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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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DOW +47.61

"S&P 500 rises as Wall Street seeks cues from the Federal Reserve at Jackson [UWSL]Hole." -[/UWSL][UWSL]CNBC[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Translation: "Our dicks are in a real ringer here and we're really hoping the Federal Reserve bails out our dumb asses as we really don't know what to do." But, but, I thought DOW Futures were rising? Say it isn't so, I just can't understand it. :feelsdevil:[/UWSL]

Outdoor whipping breast

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n3gEZyr7KLU
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Yesterday's last hours gains caught even me by surprise, still, if it was a bull trap they usually do catch people by surprise. So, was yesterday a bull trap in anticipation of Jackson Hole where everybody today is going to get Cornholed? Let's find out. :feelsEhh:

No matter what happens today it is practically known everywhere they can't keep this up forever, although with me watching all of this since 2007 [almost fifteen years now] it almost seems like forever. :feelsdevil:

KeenSillyFeline size restricted
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All I want is a complete societal collapse becuase I dont want to wageslaving anymore tbh
Federal puppet: We will be responsible and not print fake moneys


JFL at the modern "markets"
All of this week's gains so far wiped out, bleed you motherfuckers, bleed. I laugh at all of you. :feelsEhh:

Will ferrell demon
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Federal puppet: We will be responsible and not print fake moneys


JFL at the modern "markets"
All it is at this point is a rigged negative feedback loop controlled by computer algorithms and microprocessors.:feelsjuice::yes:
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All it is at this point is a rigged negative feedback loop controlled by computer algorithms and microprocessors. :feelsjuice:
They still react to the humans, though they might to a greater extent just scrape news off the web these days
They still react to the humans, though they might to a greater extent just scrape news off the web these days
Their artificial manipulations, safe guards, and containment systems are failing, I just love seeing it. Masters of the universe going to find out that in reality they're masters of nothing at all. :feelsEhh::yes:
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Would be nice if we got a DOW -1000.00/ -2000.00 today. :feelsjuice::yes:

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I have high hopes for next week, I wish to see DOW - 5000.00 daily.:feelsEhh: Until then......:feelsdevil::yes:
Vampire halloween
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I got Cornholed at Jackson Hole, that's how I'll always remember today's financial market moves. :lul::lul::lul::feelsEhh::yes:
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Ask Tasha Yar about the rape gangs on her planet
This was the scene of the bull market traders by the end of today, very ugly. You might say it was a bull slaughterhouse financially today, so sad.:lul::lul::lul::feelsEhh::yes:
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American capitalism is nothing more that a free masonic zionist swindle to destroy whites and Christianity as a whole
When is the collaspe I've been waiting since February:feelsrope:
American capitalism is nothing more that a free masonic zionist swindle to destroy whites and Christianity as a whole

Don't be silly. They don't require anyone's help to do that.
When is the collaspe I've been waiting since February:feelsrope:
By my own current estimations, sometime between the end of this September or by early November, no later than next summer but I'll be surprised if we even make it to that. [I don't think we will personally.] :feelsjuice::yes::blackpill:
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Water Companies could be a cash cow.

The first thing they're going to do in a post collapse America is weaponized food, water, and other basic staples or commodities. We're going to see medieval levels of violence everywhere to be sure, bank on it. :feelsjuice: :yes::blackpill:
People have gone full luny and still investigating in stocks and crypto
Crypto as far as I'm concerned are Dutch Tulip Bulbs in digital electronic form. Hard tangible assets are the only thing that matters. :feelsjuice:

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By my own current estimations, sometime between the end of this September or by early November, no later than next summer but I'll be surprised if we even make it to that. [I don't think we will personally.] :feelsjuice::yes::blackpill:

Kinda happy
Yeh I saw they are gathering up food, energy and water sectors

All the essential in control
American capitalism is nothing more that a free masonic zionist swindle to destroy whites and Christianity as a whole
To be sure they want to destroy White Europeans no doubt, however, they want to destroy all races, ethnicities, cultures, and nations of people equally. They view everybody as human cattle, they themselves don't view things under the lens of any specific race or ethnicity, they only see managed livestock. Human livestock to be preserved, worked, or culled. :feelsjuice: :yes::blackpill:
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Kinda happy
Yeh I saw they are gathering up food, energy and water sectors

All the essential in control
They will attempt to starve people in hunger under the boot of submission or death, to this I have no doubts in my mind. :feelsjuice:
Imagine a society that for several decades where women have called a majority of men losers, under achievers, worthless, no good, and that we all would be better off dead. Now imagine that same society on the verge of an existential collapse and the mental disposition of a majority of men that women have left in reckless abandonment with shit eating grins on all of their faces knowing exactly what's coming. That's where we're at currently. :feelsjuice:

Welcome to the global grand finale that is the mass apocalypse of ClownWorld bitches, our final destination and conclusion is just right around the corner on that future horizon. With that a new game is coming to every town, city, locale, and nation state around the world. Sit tight and buckle up your seat belts girls, it's going to be a very nasty ride. :feelsclown:

For years they would outsource all the good paying jobs for a majority of men reducing us to poverty, penury, wage slavery, homelessness, and horrific lives of despair to which we have had no livelihoods of our own for ourselves. Those of us who couldn't cope would die suicides in that despair and still others on violent public sprees against others over the many years.

You terrorized, insulted, mocked, ridiculed, ignored, and trivialized us for several decades, but you see from the very beginning we knew where all of this was going eventually, we knew all of this would end in destructive collapse, and so what many of us chose to do instead is sit back waiting patiently in silence surviving in the shadows for the inevitable all these years where now we're on the very beginning cusp of. We also took the time to watch, learn, observe, and find out a great deal of information waiting patiently in our misery about the entire world around us, constant idleness breeds boredom and out of boredom individuals start asking a lot of questions concerning the reality around them. Over the many years or decades we've learned a great deal.

Because of such our information wars have been most successful in years past and present, where always our thoughts of collective vengeance guide us for our lives that has been constantly robbed. It really isn't hard, you make it practically easy for us with all your logical errors, inconsistencies, contradictions, and various hypocrisies, that's how entirely mentally inept all of you really are. All we have to do is simply point them out publicly time and time again. It's choresome and tedious but we nonetheless do it anyways. :feelsEhh:


First time
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By my own current estimations, sometime between the end of this September or by early November, no later than next summer but I'll be surprised if we even make it to that. [I don't think we will personally.] :feelsjuice::yes::blackpill:
Dm me for when shit is going down :feelsokman:
Oh no, they found me again, what will I ever do? :feelsEhh:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/i_cant_believe_women_dont_want_to_date_men_who/

It's time to go through some hate mail once again, I always like doing this. They're so terrible at conversational exchanges or anything they don't ideologically align themselves with personally. :feelsdevil:

BountifulHoarseCatfish size restricted

Let's see here......:feelsaww:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ilhb2a6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Of course not dummy, everybody will be at everybody's throat in one giant free for all but we don't really care because we hate this society anyways wanting it destroyed and the opportunity to see you all suffer immensely is just something we would like to see along with enjoying for ourselves. Of course men will be fighting men, who said that wouldn't happen? Going to be lots of different groups of men fighting each other and over women, it will be a horrific chaotic display of general human depravity everywhere. :feelsEhh:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/iliqdh6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

This stereotype gets old, that all incels are men living with their parents and such. The truth of the matter is that we're from all economic, ethnic, age, and life demographic backgrounds, something of which they refuse to acknowledge because it's more comfortable that way for them in their mental delusions. Incels are everywhere and we walk amongst you everyday in virtually all segments of society.

Also, many incels like myself come from the extremely poor segments of society, you know, those people especially men you condemn daily that nobody likes talking about in public discourse because it would disclose how much of a bullshit fraud nation like the U.S. has become. Something of which you neoliberals don't like discussing as you prefer your social utopian fantasies of the U.S. instead. Most of you know absolutely nothing about the lower segments of society whatsoever as I suspect a majority of you are either bourgeois or wealthy, the only people who can still afford the massive luxury of such held delusions. If however you want to keep underestimating us, we like that. Please keep that up. :feelsEhh:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ilhoafa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Where have I talked about hurting anybody personally or directly? I know the laws extremely well which is why I'm very careful what I say or don't say. No, this thread is just me making predictions of what I think will happen in the future with my giant magical crystal ball. Of course I must be crazy because your mainstream political propaganda programming that you follow is telling everyone that everything is fine, that this economy is the greatest it has ever been, and that at some point the U.S. will go to war with Russia or China emerging victorious on the other side after World War III. So, if I'm wrong about my predictions where I'm just this crazy guy, what do you have to worry about? Why do you seem worried?

As for treason, the U.S. government commits enough treason against American citizens everyday. I would laugh at anybody accusing me of treason. You're such a silly little bitch and cunt. :feelsEhh:
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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ilhhlx6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

You sir will be eating crow very soon, and I hope you took the five booster shots for covid like the little idiot that you are.

Economic ruin is coming and all you morons, buffoons, or plain silly cunts deserve everything you get. You too shall experience what it is like being reduced to a life of nothingness where I will enjoy all of your sublime tears. You will finally figure out what it's like being on the other side of things in the worst way possible. :feelsdevil:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ilivb0m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Male haves<Male have nots

It's called superior numbers of what happens when you reduce a majority of male lives to ruin, despair, and poverty. Those male have nots will organize out of necessity just to survive. :feelsEhh:
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Won't be any major collapse or food shortage for at least 1 more year
the world will still be here in ten years
May the Lord God smash zog babylon asap
Won't be any major collapse or food shortage for at least 1 more year
the world will still be here in ten years
May the Lord God smash zog babylon asap
Food shortages next year, economic collapse in a year or less. :feelsjuice:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ili0mut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

I don't care about money and soon all of the money in this nation will be worthless which helps me not care even more.

Soon everybody will be broke as the money will have no value whatsoever and after that it will just be people fighting over the leftover resources, stockpiles, and commodities afterward. Yes, I'm a homeless, broke, and penniless man, I make no secret about this in concealment, guess what, I survive just fine even still. :feelsEhh:

[And not by being dumb either.]

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/ilim43m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Because I'm ex military.

Because I've worked every bullshit job in this nation within a span of twenty years from the east coast to the west coast. I have shoveled shit in multiple states everywhere that I've lost count.

Because I've lived in the wilderness before on many occasions. I've hunted, fished, trapped, and foraged more times than I've lost count.

Because I've been homeless off and on over twenty years virtually everywhere as I like to travel around.

Oh, and despite all of that mentioned above I like video games too, but according to you all video gamers are a bunch of sad looking nerds that don't know anything about surviving at all. Ah well, what do I know, right? :feelsEhh:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/iljuu99/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Yeah, because every little sexy bitch is banging down on the doors of the dudes that are a McDonald's cashiers, restaurant dishwashers, or Wal-Mart store greeters, am I right? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, only stupid morons view women as anything else other than being the vaginal capitalist gold diggers that they really are. Money, status, influence, occupation, dominance, and physical looks is all that shallow cunts really care about where you can gaslight me with all the romantic shit written by a majority of women over the years where you aren't convincing me or a majority of men a damn thing. Women have revealed themselves for what they really are and more and more men are coming to the realization of exactly what they only care about. We live in the same reality it's just that we think your description of it is total bullshit for which it is. :feelsdevil:

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/wvsmkt/comment/iliq20z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Yeah, it's the men's fault! The government along with a whole host of various corporations only outsourced or destroyed all the good paying jobs reducing a majority of men to bullshit minimum wage service jobs that don't hardly pay anything where now with inflation a man has to work two to three bullshit jobs just to provide for himself, prospects for a wife and family not even included. As usual these sort of economic or cultural extrapolations are written and spoken by the privileged members of society who know nothing about real struggle. I don't need economic financial lessons from a bunch of insulated, coddled, and spoiled bourgeois fuckwads. You hate the working class, none of you really care about the working class, and you especially don't care about the lower ranks of working class men whatsoever. Go fuck yourselves! :feelsEhh:
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Every time I read Redditor comments directed solely towards me. Opinions, perspectives, and beliefs entirely discarded. :feelsEhh:


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