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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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150 more down and we´re back to pre covid levels, and all the gains from summer 2020 is gone entirely.
I believe we're going to retest March 2020 lows. :feelsjuice:
The way I see it boomers are like the Greek god Cronus, he would sustain his life force by eating his own children, in our case they consume the lives of all the younger generations to live in comfort, luxury, and splendor by stealing our futures. :feelsjuice:

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these kind of generations are probably very rare, once in a civilizational timeline generations. The last time a generation stole the future of their children was probably in rome in the 300s or early 400s
these kind of generations are probably very rare, once in a civilizational timeline generations. The last time a generation stole the future of their children was probably in rome in the 300s or early 400s
Much of existence is a pendulum swinging back and fourth through various cycles, when a single generation steals away the future of several younger generations it never ends well for them especially within a societal collapse environment. :feelsjuice:
They were happy to adopt Keynesianism to steal and grift the entire nation to suit themselves, but now they're kvetching because in their arrogance they were too short sighted to see that everything has an end. Nothing lasts forever. :feelsjuice:
All part of the plan.
Create the crisis
Offer the solution
All part of the plan.
Create the crisis
Offer the solution
They have no solution, they think they have one [seriously deluded] but instead all they will end up doing is releasing the floodgates of chaos globally. They're simply done for the most part but of course they'll be the last ones to know this. :feelsjuice:
They have no solution, they think they have one [seriously deluded] but instead all they will end up doing is releasing the floodgates of chaos globally. They're simply done for the most part but of course they'll be the last ones to know this. :feelsjuice:
Corn harvest was low. Wonder what % of it’s going to ethanol.
Can’t find the summer wheat numbers.
Soybean harvest was up. Soylent coming for all.
What makes the boomers and most X:ers (yes, and prob many millenials now also) so vile is that they shouldnt have had kids in this dying civ, yet they did. They are dooming their kids by bringing them into a The Road/Walking dead world. Im not an anti natalist, but its only ok to have kids in a living and functioning society. The only such living societies today are bolivia, israel, the amish community, hasidics, kurds, kyrgyz and a FEW more. Guess the inca empire will rise again in south america, compared to their low fertility neighbours in brazil etc
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Its always been in the genes of the rich to galavant around and do adventurous things, but the middle class? I know now why my parents and most other middle class parents in the west took their children to so many activities and trips. They wanted to give their children (or themselves?) all those things they never got as children. Skara sommarland, High chaparall, Liseberg, Öland, Gotland, Sälen ski resort, Legoland, Finland cruises, Sport practice, Mediterranean trip, Toys also in abundance. It may sound nice, but it came at the cost of absent parenting (advice, economic advice, principle, guidance, man to man girl talk f.ex)

Stefan molyneux once brought a boomer woman to his podcast who was gonna proove to him how she wasnt a cliché boomer fucktwat, after a while, it turned out she was, and she apologized and admitted she was.
I think we could say that from the 1980s to today the west exported all survivable and comfortable working class jobs abroad because it was cheaper thus increasing corporate profits, when they did this they reduced entire generations of working class men to wage slave service economy bullshit jobs. [And in the process also created an entire generation of male incels being that hypergamy vaginal capitalist bitches don't date down.] :feelsjuice:
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I think cuckSA wont let its dollar fall first, its gonna be yen or euro for sure.
on IG I am shocked at how unaware most europeans are especially foids. they are concerned but obviously not as much
I think normies and idiot sheep are underestimating how bad things will get

supposedly something happening on Saturday 24th September, rumours are wild on conspiracy sites/subreddits
Most United States financial debt is held by the Japanese, so if Japan collapses there gone away is the largest buyer of American debt. Japan economically collapsing would be pretty devastating.

If the E.U. collapses nationalism will undoubtedly sweep all of western Europe and with the way things are at present the U.S. will have very little influence over an entire reconstructed Europe. :feelsjuice:
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Doesn't the news of President Putin implicitly threatening nuclear warfare give you a hard-on for 'Apocalypse Now'?

View: https://twitter.com/THEWATCHTOWERS/status/1573409579849089024

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LbVNCootZiI

View: https://youtu.be/bRuHhbI0KS4


Doesn't the news of President Putin implicitly threatening nuclear warfare give you a hard-on for 'Apocalypse Now'?

View: https://twitter.com/THEWATCHTOWERS/status/1573409579849089024

View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LbVNCootZiI

View: https://youtu.be/bRuHhbI0KS4



I think the Russians are doing everything they can to avoid such a calamity, in this conflict I think we the U.S. are the bad guys. Still, whatever happens, happens. :feelsjuice:
tech ruined it for us millennials in general, honestly even youngcels

in 2010 60~70% of users here would have a gf or wife foid
not even 2 decades and the whole thing has forced majority of males out of the dating/mating market
I remember 1999-2005 thinking to myself it was the beginning of the end. :dafuckfeels::blackpill:
Corn harvest was low. Wonder what % of it’s going to ethanol.
Can’t find the summer wheat numbers.
Soybean harvest was up. Soylent coming for all.
I think their overall plan is if they can't control the fallout of chaos everywhere starve everybody to death into submission. It's a traditional and historically classic method of population control spanning thousands of years in application. :feelsjuice: :blackpill:

Ezgifcom gif maker 16
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Something big is coming, and its gonna be as bad as the great depression 1931
I remember 1999-2005 thinking to myself it was the beginning of the end. :dafuckfeels::blackpill:
oh trust me if you were a truecel back then it was still mostly ovER but fat Helga the land whale might give you some whale pusi :feelskek::feelskek:

deep down I am excited for the collapse, my life already sucks how much worse can it get?
normies are gonna be fucked given how reliant they are to consumer goods especially alcohol.
Lifefuel for doomercels. Putin is now saying that he is not fucking around anymore (not bluffing with nukes) and is mobilizing 300,000 reserves.
Lifefuel for doomercels. Putin is now saying that he is not fucking around anymore (not bluffing with nukes) and is mobilizing 300,000 reserves.
good we need a reset
I am tired of foids, chads having everything on easy mode. tired of gaslighting most do especially regards to internalized racism and lookism in dating(the core bases of blackpill)
retards think I can't sense their hatred of curries :feelskek::feelskek:
social media and dating apps ruined it all
08 even truecels had some chances, ofc not with stacy but regardless had chances

they are taking everything away from your avg male, from mating options to jobs, (((they))) are not even sparing our hobbies so we can cope and die in peace. its war on man literally, except chad ofc :feelsseriously:

seems like ricecels in china are wake up


Something big is coming, and its gonna be as bad as the great depression 1931
good western societies are too arrogant and ignorant
just consume you retard dipshit
just drink your Starbuck soy latte u cuck
just work your meaningless 9-5 u dumb coon
just pay for tinder gold to get rejected by a land whale you low iq manlet:feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
This issue stems from a lot of things but the main factor is school.
please tell me you are making a fortune out of these daily market dumps
Here ib Germany they are warning that a blackoug may happen in the winter. Some cities are even being prepared for that shit.

If that shit lasts long, it will be a very bad time for foids.
It's almost like they're trying to destroy all of western Europe intentionally or something starting with this winter. :feelsjuice:
I was gone for four days taking a break from the internet but I was still following things from a distance having a good laugh at the epic farce. :feelsjuice:

This week's stock market went something like this:

Monday- "God fucking damn it!"
Tuesday- "You gotta be fucking kidding me, make it stop!"
Wednesday - "Thank God! Maybe we've finally reached the bottom where everything will equal out now!"
Thursday - "Son of a bitch!"
Friday - ??? :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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Something big is coming, and its gonna be as bad as the great depression 1931
It's going to be much worse than 1929 or 1931, bank on it. Going to be a lot of puckered out assholes everywhere before it is all over. :feelsjuice:
oh trust me if you were a truecel back then it was still mostly ovER but fat Helga the land whale might give you some whale pusi :feelskek::feelskek:

deep down I am excited for the collapse, my life already sucks how much worse can it get?
normies are gonna be fucked given how reliant they are to consumer goods especially alcohol.
I'm a firm believer in the motto that when you're at the complete bottom in life or society already, there is only one direction left to go and that is up. :feelsjuice: :yes:
Lifefuel for doomercels. Putin is now saying that he is not fucking around anymore (not bluffing with nukes) and is mobilizing 300,000 reserves.
Even if we don't get to enjoy a post apocalyptic future of war brides, mohawk motor cycle gangs, and weird leather ass chaps pant suits, if the entire world was nuked into oblivion tomorrow it would be totally worth it. Fuck it all, fuck everything until nothingness reigns eternal everywhere around the globe. :feelsjuice:

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please tell me you are making a fortune out of these daily market dumps
Anybody in this market soon enough will be catching daggers falling out of the skyline. :feelsjuice:
Daily check of this thread to see what the DOW is doing lol
The problem with the decline is that it's a decline. In other words slow and not a rapid collapse. Rn I'm again sitting alone on a Friday night drinking alcohol, instead of Mad Maxxmaxxing. The reality is that this will be a slow decline, and by the time everything (in the west at least) has gone to shit, nobody will have noticed cause we won't even be alive and the living a humans will just be living their Brazil tier life as they always have.
The problem with the decline is that it's a decline. In other words slow and not a rapid collapse. Rn I'm again sitting alone on a Friday night drinking alcohol, instead of Mad Maxxmaxxing. The reality is that this will be a slow decline, and by the time everything (in the west at least) has gone to shit, nobody will have noticed cause we won't even be alive and the living a humans will just be living their Brazil tier life as they always have.
Except everybody older than you knows this slow decline began in the 1970s where now it is speeding up rapidly with world events because we are in the end game presently. :feelsjuice:
Except everybody older than you knows this slow decline began in the 1970s where now it is speeding up rapidly with world events because we are in the end game presently. :feelsjuice:
Everybody older than me except the countless normie breeders who are living life as usual with slightly less money in their bank accounts. I'll believe in the collapse if the economy starts going into a severe recession at least. 2008 tier would be enough to get my hopes up, but we're not even there yet
Everybody older than me except the countless normie breeders who are living life as usual with slightly less money in their bank accounts. I'll believe in the collapse if the economy starts going into a severe recession at least. 2008 tier would be enough to get my hopes up, but we're not even there yet
It won't be anything like 2008 or even the years between 1929-31. It will be much worse than either and I just don't understand the deniability behind this. It really is over, the party is done never to come back. :feelsjuice:
2 (going on 3rd) generations of ~1,7-1,8 kids/woman will do this to an economy. I think historians will talk about the boomers for hundreds of years to come as a lesson what not to do.

My dad will sit in his (his? - ours, you borrow from ur kids, u dont inherit from ur parents) house now while the economy plummets.. instead of selling it so me and my brother can have somewhat of a life.

Cronos indeed. No parent earned their wealth, they inherited it from an infinite line of ancestors. Its not just the raw numbers/money, its all the labour that went into getting to this point, meaning, even if 3 generations back your grandfathers father didnt inherit and had to "restart", he still laboured. Meaning, any inheritance, has come down from infinity. Parents who hold on to their kids future for their own comfort are a-holes.

All of my relatives are doing the same to their kids, my cousins and cousins twice removed. the parents are around 60-70, their kids are in their mid 20s-30s, in childbearing years (well, they shouldnt have kids today as alrdy stated), so at least they deserve to live in the same comfort that was handed down to their parents, but nope. They will sit in their houses until they are 70+ while their kids rot in apartments, or saddle themselves with unnecessary house loans a few years after starting to work so they too can live in a house. A loan they (one of them at least) wouldnt have had to take if their parents just handed over the house to one of them f.ex and they themselves moved out to prioritize their kids future over their own. But nope.

the average age in my town is 45, which means the average age of house dwellers (owners) is prob around 52-55, as their kids get pushed out when theyre around 20 to "learn to be adults", a fance name to call what is essentially stealing from ur own kids.

Time. The millennials and zoomers now too are losing time. they are becoming 28,30,31,32 and they cant rly start families because the boomers and xers arents handing over the inheritance.
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exponential change... scary thing.

Could be 2 days, a week, a month already until mad max world arrives.

If you put a bacteria in a testtube at 8pm and it reproduces itself exponentially within and it will be full at 12, when is it HALF full?

a second to 12.
"DOW suffers worst month since March 2020." - CNN

I wish, not even close to March 2020 lows yet, for that to even happen we will have to breach DOW 18,000.00 downward.

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I'm a firm believer in the motto that when you're at the complete bottom in life or society already, there is only one direction left to go and that is up. :feelsjuice: :yes:
I see great minds think alike :feelsthink::feelsthink:

The problem with the decline is that it's a decline. In other words slow and not a rapid collapse. Rn I'm again sitting alone on a Friday night drinking alcohol, instead of Mad Maxxmaxxing. The reality is that this will be a slow decline, and by the time everything (in the west at least) has gone to shit, nobody will have noticed cause we won't even be alive and the living a humans will just be living their Brazil tier life as they always have.
no it wont be slow, also declined as mentioned before already started a long time ago. buddy bayo remember that great reset is 7yrs away(2023 is around the corner anyways)
they'll price everyone out of every market at this rate.
only the elite will manage

majority of people including incels here have a good chance of not making it by 2030, decently high chances of death occurring for all us inc me ofc.
Everybody older than me except the countless normie breeders who are living life as usual with slightly less money in their bank accounts. I'll believe in the collapse if the economy starts going into a severe recession at least. 2008 tier would be enough to get my hopes up, but we're not even there yet
its already at 08 levels, its just better hidden. Europe is giga fucked, their currencies are failing
It won't be anything like 2008 or even the years between 1929-31. It will be much worse than either and I just don't understand the deniability behind this. It really is over, the party is done never to come back.
yay most don't know that the barbarian is coming, I watch this one red pill content creator who's somewhat tolerable and not cringey. he's being talking about the decline for few years.
barbarian takes no prisoners especially no foids ones
sniped for ez reply
yay boomers are the worst gen by far, they had everything literally everything. ez access to pusi, decent choice of avg or better looking foids, increasing wages(I mean in meaningful ways), easily obtainable real estate and other goods.
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exponential change... scary thing.

Could be 2 days, a week, a month already until mad max world arrives.

If you put a bacteria in a testtube at 8pm and it reproduces itself exponentially within and it will be full at 12, when is it HALF full?

a second to 12.
More like the law of thermodynamics concerning the subject of entropy and general decay over a period of time. :feelsjuice:
150 more down and we´re back to pre covid levels, and all the gains from summer 2020 is gone entirely.
True natural price discovery of the United States stock market and dollar is an absolute zero, we have pretty far to fall downward even still yet. :feelsjuice:
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