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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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Maybe I can make a quick buck on a market bounce next week
Don't hold your breath.
And they thought stocks would go up again because the rate hikes were "priced in" :feelshaha::feelshaha:
The rate hikes were a piss in the wind compared to the real inflation percentage that hasn't been revised by the government politburo. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
Don't hold your breath.

The rate hikes were a piss in the wind compared to the real inflation percentage that hasn't been revised by the government politburo. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
yup, it's nice to finally see some effects of the batshit Fed rates of the past 13 years
yup, it's nice to finally see some effects of the batshit Fed rates of the past 13 years
I've been watching twenty years or so, just glad I don't have any grey hairs yet. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelsclown:
800px Nuremberg chronicles   Dance of Death CCLXIIIIv
In case of global collapse foids will just chase chads from countries where collapse gave not happened. And suck their dicks.

Being food is the ultimate bonus in case of any unrest.

Your skills and degree mean up until the point where there's market for them. Your hard work might be outpriced by 3 world countries.

Cunt is eternal. There's nothing for which demand is steadier. People exchange gold for bread during famine and blue chips worth nothing if your country is being bombed. But cunt is different. Yes foids won't be able to buttshake for thousands of dollars on onlyfans, but rest assured they'll get a meal and a roof only because they're fuckable.
In case of global collapse foids will just chase chads from countries where collapse gave not happened. And suck their dicks.

Being food is the ultimate bonus in case of any unrest.

Your skills and degree mean up until the point where there's market for them. Your hard work might be outpriced by 3 world countries.

Cunt is eternal. There's nothing for which demand is steadier. People exchange gold for bread during famine and blue chips worth nothing if your country is being bombed. But cunt is different. Yes foids won't be able to buttshake for thousands of dollars on onlyfans, but rest assured they'll get a meal and a roof only because they're fuckable.
I'm more optimistic, once western civilization collapses western feminism will die with it. The historical scarred memory of western feminism will however remain fresh inside the minds of men for future generations to come and from it will come a patriarchal tyranny onto women like they've never seen before in history previously where they deserve every single bit of it after what we men have been put through the last eighty odd years. Western feminism was a social experiment, it has failed horribly, we got go back now. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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I'm more optimistic, once western civilization collapses western feminism will die with it. The historical scarred memory of western feminism will however remain fresh inside the minds of men for future generations to come and from it will come a patriarchal tyranny onto women like they've never seen before in history previously where they deserve every single bit of it after what we men have been put through the last eighty odd years. Western feminism was a social experiment, it has failed horribly, we got go back now. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
Nah, my point is about human nature. Has nothing to so with feminism.

Even in the stone age females were much likelier to be spared once group has been defeated by competitors[UWSL]. [/UWSL]
There was no feminism back then.
The New Precepts
S l400

1. As men we do not work or labor without a frequent staple of pussy and female flesh for our own pleasure.
2. As a man a whore and her bastard offspring spawn are not entitled to my financial support for welfare and my contributing taxes.
3. A whore is not entitled to my financial support or taxes for abortions.
4. A woman is not entitled to financial support for education especially if I can't afford an education for myself.
5. As a man my general happiness, livelihood, dignity, security, pleasure, peace of mind, health, and comfort matters, if all of such cannot be provided for I owe society, foids, and the state absolutely nothing at all. I owe nobody my obedience.
6. If I am not given an adequate opportunity for a wife, children, and a family of my own I do not owe the state taxes. I do not owe society my participation or any contributions. I do not owe society or the state my individual labor.
7. I will not work for other men making them richer while every year I grow poorer into poverty, penury, and general homelessness.
8. A woman's individual happiness, security, pleasure, and comfort does not come over that of a man.
9. If these conditions are not met I will make it my full time job to undermine or disrupt society and the state in every kind of way imaginable to the point of absolute total destruction. I will with great joy look to destruction of human civilization, society, and the general human species with great pleasure for myself as a life's mission, the pleasure of watching it all burn.
10. If a new tyranny is implemented by a minority of men at the top of society's pyramid by their mercenary enforcers where a majority of dissenting men cannot eat without slaving away in labor for them and women may human cannibals inherit the entire earth to eat them all.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tejTe3Gu9q4
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Brent Crude Oil 119.8 +1.30 [+1.10%]
Out of gas gas
With just 32 minutes left before stock market opening I'm praying for a Black Friday style event, I think that would just be the most perfect way to end this week. Good morning sirs, and all observing cunts [guests] in attendance.:feelsEhh:

Park shinyang homeless

Chow yun fat a better tomorrow

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RC2qLPJFglQ
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Looks like the electronic digital printers are working overtime this morning within the computer banks, we won't know much until the first hour passes sadly. Still, if it goes low we'll get to play my favorite new game, How Low Can It Go? Also, what would happen if say we reached the 28,000.00 threshold downward in trajectory? Would be a real buzz killer for the few bulls around as they're taken to the slaughterhouse and woodshed. I remain hopeful today as always for total economic collapse. Let it all burn down to smoldering ash to the tears, lamentations, and screaming of everybody.:feelsEhh:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qv2aGHm4SZc
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You know, the worst things in life is where you're forced into waiting for long extended periods of time, I call it the hurry up and wait factor. You can spend an entire lifetime waiting for something and I have. Even after all these years patience is the hardest lesson, it's the hardest thing to acquire maintaining. God damn, I feel antsy today. I think I'm experiencing what's known as patience fatigue. :dafuckfeels:

Bored waiting
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Trying for dear life to hold onto that 29,900.00 range into the weekend I see, motherfuckers. I want my crash now, as in today. Always delaying the inevitable with these assholes. Delay, delay, delay. :feelsjuice:
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its the modern day late romans wanting to keep the feasts & the orgies going.. The normies, foids & chads/world controllers. Theyd rather party for one more day than fix society. All non incels are so fucking evil at this point
We Might as well spice up this thread here waiting idle which I so like to do. Privately inside the U.S. there is 393 million firearms owned and even more ammo I would imagine. As of the last fifteen years the military here have practiced a variety of drills putting down domestic civil insurrections and have purchased 600million plus of hollow point ammunition. [Enough ammunition to kill the entire U.S. population two to three times over nationwide.]

Well, let's do a little walk through here, shall we? United States economically collapses, military imposes martial law, military starts gun fights with civilians or vice versa. Either way it is going to be one hell of a giant bloody party everywhere I like to constantly imagine.

Smiling demon DMID1 5op1qjw7v 480x270
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its the modern day late romans wanting to keep the feasts & the orgies going.. The normies, foids & chads/world controllers. Theyd rather party for one more day than fix society. All non incels are so fucking evil at this point
They're in store for a real treat when they find out just how many miserable angry souls live in their neighborhoods or nearby with dreams of killing them in their sleep. :feelsjuice:
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Not quite the Black Friday or Black Swan event I wanted, but nonetheless the weekend ended in red which feeds my own happiness for the weekend as well. You know what this stock market reminds me of? It reminds me of a flat tire they keep pumping air into, but the tire is also filled with a bunch of holes where no matter how much air they pump in it just keeps leaking out constantly. Stalling out flat stagnant markets.[I wonder what next week will bring.]:feelsdevil:

DOW -38.29
Shinigami scary

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RQRIOKvR2WM
Prepare your anus gif 5

Pink ass spanked very hard

Blog burning money

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It's funny really, the thousandth article complaining about millennials came out yesterday by the American boomer leugenpresse talking about how millennials are leaving the labor workforce in droves and how lazy or apathetic we've become. [Yes, I'm an older millennial by the way.]

You know, I remember when the first anti millennial news article came out in 2003 [19years of generation condemnation total now] just two years before I graduated highschool, anybody who knows how the trickle down socioeconomic wealth system in the U.S. works knows that it is the American boomer who controls a majority of things as the oldest living generation here. All their bullshit articles decrying against millennials just reminds me of a bunch of salty corporate plantation slave owners crying like a bunch of old bitches and bastards that they really are because nobody wants to jump on the hamster wheel working next to nothing under them, yet they have the audacity to act shocked all the same with their fake outrage. As usual, when you know the entire game, score, and system is entirely rigged against you the smartest move is to just no longer play anymore. You can either work owning and having nothing, or you can not work where basically the outcome is virtually the exact same. The entire nation, economy, political body, and government is on the verge of total collapse where these delusional midwit old bastards or bitches are complaining about the younger generations whose futures they largely have stolen over several decades, it's hilarious but also very sad in a pathetic sort of way. In all honesty, the American Boomer can shove their Protestant Work Ethic right up their old decrepit farting assholes, when the collapse comes I'm hoping they're the first to be purged or reduced to eating dog kibble in the streets to fill their starving empty stomachs, the absolute worst mentally inept generation humanity has ever produced where they will go down within infamy as the most hated one which they entirely deserve in my mind. Make your own god damn hamburgers, cut your own grass, transport your own shit, provide your own services, clean your own toilets, and make your own fucking widgets. We're content doing nothing watching your generation's wealth evaporate from the destruction on the sidelines, enjoy motherfuckers.
[Bye-bye retirement, pensions, generational savings, and 401KS.] :feelsjuice:
Giphy 39
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As the United States economy collapses completely where we have food riots, massive starvation of people dropping like flies everywhere in the streets, 50% of the population homeless, civil war, rampant crime everywhere, maybe a world war, and so on as the list is potentially endless for this lovely clusterfuck, one wonders how many family murder suicides there will be with also the frequent layed off employee going violently postal on an employer in the workforce. Oops, I also forgot how many will burn down their own homes or businesses intentionally as well to collect upon insurance claims.

[ I remember the years from 2007-2010 vividly where all these tragic activities came crawling out of the woodwork.]

All in all for arson insurance investigators, funeral embalmers, criminal service investigators, detectives, and the police their workload is going to be quite busy. Let us here in the U.S. salute them for their public services here in soyciety as these poor bastards and cunts are practically going to be overworked to death in the next twelve months. I would say give these public professionals a pay raise as a form of compensation but the problem with that is the money will soon become entirely worthless with a hyperinflated currency crisis. Damn shame really. :feelsdevil:

Tumblr p6tawvOqEe1v08u1wo4 500

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hCh6Vtoed3o
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I see one of the twats at Reddit has taken my vaginal capitalist euphemism description for women as their username and title, oh the irony.

You see, when an economic system crashes or an entire civilization collapses into the ground on a huge dung heap with flies circling around it there is something in a capitalist system known as a market firesale in that damaged goods or commodities are then sold at a heavily discounted price [very cheap price/almost priceless] because of capital destruction. So, what this means for the vaginal capitalist is that $$pussy$$ between her legs is going to get a lot cheaper where it won't be worth very much in the future as it is now. Tick, tock baby cakes, it's over for western feminism of the likes you can't even imagine yet. There's a reason I'm using prepare your anus memes, you bitches are going to get fucked in your tight little assholes hard, The Great Spanking is coming everywhere. I suggest for the coming chaos you all learn some humility opening up your hearts and legs bent over for men. Enjoy yourselves now my little darlings, some serious changes are coming soon. :feelsEhh:

Anybody remember my old username title? "The Price For Pussy Is Too Damn High." Well, the price for pussy is going to become extremely much more cheaper in the nearby future. Say it with me cunts, "Heavily Reduced Sexual Market Price And Value." All sexual financial transactions are now becoming finalized. :feelsdevil::feelskek::feelskek:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LFFcyWGWz14
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Boomers suffering :feelskek:.

View: https://youtu.be/24ZXa7vOdPo

Carriage Services, Inc. provides funeral and cemetery services, and merchandise in the United States.
[UWSL]35.64 USD[/UWSL]
Can you feel it my American brocels? The United States is finally on the edge of collapse, hyperinflation is coming to town and soon we'll even have a good old-fashioned stock market crash along with the death of an entire currency [USD]. And of course, we'll eventually have 75% national unemployment where people will be pissed off, penniless, angry, homeless, and starving in the streets everywhere [millions upon millions of them] along with the global famine that is also being engineered inside the United States or elsewhere. Of course, that assumes our insane government run by psychopaths with a senile dementia-ridden old bastard at the helm doesn't start a war with Russia and China simultaneously which will have an equal or even worse outcome. Can you feel it my American brocels like I can? :feelsdevil: For years they called us crazy or conspiracy theorists and yet we've been right about 75% of all the issues going as far back as 9/11/2001 where the normies will never take that away from us. :feelsclown::feelsEhh:

Now for the foids reading this thread, I want you to sit back and be amazed, I want you to sit there in your chairs for much anticipation of what I am going to write down right now because you will never get another opportunity to hear a message from me directed largely at yourselves after this thread. This is my final warning to you all, but mostly, it's just me sticking my finger in your eyes because I view all of you as lesser inferior beings. :lul::lul::lul:

I have watched all of your so-called progressive western foids, especially inside the United States since 1999 now. I have watched you, studied your behaviors, and have done everything I can to understand your psychology, but more interesting will be your fate upon the collapse of the United States or the collapse of random nation-states in general.

In the late 1990s when farmers were losing their farms and male workers lost their jobs in manufacturing due to job outsourcing or automation I watched as you collectively snubbed your noses at working-class men. As those same displaced working-class men became much poorer forced to exist on lower incomes I watched as you called them losers, peons, nobodies, servants, beasts of burden, and useless wage-slaves.

Then at the height of all this in the mid-2000s [2007-2015], I watched you women have the audacity to proclaim yourselves the most oppressed under male patriarchy as largely male homelessness and joblessness rose exponentially. And even when women started becoming the majority in college campuses or higher learning outnumbering men who were enjoying the street life of being homeless you still had the crazed audacity to call yourselves oppressed. :feelsseriously:

Then with the Covid1984 lockdowns[2021-22], did any of you bitches sympathize with the men that lost their jobs or vulnerable men in the population generally? Fuck no you didn't, you were too busy chasing after wealthy Chads on dating websites or shaking your asses for extra cash on webcam along with the government stimulus money you were receiving. :feelsclown:

It has been an interesting twenty-two to twenty-three years observing you bitches of your awful so-called progressive transformation from women into whatever grotesque things you call yourselves today, but guess what bitches? It's game-over time now, for you see the nation, government, and the entire world is on the verge of total collapse now. You cunts had your twenty-five years of partying, destroying the lives of a majority of men, and sucking the lifeforce out of society by contributing absolutely nothing with your insistence of being responsible for nothing at all. Now the tides are turning, let us explore your future together, shall we?

1. That 55% of men you reduced to inceldom in the last twenty-five years are going to fucking haunt you cunts when the United States finally collapses, imagine 55% of the male population absolutely despising your dumb asses upon total societal collapse, you cunts are in store for some very bad times. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

2. When the economy collapses and the dollar finally dies leaving the entire United States in civil war, smoldering ash, or just violent chaos everywhere we're going to learn the extent of the Potemkin Village that is the United States economy, meaning, it was all a lie, deception, and mirage from the very start.

All those men which is basically the majority of men you have called losers, peons, useless wageslaves, lesser men, not real men, and so on are going to haunt you upon the collapse of the United States because those same very men are going to outnumber you everywhere. We will never forget one-liners like, "I refuse to date a man who doesn't make at least $30,000.00-$40,000.00 a year."

"I refuse to date a man who isn't college educated or doesn't have a degree." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't have a car or vehicle." "I refuse to date a man who doesn't own his own house." And so on..........

Money is going to be useless, you might even say worthless, and as far as the majority of your worthless degrees you have accomplished at the female majority attended college campuses they won't mean shit in societal collapse, over for you it is. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

"But my boyfriend, husband, or their male friends will protect me against you lesser inferior men!" :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Except the disenfranchised, downtrodden, chronically single, and poor men outnumber all your boyfriends, husbands, or their male friends added all together. We outnumber you 15>6.

"We know the country is on the verge of collapse, that's why there are historic sales of guns and ammunition nationwide, we got a bullet with your name on it you filthy incels." :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:

Incels have guns and bullets everywhere, fact. Hell, the entire nation has guns and bullets everywhere, fact. In all honesty, I hope everybody violently kills each other in this bullshit nation in a blood-soaked orgy because that's how much I fucking despise this place. :feelsdevil::feelsaww:

3. When the global famine arrives I'll finally be able to answer the age-old question, how many lost meals will it take for women to suck dick just to survive? :feelsjuice::feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

4. When cities are burning everywhere, when the national capital is on fire, when people are dying in the streets, when people start killing each other everywhere, when people start starving to death everywhere, and when misery fills the air so bad you can't go anywhere without smelling its aroma I want all of you cunts to think about all the men you have written off in the last twenty-five years. Every single guy you've cast out in your lives. Enjoy you fucking cunts, you deserve everything that is coming your way. I hope all you cunts lose everything, we're going to find out what happens in a collapsed society, nation, or country where the majority of men are pissed off impoverished with nothing to lose in life, enjoy you fucking sick bitches. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
Imagine a nation, society, or civilization collapsing into total chaos everywhere where a majority of men everywhere having lost everything. This same majority of men are childless, unmarried, sexually frustrated, and sexually denied by the majority of women everywhere at every turn. This same multi generation majority of men have been told by women how they're a bunch of losers, fools, ugly, stupid, ignorant, evil, disposable, weirdos, too poor, and so on by women for almost seven consecutive decades straight now.

Now, let's take a look at women in this same societal collapse. They lose all their creature comforts, their materialistic luxurious form of living, their social public welfare blanket, their comfy government state office jobs, their entire sense of self worth, their sense of security, virtually everything, and so on.

Upon these women losing everything being emptied into the cold streets, you know, the ones who only a few years ago were complaining about men mansplaining or even manspreading on a subway will go up to those same multi generation of men that for seventy years previously were trying to tear down in every conceivable manner, and what they shall receive in collective reply will be the biggest fuck you of the century to women everywhere. In the end all these safe spaces, culturally triggered, pro government censorship, and overall neoliberal modern women will deserve every bit of it, the epic salty meltdown of your average privileged entitlement cuntbag will be super delicious.

Men everywhere will look at them collectively saying in response, "Why should we help you? Why should we even care about you at all? Why even bother? What do we get out of the arrangement, what will you do for us? If nothing at all, we offer you nothing in return." :feelsdevil:

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Sick of weak incels here on this forum who go on saying: i live in a slavic/latin shithole, so i have to wageslave. No, you can steal, dumpsterdive etc. Fuckers. They are just the same as normies in their mindset. They arent mentalcels, only too ugly to be able to betabux, which they´d do with their wageslave money if they could.

And then theres older boomers on youtube and bitchute saying all need to pitch in, there wont be a collapse, you need to do more (what they mean is work more), as this video:

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Just as tim pool, stefan molyneux & aaron clarey go on about. "GO TO WORK U LAZY GUYS!!!!" Controlled opposition intended to slow down the collapse. Theres no reason whatsoever to work if you havnt first been given a wife and had her give birth to 3 kids to ensure a chance for your genes future.
Get it all.

From the bum on the street to gubbermint services. The candy is mines. And I don’t pay much for fancy foods. That cheesecake was free.

Suffer the masses, including crypto kings going broke.
Get it all.

From the bum on the street to gubbermint services. The candy is mines. And I don’t pay much for fancy foods. That cheesecake was free.

Suffer the masses, including crypto kings going broke.
The hilarity comes from those who think this nation still has any semblance of a future, I love shattering their delusions, the look on their stupid ignorant faces is priceless. And there's so many fucking retards in this nation that it is unreal. :feelsjuice:
Sick of weak incels here on this forum who go on saying: i live in a slavic/latin shithole, so i have to wageslave. No, you can steal, dumpsterdive etc. Fuckers. They are just the same as normies in their mindset. They arent mentalcels, only too ugly to be able to betabux, which they´d do with their wageslave money if they could.

And then theres older boomers on youtube and bitchute saying all need to pitch in, there wont be a collapse, you need to do more (what they mean is work more), as this video:

What they mean by work is slaving away making their old dumb asses more money while you live in a constant state of agonizing poverty with no life and no room for individual advancement, I say fuck all of that.

Let's crash this bitch even faster, every man should stop working, stop paying taxes, buy as little as possible to survive, and financially starve this bitch into the ground. Utilize NEETDOM as a mass movement weapon for men that economically and financially goes for their collective jugular. Hit them where it really hurts, their pocket books, since after all money is their God. If they want to deprive us of our own lives we in return will deprive them of everything including our contributing labor. :feelsjuice:
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why isnt the dow index updating? Its past 15.30pm monday swedish time
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why isnt the dow index updating?
Bullshit new federal government holiday, opens tomorrow morning. I'm however keeping my eyes on FUTURES until tomorrow. :feelsjuice:
Blockade and embargo of Russian Kaliningrad, that's a pretty spicy provocation for World War III.

Would love to know where they're going to get American men to fight their world war considering a majority of us here domestically hate the United States government with a burning passion. They could try a national military draft and it would mean instant civil war overnight. What happens when you create a world war and a majority of the men decide not to show up for it? The ongoing hilarity continues. :feelsjuice:
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The 21st century will be interesting. We have global famine and water shortages approaching. Economic crashes coming to town. Young women genociding 1/3 of the male population. Racial minorities draining the system. World War III just around the corner. Deadly diseases everywhere. Natural disasters in a few years from now. Birth rates below replacement all across the West. This century won't end without a collapse, that's beyond any doubt.
The 21st century will be interesting. We have global famine and water shortages approaching. Economic crashes coming to town. Young women genociding 1/3 of the male population. Racial minorities draining the system. World War III just around the corner. Deadly diseases everywhere. Natural disasters in a few years from now. Birth rates below replacement all across the West. This century won't end without a collapse, that's beyond any doubt.
With any luck it happens within a year so we can salvage some semblance of living afterward, this slow painful grind into oblivion with little to no resistance is the worse kind of fate to live under. It is simply unbearable. :feelsjuice:
Daily reminder to future homeless broke ass Reddit bitches, the Great Spanking is coming and this below will be your future. An incel will paddle or slap your ass red and you will like it being happy. You will share a cubicle shanty shack with an incel becoming his loyal wife and you will be happy afterward. Suck it cunts. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

Blonde getting spanking
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It's up for now, but will it last the next six hours? In fact, will it last until Friday's close? Such is the nature of volatility, things can change in a matter of hours or days. :feelsdevil:
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Predictions for the coming years?
I'm predicting a market crash by the end of this year or early next year. Would love to see one over our current summer, have to wait and see. It's going to happen eventually near future where in this thread I celebrate the demise of the U.S., a nation that I live in which I very much despise. Simple as. :feelsdevil:
I doubt that will happen, however I am not opposed to it happening.
I'm certain it's going to happen, I appreciate healthy skepticism, however, if you understand economic mechanics like I do there is very little doubt that it will happen. :feelsjuice:
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