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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/x9vemj/comment/inq4yng/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

You have a majority of women who have graduated colleges since the 1980s outnumbering the men that do since western civilization went to an era all about catering or elevating women in society while simultaneously a majority of men have become disposable where their problems aren't cared about whatsoever by anyone.

[Simultaneously, a majority of incomes for men have been declining and stagnating in terms of wages especially the non-college attending men for countless decades.]

So you have all these middle class or wealthy single women who are professionals moping around because they can't find a sexual partner in the same financial economic income bracket that they're in, because at the end of the day you bitches don't know how to love, you only love yourselves especially not others, and like the deceptive $vaginal capitalists$ that you really are the only thing you love more than yourselves is money. Gods forbid you bitches ever date down, but no, you cunts and twats will never do that to any significant degree.

That's one of the reasons why this thread exists here, I can't wait until all you gold digging bitches see all of your money evaporate overnight becoming worthless, your God and idol [money] dying is something I look forward to seeing where your collective tears will be most delicious. :feelsjuice:
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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/x9vemj/comment/inqo602/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

At this rate in our nation anybody who is anti government, doesn't embrace woke political correctness, and who doesn't believe in this nation anymore that is run by never ending corrupt politicians from both political parties is considered a domestic terrorist. I can just see the future now, don't like eating bugs, living in a pod, or having the microchip in your arm you're a domestic terrorist. Eventually everybody will be considered a domestic terrorist and then future society or civilization will stop functioning completely. :feelsjuice:
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Anybody got an estimate of when? Everyday that goes by and every time I see this thread, it seems less and less likely (the collapse of America)

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/x9vemj/comment/inul2rb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

There is no community inside the United States, whatever cultural communities that did exist are long since gone.

Instead today we have a bunch of ego driven, ambitious, or selfishly greedy atomized purely economic individuals walking around where our culture is basically me, myself, and I, fuck you I got mine. This nation will eat each other once it collapses and to this I have no doubts in my mind. There is no us, there is no community, and there is no we're all in this together anymore, that has been gone for many decades now. :feelsjuice:
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Anybody got an estimate of when? Everyday that goes by and every time I see this thread, it seems less and less likely (the collapse of America)
Anywhere between now and next summer, that's my running prediction. :feelsjuice:
I'm a firm believer in this hard global reset believe it or not, I too want to wipe the slate clean worldwide especially in this disgusting shithole that is known as the U.S. Yet I don't support the current NWO Rothschild WEF initiative at all, you see the difference between me and them is that they want a controlled chaotic demolition of the world shaping it in their image or ideals where they control everything afterward, as for me I want an uncontrollable chaotic demolition of the entire world, because unlike them I know in reality that nobody controls chaos, the only thing that controls chaos is, well, chaos itself obviously. Poor gullible fools think they can open up the box of chaos worldwide thinking they can order and command it around like a pet on a leash to do their collective bidding, they still haven't figured out quite yet that nobody manages chaos at all. Chaos is all consuming with a ravenous hunger when it is unleashed, and yes, it will eat even those who unleashed it originally for chaos has no masters, allegiances, or loyalties. It is a master and loyal only unto itself. :feelsdevil:

So far they're still masters of this world currently because they have reduced a majority of men to a set of unachievable rules or laws with one arm tied behind their backs and one leg tied to their stomachs. I always find it amusing how one group of people enforce rules, laws, and codes on people they have no intentions of ever following themselves or if they were under similar circumstances would straight out never follow at all. It always gives them that unfair competitive edge, but remove everything, and that unfair competitive edge disappears completely.

The great thing about raw chaos in all its forms is that all rules, laws, and codes become suspended where during duration they have no power whatsoever, nothing is enforceable. What these men who control the world currently will find out, is that there is nothing superior about them whatsoever. The only reason they're in their current positions whatsoever is due to random chance and because they didn't pull the short straw at birth where really their entire lives is more like a genetic lottery system instead. They will be surprised when the current unfair competitive edge they have now which they enjoy becomes nullified in nothingness where all the men they've cursed below them enter a more even spatial playing field. But hey, this is just human history playing itself out as it always does, over, and over again. There is never anything that is new under the sun. :feelsEhh:

View attachment 654533
I speak to a lot of normies, they all want a reset and for most the reason is obvious. runaway feminism and lack of options for success

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/x9vemj/comment/inq74c7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Like we need some gated community bourgeois or wealthy trust fund kid through family inheritance to tell us who is the majority of men. How very cute and quaint.

Always remember, male have nots versus male haves, and yes, we really do outnumber you everywhere. :feelsjuice:

exactly they don't realize we look like regular normies at most of us who try to fit in
they believe every incel is a blackops2cel:feelskek:
Jew Lieberman babysitting his American puppet ‘yes men’ as usual.

Front Row (1:32)
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It's Tuesday morning.

Giphy   2022 09 13T071902731

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7UA7BspOnyw
If we can get DOW-900.00 today that would be great, it would essentially wipe out all of the gains these last three days. :feelsjuice:
Getting closer to DOW -900.00 :feelsEhh:
You know I almost feel sorry for them, but then again after seeing how people treat each other in this nation or how women treat men this nation deserves to die along with everything else that comes afterward. Here in this desert city I inhabit they're bringing back segregation, literally banning all homeless people from all public centers or venues, which is very ironic, since all these so called good people that make up the public citizens around here will be broke on the streets penniless themselves soon enough just like all the denizens they now condemn. It's ironic symmetrical poetry applied in real life.
:feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
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War breaks out between Azerbaijan and Armenia, a second proxy war against Russia. Boy they really want a World War III to save us from our collapsing society over here domestically. Of course forcing Turkey to side with Azerbaijan for later purposes of retaking Crimea I'm betting causing a rift between Turks and Russians in the process.

Geopolitics is fun until nuclear mushroom clouds develop that is. :feelsEhh:

How to save a collapsing nation, society, and civilization, create a new world war. Of course! :feelsdevil:

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Could we be so lucky to get DOW-1000.00 in one single day? Man alive, I really hope so. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
Jonah hill dance wolf of wall street dance
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And to think, with just three days left of this week we very may well finally cross the Rubicon and fortress DOW 30,000.00 downward. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:

[Finally! :feelsaww: :feelskek: :feelskek: ]
Less than twenty five minutes left. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
War breaks out between Azerbaijan and Armenia, a second proxy war against Russia. Boy they really want a World War III to save us from our collapsing society over here domestically. Of course forcing Turkey to side with Azerbaijan for later purposes of retaking Crimea I'm betting causing a rift between Turks and Russians in the process.

Geopolitics is fun until nuclear mushroom clouds develop that is. :feelsEhh:

How to save a collapsing nation, society, and civilization, create a new world war. Of course! :feelsdevil:

View attachment 655254

supposedly a big false flag or orchestrated 9/11 type even will happen on sept 24th which is next Saturday. they are saying its gonna be big and happen in Europe.
supposedly a big false flag or orchestrated 9/11 type even will happen on sept 24th which is next Saturday. they are saying its gonna be big and happen in Europe.
At this rate expect the unexpected. :feelsjuice:
The water is just fine, step right in, and take a plunge inside. Cold feet? :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
A revised CPI at the last minute? :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

Totally believable! Jump all in motherfuckers gnawing away at that dangled carrot! :feelsdevil::feelsEhh::feelshaha:
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"The stock market’s worst day since June 2020 shows ‘the Fed has the worst problem in the world’ with inflation—and recession is the only solution." - Yahoo Finance

Solution for whom? Somebody is trying to run away with all the apples on the apple cart. Last one out turns off all the lights. :feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8w0WhkrQQ4
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With feminism working so hard to destroy the classic model of the family (man as breadwinner and disciplinarian, woman as caregiver and household manager) these men no longer have that little suburban dream to aspire to, so they're retreating to video games and porn. The men who should've been tomorrow's workforce are instead living in a period of extended boyhood well into their late 20s, because they have nothing to work towards.
With feminism working so hard to destroy the classic model of the family (man as breadwinner and disciplinarian, woman as caregiver and household manager) these men no longer have that little suburban dream to aspire to, so they're retreating to video games and porn. The men who should've been tomorrow's workforce are instead living in a period of extended boyhood well into their late 20s, because they have nothing to work towards.
And the national economy is so rotten to the core and corrupt financially a majority of men never had a chance to begin with because the entire rigged stack of cards is against them from day one going into adulthood. My own theory of sexual economics. :feelsjuice:
With feminism working so hard to destroy the classic model of the family (man as breadwinner and disciplinarian, woman as caregiver and household manager) these men no longer have that little suburban dream to aspire to, so they're retreating to video games and porn. The men who should've been tomorrow's workforce are instead living in a period of extended boyhood well into their late 20s, because they have nothing to work towards.
And the national economy is so rotten to the core and corrupt financially a majority of men never had a chance to begin with because the entire rigged stack of cards is against them from day one going into adulthood. My own theory of sexual economics. :feelsjuice:
I tried to get some higher education twice and cancelled twice (didnt attend anymore) always saw more females than males in every class, i wonder why ? IDK how normies cant see whats happening. Large percentage of teachers are female (70%) too so its more likely that they push/favor female students too i had/and observed a few situations which this was the case. favoritism is big for females in the eductional sector (but alot of eductional instituions seem to be extremely indoctrinated by the left/post ww2 jewish multicultural/multi sexual embrace)
I tried to get some higher education twice and cancelled twice (didnt attend anymore) always saw more females than males in every class, i wonder why ? IDK how normies cant see whats happening. Large percentage of teachers are female (70%) too so its more likely that they push/favor female students too i had/and observed a few situations which this was the case. favoritism is big for females in the eductional sector (but alot of eductional instituions seem to be extremely indoctrinated by the left/post ww2 jewish multicultural/multi sexual embrace)
It's because the propaganda of feminism is so engrained in all western intellectual thought where a majority of men culturally is seen as being sacrificial, disposable, and not necessary in existing at all. And of course the global elites are just fine with this concerning their depopulation cult of human culling.

[Less men married, breeding, or reproducing is good to them. If they can make a majority of men miserable and suicidal that is merely a net gain for their ambitions showing that they're working. If a majority of men were to die tomorrow that would coincide with their overall plans for the future.]

When it comes down to it, one has to wonder if the disposable, sacrificial, and those who are deemed in majority not necessary [males] are privileged at all, how anybody of any intellectual honesty can surmise a majority of males are privileged is beyond me. It is the most ridiculous mental sentiment of this era. :feelsjuice:
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Glorious revolution :feelskek:
Yay investors panicking
It tickles my cold black heart when the business and financial class piss down their legs wearing $10,000.00 expensive suits. We're not quite there where hundreds of them jumping off skyscrapers taking swan dives just yet, but we will be soon enough. :feelsjuice:
I don't really care for either political party in this nation, just two heads of the same snake to me. Still, for the foreign observer one wonders how anybody takes this nation seriously anymore as all it is over here is one unstable mess across all segments of society. Political reform and reconciliation? Too little, too late, not going to happen.

As usual, it is all the idiots, buffoons, thieves, and grifters who at the last minute think of political reform or reconciliation just right before a nation collapses completely. They had over fifty years to do it but never did, instead they have pissed away all this nation's wealth, creativity, infrastructure, and productivity for short term gains where unfortunately a majority of the non-thinking public went along with it. Whatever happens next I know will be horrific, but I'm also beyond the point of caring as this failed state gets exactly what it deserves. :feelsjuice:

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  • Leonid Slutsky, the chair of Russia’s State Duma Committee on International Affairs and leader of the LDPR (Liberal Democratic Party of Russia), called the recommendations on security guarantees published by the President’s Office of Ukraine an "escalation"; he also threatened Ukraine's Western partners with a conflict with "nuclear Russia".

  • Medvedev said: "By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed, by the fire and smoke and sulphur coming out of their mouths" (Rev. 9:18).
Wouldn't it be interesting if humanity the single species striving for peace, love, egalitarianism, equality, freedom, and democracy ended up destroying itself along with the entire planet in nuclear hellfire? And if that ends up being the case, what would that say for all of our so called most cherished held ideals?

:feelsEhh: :feelsdevil:
Looking into my orb I see the DOW [DJIA] Index struggling today, it doesn't know what direction to go because in reality no-one knows what the fuck is happening anymore. That's the problem with an entire system compounded with outright lies, deceptions, falsities, and deceits everywhere, it is a very chaotic one. Eventually chaos is let loose everywhere consuming everything in its path.... :feelsjuice:
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Looking into my orb I see the DOW [DJIA] Index struggling today, it doesn't know what direction to go because in reality no-one knows what the fuck is happening. That's the problem with an entire system compounded with outright lies, deceptions, and deceits, it is a very chaotic one. Eventually chaos is let loose everywhere.... :feelsjuice:
View attachment 655585

And this Jew b*tch started it all, poking the Bear first in Afghanistan trying to wear Russia down.

B89584CF BF8B 42FF A7AA 451E17A821CA
It's because the propaganda of feminism is so engrained in all western intellectual thought where a majority of men culturally is seen as being sacrificial, disposable, and not necessary in existing at all. And of course the global elites are just fine with this concerning their depopulation cult of human culling.

[Less men married, breeding, or reproducing is good to them. If they can make a majority of men miserable and suicidal that is merely a net gain for their ambitions showing that they're working. If a majority of men were to die tomorrow that would coincide with their overall plans for the future.]

When it comes down to it, one has to wonder if the disposable, sacrificial, and those who are deemed in majority not necessary [males] are privileged at all, how anybody of any intellectual honesty can surmise a majority of males are privileged is beyond me. It is the most ridiculous mental sentiment of this era. :feelsjuice:

honestly I don't understand elite logic, not like they can replace the disposable normies right away and not have it effect their lives...
most elites probably can't even tie their shoe laces.

I know they don't have the tech ready for robot to replace manpower, fun fact it currently takes a computer that takes up an entire floor of a house to emulate a mouse/rat brain which is way inferior to human one. I can't begin to think about the processing required to emulate/replicate human level thinking. power source is another problem, battery tech is shit
honestly I don't understand elite logic, not like they can replace the disposable normies right away and not have it effect their lives...
most elites probably can't even tie their shoe laces.

I know they don't have the tech ready for robot to replace manpower, fun fact it currently takes a computer that takes up an entire floor of a house to emulate a mouse/rat brain which is way inferior to human one. I can't begin to think about the processing required to emulate/replicate human level thinking. power source is another problem, battery tech is shit
It's very easy to understand when you know they're ego driven maniacs, they believe in a world that they have all to themselves where they exist in total domination, in order to have that world they must eliminate everybody else who they view as their inferiors. They believe that they're chosen, destined, and in the role to inherit the entire earth for themselves only. These are the kinds of people we're dealing with, all of us men spanning all races and ethnicities globally. :feelsjuice:
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