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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ili0mut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

I don't care about money and soon all of the money in this nation will be worthless which helps me not care even more.

Soon everybody will be broke as the money will have no value whatsoever and after that it will just be people fighting over the leftover resources, stockpiles, and commodities afterward. Yes, I'm a homeless, broke, and penniless man, I make no secret about this in concealment, guess what, I survive just fine even still. :feelsEhh:

[And not by being dumb either.]

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ilim43m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Because I'm ex military.

Because I've worked every bullshit job in this nation within a span of twenty years from the east coast to the west coast. I have shoveled shit in multiple states everywhere that I've lost count.

Because I've lived in the wilderness before on many occasions. I've hunted, fished, trapped, and foraged more times than I've lost count.

Because I've been homeless off and on over twenty years virtually everywhere as I like to travel around.

Oh, and despite all of that mentioned above I like video games too, but according to you all video gamers are a bunch of sad looking nerds that don't know anything about surviving at all. Ah well, what do I know, right? :feelsEhh:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/iljuu99/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Yeah, because every little sexy bitch is banging down on the doors of the dudes that are a McDonald's cashiers, restaurant dishwashers, or Wal-Mart store greeters, am I right? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, only stupid morons view women as anything else other than being the vaginal capitalist gold diggers that they really are. Money, status, influence, occupation, dominance, and physical looks is all that shallow cunts really care about where you can gaslight me with all the romantic shit written by a majority of women over the years where you aren't convincing me or a majority of men a damn thing. Women have revealed themselves for what they really are and more and more men are coming to the realization of exactly what they only care about. We live in the same reality it's just that we think your description of it is total bullshit for which it is. :feelsdevil:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/iliq20z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Yeah, it's the men's fault! The government along with a whole host of various corporations only outsourced or destroyed all the good paying jobs reducing a majority of men to bullshit minimum wage service jobs that don't hardly pay anything where now with inflation a man has to work two to three bullshit jobs just to provide for himself, prospects for a wife and family not even included. As usual these sort of economic or cultural extrapolations are written and spoken by the privileged members of society who know nothing about real struggle. I don't need economic financial lessons from a bunch of insulated, coddled, and spoiled bourgeois fuckwads. You hate the working class, none of you really care about the working class, and you especially don't care about the lower ranks of working class men whatsoever. Go fuck yourselves! :feelsEhh:

I understand the homeless world to day the least
Did you know Hitler was also homeless before ww1
I understand the homeless world to day the least
Did you know Hitler was also homeless before ww1
Yes I do, but I'm no Hitler. I think of myself more as a spirit of chaos and a trickster. :feelsEhh:

The homeless situation within the United States is spiraling out of control despite what the media pundits say and I'm right in the middle of it everyday. :feelsjuice:
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Hilarious cope
Despite everything the last three years skeptics still persist amazingly, it deeply amuses me. We shall just have to wait and see who is right or wrong on this, won't we? :feelsEhh:
A preview of Monday morning::feelsEhh:

What will it be Mr. Jerome Powell? Can you promise not to cornhole us all again today like you just did at Jackson Hole? :feelsdevil:
Ezgifcom gif maker 15


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FzC8h5FVyiE
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Falling birthrate women's standards too hgh. I call it the 6'6. 6 feet 6 figure or most women won't give men a chance
"Caution: September is historically a dismal month for stocks." - CNN

Just how dismal will it get this September in our raised rates post- covid road to World War III environment? :feelsEhh::feelsdevil::feelsclown::feelsaww:

Ares god of war

Ezgifcom gif maker 16
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massive respect for the thread
PPT working overtime today, but we still have all the rest of this week and our time is endless within our idleness. Sooner or later something is going to break and there won't be any putting Humpty Dumpty back together again. All the king's horses and all the king's men going to be extremely flat broke. :feelsEhh::yes::feelsdevil:

Joker money
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ACCELERATE. Burn all this fucking shit, fuck the world
as much as I want the US to collapse, unfortunately ZOGmerica will continue to imperialize and create more puppet states until the jews conquer everything. and then the world would have to pay their taxes to pissrael
Pay for that electric. Rents sky high. Homeless increase.

Water war nearing. Starving grannies feeling the freeze.

View: https://youtu.be/R5h4qexgw8E

They're trying to collapse the E.U. and the euro purposely buying the dollar some more time with the euro's demise. With a collapsed E.U. it could then be incorporated into a federation of territories under Washington D.C. direct control rather than Brussels. :feelsjuice:
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Every government in the world has an internet kill switch, they can shut it off whenever they feel like it. :feelsjuice:
yup normies are too retarded to know that
expect a lot of foids to have mental breakdowns as their ig friends/simps are suddenly not available anymore

there is a somewhat decent :redpill: guy named coach greg Adams, he's been talking about the global meltdown and upcoming bad times for years.
he calls it barbarian at the gates

as much as I want the US to collapse, unfortunately ZOGmerica will continue to imperialize and create more puppet states until the jews conquer everything. and then the world would have to pay their taxes to pissrael
no :feelshaha::feelshaha: decline has been happening for years to decades. no empire stays at the top forever. us will go down.

might not happen this year or next but will happen before 2030. its why they called great reset 2030
they also expect 47% of foids to be single and worthless by 2030
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yup normies are too retarded to know that
expect a lot of foids to have mental breakdowns as their ig friends/simps are suddenly not available anymore

there is a somewhat decent :redpill: guy named coach greg Adams, he's been talking about the global meltdown and upcoming bad times for years.
he calls it barbarian at the gates

no :feelshaha::feelshaha: decline has been happening for years to decades. no empire stays at the top forever. us will go down.

might not happen this year or next but will happen before 2030. its why they called great reset 2030
they also expect 47% of foids to be single and worthless by 2030
A fellow orb reader I see. :feelsEhh::yes::feelsokman::blackpill:

Give it up PPT, you've been at it all morning and you still can't even get a net positive. Just let the pieces fall wherever they may be, oh, I forgot that we don't do free markets anymore. :lul::lul::lul::feelskek:

Sharon tate pretty
Looks like Iraq is about to become the new Afghanistan, all that Iraqi oil going to China and Russia if that happens.:feelswhere:

Bye-bye Baghdad consulate.:feelsaww:

Looks like all we got left is that stolen oil from Syria for now. Should Iraq become another Afghanistan look forward to gasoline prices going up huge very quickly. :feelsEhh:

Also, there is this currently. Brent Crude Oil +3.92 [+3.88%] :feelsdevil:

Confused john travolta
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You know, I must reflect of how the times have changed twenty plus years having witnessed it all, it has all gone something like this.:feelsEhh:


"Just be a sensitive guy and try to be romantic. Be a good listener and she'll think you're a nice catch. Just be yourself."


"Your problem is just bad game man, ever get into that PUA shit? Nice guys finish last don't you know. You need to become a hustling player son!"

2016- 2022 [Present time]

Guys everywhere in unison: "Fuck this shit, let it all burn. I can't stand these cunt ass bitches, I'm praying for societal collapse everywhere."

Yeah, the times are definitely changing. :feelsdevil::lul::lul::lul::blackpill::feelskek:

166181287968546246 1

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IdwoyQNUum0
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We can't lose all that Iraqi oil with the Iraqi insurgents being helped out by Tehran, let's float an idea of Iranian military invasion plans with the Israelis, surely that will do the trick of propping up this dead horse of petrodollar empire, right? Can we get the Saudis on the other line, yes, or no? :feelsclown::feelsEhh:

[I bet the Chinese and Russians will really like that.] :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:

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starting to think it might actually be the start of the habbening we're witnessing. Just hoping it's not false alarm #999

3 beta males will combine resources to have one Stacy foid
The Becky's and below with be doing ass to mouth for a can a spam or be turned over to the rape gangs once society collapses (in a video game only)
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