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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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Wavering, hmm? :feelsclown:

DOW - 199.67

Double caned for redhead slave girl 04

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OFNrN_6Ta5I
Still in red, time to find out today if Jerome Powell's and Christine Lagarde's speeches are well coordinated together to soothe market sentiments or not. Sink or swim, what will it be? :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

The Dealer
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"Stocks Are Flat As Investors Try To Shake Off Concerns About Higher Interest Rates." - CNBC

Doing whatever you can to have a rich life of opulence and power for as long as you can I see, the end will be the same no matter what, whether you all go bankrupt this year or the following next, the outcome will remain the same either way. I will never run out of music or dirty little images within this thread between now and then. I will get my grand finale one way or another with this world where the entire United States becomes the epic center. I have all the idle time in the world after all at my disposal. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

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It's ironic that Jerome had a press conference with the Cato Institute today, Cato The Younger was all about preserving old traditional Roman values. The current Federal Reserve on the other hand is doing everything it can to destroy this Neo-Rome of ours known as America. One has to enjoy the delicious irony in all of that. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
You know, a national economy is a lot like an engine in many ways, like an organic biological one made of human beings interacting with each other.

It would seem we have quite a bit of stalling, floundering about, and ignition problems currently.

Somebody should check under the hood very quickly, I fear the poor transmission is going to die soon burning up where we're going to be dead on arrival. :feelsdevil:

I'm sure Jerome and crew are currently changing the oil giving it a tune up as fast as they can. Just imagine if you will, Jerome Powell, Janet Yellen, and Christine Lagarde wearing overalls covered in grease with wrenches in their hands.

5 signs engine trouble 1
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I use to remember back in the day how easy it was to get DOW +800.00 daily, now they're only so lucky if they can squeeze out DOW +100.00 daily. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

One of these days, it will be almost impossible for them to squeeze DOW +0.20 daily and when that happens this turkey will be cooked ready to eat while it is entirely carved up. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
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I'm currently sitting on a park bench with a cigarette in my hand and a vodka bottle in the other. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the bullshit of the American economy is so simplistic that even a homeless bum like me can easily predict it. Let that sink in..... :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

More Americans tapping buy now, pay later services for groceries ‘shows the height of personal desperation,’ Harvard researcher says

Hurry up and don't let it go red by closing bell! We have less than thirty minutes to go! :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

More Americans tapping buy now, pay later services for groceries ‘shows the height of personal desperation,’ Harvard researcher says

American consumer is dead shot in the water floating down river. :feelsjuice::yes:

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Look at that desperate print up of money the last few minutes! PPT to the rescue intervening supposedly at a time they say they're not! Fat nimble fingers time! Inflation? What inflation! :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

If only the Russian Soviet Union had high speed internet and quantum computing like we do now! They might still exist now if they had our present technological capabilities for deception. :feelsEhh:

[Joseph Stalin looking up from hell with envy in his eyes as he witnesses the modern United States.] :feelsdevil::feelsaww:

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Are we doing QE again? That last thirty minutes certainly looked like it even though we're supposedly doing QT and fighting inflation. Oops, I forgot, today's trading came with the message that we're no longer worried about inflation, after all, inflation is for the little people only, and who gives a flying fuck about them anyways? :feelsEhh:

You know what, maybe it was like a street heroin junkie, yeah, that's it! They say they're off heroin for one year and then later they're like, "I just need one bump for today man, I'm still quitting, I just need one bump for this day only just to get me through." :feelsdevil:

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View attachment 653996

A majority of Americans, 56%, now say inflation is a severe or moderate financial hardship that’s threatening their ability to keep up their current standard of living.

— Gallup poll
Everybody that is a commoner inside this nation knows we're fully fucked, the only people last to know is the government, gated community crowd, and the wealthy who just so happen own all the banks. Those assholes will be the last ones to know. :feelsjuice: :yes:
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As a reminder we have one trading day left of the week. I'm hoping for at least DOW -600.00 tomorrow which will basically wipe out the last two days of gains, especially after overnight when everybody tomorrow wakes up realizing what an epic farce all of this really is. When that happens panic selling into the weekend starting tomorrow morning. I of course could be wrong, but let's just call it a hunch. Nobody likes going into the weekend worrying about if they're going to get burned come Monday morning. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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More SPR releases? Say it isn't so, say, how much oil and gasoline stockpiles do we have left nationwide after this summer splurge? Somebody should audit the national SPR just to make sure we're not close to empty. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

And after all of that, hello $15.00 for a gallon of gasoline. Foids might have to pimp their selves out or get a third job if that happens. [Well, everybody will come to think of it.] :feelsEhh:

Horse Power Car 2 Horse Pulling Half Car
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Trust in dollar gone – Putin

Russia is gradually moving away from ‘unreliable’ currencies, the Russian president says

I am just so depressed and mad at the World right now that i cant wait for the total collapse of modern civilization tbh...

I am just so depressed and mad at the World right now that i cant wait for the total collapse of modern civilization tbh...

NGL i can feel the collapse really close, news and stats are all pointing into this direction

Are you guys prepared ? I think i might start buy some small stuff for backup nothing major just enough to survive the city long enough until i move to my family that posesses some land if shit really hits the fan and gets apocalyptic
I use to remember back in the day how easy it was to get DOW +800.00 daily, now they're only so lucky if they can squeeze out DOW +100.00 daily. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

One of these days, it will be almost impossible for them to squeeze DOW +0.20 daily and when that happens this turkey will be cooked ready to eat while it is entirely carved up. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

serious question when do you think meltdown comes?? gimme your honest prediction

I honestly don't think they have any means to get out of this stagflation
Looks like Iraq is about to become the new Afghanistan, all that Iraqi oil going to China and Russia if that happens.:feelswhere:

Bye-bye Baghdad consulate.:feelsaww:

Looks like all we got left is that stolen oil from Syria for now. Should Iraq become another Afghanistan look forward to gasoline prices going up huge very quickly. :feelsEhh:

Also, there is this currently. Brent Crude Oil +3.92 [+3.88%] :feelsdevil:

View attachment 651600
Oy hey Goyim
Filthy gentiles deserve to suffer:feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:

Trust in dollar gone – Putin

Russia is gradually moving away from ‘unreliable’ currencies, the Russian president says

China, Russia, and a whole host of other nations already have. :feelsjuice::yes:
serious question when do you think meltdown comes?? gimme your honest prediction

I honestly don't think they have any means to get out of this stagflation
Anytime between now and next summer, on the ground floor here I don't see this nation surviving another year.

Even in this remote desert city I find myself poverty, crime, and homelessness seems to be skyrocketing with each passing month to no end. :feelsjuice::yes:
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"I will gladly support even higher oil and food prices because i share Western values with Ukraine"- normie
"I will gladly support even higher oil and food prices because i share Western values with Ukraine"- normie
And it is those people I hope get dropped into the meat grinder of life face first when all of this is ready to pass.

[Right there with their five covid booster shots. :feelsdevil:]
I wrote a special poem for today's United States stock market opening as sometimes I like to think of myself as an amateur poet at times, it goes something like this. :feelsEhh:

In this nation we don't like inflation, so from our nation we try to export our inflation abroad, but as it turns out foreigners don't want ours either. :feelsdevil:

Screen Shot 2022 07 21 at 113812 PM

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6zT4Y-QNdto
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And the morning pump has begun, but there's still six and a half hours to go for that late afternoon dump. Not going to predict what happens today because there are some things beyond my approach, still, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Insanity crazy
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I'm currently getting high as fuck right now. *lights marijuana joint*

Soon I'll be tripping balls on Cloud9, that is all for now. :smonk::smonk::smonk::blackpill:
Still at DOW+178.74, hmm, could be nothing. :feelsEhh::smonk:
It'll be so satisfying when the stupid peer of Nicolaz Cruz who called him weird gets shot down finally. If I was there I would use so much ammunition on her that her entire body would be covered with ammo and it would all be red, no skin. There she lay and rot and rot she will for calling my nigga weird.
It'll be so satisfying when the stupid peer of Nicolaz Cruz who called him weird gets shot down finally. If I was there I would use so much ammunition on her that her entire body would be covered with ammo and it would all be red, no skin. There she lay and rot and rot she will for calling my nigga weird.
Damn man, that's poetry if I ever seen any. :feelsEhh:
Prepare for (((((social credit score))))) :feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
And you will have a low enough score for labor camp :feelsLSD:
There is no nation on this earth you will be able to hide once the lights go out. :feelsdevil::feelsLSD:
Eventually the USD will be forced to weaken itself if other currencies like the euro keep going down. There are already reports of Apple products being unaffordable overseas. I don't think this translates to hyperinflation and Beta Uprising. I think that might come maybe after the current stock of Gen Z males reach over 40 and realise they've been scammed their entire lives and have nothing to show for it.
Eventually the USD will be forced to weaken itself if other currencies like the euro keep going down. There are already reports of Apple products being unaffordable overseas. I don't think this translates to hyperinflation and Beta Uprising. I think that might come maybe after the current stock of Gen Z males reach over 40 and realise they've been scammed their entire lives and have nothing to show for it.
There will be uprisings.:feelsEhh:

Can't afford gas
Gasoline shortages
Electrical outages
No food anywhere
Money is worthless
Everybody hates everybody
People angry thrown into a mix of violence everywhere. :feelsdevil:
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