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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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This topic should be renamed: The Diary of @MarquisDeSade (with some guest appearances)
This topic should be renamed: The Diary of @MarquisDeSade (with some guest appearances)
Diary Of A Failed State And What Happens When You Turn A Majority Of Men Into Penniless Incels When It All Economically Collapses Soon Afterward. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh::feelsclown::feelsBox:
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Diary Of A Failed State And What Happens When You Turn A Majority Of Men Into Penniless Incels When It All Collapses Soon Afterward. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh::feelsclown::feelsBox:
i think that's what the next chapter is :feelsdevil:
Feeling pretty good in mood, temperament, and spirits for the entire weekend, nothing gives me more of a hard on than a close -2000.00 points off the DOW the last two days, but those are rookie numbers where we need to bump that up some more. Here's to -3000.00 DOW Monday morning next week. :feelsdevil:

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How is everybody doing this weekend? Have you maxed out on your credit cards? House foreclosed by the bank? Car repoed? Facing eviction for unpaid rent on the cold streets yet? Layed off work yet? I've been watching and waiting for this bullshit nation to collapse twenty something odd years, and it seems my patience has finally paid off where I'm still relatively young to enjoy the final aftermath having another twenty five years of good times left in me to enjoy I think. I nonetheless see the old ladies in the supermarket wearing their covid masks not realizing what a sham or hoax that was where their biggest concern will be next year digging out of the trash for canned dog food as they wither away slowly starving to death. Hard to feel sorry for that older selfish generation, in the coming period of time as they lose everything starving to death or just slowly dying because they don't have access to their medications to keep them alive anymore I just plan on stepping over them telling them how nothing in this life is fair where they need to pull their bootstraps on working more harder digging in the trash for little scraps of food. A generation that has zero value. Are you dumb fuckers feeling embarrassed, stupid, or strange taking those vaccine injections yet? I really hope so. For the government agents and watch groups attendees in the audience, by now you know every criminal, terrorist, rapist, general scumbag, serial killer, crazy person, domestic political insurrectionist, foreign adversary, and violent provocateur knows the entire country is on the verge of collapse now, what do you do now? I really don't envy at all what comes next that you're all going to have to deal with, your plates are going to be full by the end of the summer I suppose. The issue of gun control is too late. Are you assholes still concerned about pronouns? How about the layoffs with the whole DefundThePolice movement? You all so very much got played big time, it's hilarious really. Still on your knees kneeling?Are you fuckers starting to sweat yet? You really should with the coming food and economic riots coming to every population center everywhere, we're twelve months or less from that for those of us paying attention. All the sharks can sense the blood being churned out in the water circling about and everybody can see the inherent weakness, stupidity, or general mental ineptitude of the United States federal government on full public display. The giant dinner bell has been rung and all the violent, angry, and generally dissatisfied lost generations of men are assembling coming home for supper, in the giant game of chicken all the chickens are coming home to roost soon. :feelsjuice:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2cowpwXui5s
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Why the USA centric mindset? usausausausa, all you ever hear. "This country is going down etc" sure it is, but usa aint the entire world. The west will fall ~simultaneously if anything. usa, germany, uk, netherlands, belgium, australia etc. Even the east with countries like korea. Its an interconnected economy. If anything, usa will last LONGER than EU
Anyway, according to dow jones index on google search, its gone down ~14,7% now since its last peak in 4th of january, is that what you´re talking about? My brother is the economy wiz, not me.
Why the USA centric mindset? usausausausa, all you ever hear. "This country is going down etc" sure it is, but usa aint the entire world. The west will fall ~simultaneously if anything. usa, germany, uk, netherlands, belgium, australia etc. Even the east with countries like korea. Its an interconnected economy. If anything, usa will last LONGER than EU
Because I'm an American that lives in the United States and last I checked no other nation has the world reserve currency status. Also, because after the United States collapses many other nations will follow the same suite soon afterward, but yes, other nations globally will fall under similar circumstances. :feelsjuice:
Anyway, according to dow jones index on google search, its gone down ~14,7% now since its last peak in 4th of january, is that what you´re talking about? My brother is the economy wiz, not me.
Yes, this is the beginning of much larger losses which we will observe and see soon enough in real time. :feelsjuice:
In the 2008 crash, the economy crashed ~48% according to my fast google graph click. But it recovered.,. :cryfeels: It took ~5 years, but in early 2013 they were back to the same economy as in late 07.
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In the 2008 crash, the economy crashed ~48% according to my fast google graph click. But it recovered.,. :cryfeels: It took ~5 years, but in early 2013 they were back to the same economy as in late 07.
There will be no economic recovery this time around, the losses will become permanent and society definitely will not recover at all. I'm hoping for hell on earth engulfing the entirety of the United States and the planet with wide open arms. :feelsjuice:
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There will be no recovery this time around, the losses will become permanent and society definitely will not recover. :feelsjuice:
The reason is the sub 2,1 birthrates since 1968. Sweden is the western genes birthing crib. (as told by Olof Rudbeck) Before modern immigration, sweden supplied new blood down to germany, uk, mediterranean and then the new world. Shielded from the africans and mongoloids by the harsh climate, baltic sea, distance, strong military etc (from its very isolation). 2+ generations now of every generation reducing itself by ~0,4 people on average. Or half a group/person for every generation. What would have been 100 people born f.ex is one generation later instead of 2,1, its 1,7 births per woman=80 people, next gen that will have shrunken to those 80 giving birth to maybe as low as 45ish, anyway cba to do the math.
I read that millenials are having 1,1 kids/couple/woman now, and zoomers will inevitably have even less. Maybe 0,7 or even down to under the treshold to 1 average (0,5 rounded up).

im not saying this because of some: buuhuu western genes nooooo, but only tp point out the economic crash that will come of it. The africans will ofc move in and race mix as theyve always done and leech & take jobs, but at best, the west will sink into a state resembling modern north africa like tunisia, egypt etc. Medium HDI idiocracy. At best.
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The reason is the sub 2,1 birthrates since 1968. Sweden is the western genes birthing crib. (as told by Olof Rudbeck) Before modern immigration, sweden supplied new blood down to germany, uk, mediterranean and then the new world. Shielded from the africans and mongoloids by the harsh climate, baltic sea, distance, strong military etc (from its very isolation). 2+ generations now of every generation reducing itself by ~0,4 people on average. Or half a group/person for every generation. What would have been 100 people born f.ex is one generation later instead of 2,1, its 1,7 births per woman=80 people, next gen that will have shrunken to those 80 giving birth to maybe as low as 45ish, anyway cba to do the math.
Upon the collapse of nations or societies, consent and contraceptives are non-issues. The usual formalities are swept away along with generally everything else. Population losses of course occur in the very beginning but after enough blood soils the entire landscape after the ashes settle into the ground there is a baby boom shortly afterward once one side eliminates the other into total submission. As far as population demographics are concerned anyways. :feelsjuice:
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Upon the collapse of nations or societies, consent and contraceptives are non-issues. The usual formalities are swept away along with generally everything else. Population losses of course occur in the very beginning but after enough blood soils the entire landscape after the ashes settle into the ground there is a baby boom shortly once one side eliminates the other into total submission. :feelsjuice:
Ye as soon as a revolution/crash of any kind happens the first thing a non insane leader does is burn all the contraceptive pills, condoms, abortionists etc :panties:
I read that millenials are having 1,1 kids/couple/woman now, and zoomers will inevitably have even less. Maybe 0,7 or even down to under the treshold to 1 average (0,5 rounded up).

im not saying this because of some: buuhuu western genes nooooo, but only tp point out the economic crash that will come of it. The africans will ofc move in and race mix as theyve always done and leech & take jobs, but at best, the west will sink into a state resembling modern north africa like tunisia, egypt etc. Medium HDI idiocracy. At best.
Current society won't survive the next four years, their future statistical projections are less than worthless. :feelsjuice:
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Ye as soon as a revolution/crash of any kind happens the first thing a non insane leader does is burn all the contraceptive pills, condoms, abortionists etc :panties:
Won't be real hard to do, violent revolutions, domestic insurrections, and political civil wars historically have a tendency to bomb out manufacturing production centers. Here in the United States we're in a special unique situation in that we already outsourced a majority of our mass production, no problem there. :feelsclown:
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Current society won't survive the next four years, their future statistical projections are less than worthless. :feelsjuice:
I think there will be some form of last stand by the few dying but still gasping for air arab states like syria, jordan, egypt etc. Even though they LOST all wars like the lebanon "civil war", yom kippur war, 6 day war, iran-iraq war (beating eachother senseless without any gain is a loss), iraq war, syrian "civil" war (only winners were israel and the kurds), etc. Syria is still at 2,7 in fertility despite the war, but its going down like a rollercoaster drop. Europe will become mad max/tribes of europa, central asian countries like kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, afghanistan will survive a few more years than the rest, but all of the west & the east will become mad max with tribes forming. Ant hills compared to israel.
tribes vying for power over county size places as in bloods & crips gangland turf warfare, all the while israel just moves into places that lost people due to low birthrates with the help of many things. money & might.
I think there will be some form of last stand by the few dying but still gasping for air arab states like syria, jordan, egypt etc. Even though they LOST all wars like the lebanon "civil war", yom kippur war, 6 day war, iran-iraq war (beating eachother senseless without any gain is a loss), iraq war, syrian "civil" war (only winners were israel and the kurds), etc. Syria is still at 2,7 in fertility despite the war, but its going down like a rollercoaster drop. Europe will become mad max/tribes of europa, central asian countries like kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, afghanistan will survive a few more years than the rest, but all of the west & the east will become mad max with tribes forming. Ant hills compared to israel.
The event that is coming will be global, very few nations if any at all will be left unscathed as the reverberations will be felt everywhere. :feelsEhh:
The surviving states will be as gods compared to the tribes. It will be like the aliens in the tv show Colony who just "click" ppl to death. Snap finger-killing. As easy as it is for any of us to kill chimps with ak-47s
The surviving states will be as gods compared to the tribes. It will be like the aliens in the tv show Colony who just "click" ppl to death. Snap finger-killing. As easy as it is for any of us to kill chimps with ak-47s
We shall see, a lot can go wrong everywhere in the meantime. :feelsdevil:
A boy and his dog. (the movie) They knew. 1975 prod date, 2024 story.
We shall see, a lot can go wrong everywhere in the meantime. :feelsdevil:
Imagine the power to simply wish/snap ppl to death... and there will be no repercussion because those tribes will be seen as we see animals like deer etc. But, as negan said: ppl are a resource :p
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A boy and his dog. (the movie) They knew. 1975 prod date, 2024 story.
The type of violence, horror, and chaos we will see hasn't been seen at least in the west for thousands of years. They'll have to create an entirely new genre for the macabre afterward. :feelsdevil:
How old are you Marquis?
Imagine the power to simply wish/snap ppl to death... and there will be no repercussion because those tribes will be seen as we see animals like deer etc. But, as negan said: ppl are a resource :p
In the vacuum of central power we will see many spontaneous factions emerge overnight until only one remains after eliminating all others. It's not a fast or easy process, in history you could say it is a very long vicious process full of many perils for all the losing sides involved. :feelsdevil:
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maybe ppl will talk about 3 economic crashes in the future. The great depression of the 1930s, the 2008 crash & the 2020-2023 crash (even though it recovered intitially, it started with the big dip right after covid)
maybe ppl will talk about 3 economic crashes in the future. The great depression of the 1930s, the 2008 crash & the 2020-2023 crash (even though it recovered intitially, it started with the big dip right after covid)
RIP United States dollar empire.

Obituary: 1776-2025?
Uncle sam on life support
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RIP United States dollar empire.

Obituary: 1776-2025?
View attachment 624862
The culture and population and economy of israel will be the future. Exponential growth, while all other places slowly (but faster ofc) will start to decrease in an exponential rate now. Before we know it, there wont be just a few more years into the future, it´ll be a new world/reality. 1948 was their 753bc (founding of rome equivalent), which means if nothing extreme happens, they may be around in a thousand years still. Never once dropping below 2,1 in births. They´ll soon annex jordan, lebanon & syria
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