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Serious As requested by community vote: The embarassing Emba PM drama chronicles.

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Fat Link

Fat Link

Victims…Aren’t we all?
Jul 31, 2019
Alright here it is the big embarassing shitfest of drama in PM between myself and Emba that many of you apparently seemingly want to see judging by my recent poll's results.

Note: What is not present here for you to see is my having to fight my entire mod team to justify helping Emba out in such ways and providing him such special treatment over Sneir whom for whatever retarded nonsensical reasons Emba got it into his dementia addled brain that I was supposedly best buds with.

Oh yeah and for ease of reading Emba's responses I'm putting in blue and my own in red.

Also, so that you all don't cry later, so as to make this document more accurate over time or neat and tidy, I'll probably edit the shit out of it after having posted it up, so feel free to copy and paste and save to your hardrives what is here now, so you can prove I didn't take out anything important and thus you can rest easy in knowing that by doing this you will be able to see that by editing things, that I really am simply attempting to tidy things up a bit and add necessary explanations rather than "hiding" things from you ever paranoid bozo types out there.


do I really have to endure this shit?

Fat Link:

Alright it’s deleted and Sneir @Sneir is banned until further notice. :feelsbaton:

Meaning I leave it up to you to determine the length of his punishment. :feelsthink:


Thank you...

Personally, I don't think he adds anything to incels.is except his pathetic humor.

I don't recall any comments or posts where he acted like a real person. But, unfortunately, I have a shitty memory. So I could be wrong.

His only contribution was the meme term...
- in video game (ivg), instead of the standard meme of, in ________. Certainly not worth as many free passes as he received already.

I strongly dislike "reported" anyone. And this was my first time.

I would not have had to do it if he stayed banned in the first place.

How many chances did he have to learn from already?

How often does he get temp bans? Why spank someone that can't learn from it?

My intuition says he's an infiltration who's job is to stir up shit.

He's a troll, a fraud. A fakecel. Laughing it up at our expense.

Ofc, he might be a legit ugly truecel, but who needs to put up with that kind of behavior?

Real childrencels here behave much better than he does!

Banish him forever! Cut him loose and ignore him. We deserve better members.

Not just for him shitting on me, but for him shitting on, all of us.


I've beat people up for less disrespectful shit. (Long ago) Why tf do you think I live in the woods?

That shit ain't funny.

I've been treated like shit by smug assouls my whole life.

Nobody needs that kind of shit upon logging in.

Fat Link

Well here’s his apology LOL.

Up to you as I’ve said before on whether he ever gets to come back or not.



"You have insufficient privileges to reply here."
That's was a really good place to post it.

I suppose my ignored him prevented a DM from him. ... I am not reaching out to fogive that idiot.

Wtf kind of apology is that? Doesn't seem sincere to me. Seems like a spoiled brat using weasel words.

And wtf is up with those $ "teirs"??? Are you my dignity broker now?

My voice triggered him to think I was a pedofag? Disney world?

Looks like he's some kind of richcel spoiled brat if he is like all eager to "pay to play" here.

While I could use that $100, it's not really about the money. It's about causing him pain. But appearantly he can easily afford it.

It's only been a few days anyway. That's a shit apology, worthless to me.

Did you notice he "blamed me" for triggering him? Go spewing shit, then blame the shitee? Fuck that spoiled brat!

I've been toying with the idea of rejecting his valid gift card anyway, and telling him to fuck off and my dignity isn't for sale.

But here you go giving him a gdmf discount! That makes me want to counter with raising it! Maybe I should have started high and accepted less? Like my dignity is a used car!

Only one thing I hate more than jews or feral niggers, is rich scum that crap on me!

I guess you'd rather have that shitposter here than me...

Thanks bro

He stays banned.

You can blame me so you're hands stay clean.
Or, here's an idea.

You can ban me, and delete EVERYTHING I ever said, posts and comments, and let that richfag back in. So you can have you're precious shitposter back.

Fat Link

Dude you’ve got me all wrong.

I’ve been very busy today but have been working in between on crafting a reply to your misguided outbursts and mischaracterization of my intent on the Bunker.

I honestly couldn’t give less than a fuck about ol Sneir.

It’s my mods dregster, komesarj and I think PPEcel that get a huge kick out the guy and that want me to let him stay.

Even Master my co admin and the true final say on the site likes him but Master defers to me usually on all user related issues so if you think I’ve got it easy in keeping him banned you’re dead wrong.

The supposed popularity you think I’m after is what I’m willing to sacrifice with my own mod team that I built to do right by you and your wishes.

Sneir also seems very popular with many of the regular users of the site as well so again where is this popularity I’m gaining in leaving his fate up to you?

Also until you mentioned it I personally was not aware until just recently how many times Sneir has been a disciplinary problem but that’s not because I’m blind or don’t care but moreso because even with our large mod team as it is we all end up dealing with vastly different users depending on when we answer user reports as well as our taste in threads ie in other words if we don’t see a specific user repeatedly violating things ourselves we’re not all liable to know how big a problem a user has been.

Unless or until that is the trouble they cause becomes so widespread everyone is talking about it.

And I lowered the price because I was trying to get you some ANY money at all.

Your initial asking price for being a stranger to another guy on the internet who may or may not like you was quite simply unreasonable.

Ten, twenty, twenty five or even fifty is far moreso but be glad if he actually does pay you that I upped the ante.


I get it.

Thanks for taking the time to explaine things... I know the sneeretard is popular.

And I know why...

I'm working on a post about it.

"The Seinfeld effect" (or something like that)

Yeah, I originally thought my slander fee is a bit "out there" (and unreasonable) yet, it's obvious now it was reasonable, in that it proves to me his richfaghood. He's another spoiled rich brat. And it's nothing to him... Just another v game fee...

I unignored him and sent him my reply.

No discount for his abuse.

And for him to find another circus.
I'm deeply sorry about all this, and didn't mean to put all this on you. I chose you as the mod for this, because all the others are strangers to me.

This drama is something I didn't want. My time has value. As does yours....

But really, would you put up with some idiot yelling here about you are a pedofag?

Isn't it funny?

What about the other mods? Would they think being considered a pedofag is a good time? All in big fun! Lol! Something to laugh off?

The more I think about it the angerier I get! That tallfag troll sure knows how to get a reaction!

I figure if he pays the full 590, then a 6 month ban is good enough of a lesson.

That's with a "human type" proper apology. Not that "blame the victim" commie Jew shit! "You made me talk shit about you!" Really? (Whitey made me kill him for being white!)

Is that too much to ask?

Other dudes were perm banned for much less!

"Just let people call you a pedofag on the www bro! Here's $20!" Lol. (it's only millions of people gonna see it bro! And it's forever...)

Once again thank you for you're time

Fat Link

I actually think the crazy fucker might be willing to fork over $200 or $250 a gift card for you if I propose to him a new deal.

Tier 1- he pays you in gift card $200 and in exchange he is unbanned immediately but must never bother you or mention your name ever again lest he be permabanned again but for real this time no second chances.

Tier 2- he pays you $250 with the same above requirements but must be banned for one month for having so insulted you but afterwards for any non Emba or illegal related offenses we mods can then only give him a maximum of one weeks banning time for accumulative or other major offenses.

That said responding to the other issues you brought up…

Yeah you’re generally right but I could honestly see other posters not particularly caring under the idea that Sneir is simply out of his mind.

Of course however anyone mod or regular user should be entitled to have slanderous crap like that deleted even if it was genuinely given from a joking kind of spirit or place etc, etc.

Anyway let me know how you want me to proceed with the money idea or not as if you do want to go through with this you’ll likely have to provide an email address I can give him to gift you the card or rather code through, heh.


I will consider it

Fat Link

Alright Sneir has let me know he’s definitely not a rich cel like my mod ppe but can give you a maximum of $175 if you agree that this allows him back and puts this issue to bed?

I believe ontop of this he has or will agree to a one month banning ontop of things plus never speaking to or of you again on the site so…

The only question left is if you really want this done through Amazon because if not he will make a PayPal account and directly pay you that way?


sneir tears

I know about negotiations. i learned it on the internet! how about these tier's?

my dignity is non-negotiable. I decline his offer.

because, all his fake ass, APOLOGY(s) have been gaslighting... "you have the voice of a Disneyland pedofag rapist bro..."

he made other various pedo joke style comments about me earlier that I just ignored... in none of them did he say anything about me sounding like a guy that raped him... just insane blather. how can anyone take him seriously anyway?

so it's not like I didn't laugh it off before. many times.

but publicly make a pedofag thread then fucking gaslight me about it?

"you're voice triggered me!"

"I killed that old man because he was white!" - in chimpout game

how many men here get called a pedofag IRL? or a pedo, or just a fag? have you? I read about it here a lot! too much.

I just want to relax around bros without being abused, or accused! just the idea of some rando motherfucker thinking that way about me "triggers me."

far link, bro, you want to know why I spent so many decades living in the woods? people like sneer.

them types of annoying abusive fuckers are everywhere... why tf do incels hide? people like sneer.

I obey the rules here. he doesn't. I don't want to be in a club that allows bully's.

he's a gaslighting, abusive, tallfag. who will he shit on next?

the more I consider it, the less I want his money and the more I just want him ded!

shit on me then blame me for it?
I ain't no Dubai whore.

he can keep his money. and his perma ban.

as I originally told him. he can find another circus!

that's all the energy sneer gets from me. I'm leaving the negotiation table.

it's over.

Fat Link


If that’s what you want I did give you my word after all.

I’m likely to meet strong resistance however from my boys komesarj and dregster as they seem to fanatically love the guy but you make a damn good point (or actually many) all around my longtime brocel Emba @Emba.

For what its worth though I do believe ol Sneir is being sincere for once and he basically admitted to me he’s a drug addict and by paying you, I’ve deduced he would have to by necessity go without his beloved product for a time so if you wanted to put a real hurtin on him that would be it.

However I digress, again if you can’t forgive him you can’t forgive him. It is what it is.

I had to make my own concessions to my mods to keep the peace long ago with them about users I liked but whom were bad for the site ie I lost my brocels Rhaast and Moegells because the majority of my mod team hated them along with a good portion of the userbase and I also had to acquiesce to PPEcel of losing my good friend vermilion but that was far more understand acceptable because the dumb fuck was stupid enough to post hardcore CP here so yeah. Ugh.

So if my mods protest too loudly I’m going to have to cash in my proverbial chips I just told you about as political capital ie basically I will tell them that I had to sacrifice my bros for the good of the site and now they are being called on to do the same as just one Emba is worth 20 million Sneirs.

Out of extra fairness to them I will give them a sliver of hope by telling them Sneir is gone for 6 months for so carelessly and hurtfully slandering Emba @Emba but after the 6 months is up Sneir still will not be freed but rather have a slim chance of freedom.

It will then be up to Kome or dregster to ask you if he’s forgiven or not and if you’re still resolute even then it shall remain curtains for Sneir.

Well I will only do the above only if you feel like helping me out and massaging the situation to make swallowing this ban go down easier for my mods.

If you on the other hand want me to go all hardass about things and become Tywin Lannister then I will.

We will play the reigns of castamere and dance together on Sneir’s proverbial grave (in videogame)?

I’m once again asking what you want out of my deep respect and brotherly love for you and not as a dereliction of duty or to win some popularity contest.

So to borrow a quote from Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus character…

“What shall we do?”


Thanks bro. I feel like if he was a real junkie he wouldn't be willing to so eagerly part with drug money, or hold a job.

Blaming drugs for bad behavior is a shit move. It's like blaming the devil! Many banned men in the past did similar...

I was drunk! I blame everyone and everything but myself!

He did not give me a legit reason to forgive him. Just more bullshit.

I'll say one thing. This made me like you more. You're a good dude.

That's a good idea. They hopefully will forgotten about him by then.

It's too bad people find sneer to be funny. I think it's pathetic.

It's like being a clown.

I hate clowns. I was a clown once... Either be a dancing clown or get ignored or beat up!

It's just bad. Fucking clownworld.

Thanks for having my back! It means a lot.

Below is my convo with Robt I'm too tired to attempt to re make my point about sneer not being worthy of my forgiveness...

I'm tired of the whole thing. I'd hate to have a stroke from all this stress! "Emba, killed by a larping sociopath!"

The money would have helped, but I feel that was a bad idea on my part. But it did give me insight into sneers mind...

He might really be a junkie, but he's probably not.

Here's a copy of my post to Robt.

Because I don't feel like retyping it.

It solidifies my point.

Bro, i know real meth heads... I known real junkies... I know real drunks... Real potheads... IRL. (Not frens!)

Real junkies don't keep jobs. Real speed freaks get fired fast for bad behavior, such as theft and fucking up.

There's no way a real junkie or meth head, would be so eager to give away his drug money. Certainly not for some online shitpost access!

They are not as consistent as sneer. They are like bipolar folks.

I've recently spent a lot of time studying psychopaths and socios. So it's fresh in my mind. Once you learn how to spot them, you'll recognize them. They stick out.

This fucker is a mind game playing larper. You have been played!

Unless you've spent IRL time with him, and know him IRL, then you're opinion on him means nothing. He's just a pixel! And you have been "social engineered!" Conned.

I could be wrong. But that is very rare. I welcome being wrong about folks characters! I hate thinking poorly of folks.

But how many chances is enough? Better people than sneer have been permabanned for much less.

I would have took the fuckers money, and forgave him. If, he gave me some basic politeness... Instead of blaming me for his "outburst!" Can't even un capitalize long enough to be serious!

As a incel I'm sure you understand gaslighting. So it's "my fault" that I sound like some kind of a gdmf Disneyland pedofag rapist? Really? Lol!

How many old incels do you know that would willingly set foot in a Disneyland?

If all this happened to someone else I would laugh hard about it. it's so outrageous!

My Rep is all I have. I simply cannot allow some idiot the pleasure of shitting on it.

he wants to build his rep on the ashes of mine? Get away with kicking the oldcel...

he's not worth defending bro. He's just another street nigger attacking an old white dude. For the luls... It's a good way to get shot IRL around here.

as stated in my bunker post...

...If he was a local IRL dude, he wouldn't live very long doing that type of thing.

You are probably urban and have no idea about personal reputations and dignity. It's a lot like being in a nigger street gang. Literally, you're Reputation is all you have.

It's even a law in the 48 laws of power.

And so is, "don't fuck with people you don't know because you don't know how bad they can hurt you later." (Or help you...)

See how kind I am? A teaching moment! Has sneer ever made a post or comment that helped a bro?

I was willing to take a bribe for a good apology, but all I got was a sick gaslighting joke. Being perma banned is letting him off easy.

Maybe it will improve his life?

You know, suffering the consequences of making a bad decision... Like adults do.

This section is over and now comes our last messages to eachother. The coward @Emba left without even having the respect or courage to respond to me as he was very butthurt that Master was considering releasing Sneir early as in just short a bit of two months I believe it was (Sneir had already been banned for a month and I believe at least 14 days ie two weeks time so its not like he was "barely banned" as Emba asserts here) as if he did I likely would've kept Sneir banned for him but he just had to get "out of pocket" once too often and behave disrespectfully towards me after my going out of my way advocating for him to have special treatment as an oldcel and supposed valued member of the community over Sneir not to mention I thought Emba was my friend.


Was it even one months?

Whatever. You have lost any credibility with me bra

Fat Link

Dude I don’t need to hear anymore of your bullshit.

I have been nothing but a friend to you during my entire run here as a regular cel and a staff cel and you know it.

I went above and beyond for you even AFTER you didn’t even give me a chance to speak and address any of your grievances in PM.

Anyway with that said…

I’m pretty sure the dude has been gone for about two months plus some change by now which is almost three months.

Historically I’ve said to you and the mod team after much disagreement between the warring sides that I’d keep him banned at the very least for three months and again as for “losing any credibility with you” goes?

I literally cannot overrule the literal owner of the website if he want’s something contrary to what I want, which judging by a recent post of his in ban appeals Sneir’s slightly early freedom is.

Infact I’m surprised with Master being black and knowing my racial views he’s given me the levels of power here on his site that I do have.

That said however to my knowledge Sneir hasn’t been freed by any of us yet so why don’t you help us both out and give me some message board political points and remake your case for why you feel Sneir needs to remained banned until some time in January or even longer?

And before you complain at me again remember two things here:

1. I’m your only friend in this entire situation as literally everyone else including the rest of the mod team including the literal owner of the website wants to see him go free.

2. Real life victims of criminals who have been done far worse than you have by Sneir often have to continually watch for potential release dates or probation hearings and take valueable time out of their day and put themselves through considerable stress to go before the court or a review board or whatever and demand/make their case why so and so should never be freed or at least serve his or her full time.

I see no reason why this should not be the same for a far lower on the totem pole of justice message board squabble/slander situation.

So make your case, help me out and with some added authority by you doing so and if you do a good enough job with your words I can then effectively with clout and backing from your words ever so kindly say to Master @Master

Ya know Emba’s got a point.

Sneir may be a good boy deep down but that still does not erase the bad that he’s done.

We should keep him off the site either until April 1st (6 months?) or at the very least until January 1st which I believe will be 3 months.
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Alright unlocked for now and probably only gonna leave this thing stickied for a day or two.

If anyone wants to post replies or ask questions in the thread you may do so now or whenever the topic is unlocked obviously.

Oh yeah and here’s @Emba‘s last post to go with his last PM reply…
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What is the meaning of life?
The Fat Link answer: There isn’t one size fits all meaning as it’s really just an elaborate choose your own adventure novel at its core meaning large or mostly different for everyone. :feelsclown:

The Christian answer: Love the lord your god with all your heart, all your strength and all your mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself. :feelsstudy:

The Google sentient A.I answer: To live forever. :society:
I agree with @Emba entirely on Sneir, which is why that guy is one of the very few people I have on ignore. Always spamming, shitposting and bringing absolutely no value to the forum so I personally do not understand why the mods and people like him. I get triggered whenever I see his capital letter posting style, I cannot stand it. I have to say though, I do feel like emba was extremely entitled here, he should have just accepted the 100 dollars and called it a day. I would happily be called a kiddie fidler in exchange for a 100 dollar amazon gift card.

His rambling about sneir and junkies are true though.
Does anyone else just not care at all about muh heckin forum dramarino?
Emba is not dead?
Epic battle between the democrats and republicans
What's to like about Sneir? I've been back for a month and I've seen him post nothing but incoherent nonsense. Also he's been banned and unbanned like twice I think? What's the deal with that? The old fart is right if you ask me.
what left is there to say, haha... this entire thing, ballooned way out of proportion, yes... if only emba had just let it go... really, dying on his cross for a user like sneir, haha... no matter, time moves on... was nice interacting with emba for the short while i saw him... sigh...
What's to like about Sneir? I've been back for a month and I've seen him post nothing but incoherent nonsense. Also he's been banned and unbanned like twice I think? What's the deal with that? The old fart is right if you ask me.
Sure but the problem was Emba foolishly thought I cared about Sneir in one way or another or on some deep level as though we were best of bros and because of that assumption I was protecting him.

Utter nonsense.

Sneir is and always has been a harmless clown and if Emba REALLY felt all that differently and strongly about things than that commonly held opinion, he’d of not bothered contacting me or anyother mod for “justice“ here but a lawyer instead to find out if there was anything legally he could do against Sneir such as sue him for slander or some such?
SNEIR is one of the BESt user incels. Is
Sure but the problem was Emba foolishly thought I cared about Sneir in one way or another or on some deep level as though we were best of bros and because of that assumption I was protecting him.

Utter nonsense.

Sneir is and always has been a harmless clown and if Emba REALLY felt all that differently and strongly about things than that commonly held opinion, he’d of not bothered contacting me or anyother mod for “justice“ here but a lawyer instead to find out if there was anything legally he could do against Sneir such as sue him for slander or some such?
Well he obviously felt quite betrayed about the whole situation and rightfully so. The mod team should've honoured the agreement that you two had instead of unbanning sneir early because "haha le funny schizo poster". I suppose he was mad at you for not speaking up about it.
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Well he obviously felt quite betrayed about the whole situation and rightfully so. The mod team should've honoured the agreement that you two had instead of unbanning sneir early because "haha le funny schizo poster". I suppose he was mad at you for not speaking up about it.
I did honor the agreement.

The problem however arose when my co-admin Master not being aware of the situation created a “holiday forgiveness topic” no doubt wanting to spread some good cheer around the Christmas season by offering to unban certain users early if they asked him to and made a good case for it.

Sneir of course took the opportunity and began immediately pleading for Master to unban him and Master replied and told him that he would be fine with seeing Sneir unbanned so long as he confined his schizo posting to the Sewers.

Taking this all in from afar myself I engaged in a brainstorming session commonly known in the military and it’s study into the UFO subject as “an estimate of the situation“ and looked around and realized that despite all of Emba’s bluster Sneir being gone for about a month and two weeks time hadn’t seen to Emba doing much in the way of posting and thus bringing any of his supposed value as an exalted oldcel to the community whatsoever (or much at all) and so two powerful thoughts began to roll through my mind:

1. Why am I continuing to punish Sneir when my entire mod team and co-admin and much of the rest of the userbase are against it over a guy who doesn’t even post or barely does so, as to what value can a person whose essentially never active on the site or only very sparsely so bring to it?

2. By this point and Emba’s long silence and damn near dissapearance from the site almost entirely, I’d thought maybe he’d gotten over Sneir calling him a bad name and maybe just maybe said to himself and I borrow a pertinent quote from AMC’s Better Call Saul series here:

“Oh crap I made a mistake!” and then Emba from there would want to go on with his life like a normal person but “OH NO... WISHFUL THINKING!".

Emba of course immediately pops back up re-appearing like a particularly bad and nasty hemorrhoid the very moment I begin posting in Master’s thread echoing Master’s sentiments about what it would take for Sneir to be let back onto the website.

Whats most important to note here is neither Master or myself made any clear intentions we were going to unban Sneir that very day or even that very moment.

Emba just proceeded to assume as much and sent me his cowardly PM saying he had no trust in me anymore and left in a huff like an angry woman.

There was no attempt to wait for my response and address things back and forth like adult men should do but only the female silent treatment out of Emba towards me, that only served to add up with all the rest of his prior disrespect towards me despite never giving him cause for any of it.

His leaving without waiting for my response in order to have an open dialogue and work things out was perhaps intended as his final “fuck you” to me, so I simply responded to Emba’s continued disrespect by “returning to sender” by making his worst fears come true and unleashng Sneir back onto this website.

”B-but if you’d just kept your word to Emba to begin with everything would be alright between you guys now”.

I did keep my word.

Right up until he betrayed me for the final time by once again not believing in the goodness of my character and leaving here in a womanly huff.

At that point I’d simply had more than enough of his bullshit.

Had he simply replied to me like a man Sneir would’ve stayed banned as we would’ve worked things out.

”Y-yeah but only until the next time you might get inspired for some reason to want to set the guy free early!”

A fair enough charge but I would always wait to hear if Emba was still angry enough to see the full intended punishment carried out first.

”Well why keep checking? Just stick to the intended punishment!”

Why? Because I respect my mod team too as well as some of Sneir’s fans among the userbase who all make a good case that Emba was just being a big baby and should just get over it already.

Remember that simply being an active participant on internet discussion forums or social media pretty much guarantees you’re going to at some point be called some of the most vile things imaginable no matter how polite and kind you are and if you can’t deal with that harsh of a reality perhaps you or rather Emba needs to come to accept that the internet is simply not the place for him to be.

His skin simply is not thick enough to handle all of the types of abuse he might or rather did encounter on it or rather here in particular.

To finish this with a quote Q from Star Trek TNG’s Q character:

“It’s not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid.”
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It pains me Emba left in such a way, considering he is an old dude and I doubt he will hangout with guys on discord or whatever.

But he was wrong, Sneir was joking ffs, while it's not nice being on the receiving end of the bullying, you made right choice and Sneir learned his lesson and apologized and promised to not bother him anymore.

Emba it seem wanted him gone, no matter what, because he considered him an troll.

Extorting money from Sneir to buy forgiveness and his way back was very, very wrong and unfair to both Sneir and everyone else who got banned/u banned for whatever reasons.
What's to like about Sneir? I've been back for a month and I've seen him post nothing but incoherent nonsense.
Sneir's entire existence on this forum is incoherent nonsense. :feelskek:
I want both

I like @Sneir
I feel bad for Emba tbh
tbh enough favoritism, just glad the two fakecels are gone..emba feels way too entitled to favoritism, i dont like it
them types of annoying abusive fuckers are everywhere... why tf do incels hide? people like sneer.

I obey the rules here. he doesn't. I don't want to be in a club that allows bully's.

he was damn right
Didn't read ded srs

Lol same, what a waste of space to write essays after essays containing worthless content, wasting time on forum politics and giving particular users so much attention, when that time and effort could have been used to delivER a high quality blackpill thread.

Gosh I miss my daddy blkpillpres
Sure but the problem was Emba foolishly thought I cared about Sneir in one way or another or on some deep level as though we were best of bros and because of that assumption I was protecting him.

Utter nonsense.

Sneir is and always has been a harmless clown and if Emba REALLY felt all that differently and strongly about things than that commonly held opinion, he’d of not bothered contacting me or anyother mod for “justice“ here but a lawyer instead to find out if there was anything legally he could do against Sneir such as sue him for slander or some such?
The problem that I have with Sneir, aside from the fact that all he does is shitposting and not posting anything relevant to inceldom (a common complain of more serious users), is also the fact that with these types of posters there's no way to prove whether they are actually fakecels trying to troll us or not.
You got me blind with that fucking blue text
I just want to say he didn't coin or even popularize at large the specific phrase "in video game" either, he just repeated it on this forum 20,000 times. Repetitive faggots are memorable.
While Emba overreacted he was 100% right on those first paragraphs
Personally, I don't think he adds anything to incels.is except his pathetic humor.

I don't recall any comments or posts where he acted like a real person. He's a troll, a fraud. A fakecel. Laughing it up at our expense.
I don't believe how could anyone with above room temperature IQ like this nigger so much. All he does is defile the forum with his endless shitposting, annoying schizo roleplay and capital letter spam. The impression I'm given is that he's just another attention seeking troll like many banned users were.
Thank you!!- I was curious what happened with my homeboys @Sneir and @Emba.

I read your whole log of events, and tbh I'm surprised that either of those guys were banned, LOL.- I would be honored -to receive the type of attention that @Sneir bestowed by posting that article!

(By the way, it looks like all he did was copy a news article here and change the priest's name to Emba...- maybe that knowledge will help Emba, knowing that he didn't put quite that much effort into the post)

Thanks again, and I appreciate the behind-the-scenes look at mod life here on .is :yes:
Last edited:
It's over for Embacels
Real junkies don't keep jobs. Real speed freaks get fired fast for bad behavior, such as theft and fucking up.

There's no way a real junkie or meth head, would be so eager to give away his drug money. Certainly not for some online shitpost access!

They are not as consistent as sneer. They are like bipolar folks.

I've recently spent a lot of time studying psychopaths and socios. So it's fresh in my mind. Once you learn how to spot them, you'll recognize them. They stick out.

This fucker is a mind game playing larper. You have been played!
this is probably an accurate analysis from Emba, sneir is definitely not a real life junkie despite how hard he pretend to be to sound edgy and funny.
I had to make my own concessions to my mods to keep the peace long ago with them about users I liked but whom were bad for the site ie I lost my brocels Rhaast and Moegells because the majority of my mod team hated them along with a good portion of the userbase and I also had to acquiesce to PPEcel of losing my good friend vermilion
that's unfair and sad tbhngl, you should be free to cope with your friends without judgment :feelsbadman:
Infact I’m surprised with Master being black and knowing my racial views he’s given me the levels of power here on his site that I do have.
best line jfl :feelshaha:
The coward @
@Emba left without even having the respect or courage to respond to me
what an immature dick move; stonewalling and gaslighting you to commit to his demands
Ya know Emba’s got a point.

Sneir may be a good boy deep down but that still does not erase the bad that he’s done.

We should keep him off the site either until April 1st (6 months?) or at the very least until January 1st which I believe will be 3 months.
"Infact I’m surprised with Master being black and knowing my racial views he’s given me the levels of power here on his site that I do have."

this is probably an accurate analysis from Emba, sneir is definitely not a real life junkie despite how hard he pretend to be to sound edgy and funny.

that's unfair and sad tbhngl, you should be free to cope with your friends without judgment :feelsbadman:

best line jfl :feelshaha:

what an immature dick move; stonewalling and gaslighting you to commit to his demands

And the last part would have happened if Emba had simply responded to @Master‘s holiday ban forgiveness topic telling Master why Sneir should remain banned or responding to my PM response to him like an adult rather than running off in a hissy fit huff.

I only posted in Master’s thread echoing his sentiment’s to free Sneir early because I thought maybe Emba had gotten over things by then like a big boy would and especially considering Sneir at the time had been gone for one month and about or exactly two weeks time.

Emba just assumed I broke my word to him, told me he no longer had any faith in me and left like a bitch.

Again had he not jumped to conclusions in a hysterical womanly fashion none of this shit would’ve happened and both he and Sneir would both still be here likely to fight with eachother over more retarded madness someother day.
Yeah, I don't understand what the appeal is of sneir.
I obey the rules here. he doesn't. I don't want to be in a club that allows bully's.
Based. Bullying is normie-tier behavior, anyway. :feelsjuice:
Emba should have just blocked Sneir.

Sneir is entertaining to the younger teen crowd here or older users who appreciate a certain kind of humor. Personally I cant stand his humor, but each to their own.
I suppose thats why there are pro and contra opinions on Sneir. Emba should just learn to block users and be done with their posts and messages.
Thanks for posting.

I didn't pick up any real rudeness in Emba's DMs, he just apparently felt some need to ramble on using 1,000 words when he could have crystallized his entire point into ten: Fuck Sneir, I reject his money, he can stay banned. But then, people tend to not think clearly when they're mad.

In purely selfish terms, I enjoyed Emba's contributions. Maybe he's something out of Deliverance but his words have real insight into the incel life. Whereas Sneir's drug-fucked streams of consciousness provide only reassurance that I'm glad I'm not injecting whatever he is...
Where is @Emba? Where is @Fat Link?

'Dealt with' by the feds? Ascended with Stacies? Who can say.
Where is @
i think emba just thought that his account is still banned so he didn't come back

or he think that he's perma banned so he didn't check it out again but who knows?
Where is @
Fat Link
@Fat Link?
Alright here it is the big embarassing shitfest of drama in PM between myself and Emba that many of you apparently seemingly want to see judging by my recent poll's results.

Note: What is not present here for you to see is my having to fight my entire mod team to justify helping Emba out in such ways and providing him such special treatment over Sneir whom for whatever retarded nonsensical reasons Emba got it into his dementia addled brain that I was supposedly best buds with.

Oh yeah and for ease of reading Emba's responses I'm putting in blue and my own in red.

Also, so that you all don't cry later, so as to make this document more accurate over time or neat and tidy, I'll probably edit the shit out of it after having posted it up, so feel free to copy and paste and save to your hardrives what is here now, so you can prove I didn't take out anything important and thus you can rest easy in knowing that by doing this you will be able to see that by editing things, that I really am simply attempting to tidy things up a bit and add necessary explanations rather than "hiding" things from you ever paranoid bozo types out there.


do I really have to endure this shit?

Fat Link:

Alright it’s deleted and Sneir @Sneir is banned until further notice. :feelsbaton:

Meaning I leave it up to you to determine the length of his punishment. :feelsthink:


Thank you...

Personally, I don't think he adds anything to incels.is except his pathetic humor.

I don't recall any comments or posts where he acted like a real person. But, unfortunately, I have a shitty memory. So I could be wrong.

His only contribution was the meme term...
- in video game (ivg), instead of the standard meme of, in ________. Certainly not worth as many free passes as he received already.

I strongly dislike "reported" anyone. And this was my first time.

I would not have had to do it if he stayed banned in the first place.

How many chances did he have to learn from already?

How often does he get temp bans? Why spank someone that can't learn from it?

My intuition says he's an infiltration who's job is to stir up shit.

He's a troll, a fraud. A fakecel. Laughing it up at our expense.

Ofc, he might be a legit ugly truecel, but who needs to put up with that kind of behavior?

Real childrencels here behave much better than he does!

Banish him forever! Cut him loose and ignore him. We deserve better members.

Not just for him shitting on me, but for him shitting on, all of us.


I've beat people up for less disrespectful shit. (Long ago) Why tf do you think I live in the woods?

That shit ain't funny.

I've been treated like shit by smug assouls my whole life.

Nobody needs that kind of shit upon logging in.

Fat Link

Well here’s his apology LOL.

Up to you as I’ve said before on whether he ever gets to come back or not.



"You have insufficient privileges to reply here."
That's was a really good place to post it.

I suppose my ignored him prevented a DM from him. ... I am not reaching out to fogive that idiot.

Wtf kind of apology is that? Doesn't seem sincere to me. Seems like a spoiled brat using weasel words.

And wtf is up with those $ "teirs"??? Are you my dignity broker now?

My voice triggered him to think I was a pedofag? Disney world?

Looks like he's some kind of richcel spoiled brat if he is like all eager to "pay to play" here.

While I could use that $100, it's not really about the money. It's about causing him pain. But appearantly he can easily afford it.

It's only been a few days anyway. That's a shit apology, worthless to me.

Did you notice he "blamed me" for triggering him? Go spewing shit, then blame the shitee? Fuck that spoiled brat!

I've been toying with the idea of rejecting his valid gift card anyway, and telling him to fuck off and my dignity isn't for sale.

But here you go giving him a gdmf discount! That makes me want to counter with raising it! Maybe I should have started high and accepted less? Like my dignity is a used car!

Only one thing I hate more than jews or feral niggers, is rich scum that crap on me!

I guess you'd rather have that shitposter here than me...

Thanks bro

He stays banned.

You can blame me so you're hands stay clean.
Or, here's an idea.

You can ban me, and delete EVERYTHING I ever said, posts and comments, and let that richfag back in. So you can have you're precious shitposter back.

Fat Link

Dude you’ve got me all wrong.

I’ve been very busy today but have been working in between on crafting a reply to your misguided outbursts and mischaracterization of my intent on the Bunker.

I honestly couldn’t give less than a fuck about ol Sneir.

It’s my mods dregster, komesarj and I think PPEcel that get a huge kick out the guy and that want me to let him stay.

Even Master my co admin and the true final say on the site likes him but Master defers to me usually on all user related issues so if you think I’ve got it easy in keeping him banned you’re dead wrong.

The supposed popularity you think I’m after is what I’m willing to sacrifice with my own mod team that I built to do right by you and your wishes.

Sneir also seems very popular with many of the regular users of the site as well so again where is this popularity I’m gaining in leaving his fate up to you?

Also until you mentioned it I personally was not aware until just recently how many times Sneir has been a disciplinary problem but that’s not because I’m blind or don’t care but moreso because even with our large mod team as it is we all end up dealing with vastly different users depending on when we answer user reports as well as our taste in threads ie in other words if we don’t see a specific user repeatedly violating things ourselves we’re not all liable to know how big a problem a user has been.

Unless or until that is the trouble they cause becomes so widespread everyone is talking about it.

And I lowered the price because I was trying to get you some ANY money at all.

Your initial asking price for being a stranger to another guy on the internet who may or may not like you was quite simply unreasonable.

Ten, twenty, twenty five or even fifty is far moreso but be glad if he actually does pay you that I upped the ante.


I get it.

Thanks for taking the time to explaine things... I know the sneeretard is popular.

And I know why...

I'm working on a post about it.

"The Seinfeld effect" (or something like that)

Yeah, I originally thought my slander fee is a bit "out there" (and unreasonable) yet, it's obvious now it was reasonable, in that it proves to me his richfaghood. He's another spoiled rich brat. And it's nothing to him... Just another v game fee...

I unignored him and sent him my reply.

No discount for his abuse.

And for him to find another circus.
I'm deeply sorry about all this, and didn't mean to put all this on you. I chose you as the mod for this, because all the others are strangers to me.

This drama is something I didn't want. My time has value. As does yours....

But really, would you put up with some idiot yelling here about you are a pedofag?

Isn't it funny?

What about the other mods? Would they think being considered a pedofag is a good time? All in big fun! Lol! Something to laugh off?

The more I think about it the angerier I get! That tallfag troll sure knows how to get a reaction!

I figure if he pays the full 590, then a 6 month ban is good enough of a lesson.

That's with a "human type" proper apology. Not that "blame the victim" commie Jew shit! "You made me talk shit about you!" Really? (Whitey made me kill him for being white!)

Is that too much to ask?

Other dudes were perm banned for much less!

"Just let people call you a pedofag on the www bro! Here's $20!" Lol. (it's only millions of people gonna see it bro! And it's forever...)

Once again thank you for you're time

Fat Link

I actually think the crazy fucker might be willing to fork over $200 or $250 a gift card for you if I propose to him a new deal.

Tier 1- he pays you in gift card $200 and in exchange he is unbanned immediately but must never bother you or mention your name ever again lest he be permabanned again but for real this time no second chances.

Tier 2- he pays you $250 with the same above requirements but must be banned for one month for having so insulted you but afterwards for any non Emba or illegal related offenses we mods can then only give him a maximum of one weeks banning time for accumulative or other major offenses.

That said responding to the other issues you brought up…

Yeah you’re generally right but I could honestly see other posters not particularly caring under the idea that Sneir is simply out of his mind.

Of course however anyone mod or regular user should be entitled to have slanderous crap like that deleted even if it was genuinely given from a joking kind of spirit or place etc, etc.

Anyway let me know how you want me to proceed with the money idea or not as if you do want to go through with this you’ll likely have to provide an email address I can give him to gift you the card or rather code through, heh.


I will consider it

Fat Link

Alright Sneir has let me know he’s definitely not a rich cel like my mod ppe but can give you a maximum of $175 if you agree that this allows him back and puts this issue to bed?

I believe ontop of this he has or will agree to a one month banning ontop of things plus never speaking to or of you again on the site so…

The only question left is if you really want this done through Amazon because if not he will make a PayPal account and directly pay you that way?


sneir tears

I know about negotiations. i learned it on the internet! how about these tier's?

my dignity is non-negotiable. I decline his offer.

because, all his fake ass, APOLOGY(s) have been gaslighting... "you have the voice of a Disneyland pedofag rapist bro..."

he made other various pedo joke style comments about me earlier that I just ignored... in none of them did he say anything about me sounding like a guy that raped him... just insane blather. how can anyone take him seriously anyway?

so it's not like I didn't laugh it off before. many times.

but publicly make a pedofag thread then fucking gaslight me about it?

"you're voice triggered me!"

"I killed that old man because he was white!" - in chimpout game

how many men here get called a pedofag IRL? or a pedo, or just a fag? have you? I read about it here a lot! too much.

I just want to relax around bros without being abused, or accused! just the idea of some rando motherfucker thinking that way about me "triggers me."

far link, bro, you want to know why I spent so many decades living in the woods? people like sneer.

them types of annoying abusive fuckers are everywhere... why tf do incels hide? people like sneer.

I obey the rules here. he doesn't. I don't want to be in a club that allows bully's.

he's a gaslighting, abusive, tallfag. who will he shit on next?

the more I consider it, the less I want his money and the more I just want him ded!

shit on me then blame me for it?
I ain't no Dubai whore.

he can keep his money. and his perma ban.

as I originally told him. he can find another circus!

that's all the energy sneer gets from me. I'm leaving the negotiation table.

it's over.

Fat Link


If that’s what you want I did give you my word after all.

I’m likely to meet strong resistance however from my boys komesarj and dregster as they seem to fanatically love the guy but you make a damn good point (or actually many) all around my longtime brocel Emba @Emba.

For what its worth though I do believe ol Sneir is being sincere for once and he basically admitted to me he’s a drug addict and by paying you, I’ve deduced he would have to by necessity go without his beloved product for a time so if you wanted to put a real hurtin on him that would be it.

However I digress, again if you can’t forgive him you can’t forgive him. It is what it is.

I had to make my own concessions to my mods to keep the peace long ago with them about users I liked but whom were bad for the site ie I lost my brocels Rhaast and Moegells because the majority of my mod team hated them along with a good portion of the userbase and I also had to acquiesce to PPEcel of losing my good friend vermilion but that was far more understand acceptable because the dumb fuck was stupid enough to post hardcore CP here so yeah. Ugh.

So if my mods protest too loudly I’m going to have to cash in my proverbial chips I just told you about as political capital ie basically I will tell them that I had to sacrifice my bros for the good of the site and now they are being called on to do the same as just one Emba is worth 20 million Sneirs.

Out of extra fairness to them I will give them a sliver of hope by telling them Sneir is gone for 6 months for so carelessly and hurtfully slandering Emba @Emba but after the 6 months is up Sneir still will not be freed but rather have a slim chance of freedom.

It will then be up to Kome or dregster to ask you if he’s forgiven or not and if you’re still resolute even then it shall remain curtains for Sneir.

Well I will only do the above only if you feel like helping me out and massaging the situation to make swallowing this ban go down easier for my mods.

If you on the other hand want me to go all hardass about things and become Tywin Lannister then I will.

We will play the reigns of castamere and dance together on Sneir’s proverbial grave (in videogame)?

I’m once again asking what you want out of my deep respect and brotherly love for you and not as a dereliction of duty or to win some popularity contest.

So to borrow a quote from Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus character…

“What shall we do?”


Thanks bro. I feel like if he was a real junkie he wouldn't be willing to so eagerly part with drug money, or hold a job.

Blaming drugs for bad behavior is a shit move. It's like blaming the devil! Many banned men in the past did similar...

I was drunk! I blame everyone and everything but myself!

He did not give me a legit reason to forgive him. Just more bullshit.

I'll say one thing. This made me like you more. You're a good dude.

That's a good idea. They hopefully will forgotten about him by then.

It's too bad people find sneer to be funny. I think it's pathetic.

It's like being a clown.

I hate clowns. I was a clown once... Either be a dancing clown or get ignored or beat up!

It's just bad. Fucking clownworld.

Thanks for having my back! It means a lot.

Below is my convo with Robt I'm too tired to attempt to re make my point about sneer not being worthy of my forgiveness...

I'm tired of the whole thing. I'd hate to have a stroke from all this stress! "Emba, killed by a larping sociopath!"

The money would have helped, but I feel that was a bad idea on my part. But it did give me insight into sneers mind...

He might really be a junkie, but he's probably not.

Here's a copy of my post to Robt.

Because I don't feel like retyping it.

It solidifies my point.

Bro, i know real meth heads... I known real junkies... I know real drunks... Real potheads... IRL. (Not frens!)

Real junkies don't keep jobs. Real speed freaks get fired fast for bad behavior, such as theft and fucking up.

There's no way a real junkie or meth head, would be so eager to give away his drug money. Certainly not for some online shitpost access!

They are not as consistent as sneer. They are like bipolar folks.

I've recently spent a lot of time studying psychopaths and socios. So it's fresh in my mind. Once you learn how to spot them, you'll recognize them. They stick out.

This fucker is a mind game playing larper. You have been played!

Unless you've spent IRL time with him, and know him IRL, then you're opinion on him means nothing. He's just a pixel! And you have been "social engineered!" Conned.

I could be wrong. But that is very rare. I welcome being wrong about folks characters! I hate thinking poorly of folks.

But how many chances is enough? Better people than sneer have been permabanned for much less.

I would have took the fuckers money, and forgave him. If, he gave me some basic politeness... Instead of blaming me for his "outburst!" Can't even un capitalize long enough to be serious!

As a incel I'm sure you understand gaslighting. So it's "my fault" that I sound like some kind of a gdmf Disneyland pedofag rapist? Really? Lol!

How many old incels do you know that would willingly set foot in a Disneyland?

If all this happened to someone else I would laugh hard about it. it's so outrageous!

My Rep is all I have. I simply cannot allow some idiot the pleasure of shitting on it.

he wants to build his rep on the ashes of mine? Get away with kicking the oldcel...

he's not worth defending bro. He's just another street nigger attacking an old white dude. For the luls... It's a good way to get shot IRL around here.

as stated in my bunker post...

...If he was a local IRL dude, he wouldn't live very long doing that type of thing.

You are probably urban and have no idea about personal reputations and dignity. It's a lot like being in a nigger street gang. Literally, you're Reputation is all you have.

It's even a law in the 48 laws of power.

And so is, "don't fuck with people you don't know because you don't know how bad they can hurt you later." (Or help you...)

See how kind I am? A teaching moment! Has sneer ever made a post or comment that helped a bro?

I was willing to take a bribe for a good apology, but all I got was a sick gaslighting joke. Being perma banned is letting him off easy.

Maybe it will improve his life?

You know, suffering the consequences of making a bad decision... Like adults do.

This section is over and now comes our last messages to eachother. The coward @Emba left without even having the respect or courage to respond to me as he was very butthurt that Master was considering releasing Sneir early as in just short a bit of two months I believe it was (Sneir had already been banned for a month and I believe at least 14 days ie two weeks time so its not like he was "barely banned" as Emba asserts here) as if he did I likely would've kept Sneir banned for him but he just had to get "out of pocket" once too often and behave disrespectfully towards me after my going out of my way advocating for him to have special treatment as an oldcel and supposed valued member of the community over Sneir not to mention I thought Emba was my friend.


Was it even one months?

Whatever. You have lost any credibility with me bra

Fat Link

Dude I don’t need to hear anymore of your bullshit.

I have been nothing but a friend to you during my entire run here as a regular cel and a staff cel and you know it.

I went above and beyond for you even AFTER you didn’t even give me a chance to speak and address any of your grievances in PM.

Anyway with that said…

I’m pretty sure the dude has been gone for about two months plus some change by now which is almost three months.

Historically I’ve said to you and the mod team after much disagreement between the warring sides that I’d keep him banned at the very least for three months and again as for “losing any credibility with you” goes?

I literally cannot overrule the literal owner of the website if he want’s something contrary to what I want, which judging by a recent post of his in ban appeals Sneir’s slightly early freedom is.

Infact I’m surprised with Master being black and knowing my racial views he’s given me the levels of power here on his site that I do have.

That said however to my knowledge Sneir hasn’t been freed by any of us yet so why don’t you help us both out and give me some message board political points and remake your case for why you feel Sneir needs to remained banned until some time in January or even longer?

And before you complain at me again remember two things here:

1. I’m your only friend in this entire situation as literally everyone else including the rest of the mod team including the literal owner of the website wants to see him go free.

2. Real life victims of criminals who have been done far worse than you have by Sneir often have to continually watch for potential release dates or probation hearings and take valueable time out of their day and put themselves through considerable stress to go before the court or a review board or whatever and demand/make their case why so and so should never be freed or at least serve his or her full time.

I see no reason why this should not be the same for a far lower on the totem pole of justice message board squabble/slander situation.

So make your case, help me out and with some added authority by you doing so and if you do a good enough job with your words I can then effectively with clout and backing from your words ever so kindly say to Master @Master

Ya know Emba’s got a point.

Sneir may be a good boy deep down but that still does not erase the bad that he’s done.

We should keep him off the site either until April 1st (6 months?) or at the very least until January 1st which I believe will be 3 months.
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