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Discussion The collapse of the United States and what it means for American foids.

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The culture and population and economy of israel will be the future. Exponential growth, while all other places slowly (but faster ofc) will start to decrease in an exponential rate now. Before we know it, there wont be just a few more years into the future, it´ll be a new world/reality. 1948 was their 753bc (founding of rome equoivalent), which means if nothing extreme happens, they may be around in a thousand years still. Never once dropping below 2,1 in births.
Without the United States and Europe Israel is a sitting duck surrounded by enemies who would want nothing more than destroying it completely. Israel 2.0 in Ukraine is also a non-starter as Russia has pretty much guaranteed that. :feelsjuice:
DOW -955.46
Karowak jack karowak

Thug money

Biden sniff
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I waited so long for a collapse and ended up disappointed repeatedly over the past decade. But it's starting to look truly promising now. I don't even care that I have a job to lose now. I'd rather see the world burn than live for decades as a sub-5 autist non-wealthy autist.
I waited so long for a collapse and ended up disappointed repeatedly over the past decade. But it's starting to look truly promising now. I don't even care that I have a job to lose now. I'd rather see the world burn than live for decades as a sub-5 autist non-wealthy autist.
It's definitely going to happen this time around, I'm sure of it. I'm looking forward to neighborhoods and cities on fire along with former bourgeois or wealthy foids forced out onto the streets to live. [I want to lick and drink their tears, I want to feed on their misery so they know what I've always felt all these years, decades.]

Looking forward to literal hell on earth everywhere. :feelsjuice::feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
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In any such collapse we'd probably be in the same, or worse, position. Let's face it...
Even gods and those that think of themselves as invincible, superior, or untouchable fall from grace straight into the abyss, it is there those that they themselves condemned previously still lingering wait for them to swallow their souls in devourment for even the living damned eventually achieve retribution through vengeance however long it takes patiently waiting from the deepest pits of hell they've been thrown into. As it has been said many times before, what goes around comes right back around again eventually, karma is a motherfucker like that. What you do unto others eventually will one day be done onto you in return. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, tit for tat. :feelsdevil:
Suicide shotgun

Giphy 31

Giphy 30


Giphy 32


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The surviving states will be as gods compared to the tribes. It will be like the aliens in the tv show Colony who just "click" ppl to death. Snap finger-killing. As easy as it is for any of us to kill chimps with ak-47s
The event that is coming will be global, very few nations if any at all will be left unscathed as the reverberations will be felt everywhere. :feelsEhh:
Chaos worldwide devouring everybody's souls alive until death, let hell on earth reign supreme. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
GIVE ALL POWER TO FOIDS , LET THEM DESTROY EVERYTHING :feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:
Couldn't care less, that cucked country is beyond repair at this point
Where does it all end anyways? It ends with the young slaughtering the old, old slaughtering the young, the poor slaughtering the rich, the rich slaughtering the poor, the middle-class slaughtering everybody in between. It ends where half of the population is homeless filling up the streets to which all the streets are too crowded to drive upon from the homeless slums spread everywhere. At the very center of it all will be men against women, women against men. In the aftermath of the fall and demise of western feminism as western civilization collapses completely women will finally know what real male tyranny looks like after spending decades complaining about imaginary problems that never really existed to begin with. Cities, towns, and populated areas will be violent war zones everywhere, murder, rape, theft, crime, and all forms of human malice will be prevalent everywhere on full display. Police unions and the military will be financially bankrupted unable to pay off its police officers or soldiers in the new bankrupted lawless chaos, nobody will want to wear a uniform out in public as government officials will be viewed entirely with contempt. The wealthy will starve out the poor who they view as nothing more than primitive useless eaters in an organized fashion. The poor will be reduced in reaction to eat pets, livestock, and the wealthy themselves in a cannibalistic frenzy just to exist in survival fighting off hunger. The stench of rotting corpses surrounded by emptied bullet cartridges will be smelled everywhere bloating out in decay, stray dogs, vultures, and ravens will be found feasting upon their dead flesh to no end in sight pecking at their dead sullen eyeballs. As for the 24/7 home invasions that will take place whether it is a husband trying to feed his starving wife and children killing others for resources, all the more recent unpaid unemployed police officers along with soldiers will join the ranks of criminals as they already have the weapons along with the training switching sides. People will kill each other over race, ethnicity, occupation, politics, culture, gender, education background, profession, religion, and economic class for their coveted individual identity of being superior over the other to which they view with disdain and when people run out of reasons to kill each other they'll be quick to invent or find other reasons to do so. In the end after enough people have died slaughtering and brutalizing each other a deafening silence will be heard everywhere from the burnt ashes where this joke of a nation will be a warning to all other nations of the world what not to do from there on out. :feelsdevil:

Giphy 33
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Rumors of economic woes from Japan, looks like MMT isn't the answer after all something of which the Japanese are experts of. If Japan crashes where it can no longer buy bad American national debts, then what happens next?

What will crash the United States stock market first, Japan cratering, or $200.00 a barrel of oil? So goes the yen, shortly afterward it is bye-bye dollar. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v9TWaKaWdmA
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Up a small paltry sum currently because of Federal Reserve bullshit public board meeting, it won't last until the end of the day as it will go straight down again. [There is no reason for stocks to be up whatsoever, pure irrational psychological exuberance. Printer Go Brrrr also...] :feelsjuice:
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Struggling to keep the market in the green today for psychological false public morale purposes, throwing everything plus the kitchen sink at it with no prevail. Going to end in red today and maybe even another DOW -1000.00 :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:
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Digital electronic printer working in overdrive to prop and pump up the Potemkin economy where they're sitting at a pitiful single decimal percentage. Just doesn't work the way it used to, does it? So sad, not... :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

When He Clearly Had Enough
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Just as expected, the weak positive growth couldn't hold.
[UWSL]DOW -132.92[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Let's at least get to DOW-500.00 before the end of day. Give me something to smile about.:feelsEhh:[/UWSL]
Hanged hanging
Moll flanders victorian england
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.....Must hold the line, must not let the DOW fall under 30,000.00 no matter the costs today...... :feelsEhh:

It's all about presenting an illusion that they're still in control, that of course will fade very quickly sooner or later.

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The United States stock market and economy isn't crashing into total collapse overnight fast enough, those are god damn rookie numbers, we need to pump those losses up even more into free fall range territory. :feelsEhh::feelsdevil:

GraveFixedFinwhale max 1mb
We have three days left of this week, will we breach the coveted psychological 30,000.00 Maginot Line drawn in the sand by Friday on the DOW? I really fucking hope so. :feelsjuice:

The closer we get to 20,000.00, 18,000.00 DOW the better, the final range barrier to the road of total collapse with numbers dipping well below March 2020 lows. :feelsdevil:


View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yOegiMEhHc8
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If anybody asks me my political affiliation inside the United States I always tell people I hate both political parties equally, both sides of the political aisle are filled with dumb fucking idiot asses whether they be democrats or republicans. There is only one party inside the United States that matters who actually wields power and that is the party of WallStreet which is why I focus my energy on all financial economic angles since our nation is largely a kleptocracy not a democracy and not much of a republic either. [All in name only.]

I would describe myself a socialist economically and a moderate social conservative on everything else, but as of today there is no political platform inside the United States which represents such an ideological platform, the very reason I don't vote because it is all rigged against the majority of people regardless. The only revolution that will ever be successful inside the United States is one conducted against the money changers themselves, and so when I watch their entire monetary system evaporate completely in real time because of their own mismanagement, general stupidity, or mental ineptitude it fills me with great tremendous joy. It is funny to watch these bourgeois neoconservatives think that the future 2024 elections will change anything at all considering I don't think we'll make it to 2023 let alone 2024 as either the next elections will be cancelled or there will be a state of martial law lockdowns well before that year even comes. China, Russia, and the general eastern world have already won, the United States is a dying nation very soon getting ready to die permanently with much of western civilization preparing itself to nose dive into total collapse. Unfortunately most people are too fucking stupid to reach these same conclusions yet, however, eventually they will as soon there will be no denying it any longer.

While I also despise democrats for other reasons, I want to focus on the neoconservative republicans here. Always complaining about the lack of traditional social values and yet they're too stupid to understand how it is they themselves who have destroyed all of them to begin with overtime. Somewhere down the line they traded all of them in for personal ambition, profit, and a general culture that worships money or individual success only. They as predominant Christians say they worship Jesus as their lord, God, and savior, but more than anything if I was sure of anything at all the true identity of their God is in fact Mammon. In reality I hate all Abrahamic religions equally whether it be Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, or as I like to refer to them as desert death cults, yet with Christianity my biggest complaint is its almost puritan outlook on human sexuality itself. Whether it be virginity, chastity, or their prudish mental dispositions on sexual intercourse itself, these religious hypocrites who are so porn obsessed and sexually degenerate themselves behind private closed doors have essentially publicly everywhere else made an environment that is heavily sexually restrictive as well that it is no wonder in largely Christian western civilization there is the largest number of incel males on the planet. It is my firm belief that Christianity is debilitating to human sexual activity itself and for my own personal views as a pagan man a society isn't a healthy one unless it is at first sexually healthy between men and women themselves. These Christian neoconservatives say they support traditional social values yet sexual intercourse between men and women having children along with families together is extremely rare, they say that they align themselves with vibrant community life, but all I see instead is the death of family communities largely everywhere. For me historically Christianity was the worst thing to befall western civilization for many reasons, but its obstruction of human sexuality along with family creation is definitely at the top of my reasons, yet here we are where nothing can be changed at all. Their obsession with a cult of personality rather than logic or reason has always been unappealing to me, and they say in their very mentally deficient conjectures that they themselves can save western civilization not realizing in their pathetic naivety that western civilization for all intents or purposes is already dead which they've already transformed into a living graveyard to which there is no return from. Sexual intercourse is the root of all human life, they restrict it in all its forms, pretty sure they support largely a culture of death at this point where they're preserving or reviving much of nothing at all. :feelsjuice:

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fucking normies. With their working and buying. Fuck em all to hell. They are only prolonging suffering.
fucking normies. With their working and buying. Fuck em all to hell. They are only prolonging suffering.
Don't worry, majority of people going to be unemployed soon enough. The future will be one of long unemployment. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:
Today's market moves is all about who blinks first, Federal Reserve, Japan, China, or Europe. Whoever blinks last will suffer the most losses. Today is all about putting on a false confident poker face and crossing your fingers, now let's light a little candle saying our daily prayers. :feelsdevil::feelsEhh:

Giphy 34
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Joe Biden sending naughty threatening letters to oil companies on the current prices of gasoline, at this rate our native Amish are about to become paramount to our future transportation systems revolving around giant horse farms. Think of it as green energy with horse manure. :feelsdevil:

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It all comes down to females right to own money. Female rights overall, but SPECIFICALLY, their right and possibility to survive without being dependant on men. Thats what crashed the economy. Its been in the works since the 1800s. As the Ferengi law goes in star trek: Let her touch your dick, but never your money.
wtf man?? a huge increase all of a sudden?!?!? back to 12th/13th of june levels :feelswhat:
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wtf man?? a huge increase all of a sudden?!?!? back to 12th/13th of june levels :feelswhat:
It won't last as today's paltry gains will be wiped out, the next four trading days will be crucial along with the Asian markets overnight. :feelsjuice:
It all comes down to females right to own money. Female rights overall, but SPECIFICALLY, their right and possibility to survive without being dependant on men. Thats what crashed the economy. Its been in the works since the 1800s. As the Ferengi law goes in star trek: Let her touch your dick, but never your money.
The western postmodern world surmised in the most basic way is where a majority of females and a minority of males have all the gains in society at the large negative expense of the majority of males. While lookism does play a significant role in incels economics do as well, an extremely huge role. :feelsjuice:
“There is no sign of a broader slowdown in the economy that I can see.”

"Subprime contained."

"Inflation is transitory."

"The consumer is strong, wages are outstanding, and we're at full employment."

"The Covid 19 vaccines are safe and effective."

"We're fighting for freedom and democracy, mission accomplished."

"The American way of life is non negotiable and unexpendable."

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What has become the fashionable term in the USA is the Great Resignation. Since I've heard this term of course as I have suspected from the very start is that it is men who are indeed leading it, I'm sure to some small degree it affects women no doubt, but I'm certain once again a majority of males make up the bulk of it. Talking of personal experience I myself have completely resigned out of society this year where I have no more desire to participate any more whatsoever and I'm sure that I'm not the only man doing so. I myself have decided to drop out of everything and I don't regret doing so at all.

There use to be an internet meme sort of joke that ran along the lines of "No access to pussy means also no work, no participation in society, and no paying of taxes."

Of course, now with the United States and much of the west in economic duress on its way to hyper inflationary collapse maybe with a world war thrown into the mix I imagine a lot of single men are starting to question the concept of work along with participating within general society altogether. Women usually have a roommate to share the burden of increased inflationary cost pressures, the vast majority of single men do not.

I think that when the US and the West fall, we will really see that the Great Resignation is actually in all reality the Great Exodus Of Men.

When one especially a male is confronted with the choices wage slavery and economic bondage added with no personal benefits to themselves along with a life of zero happiness death is basically preferable. When this mentality consumes most men in the sense that they all think the same revolution with insurgency becomes inevitable. They really fucked up with making a majority of men miserable and we shall see what happens next as a result.

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:feelsEhh:And another day in the kleptocratic casino has been concluded, I'm still hoping for a sea of red by the weekend but I will at the very least settle for a Black Monday or Tuesday for the following week. Please note that all pathetic meager gains for the United States stock market in its first quarter has still been entirely wiped out where so called more official recent historic hype of today changes virtually nothing at all, as usual enjoy the ride from here on out as we get to observe the collapse of a nation in real time. A friendly reminder that there are still two trading days left of this week where a lot can happen in just 48hours, the fire rises. :feelsdevil:

[Note: If you think the first economic quarter of the U.S. is bad, wait until you see what the second one will be like by the end of this year. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:]

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View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wlIdHhfXxgM
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And they thought stocks would go up again because the rate hikes were "priced in" :feelshaha::feelshaha:
Maybe I can make a quick buck on a market bounce next week
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