster together into the same pseudorealities, so they substantially reinforce each others misconceptions. Also, many pseudorealities have an integrated heresy construct, with being labeled as a heretic typically necessitating some form of punishment:


Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs.[1] Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause,[2] and blasphemy, which is an impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.[3]



This won't get us all the answers, though. What if no one happens to have gotten in trouble for a particular idea yet? What if some idea would be so radioactively controversial that no one would dare express it in public? How can we find these too?

Another approach is to follow that word, heresy. In every period of history, there seem to have been labels that got applied to statements to shoot them down before anyone had a chance to ask if they were true or not. "Blasphemy", "sacrilege", and "heresy" were such labels for a good part of western history, as in more recent times "indecent", "improper", and "unamerican" have been. By now these labels have lost their sting. They always do. By now they're mostly used ironically. But in their time, they had real force.

The word "defeatist", for example, has no particular political connotations now. But in Germany in 1917 it was a weapon, used by Ludendorff in a purge of those who favored a negotiated peace. At the start of World War II it was used extensively by Churchill and his supporters to silence their opponents. In 1940, any argument against Churchill's aggressive policy was "defeatist". Was it right or wrong? Ideally, no one got far enough to ask that.

We have such labels today, of course, quite a lot of them, from the all-purpose "inappropriate" to the dreaded "divisive." In any period, it should be easy to figure out what such labels are, simply by looking at what people call ideas they disagree with besides untrue. When a politician says his opponent is mistaken, that's a straightforward criticism, but when he attacks a statement as "divisive" or "racially insensitive" instead of arguing that it's false, we should start paying attention.

So another way to figure out which of our taboos future generations will laugh at is to start with the labels. Take a label—"sexist", for example—and try to think of some ideas that would be called that. Then for each ask, might this be true?

It is the ultimate goal of the behavior modifying parasites to keep the psychotic shit flinging monkeys isolated in the cave:



This week’s Retro Report video on “crack babies” (infants born to addicted mothers)
lays out how limited scientific studies in the 1980s led to predictions that a generation
of children would be damaged for life. Those predictions turned out to be wrong.
This supposed epidemic — one television reporter talks of a 500 percent increase in
damaged babies — was kicked off by a study of just 23 infants that the lead researcher
now says was blown out of proportion. And the shocking symptoms — like tremors and
low birth weight — are not particular to cocaine-exposed babies, pediatric researchers
say; they can be seen in many premature newborns.


Finally, we have demonstrated that attention to engaging social stimuli not only activates the DMN but also deactivates the TPN. In a subsequent study[30] it was shown that this pattern of DMN activation and TPN deactivation was present for humanizing depictions of individuals, whereas dehumanizing depictions, which are associated with decreased moral concern, either involved decreased activity in the DMN or increased activity in the TPN. Taken together, these findings suggest that we are neurologically constrained from simultaneously exercising moral concern and analytic thinking.


"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."

Seeing as they control the cave:


Social position determines one's ability to define and construct reality; therefore, the higher one's social position, the greater his or her moral value.


Some parasites and parasitoids cause changes in the behavior of their hosts by directly affecting the hosts' decision-making and behavior control mechanisms. The acquired or modified behaviors assist in parasite transmission, and often result in the host's demise.

The behavior modifying parasites want to be able to keep you toggled into your default mode network because they are the controllers of your false reality. They dislike you being in your task positive network because the TPN accesses actual reality and they have much less control over actual reality. Of course in some instances they may like you to be able to be in actual reality however, they are only particularly concerned with keeping you in your default mode network when contemplating matters related to the make believe fantasy worlds that feed their infestation with your life force.

Case Studies of Pseudorealities - Background Information

Before going into case studies of some of the pseudorealities fabricated by the behavior modifying parasite infestations, I would like to demonstrate some excerpt sequences that give a general impression of the framework involved, which you should be cognizant of. There is some repetition of prior excerpts, but only to draw attention to things via their ordering.

Firstly, you should be aware that the behavior modifying parasites are aptly called such:


Some parasites and parasitoids cause changes in the behavior of their hosts by directly affecting the hosts' decision-making and behavior control mechanisms. The acquired or modified behaviors assist in parasite transmission, and often result in the host's demise.

This is exactly how the behavior modifying parasites operate. For example:


Social position determines one's ability to define and construct reality; therefore, the higher one's social position, the greater his or her moral value.


"The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon" was a series of highly controversial newspaper articles on child prostitution that appeared in The Pall Mall Gazette in July 1885.

Written by crusading editor W. T. Stead, the series was a tour de force of Victorian journalism. With sensational crossheads, such as "The Violation of Virgins" and "Strapping Girls Down", the Maiden Tribute threw respectable Victorians into a state of moral panic, and achieved, as a consequence, the implementation of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, which raised the age of consent for girls from 13 to 16, and also re-criminalised homosexual acts.


In a subsequent study, Freund confirmed the normalcy of sexual arousal to
adolescents. His subjects were 48 young Czech soldiers, all presumed to be ‘‘normal’’
and heterosexual in orientation. He showed the men pictures of children (ages 4–10
years old), adolescents (ages 12–16), and adults (ages 17–36). As expected, most of the
heterosexual men were sexually aroused by photos of both adult and adolescent
They were not aroused by pictures of males of any age, and were aroused at an
intermediate level by pictures of children (Freund & Costell, 1970).


A new study of Bulgarian men has replicated a previous 2013 experiment on British men. In both studies, the same photographs of adolescent girls (Tanner stages 3-4) were shown to one group of men labelled as age 14-15, and a different set of men labelled as age 16-17. Subjects reported more sexual attraction when the photographs were labelled as 16-17. The researchers conclude:

[T]he consistent finding that the same photographs of younger females, but with different age labels, were assigned significantly different levels of attractiveness suggests that cognitive factors beyond biologically driven sexual attraction were involved in making these ratings. In all the three samples, apparently younger girls were rated as less attractive than older girls despite being the same photographs. We hypothesize that this difference reflects some self-censoring mechanism involved in making such judgments. This may involve a form of comparison between participants’ own sexual attraction to the individual girl and the likely social norms surrounding this judgment.

This finding has now been replicated across four samples, including one that is yet to be reported.



The conventional level of moral reasoning is typical of adolescents and adults. To reason in a conventional way is to judge the morality of actions by comparing them to society's views and expectations. The conventional level consists of the third and fourth stages of moral development. Conventional morality is characterized by an acceptance of society's conventions concerning right and wrong. At this level an individual obeys rules and follows society's norms even when there are no consequences for obedience or disobedience. Adherence to rules and conventions is somewhat rigid, however, and a rule's appropriateness or fairness is seldom questioned.[7][8][9]


"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."


Engaging social stimuli are associated with activation of the DMN and deactivation of the TPN, whereas analytic problems are associated with activation of the TPN and deactivation of the DMN.


Finally, we have demonstrated that attention to engaging social stimuli not only activates the DMN but also deactivates the TPN. In a subsequent study[30] it was shown that this pattern of DMN activation and TPN deactivation was present for humanizing depictions of individuals, whereas dehumanizing depictions, which are associated with decreased moral concern, either involved decreased activity in the DMN or increased activity in the TPN. Taken together, these findings suggest that we are neurologically constrained from simultaneously exercising moral concern and analytic thinking.

Secondly, you should be aware that pseudorealities have numerous potential features associated with them including heresy as I've covered before:


Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs. A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs.[1] Heresy is distinct from both apostasy, which is the explicit renunciation of one's religion, principles or cause,[2] and blasphemy, which is an impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.[3]



This won't get us all the answers, though. What if no one happens to have gotten in trouble for a particular idea yet? What if some idea would be so radioactively controversial that no one would dare express it in public? How can we find these too?

Another approach is to follow that word, heresy. In every period of history, there seem to have been labels that got applied to statements to shoot them down before anyone had a chance to ask if they were true or not. "Blasphemy", "sacrilege", and "heresy" were such labels for a good part of western history, as in more recent times "indecent", "improper", and "unamerican" have been. By now these labels have lost their sting. They always do. By now they're mostly used ironically. But in their time, they had real force.

The word "defeatist", for example, has no particular political connotations now. But in Germany in 1917 it was a weapon, used by Ludendorff in a purge of those who favored a negotiated peace. At the start of World War II it was used extensively by Churchill and his supporters to silence their opponents. In 1940, any argument against Churchill's aggressive policy was "defeatist". Was it right or wrong? Ideally, no one got far enough to ask that.

We have such labels today, of course, quite a lot of them, from the all-purpose "inappropriate" to the dreaded "divisive." In any period, it should be easy to figure out what such labels are, simply by looking at what people call ideas they disagree with besides untrue. When a politician says his opponent is mistaken, that's a straightforward criticism, but when he attacks a statement as "divisive" or "racially insensitive" instead of arguing that it's false, we should start paying attention.

So another way to figure out which of our taboos future generations will laugh at is to start with the labels. Take a label—"sexist", for example—and try to think of some ideas that would be called that. Then for each ask, might this be true?

Common heresy words include denial and rationalization, though some people are in denial and some people rationalize so you cannot always use their presence to identify a pseudoreality. Reality frames that make heavy use of such constructs certainly arouse my suspicion, however in some cases they seem to be being used appropriately.

They also commonly have blasphemy constructs:


Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence to a deity, to religious or holy persons or sacred things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.[1][2][3][4]

I've already touched on the basics of them in my previous posts and I don't want to be too repetitive. In any case, it should be noted that as I said pseudorealities can either signal actual reality partially but distort it, or they can signal entirely false realities as if they were actual reality. In the first case, where actual reality is partially signaled by it is distorted, typically what is done is they either camouflaged something in their signaling of actual reality by signaling a frame of actual reality but without something in it that is actually in that frame of actual reality (which is why their signaling was actually pseudoreality despite being partially actual reality). This is akin to the polar bear signaling that it is the snow:


An example of this may be:


Note that typically there are numerous competing reality signalers, numerous of them may be signaling pseudoreality but only one of them can actually be signaling actual reality if they are competing because there is only one actual reality:


Conversely, and more commonly to my perception (which may be biased in this manner, as I will cover shortly), the pseudoreality signaler can signal a full frame of actual reality but then augment it with things that aren't in actual reality (or they can exaggerate things that are in otherwise correct frames of actual reality). This is commonly done toward panic incitement, and is akin to a scarecrow:


As I said I may be biased such that I more easily identify pseudorealities with falsely signaled threats in them, at the risk of misidentifying frames of actual reality with honestly signaled threats in them as frames of pseudoreality. I also may be more vulnerable to camouflage but more adept at detecting scarecrows. This arises from my consistent usage of the task positive network, which historically (and to all appearances in the modern age!) is actually evolutionarily disadvantageous (perceptions of actual reality go extinct), which is why I am not neurotypical:


February 12 is Darwin Day, the birthday of Charles Darwin. In honor of Darwin’s 203rd birthday, let’s look into a term that’s related to both evolution and religion.

Imagine an early hominid in the grasslands of Africa. He hears a rustling in the bushes—is that a cheetah or just the wind? Should he run away or ignore it?

There are two kinds of errors. Suppose our friend thinks it’s a cheetah and runs away … but he’s wrong. This is a false positive. He’s crying wolf. There can be a cost to this—our timid hominid might have been frightened away from a water hole.

But consider the other error. The hominid might think it’s the wind in the tall grass … but he’s wrong. This is a false negative. The cost is obvious—he likely becomes a predator’s lunch.

Given the disproportionate consequences for guessing wrongly, natural selection seems to have selected for caution. As a result, early man may have developed a “hyperactive agency detection device”—an overactive tendency to see agency (that is, intelligence) in nature, even where there is none. The HADD may also be where we detect patterns in things—superstition, concluding that odd events are more than coincidence, or even conspiracy theories.

If this gave early man the ideas of spirits of the dead and gods, this may help explain where early religion came from.

Additionally, you should be aware that pseudoreality is associated with themed fiction materials, as I've already said. These can be in numerous forms:



After these accusations arose, Noah Berlatsky of Salon compared Kim to Somaly Mam and commented that the film was thickly layered with exploitation tropes and improbable scenarios. Berlatsky found it shocking that "anyone took this clearly fanciful, clearly derivative fiction for fact".[5] Journalist Elizabeth Nolan Brown criticized "the authors who repeated Kim's story, the journalists who interviewed her, the organizations that brought her on as a speaker, or any of the myriad people behind the 'based on a true story' Eden" for not checking and verifying Kim's claims.[7] Journalist Mike Ludwig argued that the narrative promoted by the film harmed consensual sex workers.[8] Seattle sex worker Mistress Matisse had been questioning the veracity of the film since 2012.[6] Matisse stated that Colin Plank and Megan Griffiths "perpetrated a fraud in their movie called Eden." [19]



Dr Ian Lipkin, professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, writing in The Wall Street Journal, said: "If Vaxxed had been submitted as science fiction, it would merit attention for its story line, character development and dialogue. But as a documentary it misrepresents what science knows about autism, undermines public confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and attacks the integrity of legitimate scientists and public-health officials".[149]



The climate change movement I have the most trouble to tell if it is in actual reality or pseudoreality. Originally I mindlessly assumed it was actual reality, however I've subsequently actually grown substantially suspicious that they are in a pseudoreality. My father believes they are a New Religious Movement and I find he is typically in actual reality. In general, you should be of the understanding that I am substantially more so in actual reality than is typical, yet I am not completely and effortlessly immune to the behavior modifying parasites, so you should substantially give weight to my thoughts on such things yet not assume that I am certainly in actual reality frames at all times.


The people who imagine that the climate change movement is in actual reality certainly can make a substantially high quality case for this being so, yet the people who claim they are a New Religious Movement have a substantially stronger case than one would imagine if they listened to the signaling from the adherents to the climate change movement regarding the matter as well, which is why it is hard to tell. However I didn't mean to be side tracked by that and I will cover their movement more so later on, but I wanted to include their video pamphlet while drawing attention to the fact that I am not actually asserting that it is certainly a piece of themed fiction material though am suspicious that it may be so.

note this excerpt regarding the impaired ability of children exposed to religion to differentiate fact from fiction. I view this study as a starting point for substantially further research and disagree with the general impression of the authors of it, though as a single data point without elaboration I find it very valuable.


Young children who are exposed to religion have a hard time differentiating between fact and fiction, according to a new study published in the July issue of Cognitive Science.

Researchers presented 5- and 6-year-old children from both public and parochial schools with three different types of stories — religious, fantastical and realistic –- in an effort to gauge how well they could identify narratives with impossible elements as fictional.

The study found that, of the 66 participants, children who went to church or were enrolled in a parochial school were significantly less able than secular children to identify supernatural elements, such as talking animals, as fictional.

By relating seemingly impossible religious events achieved through divine intervention (e.g., Jesus transforming water into wine) to fictional narratives, religious children would more heavily rely on religion to justify their false categorizations.

It should be noted that all religions consist of pseudorealities.

Another thing to mention is that this is all part of signaling theory:


Because there are both mutual and conflicting interests in most animal signalling systems, a central problem in signalling theory is dishonesty or cheating. For example, if foraging birds are safer when they give a warning call, cheats could give false alarms at random, just in case a predator is nearby. But too much cheating could cause the signalling system to collapse. Every dishonest signal weakens the integrity of the signalling system, and so reduces the fitness of the group.[16][17]

Also, although not all pseudorealities consist of moral panics, I will cover more of the details regarding moral panics. Other pseudorealities consist of social manias, mass hysterias, or whatnot. Really, a new taxonomy should be constructed, and the exact criteria for something to be one of these things or the other is kind of hard to nail down and fuzzy, some pseudorealities may be combinations of all of them and the individual frames even may have elements of all of them.

Also, it should be noted that moral panic itself has somewhat of a varying definition depending on the exact area that is looking at it. For example, arguably the anti vaccination movement is a moral panic (alternatively a mass hysteria, however I believe it is too long lasting and organized to really be considered a mass hysteria), however by the criminological construct of moral panic it is not one.



Any moral panic involves a “heightened level of concern over the behaviour of a certain group or category” (Goode & Ben-Yehuda, 2009, p. 37) and its consequences. Indices of concern include opinion polls, media coverage, and lobbying activity.


Moral panics exhibit “an increased level of hostility” toward the deviants, who are “collectively designated as the enemy, or an enemy, of respectable society.” Their behavior is seen as “harmful or threatening” to the values and interests of society, “or at least a sizeable segment” of it (Goode & Ben-Yehuda, 2009, p. 38, emphasis in original). Constructing such folk devils is integral to moral panics.


In a moral panic, “there must be at least a certain minimal measure of consensus” across society as a whole, or at least “designated segments” of it, that “the threat is real, serious and caused by the wrongdoing group members and their behaviour” (Goode & Ben-Yehuda, 2009, p. 38). Consensus can be challenged by organized opposition—“counter claimsmakers.”


Fundamentally, “the concept of moral panic rests on disproportion” (Goode & Ben-Yehuda, 2009, p. 41, emphasis in original). It is evident where “public concern is in excess of what is appropriate if concern were directly proportional to objective harm” (Goode & Ben-Yehuda, 2009, p. 40). Statistics are exaggerated or fabricated. The existence of other equally or more harmful activities is denied.


Panics are by their nature fleeting, subsiding as quickly as they erupt. The same issue may recur, but individual panics cannot be sustained for long. This has been called an “attributional model” of moral panics (Critcher, 2003, p. 25) because it identifies essential characteristics. Central to this model is claims making about the problem: who makes claims, how, and why. Such claims are frequently made by social movements, who perceive and seek remedies for problematic behavior. Movements protest and demonstrate, appeal to public opinion, and gain access to the media. They may behave irresponsibly: exaggerating the threat, polarizing opinion, and vilifying opponents. Other authoritative organizations may collude with them, such as religious groups, professional associations, and the police. More often, the media, occasionally active in moral panics, are more often conduits for others’ claims making.


Moral panic is both a public and political response to an exaggeration or distortion of the threat posed to society by some allegedly harmful individual or group. More specifically, moral panic includes an exaggeration of certain events by enhancing the empirical criteria such as the number of individuals involved, the level and extent of violence, and the amount of damage caused.

Third, the media are a particularly powerful set of actors in the creation of a moral panic. Typically, news media coverage of certain events involving alleged folk devils is distorted or exaggerated. News coverage makes the folk devils appear to be much more threatening to society than they really are. Public concern and anxiety are heightened by journalistic hyperbole concerning the folk devils. Public concern and anxiety over the folk devils lead to moral panic.

Finally, public hysteria over a perceived problem often results in the passing of legislation that is highly punitive, unnecessary, and serves to justify the agendas of those in positions of power and authority.

Moreover, there are two important news media practices that contribute to moral panic. These are known as framing and priming. Framing refers to the way an issue is presented to the public or angle it is given by the news media. Framing involves calling attention to certain aspects of an issue while ignoring or obscuring other elements. In other words, framing gives meaning to an issue.
In contrast, priming is a psychological process whereby the news media emphasis on a particular issue not only increases the salience of the issue on the public agenda, but also activates previously acquired information about that issue in people’s memories. The priming mechanism explains how the news frame used in a particular story can trigger an individual’s pre-existing attitudes, beliefs and prejudices regarding that issue.


"When the official reaction to a person, groups of persons or series of events is out of all proportion to the actual threat offered, when 'experts', in the form of police chiefs, the judiciary, politicians and editors perceive the threat in all but identical terms, and appear to talk 'with one voice' of rates, diagnoses, prognoses and solutions, when the media representations universally stress 'sudden and dramatic' increases (in numbers involved or events) and 'novelty', above and beyond that which a sober, realistic appraisal could sustain, then we believe it is appropriate to speak of the beginnings of a moral panic."


[W]e are only episodic conductors of meaning, essentially. We
form a mass, living most of the time in a state of panic or
haphazardly, above and beyond any meaning.

—Jean Baudrillard,

In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities

“Moral panic” can be defined broadly as any mass movement that emerges in response to a false, exaggerated, or ill- defined moral threat to society and proposes to address this threat through punitive mea-sures: tougher enforcement, “zero tolerance,” new laws, communal vigi-lance, violent purges.1 Witch hunts are classic examples of moral panics in small, tribal, or agrarian communities. McCarthyism is the obvious example of a moral panic fueled by the mass media and tethered to re-pressive governance. 2

media panic

Social theorists from Georg Simmel to Jean Baudrillard have suggested
that panic is implicit in the structure of mass society. Writing at the turn
of the last century, Simmel begins with the basic features of contempo-
rary life: modern metropolitan subjects live among strangers and are
constantly bombarded by stimulation. Of necessity, they adopt an in-
different, jaded sensibility, a “blasé attitude.” These cool, aloof people
in turn crave excitement, intense sensation, and are thus primed for
what Todd Gitlin would later call “the media torrent.” The mass
media— newspapers, movies, and dime novels of Simmel’s period—
provided the requisite sources of sensation. Now, as then, news that
shocks, scandalizes, or evokes fear and dread brings temporary relief
from the tedium of modern life. However, these stories also quickly
lose their power to excite, reinforcing the blasé attitude and stoking
the need for ever more extreme forms of stimulation. In the culture of
modernity, then, periods of panic will alternate with periods of social
rest, and journalism, especially yellow journalism, plays a key part in
setting the rhythm. 12

I would contrast this with the nevertheless highly related construct of mass hysteria, which I typically associate with a connotation more so like this:


The Morangos com Açúcar Virus (also known as the Soap Opera Virus) was initiated by an episode of the popular Portuguese teen soap opera entitled "Morangos com Açúcar" in which a terrible disease was introduced to the school attended by the characters in the series. The television show, which first premiered in March 2004, follows the stories of a group of "normal" teenage kids and the dramaticized ups and downs that they encounter in their daily lives, much like the Canadian drama series "Degrassi." Only a few days after the episode aired, a few teens began to develop symptoms similar to those depicted on the show. These symptoms included rashes, breathing troubles, and severe dizziness. Before long, the "disease" had spread to more than 300 high school students in 14 different Portuguese schools. Some schools were actually forced to temporarily close because of the severity of the outbreak. However, the Portuguese National Institute for Medical Emergency brushed the epidemic off, calling it a case of mass hysteria. Doctor Nelson Pereira, the director of the PNIME, said, "What we concretely have is a few children with allergies and apparently a phenomenon of many other children imitating." Another doctor, Mario Almeidi, pronounced his disbelief in the disease, saying "I know of no disease which is so selective that it only attacks school children."

However, there are very many parallels between this event and a moral panic.


A soap opera or soap, is a serial drama on television or radio that examines the lives of many characters, usually focusing on emotional relationships to the point of melodrama.[1]



This paper argues that a narrative lens is conducive toward a renewed understanding of moral panic. It is proposed that a melodramatic narrative frame that is central to the construction of news stories about crime is significant for conceptualizing what moral panics are and how they work. The paper will propose that moral panics can be seen as enacted melodramas, where the traditional boundaries between newsmakers, interest groups and ‘the public’ are temporarily dismantled and where everyday citizens experience the role of the suffering victim. This understanding provides insight toward appreciating why only some issues develop into moral panic in particular spaces and times and offers a new framework with which to approach the study of panic.

The larger number of adolescents imitating in response to a smaller number of children manifesting allergy symptoms (after being exposed to melodramatic priming of a similar sort) is also interesting, I've this excerpt on neurotypical children imitating as well:


Autistic Kids Tend to Imitate ‘Efficiently,’ Not ‘Socially’

Normally, kids copying adult behavior will go out of their way to repeat each and every element of the behavior even if they realize parts of it don’t make any sense.

But a new study shows that when a child with autism copies the actions of an adult, he or she is likely to omit anything “silly” about what they’ve just seen.

This is also related I believe:



Perhaps surprisingly, given the importance of conformity as a theoretical construct in social psychology and the profound implications autism has for social function, little research has been done on whether autism is associated with the propensity to conform to a social majority. This study is a modern, child-friendly implementation of the classic Asch conformity studies. The performance of 15 children with autism was compared to that of 15 typically developing children on a line judgement task. Children were matched for age, gender and numeracy and literacy ability. In each trial, the child had to say which of three lines a comparison line matched in length. On some trials, children were misled as to what most people thought the answer was. Children with autism were much less likely to conform in the misleading condition than typically developing children. This finding was replicated using a continuous measure of autism traits, the Autism Quotient questionnaire, which showed that autism traits negatively correlated with likelihood to conform in the typically developing group. This study demonstrates the resistance of children with autism to social pressure.

This may be related as well:


Research looking at specific memory aberrations in the schizophrenia has primarily focused on their phenomenology using standardized semantic laboratory tasks. However, no study has investigated to what extent such aberrations have consequences for everyday episodic memories using more realistic false memory paradigms. Using a false memory paradigm where participants are presented with misleading suggestive information (Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale), we investigated the susceptibility of patients with schizophrenia (n = 21) and healthy controls (n = 18) to post hoc misleading information acceptance and compliance.

Patients with schizophrenia exhibited an increased susceptibility to go along with misleading suggestive items. Furthermore, they showed an increased tendency to change answers under conditions of social pressure. Underscoring previous findings on memory aberrations in schizophrenia, patients with schizophrenia had reduced levels of correct recognition (ie, true memory) relative to healthy controls. The effects remained stable when controlling for specific mediating variables such as symptom severity and intelligence in patients with schizophrenia. These findings are a first indication that social pressure and misleading information may impair source memory for everyday episodic memories in schizophrenia, and such impairment has
clear consequences for treatment issues and forensic practice.

Some events seem to be hybrids of mass hysteria and moral panic it is hard to precisely classify them:


What was finally real was Edgar Welch, driving from North Carolina to Washington to rescue sexually abused children he believed were hidden in mysterious tunnels beneath a neighborhood pizza joint.

What was real was Welch — a father, former firefighter and sometime movie actor who was drawn to dark mysteries he found on the Internet — terrifying customers and workers with his assault-style rifle as he searched Comet Ping Pong, police said. He found no hidden children, no secret chambers, no evidence of a child sex ring run by the failed Democratic candidate for president of the United States, or by her campaign chief, or by the owner of the pizza place.

What was false were the rumors he had read, stories that crisscrossed the globe about a charming little pizza place that features ping-pong tables in its back room.

The story of Pizzagate is about what is fake and what is real. It’s a tale of a scandal that never was, and of a fear that has spread through channels that did not even exist until recently.

Pizzagate — the belief that code words and satanic symbols point to a sordid underground along an ordinary retail strip in the nation’s capital — is possible only because science has produced the most powerful tools ever invented to find and disseminate information.

And just to be complete, examples of a social mania are the following:


The Ghost Dance (Caddo: Nanissáanah,[1] also called the Ghost Dance of 1890) was a new religious movement incorporated into numerous American Indian belief systems.


The Taiping Rebellion or the Taiping Civil War was a large-scale rebellion or civil war in China waged from 1850 to 1864 between the established Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom under Hong Xiuquan.

The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was an oppositional state based in Tianjing (present-day Nanjing) with a Christian millenarian agenda to initiate a major transformation of society. A self-proclaimed convert to Christianity, Hong Xiuquan led an army that controlled a significant part of southern China during the middle of the 19th century, eventually expanding to command a population base of nearly 30 million people.

Devolving into total war—with any and all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure as legitimate military targets—the conflict was the largest in China since the Qing conquest in 1644, and it also ranks as one of the bloodiest wars in human history, the bloodiest civil war, and the largest conflict of the 19th century, with estimates of the war dead ranging from 20–70 million to as high as 100 million, with millions more displaced.[5]

I will mention as well this phenomenon, which is a recognized outbreak of mass socially convergent psychosis that has not been characterized as a moral panic, mass hysteria, or social mania, but rather appears to be a clustering of traditional full blown schizophrenics and so on:


A growing tribe of troubled minds

Mental health professionals say the narrative has taken hold among a group of people experiencing psychotic symptoms that have troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Except now victims are connecting on the internet, organizing and defying medical explanations for what’s happening to them.

The community, conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members, has proliferated since 9/11, cradled by the internet and fed by genuine concerns over government surveillance. A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say.

Yet, the phenomenon remains virtually unresearched.

For the few specialists who have looked closely, these individuals represent an alarming development in the history of mental illness: thousands of sick people, banded together and demanding recognition on the basis of shared paranoias.

They raise money, hold awareness campaigns, host international conferences and fight for their causes in courts and legislatures

Perhaps their biggest victory came last year, when believers in Richmond, Calif., persuaded the City Council to pass a resolution banning space-based weapons that they believe could be used for mind control. A similar lobbying effort is underway in Tucson.

There are other movements that may be in this style or may be other mass psychosis phenomena:


In a contentious back and forth with constituents at a public meeting in Kingman, Arizona, a Republican congressman tried to allay fears over so-called chemtrails only to have his explanations swatted away with one man yelling, “We don’t need science!”

Arizona has become Ground Zero for conspiracy theorists who claim that the government or the “New World Order” is attempting to control the populace and the environment by spraying chemicals into the air from passing airplanes.

Rep. Paul Gosar attended the meeting on Tuesday to listen to constituents express concerns on a variety of topics, but the meeting grew heated when the topic of chemtrails came up.

“My name is Al DiCicco, and my question is related to our environment here in Arizona,” one man said while standing in the hall festooned with mounted animal heads.” For the past several years we’ve been testing people’s blood, hair follicles, rainwater, and soil…” at which point Gosar interrupted him and asked, “What group are you with?”

“I’m not in a group, you know what I mean. I’ve been involved in opposing geo-engineering projects above Arizona as well as elsewhere,” the man explained. “We have a serious situation here, where we have submitted information to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality whose own mission statement is to protect our environment, including our air, and, you’re talking about granddkids? Yes, I have three kids and I have my own life.”

With his voice rising, the man continued, “My body is filled with barium, aluminum, and strontium, and nobody is doing anything about it. That’s why I’m here today. Because we want answers and we want something done instead of being placated and have people make fun of us about tin-foil hats. Well, go get your blood tested. You’ll throw your tin-foil hat away, as well as your jokes. This is a serious matter.”

Indicating the audience, he said, “We all are aware that geo-engineering and solar radiation management is going on worldwide. My questions is: what are you going to do about it, and when?”

Following applause from the assembled crowd, Gosar asked, “Okay, who are science guys here?”

“We don’t need science,” DiCicco yelled from the back of the room stunning the congressman who replied, “Really?”

Admitting that he too “doesn’t trust our government,” Gosar admonished the crowd about blaming the United Nations, while pointing out that barium and uranium are “ambient” chemical elements already found in high concentrations in the Grand Canyon state.

After a woman interrupts him to say, “We’re talking about what is being dispensed by aircraft,” Gosar replies, “Well, there is nothing there.”

As the woman attempts to explain, “There’s covert operations…” Gosar screws up his face and says, “Yeah, come on.”

While admitting that he has concerns, Gosar tells the crowd, “In some ways I have to start trusting the National Institute for Health,” as the woman continues to shout, saying “we’ve all been studying it” along with “millions of people all around the world.”



Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault. In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering. The very essentials needed to sustain life on earth are being recklessly destroyed by these programs. This is not a topic that will begin to affect us in several years, but is now already causing massive animal and plant die off around the world, as well as human illness. read more

This is interesting and somewhat related as well:


How People with Schizophrenia Use the Internet
Those suffering from delusions can find support groups online, but they can also come across shoddy information and scams that can trigger their conditions.

Last month, a Dutch 19-year-old identified only as "Tarik Z" stormed a TV station with what turned out to be a fake gun and demanded air time. Then he just stood there in his suit and tie, muttering for a few minutes, until a SWAT team ran in and arrested him on live TV. He later claimed to have mounted the assault on behalf of a hacker collective who were in turn working for Dutch intelligence, though the police said he acted alone.
What starts out as simple informative research can quickly become a major trip down a conspiracy rabbit hole. "I remember one [survey respondent] telling me about looking up every single word, and going deeper and deeper and deeper," Schrank said. And conspiracies are only harmless until you put your health on the line.

It should be noted that schizophrenia seems to be highly related to all of these phenomena:


Paranoid delusions typically incorporate the scapegoats of the era. In
World War II, paranoids were persecuted by Nazi spies. From the 1950s to
the 1980s, Communists were the typical persecutors of paranoids. Since the
early 1980s, with the breakdown of the Communist empire, sex abusers have
become the most common persecutors for paranoids.
Case Study of a Pseudoreality - The Anti Vaccination Movement

The anti vaccination movement is an excellent case study of this phenomenon, due to the fact that they are (in most of the world) widely recognized as being a fraudulent movement. The anti vaccination movement is in fact a complex phenomenon including numerous perspectives that range from the apparently classically schizophrenic to ideologically based anti-utilitarian (which is not necessarily even involving pseudoreality, seeing as it is possible to have awareness of the situation regarding vaccines and to still be either against them or particularly against their mandated administration, which would be a much less interesting political belief as opposed to a belief in pseudoreality). In general, I refer to the anti vaccination movement components that believe in pseudoreality, either due to being classically schizophrenic or due to being socially convergent socioculturally primed schizophrenics (ie: neurotypicals).

An example of a more schizophrenic leaning piece of material associated with the anti vaccination movement:


THE VACCINE CONSPIRACY: U.S. Government Colludes With BIG Pharma To Poison The American People

Although arguably this is not far removed from the rhetoric of much of the anti vaccination movement, it is still arguably skewed more so toward schizophrenic type ideation. In the United States, if memory serves (I was unable to find this citation again), no more than 9% of the population (at the highest estimate) is anti vaccination (and only a percent or two at lower estimates). Of these individuals, it is unknown how many believe in pseudoreality versus how many simply have a political stance against vaccination (for example, due to vaccination actually being a form of active utilitarianism, or due to thoughts regarding personal liberty, or what have you). Of the adherents to the anti vaccination movement who believe in pseudoreality, some of them may not believe in the pseudoreality that is most associated with the anti vaccination movement, but rather in an orthogonal pseudoreality (eg: a traditional religion) that prohibits the use of vaccines.

In France the situation is substantially different, with almost half of the population being associated with anti vaccination ideology.


But some experts question whether a vaccination mandate will sway public opinion in France, where distrust in vaccines has risen alarmingly in recent years. In a survey published last year, 41 percent of respondents in France disagreed with the statement that vaccines are safe — the highest rate of distrust among the 67 countries that were surveyed, and more than three times higher than the global average.

Again, caution must be taken in interpreting this figure. 41% of French respondents indicating that they don't believe vaccines are safe is not the same thing as 41% of French individuals believing in the pseudoreality of the anti vaccination movement. Nevertheless, it seems as if there is substantial belief in the pseudoreality of the anti vaccination movement in France (though it may be at least partially a French variant of the themed fantasy world as opposed to the more English variant I've focused on primarily). It is worth keeping in mind as well that there are some risks with vaccines as with any other exogenously introduced substance, and that very rarely (approximately one in a million) there are severe adverse idiosyncratic reactions that could result in death (as is the case with acetaminophen, peanuts, and so forth).


"It feels like we're back in the '40s when vaccines were widely contested," Professor François Chast -- a leading pro-vaccine activist and head of the Hotel-Dieu clinic in Paris - told VICE Impact. "How did we get here? The idea that all information is equal."


"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."


Social position determines one's ability to define and construct reality; therefore, the higher one's social position, the greater his or her moral value.

In general, the anti vaccination movement operates in the following fashion, which is very common for outbreaks of mass psychosis:




This is to my perception a manifestation of the delusional imagination:


The author tries to differentiate intuitive imagination from delusional imagination and hypothesises that psychosis alters the system of intuitive thinking, which consequently cannot develop in a dynamic and selective way.
In the analysis of psychotic patients it is very important to analyse the delusional imagination which dominates the personality and continuously transforms the mental state, twisting emotional truth. The delusional imagination is so deeply rooted in the patient's mental functioning that, even after systematic analysis, the delusional world, which had seemed to disappear, re-emerges under new configurations. The psychotic core remains encapsulated; it produces unsteadiness and may induce further psychotic states in the patient.

It should be noted that multiple preliminary studies have not detected an over reliance on intuition (which is linked to the DMN and system 1 cognition) in the adherents to the anti vaccination movement:


Increasing attention is being paid to individual differences in the willingness to thinking analytically about problems, which is counter-indicative of susceptibility to biases in judgement and decision making [40]. The Cognitive Reflection Test [41] (CRT), in particular, has been shown to have high predictive efficacy; predicting the ability to choose options with higher expected value and resistance to the logical fallacies described above [42,43]. Such measures fall within dual-process theories of human cognition, which distinguish between “intuitive” reasoning; which is fast, automatic and does not require working memory; and “analytical” reasoning, which is slow, deliberative, and requires working memory [44]. An analytical mode of reasoning, associated with more sound empirical and causal judgements, might be expected to yield a more favourable evaluation of vaccination in line with available evidence. However, no research has specifically considered individual differences in cognitive style and reasoning as factors predicting attitudes towards vaccination.
Previous research is highly suggestive regarding the impact of psychosocial factors that may determine formation of attitudes towards vaccination. The current study is based on the supposition that negative attitudes towards vaccination may be influenced primarily by cultural and psychosocial factors, rather than by evidence-based analytic reasoning. We aimed to test this idea, and gauge the relative impact of these factors through bivariate and multivariate associations in a cross-sectional design. Specifically, the present study aimed to assess the degree to which rejection of vaccination is associated with four cognitive and social factors:

Lowered willingness to consider the empirical evidence (indicated by an intuitive rather than analytical cognitive style)
A significant effect for analytic versus intuitive cognitive style was not found; suggesting that it is a cultural and personal orientation, rather than cognitive ability, that has a direct influence on vaccination attitudes.

However, as I covered in another thread more thoroughly, the test they used would only detect a generalized over reliance on the system of intuitive thinking, whereas what we would expect of neurotypicals is actually a socioculturally conditioned over reliance on intuition:


Engaging social stimuli are associated with activation of the DMN and deactivation of the TPN, whereas analytic problems are associated with activation of the TPN and deactivation of the DMN.


Finally, we have demonstrated that attention to engaging social stimuli not only activates the DMN but also deactivates the TPN. In a subsequent study[30] it was shown that this pattern of DMN activation and TPN deactivation was present for humanizing depictions of individuals, whereas dehumanizing depictions, which are associated with decreased moral concern, either involved decreased activity in the DMN or increased activity in the TPN. Taken together, these findings suggest that we are neurologically https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/n...e/news-story/40deacef6b5523a688683f9ebf023cec from simultaneously exercising moral concern and analytic thinking.

Although there is substantial preliminary evidence that the adherents to the anti vaccination movement do not have a generalized over reliance on intuition / DMN / system 1 cognition, this research looking for generalized over reliance would not detect socioculturally conditioned over reliance due to the fact that they did not use socioculturally primed stimuli in their experiments.

This sequence of excerpts describes how the anti vaccination movement has indeed created an alternate reality, which is what I call a pseudoreality:


The last dozen years have seen a massive transnational mobilization of the legal, political, and research communities in response to the worrisome hypothesis that vaccines could have a link to childhood autism and other developmental conditions. Vaccine critics, some already organized and some composed of newly galvanized parents, developed an alternate world of internally legitimating studies, blogs, conferences, publications, and spokespeople to affirm a connection.

As I have noted above, there is indeed a complex community of researchers, journals, and articles to point to, facts to recite, conferences to attend, and professional groups to connect with that supply a great deal of internal legitimacy

Internal legitimacy is a good term to use, because pseudorealities are commonly highly self referential. What they are not is referential to the state of the singular actual existence. It is very common for one part of pseudoreality to reference another part. Eventually you are left with an enormous collection of themed materials that oftentimes do reference each other such that you can follow out citation chains or whatnot, and this creates an internally substantially consistent system that can be learned, yet that does not correlate to the state of actual existence and is akin to learning about any other fantasy world.



Dr Ian Lipkin, professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, writing in The Wall Street Journal, said: "If Vaxxed had been submitted as science fiction, it would merit attention for its story line, character development and dialogue. But as a documentary it misrepresents what science knows about autism, undermines public confidence in the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and attacks the integrity of legitimate scientists and public-health officials".[149]

In addition to such conferences, blogs, documentaries, and so forth, they also have a substantial collection of pseudoscientific papers:


Next come the statistics. Hooker uses Pearson’s chi squared test to see if there is a significant association between MMR and autism in children at different ages. DeStefano et al used conditional logistic regression. For the non-biostatisticians out there, the technique that DeStefano et al used accounts for confounders and effect modifiers, different traits in their population that could skew the results. Hooker’s technique doesn’t really do that, unless you stratify results and use very, very large datasets. Hooker’s approach is more “conservative,” meaning that it will detect small effects and amplify them, and those effects can come from anything.

So why did we not see this in the other ethnic groups or in girls? The answer here is simple, again. Hooker had a limited dataset to work with when he boiled it down to African-American baby boys. In this table, for example, he tells us that he had to modify the analysis to 31 months instead of 36 because he had less than 5 children in that group. It’s the same goddamned mistake that Andrew Jeremy Wakefield wanted to pass off as legitimate science. You cannot, and must not use small numbers to make big assertions.

That have no validity and have been scientifically refuted:


Years ago, people made predictions -- by removing thimerosal, the number of cases of autism should decrease -- therefore showing that thimerosal is a cause of autism. This new study puts that idea in jeopardy. Similar studies have been done in Canada and Denmark with the same results: thimerosal was removed, but autism is still on the rise. This is a strong message; it very clearly shows, and reassures, that autism did not arrive through a vaccine.


Both the CDC and the National Institutes of Health asked the Immunization Review Safety Committee to evaluate the autism-MMR connection. The IOM committee then reached its conclusion about MMR and autism, which is similar to the conclusions made by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization.

After reviewing the existing literature, the panel could find no biological mechanism for the vaccine-disease relationship, nor could members justify the theory that a viral infection like measles, triggered by the vaccine, could produce bowel inflammation that may leak into a person's system and produce a kind of brain poisoning.

However, evidence is meaningless to the adherents to the anti vaccination movement:


Are anti-vaccine parents in the grip of mass hysteria?

Welcome to Salem road sign illustration, with distressed foreboding background

Vaccination is one the greatest public health advances of all time.

[It has saved, and continues to save, literally millions of lives each year, yet many well meaning parents have become convinced that vaccines are harmful and there is no amount of scientific evidence that can convince them otherwise.

So let us talk now about the genesis of the modern anti vaccination movement (specifically the English variant that is in the modern era):


Dr. Andrew Wakefield was almost single-handedly responsible for frightening the public about a possible association between autism and the MMR vaccine. His alarmist recommendations directly led to lower vaccination rates and a resurgence of measles to endemic levels in the UK. The MMR/autism interpretation of his 1998 article in The Lancet was retracted by 10 of his 12 co-authors. The article itself was “fully retracted from the public record” by The Lancet. And now Wakefield has lost his license to practice medicine after the General Medical Council’s exhaustive 2½-year review of his ethical conduct.


Like Steve Novella, I have no doubt that Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey mean well, but I agree that it’s not enough to mean well. There’s a famous saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. My usually corollary to this saying is that good intentions coupled with misinformation and self-righteousness are the straightest and surest route to hell that I can think of, and among the best examples of this corollary are parents who have been misled by the pseudoscience of the cottage industry of autism quackery that depends on the belief that vaccines cause autism for its profitability.

And the damage caused by the belief in this pseudoreality is substantial:


Number of Preventable Deaths


From june 3, 2007 to Julu 18, 2015

The United States Anti-Vaccination Movement is composed of a variety of individuals ranging from former doctors who should know better, to semi-celebrities who have no medical training, to anti-government conspiracy theorists who distrust anything that the government says. They all hold onto the mistaken belief that autism is caused by receiving childhood vaccines.

Most anti-vaccination believers claim that the compound Thimerosal led to an increase in autism cases. The Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine is their usual target. However, Thimerosal was never used as a preservative in the Measles/Mumps/Rubella vaccine. No vaccine licensed since 1999 has contained Thimerosal as a preservative, except a few multi-dose container vaccines such as some (but not all) HIB and Influenza vaccines. Autism has not declined since 1999, thereby disproving this connection. However, this has not stopped anti-vaccination believers from claiming that it was the MMR vaccine itself that caused autism or that it was vaccines in general that caused autism. All of these ideas have been disproven in multiple scientific and legal examinations of the evidence. The primary scientific reason for the increase in autism diagnoses is due to more disorders being included in the Autism Spectrum and doctors getting better at diagnosing the characteristics of autism.

In 2007 there was an increase in celebrities promoting anti-vaccination rhetoric. Because of their celebrity status they appeared on several television shows and published multiple books advising parents not to vaccinate their children. This has led to an increase in the number of vaccine preventable illnesses as well as an increase in the number of vaccine preventable deaths.

The Anti-Vaccination Movement has a body count attached to its name. This website publishes the total number of vaccine preventable illnesses and vaccine preventable deaths that have happened in the United States since this 2007 increase in speaking out against vaccines.

Is the United States Anti-Vaccination Movement directly responsible for every vaccine preventable illness and every vaccine preventable death listed here? No. However, the United States Anti-Vaccination Movement may be indirectly responsible for at least some of these illnesses and deaths and even one vaccine preventable illness or vaccine preventable death is too many.


Vaccinations are one of the of most incredible aspects of modern medicine. They can make previously lethal diseases disappear from society and save countless lives. There is, however, a chance that the vaccines work a little too well and our collective memory is too short to remember the devastating effects some of these diseases caused just a few short decades ago. Recently, for reasons that are not based on science or logic, many parents have outspokenly rejected vaccinating their children. Unfortunately, this has caused a reemergence of easily managed diseases. The Council on Foreign Relations has released an interactive map detailing the catastrophic outcome of these poor choices.
I will leave it at this for now rather than posting the rest. I have so many images and characters that it is a real challenge to post it. Unfortunately I lost part of it as well, when the forum that had 100% of it went down. However, I've largely memorized it and can reconstruct it with ease.

The summary is essentially that the Sex Cult is a 20th century establishment of religion that believes in a make believe fantasy world that doesn't exist outside of their delusional imaginations and a themed collection of fiction materials. Despite the fact that they are legitimately an establishment of religion, the congress of the United States has been essentially subverted by them and unconstitutionally respects their religious belief system time after time.

The Supreme Court has been compromised as well and explicitly referenced the religious scripture of the Sex Cult in apologizing for the violations of the constitution that congress engaged in in respect of this 20th century religious establishment.

The Sex Cultists are nearly incapable of associating with actual reality as their neurological defect is prohibiting it:


Religious people 'cling to certain beliefs' even when they contradict evidence because they are overly emotional and irrational, study claims

Actual scientists have demonstrated that the Sex Cult believes in a make believe fantasy world described in a collection of religious fiction materials, but the Sex Cultists are neurologically constrained from acknowledging this.


The self-described atheist, who is also a neuroendocrinologist, argues that religion is comparable to a shared schizophrenia.


Anosognosia in Schizophrenia: Hidden in Plain Sight
“I don’t need medicine—there is nothing wrong with me. I just came here for a check-up.”


Finally, we have demonstrated that attention to engaging social stimuli not only activates the DMN but also deactivates the TPN. In a subsequent study[30] it was shown that this pattern of DMN activation and TPN deactivation was present for humanizing depictions of individuals, whereas dehumanizing depictions, which are associated with decreased moral concern, either involved decreased activity in the DMN or increased activity in the TPN. Taken together, these findings suggest that we are neurologically constrained from simultaneously exercising moral concern and analytic thinking.


"These findings," Friedman continued, "are consistent with the philosophical view, espoused by (Immanuel) Kant, according to which there are two distinct types of truth: empirical and moral."
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The summary is essentially that the Sex Cult is a 20th century establishment of religion that believes in a make believe fantasy world that doesn't exist outside of their delusional imaginations and a themed collection of fiction materials. Despite the fact that they are legitimately an establishment of religion, the congress of the United States has been essentially subverted by them and unconstitutionally respects their religious belief system time after time.
american thing eh?
Holy fuck this much scrolling. My iq cannot handle this
Why don't you post it in parts op? it's not readable at all. Also why this is in off-topic?
american thing eh?

No the Sex Cult is a global force that has compromised the United Nations and spread their religious scriptures across the globe:


More than 4 million Web sites worldwide show images of children being sexually exploited, said the U.N. investigator on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, Najat M'jid Maalla.
Maalla urged international cooperation to stop the child pornography industry, which she estimated to be worth between $3 billion and $20 billion. She recommended countries share information on sites containing child pornography in order to block them faster.

The Sex Cult is a global, organized, 20th century establishment of religion intent on brainwashing the entire world into believing that their fiction materials are descriptive of actual reality rather than descriptive of their socially convergent state of psychotic decompensation.

Sex Cult activists preaching their religious scriptures in the United Kingdom:


There is something familiar about the tide of misinformation which has swept through the subject of sex trafficking in the UK: it flows through exactly the same channels as the now notorious torrent about Saddam Hussein's weapons.
In both cases, the cycle has been driven by political opportunists and interest groups in pursuit of an agenda. In the case of sex trafficking, the role of the neo-conservatives and Iraqi exiles has been played by an unlikely union of evangelical Christians with feminist campaigners, who pursued the trafficking tale to secure their greater goal, not of regime change, but of legal change to abolish all prostitution. The sex trafficking story is a model of misinformation. It began to take shape in the mid 1990s, when the collapse of economies in the old Warsaw Pact countries saw the working flats of London flooded with young women from eastern Europe. Soon, there were rumours and media reports that attached a new word to these women. They had been "trafficked".
do you expect anyone to read this? I appreciate the effort but this just too long to exist in one thread. Maybe you should have made part 1 part 2 ect threads
I will reference it myself and post excerpts appropriately in response to threads. If people don't want to read the entire thing in one thread as it is that is fine, at least there is a reference I can use when appropriate.
do you expect anyone to read this? I appreciate the effort but this just too long to exist in one thread. Maybe you should have made part 1 part 2 ect threads
he has made a tldr
What the fuck is this shit? How the fuck am I supposed to read this?
Epstein island is proof of sex cults existing in the elitist sphere of our world.

But please write a summary of this shit. No one has time to read all of it
Lmao this thread is funnt as fuck, nigga wrote a full book in this thread :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelskek:
Would read but too lazy/stupid
He wrote over 50000 words dude, who has time for this shit lol
Oh I didn't realise it was THAT long just scrolled to the bottom after seeing the first couple paragraphs tbh
This sorta conspiracy stuff is pretty interesting imo tho
Oh I didn't realise it was THAT long just scrolled to the bottom after seeing the first couple paragraphs tbh
This sorta conspiracy stuff is pretty interesting imo tho
It is, but it would be better to watch in a video or something, i would read it but i'm very low energy/lazy these days
Nigga wrote the whole Bible.
Just log in once every 6 months and drop a book and then log out theory confirmed
Still waiting for the second part :feelsjuice:
Not even one word
Repost each section worth discussing as it's own thread. I don't have time to dissect a whole book, but clearly has lots of thought put into whatever this is.
Is it even black pill?
We will be here for years or decades. No need to rush by unloading your whole thoughts on a single thread. Take your time
Didn't read any of it either
Bro, this is way to long. My attention span is not long enough to read all of this. I need a summary. Sounds like your a conspiracycel too. Lets talk in PM.
love user @boojies
Lmao this thread is funnt as fuck, nigga wrote a full book in this thread :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelskek:

Nigga wrote the whole Bible.
I'm midway trough it, nice thread
to summarize the new idea I've got so far:
There's not really that much paedophilia and people trafficking for prostitution as the media says, even if there's, it is the governments, the social engineers that set up all of this because they want people TO CARE about that
Also from your other post about mental stuff (just one idea that stands out to me): If you have more neuronal connections, you need more blood to feed them.
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And force greycels to read it before being able to register
Nigga trying to troll us into reading a wall of text Just fucking lol.

Just log in once every 6 months and drop a book and then log out theory confirmed
Mrz go er before the fbi finds you

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