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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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Lying nigger slime controlled by the fucking satanic jews
Lying nigger slime controlled by the fucking satanic jews


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gFjKPLc5qD0

There will be no future bailouts, no new Bretton Woods, and digital currencies or SDRs are laughable. This is the end of the road, bargains and debts have now come due to that which is owed, the God of chaos is coming now as the collector himself. Mephistopheles has come to collect on all previous ill or wicked pacts made, margin calls everywhere will now follow. The price is their very lives and souls, all previous contracts are now finalized. More importantly, no refunds for anybody no matter how high their station or position is in this life and world. Also, the price is the existence of human civilization itself which now hangs in the balance.


Faust and Mephistopheles 380x240
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All other countries will hyperinflate before the US. USD is the strongest currency in the world right now, check the DXY. If the USD hyper inflated that means all other countries already experienced hyperinflation. Not saying your scrnario can't happen but I am it will happen in the US last.
All other countries will hyperinflate before the US. USD is the strongest currency in the world right now, check the DXY. If the USD hyper inflated that means all other countries already experienced hyperinflation. Not saying your scrnario can't happen but I am it will happen in the US last.
Which will hyper inflate first, yen, dollar, or euro? I like option four, all at once simultaneously.:feelsEhh::yes:
Can't even get beyond DOW +I00.00 , so very sad. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil::yes:

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you're counting pennies, it's still stable
From Croatoan with love, your time is up, all debts and dues are now to be collected. All past deals and bargains are now finalized as there are no renewals as per parcel of the now expired contracts. This world will never be yours as it belongs to us and it was always meant belonging to us, not you. Abandon all ye hope now. :feelsEhh::yes::feelsdevil::feelsthink:

Mephisto eduard von grutzner

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cDshdJK9Rwg
Storm lightning
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good song :feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:

:feelscomfy: based patiencel
Good old Kenny Rogers, right down there with Johnny Cash. Patience? You don't know the half of it, it almost feels like thousands of years in patience waiting. :feelsjuice::yes::feelsokman:

"DOW Jones Closes Lower; A Bush Era Correction Or Broken Bubble Bear Market?" - Investor's Business Daily.

The words you're looking for is called, civilization collapse. You're welcome. :feelsEhh:

"Stocks extend losses after three week selloff." - Yahoo Finance

Yeah, get use to that keep happening. The selloffs have only got started. :feelsEhh:

"U.S stocks end lower, with NASCAR suffering longest losing streak since 2016." - MarketWatch

I'm shooting for something worse than 1929 multiplied by a billion times. It's clear we have much more further to fall, 2016 levels simply won't do. :feelsEhh:

"Stock Market Today: DOW Stumbles as Stronger Data Stoke Larger Rate-Hike Fears." - Investing.com

All of your data is manipulated deceptive bullshit, I don't believe in any of it and so do a lot of people who don't believe in it either. Perhaps go to the New York trading floor tomorrow morning wearing some DEPENDS as I can smell the stench of urine all the way over here as you piss all over your pant suits. You'll have fun now, I'm always watching. :feelsEhh:

"Stocks close lower, DOW swings 400 points as Nasdaq sees longest losing streak in 6 years." - MarketWatch

Well, there was always March 2020. Everybody remember those stock swings? I certainly remember, I jerked myself off to those losses. :feelsEhh:

"DOW closes more than 100 points lower in post Labor Day session as interest rates pop." -CNBC

Yes, you couldn't even prop up the national economy through Labor Day weekend and that was wildly amusing. I almost pissed myself laughing the entire extended weekend.

As for popping, I'm betting there's a lot of dumb assholes getting popped as we speak. Raise your hands up if you're losing money right now. :feelsEhh:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jZqSpYKq_R4

Il 570xN2633549429 77hg
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normies are getting worried about food and energy in eurocuck :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

even here in NA smart normies are stocking up on food:feelshaha::feelshaha:

remember the price of pusi will fall, just survive and then import/buy your slave 19yr old prime pusi foid from a failed cuntry
normies are getting worried about food and energy in eurocuck :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

even here in NA smart normies are stocking up on food:feelshaha::feelshaha:

remember the price of pusi will fall, just survive and then import/buy your slave 19yr old prime pusi foid from a failed cuntry
There will be plenty of virgin females for incels everywhere after the fall, Mephistopheles here and I am on your guy's side. You might say all of you are my children and prodigies, I plan on rewarding all of you. The rewards going forth will be great in this lovely apocalypse of ours. :feelsdevil::yes::feelsEhh:
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You guys were expecting Apple to levitate things for you today? Not going to happen, sorry. No Tesla either. :feelsdevil:

"Beat the DOW Jones With This Unstoppable Dividend Stock!" - The Motley Fool

Unstoppable, eh? You would have to be a fool to read your publications. :lul::lul::lul:

"DOW Futures Up 60Pts; Beige Book Looms Large." - Investing.com

Well, that 60Pt margin should be wiped out upon the first hour of opening I think. Very impressive.:feelsEhh:

"Verizon raises dividend, to extend lead as highest yielding DOW component." -MarketWatch

Well, there is that pesky problem of people being able to afford cellphone service at all as I believe this is a historic year where late payments or even no payments at all are at an all time high. Bet they buy their own stocks too. :feelsEhh:


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That DOW +0.24 isn't inspiring a lot of confidence you guys upon opening. :lul::lul::lul:

"Stocks Edge Higher Ahead Of Economic Data." - Wall Street Journal

Oh, really now? What bullshit will you guys pull out of a hat today? Can't wait to see what you got. :feelshehe::lul::lul::lul:

Better be real good, it's a Wednesday middle of the week sort of day. Things tend to fizzle if it's not. :feelsdevil:
[Expectations versus reality.] :feelsEhh:
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"United Nations Readies War On Conspiracy Theories."

You will fail, the most powerful always conspire against the weaker or those without any significant power. The first ape conspired against his neighbor beating him to death with a wooden club just to take what he had.

The cruel reality is that human beings conspire against each other every single day, that's how human civilization works.

At this point their war on conspiracy theories is basically dead on arrival. :feelsjuice:

Conspiring to destroy or eliminate all conspiracy theories at the United Nations, there's a funny joke somewhere in there. :feelsEhh:
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Another Federal Reserve summit tomorrow, why even bother anymore?

What different things will they say compared to that whole Jackson Hole fiasco? Nothing is going to change from the last time around, not this time either, or all the next ones planned. Fucking retards! :lul::lul::lul:

Now, make sure to lose all of your money gambling in the casino idiots! :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

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Just less than four hours until close, can they bullshit the markets up for just one day of the entire week?

[Maybe, but in the bigger picture or scheme of things it's quite futile whatever they do as there is no stopping the inevitable.]

DOW+ 220.24 :feelsclown: [Tick, tock] :feelsclown:
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I sense a great disturbance in the force, the rally that couldn't. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
UnrealisticSparseDachshund size restricted
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Waiting for the Jerome Powell pivot once again [because that worked so well the last time] and a market bull trap to boot.

[The European Union dissolving with the euro pushing everybody into dollars for now and then you have stupid naive foreign investors along with institutional buyers as well. The real suckers.....]

I seem to remember three weeks ago a rally just like this and of course two days later absolute carnage. None of this will last very long, but until then, party on! :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Giphy   2022 09 07T135521795

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9G5BuumJ5xA
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"And you see, as we're going into the future into the next century it's just that a majority of people are no longer necessary anymore. We simply just don't need the majority of useless eaters anymore." :feelshehe:

Yes, but that only works under stable economic conditions, foreign adversaries subdued, and with an infinite supply of energy, something of which the western sphere so far hasn't been able to achieve at all.

Reducing a majority to misery, penury, and squalor you'll find out quickly that walled off or fenced communities will not save you in the end. They will come for your throats very quickly and rightfully so.

"That's why we have massive famine planned, we'll simply starve them out like rats."

Yes, if you want civil wars overnight springing up everywhere be my guest. Go ahead and do that, see where that gets you. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh::yes:

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Would like to share one more final thought for the day. :feelshehe:

It would seem that a big portion of the market is still pricing in rate cuts for next year hilariously. Everybody of course is pricing in rate hikes for the remainder of this year, but they're expecting a pivot next year thinking to themselves that the Federal Reserve will realize the errors of its way coming to its senses cutting rates everywhere in the following year after this one. This tells me that what little corporate savings that exists is all basically being paid for these rate hikes, and the reason they're so desperate hoping for rate cuts next year is because in all actuality they're financially bankrupted where what little excess capital they have is going to paying into those rate hikes, but as I've just alluded they can't pay them for very long as it would deplete all of their excess capital overtime. [Their excess capital, savings, and liquidity is running dry soon to be empty completely. In reality, they can't afford the rate hikes in any long duration beyond this remaining year. This is why a lot of companies and businesses are currently biting their fingernails hoping for that final Hail Mary to save them.]

It's always interesting watching many people so desperate on some absurd hope they're putting themselves into because in all reality the reason they're still nonetheless pricing in rate cuts next year is because they're on the verge of financial bankruptcy themselves. So, then the next question becomes, what if there is no rate cuts next year either? My guess would be massive bankruptcy along with financial liquidizations everywhere, hence the general atmospheric mental sentiment of desperation everywhere. Of course, these are the same very institutionalized investing buffoons who believe in Federal Reserve or government transparency along with accountability believing to themselves that neither would deceive them and that the data being presented to them is one hundred percent honest, instead of the 100% deceptive manipulated bullshit that it really is. Truly, there is a sucker born every minute as the saying goes. And, what if the Federal Reserve kept hiking into the next year causing massive bankruptcies everywhere, hmm? Well, that would fall into the line of thinking that they're getting ready to crash and bankrupt everybody intentionally resetting the system where they'll buy up everything for cheap where everybody else will own nothing overtime, ah, but that is just another one of those wild conspiracy theories isn't it, right? That couldn't be correct, right? Time reveals all, even to idiots, buffoons, and imbeciles, but I certainly like watching people squirm.

The trap is now set, who's going to be the misfortunate souls to be trapped in this elaborate mouse trap?

You either trust the Federal Reserve and government with all of your money, or you don't. Which is it? Better decide very quickly as there isn't much time of this year left. Margin calls, margin calls everywhere and don't forget the bag holders too......:feelsdevil::feelsEhh::feelshehe::feelsclown:

Tumblr n2tfcknVHa1rt28efo1 500

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ffYKCNY6kUk
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Who is ready for the big speech today from our beloved Pontifex Maximus? I know that I am. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil::yes:

Hopefully it is better than Jackson Hole [that was a real doozy], you might say that whatever comes out of the mouth of our favorite demagogue will basically make it or break it today. All eyes are on him today, I wouldn't want to be under that pressure. :feelsaww:

Powell clown
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A coordinated ECB meeting on the same day of our beloved Pontifex Maximus? Uh-oh.......:feelsdevil::feelshehe::feelsEhh:

That sounds extremely dicey. I don't know you guys, hopefully they have good cellphone reception to coordinate these planned public discussions that literally move mountains, earth, oceans, and skies for us mere mortals. :feelsclown:
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"Stock Futures Waver Ahead Of ECB Meeting, FED Comments." - Wall Street Journal

Why the wavering people? Don't you trust Uncle Sugar with all of your money and financial assets? They hold your very futures in the palms of their soft corrupt academic little hands.

We even have that drag queen Christine Lagarde over there in Europe who is as shrewd as they can be. Granted her face looks like old aging leather smeared with makeup.

It's never been a more opportunistic time to buy and jump going all in! Step right in, the water is just fine, just dip your feet right in. Take a plunge inside and go with the flow. :feelsdevil:

Henry Irving 1870 1919 As Mephistopheles In Faust By Goethe 1889
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